dorxies beauty letter sep 2018€¦ · after getting your eyelashes applied the adhesive used to...

Post on 22-Sep-2020






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Dorxie’s Beauty Bar Sept 2018

4 Tips for Extending the Life of Your Eyelash Extensions Eyelash extensions are an absolute dream for anyone who has been looking for that extra “wow” factor in their look. However what kills enthusiasm for a new set of lashes is seeing them start to fall out only a day after getting them applied. While all eyelash extensions will eventually fall out over time, here are 4 tips for extending the life of your eye lash extensions.

Tip 1: Do not shower or wash your face 24 hours

after getting your eyelashes applied

The adhesive used to bind eyelash extensions onto natural eyelashes requires 24 hours to cure. During

this critical time, you must avoid getting any

kind of moisture near your eyes. This also includes sweating from vigorous exercise, so it’s not a good idea to sign up for a spin class right after your lash appointment. Further, if you are a sap and cry often at mushy videos of puppies on Youtube, refrain from watching these videos until your 24 hour lash curing period is over. It is very important to avoid moisture near the eyes the day after you get them applied.


ANNOUNCEMENTS Susan Certification complete!

We are proud to announce that our newest tech Susan Eam has completed her Mega Volume Eyelash Extension course and is now a certified pro!!!

Chandara is Now Married! Woot

Woot! ! " ❤

Yes ladies you heard it right. Chan has finally made it after many years of rockin’ it single. She has tied the big knot on September 8th to her hunk of burnin’ love, Kevin Tam. Be sure to congratulate her the next time you come in!

Our Famous Tweezers are Almost Back in Stock!

After a tumultuous wait, our curve volume, L-shape, and straight isolation tweezers are almost in stock. Order yours now before we run out!

DORXIE’S BEAUTY NEWS Eyelash Extensions | Microblading | Technician Training

Dorxie’s Beauty Bar Sept 2018

Tip 2: Do not expose yourself to high heat

environments within the first 24 hours

Temperature is one of the key factors that can affect the longevity of the adhesive. Saunas, hot tubs, and sweaty group exercise rooms like hot yoga studios are all environments that contribute to eyelash adhesive breaking down. To prolong the life of your lashes, stay

away from high heat!

Tip 3: Do not use oil based anything around the

eye area

Oil based cosmetic products break down adhesive and should be avoided around the eye area. This applies

to oil based make up, moisturizers, make up

removers, etc. Look at the labels of all your products and ensure that the ingredients do not include oil. This is one of the most common reasons new lashes fall out pre-maturely. Although it is a big investment to ensure all your products are oil free, it will pay off big dividends when you have eyelash extensions that last longer.

Tip 4: Wash your eyelashes regularly

Many girls mistakenly believe that by not washing their eyelashes they are prolonging the life of their eyelash extensions. This is not true. Not maintaining proper eye hygiene can lead to all kinds of filth to build up. Not only is this disgusting, but it also prevents the tech from properly servicing the eyelash the next time an appointment is required. Use a mix of 50/50 baby shampoo and water, and gently scrub the eye. For eye crusties, cotton swabs are effective tools to remove them without agitating the eyelashes.


August Education Recap

We just finished a successful August teaching new, aspiring techs how to do:

• Classic Eyelash Extensions

• MEGA Volume Eyelash Extensions

Keep an eye out for our Fall and Winter courses, which will include:

• Classic Eyelash Extensions

• Volume Eyelash Extension Course

• Volume Eyelash Extension Refresher Course

These courses will be announced shortly, so keep an eye out on our social media to updated course dates!

Dorxie’s Beauty Bar Sept 2018

Check out of some of our most recent success stories!

Deep Thoughts on Life, Beauty and Relationships

On Wearing Too Much Makeup

Makeup is to skin what soy sauce is to sushi. You’re supposed to dip the sushi in the soy sauce, not drown it. I swear, there are some girls that cannot even go to the convenience store to pick up milk without spending 2 hours powdering their face and getting ready. Those are the same girls that come into the salon with a full cake face, not realizing that they are about to be lying down with their eyes closed, most likely sleeping, while a team of girls works on applying eyelashes on them. What is the logic in that??? Seriously! Some girls just wear too much make up.

On Intermittent Fasting, Going to the Gym, and Eating Vegetables

Dieting or exercising alone is never enough to create dramatic results quickly. To shed pounds fast and get that “wow” look from people who haven’t seen in you in a long time, you need to combine exercise AND dieting. The latest strategy I have tried with great results has been intermittent fasting, which is basically time controlled eating. There are no restrictions on what you can eat, only “when” you can eat, which works great for busy people. The way my fast works is I skip breakfast every day, and will only eat from 12 pm until 7 pm. This sounds easy, but by the time lunch time comes, my stomach is literally growling and the feeling of starving has been present for at least a couple hours. That temporary



This is my cousin Christine who got her eyebrows microbladed. As you can see, the microblading has made a huge difference in shaping her face. This will save her a tremendous amount of time applying makeup each morning.

Eyelash Extensions

This is our most popular style for volume eyelash extensions called the “Glamour Girl”. The before and after pics show a literal “eye opening” transformation. As we say here at Dorxie’s Beauty Bar: Wake

up make up free!!!

Eyelash Lift

Eyelash lifts are for low maintenance people with little time to spare. This application can give a person that extra “pop” without drawing too much attention because this is the most natural look.

Dorxie’s Beauty Bar Sept 2018

starving, is literally the body telling you that all the carbs, sugars and food in the stomach is digested, and it’s using fat reserves for energy. Combining this, with a daily exercise routine of 20-25 minutes of cardio has helped me get back in pants that haven’t fit in months. Also this has made me the recipient of

quite a few compliments from the people that haven’t seen me in a few months like my Mom

who never lies, or hesitates to tell me that I am fat! :(

On Messy Breakups

No matter what you look like on the outside, if you’re unhappy on the inside, it shows. We all know people who have, or are currently going through messy breakups that kill their enthusiasm for life. Although easier said that done, toxic relationships are always better to be killed quickly rather than slowly. What’s the logic in breaking up with someone slowly??? I don’t under people that just stick around because of money situations, or because they are comfortable. This kind of thing is enough to drive a girl crazy, yet we all know “that girl” who keeps on staying with the dude who is just absolutely terrible for them, abusive, and even insane! I’ve BEEN that girl, and if any of you ladies are in that situation,

do yourself a favor and call in, book an appointment and ask me yourself !

See you next month. - Dorxie xoxo

Contact Information

About the Author

Chandara is the guru of eyelash extensions and microblading, with a decade of experience beautifying women and men for every reason under the sun. From weddings, anniversary

celebrations, birthdays, and every special occasion you can name, she has been a

trusted expert to prepare her clients for the “hollywood, red-carpet” look. She is a trainer and teacher, with close to a hundred aspiring techs who have sought her advice for the latest techniques in the eyelash extension industry.

For any questions and comments, get in touch with us at:

2763 Sunridge Way NE, Unit 102Calgary, AB, T1Y 7K7CanadaPhone or Text: 587-899-9137Email:



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