dominion digital's 2012 culture book

Post on 09-May-2015



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Dominion Digital Culture Book


At Dominion Digital, we value human experience and wellbeing above all else, beginning with that of our own people…

We’re encouraged to express and grow our whole selves in our work, while building meaningful relationships...

As celebrated in this yearly

publication that stories the many individuals who comprise our

one team.

A friend, and brand expert, once told me that brand is to company what character is to person. We clicked immediately. Furthermore, I am sure that nothing influences the brand—or character—of a company more than the characters of its people. Our brand is our people. Our brand is you.

This year we celebrate 15 years of DDIG’s journey, a journey in which our brand has evolved and diversified, along with our people. Yet it remains true to its founding core purpose—to value and promote human experience and wellbeing above all else.

I thank each of you for expressing your wonderful and unique self while advancing with commitment and resolve our shared values and purpose. Here’s to you, here’s to us, and here’s to DDIG’s next 15 years!

A Big Thank You for Being You and for 15 Amazing Years!

What is your favorite color?









....and Bordeaux, Brown, Chicago Maroon & Burnt Orange, Crimson, Pink

...and Cream White

...and Lime Green

52%BLUE...and Caribbean Blue, Cerulean Blue, DDIG Blue, Navy Blue, Really Dark Blue, Royal Blue, Tardis Blue, Teal

What were you doing in




15 years ago I was still in college.  I had just finished my Accounting major and transitioned into

the Computer Information Systems program. 

Best decision I could have made. 

I thankfully have never worked as an Accountant, and I’ve been a programmer ever since.

—Chris A.


Allison W. Graduating from college and starting a new career with Circuit City stores.

Amee M. Ha.  I graduated undergrad (Miami University—yep, the one in Ohio), spent 1 month in Europe, packed a U-haul with my good friend Noah and moved to Washington D.C. to begin my first career in sales with Hershey Chocolate.  Loved every moment of 1997.

Amy V. I was starting my career as a very green consultant at Arthur Andersen.

Anthony W. In 1997, my life was going through many changes. I was married a few years earlier, and we were starting our family. My first son was born in 1997, and we were getting used to life with a child and a dog, spending lots of time outdoors and some traveling. I had been with my company for 6 years, and while we were doing some exciting work, the Internet was really taking off and I wanted to be part of that. That interest is what led me to join Dominion Digital a year later.

Aretina Y. I was enjoying my junior year in high school and totally wondering what I was going to do with my life!!!!

Casey L. Fifteen years ago I was a sophomore in high school, in western Connecticut, with all the associated trialsand tribulations.  Notably, it was that year I really established my core group of friends during that era, nearly all of whom I still speak with regularly today.

Chris L. I was asking myself, “Why would I start a company and embark upon a journey that will deliver some of the highest highs and lowest lows in my entire life?” In other words, “What core purpose for this company will make such a journey worthwhile?” I’m glad I asked then, and I’m glad I continue to ask.

Christine F. 15 years ago, I was a student at Virginia Tech discovering how to work hard, play harder!


Darrell E. I was winding down an Internet Service Provider business my friend from high school started, and I stepped into a job at CSX Corporation on the 18th floor in downtown Richmond. A year and a half later, I started with DDIG. It was movin’ on up, then movin’ on down, but in a fantastic way.

Dave T. I was in the fourth grade and had just picked up a guitar for the first time (I still play).

David W. In 1997 I was in high school. I was probably attending band practice wearing JNCO jeans and sporting hair past my shoulders. I hope pictures from that pre-facebook era never see the light of day.

Derek N. 15 years ago was my first time visiting the US. Who knew I would be back, and then make a life here.

Gray H. I was in middle school, which is crazy to think about.  Outside of school, my time was

dedicated to playing as much football, baseball and basketball as one 12-year-old could fit into his days.

Heather K. I was a sophomore in high school, in the thick of Marching Band season, rehearsing for my star-making turn as  Mrs. Pugh (Oliver Warbucks’ cook) in Annie. They laughed, they cried – they all craved baked Alaska!

Hope N. Late nights in the Georgia Tech Industrial Design lab...designed a lovely pavilion for Seaside, Florida. Part-time job with ID firm in midtown, tutored GT football players in Biology, residence hall advisor. Won another scholarship. All work no play.

Jeff B. I was a freshman in high school.  At the time I was heavily involved in JROTC and dead set on joining the army after high school.

Kris B. I moved into my first apartment...exciting stuff!


I was single, working a swing shift and beginning to figure out that I liked making computers do what I wanted. Oh, and I had hair. A lot of hair. — Jay H.


15 years ago, I was just starting to grow into myself. I was a brand

new vegetarian, experiencing new music that someone else

hadn’t picked for me, starting to develop a work ethic, and gaining independence. I was working two jobs, in choir, playing sports, and

balancing extracurricular activities with school.

I also got my first speeding ticket resulting in an important lesson about consequences…sigh. —Samantha F.


Heather H. In 1997 I was helping connect people with esteemed musical artists who inspired intensely personal and communal joy, not to mention a whole lot of dancing. I was working with passionate idealists at the then preeminent independent music label in the country, Rykodisc, proudly helping to release new and catalog titles from artists I adore. Frank Zappa. Elvis Costello. David Bowie. Nick Drake. Josh Rouse. Andrew Bird. Bill Hicks. Ali Farka Toure. Virginia Rodrigues. Devo. Alejeandro Escovedo. Sugar. Morphine. Big Star. His Name Is Alive. Kristin Hersh. Throwing Muses. Robert Cray. Galaxie 500. The Soft Boys. Arto Lindsay. Vinicius Cantuaria. To name a few. I was living in Salem, Massachusetts, “Halloween Capital of the World,” in a gorgeous old apartment I adored. I walked or biked to work year round. My office overlooked the quaint Salem Harbor, former maritime capital of the world. I grew up quite a bit during my 4 years at Rykodisc. Those people were my second family, my entire world during that time in my life. Life was simple and joyous. I miss them all and the fun we had being young and on top of the world together.

Jeff H. I built the first flux capacitor, and then it got stolen by some crazy guy driving a DeLorean.

Jimmy C. Enjoying my last year in Winston-Salem, NC

John H. Fifteen years ago, I was wrapping up my first semester at East Carolina University where I was concentrating in art foundations with the hope of being accepted into the Communication Art program. It would be the last year I ever participated in a marching band.

Kim T. Working for a trucking company managing government contracts—traveling all over the US with military folks to various conferences to learn the trade. I also had a cat that ate pennies about that time, an amazing social life (pre-kids) and a gorgeous little condo that overlooked the Occoquan River.

Lynn T. That was the year that the real world hit me, my parents made me get a real job and I met my husband.  Ahhh, I finally had to grow up!  No!


Laura D. Green Day had it right in 1997, as I was having the time of my life. It was my senior year in high school and with already being accepted to the best university of all time (JMU that is, in case you weren’t sure), my friends and I were making memories that will certainly last a lifetime. 17-year-old girls can be pretty silly, so I will spare you the details.

Matt H. 1997.  Oh geez.  I was a sophomore in high school.  I was getting ready to take my driver’s license test for the first time.  I played JV soccer for my high school team.  This was the grade in which I took my first programming class ever, an introduction to C++.  That class was the one that set me on my career path, actually.  Funny to look back on that now.

Robyn W. 15 years ago, I was practicing being a well-rounded student. I was learning to work hard and play hard.  Ok, so I was in college, going to most of my classes and drinking my fair share of Beast Light.

Rob S. I was on my first out-of-town gig in Baltimore, MD.  I had transitioned from commuting daily from Arlington, VA to a corporate apartment.  The client was Alex Brown, who was then purchased by Bankers Trust to become BT Alex. Brown, who was then purchased by Deutsche Bank to become Deutsche Bank Alex. Brown. I was driving my new Acura CL, and then cracked the windshield (from the inside) while trying to move my large TV into the corporate apartment.

Nick N. I was working as an over-the-road tractor trailer driver (yeah, I’m talking about the big trucks – as big as they come), traveling all around the eastern half of the U.S. and Canada.


15 years ago, I was in Ann Arbor cheering on the Michigan Wolverines football team to their share of the National Championship.  Did I mention blue is my favorite color? Go Blue! — Stephanie B.



15 years ago I had just entered my freshman year at JMU.  I didn’t love it yet, and was actually considering a transfer to

VCU.  Deciding to stay was one of the

best decisions of my life.  GO DUKES! — Tricia R.

Steve R. The first time I saw my bride was in the spring of 1997; my spirit still leaps for joy.

Susan D. I was a junior in high school mourning the death of Biggie Smalls, dancing to the Spice Girls, going to the beach, and obsessing about Leo (I saw Titanic 6 times in the theater).

Tripp F. 15 years ago, I was selling drugs…and I mean the good stuff—barbiturates, ketamine, torbutrol, valium. There is never a dull day in the life of a veterinary sales rep.

Troy H. Given that I was a student at UVA at the time, what I can assure you is that I was learning invaluable life-lessons and having a lot of fun.  Other than that…I do not remember.  Maybe pondering what I wanted to do when I grow up?!?!

Sara R. 15 years ago, I was in college, contemplating what to do with my life. I was planning on being a biomedical engineer—until I actually took a class. I couldn’t put my finger on exactly why at the time but I knew it just wasn’t right for me. While my strong dislike of anything science related played a part, I also had this thing in the back of my head telling me I just couldn’t spend the rest of my life with people like that. Now, I’m sure this is coming across completely wrong but it’s the way I felt at the time. 

Wade C. I was a Junior in high school, played varsity football, drove a ’77 El Camino and took my future wife to Prom. That’s right, an El Camino. Be jealous.

Stephen J. 15 years ago, I was enjoying the innocence of 4th grade.  That year my family went to Disney World and our house flooded while we were on Christmas vacation.  Spending the next 8 month living out of a hotel was certainly a family bonding experience.…


Describe something about yourself which is




(in the form of a tweet)


@David W. Despite being a huge nerd, my guilty

pleasure is thrill seeking. I hope to try skydiving

at some point.

@Amy V. I am a college football junkie—there are few things that will keep

me from missing a Penn State (my alma mater)

football game.

@Chris A. I’ve run the Mountain Masochist 50+ Mile Race, but I’ve never run a marathon.

@Heather K. Never at a loss for words, equally prepared for debating comics or surviving the zombie apocalypse.

@Nick N. It is not a single quality, but is instead the sum of all of one’s qualities, that makes one unique.


@Chrissy K. I worked on a dude ranch for a summer in college. Yes, it was just like the show, “Hey Dude.”

@Casey L. My favorite TV show is actually a British one.  Some say it’s about cars; I’d say it’s a comedy show with a car theme.

@Jay H. Down Syndrome + Leukemia + Autism = Never a dull moment at Chez Hogan.

@Dave T. I once went snowboarding down a 1000 foot vertical bowl in the Blue Sky Basin at Vail…then did the same run again. #epic

@Kris B. I am addicted to making things. Sewing, bead work, knitting, painting, cooking, name it, I’ll make it!


@Darrell E. I enjoy my analog hobby of

woodworking, specifically building furniture. Currently working on a built-in library

made out of Lyptus.

@Robyn W. I am proud to say I do not understand Twitter and I like it that way! I think there are a lot of stalkers on Twitter. Tweeting sounds funny!

@Rob S. I am very passionate about fighting Big Ag and desperately want to clean up our (U.S.) food supply.

@Jane S. In my middle age, I learned to tap dance, started running half marathons and found purpose in my life through philanthropy.

@Heather H. By age 30 I had moved more than 30x across 5 states. I’ve

only broken one bone, but I broke it twice. I’ve seen David Byrne in his PJ’s.


@Susan D. My favorite things are: Meeting new

people, trying new things, exploring possibilities,

having a positive outlook, and enjoying tasty brews.

@Wade C. I used to be a television news reporter.

@Allison W. Not unique, but not creative.

@Stephanie B. I still have baby teeth.

@Derek N. People react to experiences in unique ways.

I try to see positives at all times. I love my family, my

work and my personal life... is that unique????

I hope not.


@Tripp F. I am a wine maker. Partnering with

yeast to create wine from juice is a magical experience requiring

knowledge, patience, love, and humility.

@Amee M. Would rather spend downtime cooking a huge meal (w/ a glass of wine) for friends vs taking

a nap—love to cook & I get better every year.

@Jeff H. My sophomore year of college, I won some, but not all, of Ben Stein’s Money. Visine commercials and “Ride of the Valkyries” make me smile.

@Samantha F. Tree hugger, music lover, city dweller, master black belt, PEZ collector. A dreamer, a doer, a thinker—sees possibility everywhere.

@Tricia R. I absolutely despise it when people touch my head. Weird, I know, especially given how affectionate I am most of the time.



@Hope N. Almost every day I have a different song stuck in my head. Today,

“Sabotage” by Beastie Boys. Lucky. Yesterday,

“Heart of Glass” by Blondie. Not good.

@Christine F. I’m a strong advocate for the lefty movement. I like to eat the crust first on my pizza and reading chick-lits.

@Chris L. My sock drawer has com-partments, and I have a strict FIFO system for undershirts and boxers. Dressing should be effortless.

@Stephen J. I share a relationship with the most wonderful, beautiful, intelligent woman on planet Earth.

@Gray H. Somewhere amongst work and play, family and friends, on

the golf course or playing music, I truly embrace a life

of variety and change.


@Troy H. In junior high and high-school, I played all four saxophones: soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone.

@Kim T. I love nothing more than planning a party. #addictedtopinterest #lame

@John H. Why is “weird” considered a bad thing? The

world would be quite boring without

the “weird”.

@Matt H. When I worked at Musictoday, I got to travel all over the country to work music festivals.  To sum it

up: people are crazy!


@Lynn T. I always wanted one of those cool calculator watches when I was little. I’m going to find one on ebay and relive my

childhood dreams!

@Aretina Y. Positive, charismatic, always considering others… Nice people finish first, and not last.

@Jeff B. My family considers me 2 be an adrenalin junkie. Ive been sky diving, bungee jumping, hang-gliding, driven stock cars, etc; but I just consider that to be living life.

@Steve R. I am the only, middle, oldest, youngest

child in my family.

Why are you at Dominion Digital in




I want to love what I do and I love being able to work with such amazing people every day. I would not want to miss out on an opportunity to become the best version of myself and

I believe it is here, with all of you,

that I can achieve this.—Laura D.


Jeff B. I’m at Dominion Digital for the people.  Plain and simple the people I get to work with help me be a better person and a better professional each and every day.

Kris B. I choose to be here because I get to do what I love every day, and that makes work not seem like work!

Stephanie B. I’m here because I love our people.  Every day I’m surrounded by talented individuals who care.  We care about each other, our clients and our community.  We also care deeply about what we are doing and how we are doing it.  Dominion Digital fosters an environment that puts people first and allows us to be passionate about whatever it is that drives us personally and professionally.

Wade C. Being at DDIG gives me the opportunity to be challenged and to work alongside some very smart and creative people. It presents me with the chance to learn every day and to do so doing something that I really enjoy.

Jimmy C. 3 P’s. The people. The passion. The purpose.

Susan D. My core belief is in complete alignment with DDIG. I believe if you do the best for your employees, they will excel for their customers and the company will do very well. I think organizing and working this way will change the world and I want to be part of helping DDIG change the world.

Darrell E. At the core of all the projects I’m on, I see the positive impact it has. While there are certainly companies and projects out there which focus on gaining a ginormous public reach, that’s not a primary motivator for me. Watching the uplifting impact our work has on our clients, and especially their clients, really bolsters my drive.

Tripp F. Ryne Sandberg once said that when you “hit a home run - put your head down, drop the bat, run around the bases, because the name on the front is a lot more important than the name on the back.” Dominion Digital fields a team unlike any other. By investing in their employees personally and professionally, the company helps to set them and itself up for repeated home runs. At this stage of my career, I want to work with the absolute best in my field and that means proudly wearing a DDIG jersey.


Samantha F. Dominion Digital provides a culture of empowerment for me that I’ve never experienced anywhere else. I understand where I fit in here, and because of that, I have experienced a tremendous amount of personal growth within this last year. I am thriving from the environment of team collaboration and community I find at DDIG. Well, all of that plus Jeff Bennett -  his milkshake brings all the girls to the yard.

Jeff H. I can’t imagine being anywhere else…and I have a pretty good imagination.

Matt H. I choose to be a part of Dominion Digital because of the culture.  The people here are amazing.  I have learned more in my first year here than anywhere else I’ve ever worked.  I enjoy working with a mature team that can collaborate, rather than instigate or procrastinate.  As an employee, you can really tell that the company cares.  DDIG cares about its employees, the environment, charities, community, education, and much more.  There is so much more to DDIG, too.  Just an amazing company.

Heather H. I come to work at Dominion Digital every day firmly believing that I can, and often am, making a difference in the lives of my colleagues and that individually and together we are making a difference in our community. I love solving problems, creating value, and serving as a catalyst for good.  And I thrive on being surrounded by talented, motivated people who feel the same way and lead by example.

John H. I am at Dominion Digital because it’s such a unique atmosphere to work in. It’s very rare to encounter a workplace that so values teamwork, respect, and doing what’s best for our clients.

Jay H. Dominion Digital prioritizes the personal over the process. I am not a cog in the machine, I’m a person with needs, desires, strengths and weaknesses.

Troy H. In the spirit of being transparent (and not too corny)— in the short time I’ve been here, it has made me a better person.


DDIG is a company with good intentions.  That’s a rare commodity in this day and age.  I’m here because it’s companies like DDIG who will foster the compassionate leaders of tomorrow.—Stephen J.


I really enjoy being surrounded by a team of star players, with everyone bringing strength to the team in their own unique way. I feel very motivated by our vision and approach

of helping our clients implement solutions to delight their customers, and look forward to growing our ability to

deliver on that vision. —Anthony W.


Gray H. I choose Dominion Digital for the relationships with my fellow colleagues and our customers, and for the opportunity to learn from them both.  Having the individual autonomy to decide on and drive my career path, with the support of our leadership team, is unlike any company I’ve been a part of.  Dominion Digital encourages me to challenge myself and do what I’m passionate about in and outside of work.

Chrissy K. I’ve been at DDIG for almost eight years, and this is the first time I can say I’m here because of our vision. Designing for the human experience appeals to me on so many levels—alignment with my passions, a real need in the market, and a huge impact on humans. Our future is bright.

Heather K. To provide myself with the best possible standard of living. Simply put, there is no here that I’ve found that will compensate me as well (whether that’s salary, insurance or fringe benefits) as Dominion Digital.

Casey L. I was looking for a change, and wanted to come to a place that fostered growth.  I went from the big fish in a big pond to a small fish in a smaller pond.  And I couldn’t be happier about it.  Being at Dominion Digital has already vastly improved my skills, and I’ve only been here since June.

Chris L. I really believe in our shared commitment to make the world a better place, and how we’re going about it. And I love my teammates. They accept me for who I am, inspire me to be my best, and always enjoy a good laugh.

Robyn W. I have chosen to work at DDIG for over 5 years because of the people!  I have made many great friendships that will continue into the years ahead, even as some begin new careers outside of DDIG. I love that DDIG has supported me on both a professional and personal level over the years. It is the genuine support for the individual and family that makes DDIG so unique. . .DDIG truly has my best interest at heart and I thank you for that support!!


Josh M. What brought me to Dominion Digital was the “strange” notion that a company should be built around the people that are a part of it. I was intrigued and excited by the opportunity and fulfillment that such a culture could provide and energized by the vision and passion of the DDIG leadership. After being at DDIG for a year and a half through growth, structural changes and re-branding efforts, I am as excited to be a part of it as I was when I started. Dominion Digital continues to be a small group of sharp, driven, and passionate professionals that are not only some of the best and brightest in their fields, but also some of the most genuine and personable people I have met. The vision and culture that was inspiring as an employee to be is even more empowering as a team member. As we grow and evolve as people and as a firm, may we continue to recognize and value what makes DDIG great! 

Derek N. When I first joined DDIG I did not know what I wanted to do, but I knew I wanted to be the best. DDIG trusted me, and I trust DDIG.

Amee M. You would have to ask Jimmy Chou that one too.  Our journey on me joining Dominion

Digital spanned nearly a year.  To his credit and with those whom I worked with over time—it was definitely the people and the respect for ideas and enthusiasm for trying things in a new way.  I’m not a typical hire, but that makes this opportunity so exciting for me personally.

Kevin N. Here at Dominion Digital, I feel compelled to be at my best, surrounded by teammates and colleagues who share a passion to excel in everything they do. Here I feel a commitment to our clients, a commitment that I find motivating. Here I feel a tangible desire to share in the growth of our team and the collective pursuit of our entire organization’s mission. Here I feel welcome. Here I feel valued. Here I feel challenged. Here I feel encouraged. Here I feel I’m among friends. Here I feel at home.

Steve R. I choose to work for Dominion Digital because the people at DDIG challenge and stretch me professionally and personally to grow and strive further for virtue and excellence.  And the beautiful piece is the motivation is outward facing, for the deep and lasting good of our clients and their communities.


I’m here because I prefer jobs that allow you to forget you’re working. —Dave T.


I want to be part of an organization that will change the world of consulting while valuing their employees, customers and community.

—Christine F.


Hope N. Good people. Noble aspiration.

Allison W. Work-life balance, the fantastic people/employees at DDIG and the overall morality of the company and its leaders.

Tricia R. I choose to be at Dominion Digital because I’m inspired, every day, by you.  When I met Chris Little nearly six years ago, he told me that DDIG was a special firm with remarkable people.  He promised me that the more people I met, the more I would see that.  I’ll be honest, I didn’t at first.  It was hard for me to connect with our team and I felt so different and somewhat isolated.  But, I’m about as stubborn as they come and I badly wanted to make real, genuine connections with my team.  Eventually we did connect and ever since, I’ve been overwhelmed by the friendship, support and encouragement I get from so many of you.  I’ve said this often, and mean it sincerely, being a part of this team has made me better, and continues to make me better.  I am in awe of your talent, your compassion, your dedication, your intellect, your commitment and I’m so thankful that I have the opportunity to share with you and learn from you every single day.

Sara R. It wasn’t until I joined Dominion Digital that I could better articulate that nagging feeling I had back in college. I realize now that I was looking for a community, a place I’d want to be for years on end. As career choice would guide the rest of my life, I needed to pick a path where I’d find that community. And, while I’ve met great people everywhere I’ve worked, it wasn’t until Dominion Digital that I experienced the true definition. The people here live and breathe by the company’s value around the sense of community. From my first interview (thank you Hope!), I could feel it all around. And, on top of being a company of nice, kind, and fun people—it is also a company of extremely brilliant people. In this day and age, I think it is extremely rare to find a company like this—a true community of brilliant, kind people. I’m lucky to be a part of it.

Rob S. DDIG has been recognized as a great place to work and it’s no mystery as to why.  The benefits are, of course, excellent.  But what really drew me to work at DDIG was the concern for my passions; doing what I love to do.  DDIG, as an organization, truly cares about the morale and well-being of our people as well as the community at large.  This makes it all the more personal, rather than just earning a paycheck.


Lynn T. DDIG employees are passionate about what they do, whether it’s their daily work or the charities they support.  You don’t find that many places and I’m proud to be part of it.

Amy V. Dominion Digital is the perfect combination of the things that matter most to me: doing the “right” thing for the client and teammates is the norm, achieving work/life balance is something that happens instead of just been talked about, and the results of the work we do are making the world a better place. What more could you ask for?

David W. I came to DDIG because of the high quality and positive attitude of the people.  I’m thrilled that I get to work with people that not only are passionate about what they do, they are good at it without having an ego and are fun to be around. 

Aretina Y. Well, mainly because my first round of interviews at DDIG included an interview with Jeff Bennett.  Who later became my on-boarding buddy, and the best on-boarding buddy ever!  In addition, at this point in my life and career, I can’t imagine another company that I would prefer to work for.  DDIG allows me to focus on doing what I absolutely love to do the most, which is make positive contributions in lives of people I work with, clients, and my community.

Nick N. I get to be surrounded by colleagues who are super-bright people with a passion for excellence.  This provides me with a working environment that promotes constant learning and constant improvement. 


I’m surrounded by good people that inspire me to be a better, more caring person. —Kim T.


Good to Know

Please note that this book is intended to show how some individual Dominion Digital employees have expressed their feelings about Dominion Digital.

These personal feelings don’t carry the legal effect of management policy or promises. Rather, they are intended to share the views of individual

employees about what their work with Dominion Digital means to them.

We appreciate them sharing these thoughts and hope that you enjoy reading the rest of this book and learning about the Dominion Digital culture.

To Another 15 Years, and beyond...

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