doc. #14-1 stls trustee meeting...m. establish treasurer and internal auditor surety coverage for...

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Doc. #14-1

STLS TRUSTEE MEETING Tuesday, January 21, 2014 - 2:00 pm

Southern Tier Library System, Painted Post, NY


1. Agenda Doc. #14-1

2. Board Action Item - Election of Officers *FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-2

3. Approval of Minutes – December 2013 *FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-3

4. Treasurer’s Report –December 2013 *FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-4

5. Financial Clerk’s Report – December 2013 *FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-5

6. Budget Report – December 2013 *FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-6

Subject to corrections, above items may be approved without motion.

STANDING COMMITTEE REPORTS 7. Executive Committee – Denise King

8. Administration Committee – Maija DeRoche

9. Finance and Audit Committee – Pat Finnerty Doc. #14-7

10. Nominating Committee – Judy Cross Doc. #14-7A

11. Operations Committee – Judy Cross

12. Policies Committee – Sherry Collins

13. System Services Committee – Cindy Emmer Doc.#14-7B

AD-HOC COMMITTEE REPORTS 14. Grants Award (Construction) – Philip Archer

15. Outstanding Advocate

16. Negotiations – Maija DeRoche


17. Advocacy - Denise King

18. Foundation Board Meeting – January 2014 Meeting Doc. #14-8

19. Revenue Enhancement – Dale Wexell


20. Appointment of Chemung County Trustee * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-9

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve Ken Austin as STLS Trustee

Move: ______________________ Second ____________________

Aye __________ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent __________



Doc. #14-1

21. Annual Organizational Meeting Actions * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-10

Executive Director Recommendation: Approve annual meeting action items per STLS Organizational

Meeting Policy

A. Designation of the Official Newspaper

B. Appointment of the Financial Clerk

C. Appointment of the Internal Auditor

D. Appointment of the External Auditor

E. Appointment of the Attorney

F. Authorization of the Executive Director to Certify Payrolls

G. Authorization of Executive Director to Make Grant Applications

H. Authorization of the Executive Director to certify payments

I. Authorization of the Business Mileage Reimbursement Rate

J. Designation of the Bank Depository

K. Designation of the Authorized Signatories for Checks

L. Authorization of Certain Payments between Board Meetings

M. Establish Treasurer and Internal Auditor surety coverage for the year.

Move: ______________________ Second ____________________

Aye __________ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent __________



22. Appointment of Alfonso Oliveras to Deputy Director Position * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-11

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve Alfonso Oliveras as STLS Deputy Director

Move: ______________________ Second ____________________

Aye __________ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent __________



23. Approval to Advertise Account Clerk Position * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-12

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve the advertisement for Account Clerk position

Move: ______________________ Second ____________________

Aye __________ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent __________



24. Approval of STLS Organizational Chart * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #14-13

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve proposed STLS organizational chart Doc. #14-14

Move: ______________________ Second ____________________

Aye __________ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent __________



Doc. #14-1


25. Library Visits

26. Who have you talked to?

27. President’s Report

28. System / Director’s Report Doc. #14-15

Public Expression (15 minutes)

Adjournment – Next meeting to be held: March 18, 2014 – Dormann Library, Bath at 2:00 P.M.

Doc. #14-2

Election of Officers

Southern Tier Library System (STLS)

Minutes of the 17 December 2013 meeting of the STLS Board Officers Nominating Committee

The meeting was convened at 12:08 PM on Tuesday 17 December at the Southern Tier Library

System, Painted Post, NY. Present were Maija DeRoche and Melodie Farwell (committee

members) and Martin Green (chairperson).

After a review of the board officer nominations submitted by the trustees of STLS, Melodie

Farwell proposed and Maija DeRoche seconded the following motion, which was approved by a

unanimous vote of the committee members present:


WHEREAS the Board Officers Nominating Committee has solicited nominations

for the four positions of 2014 Officers of the Board from all 13 current Trustees of the

Board as of 11/30/2013, and

WHEREAS nominations were made by 11 Trustees, and the Committee has

determined that these nominations conform to the by-laws of the Southern Tier Library

System and are valid,

IT BE RESOLVED THAT the Committee shall present the following list of

candidates to the Board for consideration at the January 2014 organizational Board


President Denise King

Vice President Sherry Collins

Secretary Philip Archer

Treasurer Patricia Finnerty

The Committee notes that, at this time, all of the four positions of Officer of the Board

are uncontested.


The meeting was adjourned at 12:13 PM.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Martin Green, Chairperson

Doc. #14-3

STLS TRUSTEE MEETING Tuesday, December 17, 2013 - 2:00 pm

Southern Tier Library System, Painted Post, NY



Dale Wexell (presiding) - 2015 Patricia Finnerty - 2017

Phil Archer - 2017 Melodie Farwell - 2015

Sherry Collins - 2015 Bonnie Weber - 2016

Cindy Emmer - 2017 Denise King - 2014

Martin Green - 2013 Al Yanda - 2016

Maija DeRoche - 2013

Trustees Excused:

Judy Cross - 2014

Pat Selwood - 2013

Staff present – Brian Hildreth, Anna Ezzolo

President Wexell called the Board of Trustees meeting to order at 1:58 p.m.


Doc. #13-171 December Agenda - The “Worker’s Compensation” policy that was distributed at the

November Board Meeting will be added as Board Action resolution #28b. The December

Agenda was approved by Board consensus.

Doc. #13-172 November Board Minutes - In the Standing Committee Reports/Financial Strategies

Teams sections: The Administration notes should read staff contract not contact. The

Advocacy notes should read Trustee King, not Kind. The Foundation Board notes need to

clarify that losing 2/3 of original members refers to Steering Committee not supporters.

The November Minutes were approved by Board consensus.


Doc. #13-173 Treasurer’s Report – November 2013

Doc. #13-174 Financial Clerk’s Report – November 2013

Doc. #13-175 Budget Report – November 2013

The Financial Reports were accepted with no dissent.


Executive Dale Wexell, Chair No Report

Doc. #14-3

Administration Maija DeRoche, Chair

Doc. #13-176 Trustee DeRoche requested the Board go into Executive Session to discuss personnel

Doc. #13-177 matters. At 2:06 President Wexell moved that the Board go into Executive Session to

discuss the personnel matters. The motion was seconded by Trustee DeRoche and

approved unanimously.

At 2:47pm Trustee Yanda moved that the Board resume the regular order of business. The

motion was seconded by Trustee Collins and approved unanimously.

Finance & Audit Pat Finnerty, Chair

Doc. #13-178 Trustee Finnerty discussed the resolutions for a new auditor, the 2 new policy changes

regarding credit card use and investment/bank accounts. The Finance Committee is

recommending the use of two official depositories – Community Bank and Chemung

Canal Trust Company. Community Bank was chosen because it has a presence in each

county we serve and Chemung Canal because it is local to STLS. It is yet to be determined

how funds will be spilt among the two banks.

Officers Nominating Martin Green, Chair

WHEREAS the Board Officers Nominating Committee has solicited nominations for the

four positions of 2014 Officers of the Board from all 13 current Trustee of the Board as of

11/30/2013, and

WHEREAS nominations were made by 11 Trustees, and the Committee has determined

that these nominations conform to the by-laws of the Southern Tier Library System and

are valid,

IT BE RESOLVED THAT the committee shall present the following list of candidates to

the Board for consideration at the January 2014 organizational Board meeting:

President Denise King

Vice President Sherry Collins

Secretary Phillip Archer

Treasurer Patricia Finnerty

The Committee notes that, at this time, all of the four positions of Officer of the Board are


Operations Judy Cross, Chair

No Report

Policies Sherry Collins, Chair

Doc. #13-179 Trustee Collins stated that the Worker’s Compensation policy that was distributed at the

November Board meeting was added as Board Action #28b. There are other policy items

that the Committee has currently tabled until some of the changes Executive Director

Hildreth has suggested has settled. One item is an old policy that has been superseded by

an updated policy but that will be handled in January.

System Services Cindy Emmer, Chair

No Report

Doc. #14-3


Grants Award (Construction) Phil Archer, Chair

No Report

Outstanding Advocate Judy Cross, Chair

No Report

Negotiations Maija DeRoche

Trustee DeRoche commented that the Committee will begin to look at the

language in the staff contract at their January meeting.


Advocacy Denise King, Chair No Report

Foundation Board Meeting

No Report

Revenue Enhancement Dale Wexell, Chair

President Wexell commented that during the first quarter of next year, Revenue

Enhancement will be transitioned into its own committee. President Wexell also

commented that he will speak with Paul Webster, Foundation Secretary/Treasurer,

regarding pledge information from donors to determine if the Foundation has all

information up-to-date.


Approval of 2014 Board Meeting Schedule * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-180

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve the 2014 Board Meeting Schedule.

Move: __Trustee Archer_________Second ____Trustee Weber____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: Trustee Emmer asked if all locations are handicapped accessible. Executive Director Hildreth

confirmed that all locations are handicapped accessible.

Approval of STLS Deputy Director Job Description & Posting * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-181

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve Deputy Director Job Description & Job Posting

Move: __Trustee Yanda_________Second ____Trustee Collins____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: No Discussion

Approval of ILS & Technical Services Manager Appointment * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-182

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve Appointment of Amanda Fleming to ILS & Technical

Services Manager position

Move: __Trustee Collins_________Second ____Trustee Emmer____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: No Discussion

Doc. #14-3

BOARD ACTIONS, continued

Approval of Interim Business Manager Appointment * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-183

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve Appointment of Barbara Tombs to Interim Business


Move: __Trustee DeRoche_________Second ____Trustee Collins____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: No Discussion

Approval of Revised Shipping & Receiving Clerk Position * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-184

Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve Revised Shipping & Receiving Clerk Job Description

Move: __Trustee Weber___________Second ____Trustee Yanda____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: No Discussion

Approval of 2014 Library System Budget * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-185 Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve Proposed 2014 Library System Budget

Move: __Trustee Yanda___________Second ____Trustee Emmer____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: No Discussion

Approval of Finance Policy – Credit Cards * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-186 Finance Committee’s Recommendation: Approve Finance Policy – Credit Cards Revisions

Move: __Trustee Emmer___________Second ____Trustee Yanda____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: Trustee DeRoche asked if credit cards include gasoline for System vehicles. Executive

Director Hildreth clarified that gasoline is purchased using a separate card especially for purchasing


Approval of Finance Policy – Investment and Bank Accounts * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-187 Finance Committee’s Recommendation: Approve Finance Policy – Investment and Bank Accounts

Move: __Trustee Yanda___________Second ____Trustee Archer____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: No Discussion

Approval of 2014 Financial Auditor * FOR APPROVAL Doc. #13-188 Finance Committee’s Recommendation: Approve Mengel, Metzger and Barr as 2014 Auditor

Board approved unanimously.

Doc. #14-3

BOARD ACTIONS, continued

Approval of Resolution for Expiring STLS Trustee Term * FOR APPROVAL Executive Director Recommendation: Approve Board Resolution for Expiring Term of Martin Green


WHEREAS, Trustee Martin Green has served the Southern Tier Library System and its member libraries for

10 years through System Board Administration, and

WHEREAS, throughout the years he has consistently served on several committees to provide guidance and

direction for successful growth of the System, and

WHEREAS, the System and its member libraries are in a better position to serve the residents of their


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees of the Southern Tier Library System

accepts with deep regret the full two term expiration of the Trustee seat for Martin Green from the County of

Chemung. The Library System and its member libraries are truly grateful for his commitment and service.

Move: __Trustee Yanda___________Second ____Trustee King____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: Trustee Green was presented with a plaque in gratitude for his 10 years of servibe to the

Board of Trustees.

Approval of Workers Compensation Policy * FOR APPROVAL Finance Committee’s Recommendation: Approve Workers Compensation Policy

Board approved unanimously.

Approval of Employee Bonus * FOR APPROVAL Executive Director’s Recommendation: Approve a $100 bonus to be paid to each employees in the next pay cycle.

Move: __Trustee Emmer___________Second ____Trustee Archer____________

Aye ____11_____ Nay _________ Abstain ___________ Absent ____2_____


Discussion: No Discussion


Library Visits

Trustee Green visited Steele Memorial library and was impressed with their growing selection of nonfiction.

President Wexell visited the Library of Congress.

Trustee Collins attended a Chemung County Board meeting where Director Ron Shaw requested that the Steele

Memorial Library be renamed the Central Library. The Board and community do not seem to support this

change in name. A lot of staff changes coming in 2014 – the idea is to move people to where their respective

skills can be most help. There is a rumor that the Big Flats library will be closed but that is not true.

Doc. #14-3

Who have you talked to?

Trustee Collins commented on the “10 Most Beautiful Libraries in the World” article she saw on

Executive director Hildreth noted that the Corning Library has a budget vote today until 8pm.

President’s Report The next Board meeting will be the annual luncheon for employees, Trustee Cross is coordinating.

The best date for a Board workshop will be Saturday, February 8th

. President Wexell will start planning the

retreat topics and is asking for suggestions on topics that trustees would like to see. The retreat will run from

about 9am-4:30pm. The Executive Committee will meet in January to discuss choosing a facilitator and other

specifics of the workshop. It is felt that staff presence for at least part of the day would be beneficial. At this time

the location is unknown.

System / Director’s Report

Doc. #13-189

Comments Trustee Collins noted how very impressed she is with the Friday Updates by Executive

Director Hildreth – likes how very personalized they are.


The STLS Board meeting was adjourned at 3:25 p.m.

The next Board meeting will be held January 21st at 2:00pm at STLS.

Respectfully submitted,

Anna Ezzolo

Doc. #14-4

Opening Balances

Operating Account 3,567.61$

Payroll Account 2,580.15$

Unencumbered Balance 6,147.76$

Replacement Reserve 89,000.00$

Certificate of Deposit -$

Government Savings 1,206,589.11$

Total Funds on hand December 1, 2013 1,301,736.87$

November Transactions


Ordinary 75,377.75$

Interest 106.21

Refunded Finance Charges -

Total Income 75,483.96$


Operating (196,988.44)$

Payroll (50,529.47)


Total Expense (247,517.91)$

Net Cash Positive (Negative) from month transactions (172,033.95)$

Balance on Hand November 30, 2013 1,129,702.92$

Closing Balances

Operating Account 5,581.70$

Payroll Account 3,050.68$

Unencumbered Balance 8,632.38$

Replacement Reserve 89,000.00$

Certificate of Deposit -$

Government Savings 1,032,070.54$

Total Funds on Hand December 31, 2013 1,129,702.92$


December 31, 2013

Page 1

Doc. #14-4

Current Rates (Chase Bank)

Money Market (Savings) 0.10%

Commercial Checking with Interest 0.10%

Page 2

Doc. #14-4


Page 3

Doc. #14-5

Unencumbered Bank Balance December 1, 2013 6,147.76


Transfer from Government Savings 250,000.00

Checking Account Interest 2.53

Bank Balance & Total Receipts 256,150.29




Gross 16,924.96

Deductions 16,624.96

Net Paid 300.00


Gross 33,072.26

Deductions 28,913.03

Net Paid 4,159.23

Total Salaries 4,459.23

Administrative 726.58

Total Sal & Admin 5,185.81

Checks to cover Salary Deductions

Tax Annuity 344.38

Group Insurance 2,115.78 (521.02)

NYS Withholding 1,831.18

Federal Withholding 2,940.96

Social Security 3,640.55

NYS Retirement 1,227.80

Direct Deposits 32,079.04

Child support 1,067.64

United Way -

Total Deductions Paid 44,726.31

Contractual Expenses

410 Books 647.43

413 Serials -

415 Non-Book 7,287.63

429 Miscellaneous -

Total 7,935.06

Library Service

430 Supplies 712.28

431 Telephone 5,442.73

433 Postage 38.28

434 Publicity 103.09

435 Travel 1,494.36

436 Exec Dir search -

437 Professional Fees 125.00

Total 7,915.74

December 31, 2013


GENERAL FUND (Operating & Payroll accounts)


Doc. #14-5

Report of the Financial Clerk Page 2


439 Office Equip Repair & Maint 5,270.95

450 Utilities 676.36

452 Building Repairs & Maint 1,395.00

469 Other Operations 405.00

Total 7,747.31


471 Operation 4,347.60

473 Maintenance 79.95

Total 4,427.55


202 Vehicles -

203 Equipment & Software 4,372.00

204 Vehicle Purchase -

Total 4,372.00

Fixed Charges

438 Membership Dues -

454 Insurance -

Total -

STLS Employee Benefits Expense

901 Retirement 136,298.00

903 Social Security 3,640.69

904 Workers Comp -

905 Unemployment Insurance -

906 Disability Insurance -

907 Health Insurance 14,999.58

Total 154,938.27

Grants to Member Libraries

490 Cash Grants Members 6,000.00

" Steuben County Aid -

" LLSA -

" Bookshare & Special Grants

491 Central Library Development -

492 Central Book Aid -

Total 6,000.00

105 Deposit in Capital - Construction -

2625-002 Flexible Spending Paid 200.78

2619 Anticipation Note -

2635 Capital Note Payment 3,710.80

5977 Interest on Note

5977-007 Interest on Mortgage 358.28

Total 4,269.86

Total Expenditures 247,517.91

Unencumbered Bank Balance December 30, 2013 8,632.38

Respectfully submitted, 256,150.29

Barbara Tombs

Interim Business Manager

Doc. #14-6

Southern Tier Library System


Total 2013 budget Administration (01)


Annual Expended to date Annual Expended to date

Budget Dollars Percent Budget Dollars Percent

Salaries 678,417.00 702,470.09 104% 146,829.00 144,258.14 98%

Fringes 372,291.00 365,069.15 98% 120,127.00 134,547.39 112%

Books 15,097.00 3,805.15 25% 679.87

Periodicals 600.00 539.43 90% 600.00 539.43 90%

Non-Book 5,497.85 918.32

Equipment 2,450.00 4,824.49 197% 2,450.00 4,824.49 197%

Equipment-Small & Software 14,250.00 15,708.47 110% 13,000.00 13,412.97 103%

Equipment-Lease 2,064.00 2,004.00 97% 2,064.00 2,004.00 97%

Building repairs/maintenance 5,000.00 7,965.39 159% 5,000.00 7,965.39 159%

Utilities 13,000.00 14,309.42 110% 13,000.00 14,309.42 110%

Insurance 11,547.00 8,584.26 74% 11,547.00 8,584.26 74%

Building Cleaning 4,200.00 4,833.75 115% 4,200.00 4,833.75 115%

Building-Outside 1,200.00 646.80 54% 1,200.00 646.80 54%

Operation Vehicle 28,800.00 30,716.76 107% 1,920.00 6,998.78 365%

Maintenance Vehicle 7,500.00 4,862.85 65% 2,375.00 1,016.29 43%

Vehicle Purchase 0.00 0.00

Vehicle Insurance 4,450.00 3,668.00 82% 1,778.00 1,834.00 103%

Library Supplies 13,200.00 15,166.31 115% 3,750.00 6,481.80 173%

Telephone-Hdqtrs 4,834.00 8,448.46 175% 4,834.00 8,448.46 175%

Telephone-IT 74,204.00 72,257.74 97%

Postage 5,800.00 5,066.03 87% 1,800.00 1,566.03 87%

Publicity-Printing 5,500.00 563.60 10% 4,500.00 326.81 7%

Travel 14,000.00 13,598.48 97% 8,000.00 8,106.23 101%

Training 7,250.00 4,507.09 62% 6,500.00 4,339.53 67%

Legal/Accounting 9,500.00 8,972.00 94% 9,500.00 8,972.00 94%

Professional Fees 5,950.00 5,471.19 92% 1,950.00 1,805.00 93%

Membership Dues 3,620.00 2,036.00 56% 3,130.00 1,623.00 52%

Maintenance-Equipment 6,500.00 10,771.29 166% 3,394.00 8,547.53 252%

Maint.-Hardware/Software 68,174.00 60,862.75 89% 2,011.00 0%

Capital Project-Principal 43,876.00 44,394.85 101% 43,876.00 44,394.85 101%

Capital Project-Interest 4,953.00 4,434.11 90% 4,953.00 4,434.11 90%

Interest-Note 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00

Construction Grant project 16,000.00 0.00 16,000.00

Replacement Reserve 7,000.00 0.00 7,000.00 0%

Telephone STARCAT grant 16,560.00 0.00 16,560.00 0.00

Executive Director Search 0.00 24,522.67 0.00 24,522.67

TOTALS 1,467,787.00 1,456,578.43 99% 463,848.00 426,546.47 92%

Expense Budget Report for December 2013

Trustee mileage

reimb. = $6,478.34


Doc. #14-6

Southern Tier Library System

Expense Budget Report for December 201392%

Delivery (15) Information Technology (10) Interloan (20)

Annual Expended to date Annual Expended to date Annual Expended to date

Budget Dollars Percent Budget Dollars Percent Budget Dollars Percent

Salaries 61,847.00 62,943.32 102% 182,697.00 192,327.50 105% 30,392.00 32,021.35 105%

Fringes 10,246.00 7,154.93 70% 87,296.00 85,237.76 98% 12,102.00 12,591.75 104%

Books 500.00 134.95 27%




Equipment-Small & Software 1,250.00 2,295.50 184%


Building repairs/maintenance



Building Cleaning


Operation Vehicle 26,880.00 23,717.98 88%

Maintenance Vehicle 5,125.00 3,846.56 75%

Vehicle Purchase 0.00

Vehicle Insurance 2,672.00 1,834.00 69%

Library Supplies 0.00 72.50 89.99 250.00 7.85 3%


Telephone-IT 74,204.00 72,257.74 97%

Postage 4,000.00 3,500.00 88%


Travel 4,500.00 4,464.40 99% 10.00

Training 750.00 113.56 15%


Professional Fees 3,500.00 3,166.19 90%

Membership Dues 490.00 413.00 84%

Maintenance-Equipment 2,000.00 1,229.36 61%

Maint.-Hardware/Software 63,763.00 57,662.75 90%

Capital Project-Principal

Capital Project-Interest



Replacement Reserve


TOTALS 106,770.00 99,569.29 93% 416,950.00 416,091.56 100% 50,744.00 51,432.09 101%


Doc. #14-6

Southern Tier Library System

Expense Budget Report for December 201392%

Community services (40) Catologing & Processing (45)

Annual Expended to date Annual Expended to date Annual Expended to date

Budget Dollars Percent Budget Dollars Percent Budget Dollars Percent

Salaries 84,203.00 92,773.81 110% 51,077.00 51,102.56 100% 92,739.00 98,204.10 106%

Fringes 38,345.00 33,988.75 89% 33,091.00 33,438.38 101% 57,990.00 45,169.29 78%

Books 14,397.00 2,863.03


Non-Book 4,579.53


Equipment-Small & Software


Building repairs/maintenance



Building Cleaning


Operation Vehicle

Maintenance Vehicle

Vehicle Purchase

Vehicle Insurance

Library Supplies 3,690.36 9,000.00 4,313.77 48%




Publicity-Printing 1,000.00 236.79 24%

Travel 500.00 528.93 106% 500.00 0%

Training 54.00


Professional Fees 500.00 500.00 100%

Membership Dues

Maintenance-Equipment 1,106.00 994.40 90%

Maint.-Hardware/Software 2,400.00 3,200.00 133%

Capital Project-Principal

Capital Project-Interest



Replacement Reserve


TOTALS 123,048.00 127,262.56 103% 100,065.00 96,439.58 96% 163,735.00 151,935.56 93%

Member Services (30)


Doc. #14-6

Southern Tier Library System

Expense Budget Report for December 201392%

Youth (50)

Annual Expended to date Budget Expended to date Budget Expended to date

Budget Dollars Percent Dollars

Salaries 28,633.00 28,839.31 101% 15,527.78

Fringes 13,094.00 12,940.90 99% 1,595.43

Books 200.00 127.30 64% 883.21



Equipment 4,826.26

Equipment-Small & Software


Building repairs/maintenance



Building Cleaning


Operation Vehicle

Maintenance Vehicle

Vehicle Purchase

Vehicle Insurance

Library Supplies 200.00 510.04 255% 5,400.00 14,772.16


Telephone-IT 371.84



Travel 500.00 488.92 98% 3,435.51 130.63



Professional Fees 2,645.00 781.82

Membership Dues



Capital Project-Principal

Capital Project-Interest



Replacement Reserve


TOTALS 42,627.00 42,906.47 101% 0.00 11,480.51 0.00 38,889.13

LSTA (25) Other Grants (35)


Doc. #14-6

Southern Tier Library System

Expense Budget Report for December 201392%

Pass Through (55)

Expended to date

Salaries 678,417.00 717,997.87 106%

Fringes 372,291.00 366,664.58 98%

Books 493.61 15,097.00 4,688.36 31%

Periodicals 600.00 539.43 90%

Non-Book 54,624.81 0.00 5,497.85 #DIV/0!

Member Equipment 2,450.00 9,650.75 394%

Equipment-Small & Software 25,545.27 14,250.00 15,708.47 110%

Equipment-Lease 2,064.00 2,004.00 97%

Building repairs/maintenance 5,000.00 7,965.39 159%

Utilities 13,000.00 14,309.42 110%

Insurance 11,547.00 8,584.26 74%

Building Cleaning 4,200.00 4,833.75 115%

Building-Outside 1,200.00 646.80 54%

Operation Vehicle 28,800.00 30,716.76 107%

Maintenance Vehicle 7,500.00 4,862.85 65%

Vehicle Purchase 0.00

Vehicle Insurance 4,450.00 3,668.00 82%

Library Supplies - Members 3,406.26 13,200.00 35,338.47 268%

Telephone-Members 195.77 4,834.00 8,448.46 175%

Telephone-IT - 74,204.00 72,629.58 98%

Postage 5,800.00 5,066.03 87%

Publicity-Printing 5,500.00 563.60 10%

Travel 14,000.00 17,164.62 123%

Training 7,250.00 4,507.09 62%

Legal/Accounting 9,500.00 8,972.00 94%

Professional Fees 5,950.00 8,898.01 150%

Membership Dues 3,620.00 2,036.00 56%

Maintenance-Equipment 6,500.00 10,771.29 166%

Maint.-Hardware/Software 68,174.00 60,862.75 89%

Capital Project-Principal 43,876.00 44,394.85 101%

Capital Project-Interest 4,953.00 4,434.11 90%

Construction Grant project 16,000.00 0.00

Replacement Reserve 7,000.00 0.00

Telephone STARCAT grant 16,560.00 0.00

Executive Director Search 0.00 24,522.67

Misc. exp. - Foundation 895.07

Cash to members 476,449.00

TOTALS 561,609.79 1,467,787.00 1,506,948.07 103%

Cash Expended ytd 2,068,557.86

Capital Project-Principal 44,394.85

Replacement Reserve 0.00

Total Expended to date 2,024,163.01

Total Budget Expenditures Including Grants


Doc. #14-6

Total 2013 Revenue

2012 Revenues

Annual Received To date Annual Received To date

Revenue Dollars Percent Revenue Dollars Percent

County Aid 97,810.00$ 104,847.00 107% 97,810.00 104,847.00 107%

Per Capita 210,529.00 225,675.00 107% 210,529.00 225,675.00 107%

Square Mile 197,073.00 211,251.00 107% 197,073.00 211,251.00 107%

Book Expenditure 152,297.00 163,254.00 107% 152,297.00 163,254.00 107%

Local Services Support Aid 71,015.00 92,646.00 130% 71,015.00 92,646.00 130% 8,063.00

Coordinated Outreach 62,762.00 67,278.00 107% -

State Corrections 21,982.00 23,563.00 107% -

Jail 3,146.00 3,468.00 110% -

Interest 1,450.00 1,817.14 125% 1,450.00 1,817.14 125%

Automation 59,860.00 64,167.00 107%

Supplementary System Aid 108,650.00 115,978.00 107% 108,650.00 115,978.00 107% -

Telephone E-Rate discount 51,212.00 60,129.08 117%

Enhanced Telecom 11,592.00 -

Telephone HQ discount 3,035.00 - 0% 3,035.00 0%

Processing Fees 21,500.00 20,991.71 98%

Member Library Cost-share 303,137.00 302,293.00 100% 303,137.00 302,293.00 100%

Member IT Contracts 1,100.00 - -

Workshop Reimbursements 1,000.00 3,425.40 343% 1,000.00 3,425.40 343%

Retiree Health Ins Pmts 8,200.00 8,266.07 101% 8,200.00 8,266.07 101%

Total 1,387,350.00 1,469,049.40 106% 1,154,196.00 1,229,452.61 107%

MiscellaneousOther Unclassified Revenue 12,652.17 12,652.17

Resource Sharing - -

Staff reimbursements 180.40 180.40

Refunds 918.09 918.09

Donations - 1,703.60 1,703.60

Foundation donations - -

Insurance Recoveries - -

IT Member Reimbursement 1,703.88 -

Late Fees + Replacement 18.00 -

1,387,350.00 1,486,225.54 107% 1,154,196.00 1,244,906.87 108% -

** Revenue Budgeted for 2011

8,063.00 -6-

Southern Tier Library System

Revenue Report for December 2013

Administration (01)

Received in 2013

Doc. #14-6

Outreach (40) Cataloging & Processing (45)

Annual Received To date Annual Received To date Annual Received To date

Revenue Dollars Percent Revenue Dollars Percent Revenue Dollars Percent

County Aid

Per Capita

Square Mile

Book Expenditure


Coordinated Outreach 62,762.00 67,278.00 107%

State Corrections 21,982.00 23,563.00 107%


Jail 3,146.00 3,468.00 110%


Automation 59,860.00 64,167.00 107%

Telephone E-Rate Grant 11,592.00

Telephone E-Rate Discount 51,212.00 60,129.08 117%

Telephone Headquarters


Processing Fees 21,500.00 20,991.71 98%

Member Library Cost-share

Member IT Contracts 1,100.00

IT Member Reimbursement 1,567.88

Member sftwr/license reimb. 136.00

Replacement/Late Fees 18.00

Total 123,764.00 125,999.96 102% 87,890.00 94,327.00 107% 21,500.00 20,991.71 98%


Revenue Report for December 2013

Southern Tier Library System

Information Technology (10)

Doc. #14-6

LSTA (25) Pass Through (55)

Grant Activity Received

Received To date

Annual Received To date Dollars Amount

Revenue Dollars Percent

Reimbursement from member

Libraries 90,764.67

Staff reimbursements for emp. purch. 410.11

Foundation reimbursements 2,576.69 -

Member IT Contracts

ILL Replacements

Other Replacement Funds

BTOP e-Mobile Grant 25,543.00

Family Literacy/Summer Reading 6,794.00

Steuben County Aid 99,500.00

Local Library Services Aid 110,603.00

Summer Reading Program 6,000.00

Adult Literacy 3,774.00

Foundation for STL Grant 1,000.00

United Way Inc Allegany 7,500.00

Directors & Trustees Together 9,120.00

RBDB Cloud 12,000.00

Corning Incorporated Foundation 6,000.00

Grant Program Support

Central Library Development Aid 148,044.00

Greenwood Tax Support 8,738.00

Town of Hector Support 1,500.00

Special Legislative Grants - Bullet Aid 122,400.00

Total 15,120.00 580,298.47 66,849.00

Grand Total 2,148,493.01


Other Grants (35)

Southern Tier Library System

Revenue Report for December 2013

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Southern  Tier  Library  System  Finance  Committee  Meeting    

January  8,  2014  STLS    

Present:  Judy  Cross,  Cindy  Emmer,  Pat  Finnerty,  Dale  Wexell,  and  Brian  Hildreth    The  committee  discussed  banking  of  funds  in  the  two  identified  official  depositories.  Consensus  was  to  keep  the  bulk  of  funds  needed  for  ordinary  payment  of  expenses  –  the  current  main  account,  operating  account  and  payroll  account-­‐  in  one  bank  and  a  smaller  block  of  funds  in  the  second  bank.      The  committee  asked  Brian  to  contact  the  banks  to  identify  each  bank’s  relative  offerings  in  meeting  the  standards  set  forth  in  the  Southern  Tier  Library  System  Investment  Policy,  and  report  back  to  the  committee  at  the  February  meeting.  He  will  also  look  at  the  best  choice  for  Credit  Cards.  Changes  will  probably  not  take  place  until  March.    The  committee  discussed  the  proposed  mortgage  payoff  study.  Brian  will  report  back  to  the  committee  in  February.      The  committee  had  asked  Brian  to  report  on  the  staff  procedures  for  handling  money,  both  income  and  outgo.    Brian  reported  that  to  conform  to  the  Board  Policies,  the  procedure  the  staff  follows  for  Accounts  Payable  is  a  checklist  for  the  processing,  rather  than  separate  defined  procedures.  Brian  will  e-­‐mail  a  copy  of  the  checklist  to  the  committee  members.  There  is  not  a  checklist  for  receiving  income  or  Accounts  Receivable.  Staff  will  ask  the  auditors  for  advice,  develop  one,  and  share  it  with  the  committee.    The  committee  discussed  the  types  and  values  of  insurance  coverage  for  Trustees.  Brian  will  arrange  for  Christine  Sprague  of  Sprague  Insurance  to  come  to  the  Finance  Committee  meeting  in  March  or  April.    The   committee  discussed   the  need   to   review   the   responsibilities  of   the  Treasurer’s  position.  Brian  will   research   the   responsibilities   of   the   Treasurer   in   the   By-­‐Laws   and   Policies   of   other   library  systems  as  well  as  in  Education  Law.          Respectfully  submitted,  Pat  Finnerty  

Doc. #14-8

Foundation for Southern Tier Libraries Board of Trustees Meeting – January 8, 2014

STLS Headquarters – Painted Post, NY Attendees: J. Phillips, B. Weber, S. Blowers, P. Webster Guests: B. Hildreth, D. King Meeting was called to order at 4:31 p.m. by President Judy Phillips. B. Weber moved to approve the November minutes and S. Blowers seconded. Resolution carried 4-0. Minutes approved. P. Webster presented the Treasurer’s Report for December 2013 and the fiscal year ending. Fund balances and donations received were noted. S. Blowers moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. B. Weber seconded. Resolution carried 4-0. Treasurer’s Report approved. Discussion was opened regarding the Foundations’ plan of action for 2014. The first item of discussion was the Foundation’s IRS filing for 2013. J. Phillips mentioned that the STLS Accounting Department compiled and filed the 2012 report. B. Hildreth mentioned that the Accounting Department was extremely busy at the moment because of end of the year procedures, but he would look into the Department’s ability to file the form. Further discussion involved setting 2 – 3 key dates for hosting social gatherings for the Foundation. The gatherings would take place in different counties, and would be implemented as fund-raisers and public awareness opportunities. No specific dates or locations were set. Additional discussions, revolved around the 2013 December Mailing Appeal. B. Hildreth noted that donations were being received, and ready for processing by the Treasurer. Final discussions included the procedures for handling donations. P. Webster recommended that all donations should be accounted for using a ledger that is recorded by two Foundation board members at the same time. Once donations are documented, they can then be presented to the Treasurer for deposit and accounting. Following deposit, the Foundation will provide a list of deposits to STLS headquarters for proper correspondence. The next Board meeting was set for 4:30 p.m. on Wednesday, February 5th, 2014 at the Southern Tier Library System headquarters. Meeting was adjourned at 5:23 p.m. by unanimous consent. Respectfully submitted, Brian M. Hildreth

Doc. #14-10

Annual Organizational Meeting Actions for 2014 A. Designation of the Official Newspaper RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees designates the Corning Leader as the official newspaper for the Southern Tier Library System for the year 2014. B. Appointment of the Financial Clerk RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoints Executive Director Brian M. Hildreth as Financial Clerk of the Southern Tier Library System for the year 2014. C. Appointment of the Internal Auditor RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoints Trustee Judy Cross as the Internal Auditor and an Alternate Auditor of the Southern Tier Library System for the year 2014. D. Appointment of the External Auditor RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoints the firm of Mengel Metzger Barr & Co. LLP as the auditors for the Southern Tier Library System for completion of the annual audit for 2014 and related services. E. Appointment of the Attorney RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoints Conrad Wolen, of Sayles & Evans, Attorneys-at-Law, as the Attorney for the Southern Tier Library System for 2014. F. Authorization of the Executive Director to Certify Payrolls RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees appoints the Brian M. Hildreth, Executive Director, as the authority to certify Southern Tier Library System payrolls for the year 2014. G. Authorization of Executive Director to Make Grant Applications RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees authorizes the Executive Director to make applications for grant funding subject to subsequent approval by the Board. H. Authorization of the Executive Director to certify payments RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees authorizes the Executive Director to certify payments of a fixed nature without prior audit upon submission to the Treasurer of a voucher. This should include credit card, and utility bills, insurance premiums, mortgage payments, payroll, payroll deductions, taxes and fringe benefit expenses. I. Authorization of the Trustee Mileage Reimbursement Rate RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees authorizes the IRS rate of .56 cents per mile as the mileage reimbursement rate for the Southern Tier Library System for 2014.

J. Designation of the Bank Depository RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees designates Community Bank NA and Chemung Canal Trust Co. as depository of Southern Tier Library System funds in 2014. K. Designation of the Authorized Signatories for Checks RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees re-designates the Treasurer, President, Local Trustee, and Executive Director as authorized signatories on all bank accounts. L. Authorization of Certain Payments Between Board Meetings RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees authorizes the payment of the following bills and expenses between Board meetings in order to meet due date requirements: credit card, utility bills, lease payments, payroll, payroll taxes, payroll deductions, and fringe benefit expenses. M. Establish Treasurer and Internal Auditor surety coverage for the year. RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees Establishes Treasurer and Internal Auditor surety coverage at $750,000 for 2014.

Alfonso J. Oliveras 230 Pritchard Ave Apt 202

Corning, NY 14830

Home: (607) 936-1216

Work: (607) 962-3141 x212



To be a contributing member of a dynamic team-oriented organization


Mar ’04 – Present Electronic Services Librarian, Southern Tier Library System, Painted

Post, NY

Maintain the STLS website and the online catalog (STARCat)

Train system and member library staff in the use of various online

resources and productivity software including: the online catalog

(STARCat), the digital catalog (Overdrive), Director’s Station

(reporting tool for ILS), MS Office, and WordPress

Assist member libraries with the purchase, configuration and

installation of electronic equipment

Assist member libraries with website development

Conduct training workshops (both in-person and online)

Keep abreast of emerging trends and technologies within the library

field through participation in professional affiliations, conferences

and Webinars

Feb ’10 – present Adjunct Instructor, Elmira Business Institute, Elmira, NY

Instruct students on fundamentals of the Internet, computer

hardware/software, and the use of Microsoft Office 2010 applications

including Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access

Feb ’02 – Aug ‘03 Imaging Assistant, New York State Library (SUNY Albany), Albany, NY

Inspected and processed microfilm in support of the New York State

Newspaper Project

Entered data in microfilm masters database


Master of Science in Information Science (MSIS), SUNY Albany, Aug 2003

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE), SUNY Buffalo, Jun 1996

NYS Public Librarian Certification, Feb 2006


Proficient with various system and application software including Drupal, GotoMeeting, MS Office,

SharePoint, Survey Monkey, MS Windows, Windows MultiPoint Server and WordPress


American Library Association

Advisory Committee on Information Technologies and Services (South Central Regional Library

Council), Chair

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Typewritten Text

Updated January 21, 2014

Doc. #14-12

Account Clerk: Part time position to assist with daily not-for-profit

accounting and human resource office activities. Tasks include: maintaining

payroll records, filing account documents, and assisting Business Manager.

Qualifications to include professional attitude, ability to multi-task,

commitment to confidentiality, strong computer skills. Must have

accounting/general ledger/Microsoft Office experience. 19.5 hours/week,

$12 - $15/hour depending on experience. Web site: Submit

resume and professional references by February 12 to: Executive Director,

Southern Tier Library System, 9424 Scott Road, Painted Post, NY 14870.

Positions open until filled.

* Administrative


(Part time)

Anna Ezzolo



(Part Time)

Barb Tombs

*Assistant Director /


Technology (Full Time)

Ken Behn

*Deputy Director - Professional

Development & System Outreach

(Full Time)

Alfonso Oliveras

Cataloger II

(Part Time)(3)

Nicole Hann

Cataloger I

(Full Time)(3)

Filomena Jack



(Part Time)(2)

Ann Brouse


Services Page

(Part Time)(1)

Don Saxton


Services Clerk

(Full Time)(3)

Pamela Rogers

IT Specialist

(Full Time)(3)

Pat Beeman

ILS & Tech Services

Manager (Full Time)(4)

Mandy Fleming

Adult Outreach


(Full Time)(3)

Vickie Button

ILL & Youth Services

Consultant( MLS)

(Full time)(4)

Lorie Brown

ILL Clerk

(Part time)(2)

Dorie Robinson

Digital Training


(Part Time)(4)


*Executive Director

(Full Time)

Brian M. Hildreth

Account Clerk

(Part Time)


Driver & Building Maint. Techs. (Part time)(2)

James Banik, Ken Jones,

Dennis Potter, Dave Riff,

Sam Robards, Lee Sabo,

Shane Stahl

Division of Professional Development

& Library Outreach

Division of Library Sustainability

& System Resources

Al Oliveras

Division of Information Technology &

Digital Library Infrastructure

Goal: Train and empower cooperative

libraries to utilize System resources to

enhance and expand community


Address: 1, 2, 3 ,5, 8, 9 & 11 in Plan of Service

Goal: Develop and strengthen cooperative

libraries to preserve & maximize

community impact.

Address: Elements 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12

in Plan of Service.

Goal: Connect & bring together

cooperative libraries to share

information & technology resources.

Address: Elements 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9 & 11 in

Plan of Service

IT Tech.




Doc #14-13

Al – Rank #2

Ann – Rank #2

Anna – Rank #3 (Current)

Barb – Rank #3 (Current & Desired)

Brian – Rank #1 (Current & Desired)

Dorie – Rank #2 (Current)

Filomena – Rank #2

Ken B. – Rank #1

Lorie – Rank #1 (Current)

Mandy – Rank #3

Nicole – Rank #2

Pam – Rank #2 (Desired)

Pat – Rank #3

Vickie – Rank #2

Al – Rank #3 (Current)

Ann – Rank #1 (Current)

Anna – Rank #1

Barb – Rank #2

Brian – Rank #3

Dorie – Rank #1

Filomena – Rank #1 (Current)

Ken B. – Rank #2 (Current & Desired)

Lorie – Rank #3

Mandy – Rank #1 (Current & Desired)

Nicole – Rank #1 (Current)

Pam – Rank #3 (Current)

Pat – Rank #1 (Current & Desired)

Vickie – Rank #1

Al – Rank #1 (Desired)

Ann – Rank #3 (Desired)

Anna – Rank #2 (Desired)

Barb – Rank #1

Brian – Rank #2

Dorie – Rank #3 (Desired)

Filomena – Rank #3 (Desired)

Ken B. – Rank #3

Lorie – Rank #2 (Desired)

Mandy – Rank #2

Nicole – Rank #3 (Desired)

Pam – Rank #1

Pat – Rank #2

Vickie – Rank #3 (Current & Desired)

Professional Development

& Library Outreach

Library Sustainability

& System Resources

Information Technology

& Digital Library Infrastructure

Goal: Train and empower

cooperative libraries to utilize

System resources to enhance and

expand community outreach.

Address: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, & 11 in Plan of Service

Goal: Develop and strengthen

cooperative libraries to preserve &

maximize community impact.

Address: Elements 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 12

in Plan of Service

Goal: Connect & bring together

cooperative libraries to share

information & technology

resources. Address: Elements 1, 3, 6, 8, 9 & 11 in

Plan of Service

Doc. #14-14

Doc. #14-15

Southern Tier Library System



Expenditures to date: 99% Budget Year: 100% Revenue Received to date: 107% Cash Reserve: December: $1,129,703


(brief description of each department consulting processes)

Outreach Services Typical Contacts: consultation and training in developing library services/programs for coordinated outreach populations, services to state and county correctional facilities, adult care, and other area residential facilities; grant development and implementation; delivery service, rotating collections of large print, adult popular fiction, audio books, and videos/DVDs; holds for STLS materials, multi-media kits. Cataloging and Processing Services: cataloging library materials, importing and revising appropriate records from other databases, training members and troubleshooting records entered in the regional online database, physical processing of library materials. Information Technology Typical Contacts: training and troubleshooting Sirsi Unicorn procedures and policies, telecommunications issues, consultation on technology issues, questions from library patrons on using STARCat, PC anti-virus and spyware protection, new PC setups and software installation.

Southern Tier Library System Income Statement

Year to Date 12/31/2013



01 - Administration


$426,546.47 10 - Automation



15 - Delivery

$99,569.29 20 - Interloan


25 - LSTA Grants


$11,480.51 30 - Member



35 - Other Grants


$38,889.13 40 - Outreach



45 - Technical Services



50 - Youth Services

$42,906.47 55 - Pass Through








Doc. #14-15

Interlibrary Loan Typical Contacts: training, overdue materials, requests for additional information in order to clarify requests, procedures in placing interleaf requests, procedures for ALA ILL requests sent directly to a member library, interloan policies, bills for lost materials. Youth Services Contacts: consultation, research and training on a wide variety of library services to youth ages 0-18—, materials selection, library policies, programming ideas and aids, national and local children’s literature related events and promotions, cooperation between member libraries, local education opportunities.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Mandy Fleming, ILS & Technical Services Manager

For the month of December IT staff worked on 93 service requests for libraries broken down by the categories below… Service Request by Library Size Service Request by Category

Projects worked on this month include:

Cataloging and Processing for December 2013

Nicole Hann trained Mandy Fleming and Filomena Jack to catalog. Worked with IT staff to load records from Midwest Tape and streamline the process,

continued to explore opportunities to streamline cataloging processes. Prepared for new and upcoming department changes – new supervisor, Nicole

working part-time etc. Added 1384 titles to catalog; 65 DVD titles loaded using free MidWest Tape records

and MarcEdit. Provided STLS staff with an introduction to cataloging and tour of Tech Services at

December staff meeting.

Doc. #14-15


At the invitation of Sue Moyer, Director, Scio Memorial Library and Mary Z., librarian

par-excellence at the Scio Central School, Lorie made a presentation at the December Faculty meeting. Both the public library director and the school librarian felt that faculty and students alike were not aware of resources that are available –FOR FREE—with a public library card. The Scio Central School students have access to NOVEL databases thru their school network. But, other resources on the STLS website are only available via the public library. School superintendent stated that she was unaware that teachers and students could reap so many benefits from their local public library.

Hosted a follow-up to the October Youth Services workshop/training. The October workshop/training on blogs and other eResources was full of useful information but the final item on the agenda—using RSS feeds to organize those blogs and received the updates without spending HOURS scanning each of the favored blogs—got short shrift. So, Al Oliveras, STLS’ Electronic Services librarian, agreed to present his portion of the October workshop in December. There were 5 staff members from 3 libraries and STLS in attendance at this workshop. A staff member from the Southeast Steuben County Library wanted to attend but was on vacation on the day of the workshop. She will connect with Al for notes, questions and perhaps a one-on-one session.

Visited the Colonial Library, Richburg to train library director and staff about placing out-of-system ILL requests in the Request Wizard in WorkFlows. While there, we discussed many other topics including Take Your Child to the Library Day plans, about STLS’ distribution lists and how to post to them, how to cut-n-paste using keyboard commands, using helpers in WorkFlows.

Scheduled 3 workshops/trainings for 2014: January—Patrons: More alike than Different; February—Common Core and YOU, the Public Library; March—Summer Reading Workshop.

Current projects:

Continuing to prepare for change over to OCLC WorldShare for placing out-of-system ILL requests. The ‘old’ system for placing requests, WorldCat Resource Sharing, will be unusable by April 2014. Updates and functionality are still being added so our transition to WorldShare will be slow and steady. To date, Lorie has played with various features—placing requests, printing bands and mailing labels. Dorie has begun use by creating her log-in and placing a few requests. The process,

Doc. #14-15

as Dorie stated, wasn’t “scary—just different.”

Preparing to distribute Take Your Child to the Library posters and postcards. Postcards to promote event and to gather info on WHY families visit libraries for advocacy efforts have been ordered. Many libraries are planning special events: the Colonial Library, Richburg is usually closed on Saturdays….But, on February 1, they will be hosting a special event for TAKE YOUR CHILD TO THE LIBRARY DAY. The Southeast Steuben County Library will be featuring special activities for families along with a light lunch and an afternoon movie. The Cuba Circulating Library will be hosting Charlie and Checkers, a juggling duo. Those who sign up for a library card and/or check a book out…will receive a magic butterfly.

ADMINISTRATION Brian M. Hildreth, Executive Director

December 2013 18th: Met with Christine Sprague of the Sprague Agency to discuss System insurance coverages for 2014. Learned that current underwriter provides best premium rates for not-for-profits in our area. 20th: Teleconference with John Chraska from EveryLibrary to discuss overview of Corning library budget vote, and potential services from EveryLibrary to STLS member libraries. Great opportunities for advocacy and public referendums. 23rd – January 1st, 2014: Executive Director on Holiday and Vacation Leave January 2014 3rd: Follow-up teleconference with John Chraska from EveryLibrary regarding STLS member libraries and public referendums. 6th: Visited Dundee Library to discuss upcoming May budget vote. Dundee is seeking a substantial increase in much needed funding through School District Referendum. 7th: Spoke with STLS Treasurer Patricia Finnerty regarding Finance Committee Meeting agenda, and sought information pertaining to Treasurer and Internal Auditor surety coverages for the year. 8th: Attended STLS Finance Committee meeting to review procedures for establishing official bank depositories and external audit. Attended monthly meeting for Foundation of Southern Tier Libraries. 9th: Conducted library site visits for both Wellsville and Jasper libraries. Met with Michelle LaVoie, library director, at Wellsville to provide new director orientation. Met with Debbie Stephens of Jasper Library to introduce myself as new Executive Director. 13th: Conducted library site visit at Horseheads Library (CCLD) with Owen Frank and Ron Shaw. Listened to current construction needs of Horseheads branch, and discussed collaborative training

Doc. #14-15

opportunities between Central Library and STLS. Owen Frank will follow-up regarding future site visits to remain CCLD branches. 14th: Met with Youth Services Consultant Lorie Brown to discuss STLS digital library collection, and determine procedures for purchasing eContent through Cost Share contributions. Met with STLS Executive Committee to set Agenda for 2014 STLS Organizational Meeting. 15th: Met with Technical Services Clerk Pam Rogers to review new responsibilities overseeing STLS deliveries and discussed procedures for Staff Performance Evaluation. 16th: Met with ILS & Technical Services Manager Mandy Fleming to discuss Staff Performance Evaluations. Met with Pam Rogers and Delivery Driver Dennis Potter to conduct 3 month probationary review. 17th: Met with Mandy Fleming and Cataloger II Nicole Hann to conduct 3 month probationary review. 20th: Visited Savona Library to meet with director and board of trustees about May budget vote. 21st: Attended STLS 2014 Organizational Meeting.

top related