dixboro united methodist hurch the chimes may/june 2014

Post on 05-Jun-2022






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The ChimesThe Chimes D i x b o ro U n i t e d M e t h o d i s t C h u r c h

M ay /J u n e 2 0 1 4

A note from Rev. Tonya: As we navigate the joys and challenges of moving to one blended Sunday morning worship

service, I want to thank you for your patience, tolerance and grace. There are more worshipers in the pews each week;

there is more energy and enthusiasm in our singing; there are more children and youth among us.

I’m thankful Dixboro is a family-friendly church. I’m thankful we are able to show love for ALL God’s children. And I’m

thankful for your willingness to support those parents who have made the commitment to introduce their children to the

Christian faith. I invite all of you to reflect on this article, written specifically to parents of young children, by Rev. Dr.

Steve Hunter at http://veritasvenitor.com

To You Who Bring Small Children to Church

There you are sitting in worship or Bible study. Your child, or toddler, is restless. Perhaps they’re even a little boisterous. You try to silence them, and nothing. You try to pacify them with food or toys, and nothing. Eventually, you resort to the last thing you wanted to do: you pick them up, and before a watching audience, you make the march out of the auditorium. All the while, you’re a little embarrassed. Maybe you’re a little frustrated too. You might even think to yourself, “There’s no point in coming to church. I get nothing out of it because I have to constantly care for my kid.”

I want you — you mothers and/or fathers — to know just how encouraging you are to so many. The little elderly woman who often feels alone beams with a smile at the sight of you wrestling with your little one. She’s been there before. She knows how hard it can be, but she smiles because to hear that brings back precious memories. To see young parents and their small children brighten her day, and she may have just received bad news this week about her health, but seeing the vitality of young ones removes — if but for a moment — her fears.

The older man who always seems to be grouchy notices you too. He’s always talking about how children in this day have no respect or sense of good. But, he sees you — a young family — in church, and you don’t miss any gathering. Like clockwork, he can depend on the sight of you and your young family. You give him hope that maybe the church isn’t doomed after all, because there are still young parents who love God enough to bring their restless children to worship.

Then there’s everybody else. Some people will honestly become frustrated by noisy children in church. They have this warped idea that reverence includes absolute silence. It doesn’t. When parents brought their children to Jesus, the disciples rebuked them (Matt. 19.13-15), but Jesus rebuked His disciples. He said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” The term translated “children” in Matthew and Mark is paidon. The root of the word “pedagogue” is from this word. It defined children of either an infant state, or more particularly, it was with reference to those who were half-grown and could be either males or females.

When Luke wrote his account of this narrative, he used the word brephos; which means “infants.” Luke wasn’t contradicting Matthew and Mark’s account, because Luke wrote that they brought the infants “also” (Luke 18.15-17). They would have squirmed, maybe even cried. This was likely why the disciples rebuked the parents; as well as that they might have thought that the children were too young to understand the blessing Christ pronounced over them.

Bring your children to church. If you don’t hear crying, the church is dying. As hard as it might be for you as a parent who’s half-asleep, keep on doing what you’re doing. You are an encouragement, and you’re starting off your children’s lives as you should.


All Kids are Welcome at Dixboro UMC By bringing children to Worship, Sunday School, and other programs we are encouraging them to know God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Dixboro Church family is here to provide a welcoming and loving atmosphere where a child’s faith journey can be nurtured.

Children in Worship is essential to the faith journey of our children and to all of us. Children learn how to worship by worshipping with the congregation. On the flip side, if children aren’t present here with us, we miss out too! Without children, the body of Christ is incomplete. We need everyone present to complete the circle at God’s Table.

By participating in worship, children:

Know the mystery and wonder of God

Build strong memories that will inform their faith over time

Feel God’s love

Recognize they are valued as a fellow child of God

Understand they are welcome in the body of Christ

Experience liturgy, sacraments, prayers, and other worship traditions that shape their understanding of God

Learn they belong to God

Hear scripture and begin to see how God might speak to them.

“Friends of Children” can help nurture the young families in worship:

Warmly welcome the children near you. As you arrive or during the greeting, be sure to say hello or share a friendly smile!

Extend hospitality. Get to know the children of our congregation by name. Ask the children how their week has been or what part of worship they like best. Tell parents that you appreciate having them at church.

Help children feel involved in worship. Include them in passing the offering, signing the attendance pad, etc.

Remember our baptismal vows to nurture the children in our midst. We are all ‘godparents,’ whether we realize it or not!

Be patient and understanding when children become restless. Allow parents to choose what they feel is best for their child. Remember we are all precious children of God.

Share positive reinforcement with the children. “It was so nice to have you singing along with us.”

Look for the gifts a child’s presence can bring to our time of worship. What do children teach you about God and what it means to be the body of Christ?

“For Parents”

Don’t worry! God put the wiggle in children—don’t feel like you have to suppress it completely. Encourage your children to sit and stand at the appropriate times.

Find a good place to sit. Sitting near the front will provide children with a better view of the sanctuary so they can see what’s happening.

Guide children throughout the worship service and help them participate. Children enjoy using the worship bulletin, finding hymns, signing the attendance pad, and passing the offering plate. Even non-readers can hold hymnals and hum along. Children like to be ready and feel involved.

Use a gentle touch. Holding your child’s hand or placing an arm around their shoulder provides reassurance and appropriate attention.

Whisper quiet instructions and explanations.

Discuss worship before and after the service. Talk about what to expect, how to behave, what they heard in worship, and where they felt God. Younger children enjoy “playing church” at home.

What should I do? If your child becomes too restless and needs a break, you may take them to the narthex for a short walk down the stairs. For those who desire it, nursery care is available.

(Adapted from Newburg UMC)


Blast Off June 20-22 By Rev. Mary Hagley

Tell your kids, grandkids and friends about Weekend VBS adventures. We will “Blast Off” with a fun night Friday, June 20 at the Car Show on the Village Green sponsored by the Dixboro Farmers’ Market from 4:00-7:00pm. The first night will be fun games, snacks, a mission project, and more, including the opportunity to register. VBS lessons and more fun will start Saturday morning, June 21 from 9-11:30am and again on Sunday morning, June 22 from 9-11:30am including worship and mission send off at 10:30am. Sign up on our website: http://www.dixborochurch.org/vbs-registration-forminfo.html

We still need a few volunteers, and we also need some supplies for our Projects with a Purpose: (Please start bringing in supplies. A collection box will be in the office.)

40 Boxes of cake mix (variety of flavors)

40 Tubs of Frosting

40 Packages of Birthday Candles

40 New Stuffed animals or toys

40 8-inch gift bags (you can get them 2 for $1 at the Dollar Tree)

For all volunteers we have a meeting Sunday, May 4 after church in the conference room. Training for VBS will be Sunday, June 1 at 11:45am-12:45pm. Thank you for your participation.

Motown Mission Experience July 13-19 Check out who is going on the trip and some 2nd Mile Giving Opportunities by visiting the Youth Ministry page on the website, or click here: http://www.dixborochurch.org/2nd-mile-giving-opportunities.html

We also still need 2 male and 1 female chaperones. Contact Rev. Mary if interested or if you know of someone who would be good to contact.

Upcoming Fundraisers: May 3 Community Bottle and Can Drive (if you live in the Dixboro Community or Tanglewood, please leave your bottles and cans on the porch by 10am on Saturday)

June 14 Car Wash at the BP Gas Station on Plymouth Rd. from 10am-2pm

Ongoing Bottle and Can Drive until June 30th.

Youth Events Sunday, May 4 Youth Group 5:30-7:30pm

Friday, May 9 Whirly Ball at 6:45-8:00pm on Phoenix Dr. off of Varsity Dr.

Sunday, June 1 Youth Group 5:30-7:30pm

Deacon Cathy Freeman’s Retirement Celebrations by Rev. Mary Hagley

Saturday, May 17 at 7:00pm in Dawson Auditorium at Adrian College during Annual Conference, Rev. Cathy will join with other clergy who are retiring in an evening of celebrating ministry. Rev. Cathy will have the opportunity to share about her ministry here at Dixboro; it would be wonderful for members to come and show their support and celebrate with her. We will also be celebrating her on Sunday, June 29 during and after worship! Stay tuned for more information.


D.U.M.C. 2014 Student Scholarship Applications

DEADLINE: Noon May 25, 2014

Submit to Church Office

The DUMC Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce the beginning of the application process for the 2014 applicants. All high school, college, university and training program students who are members of DUMC are eligible to apply. We currently have four scholarships to be awarded.

The current scholarships are designed as follows:

Barbara Morris Academic Achievement Award For a beginning college student/s, based on High School GPA

Ivan & Elnor Parker Academic Achievement Award

For a continuing college student/s based on cumulative college GPA Suzanne Smith Memorial Scholarship

For a beginning OR continuing student/s in a post-secondary educational or training school, and who has/have demonstrated an overall commitment to family, school, church, and community while maintaining highest possible grades.

Terry Wick Memorial Scholarship For a beginning or continuing college student/s. Based on cumulative GPA and participation in activities at the Dixboro United Methodist Church, For example, by participation in the Mountain Top Mission program.

Application packets will be available to be picked up in the church office after April 30th or send an email request to dumc@dixborochurch.org

Completed applications along with all required documentation must be submitted by noon on Sunday, May 25, 2014 to the Church Office.

Only complete applications will be considered for the awards.

The Scholarship Committee will review all completed applications and awards will be announced during worship service in late June.

Any questions, please contact Barbara Scheffer.

Dixboro Golf League By Rev. Cathy Freeman, Deacon and Golfer

People from Dixboro golf every Monday night at 5:15 pm at the Rolling Meadows Golf Course on Sutton Road, just north of North Territorial. This is a very “unorganized” league in that you can come whenever you are available (no need to pre-register or sign up) and you pay as you go. We team up the groups depending on how many people are there.

Golfing ability (or lack thereof) is not a requirement for this league. We enjoy each other’s company and the outdoors and hit the little white ball a few (or many) times. Please join us!

Rummage Sale Thank you to everyone for your generous support of the Rummage Sale. A profit of $1,500 was realized. Funds will benefit the Church Youth Missions and the Mission work of the church.


Annual Salad And Dessert Dinner Please join us on Thursday, May 8 at 6:30 for the Annual Salad and Dessert Dinner, sponsored by the Dixboro United Methodist Women. Yes, all women and their female friends are invited!

We need volunteers to host a table. This means that you set and decorate the table any way you want. You may invite people to sit at your table, if you wish. Everyone else is invited to sign up and there will be plenty of places at tables so you can enjoy the great food the great company.

Victoria Booker will be our speaker. She is from the non-profit organization, Justice for Our Neighbors, and will tell us about immigration issues and what the Detroit Annual Conference is doing in this area.

Women whose last name begins with A-L are asked to bring a salad and women whose last names begin with M-Z are asked to bring a dessert to share.

Sign up in the church office or contact Cathy Freeman ( 734-665-8471 or cathyfreeman27@gmail.com ) or Phylis Brandon (734-327-0245 or phylisbrandon@gmail.com ).

Prayer Tree Our Cancer Prayer Tree will be in bloom any minute and it will be beautiful! The box in front of it has ribbons in it and instructions how to use them. The idea is to tie a ribbon on the tree in honor or memory of someone with cancer, say a prayer, and acknowledge God’s presence in all our lives.

This tree is on the west side of the church, near the door to the hallway by the choir room.

Cars on the Green – PUT THESE DATES ON YOUR CALENDER By Joe Coffey

Once again the Dixboro Village Green, Inc. is sponsoring the Cars on the Green car show. Last year the Cars on the Green attracted 70 vintage and sport model show vehicles from model A’s to Ferraris and several hundred visitors. This year we are planning two events on June 20 and September 19. This is an event that brings people to our doorstep and validates Dixboro Churches commitment to our community. The Cars on the Green is a fund raiser with 100% of the proceeds going toward the redevelopment of the Dixboro School. To make this a success we will need your support through attendance at the event, and if possible, your time as a volunteer. If you have ideas for corporate sponsors, would like to volunteer, or would like to make a contribution please visit the Cars on the Green link on the DixboroFarmersMarket.org website. Thank you for your continuing support.

Blue Jean Sunweek – May 12 through May 17 The above is not a typing error but a change in the way the spring clean-up around the church will be accomplished. This year the Trustees have scheduled a whole week where we hope everyone can fit a couple of hours from their schedule to work in small groups to get the church properties cleaned, painted, and/or fixed up as the need be. The targets of the cleanup will include the church building, Brandon Park, the parsonage, the Village Green, and Botsford Cemetary. Before the scheduled work week, the Trustees will review all of the work areas, outline jobs, and procure any materials. We will provide a sign-up sheet where people can determine the time slot and the job that best fits them (morning, afternoons, or evening slots will be available. Some people will be asked to help coordinate the work. We hope that everyone will participate – lots of hands will mean lots will be accomplished.


The Interfaith Round Table of Washtenaw invites you to celebrate 20 years of “helping to create a culture of understanding and inclusion.” This is our one fundraising event of the year. We hope you can join us.

Date: Sunday evening, May 18, 2014 Time: 6-9 pm Location: The Chinmaya Mission, 4760 Packard Road, Ann Arbor What: Appetizers and a delicious Indian meal, followed by a program of entertainment, music, pictures, short talks, a skit, table conversations and Hindu dancers Cost: tickets from $35 to $150

For tickets or more information, please a go to www.irtwc.org, call 734-424-1535 or email gbrides@umich.edu.

Our choir member and U of M musical performance graduate student, John Daugherty, will be singing the lead role in the U of M Musical Theater and Dance's production of the 2000 Opera, Dead Man Walking, performed at the U of M Power Center, Nov. 13-15. Tickets are available at http://tickets.umich.edu or 734 764 2538. A good and low cost time to buy is about 1 month before the performance. John learns which 2 of the four performances he will do about then.

Comparisons of 1864, 1914, 1964, and 2014 by Susan Engle

DEBTS - In 1864 when Alfred Bourns was pastor, the debt remaining from the 1858 construction of the Dixboro church "was liquidated with the payment of $69” [Trustees minutes]. Early in 2014 the remaining $7,000 owed on the 2008

sanctuary renovation was paid in full. (Note: About six years passed before each was paid.)

PEWS - The church had long pews by 1859 when it was decided to "rent" them to raise money to pay the pastor; this continued for several years - including 1864 and later years. By the 1940s the church had shorter pews and a center aisle. In the 1950s pews were added for the choir on the chancel. Some years later Hattie Frederick donated money for new pews at a cost of about $3,800, in memory of her husband Edward; a special service of dedication was held Sunday, April 5, 1964, at 3:00 p.m., led by pastor Archie Roberts. In 2008, as part of the renovation project, those pews were refinished.

MEMBERS - In 1914 when Edgar Moon was pastor, it was reported that there were 118 members for the two churches on the charge: Dixboro Church, and Free Church, a few miles east. As of January 1, 2014, current Dixboro Church membership was 247.

Dixboro United Methodist Church is seeking an Administrative Assistant to oversee administrative/clerical tasks of the church office and assist Pastor, staff and volunteers with their administrative needs. Part-time position (15 hrs/week) at $9/hr. Requires strong computer, organizational and communication skills. See full Job Description on our website www.dixborochurch.org.


From Ingrid Sheldon, Treasurer

If there are any questions, do not hesitate to contact me.

March YTD 2014 Budget Difference

YTD Actual as % of

Budget YTD 2013


General Giving 17,999.50 42,719.96 220,000.00 -177,280.04 19.42% 50,885.70

Spec Collections, Designations, Other 398.21 7,785.53 0.00 7,785.53 1,379.95

TOTAL REVENUE 18,397.71 50,505.49 220,000.00 -169,494.51 52,265.65


Conference/District Related 4,007.60 12,022.80 40,076.00 28,053.20 30.00% 12,102.60

Church Related

Missions, special collections, PHP, scholarships 500.00 795.00 2,000.00 1,205.00 39.75% 1,380.00

Payroll 4,578.07 9,329.05 4,201.88 21,841.11 222.02% 9,780.01

General church operations 3,213.24 12,123.94 3,149.03 30,193.06 385.01% 11,903.02

Committee 112.84 132.83 4,000.00 3,867.17 3.32% 141.27

Special Project: 398.21 7,490.53 0.00 -7,490.53 199.95

Total Pastor related expense 6,720.42 20,161.26 83,469.00 63,307.74 24.15% 19,899.96

Total Parsonage Related 660.04 1,591.24 5,900.00 4,308.76 26.97% 1,023.28

Total Schoolhouse expense 46.33 87.41 250.00 162.59 34.96% 82.74

TOTAL EXPENSE: 20,236.75 67,529.06 224,082.16 156,833.10 30.14% 59,512.83

CHURCH RELATED INCOME (LOSS) -1,839.04 -17,023.57 -4,082.16 -7,247.18

Check out the Cokesbury Virtual Store on our Church Website by Amy Knutilla, DUMC Webmaster

There is now a “Cokesbury Virtual Store” link on our Church Website (www.dixborochurch.org) under the “Resources and Links” tab. This allows church members and guests to find Christian resources on our website and Dixboro Church earns a 5% rebate on qualified items. Qualifying items are those purchased by visitors to Dixboro Church website who click on the Virtual Store link and log on as a guest of with an online account. Cokesbury takes care of all the shopping details; the transaction, the billing, the shipping. The customer gets the everyday value pricing plus any special promotional offers, and the church gets a 5% rebate, calculated twice a year, on the qualifying items that are purchased. Check it out!


Fellowship Time By Amy Knutilla

An important part of Sunday morning at Dixboro Church is when we meet together in Christian fellowship after worship. Thank you to those who volunteered to take a turn hosting during Fellowship time after worship. There are still many Sundays with no host, so please sign up in Fellowship Hall! Hosts provide light snacks, prepare the juice and coffee (provided), and clean up after. (Often, an early arrival has already made the coffee. If not, brewing is very easy.) Snacks can be as simple or elaborate as the host wishes; store-bought or homemade cookies are enough. Please sign up on the board in Fellowship Hall.

Missions News By Roberta King

Habitat for Humanity Work Day for Dixboro UMC will be held on July 10th and 12th. Details will be announced.

John Dean Town Project in Liberia: Dixboro Church sent $724 in support of this health initiative project.

Conference Collection: A collection will be taken to support the Haiti Hot Lunch Program and the Judith Craig Orphanage in Liberia. This money will be offered at the Church Annual Conference in May.

See the Mission Bulletin Board for other projects being supported by Dixboro UMC.

New Church Directories by Amy Knutilla

The new 2014 directory is almost ready for print. Our printed directory includes the names, addresses, home phone numbers, and email addresses of all members. There will be a draft available for review on the table outside the church office. If you are interested, please review and make any changes to the draft by 5/15/14.

A Glorious Easter Morning at Dixboro Church From Rev. Mary Hagley

Thank you to everyone who supported the Motown Mission Easter Breakfast. We raised almost $1700 towards our trip and we served 162 people. God is good! Also thank you to those who gave towards camp scholarships, right now we have enough to help 4 children and youth go to camp.


Easter Sunday at Dixboro Church!



Recommendations of the Task Force 2/18/14


Maximize talents and resources of congregation; Mobilize more people for ministry

Maintain focus on primary mission and vision of the congregation

Leadership development

VISIONING TEAM (New)– 12 people (meets quarterly)

Includes Clergy, Lay Leader, Chair of Church Council, Secretary of Church Council, and a representative

(preferably the Chair or Co-Chair) from Finance, Trustees, Nominations and Leadership, Nurture, Outreach, and

Witness Teams. Minutes kept of all meetings


1. Visioning and goal setting

2. Strategic Planning for both operational/administrative issues and program issues

3. Facilitate communication and coordination across all committees

4. Make recommendations for policies and procedures to bring to DUMC Church Council for decisions

CHURCH COUNCIL – 24 people (meets quarterly)

Includes all members of the Visioning Team, as well as Financial Secretary, Treasurer, UMW President, a Youth

Representative, Lay Members of Annual Conference (2) and elected Members-At-Large. Minutes kept of all


Purpose: Move from a reporting format to an action format. Approve policies and procedures for programs and

services and monitor outcome achievement related to the following:

1. Fiduciary- tending to the stewardship of tangible assets

2. Strategic- working to set the congregation’s priorities and seeing that resources are aligned with those priorities

3. Generative- problem framing and sense making about the shifting environment of the congregation and


(source: Vital Church Initiative, Michigan Area of the United Methodist Church, 2013)

Recommended Church Council Meeting Format (adapted from Vital Church Initiative document)

1/3 of time focus on spiritual formation, leadership development, review of new members/families

1/3 of time focus on addressing priority program issues, identifying potential solutions with timeframes for

resolution and identifying responsible parties for outcomes.

1/3 of time focus on evaluation of achieving existing program goals, if met, how they need to be modified and

assessing outcomes. Consider reallocation of resources.

Close meetings with celebrations of “God at work in our congregation and community”

Recommended Process for creating new ministry groups/activities:

1. Individuals or groups present ideas to the Visioning Team

2. Visioning Team helps to explore: 1) Fit with DUMC mission; 2) Fiscal feasibility; and 3) Resources needed to

achieve the idea.

3. Visioning Team recommends a plan to Church Council along with priority recommendations.



1. Staff Parish Relations Committee (5-9 people) – meet quarterly or as needed

2. Trustees (3-9 people) – meet bi-monthly, or as needed

3. Finance/Stewardship/Endowment – meet quarterly, or as needed

4. Nominations and Leadership Development – meet quarterly, or as needed

Proposed three NEW TEAMS to encompass existing work groups/committees


Work area is responsible for coordination and oversight of: Worship Design Team (Music, Drama, Visual Arts

and Altar Guild), “Meet Me at the Green” events (Dixboro Fair, Trunk or Treat, etc.), Website, Advertising,

Sunday morning Hospitality, Visitor follow up, New Member Classes and Receptions, Fellowship Hour,

History and Records


Work area is responsible for coordination and oversight of: Caring Partners, “Missing in Action” member care,

“Dixboro Family” Special Events (potlucks, etc.), Spiritual Formation, Sunday School, Adult Education, Youth

Ministry, Men’s Group and UMW (includes funeral luncheons)


Work area is responsible for coordination and oversight of: Missions, Habitat for Humanity, Shelter Meals,

House By Side of Road, Hands Across the Water partnership, “Good Neighbors” service events, Justice

Ministries, Earth Advocacy

Roles & Responsibilities for 3 DUMC Proposed Nurture; Outreach; and Witness Leadership

Recommended Meeting Frequency, Length and General Procedures:

All meetings will have agendas provided electronically (when possible) one week prior to the meeting.

Minutes will be kept of all meetings and provided electronically for review prior to the next meeting.

The Chair of all meetings will facilitate discussions and movement toward decisions within the allotted timeframe of

the scheduled meeting.

Committee Chairs will send any reporting information electronically to all members prior to the meeting for review

so decisions and actions can be efficiently addressed during the meetings.

Chair Co-Chair

Length of term Two years Two years

Responsibilities Prepare agenda for all meetings and

distribute to members prior to


Set date, time and place for all


Chair all meetings unless delegated to


Maintain contact with all task-force/

sub-committee chairs

Meet regularly with Co-Chair and

Pastor regarding all budgetary issues,

activity coordination, and


Prepare written annual report for

pastor/church council???

Attend church leadership workshops

Work with Chair to plan meetings and

attend all meetings, chairing meetings

when Chair not available.

Take written/typed minutes of all

meetings and maintain minutes.

Move into position of Chair at end of two

year term.

Work with Chair and/or committee

members and sub-committee chairs on


Attend church leadership workshops


Dixboro United Methodist Church

5221 Church Road

Ann Arbor, MI 48105




May/June 2014

Rev. Tonya M. Arnesen, Lead Pastor Rev. Cathy Freeman, Minister of Missions and Nurture

Rev. Mary Hagley, Minister of Children and Youth Church Phone: (734) 665-5632

Sunday School for All Ages at 9:15am

Sunday Worship at 10:30am

Email: dumc@dixborochurch.org Web site: www.dixborochurch.org

“The mission of the Dixboro United Methodist Church is to develop and sustain disciples of Jesus Christ through worship,

education, outreach, and nurture.”



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