displacement mapping szécsi lászló. letöltés rock.obj rkd.jpg rbump.jpg rnormal.jpg

Post on 01-Apr-2015






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Displacement mapping

Szécsi László






lua: Normal mappelt modellO:IndexedMesh(_, {name='rock', file='rock.obj'})

O:Material(_, {name='normalMappedRock', technique='displacement', pass='normalMapped'}, function(_)

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='kdTexture', file='rkd.jpg'})

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='bumpTexture', file='rbumb.jpg'})

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='normalTexture', file='rnormal.jpg'})

end )

O:MultiMesh(_, {name='normalMappedRock'}, function(_)

O:FlipMesh(_, {}, function(_)

O:ShadedMesh(_, {mien='basic',

indexedMesh='rock', material='normalMapped'})

end )

end )

lua: entitás

O:StaticEntity(_, {name='rock0', multiMesh='normalMappedRock', position = { x=0, y=100, z=0} } )


#include <envmapped.fx>

#include <billboard.fx>

#include "displacement.fx"

displacement.fxtechnique11 displacement


pass normalMapped


SetVertexShader ( CompileShader( vs_5_0, vsTrafo() ) );

SetGeometryShader( NULL );

SetRasterizerState( defaultRasterizer );

SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_5_0,

psNormalMapped() ) );

SetDepthStencilState( defaultCompositor, 0 );

SetBlendState( defaultBlender, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f,

0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );



textúra shader resourceok

Texture2D normalTexture;

Texture2D bumpTexture;

pixel shader: tangent framefloat4 psNormalMapped(VsosTrafo input) : SV_TARGET {

float3 normal = normalize(input.normal);

float2 dtdx = ddx(input.tex);

float2 dtdy = ddy(input.tex);

float3 dpdx = ddx(input.worldPos);

float3 dpdy = ddy(input.worldPos);

float3 sTangent = (dpdx * dtdy.y - dpdy * dtdx.y);

float3 sBinormal = (dpdy * dtdx.x - dpdx * dtdy.x) ;

float3 N = normalize(cross(sBinormal, sTangent));

float3 B = normalize(cross(input.normal, sTangent));

float3 T = normalize(cross(B, input.normal));

return abs(N.xyzz);



pixel shader: normal map

float3 tangentNormal = normalize(normalTexture.Sample(linearSampler, input.tex).xzy -float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));

float3 worldNormal = B * tangentNormal.z + normal * tangentNormal.y + T * tangentNormal.x;

return abs(worldNormal.y) * kdTexture.Sample(linearSampler, input.tex);


Normal mapped

.luaO:Material(_, {name='parallaxMapped', technique='displacement',

pass='parallaxMapped'}, function(_)

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='kdTexture', file='rkd.jpg'})

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='bumpTexture', file='rbump.jpg'})

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='normalTexture', file='rnormal.jpg'})

end )

O:MultiMesh(_, {name='parallaxMappedRock'}, function(_)

O:FlipMesh(_, {}, function(_)

O:ShadedMesh(_, {mien='basic',

indexedMesh='rock', material='parallaxMapped'})

end )

end )

O:StaticEntity(_, {name='rock1', multiMesh='parallaxMappedRock', position = { x=50, y=100, z=0} } )


pass parallaxMapped


SetVertexShader ( CompileShader( vs_5_0, vsTrafo() ) );

SetGeometryShader( NULL );

SetRasterizerState( defaultRasterizer );

SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_5_0, psParallaxMapped() ) );

SetDepthStencilState( defaultCompositor, 0 );

SetBlendState( defaultBlender, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );


parallax – ez jön be a normalosba…

float bump_height = 0.1;

float bump = bumpTexture.Sample(linearSampler, input.tex);

float3 viewDir = normalize(eyePos - input.worldPos);

viewDir = float3(dot(viewDir, T), dot(viewDir, B), dot(viewDir, normal));

float2 texOffset = bump_height * viewDir.xy

// / viewDir.z

* bump;

input.tex += texOffset;

parallax – ez marad a végén

float3 tangentNormal = normalize(normalTexture.Sample(linearSampler, input.tex).xzy -float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));

float3 worldNormal = B * tangentNormal.z + normal * tangentNormal.y + T * tangentNormal.x;

return abs(worldNormal.y) * kdTexture.Sample(linearSampler, input.tex);

.luaO:Material(_, {name='reliefMapped', technique='displacement',

pass='reliefMapped'}, function(_)

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='kdTexture', file='rkd.jpg'})

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='bumpTexture', file='rbump.jpg'})

O:setSrv(_, {effectVariable='normalTexture', file='rnormal.jpg'})

end )

O:MultiMesh(_, {name='reliefMappedRock'}, function(_)

O:FlipMesh(_, {}, function(_)

O:ShadedMesh(_, {mien='basic',

indexedMesh='rock', material='reliefMapped'})

end )

end )

O:StaticEntity(_, {name='rock2', multiMesh='reliefMappedRock', position = { x=100, y=100, z=0} } )

Binary reliefpass reliefMapped


SetVertexShader ( CompileShader( vs_5_0, vsTrafo() ) );

SetGeometryShader( NULL );

SetRasterizerState( defaultRasterizer );

SetPixelShader( CompileShader( ps_5_0, psReliefMapped() ) );

SetDepthStencilState( defaultCompositor, 0 );

SetBlendState( defaultBlender, float4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ), 0xFFFFFFFF );


ez ugyanazfloat4 psReliefMapped(VsosTrafo input) : SV_TARGET {

float3 normal = normalize(input.normal);

float2 dtdx = ddx(input.tex);

float2 dtdy = ddy(input.tex);

float3 dpdx = ddx(input.worldPos);

float3 dpdy = ddy(input.worldPos);

float3 sTangent = (dpdx * dtdy.y - dpdy * dtdx.y);

float3 sBinormal = (dpdy * dtdx.x - dpdx * dtdy.x) ;

float3 N = normalize(cross(sBinormal, sTangent));

float3 B = normalize(cross(input.normal, sTangent));

float3 T = normalize(cross(B, input.normal));

float bump_height = 0.2;

float bump = bumpTexture.Sample(linearSampler, input.tex);

float3 viewDir = normalize(eyePos - input.worldPos);

viewDir = float3(dot(viewDir, T), dot(viewDir, B), dot(viewDir, normal));

psReliefMapped folyt.float3 sRange = - viewDir * bump_height / viewDir.z *

0.5;float3 sPos = float3(input.tex, 0) - sRange;

for( int i=0; i<6; i++ ){

float bump = bumpTexture.Sample(linearSampler, sPos.xy);sRange *= 0.5;if (sPos.z > bump * bump_height) // If outside

sPos += sRange; // Move forwardelse

sPos -= sRange; // Move backward}sPos -= 4 * sRange;input.tex = sPos.xy;

psBinaryRelief folyt.float3 tangentNormal = normalize(tex2D(normalMapSampler, input.tex).xzy -float3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5));

float3 worldNormal = B * tangentNormal.z + normal * tangentNormal.y + T * tangentNormal.x;

return abs(worldNormal.y) * tex2D(kdMapSampler, input.tex); }

Relief mapping

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