digital marketing for mortgage & home equity market

Post on 18-Jan-2017






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Digital Marketing

Strategies for emerging mortgage and home equity markets

Perfect (Digital) Storm Emerging

Mortgage & Home Equity Market

The consumer mortgage and real estate market is swiftly gaining momentum.

Consumers have regained confidence and financial stability. At the same time, real estate markets have reset and stabilized at affordable values, while mortgage rates are remaining at historic low rates.

These trends are combining to whip up the perfect storm for an impending mortgage boom. But, that’s not all...

Consumers have moved online

Yes, the mortgage and home equity market is heating up, but you can’t pull the 2000-2008 playbook off the shelf and run it again. Consumers have made a radical shift online.

Watch Walmart close down stores in deference to Amazon. Cable channels, like HBO and ESPN, struggle to move to paid digital models to battle Netflix. Meanwhile, financial service products like insurance and small business loans are approved and funded in a blink (click) of an eye.

What’s Your Plan?


Market Trends

Savvy Consumers

Marketing Platforms

Compelling Economics

Kaleidico Offerings

Market Trends

Housing equity values has returned to 2005-2007 levels

Home prices steadily climbing back to 2000-2006 levels

Shortage in rental inventories, while homes for sale inventory is very low

Yields on low-risk, high value mortgages are at historic lows

Mortgage rates continue to hold at historic lows

Something's about to boom.

Savvy Consumers

Consumer Behavior Trends

Desktop to Mobile

Voice to Data and Video

Bundled to Fragmented

Strategic Digital Responses

Everything must be, at a minimum, mobile responsive and probably should be mobile adaptive.

Consumers hate voice (telesales) driven experiences. Live chat data and video experiences are the new call centers.

Your content must be micro, mobile, and ubiquitous. Bite-size, portable, and everywhere consumers might spend 30-60 seconds in between distractions.

Consumers demand quick, frictionless experiences.

Marketing Platforms

Faster to launch

Powerful yet affordable cloud-based platforms and architectures allow for us to set up new businesses and business profit-centers at lightening speeds.

Allowing us to test, scale or discard new entrepreneurial and intrapreneurial innovation on a continual basis.

Creative destruction and innovation S-curve lifecycles are quickening.

Simpler to integrate

Building powerful marketing platforms and automations are increasingly an exercise in snapping together best in breed point solutions.

We regularly weave together content management, email and marketing automation, and customer acquisition and relationship management platforms in a simple web launch.

Don’t blow your marketing budget on technology

However, performance is trickier

The secret is to leverage these innovations in cloud-based platforms and best-in-class point solutions to quickly stand up minimum viable products (marketing platforms) and saving the majority of your marketing budget on consumer acquisition.

Getting consumers’ attention has become harder and more expensive. If you want a competitive ROIs:

Invest in the consumer’s attention.

Save it for marketing with technology

Compelling Economics

Leverage digital and platforms

Quickly build online platforms, leveraging proven technology and familiar UI/UX patterns to deliver credible and trustworthy experiences to consumers.

In financial services, unique and compelling experiences are more about making the process simple, while consistently fulfilling expectations.

These factors make delivering a new or revised platform faster and more affordable.

Rapid growth hacking

Lead generation and user acquisition is the secret sauce of mortgage growth. However, this activity is growing in complexity, but not necessarily in cost.

It’s no longer sufficient to call your favorite mortgage lead provider, open a call center, and start originating millions.

Gaining consumer attention (and holding it long enough to originate a mortgage) requires a diverse graph of marketing and remarketing campaigns that all point back to you.

Real-time performance metrics

No mortgage company or operation attracts the same consumer audience. And although there are many proven strategies and execution frameworks that we know work, the ability to test, measure, adjust, and scale or cut is critical.

Understanding the criticality of implementing with immediate visibility into your marketing campaigns is not only important to speeding up success, but prevents you from blowing through your marketing budget with little to show for it.

Digital platforms increase margins

Kaleidico Offerings

Proven experience in financial services

More than services. We consistently create value.2000-2004 - DeepGreen Bank from startup to acquisition to LightYear Capital

2004-2008 - Lead management software provider to the largest mortgage banks: IndyMac Bank, American Home Mortgage, New Century, PHH Mortgage

2010-2015 - Quizzle from startup to acquisition by Bankrate

2014-Current - Continue to grow financial service practice

Digital framework that consistently delivers results

Digital Strategy & Modeling

Are you in the early stages of building a mortgage company or ramping up your operations for the emerging market?

Kaleidico can assist you in building a strategic plan and modeling your marketing plan as well as projecting your expected outcomes.

Our models and data are built on aggregate data sets being revealed, in most cases, by currently running campaigns.

Traffic Generation

In the new digital world, no business operation survives long without web traffic. But, with so many options and venues, consumer attention continues to fragment, making it harder to attract and capture.

Kaleidico is actively working on audience development in the online financial services market. We know, test, and discover new traffic generation opportunities (and dead ends) every single day. We bring that knowledge to your business.

Lead Generation & User AcquisitionGetting consumers’ attention is one thing, but you don’t make money unless you can capture and lead them to do business with you--hopefully, more than once.

Kaleidico is unique in its focus on generating more than just oddball advertising and pretty pictures, everything we create has a purpose and must culminate in a new customer.

As we say, “It isn’t beautiful unless it works beautifully.”

Lead Management Strategy

Our heritage draws from our early innovation in lead management software, automating high volume, intelligent lead routing in very large call centers.

We have a deep understanding of what helps an Internet lead and online consumer close with you after their initial inquiry.

Kaleidico can help you build the strategy and implement the proven techniques to turn your marketing budget into new customers and revenue.

Lead Nurturing Strategy & ExecutionNot every lead closes. Or do they?

Less than 25% of Internet leads are “sales ready.” Only 2-5% of those leads will close in the first contact. However, 50% of those leads will close--somewhere.

You must ensure that your marketing strategy and execution includes a strong lead nurturing program to keep you in the game and relevant to those consumers in decision mode.

Full-service, industry expert, marketing agency



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