digital design with vhdl in some military companies. ... vhdl uses a number of special symbols to...

Post on 23-Mar-2018






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Digital Design with VHDL

By Benjamin Abramov

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Course Topics

n Preface ………………………..…………….2

n Topic one ……………………………………32

n Topic two …………………….....................119

n Topic three…………………………………..206

n Topic four ……………………………………315

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Very High Speed




is a language for describing digital electronic


It was subsequently developed further under the

auspices of the Institute of Electrical and

Electronic Engineers à IEEE and adopted in

the form of the IEEE standard 1076.

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HDL family

VHDL Verilog



System C

System Verilog

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VHDL History

nThe American Department Of Defense (DOD) signs a

development contract with IBM, TI & Intermatics for a standard


n1987 – The IEEE-1076-87 VHDL Standard is signed.

n1988 – The first simulation programs in VHDL go out to market.

n1990 – The Israeli Ministry Of Defense initiates projects using

VHDL in some military companies.

n1995 – VITAL’95 standard is signed to include detailed timing

data in VHDL models.

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VHDL standards

Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual in 1987.

This first standard version of the language is often

referred to as VHDL-87.

Like all IEEE standards, the VHDL standard is subject to

review every five years.

Next version of the language, giving us VHDL-93.

A seconds round of revision of the standard was started in


That process was completed in 2001.

The current version of the language VHDL-2001.

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Simulator : functional testing. Provides a waveform diagram.

The designer has to check whether the design indeed behaves as it

is supposed to.

Synthesizer: provides a “net list” – design block diagram from the highest

level (the whole design as one block) to the lowest level (single logic gates).

Fitter: software tool that is used to configure a programmable chip according

to special design. The received result will be a chip that we designed.

VHDL Design Tools

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Lexical Elements


Identifiers are used to name items in a VHDL model.

A basic identifier

• May only contain alphabetic letters ( ‘A’ to ‘Z’ and ‘a’ to ‘z’),

decimal digits ( ‘0’ to ‘9’ ) and the underline character (‘_’)

• Must start with an alphabetic character

• May not include two successive underline characters.

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Lexical Elements (cont)

Valid identifiers example.



Invalid identifiers example.

8bit_shift_reg; -- start with digit

count__enable; -- two successive underlines

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Lexical Elements (cont)

Special symbols:

VHDL uses a number of special symbols to denote operators,

to delimit parts of language constructs and as punctuation.

One character symbols:

“ # & ‘ ( ) * + - , . / : ; < = > [ ] |

Two characters symbols must be typed next to each other,

with no intervening space.

=> ** := /= >= <= <>

VHDL is non case sensitive language!

“a” and “A”, “deCOdeR” and “DEcoder” are the same names.

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Lexical Elements (cont)


A comments can be added to a line by writing two dashes together,

followed by the comment text.

For example:

-- this is example of comment

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Lexical Elements (cont)Reserved words:

abs disconnected label package sla

access downto library port sll

after else linkage postponed sra

alias elsif literal procedure srl

all end loop process subtype

and entity map protected then

architecture exit mod pure to

array file nand range transport

assert for new record type

attribute function next register unaffected

begin generate nor reject units

block generic not rem until

body group null report use

buffer guarded of return variable

bus if on rol wait

case impure open ror when

component in or select while

configuration inertial others severity with

constant inout out shared xnor

is signal xor

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The meta-comments,




cause the synthesis tool ignore the code between them.

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Topic One

n Entity …………………………..33

n Port …………………………..35

n Port mode …………………….37

n Basic types ……………………45

n Architecture ………………….. 64

n Signals & Components ………71

n Test Bench……………………..110

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The first basic building block in VHDL is entity.

üEntity describes the boundaries of the logic block.

üThe entity part provides system interface specification.

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Entity (cont)

Entities in VHDL can describe different complexity leveled systems:


•Discrete components (multiplexor,decoder …).

•Complex digital designs as controllers and processors

(DMAC, Pentium IV, 68000).

•A full system (PCI card, motherboard, …).

•Each of these will be described by their outer world interface:






In 0

In 1




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Entity (cont)

The entity part is generally comprised of two elements:

• Parameters of the system as seen from the outside

(such the bus width or maximum clock frequency) - generics

• Connections that are transferring information

to and from the system (system’s inputs and outputs) - ports

Entity Parameters


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Its ports and its generics are declared within the entity .


entity entity_name is



end entity entity_name;

Entity (cont)



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Entity (cont)





The port list must:

ü define name,

ü mode (i.e. direction)

ü and type

of each port of the entity.

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Entity (cont)

We call the module frequency_divider entity,

and the inputs and outputs are ports.

entity frequency_divider is

port (

rst : in bit;

sel : in bit_vector(1 downto 0);

freq_in : in bit;

freq_out : out bit


end entity frequency_divider;

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Entity (cont)

Port mode and read/write status

Mode Read Write

in yes no

out no yes

inout yes yes

buffer yes yes

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Entity (cont)

A buffer mode port behaves in the similar way to an inout mode port,

in that the port can be both read and

assigned in the entity or block.

The source of a buffer port determines the driving

value of the port in the normal way.

However, when the port is read,

the value read is the driving value.

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Entity (cont)

entity any_block is


a : in bit;

b : in bit;

c : in bit;

d : in bit;

f : in bit;

e : out bit;

out_sig : buffer bit


end entity any_block;

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Entity (cont)

buffer port mode example

Transmit out

Return for






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Entity (cont)

inout port mode example

Inout port

always should



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Basic Types

Three basic predefined types :




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One of the most important predefined enumeration type in VHDL

is boolean type. It is defined as:

type boolean is (false,true);

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Boolean (cont)

The relational operators equality (“=”) and inequality (“/=”) can be

applied to operands of any types, including the composite types.

For example:



3 ns = 3 ns;

all yield the value true

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Boolean (cont)

As well these operators can be applied to expressions



yield the value false.

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Boolean (cont)

• The relational operators less-than (“<”),

less-than or equal-to (“<=”),

greater-than (”>”),

greater-than or equal-to (“>=”),

can only be applied to values of types that are ordered,

including all of the scalar types.

• As with the equality and inequality operators, the operands must be

of the same type, and result is a Boolean value.

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Boolean (cont)

The logical operators

• and

• or

• nand

• nor

• xor

• xnor

• not

take operands that must be Boolean values,

the returned value Boolean .

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Since VHDL is used to model digital systems,

it is useful to have a data type to represent bit values.

The predefined enumeration type bit serves this purpose.

It is defined as

type bit is (‘0’,’1’);

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Bit (cont)

The logical operators for Boolean values can also be applied to values of type

bit, and they produce result of type bit.

The ‘0’ corresponds to false, and ‘1’ to true.

‘0’ and ‘1’ = ‘0’;

‘1’ or ‘0’ = ‘1’;

The operands must still be of the same type .

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Bit (cont)

The difference between types Boolean and bit is that values are used to model

abstract conditions, whereas bit value is used to model hardware logic level.

Thus, ‘0’ represents a low logic level

and ‘1’ represent a high logic level.

Note: Logical values for object of the type bit

must be written in quotes


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Bit Vector

The bit_vector type is predefines as standard one-dimensional array

type with each element being of type bit.

The bit_vector type is an unconstrained vector of elements of the

bit type.

The size of a particular vector is specified during its declaration.

The way the vector elements are indexed depends on the defined

range, and can be either ascending or descending .

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Bit Vector (cont)Little endian: (high downto low) where high>=low

my_vector : bit_vector(7 downto 0);

Defined bus of 8 bit width and bit with index 7 is MSB

bit with index 0 is LSB (descending range).

Big endian: (low to high) where high>=low

your_vector : bit_vector(0 to 7);

Defined bus of 8 bit width and bit with index 7 is LSB

bit with index 7 is LSB (ascending range).

Note! The first bit and last bit index numbers define the

number of bits in the vector (i.e. high - low + 1).

Little endian form is preferred!!!

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Bit Vector (cont)

If bit number 7 is msb, then its is declared in VHDL as

bit_vector(7 downto 0) and the decimal value of the register is 188.

If bit number 0 is msb, then its is declared in VHDL as

bit_vector(0 to 7) and the decimal value of the register is 61.

msb register lsb

1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

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Bit Vector (cont)

Assignment to an object of bit_vector type can be

performed using single element of array (by index),

concatenation, aggregates, slices or any combination of


Logical value for objects of bit_vector type must be

written in double quotes.

my_bit_vector <= “1001”;

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Bit Vector (cont)

A slice is a part of a vector accessed by a range clause

n vec(high downto low) or vec(low to high)

n indexes cannot go out of bounds of original


n range direction must be the same as the original


n a single index is use to access a single bit e.g.


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In VHDL, integer type used for the whole numbers.

An example of an integer type is the predefined type

integer, which includes all whole numbers re-presentable

on a particular host computer.

integer from (- (2**31) + 1) to ((2 **31) –1).

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Integer (cont)

Each integer in VHDL represented by synthesizer like bus.

my_int : integer range 15 downto 0; -- declared range 4 bit;

my_int : integer range 10 downto 0; -- declared range 4 bit !!!

When integer range not declared, then by default the range is 32 bit.


my_int : in integer ; -- range 32 bit


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Integer (cont)

An integer type can be defined either in ascending or descending range.

my_int : integer range 15 downto 0; -- descending range 4 bit;

my_int : integer range 0 to 15; -- ascending range 4 bit

The operations that can be performed on values of integer types include the

familiar arithmetic operations.

It is an error to assign to an integer object a value,

which is from outside its range!

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Integer (cont)

Subtypes natural and positive are predefined subtypes of integer.

natural >= 0;

positive >= 1;

subtype natural is integer range 0 to integer’high;

subtype positive is integer range 1 to integer’high;

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Integer (cont)

Use Integers with Care !!!

• Synthesis tools create a 32-bit wide resources for unconstrained integers

• Do not use unconstrained integers for synthesis

signal Y_int, A_int, B_int : integer ;

Y_int <= A_int + B_int ;

• Specify a range with integers

signal A_int, B_int: integer range -8 to 7;

signal Y_int : integer range -16 to 15 ;

Y_int <= A_int + B_int ;

• Recommendation: Use integers only as constants or literals

Y_uv <= A_uv + 17 ;

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Architecture (cont)

The secondary unit in the library is architecture.


architecture arc_entity_name of entity_name is

architecture declaration area


concurrent statements

end architecture arc_entity_name;

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Architecture (cont)

Declarations may typically be any of the following:










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Architecture (cont)

architecture arc_entity_name of entity_name is

component component_name is


port (port_list);

end component component_name ;

type some_type;

subtype subtype_name is base_type range range_constrain;

constant constant_name : type :=value;

signal signal_name : type;

attribute middle : integer;

attribute middle of signal_name: signal is signal_name'length/2;

alias my_alias : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) is my_bus(31 downto 24);


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Architecture (cont)Ø Items declared in the architecture are visible in any

process or block within it.

ØAn architecture can contain mix of component instances,

processes or other concurrent statements.

ØAn entity can have one or more architectures.

(Which one is used depends on the configuration)

ØAn architecture cannot be analyzed unless the entity it refers to

exists in the same design library.

Ø The architecture contents starts after the begin statement.

This is called the dataflow environment.

ØAll statements in the dataflow environment are executed concurrently !!!

ØAssignment of a value to a port (signal) is done with the <=.

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Architecture (cont)

architecture arc_parity_check of parity_check is


parity_bit <= ((din(7) xor din(6)) xor (din(5) xor din(4))) xor

((din(3) xor din(2)) xor (din(1) xor din(0)));

end architecture arc_ parity_check;

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Architecture (cont)

As a result of the above description we will receive the following hardware:

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•If we need a wire to transport data from one element of the design to another,

we call it signal.

Signals are declared at the architecture before BEGIN.

Declaration example:

SIGNAL my_signal: BIT;

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Signal (cont)

n Signals are the primary object describing a hardware

system and are equivalent to “wires”.

n Represent communication channels among concurrent

statements of system’s specification.

n Signals and associated mechanisms of VHDL

( signal assignment statements, resolution function,

delays, etc.) are used to model inherent hardware

features such as concurrency, inertial characters of

signal propagation, buses with multiple driving

sources, etc.

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Signal (cont)

Each signal has a history of values and may have multiple drivers,

each of which has a current value and projected future values.

Signal can be explicitly declared in the declarative part of:

● Package declaration; signals declared in a package are

visible in all design entity’s using the package.

● Architecture: signal is visible inside the architecture only.

● Block: the scope of such signals is limited to the block itself;

● Subprogram (function and procedure);

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Signal (cont)

The signals can be classified as either internal or external.

External signals are signals that connect the system to the

outside world, they form the system’s interface (ports).

Internal signals, which are not visible from the outside, are

completely embedded inside the system and are part of its

internal architecture, providing signals between internal


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Signal (cont)

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Signal (cont)

The architecture within signal declaration:

architecture arc_full_adder of full_adder is

-- signal declaration

signal sig1 : bit;

signal sig2 : bit;

signal sig3 : bit;


s<= a xor b xor ci;

co<= sig1 or sig2 or sig3 ;

-- signal assignment

sig1<= a and b;

sig2<= a and ci;

sig3<= b and ci;

end architecture arc_full_adder;

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Used to holding a value that can not be changed

during design description.

• Constants value is assigned during declaration

• Used for readability and modification reasons.


constant constant_name : type :=value;

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Constant (cont)

constant byte_width : integer:=8;

constant num_of_bytes : integer:=4;

constant num_of_bits : integer:= num_of_bytes * bus_width;

signal my_dword : bit_vector( (num_of_bits – 1) downto 0);

signal my_bus : bit_vector( (byte_width –1) downto 0);

signal my_sig : bit_vector(15 downto 0);

constant all_ones : bit_vector( 15 downto 0):=x”ffff”;

constant VCC : bit:=‘1’;

constant GND : bit:=‘0’;


my_sig <= all_ones; -- the constant used to set of default value

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üPreviously coded, simulated, synthesized and placed in design library

Structural VHDL:

üPossibility of creating hierarchical designs built from a set of

interconnected components.

Design refinement :

üSimplification of debugging process

üThe smaller, less complex circuit, the easier debugging process

Component representation:

üIn terms of other, smaller components (structural VHDL)

üLogic expressions

üUsing behavioural VHDL (mixed style coding)

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Component (cont)

Structural VHDL:

üEntity implementation by specifying its composition from subsystems

üStructural architectural body – system composed only of interconnected subsystems

üElements of structural architecture:

1. Signal declaration

2. Component declaration - specification of external interface to component

in terms of generic constants and ports.

Component declaration uses the same name of component as entity of

the component module.

The same port declaration as module entity declared as component.

3. Component instantiation – specifies usage of module in design

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

The port list must define the name, the mode,

and the type of each port on the component.

component half_adder is


a : in std_logic;

b : in std_logic;

s : out std_logic;

co: out std_logic


end component half_adder ;

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

A component declaration doest not define

the entity-architecture pair to be bound to each instance,

or even the ports on the entity.

In an architecture , components must be declared before the

begin statement:

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

architecture arc_hierarchy_design of hierarchy_design is

-- signals and others resources of architecture

component half_adder is


a : in bit

b : in bit;

s : out std_logic;

co: out std_logic


end component half_adder ;


--the architecture contents

end architecture arc_ hierarchy_design;

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

entity half_adder is


a : in std_logic;

b : in std_logic;

s : out std_logic;

co: out std_logic


end entity half_adder;

architecture arc_half_adder of half_adder is


s<= a xor b;

co<= a and b;

end architecture arc_half_adder;

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

entity full_adder is


a : in std_logic;

b : in std_logic;

ci: in std_logic;

s : out std_logic;

co: out std_logic


end entity full_adder;

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

architecture arc_full_adder of full_adder is

component half_adder is


a : in std_logic;

b : in std_logic;

s : out std_logic;

co: out std_logic


end component half_adder ;

signal co1,co2 : std_logic;

signal a_xor_b : std_logic;

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Hierarchical Project (cont)begin

u1: half_adder -- instantiation by name

port map(

a => a,

b => b,

s => a_xor_b,

co => co1);

u2: half_adder -- instantiation by name

port map(

a => a_xor_b,

b => ci,

s => s,

co => co2);

co<= co1 or c02;

end architecture arc_full_adder;

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Hierarchical Project (cont)Rules:

n The instance label is compulsory.

n The component name must match the relevant component


n The association list defines which local signals connect to

which component ports.

n The instantiation by name, where ports are explicitly

referenced and order is not important through it’s preferred.

n The instantiation by name are the pairs of signals where each

pair consists of two parts:

u The left part of the expression serve as name of port of the

relevant component

u The right part of the expression serves as name of connected

signal (or port of other component)

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

The alternative is named association – instantiation by position.

The signals are connected up in the order in which the port

were declared.

For example :

u2: half_adder

port map ( a_xor_b, ci , s, co2);

This way of describe is more compact, but not readably.

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

Output Port may be left unconnected using the

keyword open:

u2: half_adder

port map ( a_xor_b, ci , s, open);

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Hierarchical Project (cont)

In VHDL-93 standard, an entity-architecture pair may be directly instantiated, i.e.

component need not declared. This is more compact, but not readably.

architecture arc_full_adder of full_adder is

signal co1,co2 : std_logic;

signal a_xor_b : std_logic;


u1: entity work.half_adder(arc_1)

port map(a,b,a_xor_b,co1);

u2: entity work.half_adder(arc_2)

port map(a_xor_b,ci,s,co2);

co<= co1 or c02;

end architecture arc_full_adder;

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Self Work

architecture arc_ripple_adder4 of ripple_adder4 is

-- component declaration comes here

signal c : bit_vector(2 downto 0);


fa0: fa

port map (a_in => a(0),b_in=>b(0),c_in=>c_in_r, c_out=>c(0),s_out=>s(0));

fa1: fa ……………………

component fa is

port ( a_in : in bit;

b_in : in bit;

c_in : in bit;

c_out : out bit;

s_out : out bit);

end component fa;

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Typical VHDL file structure

Library's and packages declaration

Entity declaration



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Topic Two

n Data Assignment ………………120

n Scalar types…………………….133

n String ……………………………141

n User defined types……………..142

n Resolved types………………....147

n Subtypes………………………..166

n Type conversions………………171

n Expressions and Operators…...176

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Data Assignment

ü For assignment VHDL uses the combination of symbols <=

ü An assignment to a port defines a driver to that port.

ü A standard port has only one source (driver).

ü Assignment can’t be done between different types!

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Data Assignment (cont)


my_sig,any_sig : bit;

my_int : integer range 15 downto 0;

my_boolean : boolean;

my_bus , any_bus : bit_vector(15 downto 0);



any_sig<=my_sig; -- any_sig=’1’


my_int<= 30; --wrong, to large value, over the range


my_bus<= ”0000000000000000”;

my_bus(15 downto 8)<= x”ff”; -- now my_bus is “1111111100000000”;

my_bus(0)<=my_sig; -- now my_bus is “1111111100000001”;


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Data Assignment (cont)

For bus assignment VHDL supports two different forms of assignment:

aggregate and concatenation.

Aggregate is a grouping of values in order to form an array.

signal a,b,c,d : bit;

nibble : bit_vector(3 downto 0);





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Data Assignment (cont)

nibble<=(a,b,c,d); -- nibble=”1010”;

Equivalent assignment is :





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Data Assignment (cont)


Positional associationNamed association

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Data Assignment (cont)

Positional association – where the values are associated with

elements from left to right.

nibble<=(‘0’,’1’,’0’,’1’); -- direct assignment in positional association.


Named association – where elements are explicitly referenced

and order is not important.

nibble<=(2=>a,1=> b,0=>d,3=>c); -- nibble=”1100”

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Data Assignment (cont)

With positional association , elements may be grouped together

using the | (pipe) symbol or a range.

The keywords others may be used to refer to all elements.

nibble<= (3|2 =>’1’, others=> ‘0’); -- nibble =”1100”;

nibble <=(3 downto 1 =>’0’,0=>’1’); -- nibble =”0001”;

nibble<=(others=>’0’); --nibble=”0000”;

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Data Assignment (cont)

Another kind of aggregate is grouped assignment, i.e. assigning value to a

number of elements of the same type:

signal a,b,c,d : bit;

(a,b,c,d)<= bit_vector’(x”5”);

Equivalent assignment is :





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Data Assignment (cont)

Aggregate example:

signal A : bit_vector(7 downto 0);

signal Asel: bit;

We want to build the following circuit:

The elegant deciding of this task by using aggregate looks so:

signal Asel_vector: bit_vector(7 downto 0);



T<=A and Asel_vector;

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Data Assignment (cont)


The concatenation operator (denoted as &) composes two one-

dimensional arrays into one larger array of the same type.

my_bus : bit_vector(7 downto 0);

nibble <=a & b & c & d; -- nibble=”1010”;

my_bus<= nibble(2 downto 1) & nibble(0) & nibble(3) & “0010”;

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Data Assignment (cont)

Constant valuesmy_bus : bit_vector(7 downto 0);

your_bus : bit_vector(5 downto 0);

my_bus<= “01011100”; --binary value by default

your_bus<=b”010111”; -- explicit binary value

my_bus<=“0111_0101”; --binary value with nibble separator

your_bus<=o”67”; --octal base of value presentation

my_bus<=x”a5”; -- hexadecimal base

üBe Careful!

b”0” -- 1 bit with value 0

o”0” -- 3 bits with value 0, same as B”000”

x”0” -- 4 bits with value 0, same as B”0000”

b”0” ≠ o”0” ≠ x”0”

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Self WorkWrite entity and architecture for the following design using signals.

Use a. concatenation

b. aggregate

For constructing out_bus port.



















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Scalar types

Next scalar type (integer type is first) is floating point type .

A floating point type is approximation to the set

of real numbers in a specified range.

The precision of the approximation is not defined by the VHDL

language standard, however it must be at least six decimal digits.

The values may be within the range from -1E38 to +1E38.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 130

Scalar types (cont)

A floating point type is declared using the syntax:

floating_type_definition := range_constraint

Some examples are:

type signal_level is range -10.00 to +10.00;

type probability is range 0.0 to 1.0;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 131

Scalar types (cont)

There is a predefined floating point type called real.

The range of this type is implementation defined, though it

is guaranteed that its value is within -1E38 to +1E38 range.

Note: This type is not supported by synthesis tools.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 132

Scalar types (cont)

The predefined physical type time is very important in VHDL,

as it used extensively to specify delay.

Its definition is implementation defined

type time is range –(2**31) to (2**31)

ps = 1000 fs;

ns = 1000 ps;

us = 1000 ns;

ms = 1000 us;

sec = 1000 ms;

min = 60 sec;

hr = 60 min;

end units;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 133

Scalar types (cont)VHDL provides a predefined function now that returns the current simulation time.

pure function now return delay_length;

delay_length is predefined subtype of the physical type time,

constrained to non-negative time value.

The time type is not supported by synthesis tools.

It is used in test_benches and modeling.

For example:

if ( now < 100 ns) then

wait for (100 ns – now);

do something

end if;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 134

Scalar types (cont)

The character data type enumerates the ASCII character set.

Nonprinting characters are represented by a three-letter name,

such as NUL for the null character.

Printable characters are represented by themselves,

in single quotation marks, as follows:

CHARACTER_VAR: character;

. . .


All rights reserved to Abramov B. 135

Scalar types (cont)

type character is ( NUL, SOH, STX, ETX, EOT, ENQ, ACK, BEL, BS, HT, LF, VT, FF, CR, SO, SI, DLE, DC1, DC2, DC3, DC4, NAK, SYN, ETB, CAN, EM, SUB, ESC, FSP, GSP, RSP, USP, ' ', '!', '"', '#', '$', '%', '&', ''', '(', ')', '*', '+', ',', '-', '.', '/', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ':', ';', '<', '=', '>', '?', '@', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '[', '\', ']', '^', '_', '`', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '{', '|', '}', '~', DEL);

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 136

Scalar types (cont)

Type character is an example of an enumeration type containing

a mixture of identifiers and characters.

Also, the characters '0' and '1' are members of both bit and

character types.

When '0' or '1' occur in a program, the context will be used to

determine which type is being used.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 137


The string data type is an unconstrained array of characters.

string value is enclosed in double quotation marks as follows:

signal header: string(1 to 10);

header <= ”start_time”;

The string index always starts from 1 and should be ascending only!!!

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 138

User defined types

The next type of VHDL is the user defined enumeration type.

type my_type is (idle,st_start,st_1,st_2);

This type is very useful to encoding state machine description .





All rights reserved to Abramov B. 139

User defined types (cont)

Enumeration (literal values enumerated in a list)

Example :

type octal_digit is (‘0’,’1’,’2’,’3’,’4’,’5’,’6’,’7’);

signal curr_digit : octal_digit;



curr_digit <= ‘2’;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 140

User defined types (cont)

Different enumeration types may include the same identifier as a literal


To illustrate this, consider the following declarations:

type level is (unknown,low,medium,high);

type temperature_level is (dangerously_high,high,ok);

signal logic_level : level;

signal temp_level : temperature_level;




Note: logic_level /= temperature_level !!! These are different types!!!

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 141

User defined types (cont)



Solution for this problem is qualified expression.

We can distinguish between the common literal values by writing:


All rights reserved to Abramov B. 142

User defined types (cont)

The hardware implementation of the above types is bus.

Width of bus depends on encoding style.

For example :

type my_type is (idle,st_start,st_1,st_2);



Encoding style

Binary Gray One_Hot

idle “00” “00” “0001”

St_start “01” “01” “0010”

St_1 “10” “11” “0100”

St_2 “11” “10” “1000”

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 155

Resolved type (cont)

STD_LOGIC and STD_ULOGIC can be assigned to each other:

sl : std_logic;

sul : std_ulogic;

sl<=sul; --correct;

sul<=sl; --correct;


can not be assigned to each other:

slv : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

sulv : std_ulogic_vector(7 downto 0);

slv<=sulv; --wrong;

sulv<=slv; --wrong;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 156

Resolved type (cont)

The package STD_LOGIC_ARITH defines two new data types,

Both arrays of STD_LOGIC:

UNSIGNED => Positive only

SIGNED => Positive and Negative ( twos compliment)

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 157

Resolved type (cont)

STD_LOGIC_ARITH containing arithmetic and logical operators for

combinations of vectors and integers, along with useful function

for converting between them using overloading.

The STD_LOGIC_ARITH package do not contain arithmetic operation

For std_logic_vectors and std_ulogic_vectors !

Only for signed and unsigned types.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 158

Resolved type (cont)

A : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

B : unsigned(3 downto 0);

b<=a + 7; -- wrong

b<=unsigned(a) + 7; -- correct

Casting a into an unsigned vector enable the adding operation.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 159

Resolved type (cont)


Includes a set of signed/unsigned arithmetic and conversion function for


These 2 packages are automatically performing casting into unsigned or signed types.


May be used for a specific design!

•Designs that have only positive vectors will use the std_logic_unsigned package.

•Designs that have positive and negative vectors will use the std_logic_signed package.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 160

Resolved type (cont)

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

entity comp is

port (a,b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

comp_out : out boolean);

end entity comp;

architecture arc_comp of comp is


comp_out <= (a>b);

end architecture arc_comp




comp_out is false

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 161

Resolved type (cont)

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_signed.all;

entity comp is

port (a,b : in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

comp_out : out boolean);

end entity comp;

architecture arc_comp of comp is


comp_out <= (a>b);

end architecture arc_comp;




comp_out is true

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 162


Subtype – defines a new type contains parts of the values of a previously

defined type.

subtype subtype_name is base_type range range_constraint;

Example ( user-defined subtypes):

subtype nibble is std_logic_vector( 3 downto 0);

subtype byte is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 163

Subtypes (cont)A subtype object can be assigned to its base type object:

subtype byte is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

subtype short is integer range (2**16 –1) downto 0;

signal my_byte : byte;

signal new_byte : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

signal new_word : std_logic_vector(15 downto 0);

signal my_natural : natural;

signal my_int : integer;

my_byte<= x”ff”;

new_byte<= my_byte;

new_word<= my_byte & my_byte; -- concatenation

my_int<= my_natural;

my_natural<=my_int ; -- WRONG

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 164

Subtypes (cont)

subtype two_bits is std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

signal a,b : std_logic;

signal ab : std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);



ab<=two_bits’(a & b);

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 165

Subtypes (cont)

subtype large_word is std_logic_vector(127 downto 0);

signal my_word : large_word;




All rights reserved to Abramov B. 166

Subtypes (cont)Pre-defined subtypes:

subtype natural is integer range 0 to integer’high;-- ( 0 to MAX_INTEGER)

subtype positive is integer range 1 to integer’high;-- ( 1 to MAX_INTEGER)

subtype delay_lengt is time range 0 fs to time’high;

For modeling and

simulations only !!!

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 167

Type conversions

Type conversions change an expression’s type.

The syntax of a type conversion is

type_name( expression)

The expression must evaluate to a value of a type that is

convertible into type type_name .

• Type conversions can convert between integer types or

between similar array types.

• Two array types are similar if they have the same length and

have convertible or identical element types.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 168

Type conversions (cont)

•Type conversions can convert between integer types or

between similar array types.

• Two array types are similar if they have the same length

and have convertible or identical element types.

• Enumerated types are not convertible.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 172

Expressions in VHDL are much like expressions in other programming languages.

An expression is a formula combining primaries with operators.

Primaries include:

• names of objects

• literals,

• function calls

• parenthesized expressions.

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 173

• and

• or

• nand

• nor

• xor

• xnor

• not

The above logical operators operate on values of types bit, boolean, std_ulogic,

std_logic and also on one-dimensional arrays of these types.

For array operands, the operation is applied between corresponding elements of each

array, yielding an array of the same length as the result.

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 174

s<= a xor b xor ci;

co<= (a and b) or (a and ci) or (a and ci);

The result of this description:

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 175


Describe the 3 input NAND logic gate.

D<= A nand B nand C; -- Syntax wrong !!!

This is not logic gate NAND –3

D<= not (A and B and C); -- Correct

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 176

Hierarchy with parentheses:

parity_bit <= ((din(7) xor din(6)) xor (din(5) xor din(4))) xor

((din(3) xor din(2)) xor (din(1) xor din(0)));

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 177

As your known, the logical operators of VHDL has binary operators:

What is happening at this circuit ?

S<= A or B or (not B);

If this function is degrades to constant, or the compiler builds it?

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 178

Simple Arithmetic Expression

Z <= A + B + C + D;

The parser performs each addition in order,

as though parentheses were placed within the

expression as follows:

Z <= ((A + B) + C) + D;

Expressions and Operators

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The compiler constructs the expression tree

Expressions and Operators

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If the arrival times of all the signals are the same,

the length of the critical path of the expression equals three

adder delays.

The critical path delay can be reduced to two adder delays if

you insert parentheses as follows:

Z <= (A + B) + (C + D);

Expressions and Operators

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Balanced Adder Tree (Same Arrival Times for All Signals)

Expressions and Operators

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The relational operators :

• =

• /=

• <

• <=

• >

• >=

must have both operands of the same type, and yield boolean results.

The equality operators (= and /=) can have operands of any type.

For composite types, two values are equal if all of their corresponding

elements are equal.

The remaining operators must have operands which are scalar types or

one-dimensional arrays of discrete types.

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 183

The sign operators (+ and -)

and the addition (+)

and subtraction (-) operators

have their usual meaning on numeric operands.

The concatenation operator (&) operates on one-dimensional arrays

to form a new array with the contents of the right operand following

the contents of the left operand.

It can also concatenate a single new element to an array,

or two individual elements to form an array.

The concatenation operator is most commonly used with strings.

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 184

entity adder is


a : in integer range 31 downto 0;

b : in integer range 31 downto 0;

c : out integer range 63 downto 0


end entity adder;

architecture arc_adder of adder is


c<= a + b;

end architecture arc_adder;

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 185

entity bus_conc is


a : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);

b : in std_logic_vector (7 downto 0);

c : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)


end entity bus_conc ;

architecture arc_ bus_conc of bus_conc is


c<= a & b;

end architecture bus_conc ;

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 186

The absolute value (abs) operator works on any numeric type.entity alarm is


temp_level : in integer;

critical _level : in integer;

alarm_sig : out boolean


end entity alarm;

architecture arc_ alarm of alarm is


-- the temperature should be in the range from –critical_level to +critical_level

alarm_sig <= ( (abs temp_level) >= critical_level);

end architecture arc_ alarm;

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 187

The multiplication (*) and division (/) operators

work on integer, floating point and physical types

(time for example).

Be careful !!!

The multiplication and division operations are source

of hardware overhead.

The synthesis tools supports division operation only

for constants (one from two operands).

Expressions and Operators

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Expressions and Operators

The modulus (mod) and remainder (rem) operators only

work on integer types.

The exponentiation (**) operator can have an integer or

floating point left operand, but must have an integer right


A negative right operand is only allowed if the left

operand is a floating point number.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 189

A mod B = A – B * N (in which N is an integer)

ü the sign of (A mod B) is the same as the sign of B

ü abs (A mod B) < abs (B)

c<= (c + 1) mod 16 ; -- c would never be more then 15

6 mod 4 -- 2

4 mod 6 -- 4

6 mod (-4) -- -2

(-6) mod 4 -- 2

For synthesis the modulo operator supports when

the right operand is 2**n

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 190

The remainder operation is defined such that the relation:

a=(a/b)*b + (a rem b) or (a rem b) = a – (a/b)*b and

abs (a rem b) < abs (b),

The result of the rem operator has the sign of its first operand ,

while the result of the mod operators has the sign of the second operand.

6 rem 4 -- 2

4 rem 6 -- 4

6 rem (-4) -- 2

(-6) rem 4 -- -2

For synthesis the remainder operator supports when

the right operand is 2**n

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 191

Typical using of power operator by integer range declaration

entity mul is


a : in integer range ((2**8) – 1) downto 0;

b : in integer range ((2**8) – 1) downto 0;

res : out integer range ((2**16) – 1) downto 0


end entity mul;

architecture arc_mul of mul is


res<= a * b;

end architecture arc_mul;

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 192

Highest precedence: ** abs not

* / mod rem

+ (sign) - (sign)

+ - &

= /= < <= > >=

Lowest precedence: and or nand nor xor

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 193

VHDL-93 has a wide set of shift operators. The table bellow list the shift operators.

Name Operation

sll Shift left logical

srl Shift right logical

sla Shift left arithmetic

sra Shift right arithmetic

rol Rotate left logical

ror Rotate right logical

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 194

The shift operators are defined for the one-dimensional

array with the elements of type bit .

For the shift operator an array is the left operant L

and the integer is the right operand R.

The right operand R represents the number of position the left operant L

should be shifted.

As the result of shifting, the value of the same type as the left operand is returned.

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 195

signal source : bit_vector(3 downto 0);

signal dest : bit_vector(3 downto 0);



dest<= source sll 1; -- dest=”0110” the ‘0’ is inserted

dest<= source srl 1; -- dest=”0101”

dest<= source sll 3; -- dest=”1000”

dest<= source sll –3; -- dest<= source srl 3 ( “0001”)

dest<= source sla 1; -- dest=”0111” the ‘1’ is inserted

dest<= source sra 1; -- dest=”1101”

dest<= source rol 1; --dest=”0111”

dest<= source ror 1; -- dest=”1101”

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 196

The shift operators are defined for one-dimensional

array with the elements of type bit (bit_vector)

However it also can be used for std_logic_vector, but only

along with type conversion function.

signal source : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

signal dest : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);


dest<= to_stdlogicvector(to_bitvector(source) sll 2);

Expressions and Operators

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Sources and target sizes:

Expressions and Operators

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As we saw VHDL strictly demands conformity of the size of operands.

This excessive severity can sometimes be an obstacle, for example at

realization of addition operation .

As is known at addition the size of result on one bit is more than the size of

biggest from operands.

How it is possible to overcome this contradiction?

One of possible variants :

signal a, b : std_logic_vector(n downto 0);

signal sum : std_logic_vector((n+1) downto 0);

sum<=(‘0’ & a) + (‘0’ & b);

Expressions and Operators

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 199

Expressions and Operators Problem : perform the next operation -> A + B + cin

Where A and B is two buses of 8 bit width and cin is carry input bit.


signal temp_a, temp_b, temp_sum : std_logic_vector(9 downto 0);

signal sum : std_logic_vector(8 downto 0);

temp_a <= ‘0’ & a & ‘1’; temp_b <= ‘0’ & b & cin;

temp_sum <= temp_a + temp_b; sum <= temp_sum(9 downto 1);

a7 a6 a5 a4 a3 a2 a1 a00 1

b7 b6 b5 b4 b3 b2 b1 b00 cin

Where each node of the scheme is relevant bit of temp_sum

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 200

Self Work

Describe mux 2x1 on gate level according to followed scheme:

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 202

Topic Three

n Process…………………….207

n Wait statements …………..217

n Combinatorial Process……225

n Synchronous Process…….239

n Sequential Statements……255

n NULL Statements………….301

n Processes Guidelines …….303

n Behavioral Description…….307

n Wait statements ……..…….314

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All rights reserved to Abramov B. 204


Process – a behavioral region in the

architecture were statements are

executed in sequence!!!

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The process interpretation is different for

simulation tools and synthesis tools!!!

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 206


Syntax of process declaration:

label: process ( sensitivity list) is

--declaration of process resources


sequential statements;

end process label;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 207

Processes (cont)

The process declarative part defines local items for the

process and may contain declaration of:

• subprograms

• types

• subtypes

• constants

• variables

• files

• aliases

• use clauses

• groups

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Processes (cont)

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Processes (cont)

Asynchronous processes:

describe a combinatorial logic hardware

(muxes,decoders,encoders,arithmetic devices).

Synchronous processes:

describe a “clocked” logic

(FF,registers,shift registers,counters).

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 210

Processes (cont)

A process declaration may content optional sensitivity list.

The list contains identifiers of signals to which the process is sensitive.

A change of a value of any those signals causes the suspended

process to resume.

üSensitivity list and explicit wait statements may not be specified in the same process.

üThe process description style with sensitivity list is preferable for synthesis.

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Processes (cont)

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Processes (cont)

Process activation and suspension may be controlled via the

wait statement:



warning_level<= ( curr_value=critical_value);

wait on curr_value,critical_value;

end process;

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Wait statements

The wait statement is a statement that causes suspension

of a process or a procedure.



wait on signal_list;

wait until condition;

wait for n time_units;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 214

Wait statements (cont)

The wait statement suspends the execution of the process or procedure

in which it is specified.

Resuming the process or procedure depends on meting the condition(s)

specified in the wait statement.

There are three types of conditions supported with wait statements:

sensitivity clause, condition clause, and timeout clause.

The most often used is the sensitivity clause.

A sensitivity list defines a set of signals to which the process is sensitive

and causes the process to resume.


signal S1, S2 : std_logic;




wait on S1, S2;

end process;

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Wait statements (cont)

If a process does not contain a sensitivity list, then an implicit sensitivity

list is assumed, one which contains all the signals that are present in that condition.

If a process is resumed but no condition is met, then the process will not execute any

other statements.

wait until enable = '1';

this is equivalent to:


wait on enable;

exit when enable = '1';

end loop;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 216

Wait statements (cont)

The second type of a condition supported with the wait statement

is the condition clause.

A process is resumed when the logical condition turns true due to a change

of any signal listed in the condition .

The timeout clause defines the maximum time interval during which the

process is not active.

When the time elapses, the process is automatically resumed .

Example :

wait for 50 ns;

A process containing this statement will be suspended for 50 ns.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 217

Wait statements (cont)

A single wait statement can have several different conditions.

In such a case the process will be resumed when all the

conditions are met.

Example :



wait on a, b until clk = '1';

. . .

end process;

The process is resumed after a change on either a orb signal,

but only when the value of the signal clk is equal to '1'.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 218

Wait statements (cont)



wait until a /= b for 4 us;

. . .

end process;

The process is resumed when 4 us delay is ended, or after a

change of either a or b signal, when a is not equal to b.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 219

Wait statements (cont) The syntax of the wait statement allows to use it without any conditions.

Such a statement is equivalent to wait until true,

which suspends a process forever and will never resume.

While in simulation of normal models this is a disadvantage,

this particular feature of a wait statement is widely used in testbenches.

The followed example shows an example of a testbench section.

process is


G0 <= '0' ;

wait for 100 ns;

wait until clk’event and clk=’1’;

G0 <= '1' ;

wait until clk’event and clk=’1’;

G0 <= '0' ;


end process ;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 220

Wait statements (cont)

Important notes:

n The wait statement can be located anywhere between begin

and end process.

n A process with a sensitivity list may not contain any wait


All rights reserved to Abramov B. 221

Processes (cont)

process ( curr_value, critical_value ) is



end process;

Process activation and suspension may be controlled via the

wait statement or alternatively by sensitivity list



warning_level<= ( curr_value=critical_value);

wait on curr_value,critical_value;

end process;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 222

Processes (cont)

Processes rules:

Ø statements are executed sequentially

Ø execution time is zero !!!

Ø all signals within – updated at its end

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 223

Processes (cont)

architecture arc_sample of sample is


P1: process (Rst, Clk)


. . .

end process P1;

P2: process (Rst, Clk)


. . .

end process P2;

end architecture arc_sample;




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Processes (cont)architecture arc_test of test is


sig<= a and b;

sig<=c and d; -- wrong ! unresolved contention

end architecture arc_test;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 225

Processes (cont)

Acceptable VHDL code!

architecture arc_test of test is


and_gate:process(a,b,c,d) is


sig<= a and b;

sig<=c and d;

end process and_gate;

end architecture arc_test;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 226

Processes (cont)

Decoder behavioral with multiple assignment

signal din : std_logic_vector( n downto 0);

signal dout: std_logic_vector(((2**din’length)-1) downto 0);


decoder : process (din) is


dout <= (others => ‘0’);

dout (conv_integer (din)) <= ‘1’;

end process decoder ;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 227

Processes (cont)§ Don’t use the signal that driven by combinatorial

process, for reading inside of this process.

process (a, b, c) is


temp<= a xor b;

s<= temp xor c;

end process ;

If temp is used inside of

the process, then temp

should be included into

sensitivity list, but if temp

is signal from sensitivity

list, it feeds itself !??

process (a, b) is


temp<= a xor b;

end process ;

process (temp, c) is


s<= temp xor c;

end process ;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 228

Processes (cont)

A combinatorial processes , aka asynchronous processes must have a

sensitivity list containing all the signals which it reads ( inputs),

and must always update the signals which it assigns ( outputs).

A missing signal in the sensitivity list can lead to a transparent latch!

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 229

Processes (cont)

architecture arc_and_gate of and_gate is


process (d) is


sig<= c and d;

end process;

end architecture arc_and_gate;

Signal c is not included into sensitivity list, therefore the process does

not respond when c changes its value.

So what get is the following circuit:

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 231

Processes (cont)

Another kind of uncompleted sensitivity list is when output values

are not included into sensitivity list.

process(a,b) is


if(a=b) then




end if;

end process;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 232

Processes (cont)

We expect to receive the following:

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 233

Processes (cont)

But real results look like this:

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 234

Processes (cont)

Most commons mistakes in asynchronous processes:

n Uncompleted sensitivity list.

n Redundant signals included into sensitivity list.

n Redundant logic is described.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 235

Processes (cont)

Synchronous process – current output is sequenced by a clock

(rising edge or falling edge) and depends on past inputs as well as

current inputs.

This has a memory (flip-flops, registers, counters, shift registers, state


ü Sensitivity list include only clock and asynchronous reset/preset

üAll the logic must be assigned after clock edge ( rising or falling)

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 236

Processes (cont)

Clock change detecting:

by event predefined attribute:

clk’event and clk=‘1’ -- rise detect

clk’event and clk=‘0’ -- fall detect

by library functions:

rising_edge(arg : std_logic) return boolean

falling_edge(arg : std_logic) return boolean

At simulation with type std_logic use of functions

rising_edge and falling_edge is more preferable.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 240

Processes (cont)

DFF with asynchronous reset (active high);

entity dff is

port( clk: in std_logic;

rst : in std_logic;

d : in std_logic;

q : out std_logic


end entity dff;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 241

Processes (cont)architecture arc_dff of dff is


process(clk,rst) is


if (rst= ‘1’) then


elsif rising_edge(clk) then


end if;

end process;

end architecture arc_dff;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 242

Processes (cont)DFF with synchronous reset (active high)

process (clk) is -- only clock signal should be declared in the sensitivity list


if rising_edge(clk) then

if (rst= ‘1’) then




end if;

end if;

end process;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 243

Processes (cont)

set_rst_dff:process(clk,set,rst) is


if (rst= ‘0’) then


elsif (set=’0’) then


elsif rising_edge(clk) then


end if;

end process set_rst_dff;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 244

Processes (cont)

The typical errors of synchronous processes:

n Using different signals as clock instead of the global clock

n Both set and reset assigned to the same signal and can be active at the same time.

n Signal do not have a reset value.

n Two edges of clock are used in the process.

n Gated clock is created.

n More then one clock is used in a process.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 245

FF coding rules

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 250

Mixed Synchronous and Asynchronous processes

bad_style: process (clk, rst, ld, load_val) is


if (rst=‘0’) then

cnt <= 0;

elsif rising_edge(clk) then

cnt <= cnt + 1;

elsif (ld=‘1’) then

cnt <= load_val;

end if;

end process bad_style;

Legal VHDL but


synthesis result !!!

FF coding rules

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 251

Asynchronous load in synchronous process

dangerous_style: process (clk, ld) is


if (ld=‘0’) then

cnt <= load_val;

elsif rising_edge (clk) then

cnt <= cnt + 1;

end if;

end process dangerous_style;

Legal VHDL when load_val is

constants value .

Otherwise non-deterministic

synthesis result !!!

FF coding rules

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 254

process (clk) is


if rising_edge (clk) and (en=’1’) then

--Signal assignment

clk_internal <= clk and en;

process (clk_internal) is


if risind_edge (clk_internal) then

--Signal assignment

•Gated clocks are more

complicated then this

•Gated clock is the source

of clock skew

•Avoid them !!!

FF coding rules

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 255

The correct description:

if rising_edge (clk) then

if (en = ’1’) then

-- signal assignment

FF coding rules

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 256

Is the following a register or a latch?

reg_or_latch_proc : process (clk) is


if (clk=‘1’) then


end if;

end process reg_or_latch_proc;

FF coding rules

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 257

üCannot be a latch since it has an incomplete sensitivity list

üCannot be a register since has no clock edge specification

Resolution :

Synthesis tool should produce an error and not produce any results

FF coding rules

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 258

Self Work

Describe the binary counter according to the above-stated circuit.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 259

Describe the binary up/down counter according to the above-stated circuit.

The half adder-subtractor

Self Work

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 260

Sequential Statements

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 261

Sequential Statements (cont)

The if statement allows selection of statements to execute

depending on one or more conditions.

Tests the condition and executes a set of statements

depending on the result.

If statement generate priority.

The syntax is:

if_statement ::=

if condition then


{ elsif condition then

sequence_of_statements }

[ else

sequence_of_statements ]

end if ;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 262

Sequential Statements (cont)

The conditions are expressions resulting in boolean values.

The conditions are evaluated successively until one found that

yields the value true.

In that case the corresponding statement list is executed.

Otherwise, if the else clause is present, its statement list is


The elsif and else clauses are optional.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 263

Sequential Statements (cont)


Ø Only one of the branches is executed.

Ø The order is important – the first true condition causes

Ø the sequential statements after it to be executed.

Ø The rest are ignored.

Ø The first condition gets the highest priority.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 264

Sequential Statements (cont)

process(a,b,c,d) is


if (a=’1’) then


elsif(b=’1’) then




end if;

end process;


All rights reserved to Abramov B. 265

Sequential Statements (cont)

If a equals ‘1’ only first branch will execute due

to the priority structure.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 266

Sequential Statements (cont)The if statements not always create the structures with priority.

process(a,b,c,d,sel) is


if (sel=”00”) then


elsif (sel=”01”) then

dout <=b;

elsif (sel=”10”) then

dout <=c;


dout <=d;

end if;

end process;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 267

Sequential Statements (cont)

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 268

Sequential Statements (cont)

Using an if statement without an else clause in a combinatorial

process can result in latches being inferred, unless all signals driven

by the process are given unconditional default assignment.


process(a,b) is


if (a=’1’) then


end if;

end process;

Created D-latch

with enable (a).

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 269

Sequential Statements (cont)

The completed if statement presented below, describes mux.

process(a,b) is


if (a=’1’) then




end if;

end process;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 270

Sequential Statements (cont)

Same result gives the default assignment:

process(a,b) is


x<=’0’; -- default assignment latches prevented

if (a=’1’) then


end if;

end process;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 271

Sequential Statements (cont)

process(…,….) is


some statement …………………………………..


if (cond1) then



if(cond2) then



end process;

Parallel IF






signals !!!!!!

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 273

Sequential Statements (cont)

The case statement allows selection of statements

to execute depending on the value of a selection expression.

The syntax is:

case_statement ::=

case expression is


{ case_statement_alternative }

end case ;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 274

Sequential Statements (cont)

case_statement_alternative ::=

when choices =>


choices ::= choice { | choice }

choice ::=


| discrete_range

| element_simple_name

| others

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 275

Sequential Statements (cont)

The selection expression must result in either a discrete type,

or a one-dimensional array of characters.

The alternative whose choice list includes the value of the

expression is selected and the statement list executed.

Note :that all the choices must be distinct, that is, no value may

be duplicated.

Furthermore, all values must be represented in the choice lists,

or the special choice others must be included as the last

alternative. If no choice list includes the value of the expression,

the others alternative is selected.

If the expression results in an array, then the choices may be

strings or bit strings.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 276

Sequential Statements (cont)

multiplexor: case sel is

when “00” => dout<=a;

when “01”=> dout <=b;

when “10” => dout <=c;

when “11” => dout <=d;

end case multiplexor;

All possible choices must be included, unless the

others clause is used as the last choice.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 277

Sequential Statements (cont)

Multiplexor with others clause:

multiplexor: case sel is

when “00” => dout<=a;

when “01” => dout <=b;

when “10” => dout <=c;

when others => dout <=d;

end case multiplexor;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 278

Sequential Statements (cont)

A range or selection may be specified as a choice:

case sel is

when 0 => y<=a;

when 1 to 4 => y<=b;

when 5|7|9 => y<=c;

when others => y<=d;

end case;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 279

Sequential Statements (cont)

A range may not be used with a vector type:

case sel is

when “000” => y<=a;

when “001” to “100” => y<=b; -- wrong! The sel is vector

when “101”|”110” => y<=c; -- correct

when others => y<=d;

end case;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 280

Sequential Statements (cont)

Choice may not overlap :

case sel is

when 0 => y<=a;

when 1 to 4 => y<=b;

when 3|5|7|9 => y<=c; -- error, 3 included

-- into previous choice

when others => y<=d;

end case;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 281

Sequential Statements (cont)

If many conditional clauses have to be performed on the same

selection signal, a case statement is a better solution than the if-

then-else construct.

The case statement with repeated assignments to a target signal,

it will synthesize to a large multiplexor with logic on the select

inputs to evaluate the conditions for the different choices in the

case statement branches.

No priority will be inferred from the order of the branches.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 282

Sequential Statements (cont)

Hardware within priority: Hardware without priority:

if (a=‘1’) then ab<=a & b;

dout<=c; case ab is

elsif (b=‘1’) then when “10”|”11” => dout<=c;

dout<=d; when “01” => dout<=d;

else when others => dout<=e;

dout<=e; end case;

end if;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 283

Sequential Statements (cont)

The case statement may be used with multiple targets,

embedded if statements and nested case statement.

Example of mixed case/if process with multiple targets.

arbiter: process(addr,power_up,valid) is


bios <='0';

flash <='0';

sram <='0';

eeprom <='0'; -- preventing transparent latches

-- with default assignment

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 284

Sequential Statements (cont)

if (valid = '1') then

case addr is

when 0 to 5000 =>

if (power_up = '1') then




end if;

when 5001 to 8000 =>


when 8001 to 9000 =>


when others =>


end case;

end if;

end process arbiter;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 285

Sequential Statements (cont)

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 286

Sequential Statements (cont)

The case statement can only be used in a sequential environment.

In the dataflow environment, the selected signal assignment

statement has the equivalent behavior:

signal output_signal, sel, x, y, z : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ;


with sel select

output_signal <= x when "0010",

y when "0100",

z when "1000",

x and y and z when "1010" | "1100"|"0110",

"0000" when others ;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 287

Sequential Statements (cont)

The rules are the same as for the case statement:

• all possible choices must be include, unless the others

clause is used as the last choice.

• a range or a selection may be specified as a choice.

• choices may not overlap.

• there is not implied priority to the choices.

A selected signal assignment will usually result in combinatorial

logic being generated.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 288

Sequential Statements (cont)

Select statement and qualified expression:

entity full_adder is

port ( a,b,cin : in bit;

s,cout : out bit);

end entity full_adder;

architecture truth_table of full_adder is


with bit_vector’(a,b,cin) select

(s,cout)<= bit_vector’(“00”) when “000”,

bit_vector’(“10”) when “001”,

bit_vector’(“10”) when “010”,

bit_vector’(“01”) when “011”,

bit_vector’(“10”) when “100”,

bit_vector’(“01”) when “101”,

bit_vector’(“01”) when “110”,

bit_vector’(“11”) when others;

end architecture truth_table;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 289

Sequential Statements (cont)

The same functionality in the dataflow environment is

accomplished with the use of the conditional signal assignment


signal a : integer ;

signal output_signal, x, y, z : bit_vector (3 downto 0) ;


output_signal <= x when (a=1) else y when (a=2) else

z when (a=3) else "0000" ;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 290

Sequential Statements (cont)

signal a ,b: std_logic ;

signal output_signal, x, y : std_logic _vector (3 downto 0) ;


output_signal <= x when (a=‘1’) else y when (b=‘1’) else x"0" ;

The first condition gets the highest priority.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 291

Sequential Statements (cont)

•Conditions may overlap, as for the if statement.

• The expression corresponding to the first “true”

condition is assigned.

• There must be a final unconditional else expression:

y<= a when (x=5); -- wrong

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 292

Sequential Statements (cont)

Conditional signal assignment may be used to define tri-state buffers:

bi_dir_port <= inner_out when (output_en=’1’) else ‘Z’;

If a signal is conditionally assigned to itself,

latches may be inferred.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 293

Sequential Statements (cont)entity mux is

port (din : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

sel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

dout: out std_logic);

end entity mux;

architecture arc_mux of mux is

signal decoded : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);


decoder_2_to_4: process(sel) is




end process decoder_2_to_4;

dout<=din(0) when (decoded=x"1") else 'Z’;

dout<=din(1) when (decoded=x"2") else 'Z’;

dout<=din(2) when (decoded=x"4") else 'Z’;

dout<=din(3) when (decoded=x"8") else 'Z’;

end architecture arc_mux;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 294

Sequential Statements (cont)

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 295

Sequential Statements (cont)entity mux is

port (din : in std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);

sel : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

dout: out std_logic);

end entity mux;

architecture mux of mux is

signal decoded : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0);


decoder_2_to_4: process(sel) is




end process decoder_2_to_4;

dout<=din(0) when (decoded(0)=‘1’) else 'Z’; --optimized description

dout<=din(1) when (decoded(1)=‘1’) else 'Z’; --without comparators

dout<=din(2) when (decoded(2)=‘1’) else 'Z’;

dout<=din(3) when (decoded(3)=‘1’) else 'Z’;

end architecture mux;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 296

Sequential Statements (cont)

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 297

NULL Statements

The null statement perform no action.

It may be used to explicitly show that no action is required in certain cases.

It is most often used in case statements,

where all possible values of the selection expression must be listed as choices,

but for some choices no action is required.

For example:

case controller_command is

when forward =>


when reverse =>


when idle => null;

end case;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 299

Processes Guidelines

• Not assigning a signal during an iteration through a process infers a latch.

An incomplete CASE statement:process(present_state) isbegin

next_state <= s0;out_sig <= '0';case present_state iswhen s0 =>

next_state <= s1;out_sig <= '1';

when s1 => next_state <= s2;

when s2 => next_state <= s0;

end case;end process;

Default value covers

missing assignment

on any case conditions

Missing signal

assignment for out_sig

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 300

Processes Guidelines

• If … Then else statements can also be


An incomplete IF statement:

process (a,b,c,d) is


if (a = '1') then

out_sig <= c;

elsif (b ='1') then

out_sig <= d;

end if;

end process;

In the example above a latch is required to hold the value

when a = b = '0'

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 301

Processes Guidelines

• The reset condition must assign all signals!

process(clk,n_reset) is


if (n_reset = '0') then

last <= 0;

elsif rising_edge(clk) then

last <= curr;

curr <= curr + 1;

end if;

end process;

In the above example curr is not given a value during reset.

Therefore its value must be retained

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 302

Processes Guidelines

• Reset condition can not assign combinatorial signals!

process (clk,n_reset) is


if (n_reset = '0') then

smp_b <= '0';

smp_a <= '0';

elsif rising_edge(clk) then

smp_a <= a;

end if;

end process;

smp_b <= b;

c <= smp_a XOR smp_b;

In the above example smp_b is assigned from 2 sources.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 303

Behavioral DescriptionThe highest level of abstraction supported in VHDL is called the

behavioral level.

When creating a behavioral description of a circuit,you will

describe your circuit in the terms of its operation over time.

The concept of time is the critical distinction between behavioral

description of circuits and gate-level descriptions.

In behavioral description,the concept of time may be an ordering

of operations that are expressed sequentially (such as in functional

description of flip-flop)

Further you can find examples of two levels of behavioral

abstraction of counter description:

u flip-flops and logic level

u highest – registers abstraction.

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 304

What does “the system behavior” mean?

The main purpose of any electronic system or device is to transform

input data into output results.

This kind of activity is called “behavior” or “functionality” of the

system and system specification describes input data are transformed

(through processes and signals) into output results.

Behavioral Description (cont)

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 305








Behavioral Description (cont)

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 306

Behavioral Description (cont)count_4bit:process(clk,rst) is


if (rst=‘1’) then

q<= (others=> ‘0’);

elsif rising_edge(clk) then

q<= q + 1;

end if;

end process count_4bit;

count_4bit:process(clk,rst) is


if (rst=‘1’) then

q<= (others=> ‘0’);

elsif rising_edge(clk) then

q(0)<= not q(0);

if (q(0)=‘1’) then

q(1)<=not q(1);

end if;

if ((q(0) and q(1))=‘1’) then

q(2)<= not q(2);

end if;

if ((q(0) and q(1) and q(2))=‘1’) then

q(3)<= not q(3);

end if;

end if;

end process count_4bit;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 307

shift_reg:process(clk,rst) is


if (rst=‘1’) then

q<=(others =>’0’);

elsif rising_edge(clk) then


q(1)<= q(0);

q(2)<= q(1);

q(3)<= q(2);

end if;

end process shift_reg;

Behavioral Description (cont)shift_reg:process(clk,rst) is


if (rst=‘1’) then

q<= (others=>’0’);

elsif rising_edge(clk) then

q<= q(2 downto 0) & sin;

end if;

end process shift_reg;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 309

Behavioral vs. Structural

entity mux is



a, b, c, d : in bit;

s0, s1 : in bit;

x : out bit


end entity mux;

All rights reserved to Abramov B. 310

Behavioral vs. Structuralarchitecture structural_mux of mux is

signal s0_inv, s1_inv, x1, x2, x3, x4 : bit;

component and3gate is

port ( a, b, c: in bit; d: out bit);

end component and3gate;

component inverter is

port ( in1: in bit; x: out bit);

end component inverter;

component or4gate is

port ( a, b, c, d : in bit; x: out bit);

end component or4gate;


u1: inverter port map (s0, s0_inv);

u2: inverter port map (s1, s1_inv);

u3: and3gate port map (a, s0_inv, s1_inv, x1);

u4: and3gate port map (b, s0, s1_inv, x2);

u5: and3gate port map (c, s0_inv, s1, x3);

u6: and3gate port map (d, s0, s1, x4);

u7: or4gate port map (a, b, c, d, x);

end architecture structural_mux;

architecture arc_mux of mux is

process(a,b,c,d,s0,s1) is

variable sel : bit_vector(1 downto 0);


sel:= s1 & s0;

case sel is

when “00” => x<=a;

when “01” => x<=b;

when “01” => x<=c;

when others => x<=d;

end case;

end process;

end architecture arc_mux;

top related