different examples of jsp codes

Post on 24-May-2015






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Different examples of JSP codes.

Karen Martinez.1101.

● For creating our first JSP the meanings of programation are the minimum we must have.

● 1. The first thing we have to know is that each JSP page is going to generate us a HTML page. That's why we have to have a HTML page created that includes Java codes and it produces our JSP program.

2. It's important to keep in mind that our JSP document is a HTML page with its own structure where it is mixed together with the Java code.

3. When we want to introduce Java code we will make it with <% and %> symbols.

● In this part you will find an example of the codes that are necessary for a JSP program.



<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

<title>My first JSP</title>



<h1>My First JSP</h1>

<% // Java code %>



4. For introducing some Java content in the page we will use the following function:

<% out.println("Text to put on the page "); %>

5. Even if it has no more Java code, we can replace it with the next code:

<%= "Text to put on the page" %>

6. Finally we must know that for saving any file we use ''.jsp'' label.

Another example of JSP.

● The second example is going to be called: prog1.jsp:


int base=0,altura=0; double area=0;

if(request.getParameter("OK") != null)


Base: Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("BASE"));

Height: Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("HEIGHT"));

area: base * height / 2.0 ; };

out.println("<FORM ACTION=prog1.jsp METHOD=post>"

out.println(“Show the base:<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=BASE value="+base+"><BR>");

out.println(“Show the height:<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=ALTURA value="+height+"><BR>");

out.println("AREA:<INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=AREA value="+area+"><BR>");

out.println("<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME=OK VALUE=evento1 ><BR>"); out.println("</FORM>"); %>

And the third one.

First program of adding two numbers in JSP:

<%@ page language="java"%>



<title>Add number program in JSP</title> </head>


<%  int a=5;  int b=2;  

 int result=a+b;

 out.print("Additon of a and b :"+result);





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