difference between hatha yoga & ashtanga yoga

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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Commonly called Power yoga, Ashtanga is definitely physically demanding. It's probably best suited for an ex-athlete or someone looking to really push their body.

Hatha yoga is a holistic path that includes disciplines, physical postures (asana), purification procedures, breathing (pranayama), and meditation.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha yoga typically goes into a posture, holds the posture, and then comes out of the posture

There is no transition between postures as in Ashtanaga classes.

Difference #1

Difference #2

This discipline was intended to be a preparation of the body for physical purification so that higher meditation could be performed.

The discipline founded by him intends to help a human being reach higher levels of self-realization

Ashtanga seeks to bring a balance between the breathing and the physical posture of a person

The Hatha focuses on mediation and physical strength of the body.

Difference #3

Hatha yoga concentrates on perfecting the asanas and doing pranayama, or breath control, to increase the flow of prana through the nadis.

An Ashtanga yoga practitioner not only works on asanas and pranayama but also the other six of the eight limbs including yama, niyama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Yama means control and involves following rules of honesty, purity and nonviolence.

Difference #4

Difference #5

Ashtanga yoga takes the practitioner through eight steps, starting with social and self discipline, and ending at meditation.

Hatha yoga is based mostly on poses (Asanas) and Pranayama (breathing techniques).

Presented By

Akshi Yoga Shala


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