didactic sequence animals plus lesson plan 1 and 2

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1 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

PRACTICE II, Didactics of ELT and Practicum at Primary School level:

Prof. Adjunto Regular a/c Estela N. Braun.

Prof. Auxiliar Docente Liliana I. Monserrat.

Alumnas: Sampietro Cielo y Tamagni Gala.

Escuela: Pre- Escolar Bilingüe Santo Tomás

Directora: Sandra Pedrol

Profesora a cargo: Carolina Hunter

Curso: Sala verde 5 años

Turno: Tarde 13:15 a 14:15

Secuencia Didáctica:

Tema: Animals, actions and habitats

2 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro


A partir del abordaje del tema “Animales, acciones y hábitat” ya visto previamente por los niños durante el cuatrimestre y años anteriores; profundizaremos la enseñanza del mismo mediante el uso y práctica de nuevo vocabulario específico para ampliar y afianzar nuevos conceptos.

Para promover el desarrollo de este tópico se elaborará una secuencia didáctica a través de la cual los alumnos no solo podrán rever conceptos previos e incorporar nuevos mediante el trabajo con actividades orientadas al uso de determinadas habilidades y la reflexión e incorporación de prácticas para favorecer el aprendizaje de la lengua extranjera. Es decir, trabajar sobre comprensión/ estimulación auditiva y visual principalmente (lenguaje no verbal), prácticas de oralidad que permitirán el desarrollo de la competencia comunicativa y el uso del lenguaje corporal.


Formar un espacio de aprendizaje y revisión/repetición de vocabulario específico y el uso del idioma extranjero para expresar habilidades, posesión, pertenencia etc. Adquirir y comprender nuevos conceptos.

3 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

Promover actividades de interacción oral en el idioma extranjero.

Incentivar a los alumnos mediante el uso de la palabra a participar en la clase, fomentar el respeto, tolerancia y compañerismo

Promover habilidades cognitivas (audición, visión, habla) mediante canciones, actividades y juegos interactivos.

Trabajar sobre comprensión de la lengua extranjera mediante el uso de cuentos enriquecidos con imágenes y relatados de forma simple por las profesoras y grabaciones relacionadas al tema elegido.


NAMES: Cielo Sampietro & Gala Tamagni

DATE: August the 10th 2015

CLASS: Salita verde 5 años

LENGTH OF LESSON: 1 hour (13:15 to 14:15)

MATERIALS: Lesson plan, flashcards, photocopies, colour pencils, ice-cream sticks and tablet

4 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

CLASS DESCRIPTION: There are 31 students in this group, all between 5 and 6 years old. They have English classes 4 times a week for an hour and most of them have been studying English for about 2 years. As the English class is the first one they have it is crucial to develop an active warm up; the main tool for this is the use of songs as a daily routine in which they do not only sing and get engage but also use their body.


Verb to be : Present Simple ----> e.g.: It is big and grey

Can/ Can’t: Actions ----> e.g.: Can it fly? Have got/ Has got ----> e.g.: It has got a big brown


LEARNING AIMS: by the end of the lesson, we expect the children to be able to identify and name new animals as they already know plenty of them. Also to recognize what king of actions and sounds each can produce.

VOCABULARY: The introduction of new vocabulary to enlarge the

student’s lexicon related to the animal world.

PRONUNCIATION: As the children do not read or completely write yet, it is extremely important to be

5 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

focused on their pronunciation. They can actually identify certain letters and the sound of them, by repeating how the words are pronounced they can certainly reproduce them very well. For example, they are able identify and pronounce perfectly the word Monday as it begins with the “M sound” and they can do that with almost any word.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: we expect the children to understand, identify and pronounce the new vocabulary, relate the name of each animal with particular physical characteristics as well as predict the actions and sounds the animals can reproduce in their specific environment.

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Usually most of the children get easily distracted and

the main reason is that they really love chatting. When a little group starts to talk it makes the other students lose their attention or sometimes get bored/sleepy.

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: It is really important to keep the children active,

entertained and motivated i.e. make them ALL participate in the activities in order to avoid boredom or distraction.

6 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

It is also fundamental to identify which students usually cause distraction (talk, bother their partners) and ask them to change places (sit somewhere else).



DESCRIPTION: At the beginning of the class the children are asked to form and sit in a circle in order to follow the daily routine of singing song and reciting poems to: say “Hello”, The Weather, Days of the Week, Feelings and Prayers to God. Usually when the class is on Monday the students are asked to talk about their weekend. This stage takes around 20 minutes.

“Are you ready to say Hello? Hello to everyone, and How are you Today? We come to our circle time to laugh and sing and play. And you are up you are up And when you are down you are down And when you re only half way up you are neither up nor down Now roll your hands so slowly and roll them all so fast Give our hands a clap clap clap and put it on your lap tap tap”

7 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

“Mister Weatherman, Mister Weatherman what’s the weather like? What’s the weather like? What’s the weather like Today? What’s the weather like Today? What is like?”

“There are seven days, there seven days, there seven days in a weekThere are seven days, there seven days, there seven days in a weekSunday, Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayThursday, Friday, SaturdaySunday, Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayThursday, Friday, Saturday”

“If the Monkey is feeling happy, he has a happy a faceIf the Monkey is feeling happy, he has a happy a faceHA, HA, HA, happy happy faceIf the Monkey is feeling angry, he has a angry a faceIf the Monkey is feeling angry, he has a happy a faceHA, HA, HA, angry angry faceIf the Monkey is feeling sad, he has a sad a faceIf the Monkey is feeling sad, he has sad a faceHA, HA, HA, sad sad faceIf the Monkey is feeling tired, he has a tired a faceIf the Monkey is feeling tired, he has tired a face

8 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

HA, HA, HA, tired tired face

“If the Monkey is feeling happy, he has a happy a faceIf the Monkey is feeling happy, he has a happy a faceHA, HA, HA, happy happy face”

“Thank you God for the words so sweetThank you God for the food we eatThank you God for the birds that singThank you God for everything”

“When I come to school I sit and prayThank you God for this lovely dayI try to be good, ´cause I know that I shouldThat’s my prayer when I come to school”


First Activity: First we will introduce the topic “Animals” by making a review of vocabulary that children already know with flashcards (E.G Farm and Jungle Animals). We will also revise the actions that each animal can perform (Jump, Fly, Eat, run, etc). TIMING: 5 TO 7 MINUTES

Second Activity: By the use of flashcards, we are going to present the children new animals. Specifically: Ocean, Swamp, and desert animals. We will ask them general questions about physical characteristics and actions. The

9 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

will predict where the animals may live and what they eat. TIMING: 15 MINUTES

Third Activity: Listen and colour activity: We will ask them to sit at the tables and then, we will provide them with a photocopy with six different animals. We will clearly explain what they have to do: Paint the six animals and write their name (Student’s name). TIMING: 15 MINUTES

Colouring Animals

10 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

11 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

CLOSSING THE LESSON: Usually when every lesson is finished, the students sing the Goodbye song and wait until the next teacher comes. We will sing with them this song:“This is the way we say Goodbye, we say Goodbye, We say GoodbyeThis is the way we say Goodbye, we say Goodbye to youAnd you and you and you”


NAMES: Cielo Sampietro & Gala Tamagni

DATE: August the 13th 2015

CLASS: Salita verde 5 años

LENGTH OF LESSON: 1 hour (13:15 to 14:15)

MATERIALS: Lesson plan, flashcards, photocopies, colour pencils, glue and ice-cream sticks

CLASS DESCRIPTION : There are 31 students in this group, all between 5 and 6 years old. They have English classes 4 times a week for an hour and most of them have been studying English for about 2 years. As the English class is the first one they have it is crucial to develop an active warm up; the main tool for this is the use of songs as a daily

12 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

routine in which they do not only sing and get engage but also use their body.


Verb to be : Present Simple ----> e.g.: It is big and grey

Can/ Can’t: Actions ----> e.g.: Can it fly? Have got/ Has got ----> e.g.: It has got a big brown

mane Certain specific verbs and adjectives ( that

children already know or identify) : live/like, big, small, fat, wild, pet.

LEARNING AIMS: we expect to reinforce the knowledge the children already have as regards animals, actions and physical characteristics as well as review what we have seen on lesson 1. Also we expect to introduce just a little bit, the concept of “habitat”: those specific animals live in specific places.VOCABULARY:

The introduction and review of vocabulary related to the animal world; adjectives, nouns, verbs.

PRONUNCIATION: As the children do not read or completely write yet, it is extremely important to be focused on their pronunciation. They can actually identify certain letters and the sound of them, by repeating how

13 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

the words are pronounced they can certainly reproduce them very well. For example, they are able identify and pronounce perfectly the word Monday as it begins with the “M sound” and they can do that with almost any word.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: we expect the children to understand, identify and pronounce the new vocabulary, relate the name of each animal with particular physical characteristics as well as predict the actions and sounds the animals can reproduce in their specific environment through the use of riddles. Also we will start to mention some words related to different habitats but not so deeply.

ANTICIPATED PROBLEMS: Usually most of the children get easily distracted and

the main reason is that they really love chatting. When a little group starts to talk it makes the other students lose their attention or sometimes get bored/sleepy.

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS: It is really important to keep the children active,

entertained and motivated i.e. make them ALL participate in the activities in order to avoid boredom or distraction.

14 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

It is also fundamental to identify which students usually cause distraction (talk, bother their partners) and ask them to change places (sit somewhere else).


STAGE 1: WARM UPDESCRIPTION: At the beginning of the class the children are asked to form and sit in a circle in order to follow the daily routine of singing song and reciting poems to: say “Hello”, The Weather, Days of the Week, Feelings and Prayers to God. Usually when the class is on Monday the students are asked to talk about their weekend. This stage takes around 20 minutes.

“Are you ready to say Hello? Hello to everyone, and How are you Today? We come to our circle time to laugh and sing and play. And you are up you are up And when you are down you are down And when you re only half way up you are neither up nor down Now roll your hands so slowly and roll them all so fast Give our hands a clap clap clap and put it on your lap tap tap”

15 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

“Mister Weatherman, Mister Weatherman what’s the weather like? What’s the weather like? What’s the weather like Today? What’s the weather like Today? What is like?”

“There are seven days, there seven days, there seven days in a weekThere are seven days, there seven days, there seven days in a weekSunday, Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayThursday, Friday, SaturdaySunday, Monday, Tuesday, WednesdayThursday, Friday, Saturday”

“If the Monkey is feeling happy, he has a happy a faceIf the Monkey is feeling happy, he has a happy a faceHA, HA, HA, happy happy faceIf the Monkey is feeling angry, he has a angry a faceIf the Monkey is feeling angry, he has a happy a faceHA, HA, HA, angry angry faceIf the Monkey is feeling sad, he has a sad a faceIf the Monkey is feeling sad, he has sad a faceHA, HA, HA, sad sad faceIf the Monkey is feeling tired, he has a tired a faceIf the Monkey is feeling tired, he has tired a face

16 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

HA, HA, HA, tired tired face

“If the Monkey is feeling happy, he has a happy a faceIf the Monkey is feeling happy, he has a happy a faceHA, HA, HA, happy happy face”

“Thank you God for the words so sweetThank you God for the food we eatThank you God for the birds that singThank you God for everything”

“When I come to school I sit and prayThank you God for this lovely dayI try to be good, ´cause I know that I shouldThat’s my prayer when I come to school”


First Activity: We will begin with the class by reviewing some animals the children already know and the new ones we mentioned and showed the previous class; at the same time we will ask them some general questions to predict animal habitats, actions etc. TIMING: 20 MINUTES

Second activity: we will place on the floor two flashcards: jungle and house. The children already know how to distinguish wild animals from pets, so we will ask one by

17 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

one to pick an animal and place it under the right place: if it is wild, under the jungle and if it is a pet, under house.

Third Activity: We will play a riddle game: we will ask the children to sit in a circle with their puppets and explain them what the game consists of. * The puppets already be prepared by us (teachers). The idea is that the teachers will mention characteristics of the six animals to the children in order to make them guess which animal is the correct one. Every time the teacher ends a riddle, the children will have to guess and rise up their hands with the correct puppet . Before playing the game it self we will again review the animals that the children have as puppets. TIMING: 20/25 MINUTES

RIDDLE:E.G: I am thinking about a big fat and grey animal with a long trunk and big ears. It lives in the jungle and eats plants.I am thinking of a small green animal that jumps from one place to another. It eats insects with its long tongue.I am thinking of an animal that can swim and makes funny noises in the ocean. It is very friendly and eats other fish.I am thinking of an animal that lives in farms, it is big, brown and eats grass.I am thinking of an animal that lives in the forests, eats meat and it has a long fury tail.

18 Practica II: Tamagni & Sampietro

CLOSSING THE LESSON: Usually when every lesson is finished, the students sing the Goodbye song and waits until the next teacher comes. We will sing with them this song:“This is the way we say Goodbye, we say Goodbye, We say GoodbyeThis is the way we say Goodbye, we say Goodbye to youAnd you and you and you”

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