d+id’ chiral superconductivity in bilayer silicenesurface.iphy.ac.cn/sf09/pdf/1208.5596.pdf · we...

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d+id’ Chiral Superconductivity in Bilayer Silicene

Feng Liu†,1, 2 Cheng-Cheng Liu†,1, 3 Kehui Wu,3 Fan Yang?,1 and Yugui Yao1, 3, ∗

1School of Physics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China2State Key Laboratory of Nonlinear Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics,

Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, 100190, China3Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics and Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190, China

We investigate the structure and physical properties of the undoped bilayer silicene (BLS). Our first principle(FP) calculations reveal that the band structure of the system with D3d symmetry is intrinsically metallic withpocket Fermi surfaces around each K point, which opens the door to formation of a superconducting state. Ourfurther study based on random phase approximation (RPA) identifies the system as a chiral d+id′ superconduc-tor, mediated by the strong spin fluctuation on border of the antiferromagnetic spin density wave (SDW) order.Tunable Fermi pocket area via strain enables high superconducting critical temperature, which emerges whenthe SDW critical interaction strength is tuned near that of the real interaction. Our discovery not only shedslight upon the realization of the long-sought chiral d+ id′ superconductivity (SC), but will also bring the exoticunconventional SC into the familiar Si-industry.

Chiral SC is a special kind of topological SC characterizedby time reversal symmetry breaking1. In the past few years, asurge of theoretical proposals have been raised on the experi-mental realization of this kind of unconventional SC, includ-ing such examples as the triplet px ± ipy (p + ip′) pairing2–4

and the singlet dx2−y2 ± idxy (d + id′) pairing5–13. Whilethe former has probably been realized in the Sr2RuO4 sys-tem14, no experimental evidence has now been detected forthe latter although the cuprates family5–7 and more probablythe doped graphene8–13 have been proposed as possible candi-dates. Here, we predict the realization of the singlet d+id′ SCin the undoped BLS, which is easier than to dope the graphenesystem. As a result of its nontrivial topological property, thisintriguing pairing state will bring a series of interesting exper-imental consequences such as quantized boundary current5,spontaneous magnetization5,7 and quantized spin and thermalHall conductance7.

Silicene, considered as the silicon-based counterpart ofthe graphene, has attracted much attention both theoreticallyand experimentally15–27. Similar honeycomb lattice structureof the two systems let them share most of their marvellousphysical properties, including gapless Dirac fermions at theBrillouin-Zone corner, and the quantum spin Hall effect whenspin-orbital coupling turns on16,17. Remarkable difference be-tween the graphene and the silicene systems mainly lies in thenonplanar low-buckled (LB) lattice structure of the latter16,18,which originates from the weakened π−bond between neigh-boring silicon atoms. Just like the bilayer graphene (BLG),silicene can also take the form of its bilayer version, which hasrecently been synthesized24. However, due to the LB struc-ture of each silicene layer, there are actually different stackingways between the silicene bilayer, including the one studied inthe Ref28, which might not be energetically optimized. Thus,it is necessary to identify the realized stacking ways and thestability of the bilayer structure of the system.

In this paper, we first identify the AB-bt bilayer struc-ture (introduced below) as the energetically most favored onethrough FP calculations, and find that the corresponding elec-tronic band structure is intrinsically metallic for the undopedcase with much larger Fermi pockets than the BLG29, openingthe door to formation of a superconducting state. We further

a b








t t3t2




FIG. 1. Geometry and phonon spectrum of the BLS. a, Optimizedgeometry of the BLS. b, The corresponding phonon spectrum. In a,both the top view (upper) and side view (lower) are shown. The verti-cal bond length lv , the nearest-neighbor in plane bond length ln, andthe angle θ between them are marked, together with the hopping in-tegrals between each two of the four atoms Ai, Bi (i = 1, 2) withina unit cell.

did a RPA based study of the system when realistic Hubbard-interaction is added into our tight-binding (TB) model. Sub-sequently, a collinear antiferromagnetic SDW order is foundat realizable interaction parameters. Interestingly, below butnear the SDW critical point which is tunable via strain, a chi-ral d + id′ pairing state emerges with possibly high super-conducting critical temperature, mediated by the strong spinfluctuation on border of the SDW order. The exotic chirald + id′ SC in the BLS can thus be manipulated via strain,which opens prospects for both studying the unconventionaltopological SC in new playground and for applications in theSi based electronics.

Crystal and Band Structure: The crystal and elec-tronic band structures of the BLS reported below are ob-tained through our FP calculations based on Density func-tional theory (DFT). The electronic band structure of the sys-tem is obtained self-consistently by using the projector aug-mented wave (PAW) pseudopotential method implemented in





v2 [





n] 5





a bE











FIG. 2. Band structure of the BLS. a, The band structure of BLScorresponding to the optimized structure. b, The FS patches aroundeach K point. In a, zooming in the low energy band (right) is alsoshown. In b, the central pocket (red) is electron-like and the outerthree identical pockets (green) are hole-like, where the total areas ofthe two kinds of pockets are equal.

the VASP package30. The exchange-correlation potential istreated by Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) potential31.

As a consequence of the LB structure of each silicene layer,there are actually four stacking ways (see Supplementary in-formation I ) between the upper and lower layers in the sys-tem. Our FP calculations revealed that two of them are stable,among which the energetically favored one (named as the AB-bt structure) is shown in Fig.1a, and the corresponding phononspectrum32 is shown in Fig.1b.

From Fig.1a, the bottom (A1-sublattice) of the upper sil-icene layer couples with the top (A2-sublattice) of the lowerlayer vertically with a bond-length lv = 2.53A, while the twosublattices (A and B) within a layer couples with a bond-length ln = 2.32A. Approximately equal bond lengths, to-gether with the bond-angle θ = 106.60o between the twobonds describes an orbital hybridization more like the sp3

type (with bond angle θ = 109.47o) than the planar sp2 type.From Fig.1b, the phonon frequencies obtained are real at allmomenta, which suggests a stable structure. The energy ofthis configuration is -19.65eV per unit cell, lower than that ofthe configuration studied in the literature28, which is -19.51eVper unit cell. It’s noting here that the symmetry group of thesystem is D3d.

The band structure of the BLS with AB-bt stacking way isshown in Fig.2a (left), together with its low energy zoomingin (right). The most obvious feature of this band structure isthe 300meV overlap between the valence band and the con-duction band, much larger than the 1.6meV in the BLG andthe 40meV in the graphite. Another important feature is theasymmetric band crossings present not only at the K point, butalso on the K-Γ axis with an energy difference between them.Such an asymmetric band crossing results in a three-foldedsymmetric pocket Fermi surface (FS) structure surroundingeach K point, as shown in Fig.2b, where the central electronpocket is accompanied by three identical outer hole pocketswith equal total area. Here, only the FS patches around one Kpoint are present. The other patches can be obtained by six-folded rotations around the Γ point, as required by the D3d

symmetry and the time reversal invariant of the system.

To proceed, we construct the following effective 4-band TB

TABLE I. TB parameters fitted for the BLS in comparison withthose of the BLG33. The unit is eV.

tn t t2 t3 ∆

AB-bt 1.13 2.025 0.15 0.62 -0.0691BLG 3.12 0.377 0.12 0.29 -0.0366

model in the basis {|B1〉, |B2〉, |A1〉, |A2〉}, which well cap-tures all the low energy features of the above band structurenear the FS,

H(k) =

∆ t3f(k) tnf(k)∗ −t2f(k)∗

t3f(k)∗ ∆ −t2f(k) tnf(k)tnf(k) −t2f(k)∗ 0 t−t2f(k) tnf(k)∗ t 0

. (1)

Here Ai, Bi (i = 1, 2) represent the basis mainly composedof the 3pz-orbitals localized around each of the four siliconatoms within a unit cell. The hopping integrals tn, t, t2 andt3 between each two orbitals are marked in Fig.1a. The phasefactor f(k) =

∑α e

ik·Rα , with Rα (α = 1, 2, 3) to be thenearest-neighbor vector. Finally, notice the small effective onsite energy difference ∆ between the A and B atoms. The fit-ted parameters of the system in comparison with those of theBLG are listed in Table I, from which the most obvious fea-ture of the BLS lies in the dominating role of the vertical inter-layer hopping t. The resulting strong bonding-antibonding en-ergy split between A1 and A2 orbitals pushes them far awayfrom the Fermi level, leaving B1 and B2 orbitals to form alow energy subspace which takes responsibility for the mainphysics of the system.

It’s important to point out here that the low energy bandstructure of the system is considerably sensitive to the biaxialstrain exerted on each silicene layer. As shown in Fig.3c, forsmall strains which keep the symmetry and FS topology ofthe system, the total area of the electron or hole pockets feelsa considerable variation. This tunable property of the bandstructure turns out to be very important for our following dis-cussions.

RPA and SDW: Let’s consider the following 4-bandHubbard-model of the system,

H =∑


c†kασHαβ(k)ckβσ + U∑


niα↑niα↓, (2)

where H(k) is defined by (1), i and α (β) denote the unit celland orbital indices respectively. Standard multi-orbital ran-dom phase approximation (RPA)34–39 (see also Supplemen-tary information II ) approach is adopted in our study.

The free susceptibility (U = 0) of the model is,


(q, τ) ≡∑k1,k2

⟨Tτ c†l1

(k1, τ)cl2(k1 + q, τ)

c+l3(k2 + q, 0)cl4(k2, 0)⟩0, (3)

where li (i = 1, · · · , 4) denotes orbital index. The k de-













0.65a b















FIG. 3. Free static susceptibility, the SDW ordered spin patternand the biaxial strain-dependence of Fermi pocket area ratio andthe SDW critical interaction strength. a, k-dependence of the freestatic susceptibility. b, The SDW ordered spin pattern. c, The biaxialstrain-dependence of Fermi pocket area ratio, viz, the ratio of thetotal area of the electron and hole pockets against the total area ofBrillouin Zone, and the SDW critical value Uc of the BLS.

pendent static susceptibility of the system defined by thelargest eigenvalue of the susceptibility matrix χ

(0)l,m (q) ≡

χ(0)l,lm,m (q, iν = 0) is shown in Fig.3a, which displays a dis-

tribution centering around the Γ-point.When interaction turns on, the spin (χ(s)) or charge (χ(c))

susceptibility in the RPA level is given by

χ(s(c)) (q, iν) =[I ∓ χ(0) (q, iν) (U)

]−1χ(0) (q, iν) . (4)

Here (U) is 16 × 16 matrix, whose only four nonzero ele-ments are (U)µµµµ = U (µ = 1, ..., 4). It’s clear that therepulsive Hubbard-interaction suppresses χ(c) and enhancesχ(s). When the interaction strength U is enhanced to a crit-ical value Uc, the spin susceptibility of the model diverges,which implies the instability toward long-range SDW order.The ordered spin structure of this bilayer system determinedby the eigenvector of the spin susceptibility matrix χ(s)

l,m (q) ≡χ(s)l,lm,m (q, iν = 0) corresponding to its largest eigenvalue is

shown in Fig.3b, from which one finds an antiferromagneticstate with antiparallelly aligned spin patterns within a unitcell. The ordered moments are mainly distributed on the Bi(i = 1, 2) atoms which take responsibility for the low energyphysics of the system. It’s noting here that with the enhance-




















FIG. 4. k-dependence of the gap function of the dx2−y2 sym-metry and the interaction strength U dependence of the largesteigenvalue λ of the linearized gap function. a, k-dependence ofthe gap function of the dx2−y2 symmetry, which is one of the lead-ing symmetry of the system (the other one, i.e. the dxy is shownin the Supplementary information III). b, The interaction strength Udependence of the largest eigenvalue λ of the linearized gap function(6), which is related to Tc through Tc = 1.13~ωDe−1/λ. In a, thegap function is antisymmetric about the axis x = ±y shown in thereciprocal space. In b, results for different strain values are shown.

ment of the strain and hence the Fermi pocket area, the SDWcritical value Uc feels an obvious variation from the 1.48eV atzero strain to the 1.18eV at the strain of 0.06. Such a range isprobably realizable for the Hubbard-U of the 3pz orbitals ofthe silicon atoms.

Superconductivity: Through exchanging antiferromag-netic spin fluctuations between each cooper pair, unconven-tional chiral d+ id′ SC emerges in the BLS system.

Let’s consider the process when a cooper pair with mo-menta (k′,−k′) in the β-th (β = 1, 2) band are scattered to(k,−k) in the α-th (α = 1, 2) band by charge or spin fluctu-ations. This process results in the following effective interac-tion,

Veff =∑αβ,kk′

V αβ(k,k′)c†α(k)c†α(−k)cβ(−k′)cβ(k′), (5)


where the effective interaction vertex V αβ(k,k′) determinedby the RPA susceptibility (4) can be found in Ref39 (see alsoSupplementary information II).

From this effective interaction, we obtained the followinglinearized gap equation39 near Tc,

− 1




dk′‖V αβ(k,k′)

vβF (k′)∆β(k′) = λ∆α(k). (6)

Here, the integration is along various FS patches labelled by αor β. The vβF (k′) is Fermi velocity at k′ on the β−th FS patch,and k′‖ represents the component along that patch. In thiseigenvalue problem, the normalized eigenvector ∆α(k) rep-resents the relative value of the gap function on the α−th FSpatches near Tc which is related to the eigenvalue λ throughTc = 1.13~ωDe−1/λ. Here ~ωD is a typical energy scale forthe spin or charge fluctuation, approximated as the low en-ergy band width, i.e. ~ωD ≈ 300meV . The leading pairingsymmetry of the system is thus determined by the eigenvector∆α(k) corresponding to the largest eigenvalue.

Our RPA calculations on the BLS identify an exactly de-generate dxy and dx2−y2 doublets as the leading pairing sym-metry of the system for U < Uc at all strain values, which isrobust against small doping (see Supplementary informationIII). Both symmetries are singlet with nodal gap functions.While the dx2−y2 shown in Fig.4a is antisymmetric about theaxis x = ±y in the reciprocal space, the dxy shown in Sup-plementary information III is symmetric about them. The twogap functions form a 2D Eg representation of the D3d point-group of the system. For both symmetries, two gap nodesare present on each Fermi pocket. The U dependence of theeigenvalue λ which is related to Tc is shown in Fig.4b fordifferent strains. Clearly, Tc increases with the Hubbard-Uand rises promptly at U/Uc . 1 as a result of the stronglyenhanced antiferromagnetic spin fluctuation near the criticalpoint. Since Uc is tunable via strain as shown in Fig.3c, theratio U/Uc varies within a range which provides basis for therealization of the relation U/Uc . 1 which is crucial for thehigh Tc of the system. For example, for λ ≈ 0.3 attainableby different strains shown in Fig.4b, the Tc obtained can be ashigh as over 80K, although it is usually overestimated in theRPA level. For real material, whether high Tc can be acquiredis determined by how near U/Uc can be tuned to 1.

Since the two d-wave pairing symmetries are degener-ate, one would conjecture that they would probably besuperposed11 to lower the energy below Tc. To determine howthey are superposed at the ground state, let’s set the gap func-tion as ∆ (k) = ∆1∆dx2−y2

(k) + ∆2∆dxy (k), where thesuperposition coefficients ∆i (i = 1, 2) are determined byminimization of the mean-field ground state energy of the ef-fective Hamiltonian Heff = Hband + Veff . Here Hband isthe kinetic part of (2) and Veff is given by (5). Our energyminimization gives ∆2 = i∆1, which just leads to the longsought nodeless chiral d+ id′ SC! This superposition mannerbetween the two d-wave pairings satisfies the requirement thatthe gap nodes should avoid the FS to lower the energy. Withintrinsically complex gap functions, this pairing breaks time

reversal symmetry and will bring a lot of exotic properties. Itis just a singlet analogy of the extensively studied p+ ip′ SC.

Our RPA calculations for the system also identify a possi-ble nodeless f-wave pairing to be the leading symmetry in thetriplet channel. This pairing also breaks time reversal symme-try and the gap functions change sign with every 60o rotation,which belongs to A1u representation of D3d (see Supplemen-tary information III) . However, its Tc is much lower than thatof the d+ id′ pairing.

Conclusion: We have performed a FP calculation on theBLS. Through energy optimization, we identified an D3d

symmetric AB-bt stacking structure for the BLS. The bandstructure corresponding to this crystal structure is intrinsicallymetallic, with Fermi pockets around each K point whose areasare tunable via strain. We have further carried out a system-atic RPA based study for the system. Our study suggests thatabove realizable interaction strength, collinear antiferromag-netic order will develop in the system. Below the SDW criticalpoint Uc, a chiral d+ id′ SC emerges in the system, whose Tcrises to its maximum at U . Uc as a result of the stronglyenhanced antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations near the criticalpoint. TunableUc with strain makes high temperature SC pos-sible in this system, the realization of which will bring a newepoch to the familiar Si-industry.

Acknowledgement. We are grateful to Dung-Hai Lee, Jun-Ren Shi, Fa Wang and Hong Yao for stimulating discussions.The work is supported by MOST Project of China (Grant No.2011CBA00100) and NSF of China (Grants No. 10704008,11274041, 10974231 and 11174337).

Author contributions. Y.G.Y. and F.Y. conceived the ideaof searching for Chiral SC in the BLS, supervised the overallproject and wrote the manuscript. Y.G.Y., F.L. and C.C.L.carried out the FP calculations and construct the effective TBmodel. F.Y. performed the RPA calculations. All the authorssignificantly contributed in the discussion and data analysis.


TABLE A.1. Optimized energies and geometric parameters cor-responding to the four possible structures of the BLS. The secondcolumn gives the energy per unit cell. In the third column, the firstand second number provide the bond-lengths of the nearest neighborintra-layer and inter-layer valence bonds respectively. The final col-umn is the angle between these two kinds of valence bonds. Notethat in the AB-bb structure, the exchange symmetry between the up-per and lower layers has been broken, as reflected in the differentbond-lengths and bond-angles for the two layers.

Structure Energy(eV) Bond-length(A) Bond-Angle

AA-bb -19.14 2.28, 5.12 101.52o

AA-bt -19.51 2.32, 2.46 106.48o

AB-bt -19.65 2.32, 2.53 106.60o

AB-bb -19.30 2.31(2.34), 2.92 107.77o(109.53o)


Due to the weakened π−bond between adjacent Si-atoms,the silicene layer possesses a low-buckled non-planar struc-ture, which is different from that of the graphene. In this struc-ture, a silicene layer is divided into two halves, i.e. the topand bottom, with each occupying one of the two sublattices(A and B) of the original honeycomb lattice. As a result ofthis non-planar structure of a silicene layer, there can be fourpossible stacking ways between the two layers in the bilayersilicene (BLS), i.e. the AA bottom-bottom (AA-bb), the AAbottom-top (AA-bt), the AB bottom-top (AB-bt), and the ABbottom-bottom (AB-bb). The geometries and phonon spectracorresponding to these four structures are shown in Fig.A.1,and the corresponding optimized energies and parameters arelisted in Table A.1

From Fig.A.1, it’s clear that the four possible structuresof the system possess different symmetries. The AA-bb andAB-bt structures shown in Fig.A.1a and Fig.A.1c possess theD3d symmetry, while the point group of the AA-bt structureshown in Fig.A.1b is D3h. The AB-bb structure shown inFig.A.1d has the smallest symmetry group among the four,i.e. C3v , since the different bond-lengths and bond-angles be-tween the two layers shown in Fig.A.1e and Table A.1. Fromthe phonon spectra corresponding to these structures, onefinds that Fig.A.1b and Fig.A.1d are unstable toward struc-ture reconfiguration because of the imaginary frequencies ob-tained, leaving only the two symmetric structures shown inFig.A.1a and Fig.A.1c as possible candidates of realized struc-ture.

The AA-bb structure shown in Fig.A.1a can be consideredas a simple analogy to the AA-stacked BLG which consistsof two graphene layers weakly coupled through the van derWaals interaction. Consequently, one finds from Table A.1that the inter-layer bond-length corresponding to this struc-ture is extremely large. This structure is energetically worstalthough it is locally stable. The AA-bt structure shown inFig.A.1b is just the one studied in Ref28. Although the energy












FIG. A.1. Geometries and phonon spectra corresponding to thefour possible structures of the BLS. a-d, Geometries and phononspectra for the AA-bb (a), AA-bt (b), AB-bt (c) and AB-bb (d) struc-tures of the BLS. In each show, the left up is the top view, the leftdown is the side view and the right is the phonon spectrum corre-sponding to each structure. Note that negative frequencies shownactually represent imaginary values obtained and thus imply struc-ture instability. e, More details for the configuration of the AB-bbstructure, where one finds the breaking of the exchange symmetrybetween the two layers in this structure.


TABLE A.2. TB parameters fitted for the BLS via differentstrain. The unit is eV.

Strain tn t t2 t3 ∆

0.00 1.130 2.025 0.152 0.616 -0.0690.01 1.079 1.974 0.159 0.595 -0.0730.02 1.045 1.947 0.162 0.585 -0.0770.03 1.012 1.924 0.163 0.573 -0.0820.04 0.980 1.904 0.162 0.562 -0.0880.05 0.948 1.878 0.161 0.551 -0.0920.06 0.912 1.844 0.158 0.541 -0.100

of this structure is somewhat favorable, it is locally unstable.The structure Fig.A.1d is not energetically favored either. Therealized structure of the BLS should be the AB-bt structureshown in Fig.A.1c which is focused in the present work as itis not only energetically most favored but also locally stable.The bond-angle of this structure is 106.60o, very near to thatof the sp3 hybridization, i.e 109.47o. The inter-layer bond-length is 2.53A, near to the 2.32A of the intra-layer bond-length. Combination of the two features describes an sp3-likeorbital hybridization rather than a planar sp2-like one.

The band structures corresponding to the above four crystalstructures are shown in Fig.A.2. In the AA-bb band struc-ture shown in Fig.A.2a, two crossings slightly deviating fromeach K point are present at the Fermi level, which leads toa semi-metal ground state. This state is not favored by en-ergy, as illustrated above. The AA-bt band structure shown inFig.A.2b has been studied in Ref28. The two crossings locat-ing on the Γ−M and Γ−K lines are present at the Fermi level,

also leading to a semi-metal state. However, our FP calcula-tions revealed that this state is neither energetically most fa-vored nor stable. The AB-bt band structure shown in Fig.A.2cis the finally realized one. Large band overlap and asymmetricband crossings are present in this band structure, which leadsto the pocket Fermi surface (FS) structure shown in Fig.A.2e.The six-folded rotation symmetry of the FS is required by theD3d and time reversal symmetry of the system. From thisrealized band structure, one obtains an intrinsically metallicground state with finite DOS at the Fermi level, which opensthe door to formation of SC. The AB-bb band structure shownin Fig.A.2d is somewhat similar with Fig.A.2c in that it alsopossesses band overlap. However, it is energetically unfa-vored.

It’s important that the biaxial strain exerted on each silicenelayer has obvious influence on the low energy band struc-ture of the system. In the following Table A.2, we list thetight-binding (TB) parameters fitted for each strain up to 0.06,under which the symmetry and FS topology of the system iskept.


In this part, we provide details of the four-orbital ran-dom phase approximation (RPA) approach34–39 adopted in thestudy of the above Hubbard-model (formula (2) in the maintext).

A. RPA susceptibility

Let’s define,


(q, τ) ≡∑k1,k2

⟨Tτ c†l1

(k1, τ)cl2(k1 + q, τ)c+l3(k2 + q, 0)cl4(k2, 0)⟩0


to be the free susceptibility for U = 0, with li (i = 1, · · · , 4)denoting orbital index. The explicit formulism of χ(0) in themomentum-frequency space is,


(q, iωn) =1



ξαl4(k)ξα,∗l1 (k)ξβl2(k + q)ξβ,∗l3 (k + q)nF (εβk+q)− nF (εαk)

iωn + εαk − εβk+q

, (B.2)

where α, β = 1, ..., 4 are band indices, εαk and ξαl (k) are theα−th eigenvalue and eigenvector of the H(k) matrix (equa-tion (1) in the main text) respectively and nF is the Fermi-

Dirac distribution function.When interaction turns on, we define the spin (χ(s)) and

charge (χ(c)) susceptibility as follow,



(q, τ) ≡ 1





(k1, τ)Cl2,σ1(k1 + q, τ)C+l3,σ2

(k2 + q, 0)Cl4,σ2(k2, 0)⟩,


(q, τ) ≡ 1






(k1, τ)Cl2,σ1(k1 + q, τ)C+

l3,σ2(k2 + q, 0)Cl4,σ2

(k2, 0)⟩,


(q, τ) ≡∑k1,k2


†l1↑(k1, τ)Cl2↓(k1 + q, τ)C+

l3↓(k2 + q, 0)Cl4↑(k2, 0)⟩,


(q, τ) ≡∑k1,k2


†l1↓(k1, τ)Cl2↑(k1 + q, τ)C+

l3↑(k2 + q, 0)Cl4↓(k2, 0)⟩. (B.3)

Note that in non-magnetic state we have χ(sz) = χ(s+−) =

χ(s−+) ≡ χ(s), and whenU = 0 we have χ(c) = χ(s) = χ(0).In the RPA level, the spin/charge susceptibility for the

Hubbard-model (formula (2) in the main text) is,

χ(s) (q, iν) =[I − χ(0) (q, iν) (U)

]−1χ(0) (q, iν) ,

χ(c) (q, iν) =[I + χ(0) (q, iν) (U)

]−1χ(0) (q, iν) ,(B.4)

where χ(s(c)) (q, iνn), χ(0) (q, iνn) and (U) are 16 × 16matrices with elements of the matrix (U) to be (U)µνθξ =Uδµ=ν=θ=ξ.

B. Pairing symmetry

Let’s consider a cooper pair with momentum/orbital(k′t,−k′s), which could be scattered to (kp,−kq) by chargeor spin fluctuations. In the RPA level, The effective interac-tion induced by this process is as follow,

V RPAeff =∑


Γpqst (k, k′)c†p(k)c†q(−k)cs(−k′)ct(k′),

(B.5)In the singlet channel, the effective vertex Γpqst (k, k

′) is givenas follow,

Γpqst (k, k′) = (U)

ptqs +




[3χ(s) (k − k′)− χ(c) (k − k′)






[3χ(s) (k + k′)− χ(c) (k + k′)

](U)}psqt, (B.6)

while in the triplet channel, it is

Γpqst (k, k′) = −1



[χ(s) (k − k′) + χ(c) (k − k′)






[χ(s) (k + k′) + χ(c) (k + k′)

](U)}psqt. (B.7)

Notice that the vertex Γpqst (k, k′) has been symmetrized for the

singlet case and anti-symmetrized for the triplet case. Gener-ally we neglect the frequency-dependence of Γ and replace itby Γpqst (k, k

′) ≈ Γpqst (k,k′, 0).

Projecting the above effective interaction (B.5) into the twobands which cross the FS, we obtain the following low energyeffective Hamiltonian for the cooper pairs near the FS,

Veff =∑αβ,kk′

V αβ(k,k′)c†α(k)c†α(−k)cβ(−k′)cβ(k′), (B.8)

where α, β = 1, 2 and V αβ(k,k′) is

V αβ(k,k′) = Re∑


Γpqst (k,k′, 0)ξα,∗p (k)ξα,∗q (−k)ξβs (−k′)ξβt (k′). (B.9)


Here only intra-band pairing is considered for small U.From the low energy effective Hamiltonian (B.8), one can

obtain the following linearized gap equation39 to determinethe Tc and the leading pairing symmetry of the system,

− 1




dk′‖V αβ(k,k′)

vβF (k′)∆β(k′) = λ∆α(k).

(B.10)Here, the integration and summation is along various FSpatches labelled by α or β. The vβF (k′) is Fermi velocity at k′

on the β−th FS patch, and k′‖ represents the component alongthat patch. In this eigenvalue problem, the normalized eigen-vector ∆α(k) represents the relative value of the gap functionon the α−th FS patches near Tc determined by

Tc = 1.13~ωDe−1/λ. (B.11)

The leading pairing symmetry of the system is thus deter-mined by the largest eigenvalue λ of Eq.(B.10).


Our RPA calculations reveal that at half-filling, the leadingpairing symmetries in the BLS are the dx2−y2 and dxy dou-

blets. The two gap functions are symmetry related: one isobtained from the other through the symmetry operations ofD3d, and thus they are exactly degenerate. While the normal-ized relative gap function of the dx2−y2 symmetry has beenshown in Fig.4a of the main text, here we provide that of thedxy symmetry in Fig.C.1a. Obviously, the gap function forthis pairing is symmetric about the axis x = ±y shown in thereciprocal space.

It is interesting that our RPA calculations also identify apossible f-wave SC shown in Fig.C.1b to be the leading onein the triplet channel at half-filling. The gap function of thispairing changes sign with every 60o rotation. It is antisymmet-ric about the three diagonal lines shown in the Brillouin-Zone,which are just the gap node lines. This gap function belongsto A1u irreducible representation of D3d. Similarly with thed + id′ symmetry, this pairing also satisfies the requirementthat gap nodes should avoid the FS. Positive eigenvalue λ cor-responding to this symmetry suggests finite Tc of the pairing,which is nevertheless much lower than that of the d+ id′ sym-metry.

The d+ id′ pairing found here is robust against small dop-ing. Our RPA calculations yield that forU = 1eV , the leadingpairing symmetry of the system is still d + id′ either for the5% electron-doped case shown in Fig.C.2a or for the 5% hole-doped case shown in Fig.C.2b although the FS topology hasbeen modified.

∗ email:ygyao@bit.edu.cn.?email:yangfan blg@bit.edu.cn.†These authors contributed equally to this work.

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K′ Γ







FIG. A.2. Possible band structures for the BLS. a-d, The bandstructures for the AA-bb (a), AA-bt (b), AB-bt (c) and AB-bb (d)respectively. Low energy zooming in for each band is also shown.e, Diagrams for the FS, where red(green) region stands for elec-tron(hole).

























FIG. C.1. Normalized relative gap function of the leading pairingsymmetries in different channels for the undoped case. a, Gapfunction of the dxy symmetry, which is the other leading symmetryin addition to the dx2−y2 pairing shown in Fig.4a of the main text. b,Gap function of the f-wave pairing obtained as the leading symmetryin the triplet channel.










































FIG. C.2. Leading pairing symmetries for the doped cases. a,b,Leading pairing symmetries of the 5% electron-doped case (a) and5% hole-doped case (b) for U = 1eV . In each show, the left is thedx2−y2 and the right is the dxy .

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