dictionary with the words selected of the song black or white

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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• Baby: an infant or very young child.• Samuel is the name of Rolando’s baby boy.

• Saturday: the seventh day of the week, following Friday.

• Saturday Night Live is one of the most important TV shows in USA.

• Boy: a male child, from birth to full growth, esp. one less than 18 years of age.

• "Little Boy" was the codename of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima

• Miracle: such an effect or event manifesting or considered as a work of God.

• Live in Colombia with the actual public situation orden is like a miracle, sometimes.

• Tonight: this present or coming night; the night of this present day.

• I go to the teather with my family tonight.

• Message: a communication containing some information, news, advice, request, or the like, sent by messenger, radio, telephone, or other means.

• I sent a text message to my mother by cellphone.

• Equality: the state or quality of being equal; correspondence in quantity, degree, value, rank, or ability.

• Equality is one of the rights contained in the Human Rights Declaration.

• Either: one or the other of two.• You may sit at either end of the table.• You can have either orange juice or lemon


• White: (of human beings) marked by slight pigmentation of the skin, as of many caucasoids.

• White color is a mix of all colors.

• Stuff: the material of which anything is made: a hard, crystalline stuff.

• Material to be worked upon or to be used in making something: wood, steel, and other stuff for building.

• The story of stuff is a animation video of the history of consumerist society.

• Rough: having a coarse or uneven surface, as from projections, irregularities, or breaks; not smooth: rough, red hands; a rough road.

• In the rough scale the diamond is in the bottom of this scale.

• Griefs: keen mental suffering or distress over affliction or loss; sharp sorrow; painful regret.

• Tina´s mothers works in the mental hospital. She is a griefs counselor.

• Races: a contest of speed, as in running, riding, driving, or sailing.

• Juan Pablo Montoya is one of few pilots of F1 series, that wons a race in his rookie year.

• Blood: the fluid that circulates in the principal vascular system of human beings and other vertebrates, in humans consisting of plasma in which the red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are suspended.

• The heart sends blood around all body

• Color: the quality of an object or substance with respect to light reflected by the object, usually determined visually by measurement of hue, saturation, and brightness of the reflected light; saturation or chroma; hue.

• Primary colors are sets of colors (blue, red and yellow) that can be combined to make a useful range of colors.

• Brother: a male offspring having both parents in common with another offspring; a male sibling.

• Do you seen the Band of Brothers TV series ?

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