diana’s struggles in breaking women's stereotypes in

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Presented as Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters



Student Number: 164214133











Presented as Fulfillment of the Requirements

for the Degree of Sarjana Sastra

In English Letters



Student Number: 164214133








Your Soul Is Pure

Your Intuition Is Right

Your Way Is Unique


Moving -A-




My Dearest Parents,

My Annoying Brother,

My Lecturers

My Best Friends

My Beloved Boyfriend



In The Hope Of

A Better Future

- - - -




First, I would like to show my gratitude to Allah SWT for always stay

with me, listen to my pray, bless me, and give me unexpected power. I thanked

Allah for allowing me to finish this thesis. I also would like to express my special

gratitude for Mrs. Ni Luh Putu Rosiandani, S.S., M.Hum. as my thesis advisor

who always support me by giving her effort and suggestions in guiding me to

make my thesis better. Also a special gratitude for Ms. Elisabeth Oseanita Pukan,

S.S., M.A. as my thesis co-advisor.

A huge gratitude for my parents Mr. Wijayanto Arief P. and Mrs. Endah

Endang S. for always loving and supporting me, as well to my brother Bagas. My

sincere thank goes to my boyfriend Septian who gives me unconditional love and

helps me to improve my thesis.

I would like to thank my best friends Natha, Nanda, Dimas, Angel, Chef,

and Clara for giving me new adventures and understanding my frenzy. A special

thank I would express to Shio Ayam Dorep, Gawer, Gandul, And Rakong in

spending our hardest time to survive in nature and Pondok. I would thank to a big

family of Mapasadha for allowing me to learn from unexpected experience. I

thank my special K-Pop gang Mwolla for always stay crazy with me since nine

years ago. A special thank is also goes to KPS for always be my best friends since

senior high school. I also would like to show my gratitude to Mrs. Widya as my

psychology counselor to help me in healing my trauma, anxiety, and fears.

Aviaska Wienda Saraswati




TITLE OF PAGE ........................................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL PAGE ........................................................................................................ iii

ACCEPTANCE PAGE .................................................................................................. iv

STATEMENT OF ORIGINALITY .............................................................................. v


MOTTOPAGE ................................................................................................................ vii

DEDICATION PAGE .................................................................................................... viii

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................. ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................... x

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................ xii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................... xiii

ABSTRAK ........................................................................................................................ xiv

CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Study ...................................................................................... 1

B. Problem Formulation ............................................................................................ 4

C. Objectives of the Study......................................................................................... 4

D. Definition of Terms .............................................................................................. 5

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE.............................................................. 6

A. Review of Related Studies .................................................................................... 6

B. Review of Related Theories ................................................................................. 9

1. Theory of Character and Characterization ....................................................... 9

a. Characterization through Appearance ......................................................... 10

b. Characterization through Dialogue ............................................................. 10

c. Characterization through External Action .................................................. 10

d. Characterization through Internal Action .................................................... 11

e. Characterization through Reaction of Other Characters ............................. 11

f. Characterization through Contrast: Dramatic Foils..................................... 12

g. Characterization through Caricature and Leitmotif..................................... 12

h. Characterization through Choice of Name .................................................. 12

2. Theory of Feminism ......................................................................................... 13

3. Theory of Gender Stereotype ........................................................................... 14

4. Theoretical Framework .................................................................................... 17

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY.............................................................................. 19

A. Object of the Study ............................................................................................... 19

B. Approach of the Study .......................................................................................... 21

C. Method of the study .............................................................................................. 22



CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................... 24

A. The Characteristics of Diana in Wonder Woman Movie Script ........................... 24

1. Strong ............................................................................................................... 25

2. Super Powerful ................................................................................................. 27

3. Adventurous ..................................................................................................... 30

4. Confident .......................................................................................................... 33

5. Caring .............................................................................................................. 34

6. Brave ............................................................................................................... 37

7. Beautiful ........................................................................................................... 38

8. Principled ......................................................................................................... 39

B. The Women’s Stereotypes Experienced by Diana

in Wonder Woman Movie Script .......................................................................... 42

1. Being Powerless ............................................................................................... 42

2. Being Sexual Object ........................................................................................ 47

3. Being Inferior ................................................................................................... 49

C. The Struggles of Diana in breaking Women’s Stereotypes

as The Other in Wonder Woman Movie Script ..................................................... 50

1. Showing Her Power and Capability ................................................................. 51

2. Showing Her Independence ............................................................................. 64

3. Refusing Beauty Standard ................................................................................ 68

CHAPTER V: CONCLUSION ..................................................................................... 72

REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 76




Para : Paragraph

SM : Suited Men

DC : Detective Comic






MOVIE SCRIPT 2017. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty

of Letters, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Gender stereotype issues are still problematic in society. As one of the

common stereotype objects, women still struggle to break women’s stereotypes

that oppress them and limit their roles in society. Women keep struggling with

women’s stereotypes to reach gender equality. This research analyzes the

struggles of Diana as the main character in breaking women’s stereotypes as the

Other in Wonder Woman movie script. Diana experiences women’s stereotypes

and she deconstructs women’s stereotypes that represent women’s struggles in

breaking women’s stereotypes in society.

In this research, there are three objectives. First objective is to identify the

characteristics of Diana in the movie script. Second objective is to find the

experiences of Diana towards women’s stereotypes as the Other. Third objective

is to analyze the struggles of Diana in breaking women’s stereotypes as the Other

in the movie script.

The researcher applied feminist criticism by Lois Tyson to analyze the

data in feminist perspective. To collect the data and sources, the researcher used

the library research method. The steps to analyze the data are: first, the researcher

did close reading to the movie script, second, the researcher formed the problem

formulation of this research, third, the researcher found and applied the

appropriate theories to do the analysis, and fourth, the researcher drew the

conclusion of the analysis.

This research found some Diana’s characteristics that support her to break

women’s stereotypes. In this movie script, Diana was described as a strong

woman, brave, confident, caring, principled and beautiful. This research also

found that Diana experienced women’s stereotypes as the Other that described her

as a powerless woman, a sexual object, and an inferior woman. At last, the

researcher found that Diana struggles to break women’s stereotypes by showing

her power, capability, independence, and refusing beauty standard to deconstruct

the stereotypes of women as the Other. Diana proved she is a powerful woman, an

independent woman, a superior woman, and she can be the subject of changes.

Keywords: Gender stereotype, feminism, the Other






MOVIE SCRIPT 2017. Yogyakarta: Program Studi Sastra Inggris, Fakultas

Sastra, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Isu stereotip gender masih menjadi permasalahan yang memprihatinkan

dalam masyarakat. Sebagai salah satu objek stereotip, perempuan masih berjuang

untuk mematahkan stereotip yang melekat pada perempuan yang menindas

mereka dan membatasi peran mereka dalam masyarakat. Hal tersebut tentu saja

dilakukan demi terciptanya kesetaraan gender. Penelitian ini menganalisis

perjuangan Diana sebagai tokoh utama naskah film Wonder Woman dalam

melawan stereotip perempuan sebagai the Other. Sebagai objek stereotip

perempuan, Diana bejuang untuk mematahkan stereotip tersebut. Perjuangannya

dalam mematahkan stereotip itu merepresentasikan perjuangan perempuan dalam

mematahkan stereotip perempuan di masyarakat.

Penelitian ini memiliki tiga tujuan. Tujuan yang pertama adalah untuk

mengidentifikasi karakteristik Diana pada naskah film ini. Tujuan kedua adalah

untuk menemukan pengalaman Diana dalam menghadapi stereotip perempuan.

Tujuan ketiga adalah untuk menganalisis perjuangan Diana dalam mematahkan

stereotip perempuan sebagai the Other pada naskah film ini.

Peneliti menggunakan kritik feminis dari Louis Tyson untuk menganalisis

data dalam perspektif feminis. Peneliti menggunakan metode studi pustaka untuk

mengumpulkan data dan sumber. Langkah pertama untuk menganalisis data

adalah membaca naskah film dengan cermat. Langkah kedua adalah merumuskan

masalah untuk penelitian ini. Langkah ketiga adalah mencari dan menggunakan

teori-teori yang sesuai untuk menganalisis data. Langkah ke empat adalah

menyimpulkan hasil penelitian.

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan beberapa karakteristik

yang mendukung perjuangan Diana mematahkan stereotip perempuan. Pada

naskah film ini, Diana adalah perempuan yang kuat, berani, percaya diri, peduli,

dan cantik. Penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwaDiana yang adalah the Other

mengalami stereotip perempuan yang mendeskripsikannya sebagai perempuan

yang lemah, inferior, dan merupakan objek sexual. Akhirnya, dapat dilihat bahwa

pengalaman stereotip membuat Diana berjuang untuk mematahkan stereotip

tersebut dengan menunjukkan kekuatan, kemampuan, dan kemandiriannya, serta

menolak standar kecantikan. Diana membuktikan bahwa dia seorang perempuan

yang kuat, independen, dan unggul,yang mampu membawa perubahan.

Keywords: Gender stereotype, feminism, the Other





A. Background of the Study

Literature consists of ideas, imaginations, and thoughts which are

expressed in artistic written form contains of words, phrases, clauses, and

sentences. Literature can be expressed through various forms such as short story,

play, poem, song, and movie (Rexrorth, 2018, para. 1). As one of literary works,

according to Kamilla Elliot, a movie abounds to literature because it deals with

words. Movie's script as the basic elements of a movie is in written form (2004, p.


Similar to other forms of literary works, a film delivers the real meaning

of social value, culture, and life. Moreover, a film is also categorized as an

entertainment. Since film contains many values, film analysis has function to

explore and expose the ideas of the movie to the audience’s awareness (Geiger &

Rutsky, 2005, p. 17). A film analysis is complex because it is not as simple as

giving opinions. It has to examine the narrative, thematic, and stylistic choices of

every movie (Geiger & Rutsky, 2005, p. 18).

The ideas of a film are delivered through its elements such as script, plot,

characters, dramatic, and cinematic work (Bogss & Petrie, 2008, p. 41). One of

the important elements is the film script. Through the film script, the scriptwriter

describes the dialogue, setting, atmosphere, and act of the movie. The elements



within the film scripts are the means to accommodate ideas, issues, or values of

the script writer.

In this research, the researcher uses Wonder Woman movie script as the

object of the study. In this research, the researcher analyzes women’s stereotypes

issues in this movie script. According to Statt, stereotype is an oversimplified

perception of several aspects of the social world that can be the fundamental of

prejudice (1998, p. 127).

Related to gender stereotypes that would be discussed in this research, a

woman is one of the common stereotyped objects. According to Beauvoir, women

are always stereotyped as “the Other”. The stereotype of “the Other” describes

women as powerless, inferior, dependent, coward, and many more. Those

prejudices are established by the male in the patriarchal society (1989, pp. 139-


In this movie script, Diana experiences being stereotyped as the Other by

the society. She tries to deconstruct women’s stereotypes to prove her as a

powerful, an independent and a subject of change that portrays her as a superior

woman. Her succeeds to deconstruct women’s stereotypes can represent women’s

struggles in breaking women’s stereotypes that raise women’s dignity and

empower gender equality.

In this research, feminism is reflected through the struggle of Diana in

breaking women’s stereotype. According to Rebecca West in A Handbook of

Critical Approaches to Literature, feminism shows concern to eradicate women’s

marginalization and silencing based on patriarchal culture organized by men. The



act of marginalizing women through stereotype causes oppression to women by

men. The oppression of women that is caused by stereotype triggers a movement

to fight against women’s stereotype. This movement is categorized as a movement

to fight against gender inequality towards men and women. This movement is

called feminism. Feminism is an act to criticize gender inequality towards women

(Guerin et al, 2010, p. 222).

The researcher takes the topic of feminism in Wonder Woman movie

script because this movie exposes how the stereotypes of women influence the life

of the main character. It is relevant to the objective of this study to reveal the

struggles of women in breaking women’s stereotypes. Interestingly, to break the

stereotypes of women, this movie created a woman as a superhero. The depiction

of a woman as a superhero is important to expose the struggle of gender equality.

Wonder Woman is a movie that tells about Princess Diana. Diana is the

daughter of Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazon. Her mother shaped her from

clay. Then, Zeus as the Greek Goddess bestowed her a life and a special power.

Diana is an Amazon and lives in Themyscira, the land of the goddess which all of

the inhabitants are women. This movie shows the struggles of Diana who tried to

find her destiny. Based on the story, when Diana was young, her mother

overprotected her. Her mother prohibited her to be a warrior, but young Diana

never gave up to be an unconquerable warrior.

Women’s stereotype issues in Wonder Woman movie script are still

important to be discussed because women’s stereotypes are still experienced by

women in society. The practice of women’s stereotypes is dangerous for women’s



welfare because it causes oppression, discrimination, judgment and restriction

towards women. Even, Diana who is a superhero experiences women’s

stereotypes as the Other. Her struggles to deconstruct women’s stereotypes as the

Other can be a motivation for women to fight against women’s stereotypes to

reach gender equality. A UN Women article’s entitled New Study From The

Unstereotype Alliance Finds That Increased Equality For Women Is Essential To

A Country’s Success explains that gender equality is important to create a

balanced society for a better life of people, “Harmful gender-based stereotypes

and attitudes act as barriers to a more fair and balanced society” (para. 1, 2020).

B. Problem Formulation

In revealing the purpose of the study, the researcher formulates three

research questions.

1. How is Diana depicted in Wonder Woman movie script 2017?

2. What are women’s stereotypes experienced by Diana in Wonder Woman movie

script 2017?

3. What are Diana’s struggles to break women’s stereotypes in Wonder Woman

movie script 2017?

C. Objectives of the Study

Based on the problem formulation of this research, the researcher has

three aims of the study. First objective is to identify the characteristics of Diana in

Wonder Woman movie script 2017. Second objective is to find out women’s

stereotypes experienced by Diana. Third objective is to analyze the struggle of

Diana in breaking the stereotypes of women.



D. Definition of Terms

In this part of the research, the researcher delivers a clear explanation of

the term used to prevent misunderstandings. The term used in this research is

women’s stereotypes. According to Walsh, gender is the classification of sexual

identities constructed by the social system in society (2001, p. 14). A stereotype is

an oversimplified perception of several aspects of the social life that can be the

fundamental of prejudice (Statt, 1998, p. 127). In the term of gender, gender

stereotypes are the idea to relate the gender roles based on the differential of sex

without any clear foundation. Gender stereotype leads to gender discrimination

and becomes an obstacle to achieve gender equality. The characteristic

determination of each sex limits the roles of each sex. For women, gender

stereotypes have a function to maintain the patriarchal system (Commission,

2018, para. 1). As part of gender stereotypes, women’s stereotypes bring negative

impacts to women. Women’s stereotype leads to discrimination against women

that cause violation of many aspects of women’s rights (Commission O. , 2014,

para 6-7)





This chapter contains three parts. The first part is the review of related

studies, the second part is the review of related theories, and the third part is the

theoretical framework.

A. Review of Related Studies

The researcher uses three related studies to support the research. The first

is a journal research with the same object of the study by Michael J. Urick and

Therese A. Sprinkle entitled “Teaching Leadership: Using Wonder Woman to

Highlight the Importance of Gender Diversity” in Sage journal. The researchers

tried to examine the use of gender diversity in Wonder Woman movie for

leadership teaching. As a result, the researchers found three types of leadership

applied in Wonder Woman. The first is transformational leadership. The second is

the bases of power. The third is servant leadership. The final result forms a

worksheet consist of discussions about the leader’s characteristics and types of

leadership related to gender diversity in the movie.

Wonder Woman to be as effective (if not more so) in illustrating

leadership concepts. Our rationale is noted above, but the use of a

popular fictional movie that is both entertaining and familiar to students

is a major reason. Wonder Woman emerges as a leader in a less formal

context demonstrating the applicability of leadership theories to a wide

variety of environments. This factor may be more applicable to students

who either have never worked in a formal environment or do not aspire

to work in a traditional hierarchical organization (Urick & Sprinkle,

2018, p. 7).



The difference of the journal research to this current study is on the topic.

The topic of the journal research is the use of Wonder Woman movie for

examining leadership teaching. On the other hand, the topic of this study is

women’s stereotypes in Wonder Woman movie script.

The second is a master thesis by Dorothy Ashley Hendricks entitled The

Rise of the Super Sidechicks: A Feminist Analysis of Girls in Superhero Films. In

this thesis, Hendricks is aware of the postfeminist issue in superhero movies. She

has purpose to categorize the type of feminist wave reflected by Super Sidechick.

Therefore, she identified that the female character in the superhero movie is the

product of the feminist wave. As a result, the writer found out that Super

Sidechick is the new category of the girl superhero that reflects postfeminist


Throughout this paper, I have examined three examples of

progressively feminist representations of girl superheroes, Hit-Girl,

Knives Chau, and Mystique. Though from different origins and situated

in varied fictional universes, each denotes certain qualities specific to the

Super Sidechick. This new categorization of girl superhero reflects

postfeminist tensions (Hendricks, 2013, p. 80).

Super Sidechick reflected a change of understanding in how the feminist

looks and acts. Furthermore, Super Sidechick can assert individualistic feminism

which responses directly to the issue they face towards the patriarchal discourse.

This research also showed how the characters are indicative of a different role

emerging in the superhero genre. The role grants the privilege to the female point

of view and questions a masculine point of view to define the feminine.



The difference between the master thesis and this study is the object of

the study. The master thesis discusses the character of Super Sidechick, while this

research uses the character of Wonder Woman in Wonder Woman movie script.

The third related study used by the researcher is an undergraduate thesis

by Lucia Dena Pratita entitled Challenging Gender Roles Within Patriarchal

Society as Reflected Through Josey Aimes in North Country Film. In this research,

Pratita analyzes the impacts of challenging gender roles in patriarchal society

portrayed in the North Country film. Pratita has three questions to reveal the

answer of the research questions. The first problem analyzes the two kinds of

gender roles experienced by Josey. The second problem observes how Josey

Aimes challenges female roles. The third problem elaborates the impacts of

challenging gender roles in a patriarchal society by Josey Aimes. To figure out the

answer to those questions, Pratita uses liberal feminist approach by Rosemary

Putnam Tong. Pratita also uses cinematic analysis by using theory of film analysis

of Bela Balaz. As a result, Pratita figured out that Josey experienced two kinds of

gender roles. Pratita also found out that Josey worked in a salon as the way she

challenges gender roles. At last, Pratita recognized that the patriarchal society

discriminated and harassed Josey’s mentally and physically as the response

toward Josey’s decision. This is how Pratita proves sexual harassment and

subordination experienced by Josey.

The patriarchal society treats women differently. As the

consequences of challenging her role as a woman, Josey experiences two

kinds of improper treatment. The first one gets sexual harassment and the

second one is discriminated. Although Hank Aims and Josey Aimes are

bonded as father and daughter, they are still treated differently based on

their gender. Josey manages to get what she needs because she works



hard like her father, but Josey is always haunted by fears and worries

towards male workers who could at any time harass her. It is different for

Hank because he is a man and because he is supposed to be there, not for

Josey (Pratita, 2018, p. 63).

The difference of the undergraduate thesis and this study is on the object

of the study and the topic discussed. The undergraduate thesis discusses gender

roles in North Country film. Although, this study discuss women’s stereotypes in

Wonder Woman movie script.

B. Review of Related Theories

In this research, the researcher uses three theories to answer the

formulated problems. The first is the theory of character and characterization in

the film. The second is the theory of feminism. The third is the theory gender


1. Theory of Character and Characterization

The researcher uses theory of character and characterization of film by

Boggs and Petrie. According to them, there are some steps to characterize a

character in a film. The characterizations are analyzed through appearance,

dialogue, external action, internal action, and contrast: dramatic foils, caricature

and leitmotif, and choice of name. In this study, the researcher identifies the

character through appearance, external action, internal action, and leitmotif.



a. Characterization through Appearance

A character must be represented well by the actors or actresses. The

actors and actresses must be capable of projecting certain qualities of the

character. Appearance is important to give the first impression of the character as

the quality of the character. The dress, facial features, the way they move,

physical build, and mannerisms of the actors and actresses influence the

assumption of the audience towards a character. Therefore, the casting process of

the actors or actresses is very important to find out the best actor or actress who

can represent the character (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 60).

b. Characterization through Dialogue

The second is through dialogue. Dialogues are very important to deliver

the story of a film. Dialogues serve the story of the film through the conversation

of the characters in sequence. Dialogues show more than what a character has to

say, but it shows how the character has to say it. The character's attitudes and

thoughts can be seen through the grammar, sentence structure, stress, pitch,

vocabulary, and dialect that occur in the dialogue. Those can reveal the characters'

mental process, economic level, educational background, and social life. To

analyze the characterization through dialogues, the researcher has to focus on how

it is said (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 61).

c. Characterization through External Action

The characters’ actions are the best reflection of their characteristics.

Character and action should have a strong connection and grow naturally.

Therefore, the actions of the character have to bear with the character's



personality. The motives of the action represent a particular personality of the

character. All of the character's actions can represent a particular personality, even

the smallest thing that the character does give a significant representation of the

character's personality (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 61).

d. Characterization through Internal Action

Inner action is the characters’ emotion and mind consists of dreams,

thoughts, fears, memories, fantasies, and secrets. Those things are important to

understand the character’s real esteem, dread, and anxiety. The exciting

personality can be found in the inner action of the character. The filmmaker

creates visualizations or aurally of the inner actions; therefore, the audience can

see or hear the character’s thought, imagination, and feeling. The visualization

and aurally inner action delivered through the close-ups on sensitive expression

and music used (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 61).

e. Characterization through Reaction of Other Characters

The characterization of a character sometimes is explained through other

characters’ points of view about a character. Other characters can explain the

characterization by explaining explicitly about the behavior of a character or can

explain it implicitly through the action of the character (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p.




f. Characterization through Contrast: Dramatic Foils

The characterization of characters also can be seen by contrasting the

opposite behavior, opinion, lifestyle, physical appearance and attitude of other

characters to the main character. This method is similar to contrast the antagonists

and the protagonist's character, for example, Griffith and Knotts on The Old Andy

Griffith Show who have different personalities and physical appearance. Griffith is

tall and heavy, easy-going, and confident, while Knotts is small and skinny,

nerves, and insecure. Based on the example, we can use this method to compare

the different characterizations of the characters in the film (Boggs & Petrie, 2008,

p. 62).

g. Characterization through Caricature and Leitmotif

A caricature is used to give some dominant features or personality traits

to the actor to make them more attractive and memorable. The dominant features

and personality traits can be in the form of obsession, movement, accent, and

many more. While leitmotif is the trademark of the character developed from the

character's representation of action, phrase, or idea. It is similar to caricature

(Boggs & Petrie, 2008, pp. 65-66).

h. Characterization through Choice of Name

The choice of name is important to define the characterization of the

character. The choice of a name possesses the qualities of sounds, meanings, and

connotations. For the screenwriter, the name of the character has to be examined

carefully to find a great name with great connotation and sound (Boggs & Petrie,

2008, pp. 66-67).



2. Theory of Feminism

Feminism is defined in many perspectives. There is no absolute

definition of feminism. Every scholar and people have their definition of what

feminism is. Selden and Peter state that feminism is a movement against

patriarchal culture to struggle gender equality and eradicate gender domination in

society (2005, p. 115). Then, according to Humm, the main idea of feminism

explained by various historical thinking is a social force. Feminism is categorized

as a social force because politics, social life, culture, and economic are differed by

sexes differentiation. This condition put women value less than men. Therefore,

society describes feminism as the chance for women to reverse the social place

(Humm, 1992, p. 1). Furthermore, Guerin et al state feminism is more concerned

about how women are marginalized in a patriarchal culture that is arranged by

men and for the charity of men. According to them, feminism is used to clarify the

false assumption of women (2005, p. 223). Moreover, Beauvoir also explains

feminism as the media to deconstruct the myth of women in patriarchal society

that gives some stereotypes to women. Through deconstruction the myth of

women Beauvoir signifies how the society strengthen the oppression to women as

a group (Plain & Sellers, 2007, pp. 87-88).

Based on those scholars’ definitions of feminism, the researcher assumes

feminism as the struggle of women to fight for equality, freedom, and pride in a

patriarchal society. Through feminism, women change the social system in

culture, economics, politics, and life which is distinguished by gender status.

Feminism changes the social system which brings misery into women's lives in a



patriarchal society. Women fight to stop discrimination, oppression, stereotype,

and objectification based on their gender which formed by the patriarchal society.

Therefore, women can own their rights and freedom as humans without any worry

about oppression and limitation. Women hope for a better life in society through

feminism. In this research, the researcher uses the theory of feminism by Simone

De Beauvoir to clarify the false assumption about women’s stereotypes as the

Other through deconstruction of the myth of women.

3. Theory of Gender Stereotype

In this research, the researcher also uses the theory of gender stereotype

that focus on women’s stereotypes to examine the women's stereotype issues in

Wonder Woman movie script. According to Walsh, gender is different from sex.

Sex refers to the biological aspect of the human body, while gender are

constructed by the society. The society uses gender to distinguish male and


It would appear that the instances they cite where sexual identities

seem to be at stake are not sufficiently widespread to merit collapsing the

traditional feminist formulation whereby sex is seen as a biological

category and gender as socially constructed one (Walsh, 2001, p. 14).

According to Beauvoir, in patriarchal society, the social system

constructs women to pose as the Other by resisting her experiences as subject and

fellow beings. As the result, the role of women is determined by the society and

their positions are oppressed by men.

To pose woman is to pose the absolute the other, without

reciprocity, denying against all the experience that she is a subject, a

fellow human being (1989, p. 253).



On the other hand, the position of men in patriarchal society gives them

the authority to build a myth of women as the Other. Therefore, they construct the

stereotypes of women to suit the economic interest, ontological and moral

pretension of them in the society, “This arrangement suited the economic interests

of the males; but it conformed also to their ontological and moral pretensions”

(Beauvoir, 1989, p. 139).

The use of the term "gender" in society becomes problematic. Gender

gives the identity of a human being. Unfortunately, people's identity based on

their gender can determine the treatment of the society that they will receive.

Gender stereotype is one of the problematic issues about gender.

According to Burgess and Borgida, gender stereotype is problematic because it

causes discrimination, particularly towards women in patriarchal society. This

discrimination indicates gender inequality in patriarchal society.

Whereas the descriptive component of gender stereotypes is

expected to lead to discrimination against women who are perceived as

lacking the necessary attributes to succeed in male-dominated

occupations, the prescriptive component is expected to lead to

discrimination against women who violate shared beliefs about how

women should behave (1999, p. 667).

The researcher uses the theory of women’s stereotypes by Simone De

Beauvoir. She described women as the Other in the patriarchal society. As the

other, women are described as powerless because men try to oppress their power

to maintain their authority.

History has shown us that men have always kept in their hands all

concrete powers, since the earliest days of the patriarchate they have

thought best to keep woman in a state of dependence; their codes of law

been set up against her; and thus she has been definitely established as

the Other (Beauvoir, 1989, p. 139).



According to Beauvoir, the women’s stereotypes are established by men

in a patriarchal society. The power that they have kept women as dependent. They

make laws against women, therefore, women are established as the Other based

on their different nature to men.

The nature of women during the patriarchal era is depicted as

material beauty and fertile soil (Beauvoir, 1989, p. 152). Furthermore, all

of the feminine behaviors force women to be ideal-typical of women

from men’s point of view. As “the Other”, the woman is depicted as

inferior, object, powerless, and dependent (Beauvoir, 1989, p. 262).

As dependent being, women are depicted as being who follow the men.

To be a true woman, women have to be the Other who always depend on men.

This situation breaks the status of women as independent individuals.

What is certain is that today it is very difficult for women to accept

at the same time their status as autonomous individuals and their

womanly destiny; this is the source of the blundering and restlessness

which sometimes caused them to be considered a “lost sex” (Beauvoir,

1989, p. 263).

Moreover, women have to be the object as true woman or the Other.

Even a successful independent woman has to be the object, otherwise, she will be

considered as the contradiction of feminine. “Whereas woman’s independent

successes are in contradiction with her femininity since the “true woman” is

required to make herself object, to be the Other” (Beauvoir, 1989, p. 262).



As an object, women are depicted as the object for men. Women’s body

are required to satisfy men’s pleasure. Therefore, the patriarchal society creates

the standardization of ideal women’s body. The women’s body should be slender,

not loaded with fat, muscular, supple, and strong. “The feminine body is asked to

be flesh, but with discretion; it to be slender and not loaded with fat; muscular,

supple, and strong” (Beauvoir, 1989, p. 262).

Women are also depicted as inferior being, and they will never be equal

to men. This idea creates social discrimination towards women. Besides

considered as powerless creatures, women are also seen as dumb and submissive.

The stereotype of being powerless is also associated to being dependent.

The theory of women’s stereotypes is used to categorize the stereotypes

of women in the movie and to identify the struggles of Diana in breaking the

stereotypes of women.

C. Theoretical Framework

This thesis analyzes the struggles of Diana in Wonder Woman Movie

script to break the stereotypes of women. This thesis focuses on the struggles of

Diana to break the stereotypes of women as “the Other”.

To analyze the struggles of Diana in breaking women’s stereotypes, this

thesis uses three theories. The first theory is the theory of character and

characterization in a film by Boggs and Petrie to answer the first problem

formulation. This theory analyzes the characterization of a character through

appearance, internal action, external action, leitmotif, and reaction of other

characters. To answer the second problem formulation, this thesis uses the theory



of women’s stereotypes as the Other by Simone De Beauvoir. This theory

explains the fourth characteristics of women as the Other, those are powerless, as

an object, dependent, and inferior. To answer the third question of this thesis, the

researcher uses the theory of feminism. The theory of feminism is used is a theory

by Beauvoir. The theory of feminism is used to clarify the false assumption of

women depicted through Diana’s experiences in breaking women’s stereotypes.





This chapter contains object of the study, approach of the study, and

method. Object of the study discusses about the primary sources used in this

research. Approach of the study discusses the approach applied to analyze the

primary sources. Method of the study explains the organization of the analysis in


A. Object of the Study

In this research, the researcher uses Wonder Woman Movie script as the

object of this study. Wonder Woman is a film which is adapted from DC comic

series entitled Wonder Woman by William Moulton Marston H. G. Peter. This

film was directed by Patty Jenkins. The screenplay writers are Zack Synder, Allan

Heinberg, and Jason Fuch (Wonder Woman, para. 1-4, 2016). Wonder Woman

was released on June 2nd, 2017, in United States. The casts of this movie are

Galgadot as Diana, Chris Pine as Steve Trevor, Robin Wright as Antiope, Danny

Huston as Lunderdorff, David Thewlis as Sir Patrick, Connie Nielsen as

Hyppolyta, and Elena Anaya as Dr. Maru. The duration of this movie is about 141

minutes (Cornet, Goldman, Foster, Gilbert, & Starr, para. 2-3, 2017).

In summary, Wonder Woman tells about Princess Diana from Amazon

who wants to save human from the war that happened in the world. Diana has a

mission to stop the war, therefore, she must kill Ares, the god of war. She has to

pass all the obstacles such as to face her mother who overprotects her. Her mother



prohibits her to be a warrior and join the war, but young Diana never gives up to

complete her mission. To achieve her goal, she practices fighting with Antiope

since her childhood to gain power and skills in fighting. Despite her strength and

skills, yet, Diana experiences women’s stereotypes that discriminate her because

she is a woman. However, she insists to fight against the German soldiers,

Lunderdorff, and Ares to bring peace to the world. She successfully breaks

women’s stereotypes, stops the war and saves the world. She kills Ares and

becomes an unconquerable warrior.

Wonder Woman movie has a set of time in World War I in London. In

this movie, Diana experienced women’s stereotypes in World War I in London. In

this era, women’s stereotypes exist and cause discrimination, restriction and

oppression towards women. Women are discriminated against by patriarchal

society in the working field. During World War I, women replaced men’s

positions in the working field because the men had to go to the war. A woman

had to work as labor to earn money for the family. However, the discrimination

towards gender in the working field as laborers caused women to be paid less than

men in the same position of a job. In the war field, women also had roles. They

had roles as nurses, truck drivers, and civil service workers. However, women

were prohibited to be soldiers.

The experiences of Diana towards women’s stereotypes occur in the era

of World War I describe her as a powerless woman and sexual object that portrays

her as an inferior woman. Because of the stereotypes, the male characters prohibit



her to take roles in the war as a soldier, demands her to fulfill the beauty standard,

and prohibit her to join a military council.

The gender discrimination through stereotype of London people during

the World War I showed how the patriarchal society applied women’s stereotypes

to discriminate and suppress women. The patriarchal society of London people

during the World War I becomes the background of Wonder Woman movie script,

which the main character is the opposite type of woman in that era.

This research tries to analyze the women’s stereotypes experienced by

Diana in World War I in London. To limit the scope, this research focuses on the

main character’s struggles in breaking women’s stereotypes in the movie script.

Some research questions are formed to confine the discussion of this research.

B. Approach of the Study

To answer the problem formulation, this research uses a particular

approach to analyze the data. This research uses feminist criticism to discuss the

topic from a feminist perspective. According to Louis Tyson in Critical Theory of

Today, feminist criticism concerns to analyze how literature amplifies the

economic, political, social, and psychological oppression of women. Feminist

criticism consists of various embodiments to release from the patriarchal system

in literary criticism. Tyson explains that feminist critics have divers thought based

on their discipline examines (2006, p. 83). This feminist criticism suits this

research because it can help the researcher in analyzing gender stereotypes

experienced by Diana.



Moreover, Tyson’s feminist criticism criticizes the gender role issues in a

patriarchal society. The issue leads to gender stereotypes that put women in a

lower position than men (2006, p. 85). It is also appropriate to analyze the

struggles of Diana to break the stereotypes of women.

C. Method of the study

In this research, there are two types of sources are used by the researcher.

The types of sources are primary and secondary sources. The primary source is

used in this research is Wonder Woman movie script. The secondary sources are

used by the researcher are journals, articles, and books. Some important books

that are used in this research are The Art of Watching Film by Joe Boggs and

Dennis Petrie, Critical Theory of Today by Lois Tyson, The Second Sex by

Simone Beauvoir, and A History of Feminism Literary Criticism by Gill Plain and

Susan Sellers.

This research used a library research method to collect data and sources.

A library research method is a method used to collect and find the material in the

form of printed sources (books, magazines, and scripts), articles, journals, and

etcetera. The researcher used this method to collect the data and sources from a

movie script, journals, articles, and books.

In analyzing Wonder Woman movie script, first, the researcher did close

reading to the primary sources to gain an understanding of the story and women’s

stereotype issues. Second, the researcher formulated the research questions. Third,

the researcher found the appropriate theories to help the researcher answered the

problem formulation. The researcher used the theory of characterization in a film



that characterized characters in five ways as explained in the review of related

theory to answer the first problems. This theory helped the researcher to find and

categorize the characteristics of Diana. The researcher used the theory of women’s

stereotypes as the Other by Simone De Beauvoir to answer the second and third

problems. This theory is used in analyzing Diana’s experiences towards women’s

stereotypes and her struggles in breaking women’s stereotypes. The last step was

forming the conclusion of the analysis. The conclusion was made in purpose to

give a brief explanation about the content of the analysis in this undergraduate






This chapter consists of three parts of the discussion. The first part

identifies the characteristics of Diana in the movie script. The second part finds

out the women’s stereotypes experienced by Diana in the war field. The third part

analyzes on the struggles of Diana to break the stereotypes of women. Based on

the explanation above, in this chapter, the researcher intends to answer the

research questions stated in the problem formulation.

In Wonder Woman movie script, Diana is depicted as a superhero from

Amazon. She is called Wonder Woman because she is a superhero who stops the

war and brings peace to human life. To gain a clear picture of Diana, the

discussion on her characteristics is required. The following part is the analysis on

Diana’s characteristics.

A. The Characteristics of Diana in Wonder Woman Movie Script

In analyzing the main character, Diana, the researcher uses the theory of

characterization in film by M. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie. Boggs and Petrie

explained the eight methods to analyze a character in film as explained in the

review of related theories. In this research, the researcher uses five methods of

characterization in the film. Those five methods are through appearance, internal

action, external action, leitmotif and the reaction of other characters.



1. Strong

In Wonder Woman movie script, Diana is depicted as a strong character.

The strength of Diana is portrayed through her appearance, the reaction of other

characters and external action based on the theory of film’s characterization.

The first evidence of Diana as a strong woman is stated by Antiope in her

reaction to Diana's attack on her. Antiope is Hippolyta’s sister. She is the leader of

Amazon’s warriors and Diana’s trainer. To become a strong warrior, Diana is

trained to practice her skills in martial arts and the use of weapons since she was a

child. In the training session, when Diana is still twelve years old, Antiope states

that Diana is strong. When they practice fighting with a sword, Antiope pushes

Diana to break her limit by no doubting herself. Diana tries to break her limit by

fending off Antiope's attack. Unfortunately, she falls off. However, Antiope

convinces Diana that she is stronger than she believes.

ANTIOPE. You’re doubting yourself.

YOUNG DIANA. [12, defiant] No, I’m not.

ANTIOPE. Yes, you are. [beat] But you’re stronger than you believe...

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 11-12)

Through Antiope’s reaction, Antiope believes that Diana is strong. Even

though she knows that Diana doubts herself during the training session, she knows

that Diana is strong and can be stronger if Diana practices harder.

The external action of Diana in the examination scene shows her strength.

The examination of Diana is to see the result of her hard training since she was a

child. Diana grows older and becomes a woman. In the examination, Diana fights

Antiope’s guards one by one. After she beats Antiope's guards, the last challenge



is to fight Antiope. She exerts all of her strength to fight Antiope. At the end of

the fight, Diana succeeds to beat Antiope.

[Diana attacks Antiope with strength previously unseen! The Amazons

watch with awe. Even Hippolyta. Unrelenting, Diana strikes hard, AGAIN

AND AGAIN, until she knocks Antiope’s sword out of her hands! Cocky,

Diana points the sword at Antiope, who holds up her hands in surrender,

proud. Diana nods, lowering the sword -- she’s won].

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 14)

When Diana fights Antiope and her guards, she uses her strength by

knocking Antiope's sword, giving hard strikes to Antiope, and pointing her sword

to Antiope. In this examination session, Diana can prove that the strength she has

built since childhood can surpass Antiope who is her coach.

Next, the appearance of Diana also portrays her as a strong woman. Boggs

and Petrie explain that the characteristics of a character can be seen through the

character's appearance. How the character dressed, moved, facial features and

physical appearance depict the impression of the character (2008, p. 60).

In the scene, Diana successfully climbs the High Tower. She wears a

Greek armor. In the tower, she takes the God Killer. The God Killer is the weapon

which is created by Zeus for the Amazon to protect them from Ares. This weapon

is strong enough to kill a god. When Diana takes the God Killer, the mere energy

is in her hand. She feels it suits her. After she takes the God Killer, she grabs a

shield and the Lasso of Hestia. She dresses as a warrior of the Amazon. Then, her

eyes are attracted by an armor with blue, red, and golden colors.

[In the moonlit darkness of the deserted armory, Diana moves towards the

GODKILLER SWORD. She takes it from its SCABBARD, awed by its

weight, its sheer power in her hands. She holds it tight. It feels right. As

she leaves, she passes a suit of ancient armor and SNATCHES ITS

SHIELD. Then the LASSO OF HESTIA disappears from its hook. Diana,



now half-dressed in GREEK ARMOR, admires a glowing GOLDEN BELT-

LIKE GIRDLE, then looks ahead to something that really catches her eye.

BLURRY in our f.g., the silhouette of a woman’s form GLOWS GOLD,

RED, AND BLUE from its display].

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 34)

The appearance of Diana wearing a Greek armor and completed by

weapons such as God Killer, shield and Lasso of Hestia shows her identity as a

strong warrior of the Amazon. Her appearance reflects her strength and her being

as a skillful warrior. Diana takes those weapons and she also can use them well.

She has practiced fighting with bare hands and weapons. Therefore, those

weapons suit her. Those weapons make her stronger to defeat the enemy.

2. Super powerful

As a superhero, Diana must have a special or superpower that maximizes

her strength. In this movie script, Diana has three superpowers. Those are sharp

eyesight, powerful strength to break things and powerful energy of a god that she

releases when she crosses her bracelets. Those superpowers support Diana’s

physical strength that makes her stronger. Those powers form her as an

unconquerable warrior.

The evidence of Diana as a super powerful woman is shown through

external action. Diana decides to follow Steve to the world. She decides to kill

Ares, the god of war and stop the war. Therefore, humans especially; women and

children are safe. Before she goes to the world, Diana comes to the High Tower

where the God Killer is placed. God Killer is a sword that is strong enough to kill

a god. Zeus gave it to the Amazon to protect them from Ares as the god of war.

Diana comes to the tower to take the God Killer; therefore, she can kill Ares. The



tower is surrounded by valleys. Diana cannot get into the tower from the front

door because many guards who block it. Diana tries to find another way, then, she

finds a window. Diana jumps to the tower.


Thinking fast she GRASPS a SPUR and --

She SLAMS into the side, holding on. She revels at the

moment briefly and then sobers: Now what?

The window is at least 30 feet above her -- below, the

abyss. The wind MOANS.

Diana’s GRIP TIGHTENS on the spur.

Suddenly, the SPUR CRACKS! Diana falls --

She scrambles against the wall, her hands grasping at the

stone face. SHARDS FLYING around her, she realizes she’s

strong enough to make her own handholds -- SLAM!”]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 33)

The actions of Diana jumping and climbing the tower show her

superpower. Because she has a superpower, she can jump above the valley to

reach the tower. Her superpower as a god makes her can climb the tower by

herself without any equipment. She only slams the tower to make her handholds.

This action shows the superpower of Diana's hands to slam the tower.

One of her superpowers is her sharp eyesight. This superpower occurs

through the external action of Diana when the German soldiers come to

Themyscira, the land of the Amazon, to catch Steve. Steve is a pilot from

American Expeditionary Forces. When the soldiers arrived at the beach, the

Amazons attack these soldiers because they assume the soldiers as threats. The

German soldiers strike back the Amazons, and the battle between the Amazons

and German soldiers arises in the beach. In the battle, Diana sees a soldier lifts his

fire and she can see the bullet crosses her and shots Orana, one of Amazon’s




[ON THE BEACH: Diana and Steve watch her, stunned.

Diana turns as a soldier lifts his rifle and FIRES. She

sees the BULLET leave the gun, heading straight for her


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 19)

Diana's external action above shows that Diana has sharp eyesight. The

action of Diana sees the bullet crosses her and shots Orana is the evidence of

Diana’s superpower; she even can see the movement of the bullet.

The evidence of her god powerful energy is showed through leitmotif.

Boggs and Petrie explain that the characteristics of a character can be seen

through leitmotif. Leitmotif is the trademark of the character which becomes the

earmark of the character. Leitmotif depicted through the character’s actions, ideas

or phrases (2008, pp. 65-66).

During the examination, Diana has a battle with Antiope, she strikes Diana

brutally with her swords. To defend herself, Diana crosses her bracelets. When

she crosses her bracelets, powerful energy released spontaneously by her. Antiope

is flung because of the energy. Everyone in the examination place is surprised,

especially Diana. This is the first time Diana releases her powerful energy. It is

the power of god.

[Pushed to her limit, Diana brings both arms up -- then SLAMS her


DIANA’S CORE. We get the sense that this is just the beginning of her true


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 15)



The powerful energy released by Diana when she crosses her bracelets

shows her strength as a God. This action is the trademark of Diana as a Wonder

Woman. This is a special power that is only owned by Diana. The energy is very

powerful to defense her and strike her opponent. This power completes the

strength that she builds since she was a child.

3. Adventurous

In Wonder Woman movie script, Diana is depicted as an adventurous

woman. The evidence of Diana as an adventurous woman can be seen through her

external action and internal action based on the theory of characterization by

Boggs and Petrie.

As an adventurous woman, the external action of Diana shows her interest

to face challenges. Boggs and Petrie explain that the character's action is the best

reflection of the character's characteristics. Therefore, the action and the

personality of the character must correspond to each other (Boggs & Petrie, 2008).

When young Diana escapes from her tutor to see the Amazon warriors’

practice. When she looks for a way to escape, she finds an abyss. Without any

hesitation, she jumps the abyss.

[Looking for a way out, she sees a long jump she just

might make. There’s a big fall, but Diana loves a

challenge! She smiles mischievously, runs and LEAPS --]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 4)

The action of young Diana jumping the abyss shows her adventurous side.

Her action is categorized as challenging because a kid is impossible to jump the

abyss. It is full of risk and a kid does not have the strength to jump the abyss.



Young Diana cannot jump the abyss. She is still a kid and she does not do any

practices to build her strength yet. However, because she assumes the obstacle as

a challenge for her to break her limit, without any hesitation she jumps to the


The internal action of Diana also shows her adventurous side. Boggs and

Petrie explain that the internal action of the character shows the character's

emotions and minds consist of fears, memories, thoughts, dreams, secrets and

fantasies (Boggs & Petrie, 2008, p. 61). Those emotions and minds can reflect an

interesting personality of the character. The scene when Diana fights Antiope's

guard in the examination is the evidence of her as an adventurous woman. She is

very excited when she fights Antiope's strong guard one by one.

[Diana moves THROUGH and OVER obstacles, where she faces

off against one of ANTIOPE’S GUARDS (African), using her

SHIELD, BRACELETS and SWORD -- then ARTEMIS joins. Diana”

now taking on TWO AMAZONS -- and excited for the


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 14)

Diana’s feeling of excitement to fight Antiope’s guards proves her as an

adventurous woman. She is very enthusiastic to defeat Antiope’s guard. She fights

Antiope’s guards earnestly. She uses her weapons such as sword, shield, and

bracelets. She strikes them with all of her strength. Even though she also fights

two guards at once, she does not feel afraid. Otherwise, she feels the challenge

and becomes more excited than before.



Another evidence is in the scene when Diana decides to leave Themyscira

to stop the war and tells her mother that she will not change her decision. She

wants to fight for others who cannot fight for themselves. Her mother cannot hold

her and says goodbye to her. She reminds her that if Diana leaves Themyscira, she

may never return.

DIANA. I understand enough. That I’m willing to fight for those who

cannot fight for themselves. Like you once did...

HIPPOLYTA. You know that if you choose to leave us, you may never

return. Once you leave this island, its location will fade from your


[Hippolyta relents, nodding. She climbs down from her horse, taking

something from the saddle. She presents Diana with ANTIOPE’S


HIPPOLYTA. This belonged to the greatest warrior in our history -- make

sure you are worthy of it.

DIANA. I will. She hands it to her daughter.

HIPPOLYTA. Be careful in the world of men, Diana, they do not deserve


[Hippolyta tries to memorize her daughter’s face, believing it’s the last

time she’ll ever see it.]

HIPPOLYTA. You have been my greatest love. Today you are my greatest


[Diana WALKS AWAY from her mother, and the only home she’s ever

known, towards Steve and the ship.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, Wonder Woman, 2017, p. 36)

This evidence shows Diana’s external action as an adventurous woman

because she wants to take the challenge to go to the world for the first time and to

fight against Ares. She admits the risk that she may never return to her home. On

the other hand, she is still excited to stop the war for human salvation.



4. Confident

Diana is depicted as a confident woman in Wonder Woman movie script.

The evidences of Diana as a confident woman can be seen through internal action

and leitmotif.

The internal action that portrays Diana as a confident woman is when

Diana and Steve leave Themyscira, they talk about the war and Ares. Diana

explains the history of Zeus and Ares that influence the war in the world.

Therefore, she has a purpose to kill Ares to stop the war. She mentions to Steve

that she is capable to stop the war using God Killer.

DIANA. The God of War is our

responsibility. Only an Amazon

can defeat him. With this. [Diana points the SWORD at Steve, he

holds his hands up]

DIANA. And once I do, the war will end.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 38)

The statement above shows that Diana is a very confident person. She

believes that she can kill Ares with the God Killer. She believes that she is

powerful enough to kill Ares. There is no hesitation in herself.

Through leitmotif, the evidence of Diana as a confident woman can be

seen in the scene of Diana's battle with Lunderdorff, a German General that she

assumes as Ares. The battle happened in German control tower. Diana comes to

the tower to defeat Lunderdorff. When Lunderdorff sees her, he shoots her by his

gun. Fortunately, Diana can block the bullet. Then, Diana reveals her identity as

an Amazon and the daughter of Hippolyta, the queen of the Amazon confidently.



DIANA. [to herself]

I am Diana of Themyscira, daughter

of Hippolyta... and I am here to

complete her mission –

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 107)

Diana says those sentences several times in the movie. Those sentences

are the trademark of Diana. Those sentences prove Diana as a confident woman

because she declares her identity with pride. Those sentences show that Diana is

proud of herself. She is proud to be Hippolyta's daughter and to be an Amazon.

She is trusted to finish the mission of Hippolyta to kill Ares and bring peace to the


5. Caring

As a woman, Diana is depicted as a caring person. This quality is seen

through external action and internal action. The evidence is in the scene of Diana's

battle with Antiope during the examination. This evidence is portrayed through

internal action. When Diana defenses herself from Antiope's brutal strikes, Diana

crosses her bracelets and releases the god’s power. Then, Antiope flung because

of Diana's god’s power. It hurts Antiope, it causes her head bleeding. Diana feels

sorry for what she has done to Antiope. She feels sorry because she hurts her. She

sees the Amazons stare at her for what she has done to Antiope.

[Diana looks at the other Amazons, who all stare back in

silence, even Artemis -- then back to her mother’s

forlorn face, filled with fear. Diana slowly takes a

step away, feeling frightened, guilty, rejected --]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 15)



The quotation above shows the evidence of Diana as a caring person. The

evidence is shown through her feeling after she hurts Antiope. Diana feels scared,

guilty, and rejected. She feels scared because it is the first time that she realizes

she has a superpower which is dangerous if she cannot use and control it properly.

She is afraid that her power will hurt anyone else. Diana also feels guilty to

Antiope because she hurts her. She does not want to hurt her. Yet, her hidden

power hurts Antiope and she feels sorry for what she has done. Meanwhile, she

feels the feeling of rejection from the Amazons after she hurts Antiope with her

hidden power. The other Amazons stare at her in silence. Even her mother stares

at her with a forlorn face. That reaction makes Diana feels rejected by the

Amazons. She feels that the Amazons blame her for what she has done. The

feeling of guilty, afraid and rejected appear as the expression of her love for the

Amazons especially Antiope as her tutor. Her love for them makes her unites to

the group and feels guilty if she cannot protect them or hurt them. The way she

expresses her love proves that she is a caring woman.

The evidence of Diana as a caring person through internal action also

occurs in the scene of Steve's interrogation in the Throne Room of Themyscira. In

this scene, the Amazons ask his identity and his purpose to go to Themyscira.

Steve explains many things about himself and the war that happened in the world.

Diana sympathizes and feels sad about human suffering because of the war.



STEVE. [with difficulty] +

... Innocent people. Women and children. Slaughtered. Their homes --

villages -- looted, burned. Weapons deadlier, more horrifying than you

can imagine. Like nothing I’ve ever seen...It’s like… [Absolute truth to

Him] ... like the world is going to end. [Steve’s head hangs low; Diana

looks at him with sympathy and sadness].

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 27)

Steve’s statement above shows the evidence of Diana as a caring person

through her sympathy and sadness in response to Steve's story about the war. Her

love makes her sensitive to feel human suffering because of the war, even though,

she only hears the story from Steve.

The next evidence is depicted in the scene when Diana, Steve, Chief,

Sameer and Charlie have a rest in the campfire before they go to the front line the

next day. Chief, Sameer and Charlie are the partners of Steve who help Steve and

Diana get into the war field and supply weapons for Steve. In this scene, Diana

and Chief talk about the war, meanwhile, the rest of them fell asleep. Suddenly,

Charlie wakes up and murmurs because of a nightmare.

[Before Diana can ask more about that, Charlie suddenly

starts to murmur, suffering through some kind of terrible


[Diana watches until -- Charlie CRIES OUT, waking himself

and Steve and Sameer. Diana reaches out to Charlie,

compassionately --]

DIANA. You’re safe [trying to help]

What did you see?

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 73)



The evidence of Diana as a caring woman in this scene is shown through

external and internal action. In this scene, the internal action of Diana shows her

concern is her sympathy for Charlie's condition. Her sympathy shows her concern

to him. To express her sympathy in external action, she also does an action to

calm Charlie. Her action to calm Charlie and her sympathy show that she is a

caring person.

6. Brave

Diana is characterized as a brave woman in Wonder Woman movie script.

Her bravery is portrayed through external and internal actions. Diana is in

Themyscira, from a high cliff, she sees a plane falls down to the sea. She also sees

a man struggles to escape from the plane. Diana decides to help by diving off the

cliff, “Without hesitation, Diana DIVES off the cliff, hurtling hundreds of feet

through the air and into the sea” (Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 16).

The external action of Diana dives off the cliff shows her bravery. The

cliff is very high. It is risky for her to jump from the hundreds of feet cliff.

However, she does not feel afraid. She dives off the cliff without any hesitation to

save the man on the plane. Moreover, this is the first time she interacts with a

human being. She is not afraid to have contact with a human. She even helps the

man to escape from the plane.

The evidence of Diana as a brave woman is seen through internal action. It

can be seen through her mind that she is not afraid of Ares. When Hippolyta and

the Amazons discuss to let Steve go or not, Diana debates her mother about their

responsibility to stop the war that happened in the world. Diana states her mind



when her mother decides to not involve in human war. Diana thinks her mother is

afraid to face Ares. While she is not afraid of Ares, she wants to stop the war. She

said, “You may be afraid to face Ares, Mother, but I am not” (Heinberg, Synder,

& Fuchs, 2017, p. 29).

In this scene, the internal action of Diana proves her as a brave woman

because she has thought that she is not afraid to face Ares. Her thought shows that

she is ready and wants to face Ares to stop the war of humans. She declares her

thought to her mother bravely. She breaks her mother's argument and debates her

to state that she is not afraid and she can face Ares.

7. Beautiful

Diana is described as a beautiful woman. The external action of Steve

shows the evidence that Diana is beautiful. The evidence is in the scene when

Diana saves Steve after he sinks in the sea with his plane. Diana swims and brings

Steve to the beach. This is the first time she sees a human. She is amazed, and also

Steve. Steve is amazed by Diana’s beauty.

[Steve wakes, squinting in the sun, surprised to discover Diana’s not a

hallucination. He takes in the strange surroundings, blown back by her

breathtaking beauty]


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 18)

In this scene, Steve looks at Diana in amazement. He is fascinated looks at

Diana when she breaths and observes above him. Steve looks at a very beautiful

woman above him. He cannot resist uttering praise. Therefore, as the expression

of fascinated, he says "wow". That utterance gives more evidence of Diana as a

beautiful woman.



8. Principled

As a woman, Diana has a characteristic as a principled woman in Wonder

Woman movie script. As a principled woman, Diana has a strong belief about

what is right and wrong based on her principle. Therefore, as a principled woman,

she is unwavering. The evidence of Diana as a principled woman is portrayed

through internal action. The first evidence is revealed through her conversation

with Senator Acantha and Hippolyta. Achantha is a senator in Themyscira. The

existence of Steve in Thmyscira triggers a battle for the Amazons and German

soldiers who follow Steve. The battle causes bloodshed. After the battle, the

amazons interrogate Steve to find his identity and motives in coming to

Themyscira. During the interrogation, Steve tells about her identity and the war.

After the Amazons interrogate Steve, they debate the decision to let him go from

Themyscira or hold him there. Reflects on Steve’s statement about the war, Diana

comes with her statement that Ares is the cause of the war. Therefore, she thinks

that the Amazons are responsible to stop the war.

SENATOR ACANTHA. What are you talking about, child?

DIANA. Forgive me, Senator Acantha, but... the man called it a war

without end. Millions of people already dead. Like nothing he’s ever

seen. Only Ares could do such a thing. We cannot simply let him go.

[then] We must go with him.

HIPPOLYTA. We are not deploying our army and leaving Themyscira

defenseless to go and fight their war!

DIANA. It is not their war. [repeating the history lesson] Zeus created

man to be just and wise, strong and passionate.

HIPPOLYTA. That was a story, Diana. There is much you do not know.

Mankind is easily corruptible.


DIANA. But Ares is behind that corruption. It is Ares who has these

Germans fighting. And stopping the God of War is our fore ordinance –

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 28-29)



Based on the conversation above, the internal action of Diana is her belief

that Ares is the cause of the war and the Amazons are responsible to stop the war.

She shows her effort to hold on her belief and convince the Amazons, especially

her mother as the queen, to take responsibility for the war that happened in the

world. To hold on to her belief, Diana has to debate her mother by telling her the

logical reason why they have to be responsible for stopping the war. Therefore,

Diana explains again the history of Zeus, Ares and the Amazon. Hence, it depicts

Diana’s strong principle as an Amazon who is holding the responsibility to stop

the war.

The second evidence of Diana as a principled woman is seen when Diana

is about to leave Themyscira to kill Ares and tries to stop the war. At the harbor,

her mother and her mother’s guards come to see Diana leaves. Then, her mother

approaches her. Diana thinks that her mother tries to change her decision to stop

the war. Therefore, Diana tells her mother that she cannot let the war happened.

Diana decides to go to the world even though her mother prohibits her. Her

mother knows that she cannot stop Diana. Then, her mother says goodbye to her.

This is the last time Diana meets her mother because she cannot come back if she

leaves Themyscira. This scene shows two perspectives of Diana as an adventurous

woman as explained before and as a principled woman.

DIANA. [defiant; strong] I can’t stand by while innocent lives are lost. If

no one else will defend the world from Ares, I must. I have to go—


[Diana finds not fury on her mother’s face, but sadness.]

HIPPOLYTA. Or at least I know that I cannot stop you. There is so

much... so much you do not understand.

DIANA. I understand enough. That I’m willing to fight for those who

cannot fight for themselves. Like you once did...



HIPPOLYTA. You know that if you choose to leave us, you may never

return. Once you leave this island, its location will fade from your


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 35-36)

In this statement, Diana affirms her decision to her mother that she wants

to save humans by stopping the war. She affirms to her mother that no one can

change her decision, even her mother. To hold on her principle, Diana is ready to

leave Themyscira and violate her mother's command to not involve in the war.

The third evidence is seen when Diana shows for the first time that she is a

Wonder Woman. At that time, in the front line of the war, Steve prohibits Diana

to help a mother and her baby to escape from the war field. Steve commands

Diana to ignore them and keep moving on to cross the front line of the war.

However, Diana insists on helping the woman and her child.

DIANA. So, we do nothing?

STEVE. We are doing something. We can’t save every person in this war.

Besides, it’s not what we came here to do.

[She steps away from the group, turning away from them. Steve thinks

she’s upset. But when Diana turns back to Steve, he sees her face of

determination, wearing -ANTIOPE’S TIARA -AND FOR THE FIRST


DIANA. No, but it’s what I’m going to do. [Diana moves past the team,

stepping over the top of the trench --]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017)

In this conversation, it is shown that Diana is a principled woman. She

determines to help the innocent people in the war field. Diana does not care about

Steve's thoughts that she cannot protect innocent people in the war field. Diana

believes in herself that she can protect innocent people. She keeps focusing on her

mission to protect them no matter what.



B. The Women’s Stereotypes Experienced by Diana in Wonder Woman Movie


In this part of the discussion, the researcher discusses the women’s

stereotypes experienced by Diana. The researcher uses the theory of woman as the

Other by Simone De Beauvoir. Beauvoir explains that women experienced a

women’s stereotype as the Other. As the Other, the patriarchal society describes

women as powerless, an object and inferior.

The patriarchal society uses women’s stereotypes as the tools to put

women in a lower position than men. Through women’s stereotypes, men are able

to limit the roles of women in society. They justify women to certain qualities

such as women are powerless, object, inferior and dependent. Those qualities of

women trigger misperception in understanding women roles in society. This

misperception perpetuated by the patriarchal system to hold men’s position as

authority. As the result, women have to admit the oppression, inequality,

persecution, deprivation of rights and freedom. This part of the discussion has a

purpose to find out the experiences of women’s stereotypes of Diana.

1. Being Powerless

As powerless being, the patriarchal system builds the idea that women are

weaker than men. This idea causes women are underestimated by men. Men can

easily limit women to do something because women’s strength is powerless.

Diana is regarded as a powerless person in Wonder Woman movie script.

The stereotype as a powerless woman is seen through Steve’s utterances. It

happened when Diana and Steve sail to go to the war field. On the way, Diana



tells Steve about her purpose to stop the war by killing Ares as the god of war.

Diana confidently states that she can kill Ares by the God Killer to stop the war.

Steve doubts her statement because he thinks she does not have the capability to

stop the war.

STEVE. Look, Princess, I like your spirit, and maybe you know something

I don’t, but this war is so sprawling, there’s nothing the two of us can

do about it. But we can try to get to the men who can.

DIANA. You’re looking at the person who can. And after I find and

destroy Ares, the German armies will be freed from his influence --

and they will be good men again.

STEVE. [as she’s nuts] I’m starting to understand why your mother didn’t

want you to leave. [beat] How much do you really know about the rest

of the world?

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 38)

This quotation shows the experience of Diana being stereotyped as a

powerless woman. In this quotation, Steve thinks that Diana does not have the

capability to do a complicated thing such as stopping the war. The war is very

complicated, and only men who are capable of accomplishing a war. Moreover,

for Steve, Diana’s strategy to stop the war is illogical. Steve thinks Diana does not

understand about the war. That is why he thinks Diana makes an illogical strategy

to stop the war. Steve agrees to Diana's mother's opinion that Diana is not ready to

stop the war.

The assumption that Diana is a powerless woman is also seen when they

arrive at the front line of the battle. The front line of the battle is called No Man's

Land. It is the center of the war. In this scene, Diana wants to help a mother with

her baby to escape from the war field. However, Steve tells Diana that she cannot

cross this place because the war is very intense and she cannot help them.



DIANA. But these people are dying, they’ve nothing to eat. And in the

village... Enslaved, she said. Women. Children.

STEVE. There’s nothing we can do about that.

DIANA. How can you say that? What is the matter with you?

STEVE. This is no man’s land, Diana. It means no man can cross it. This

is the worst point on the entire front. This battalion has been here for

nearly a year and they’ve barely gained an inch because on the other

side are Germany’s deadliest soldiers. Pointing machine guns at every

square inch of this place. This is not something you can cross. It’s

not possible.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 78)

In this scene, Steve asserts to Diana that she cannot cross No Man's Land

to save the woman and the child. Steve explains to Diana that even the soldiers are

difficult to move from that place because the German soldiers always point

machine guns to them. Steve thinks it is impossible for Diana to fight the German

soldiers because she is not strong enough to beat them. Therefore, he prohibits

Diana to beat the soldiers and help the woman and the child.

Another evidence shows how Steve underestimates Diana is when Diana

intends to join Steve to attend a gala dinner held by Lunderdorff, a German

general. In this occasion, Lunderdorff held the gala to show his colleagues his

new weapon which is made from gas. In this gala, he releases the gas weapon to a

village to show the effect of the weapon to his colleagues. On this scene, it can be

seen that Steve prohibits her to join him to join the gala because he has to be a spy

to find the information about the weapon, and wants to work by himself.

STEVE. It won’t look at all suspicious when I come sauntering out of the

woods on foot –

DIANA. I could get in.

STEVE. You’re not going in. It’s too –

DIANA. Dangerous?

STEVE. I know how to do stealth -- been doing it my whole life. I’ll

follow them to wherever they’re working on the gas or better yet find

out where it is.



STEVE. [CONT'D] [beat] Plus, we can’t make a scene.

DIANA. I can be stealthy.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 86)

In this scene, Steve views Diana as a person who is not capable to be a

spy. He thinks that she cannot stealth and follow the person who involves in the

making of the gas. Steve underestimates her by comparing his capability and

experiences to be a spy. He thinks that he can do the spy job better without her


Besides Steve, Diana is also stereotyped as a powerless woman by Sameer

and Charlie, Steve’s paid partners to help them go to the front line of the war. It is

seen in the scene when Steve meets Charlie and Sameer to ask for their help to

drop Steve and Diana to the front side of the battle. Sameer and Charlie are

surprised because they have to drop off a woman to the front line of the war. They

do not want to bring them especially Diana. They do not want to take the risk by

dropping her to the front line of the battle.

SAMEER. What is this?

STEVE. We’re dropping her off at the front.

SAMEER. Dropping her off?

CHARLIE. [to Diana] No offense, cherie, but I don’t wanna get killed

helping a girl out of a ditch, ya know what I mean?

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 64)

This scene shows how Diana is underestimated, Charlie and Sameer

cannot believe that Steve asks them to bring her to the front side of the battle.

They think the battle is not the place for a woman. Therefore, they do not want to

take a risk by bringing her to the front side of the battle. It is troublesome because

they can die. According to them, Diana cannot fight and protect herself. Bringing

her to the front line would just burden them.



Another experience is seen when Diana comes to Lunderdorff in the

control tower of the German military. She comes to Luderdorff because she thinks

Lunderdorff is Ares. Therefore, Diana wants to kill him.

[Ludendorff turns as Diana arrives, wielding the GODKILLER. He

smirks, scoffing -].

LUDENDORFF. Nice to see you again. [This is a surprise. He aims his

GUN at her -].


LUDENDORFF. But I have things to do.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 106-107)

This evidence proves that Lunderdorff views Diana as a powerless woman

because he smirks and scoffs her when she comes to him. Lunderdorff

underestimates Diana because she only brings the God Killer to beat him. While

he has a gun to beat her. Besides, she is only a woman, he also thinks it is not

important to beat Diana by saying "But I have things to do”.

Another scene is when Diana fights fiercely with Lunderdorff in the

control tower. In the battle, unfortunately, Lunderdorff successes to seize the God

Killer. Then, he said, “As magnificent a creature as you are, you are no match for

me” (Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 108). This evidence proves that

Lunderdorff considers Diana as powerless, even though Diana is also strong, he

thinks that he is more powerful than her. Therefore, he said that Diana is not his

match. According to him, her power is not equal to his power.



2. Being Sexual Object

Diana experiences a women’s stereotype as the Other that stereotypes her

as a sexual object. As explained by Beauvoir in the previous chapter, as a sexual

object, women are expected to fulfill the beauty standard that requires women’s

bodies to be slender and not loaded with fat; muscular, supple and strong. The

objectification of women’s bodies has a purpose to satisfy men pleasure

(Beauvoir, 1989, p. 262). The experience of Diana about this stereotype is seen

when Diana and Steve are on the way to a clothes store. Steve wants to buy

clothes for both of them. He thinks Diana does not wear proper clothes, it is too

attractive because it exposes her legs, hands and shoulders. The proper clothes for

a woman in London at that time is a long coat or dress that cover up all of their

body. While Diana wears only her Greek armor which exposes her body.

Therefore, he buys Diana new clothes to make her less attractive.

[Someone glares at Steve’s clothes -- the remains of a German pilot.]

STEVE. I need to change. [to Diana]. And you...


[People stare at Diana, her cloak open, revealing her armor. She smiles

and nods, “Hello!” they back away. Steve tries to keep her cloak closed --

he can’t help but take a second glance at her leg.]

DIANA. What are you doing?

STEVE. [sneaks a third glance] We need to get you some clothes.


STEVE. Because you aren’t wearing any. Diana, confused, looks down at

her armor, then looks around at the mostly overdressed women on the


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 44)

This evidence of Diana's experience towards women’s stereotype as a

sexual object demands her to adapt the beauty standard of European people in the

era of World War I. To apply the beauty standard, Diana must wear overdressed



clothes. In contrast, in this movie script, Diana only wears a Greek armor and a

cloak which are not categorized as overdressed by the people. Therefore, Steve

closes her cloak and buys her proper clothes.

In the scene when Diana and Sameer meet for the first time, Diana is also

objectified. Sameer is fascinated when he introduces himself, then, he tries to

seduce Diana with words that adore her beauty.

[Sameer turns and glares. Sameer smiles to the men around him -- Forgive

my rude friend -- and excuses himself. ]

SAMEER. (to Steve) You bugger. I been greasing those peacocks all

night... (sees Diana) My goodness gracious, that’s a work of art.

STEVE. Sameer. This is Diana.

[Diana studies the man with suspicion. And rightly so. He, meanwhile, is

infatuated with her, all charm and smiles.]

SAMEER. Diana, call me ‘Sammy.’ Please.

DIANA. Sammy. Please.

[YELLING O.S., TWO MEN are having an argument that threatens to boil

over. They tune it out as:]

STEVE. Sameer’s a top undercover man. Can talk the skin off a cat in as

many languages as you.

[Diana speaks Spanish.]

DIANA. [He doesn’t look that impressive to me?]

SAMEER. [You do to me. Your eyes, as soft as your smile...]

[Then in Chinese.]

DIANA [And your eyes look like they want something.]

SAMEER [I know Chinese, too, tricky girl.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 61)

The way Sameer seduces Diana shows that he pleases himself with

Diana’s beauty. He adores the looks of Diana and tries to get closer to her by

asking her to call him Sammy. With his language skill, he also tries to impress

Diana. If Diana is impressed, it becomes complacency for him to impress a very

beautiful woman. Here, Diana becomes the sexual object of Sameer who respects

her only because of her beauty.



3. Being Inferior

The patriarchal system creates women’s stereotypes to put women as

inferior beings. The society put women’s position lower than men. The inferiority

of women reinforces men’s authority in society. It degrades and causes

discrimination towards women.

Diana experiences a women stereotype as the Other that stereotypes her as

an inferior woman. She experiences this stereotype when she comes to an

assembly hall where the military leaders and the member of parliaments hold a

council. In the council, women are not allowed to join the council. Whereas,

Diana tries to get in the hall.

[Every eye in the hall is fixed on Diana, the only woman in a room that

doesn’t allow women. Diana, oblivious, looks up at Sir Patrick.]

SIR PATRICK. [distracted by Diana] Our only aim at this moment -- must

be to achieve peace at any cost.

[The crowd GRUMBLES again, about a woman’s presence there as much

as Sir Patrick’s rhetoric. Steve takes Diana’s arm and leads her out of the

auditorium, Darnell follows.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 52)

In this scene, Diana experiences how patriarchal society discriminates her

based on her gender. She is not allowed to join the council because she is a

woman. She is not supposed to be there because women are prohibited to take

roles in military parliament. Therefore, her presence there causes grumble and

protest from the participants of the conference. They do not want a woman to be

there. They think women do not deserve to join the council. It breaks the rule that

women are not allowed to join military parliament. This evidence shows that

Diana is out of the group of men.



Moreover, the appearance of Diana in the council also makes Colonel

Darnell, one of the military leaders angry. He is angry because Steve breaks the

rule of the council for not allowing women to join the council.

[An agitated and embarrassed Colonel Darnell makes his way to Steve and

Diana, glancing at others watching him. Colonel Darnell makes his way to

Steve and Diana.]

COLONEL DARNELL. Trevor?! What the hell were you thinking

bringing a woman into the council chamber?

[Diana looks at Steve, indignant. He holds his hand up, calming Diana -]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 53)

In this scene, Diana experiences how a man discriminates against her

based on her gender. Colonel Darnell protests Steve because he brings a woman

into a council. He feels embarrassed because Steve and Diana violate the rule of

the council and cause a mess.

C. The Struggles of Diana in breaking Women’s Stereotypes as The Other in

Wonder Woman Movie Script

In this part of the discussion, the researcher discusses the struggles of

Diana in breaking the stereotypes of women as the Other. The researcher uses the

theory of feminism and gender stereotype by Simone De Beauvoir to analyze the

struggles of Diana in breaking women’s stereotypes. Beauvoir explains that the

stereotypes of women as the Other describes women as dependent, powerless and

as an object. Those descriptions of women put their position as inferior beings.



In breaking the stereotypes of women as the Other, Beauvoir tries to

deconstruct the stereotypes of women. The researcher applies deconstruction in

analyzing the struggles of Diana in breaking the stereotypes of women. In this

research, the researcher finds out that the struggles of Diana in breaking the

stereotypes prove that women are powerful, independent, subject and superior.

1. Showing Her Power and Capability

The experiences of Diana towards women’s stereotypes as the Other

describe her as a powerless, an object, and inferior woman. She struggles to break

this stereotype by showing her power and capability in the war. In the war, Diana

has to fight the enemies. She uses her physical strength and superpower to defeat

them. Moreover, her intelligence also supports her struggles to stop the war.

Through her power and intelligence, Diana deconstructs the stereotypes of women

as powerless, object and inferior. She proves that women can be powerful,

become the subject and take roles in society. More explanations about evidence

are explained below.

To shows her power in the war, Diana has to face many enemies to stop

the war. The first enemies that she has to face are the Suited Men (SM). They are

Lunderdorff’s people who are commanded to seize Dr. Maru’s notebook that

consists of her formulas of a new gas chemical weapon. Dr. Maru is

Lunderdorff’s scientist. Steve steals the notebook; therefore, the suited men chase

him. To escape and protect themselves, and keep the notebook, Steve and Diana

fight with them. When the SM shoot them with their gun, Diana deflects the

bullets by her bracelets.



[SM #2 and SM #3 FIRE!]

[Diana RAISES BOTH BRACELETS, deflecting their bullets. Her

technique is clumsy at first as she gets used to the torque, impact and

SOUND. Steve takes out SM #1 while Diana grabs SM #3 as his LAST

SHOT fires -- and lays him out with a blow. Diana deflects the last of SM

#2’s bullets as his gun runs EMPTY. Everyone is amazed, especially Steve


STEVE. How’d you do that? She smiles as if to say, you ain’t seen nothing


[She smiles as if to say, you ain’t seen nothing yet -]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 50)

In this scene, Diana shows her power to deflect bullets. This action makes

the SM and Steve amazed. They do not expect Diana can deflect the bullets by her

bracelets. It proves that Diana can protect herself with her power. She does not

need protection from a man to protect herself and she can fight against the suited

men. Through this action, she deconstructs the stereotypes of women as powerless


Moreover, Diana also strikes the suited men bare hands and with her

weapons. She swings them around and uses the Lasso of Hestia to catch them and

pull them off their feet when they try to escape.

[Diana grabs the dazed SM #2 -- swings him around, crashing him into

SM #5 hard -- and they’re both down. A spilt second later, Steve finishes

taking out SM #4.]

[The suited men run off, leaving only SM #1 behind. SM #1 stirs. Diana

and Steve turn to see him make a run for it -] ETTA. [O.S.] I thought you looked suspicious. [SM #1 is stopped in his

tracks by Etta, wielding the GODKILLER, shopping bags at her feet.]


ETTA. Where do you think you’re going? [SM #1 runs in the other

direction, but Diana retrieves the LASSO from inside her coat and uses it

to pull him off his feet, onto his back.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 50-51)



This evidence shows her action in using her strength and martial arts skill

that she builds since childhood to fight against her enemy. She has the power to

swing and throw them. She is also skillful in using the Lasso of Hestia to catch

and pull down the men. The actions of Diana to fight against the SM prevent the

notebook to get back into the German military. It prevents German military

chemical weapon development which is dangerous for the salvation of humans.

The weapon can make the war getting worse.

Her struggles continue when she fights against German soldiers. In the

scene when Diana tries to cross the front line of the war field. Diana decides to

fight the German soldiers and she crosses the front line of the war field. She sees a

bullet moves to her, then she swats it with her bracelet. After that, the German

soldiers shot her with more guns. She tries to block it and keeps moving forward.

[The bullet moves towards Diana.With her heightened perception, she

watches it in SLOW MOTION, swatting it aside with her bracelet. She

blocks another -]

[IN THE ALLIED TRENCH Everyone watches Diana with awe. Even

Charlie has to admit -]

CHARLIE. How the hell’d she do that?

[ON THE BATTLEFIELD Diana continues walking across the battlefield,

step-bystep, blocking bullets. Her pace begins to quicken -- and then she

starts to RUN.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 79)

Diana does those actions uses her superpower and weapons. She uses her

bracelets to block and swat the bullets. She relies on her superpower to protect

herself and others. Moreover, her superpower amazed everyone in the trench. She

can show her power to all the men in the trench. Through this scene, Diana shows

women as powerful beings. Her struggle to cross the front line of the war makes

the way to attack German soldiers.



The struggles of Diana to fight against the German soldiers continue when

Diana fights against a sniper of the German soldier by breaking a tower where the

sniper hides. She jumps to the top of the tower and smashes it. Steve, Sameer,

Charlie, and Chief help her to jump. Her action is a heroic action that amazed the

villagers around the tower.

[Diana SMASHES into the sniper -- breaking apart part of the tower --

sending him flying to the neighboring rooftop below! UP ON THE

TOWER: Diana stands, strong and powerful -- the definition of heroic.

Then --]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 84)

In this scene, Diana breaks the tower by smashing the tower that kills the

sniper by using her superpower. Her struggles to defeat a German sniper protect

the villagers. Her teamwork with Steve, Charlie, Sameer and Chief supports the

success in defeating the sniper.

After she can cross the front line of the battle and get into German military

territory, Diana has to face the more powerful enemy before she has to face Ares.

Before she faces Ares, Diana has to face Lunderdorff whom she thinks him as

Ares. She does not realize that Lunderdorff is not Ares yet. When Diana goes to

the control tower of the German army, Diana meets Lunderdorff. She has a

purpose to kill him to accomplish her mission to kill the god of war in order to

stop the war. In her battle with him, Diana exerts her power to defeat him. They

have a fierce battle.

[Diana moves quickly, thrusting the Godkiller at him. He dodges it. She

strikes him in the face with her fist. They trade blows.]

[He grabs a BAYONETTED RIFLE mounted on the wall. Ludendorff uses

the rifle as A GUN, A SPEAR, and A SWORD. He HITS Diana again and



again -- but Diana strikes back with such FORCE that he flies backwards

through the WINDOW and onto the narrow walkway outside. Ludendorff

struggles to his feet --]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 107).

The battle between Diana and Lunderfdorff shows her struggle to defeat

the enemy until she finds Ares. She uses her power to strike back Lunderdorff,

then, he is overwhelmed to defeat her. The fierce battle proves that Diana’s

strength is powerful to fight against Lunderdorff. She can move quickly, strike his

face with her fist, and flung him to the outside of the tower. At the end of the

battle Diana successes to kill Lunderdorff by using God Killer.


His body crumbles to the ground, the blue in his veins fading away like a

light going out! ARES IS DEAD!]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 108)

This evidence proves that Diana is more powerful than Lunderdorff. Her

struggle to defeat Lunderdorff as one of the strongest enemies succeed. The

success of her struggle to defeat the enemies smoothed the way to kill Ares and

stop the war.

However, the death of Lunderdorff does not stop the war. Diana frustrated,

then, she takes a breath and tries to understand the harshness of the world.

Suddenly, she sees someone approaches her. First, she thinks that it is Steve, but it

turns out to be Sir Patrick. He tells Diana that he has been waiting for her to see

the truth that humans are cruel. Then, Diana realizes that he is Ares.

[Diana takes in a breath, SMELLS the CHEMICALS in the air, HEARS the

sounds across the AIRFIELD -- she has become hyper aware of the

harshness of the world around her.]

[Diana turns, seeing a FIGURE THROUGH the windows looking at

Ludendorff’s plans. For a brief moment, she thinks it’s Steve.]

DIANA. Steve?



[The figure pauses, then looks over at Diana. Diana wonders: Who is it?]


DIANA. Who’s there? [beat] What are you doing?

[The figure finally speaks -- ]

VOICE (O.S.). I’ve been waiting for you to see the truth.

[She looks closer, a shiver up her spine -- confusion overwhelms Diana as

she sees it’s --]

DIANA. Sir Patrick?

[Sir Patrick. is there, like a dream -- or a nightmare -- calmly gazing over

at Diana THROUGH the glass.]

SIR PATRICK. You’re right, Diana. They don’t deserve our help. [beat]

They only deserve destruction. [Diana freezes.]

DIANA. You. You’re him.

SIR PATRICK. I am. But I’m not what you thought I was. You blame me,

but the truth is... [motions to the airfield] ... all of this -- I did none of


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 111-112)

After she defeats Lunderdorff, the true power of Diana is examined in her

battle with true Ares. The true Ares is Sir Patrick who is disguised as a man who

supports to stop the war and bring peace to the world. Diana misunderstood Sir

Patrick as a good man and thinks that Ares is Lunderdorff. Her battle with Ares

happens in the airfield of the German army. In her battle with Ares, Diana exerts

all of her power to fight against him.

[Diana grabs a LARGE WOODEN CRATE and throws it up at Sir Patrick.

Sir Patrick raises his hand -- and the crate appears to hit an INVISIBLE

WALL, breaking apart, revealing HUNDREDS OF GRENADES INSIDE!]

[The grenades hover for a SPLIT SECOND -- then Ares sends them down

towards Diana! Diana grabs a LARGE BOMB nearby and THROWS it

into the air towards the GRENADES -- causing a MASSIVE EXPLOSION!

The explosion sends Diana and Ares FLYING backwards across the


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 121-122).

Through this evidence, Diana struggles to defeat Ares by asserting her

superpower in her action grabs and throws a large wooden crate at Sir Patrick.

Because their strength are equal, Sir Patrick strikes back Diana by throwing her



hundreds of grenades. However, Diana never gives up, she strikes back by

throwing him a huge bomb. Besides her superpower, the strong belief of Diana

supports her struggle to fight Ares. Through this evidence Diana can prove that

women are not powerless, women have their power to fight on what they believe.

It proves women’s stereotypes as the Other that are constructed by patriarchal

society are not valid.

Moreover, Diana also shows the action to fight against Ares when she sees

Steve’s death. Steve dies because he tries to prevent the German soldiers drop the

gas weapons from a plane. Steve struggles to expropriate the plane. After he

succeeds to take over the plane, he explodes the plane in the air.


[Steve breathes, flying the plane high. He looks back at the burning

factory, LAUGHS... soars higher into the air... then he looks back at the

GAS BOMBS filling the plane.]

[Steve pries his GUN from his holster, pointing it backwards towards the


[Diana is suddenly overwhelmed by a feeling -- almost otherworldly -- a

connection -- to Steve -- absolute dread on her face --]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 128)

Diana is very angry because of Steve’s death. Her strength becomes

stronger than before. Then, she assaults Ares brutally.

[She explodes with grief and anger -- freeing herself from Sir Patrick’s

hold. He stumbles back! IN A RAGE, Diana turns to Ares -- jumps into the

air at Ares, slamming her foot down across him. Diana tackles him, leaps

up -- they crash through a hangar, GERMAN SOLDIERS watching,

scattering as Diana slides Ares across the ground.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 129)



In this scene, her form of resistance is seen through her action slams,

tackles, and leaps Ares. She uses her power to strike Ares brutally. She practices

her skill in fighting with her bare hands since childhood. The result of the practice

and hard work is worth it. Diana can be a powerful woman.

Her last memory about Steve makes her more excited and stronger. In this

scene, Ares releases his lightning to Diana as the last strike to defeat her.

Unfortunately, Diana can control Ares’s lighting and combine it with her

superpower to assault Ares with her ultimate strength.



[Ares sends all of the lightning at Diana -- she raises her gauntlets

“catching” it!]

DIANA. Good-bye, brother. [Diana runs towards Ares as he unleashes the

very last of his power, erupting towards her.]


[Diana LEAPS into the AIR over Ares’ last blast. She crosses her

bracelets midair. She sends the lightning BACK INTO Ares! Ares cries

out as the lightning strikes him, overwhelming him! Ares EXPLODES! A

HUGE ERUPTION of POWER creates a CRATER in the Earth! And the

God of War is gone FOREVER.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 133-134)

At the end of the battle, Diana does not only handle her superpower very

well but also controls and utilizes Ares’s power to produce the extra powerful

power to defeat him. By using it, Diana defeats Ares and the war stops. She

succeeds to reach her goals to stop the war and save humans.

Besides her power, the intelligence of Diana also supports her to complete

her mission. She shows her intelligence in the scene of military council to

translate the book which is in Ottoman and Sumerian languages. Her role as the

translator helps the military leaders to understand the formula and the impact of



the chemical weapon. Therefore, they can arrange the strategy to prevent the

German military releases the weapon. When Diana read the book, they surprised

because she can understand the languages. They finally can accept Diana, even

though they underestimate and reject her before.

DIANA. Ottoman and Sumerian.

[Everyone turns to look at her.]

DIANA. [sincere] Surely someone else in this room knew that.

GENERAL HAIG. [incorrectly offended] Who is this woman?

Darnell glares at Steve. He’d like to know that, too.

STEVE. She’s my... secretary.

[Having learned what a secretary is, Diana doesn’t like being called one.]


GENERAL HAIG. [skeptical] And she speaks Ottoman and Sumerian?

STEVE. She’s a very good secretary.

GENERAL HAIG. See her out.

COLONEL DARNELL. [reluctant, but practical] If this woman can read

it, sir... we should hear what she has to say.

[General Haig takes a beat, then nods.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 55-56)

This evidence shows that Diana can be accepted by the military leaders

because she masters language. Diana shows her capability; therefore, the military

leaders cannot underestimate. Through this evidence, Diana breaks the stereotypes

of women as the other that discriminates her and describes her as an inferior

woman. Diana proves that women can be accepted if women give a contribution

and believe in their capability. Moreover, Diana proves that she is more superior

because she masters languages. The capability of women can make them are

accepted in male society.

Through her power and intelligence, Diana proves that she is capable to be

the subject. As the result, she can build people’s trust in herself. The evidence is

in the scene when Diana and the team success defeating the German soldiers and



sniper, the villagers appreciate them. Then, a photographer takes the photo of

Diana, Steve, Sameer, Charlie and Chief as the heroes who save their village from

German soldiers’ attack. In this scene, the photographer takes their photo to

appreciate their service.


Charlie, Sameer, and The Chief standing in the village. FLASH.]

[The photograph sees our team imbuing a sense of pride and

accomplishment. Steve’s face is turned towards Diana’s, with a look of

something more than admiration.]

[Moments later, Diana walks with Sameer. They look back at Charlie,

head hung low, shaken. Charlie fumbles with his flask, dropping it.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 85)

In this evidence, Diana deconstructs the stereotype by becoming the hero

that saves the villagers’ life. Diana proves that her struggle to fight for the

salvation of innocent people such as the villagers can save their life. With her

power and teamwork with Steve, Sameer, Charlie and Chief Diana can bring

peace to the villagers. She becomes the subject who brings peace to the villagers.

Through this evidence, Diana proves that women can be the subject to take a role

in society if they can fight with their power and never give up to take a role in


At the end of the battle, Diana defeats Ares. The sun starts to rise from the

east, the rain removes the smog, and the soldiers rise from suffering. Then, the

Europeans cheer because the war is over.

[The rain washes away the blackened smoke from the sky, DAWN breaking

through the clouds.]

[Diana looks around, the soldiers rousing, as if they were waking up from

a nightmare, the better side of man returning. They pull their gas masks

off. Dr. Maru has vanished.]



[Diana gazes out over the battlefield, looking at the team, the Germans --

the last of the ASH swirling around her as the SUN RISES. The sunlight

hits Diana’s face...]

[Diana looks at Steve’s watch -- it’s finally stopped ticking.]


[People all over Europe, explode in cheers. For them, the war is over.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 134)

In this evidence, Diana proves that she succeeds deconstruct the

stereotypes of women that describe her as an object. She can be the subject who

ends the war by killing Ares, the god of war. Further, she can be the subject who

brings peace and happiness to the world. To be the subject who brings peace to

the world, Diana has to face many obstacles. She has to build her strength since

childhood, leave her hometown, lost her beloved man, and fight against Ares by

own. It is not easy for Diana to be the subject who brings peace to the world. She

must have a strong belief; therefore, she can complete the mission no matter how

difficult the challenges and obstacles are. Her struggles to break the stereotypes

by showing her power and capability finally succeed. Through this evidence,

Diana can prove that women can be the subject of change. Diana proves that

women struggles can bring a good change in the society.

Finally, her struggles to shows her power and capability make Diana

accepted by the male characters as their partner. The evidence is in the scene after

Diana and Steve defeat the SM, they go to the military parliament council to give

the notebook to the military leaders. When she comes to the council, the military

leaders reject her to join the council that talks about the war because she is a

woman. Diana is rejected because the council does not allow women to join the

council. Colonel Darnell, the military leaders of the British cabinet, gets angry



with Steve and Diana because they break the rule and cause mess. Then, Sir

Patrick comes to them. Steve introduces Diana to Sir Patrick after the council. In

this scene, Steve tells Sir Patrick that they work together to deliver Dr. Maru’s

notebook. Steve said, “[over] Prince, Diana Prince. We... she and I... we work

together. She helped me get this notebook here. From Maru’s lab – “ (Heinberg,

Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 54). This scene proves that Diana is accepted by Steve

as his partner in delivering Dr. Maru’s notebook. Her struggle succeeds because

she can be accepted by a man to work together as a team. Moreover, they succeed

to complete the mission by delivering the notebook to the military leaders. In this

scene, Diana proves that women also deserve to work together with men without

any discrimination. The capability of Diana in completing the mission portrays

her as a subject. This evidence shows that Diana succeeds to create gender


The power of Diana also shows the male characters’ trust in her capability

such as Steve, Sameer, Charlie and Chief. They admit that Diana is a powerful

woman because Diana can prove her capability to fight against the enemies in the

war. Through the trust that the male characters give to her, she deconstructs the

stereotypes of women as the Other. The evidence that shows the male characters

recognize and trust in her power occurs in the scene when Steve tells Charlie,

Sameer, and Chief that they do not have to continue the mission because of a lack

of money. However, they do not want to stop, they want to help Diana and Steve

to complete the mission. They also worried about Steve cannot protect himself.

Besides, they believe Diana is capable to complete the mission.



STEVE. [to team] Guys, I’m fully aware that I said this job was two days

THE CHIEF. You would get lost without us.

SAMEER. Yeah, we know Diana’s capable of looking after herself, but

I’m worried you wouldn’t make it.

STEVE. There’s no more money, boys. [Sameer pets his horse with a


SAMEER. We’ve been paid enough.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 92)

Those male characters believe in her power and they believe Diana can

protect herself without any protection of a man. They think Diana does not need

to depend on a man because she can survive with her power and spirit. This

evidence proves that women can rely on their power to survive, protect others,

and be trusted by men. In this evidence, the male characters accept Diana as a

team and as a team, she is equal to them.

Another evidence that her power and capability build trust is when Diana

assaults Ares brutally, Ares overthrows Dr. Maru to Diana. He tells her that Dr.

Maru is one of the examples of bad humans. Ares has a purpose to show how

cruel humans are to persuade her to join his mission to destroy humans. Diana is

very angry, she about to kill Dr. Maru by flinging her with a tank. However,

Diana remembers her last moment with Steve before Steve dies. He dies because

he explodes the plane that brings gas bombs to save many people in the war. She

remembers Steve said that he believes in her to save the world.


[She sees STEVE. Their last moment together replaying, but this time she

hears him -]

STEVE. Diana! I have to go.

DIANA. What are you saying? Steve, whatever it is, I can do it. Let me do

it –

STEVE. No. It has to be me. I can save today; you can save the world.

[beat] I wish we had more time.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 132)



In this scene, Steve trusts Diana because he has seen her struggles to show

her power and capability since the beginning to stop the war and save humans.

He believes that she can fight against the enemies and conquer all of the

challenges to stop the war. Through this scene, Diana proves that her strength and

belief deconstruct the stereotype that describes women as powerless and inferior.

Based on the explanation above, the action of showing her power and

capability is proven to stop the war. By this action, she deconstructs the

stereotypes of women as the Other that describes her as powerless, object and

inferior. She proves that the deconstruction of the stereotypes shows the image of

women as powerful, subject and superior beings.

2. Showing Her Independence

Beauvoir explains that men put women as dependent beings. Men put

women as dependent beings to keep their power in men’s hands. To keep their

power, men construct a patriarchal society to suppress women’s influence and

freedom in society (Beauvoir, 1989, p. 139). This social system makes women

lose their freedom and chance to play their roles in society. Moreover, this social

system puts women in the lower position than men. Through deconstruction of the

stereotypes, women can create a new image of women as independent being.

Therefore, women can embrace their freedom and chance to take roles in the




In Wonder Woman movie script, showing independence is one of Diana’s

action to deconstruct the stereotype that portrays her independency. Three

evidences show Diana’s action showing independence in making her decision to

reach her goal. The evidences are explained below.

The first evidence occurs in the scene when Diana comes to Steve after the

doctor in Themyscira treats him. She talks to him and makes a deal with him to

bring her to the war. She initiates to make a deal because she needs him to help

her find Ares.

[Diana enters, waking Steve –]

STEVE. Nice outfit.

DIANA. [without irony] Thank you. Now I will show you the way off the

island. And you will take me to Ares.

STEVE. [as she’s a bit nuts] Deal. Steve grabs his watch and bag.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 34)

The struggle of Diana when she makes a deal with Steve portrays her as

the initiator to make a deal and decision in realizing their purpose. In this scene,

Steve has a purpose to leave Themyscira, while Diana has a purpose to find Ares

in the war. Through this evidence, Diana proves that she can make a decision and

initiates to make a deal with a man. She decides to become a doer in a mission to

kill Ares.

The second evidence that shows her action deciding for the male

characters occurs when Diana, Steve, Sameer, Charlie and Chief succeed to cross

the German trench. When they arrive in a village which is German territory, Diana

commands Steve, Charlie, Sameer and Chief to keep hiding. While she goes

ahead to attack German soldiers by herself.



[Diana and the team reach the village, taking cover as they’re fired upon.

Diana looks to Steve –]

DIANA. Stay here. I’ll go ahead. [Before anyone can argue, she races

towards the gunfire.]

[Diana, sword at her side, shield on her back -- runs, avoiding gunfire and


(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 81)

In this action, Diana deconstructs the stereotypes of women as dependent

beings through her decision to attack the German soldiers by herself. Diana

prohibits the men to take part in the battle. Diana decides to face the German

soldiers by herself because she knows that she can defeat the soldiers without any

intervention of the men. As an independent woman, she can make her own

decisions and gives the men instructions. She proves that women basically can

decide what they want to do without men’s intervention. Women can rely on their

capability and belief.

The third evidence is Diana argues Steve for not allowing her to join the

gala held by Lunderdorff to release his new weapon. Steve prohibits her to join

the gala because he has to be a spy in order to find the information about the new

gas weapon and failure is not an option. She does not want to let Steve prohibit

her; she believes that Ares is in the gala. Therefore, Diana looks for another way

to join the gala. Diana sees a woman wears a blue gown in her car named Fausta.

She is on the way to Lunderdorff’s gala but trapped in a traffic. Then, Diana

comes to grab her gown. Diana chops Fausta’s neck and she collapses.

[Diana, her cloak concealing her armor, watches from the shadows as

Steve disappears inside. Frustrated, she searches the exterior of the

château for another way in, but she’s distracted by the insistent

HONKING of a CAR HORN behind her. Diana turns to find a stunning,

exquisitely dressed woman, FAUSTA GRABLES (30) in an extraordinary



gown, leaning over her driver and honking the car’s horn in a futile

attempt to get the traffic moving again.]

[Diana, her cloak concealing her armor, watches from the shadows as

Steve disappears inside. Frustrated, she searches the exterior of the

château for another way in, but she’s distracted by the insistent

HONKING of a CAR HORN behind her. Diana turns to find a stunning,

exquisitely dressed woman, FAUSTA GRABLES (30) in an extraordinary

gown, leaning over her driver and honking the car’s horn in a futile

attempt to get the traffic moving again.]

[Which is when Diana delivers a quick, judo-like CHOP to Fausta’s neck -

- where it meets her lovely shoulder -- causing Fausta to collapse and lose

consciousness. Off Diana, catches Fausta as she falls...]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, pp. 97-98)

The action of Diana in refusing Steve’s command to not join the gala

deconstructs the stereotypes of women as dependent. Her attitude shows that she

does not let anyone decide what she wants to do. She also finds the solution by

herself to join the gala. She never gives up to actualize her aim. She gives her

effort to disguise by seizing in Fausta’s gown to join the gala. Her actions prove

that women can make their own decisions and should not be intervened by men.

The fourth evidence occurs in the scene when Steve finds out Diana joins

the gala. When Steve talks to Dr. Maru, he finds Diana dances with Lunderdorff.

After the dance, Steve takes Diana’s hand and dances with her. Steve asks her

why she does not obey his command. Then, Diana explains to Steve that she has

the right to make a decision and tells him that this is her chance to kill


[Just as he turns his back on Diana, she reaches for her SWORD. She’s

about to draw it when -- Steve gets between them, facing her! He pulls

Diana away from Ludendorff, taking her hand -- dancing with her as


DIANA. What are you doing? The dancing is anything but what it was in

last time.

STEVE. You agreed to wait.



DIANA. You agree to do things all the time then don’t do them. Let me


STEVE. You can’t kill Ludendorff inside German High Command. The

Armistice won’t be signed.

DIANA. It won’t matter –

STEVE. What if you’re wrong, Diana? What if there is no Ares?

DIANA. [realizes] You don’t believe me.

STEVE. I can’t let you do this.

DIANA. What I do isn’t up to you.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 102)

Diana shows her struggle to make her own decision. In this scene, Diana

protests Steve because he often prohibits her to take a role in every action. She

believes that she has the right to take a role in every action. Diana has a purpose to

kill Lunderdorff that she assumes as Ares, even if Steve does not believe in her.

Through this evidence, Diana proves that women can be independent by keeping

their belief and do not let anyone decides their life. Women can take the roles by

relying on their power and maintain their independence by preventing men’s


3. Refusing Beauty Standard

The experiences of Diana towards women’s stereotypes as sexual object

demands her to fulfill the beauty standard that prevailing in that era in London.

The beauty standard is built in order to satisfy the pleasure of men towards

women’s bodies. This stereotype confines her freedom to dress. Moreover, Diana

also experiences seduction as explain in the previous part of the analysis. The

actions that Diana do to deconstruct the stereotype is holding her way to dress

because of the way she dresses to show her identity as Amazon’s warrior. She

also fights the seduction by showing her intelligence. Those actions of Diana

deconstruct the stereotypes of women as a sexual object.



In the clothing shop scene, Etta who is Steve’s secretary offers her some

long dresses that suits the fashion style in that era. It is needed to make Diana less

attractive. For the first dress, Diana does not like it because it looks silly, frilly,

and ridiculous.

[Diana, in OUTFIT #1 -- frilly and silly -- stands in front of the mirror,

miserable. It’s ridiculous. Diana pulls the dress up, wondering aloud – ]

DIANA. How can a woman possibly fight in this?

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 46)

On the second outfit, Diana feels the outfit is too tight. She feels difficult

to move, then, she rips the skirt because she tries to kick. She does not want to

wear this outfit, even though Etta said the outfit is nice.


Diana in OUTFIT #2]

[-- a tight skirt and top. Etta admires it.]

ETTA. There we are. Very nice.

[Diana tries to kick, impossible in this dress. It rips. She shakes her head

at Etta. This dress won’t do.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 47)

Diana also does not like the third outfit because the high collar makes her

feel itchy and chocking. Her responses show that she is really uncomfortable with

this outfit. Etta frustrated because they cannot find the right clothes.


Diana, in OUTFIT #3 -- almost exactly what Etta wears - yanks at its high

collar impatiently.

DIANA So itchy. And it’s choking me.

ETTA [exasperated] I can’t say that I blame it.

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 47)

After Diana refuses those outfits, she finally chooses an outfit which does

not represent the beauty and fashion of women. However, for Diana, it is better

than the previous outfits, even though, she is still uncomfortable.



[Diana emerges from the dressing room in FASHIONABLE WOMAN’S

DRESS that, on any other woman, would be unremarkable. On Diana, it’s


DIANA. Why is everyone staring? Is it because I can barely breathe in

this? [Diana shifts uncomfortably, self-conscious, and disliking the

restrictions. Steve, catching himself staring, snaps out of it.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 47)

Those actions of Diana above show that she does not want to follow the

beauty standard of the society. In the explanation above, she does not like the way

women dress because it is uncomfortable and not flexible. The way women dress

inhibits their movement and does not show their identity since its ruled and

determined by the beauty standard that builds by the patriarchal system. The

concept of beauty standard has built in purpose to give men the pleasure of

women beauty. In the end, Diana chooses to wear a dress that is unremarkable for

other women. Even though the dress does not expose her beauty, she wears it

because it is more comfortable.

Through this action, Diana confirms that women do not need to follow the

beauty standard to show their beauty. Women can wear anything they like and

comfortable. For Diana, she has her Greek armor that reflects her identity as the

warrior of the Amazon. She feels comfortable wearing that Armor in the war

because it is flexible. She still wears the Armor in the war even though it opposes

to the beauty standard.

Diana’s actions deconstruct the stereotypes of women as sexual object in

order to not satisfying the pleasure of men towards her beauty. The evidence is

seen in the scene when Sameer seduces Diana with words that adore her beauty.

Diana does not like being seduced by him, therefore she tries to resist elegantly.



She resists by showing her language skill. At first, Sameer can follow Diana when

she speaks in some languages such as Spanish and Chinese. However, Sameer

cannot follow her when she speaks in Ancient Greek.

[Then in Ancient Greek.]


DIANA. [But can you recite Socrates in Ancient Greek?]

[Sammy blinks. He has no idea what she’s saying. Diana’s unimpressed.]

(Heinberg, Synder, & Fuchs, 2017, p. 61)

The way Diana resists his seduction shows her action to fight against the

beauty standard. In this scene, she criticizes the attitude of men who only respects

women because of their beauty. Men appreciate the beauty of women to give them

pleasure. Through this scene, Diana shows that men should respect women in

their intelligence. The intelligence of women is more valuable than beauty

because it shows the quality of women to raise their degrees. Diana proves that

her language skill is better than Sameer. Therefore, she can raise her degrees, so

he cannot seduce her anymore.





This chapter concludes the analysis of this research. Based on the

analysis, the researcher finds that gender stereotypes are effective mediums for the

patriarchal system to raise gender inequality. As part of gender stereotypes,

women’s stereotypes lead to women’s oppression that limits their roles and puts

them in a lower position than men. In this research, the main focus is women’s

stereotype issues experienced by the main character in Wonder Woman movie

script, Diana.

In this movie, Diana is characterized as a strong woman because she has

strong physical and superpowers. She built her strong physical since childhood

through private training with Antiope as her tutor. Her physical strength shows

her capability in fighting using bare hands and weapons. Moreover, her

superpowers also support the physical strength that makes her a powerful and

unconquerable superhero. Her superpowers are sharp eyesight, powerful strength

and powerful energy of a god. Diana is also characterized as an adventurous

woman because she loves challenges. She always faces challenges to break her

limit and solves the obstacles in reaching her goals. Moreover, Diana is a

confident woman because she believes in her power, and she is proud of her

identity as an Amazon. On the other hand, Diana is a caring woman. She cares

about other and she loves her people. She tries her best to protect her people and

save humans from suffering which is caused by the war. Next, Diana is

characterized as a brave woman. She is brave to do dangerous things and fight



against Ares as a god of war. As a woman, Diana is beautiful. Her physical

appearance fascinates the male characters and they praise her beauty. Last, Diana

is a principled woman. She is characterized as a principled woman because she

has a strong belief in her power to defeat Ares and bring peace to the world. Her

belief reinforces her spirit. Therefore, she never gives up to reach her goal, even

though there are so many obstacles ahead. Those characteristics build a strong

foundation for her as a superhero.

As the main character, Diana experiences women’s stereotypes of women

as the Other which describe her as a powerless woman, a sexual object and an

inferior woman. The male characters in this movie script think that Diana is

powerless because according to them, she is not capable to stop the war and kill

Ares. Moreover, the male characters also underestimate her strength and war is

not the place for women. They also think that her struggles to stop the war are

worthless. On the other hand, the experiences of Diana as a sexual object demand

her to fulfill the beauty standard of European people in World War I. She has to

follow the way women dressed in that era by wearing overdressed clothes. This

standard makes her uncomfortable because the clothes limit her mobility. As a

sexual object, Diana's beauty becomes a pleasure for the male characters. They

enjoy her beauty as a pretty woman and seduce her. In her experiences being

stereotyped as an inferior woman, Diana is discriminated against by the members

of the military parliament. She is discriminated against because she is a woman

and does not deserve to be in a council. The patriarchal society prohibits women

to take roles in an important council because women are inferior to men.



Those experiences towards women’s stereotypes as the Other struggle her

to break the stereotypes. The deconstruction of the stereotypes clarifies the false

assumptions towards women. Women can be powerful, independent, and the

subject that portrays them as superior beings. By showing her power and

capability Diana proves herself as a powerful and subject that can make her

superior. In the war, Diana uses her power and intelligence to stop the war. She

takes roles as a warrior and helps the military leaders to translate Dr. Maru’s

notebook. Her action showing her capability and power proves that women can be

the subject who brings peace and a better life to society. This action shows that

women should not be underestimated and discriminated against.

Moreover, Diana also shows her independency through her action in

making decisions. Her struggles prove that women can be independent if they

believe in their capability and going through their way to reach their goals.

Another action to break the stereotypes is Diana’s action refusing beauty standard

which deconstructs the stereotypes of women as sexual object. She refuses the

beauty standard by refusing to follow the fashion style of women in that era.

Moreover, she also resists the attitude of the male character that seduces women

to enjoy their beauty, then showing her language skill to improve her degrees




Finally, through this research, it is shown that women’s stereotype are still

problematic in society. Women’s stereotypes are still experienced by women,

even, Diana as a superhero also experiences women’s stereotypes. The struggles

of women to break the stereotypes should not stop. Through this research, Diana

proves that women can be powerful, independent, and become the subject that

portrays them as superior. To deconstruct the stereotypes, women have to believe

in their power and competence.




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