diamond education - the four cs of diamonds

Post on 23-Aug-2014






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Diamond Envy, a leading source for rare natural color diamonds and jewelry, guides customers on the most important characteristics while buying a diamond.



Diamond Education - The Four Cs of Diamonds

(888) 983-9588


No two diamonds are exactly like. Understanding how to distinguish one diamond from another is made possible with the Four Cs:

• Cut• Color• Clarity• Carat

Source: http://herewithhelp.com/listings/what-are-the-4-c-s-do-the-4-cs-of-diamonds-really-matter/


Cut• A diamond's cut grade is one of the most important factors in determining its beauty. The way a stone is cut unlocks its natural brilliance.

• A diamond's shape, ranging from a round brilliant to one of numerous "fancy" shapes, is different from its cut, which rests on criteria such as proportions, symmetry and polish.

GIA breaks down diamond cut grades as follows:

• Excellent: most brilliant and most rare• Very Good: brilliant and rare• Good: average brilliance and rarity• Fair: less brilliant and not as rare• Poor: low brilliance and not rare



Color• This criterion will challenge your logic skills, because color actually refers to a lack thereof, grading the whiteness of a diamond.

• Color is measured on a scale from D (highest) to Z (lowest); fancy color diamonds are graded on a different scale (using colors instead of letters of the alphabet, and thus defying your logic skills a little less). The less color a diamond has, the higher its color grade.



Color GIA breaks down diamond color grades as follows:• Colorless diamonds (D-F) are the rarest of the color spectrum. They do not show any perceptible color; only F color stones display a trace amount of color when viewed by a trained eye face-down on a special color grading pad (most of us will simply see a gorgeous white diamond).

• Near colorless diamonds (G-J) appear colorless when face-up, but do show a slight amount of color when viewed face-down on a special color grading pad. Don't despair, because this is usually undetectable to an untrained eye.



Clarity• Clarity is a measure of the small natural imperfections, or inclusions, that appear in almost every diamond. Because each stone's inclusions are unique, they represent its "fingerprint."

• A clarity grade is determined by their number, size, position, nature and visibility. The smaller the inclusion, the higher the clarity grade and the more valuable the diamond is.

• Generally, because of their microscopic nature, inclusions are usually not visible to the naked eye and do not materially affect the way a diamond looks.



ClarityGIA breaks down diamond clarity grades as follows:

• FL: Flawless• IF: Internally Flawless• VVS1/VVS2: Very Very Slightly Included• VS1/VS2: Very Slightly Included• SI1/SI2: Slightly Included• I1/I2/I3: Included



Carat Weight• Carat is measure of a diamond's weight. No advanced math required here: just like a dollar is made up of 100 cents, a carat consists of 100 points, so a diamond weighing 75 points is equal to 0.75 carats. • The more a diamond weighs, the rarer it tends to be because larger gem-quality rough diamonds occur in nature less frequently than smaller ones, and as much as two-thirds of total carat weight may be lost when a rough diamond is polished. Also important when considering carat weight is the diameter of the diamond when viewed face, or table, up.

• While a diamond's weight plays a part in determining its value, overall price depends on other aspects of the Four Cs as well.



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