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Developing nursing informatics curriculum

Semmelweis University Faculty of Health Sciences Library

Hungary – 1088 Budapest, Vas utca 17.Jehoda Imola MA, MLIS

2009. 09. 15. 2

Why is this subject of review?The intent of this review is to draw public attention in the author's country to the importance of the tuition of Nursing Informatics (hereinafter NI). The major areas of NI:– computer literacy, information literacy, nursing and health sciences implications – already constitute separate parts of the Nursing Education curriculum, but an integrative minded, competency based education is just emerging within the confines of the curriculum reform of Hungarian higher education. The author wishes to contribute to the successful realization of this by aiming to summarize and analyze publications of international technical literature. Those publications which had significant effects on the evolution and development of the NI curriculum.Aim: This paper is a report of an integrative review of nursing informatics programs.

2009. 09. 15. 3

Background: Formation of the conceptTechnical preconditions

Punch cardsPunch tapesENIAC (predecessor of modern computer)Silicon chipDesktopPersonal computerSpeed development of programmes and softwares

Customizable, service-oriented data management

Theoretical preconditions

1960: American Nursing Association session – necessity of treating NI, as a separate discipline

1970s: „computer applications in nursing” – research projects

1982: International Medical Informatics Association conference – to introduce Information Technology (hereinafter IT ) subject at every level of nursing- and medical science education

1989: Grobe S., the first nurse informaticians to write about the importance of incorporating the competencies into nursing education. (8)

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MethodsAn integrative review method was used to identify the literature published to determine the state of knowledge and development of nursing informatics, particularly to apply health- and nursing informatics research, theoretical matters and implementation in nursing science.Inclusion criterias: The papers reviewed

•were published between 1991 and 2008•evaluated or assessed skills of nursing informatics •examined nursing informatics educational programs in the context of nurse education•included nursing informatics curriculum development programs•had empirical evidence: implementation of the nursing informatics competencies in the practice•included a sample of nurses from all levels and types of nursing education•could be implemented in any country•had full texts accessible

Exclusion criterias: Papers were excluded if they were•not available in English•conference or congress matters, published in proceedings•dissertations, books, book chapters.

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Why is the starting date is 1991?Although Graves and Corcoran (7) had created the complex definition of NI already in 1989, it got internationally accepted as a separate discipline only after its application in databases, which marked the acceptance of the use of the concept. NI as it was entered into the MEDLINE database as a separate subject-heading at this time, 1991. Before that the subject-headings <information management>, <medical information>, <nursing as a profession>, <nursing information systems> were used, which did not cover the inner contents of the concept in its full complexity. The fact that since 2005 using technical terminology it in MeSH in the forms of <nursing informatics> or <informatics, nursing> has been recommended is evidence of the acceptance its integration into academic communication.

2009. 09. 15. 6

Search methods

Literature searches were conducted November to December 2008 and January to 24 March 2009.Eight electronic databases were searched.The search started with the permutation of ”Health Sciences Education OR Nursing Education” AND ”Nursing Informatics”. MeSH headings and other specific database headings, relevant keywords, free text terms were combined as appropriate to focus the search on the specific topics. These searches led to a variety of papers focusing on several fields of nursing education.To avoid excluding relevant articles, the general subject terms were explored without limit, and specific subject terms were added: <curriculum>, <competencies>, <program development>, <program evaluation>, <information literacy>.Citation tracking and scrutiny of reference lists were also undertaken in the search for additional papers. A manual searchwas further conducted to locate other relevant works.

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Search outcome

Databases Hits

OVID MEDLINE 46 OVID CINAHL 76OVID Nursing Database 65EBSCO CINAHL with Full Text 76EBSCO ERIC 7EBSCO Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition 5PROQUEST Nursing and Allied Health Sources 14PUBMED 616

Titles were cross-checked for duplicates and relevance to the focus of the review.

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Full references retrieved from eight databases


Full abstracts screened n=374

Refused by title n=531

Full papers obtained n=163

Full literature included in the review


Reviewed theoretical literaturen=77

Refused by abstract n=211

Refused full paper n=47

Reviewed research literature


Search Procedure Flow Chart

2009. 09. 15. 9

Results sum total 116 academic publications

Primary criteria of the separation and classification:

research based literaturesum total n=39

out of themn=11 are connected to

several synthetized topics

out of themn=9 are connected to

two topics,n=2 are connected to

three topics

theoretical basedliterature sum total

n=77 out of them

n=12 are connected to several synthetized topics

out of themn=9 are connected to two

topics,n=3 are connected to

three topics

2009. 09. 15. 10

Synthetized themes Research based


Theoretical based

literatureI. Reviewed literature discussing the evaluationfields of Nursing Informatics, n = 41

n = 26 n = 15

II. Reviewed literature discussing exposition of Nursing Informatics educational programs in the context of nurse education, n = 43

n = 13 n = 30

III. Reviewed literature discussing: Nursing Informatics curriculum development, n = 29

n = 9 n = 20

IV. Reviewed literature discussing: Implementation of the Nursing Informatics competencies in the practice, n = 28

n = 5 n = 23

2009. 09. 15. 11

III. Reviewed literature discussing: Nursing Informatics curriculum development.

Treatment of the research based literaturesum total = 39, (Illustrated with examples)

Number of referen-ces

First Author alphabetical (date)

Focus Data collection methods

56 Bird DR. (1998)

The role of library and information services (LIS) in curriculum planning

Analysis of the contribution of LIS professionals to the curriculum: modular curriculum development, survey of the needs of educationalists and promote study packages

57 Chastain AR. (2002)

Information technology integration into the curriculum

Curriculum development by analysis of qualitative findings: comparison of information technology use students, faculty members and employers

58 Jacobs SK et al. (2003)

A curriculum integrated approach: Information literacy competencies and Evidence-Based Practice

Proposal a new model for integrating information literacy into the master’s nursing program

59 Saranto K et al. (1997)

Developing the information technology syllabus in nursing education

Recommendations for teaching information technology in nurse education by three-round Delphi survey

2009. 09. 15. 12

III. Reviewed literature discussing: Nursing Informatics curriculum development.

Treatment of the theoretical based literaturesum total = 77, (Illustrated with examples)

Number of references

First Author alphabetical (date)


125 Axford R et al. (1994) Knowledge development and dissemination in NI

62 Barnard A et al. (2005) Integrating information literacy into nursing curricula and nursing education

77 Barton AJ. (2005) Information competencies in a community practice

117 Betts H et al. (2000) The projects demonstrate the increasing in teaching information management and technology

63 Booth RG. (2006) Recommendation: redesign of nursing curricula in relation to NI

2009. 09. 15. 13

Reviewed literature discussing: Nursing Informatics curriculum development

View-points of the main classificationResearch based literature:

data collection methods -statistical

Analysises: statistical, Rossett’s needs analysis model, Salmon’s 5 stage model, Competence measurings,Evaluation Studies: (comparisons, pre-and post tests), Interviews,Pilot study, etc.Questionnaires (qualitative and quantitative, self-administered, self-reported, online, competence based, open-ended questions, Staggers model), Standardized scales :(Likert,Technology Attitude Scale),Surveys : research, national, Delphi postal survey, three-round Delphi survey, Tests.

Theoretical based literature:focus of theme - descriptive

Competencies: core competencies, Course: contents, descriptions,Curriculum, curriculum reform,Development, developing … : Information Literacy Skills, NI competencies,Education, educatingImplementationsNew models, new tools, new trends, Programmes: program design, planning, integrating, evaluatingRecommendationsSuggestionsTeaching (Information Mana-gement, Information Literacy).

2009. 09. 15. 14

Findings I.1989 - the creation of the conceptual and operational definition of NI (8)1991 - proposal to start new - NI - courses (122)1993 - proposal to integrate the NI courses into the courses of the

Nursing Education faculty (123)1994 - The American Nurses Association - in an issue of „The Scope of

Practice for Nursing Informatics„ (9) - - was the first to define and publish their governing principles, which already included the competencies required at all 3 levels of education, (Last upd.2008)- - the description of the first NI program (79), which was given at the faculty of the University of Maryland,- - proposal to install the NI at several levels of education (126, 127).

1996 - the surveying of informatic needs of professional nurses, and urging their IT training (128)

1997 - proposal to include the entire NI education into the system of Nursing Education at every level of higher education, even postgradually for those who were already in employment (Saba,130)

2001 - Staggers et al. (73) elaborate the entire set of competencies for the 4 levels of Nursing Education in their studies, joined by Curran's studies (98,64) as a supplement

2002 - Staggers N, Gassert C, Curran C. (12): determination and development of the elemental course competencies in the study by Delphi

2009. 09. 15. 15

Findings II.•from the beginning of the 21th century- national studies, surveys, initiatives (NLN) and proposals

(TIGER) of professional associations have continuosly been created and published in the USA to modernize the NI education and make it extensive (27,33,35,36,41,53,54)

- the Information Literacy curriculum and competencies of NI curriculum are being developed continuosly (56,58,60,62,68,70,75,76)

- the curriculum and competencies of Computer Literacy subfield are also being developed (57,59,61,66,73,77)

- the contents and competencies of Healthcare Information Literacy are being developed (63,69,80))

- from Web 2.0 to Faculty 2.0, the example of implementing and adapting modern IT tools to the NI curriculum leads to the future (Skiba DJ, 93)

2008 – the study of Bakken S et al. (23) delineates the diversity of the prospective changes embedded into the image of the future of NI research. He selects three of them when dealing with the development trends of three areas - Genomic Health Care, Shifting Research Paradigms, Social (Web 2.0) Technologies - in detail.

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ConclusionsReviewing the major stages of the development of NI we can conclude that NI in fact is a:•continuosly developing discipline, •whose development is closely related to the current state of development of ICT, •and the social application of the ICT tools, i.e. the extensive integration of the social web technologies into the sphere of scientific and technical applications,

•for this NI is critical to the future of nursing,•nursing science programs must integrate the contents of complex informatics and competencies into their curricula to prepare nurses for future missions.


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