design theory book

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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8 elements and principles of design


8 Elements&

Principlesof Design

Michael A. Proulx

Advertisment & Website Analysis

1. Line

2. Shape 3. Texture 4. Balance 5. Contrast 6. Unity 7. Color 8. Value

Table of Contents

1. Line: With a single stroke of a pencil (or a computer mouse) you can call this element into play. You can then manipulate the mood of your design or organize your page, de-pending on the kind of line you’ve drawn and its placement in your format.


• Whatistheproductorservicebeingadvertised?

The product being advertised is Haagen-Dazs ice-cream bars.

• LINEisbeingusedinthedesignto:

üCreate a mood

üOrganize other elements on the page

üCreate texture through illustration

• Pleasethoroughlyexplainyouranswertothequestionaboveandanalyze/describehowthisadvertisementorwebsiteusesLINE.

The use of line in this ad is creating a mood with its line of flowing rich melted, drizzling milk chocolate. The line is creating a visualization swirling to the center of the page where the ice-cream bar, as the ad states “Fell from heaven.” Line is also organizing the elements of the ad in the swirling vortex that draws you into the center. Line is also evident on the ice-cream bar itself, used to create texture, and texture is also evident in the individual pieces of broken chocolate. Shape can also be seen from the pieces of chocolate, the ice-cream bar, and also the Haagen-Dazs label. One more noticeable texture and shape is the one piece of chocolate that has fallen into the churning milk that will soon be the milk chocolate and is creating the splash that forces the line element up away from the rest of the chocolate swirling line in the ad. The designer uses line here in this way to signify the marriage of milk and chocolate being swirled together. The designers intent here was to achieve the sense of the elements being mixed together to create the delicious hard choco-late shell on the outside of the ice-cream bar. The impact on the audience was to create a sense of indulgence towards this product, creating the feeling of want to buy the delicious ice-cream bars. The audiences’ response to the use of line as the predominant element of the design would be to go out and experience this ice-cream bar for themselves, to really see just how good they really are and hopefully become a faithful customer.

• PleasedescribetheeffectivenessoftheuseofLINEinthisdesign.

The effectiveness of the use of line here works well because it is creating the feeling of taste, of rich creamy happiness that only the Haagen-Dazs ice-cream bars can bring you. The line of driz-zled chocolate being mixed along with the other elements and text brings the whole ad together to reinforce the message “It fell from heaven.”

• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?

The primary audience for this ad would really be anyone who enjoys a deliciously cold treat made of the Madagascar vanilla and rich artisanal chocolate, as Haagen-Dazs has created here.

2. Shape: Shape is another element that can be used alone or in conjunction with line and type to help com-municate the concept of a design. Shape can be defined as any ele-ment that’s used to give or deter-mine form. Shape can exist as a de-sign element all by itself, without the aid of line or type.

Shape: • Whatistheproductorservicebeingadvertised?


• SHAPEisbeingusedinthedesigninthefollowingway(s):(Checkallthatapply)









• Pleasethoroughlyexplainyouranswertothequestionaboveandanalyze/describehowthisadver-tisementorwebsiteusesSHAPE.


• PleasedescribetheeffectivenessoftheuseofSHAPEinthisdesign.


• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?


3.Texture: Texture can be defined as an object’s visual or tactile sur-face characteristics and appear-ance, or as something composed of closely interwoven elements (such as a woven cloth). In graphic design, texture is most often used as a secondary ele-ment to reinforce an idea, rather than a primary element to com-municate a concept.


What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?

• TEXTUREisbeingusedinthedesignto:

üCreate a particular mood or feeling

üFill individual shapes or areas

üReinforce or support the concept of the design

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisementorwebsiteusesTEXTURE.

The texture in this design is primarily for a line of Burts Bees skin moisturizers, but also is of-fering some of its lotions and soaps that are shown below. This ad is creating a relaxing mood with its golden back ground of honeycomb texture, not to mention the texture of splashing water around the tubes of moisturizing cream, giving you the feeling of soothing liquid. The texture of the hon-eycombaroundtheadfillsinthebackgroundwiththelikenessoftheproductthatismadefrombees wax. Again the texture is both reinforcing and supporting the concept of this design, because ofwhattheproductismadefrom,andthattheglowofthegoldenhoneycombaffirmsthenotionthattheproductissoothingandcalming.Againtheflowingwateraroundtheproductdoeshavesome tension but at the same time gives off a refreshing feeling that the product will make your skin feel better.

How did the designer use TEXTURE and explain why you believe TEXTURE was utilized in this way?

The designer uses the texture of honeycomb here because of how it relates to the product, all natural bees wax products by Burts Bees. Also the water around the moisturizers draws the conclu-sion of soothing and refreshing.

What was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using TEXTURE in this way? (Try to think like the designer).

By using texture in this way it relaxes and draws you in to the tubes of moisturizers splash-ing in the water as if it were repelling it away, but the water has a refreshing look to it, this look achieves the feeling of making your skin feel better. By making the consumer feel this about their product, they will be more apt to go purchase Burts Bees moisturizing cream.

What impact did the use of TEXTURE have on the audience?

The impact on the audience would be the relaxing nature of the ad so that you might go out and purchase some of that cool refreshing Burts Bees moisturizer.

How did the use of TEXTURE make the audience feel? What was the audiences’ response to this use of TEXTURE as the predominant element of the design?

The audiences feeling to the texture of this ad, would be a calmness and reassurance that this product has what they are looking for in how it has presented itself to the potential consumer.

• Please describe the effectivenessoftheuseofTEXTUREinthisdesign.

The effectiveness of the use of texture in the design of this Burts Bees ad is tremendous. In that the honeycomb is an essential part of the product and they have effectively surrounded the ad by usingjustthattexture.ItworksverywellheretodefinetheproductlinethatBurtsBeesisoffering.The honeycomb is where the essential component is found for the production of these Burts Bees product.

• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?

The primary audience of this product would be women, but I know there are plenty of men of whom use the Burts Bees products, especially for the moisturizing of dry cracked hands and as well as the Burts Bees chap stick.


Imagine yourself sitting at one end of a teeter-totter at your local park: you with the seat you occupy on the ground and the seat across from you empty and lifted off the ground. What kind of weight is required in the opposite seat to balance your weight evenly across the beam? The logical answer—and proba-bly the first one that springs to mind—is that a person of equal size to you would properly balance your weight. Howev-er, that’s not your only possibility; for instance, couldn’t two persons, if each weighed half your weight, likewise bal-ance you if they both were to sit at the other end of the teeter-totter? Of course.


What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?

• BALANCEisbeingusedinthedesigninthefollowingway(s):

üTo create a mood.

üSymmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; serious, conservative, sophisticated, stable, elegant, etc.

üAsymmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; relaxed, informal, freeform, creative, etc.

___To create visual tension by being obviously unbalanced.

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your ownwordshowthisadvertisementorwebsiteusesBALANCE.

The balance of this design for Starbucks coffee is creating the mood of fall with its line of fall flavoredcoffees,PumpkinSpicedLatteandSaltedCaramelMocha.Theadisdepictingthesenseoffallthroughtheuseofthefallsettingssuchascoffeeonafootballfield,afamiliespickingap-ples and holding leaves that have turned to their fall colors, and just the wonderful colors of the trees themselves. All the text and images are symmetrically balanced to one another so as to rein-force the its conservative, stable, and elegant message of fall giving the customer a warm feeling that only a delicious coffee from Starbucks could give you. As well there is a symmetrical balance reinforcing its message that is relaxed and creative again through its text and images. The whole ad seems to portray the feelings and senses of fall extremely well through the use of balance of its text and images, from the top left of the ad that states “How do you know its fall?” followed by the bouncingdottedline/arrowthatleadsyoutothefirstimage.Theuseofthewarmorangecirclesatthe top and bottom, note the one at the bottom asks you if you if you would like to see more imag-es of fall, once you do this you go through an endless collage of images of fall. Some of the boxes even allow a customer to contribute how fall makes them feel as an interaction with the ad.

How did the designer use BALANCE and explain why you believe BALANCE was utilized in this way?

The designer utilized the use of balance in this way to give the customer a greater feeling of the fall season and great fall flavors of Starbucks coffee that seem to go hand in hand. The feelings and senses that are brought on by how fall, reaches out and touches everyone who enjoys this time of year.

What was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using BALANCE in this way? (Try to think like the designer).

By using balance in this way the designer was able to achieve a greater sense of the coffee through the season. The great blend of coffee that pairs well with the wonderful fall season.

What impact did the use of BALANCE have on the audience?

The impact that balance has had hear toward the audience is the great sense of flavor during the fall and that fall in itself evokes feelings in people, especially anyone who love coffee.

How did the use of BALANCE make the audience feel? What was the audiences’ response to this use of BALANCE as the predominant element of the design?

The uses of balance hear in this design fills the audience with the wonderful feeling that only the fall season can bring. The response of the audience come in the form of not only getting that feeling too, but to interact with the ad and express their individual feeling towards the season.

• Please describe the effectivenessoftheuseofBALANCEinthisdesign.

The effectiveness of balance in this design draws the consumer into the ad and evokes feelings in the consumer to become interactive with the ad. I think this design works very well, because the design truly does touch you and really make you think about their product, I also enjoy the fact that everyone has the opportunity to interact with the ad

• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?

The primary audience of this ad is anyone and everyone who not only loves Starbucks coffee, but also all of those people who love fall, and the feelings that are associated with the season.

5. Contrast:Contrast is an especially import-ant principle in graphic design, and a crucial tool to communi-cate an idea. It is also one of the most effortless principles to put into action. As soon as you add any element to a blank page, no matter how subtle, you've used contrast.


• What is the product or service being advertised?

The product being advertised is Oreo’s Halloween (seasonal) cookies.

• CONTRASTisbeingusedinthedesigninthefollowingway(s):

üStrengthen an idea; support the message.

___To create a contradiction (BIG written in very small type).

üContrasting colors

___Contrasting values

üContrasting shapes

üContrasting texture

üContrasting typography

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your ownwordshowthisadvertisementorwebsiteusesCONTRAST.

The contrast of this design is strengthening the idea and supporting the message of Halloween in association with a witch shoes and her socks made of Oreo cookies. The contrast of the witches shoes on a white background accentuating the shoes themselves so that it makes its point of the vi-sualshape.Thecookiesareauseofcontrastingcolorfromtheorangefillingtotheblackcookiesas well as the background, also note the contrast of color of the text in the bottom right of the ad between Halloween and Oreos. The contrasting shape is giving to the delightfulness of the season in that witches shoes are a very good representation. You could also associate the depiction of shape of the witch’s shoes to The Wizard of OZ’s wicked witch of the east. The contrasting texture comes fromthetextureintheshoesaswellastheridgesintheedgesofthecookiesandthecreamfilling.Theyworktogetherverywellandaddanicetonetotheshapeinsteadofjustusingamatefinishedshoe. This is a really fun design and speaks to a vast contrast of ages. Who doesn’t like Oreos, Hal-loween, and Witches?

How did the designer use CONTRAST and explain why you believe CONTRAST was utilized in this way?

The designer used contrast to put emphasis on the witch’s shoes as they relate to the Oreo stock-ings. The contrast was used in this manner as a play on Halloween with the witch’s shoes’ but more-over to accentuate the Oreo cookies as stockings in the shoes. This is a very playful design because by utilizing contrast the designer was able to bring the whole ad to life.

What was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by us-ing CONTRAST in this way? (Try to think like the designer).

By using contrast in this way the designers were able to achieve exactly what they wanted to say without a lot of text, in other words the design speaks for itself. This is also achieving a sense of happiness that comes from its playfulness on Halloween.

What impact did the use of CONTRAST have on the audience?

The impact of the use of contrast on the audience would be that it is visually appealing. This will evoke happiness for it customers knowing that one of their favorite seasonal Oreo cookies is back and available to enjoy.

How did the use of CONTRAST make the audience feel? What was the audiences’ response to this use of CONTRAST as the predominant element of the design?

The uses of contrast hear would make the audience have feelings of joy and happiness to-wards this design. The audience’s response to the use of contrast as the predominant element of design would be that the design stops them and makes them take notice of the shape, texture, and color because it stands out so well on the page.

• Please describe the effectivenessoftheuseofCONTRASTinthisdesign.

The effectiveness of the use of contrast in this design stops the reader/customer and grabs their attention. I think the use of contrast in this design works well because of its play on Hallow-een and that it makes the design fun and enjoyable.

• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?

The primary audience of this advertisement has a large range age group, because I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t like Oreo’s, or for that matter seasonal Oreo’s like the Halloween ones used in this ad.

6. Unity:

Unity is the underlying struc-ture of a design. Think of a house: it begins with a foun-dation from which everything else is built. If your foundation is shaky or poorly construct-ed, nothing will sit solidly in the rooms above.

Unity: What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?

• UNITYisbeingusedinthedesignto:


üUnify the design with consistent elements (grouped/repeating elements)


• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe how this advertisementorwebsiteusesUNITY.

This Farmrich Website uses unity to provide consistency of multi-colored blocks, related pack-age design as well as textured of the actual product being advertised. The consistent repeating elementthatunifiesthischildfriendlysnackoptionthatalsoleadstheviewer’seyesthroughthedesigntothetextboxstating“Thekeep‘emhappyclub,”istheuseofvibrantlyfriendlyunifiedcolored blocks.

How did the designer use UNITY and explain why you believe UNITY was utilized in this way?

The designer utilized unity in this way to bring together a few different elements, notice the kitchenwallinthebackground,relaxinggreenlinedwoodpaneling.Thecontrastoftheredflowerpot and tomatoes timer on the black counter top, the Website then brings these color to its unify-ingrepeatingdesignandtiesgreenandredbackintotheframeofthedesigntofinishoffthecolorscheme.

What was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using UNITY in this way? (Try to think like the designer).

The designers intent was to achieve unity in this way, to bring together the unifying repeating design that brings to light the fact that the colored content description text boxes on each package are given a different color background, helping to contrast each package and give each one its own individuality which allows the unity to exist.

What impact did the use of UNITY have on the audience?

The impact of unity on the audience was for each individual package to be seen from its con-trasting colored blocks. This helps lead the viewer’s eyes through the brightly warm and cool col-ored ad making it lively and invitingly consumer friendly.

How did the use of UNITY make the audience feel? What was the audiences’ response to this use of UNITY as the predominant element of the design?

The use of unity here gives the audience a relaxed comfortable feeling of home, and being able to view a site offering health conscience snacks for their children to enjoy would bring happiness to any parent. This predominant element of design will make the (parent) audience happy and more eager to go out and purchase Farmrich snacks for their children.

• Please describe the effectivenessoftheuseofUNITYinthisdesign.

TheeffectivenessoftheuseofunityinthisdesignIthinkworksverywell,itdefinitelyspeaksto all parents looking to purchase snacks that they are comfortable with giving to their children to enjoy. This design is bright and friendly the unity of the design is quite easy on the eyes and very relaxing.

• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?

The primary audience of this Website is parents looking to bring home fun, healthy, and enjoy-able snacks to their children.

7. Value:

Value is lightness or darkness of an object. Value exerts as a powerful influence on a design, creating mood, depth, and con-trast.

Value: What is the name of the company, organization or individual utilizing this website?

• VALUEisbeingusedinthedesigninthefollowingway(s):

üCreates a mood or feeling

üCreates contrast

üCreates movement and direction

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your ownwordshowthisadvertisementorwebsiteusesVALUE.

This Twinings Tea Website has used value to create a warm comfortable mood of relaxation throughout its ad. The boxes of tea are displayed overlapping allowing contrast, therefore giving them all their own individuality and unifying the design of grouped elements leads the viewer’s eyes through the design which is creating movement and direction as well. The tone of color adds to the overall comfort of the ad that adds to the feeling that Twinings Tea is trying to bring to its customers.

How did the designer use VALUE and explain why you believe VALUE was utilized in this way?

The designer has used utilized value here to give off the feeling of relaxation; none of the tones of color on the boxes are too loud, because the ad is meant to be relaxing. By using such a deep rich burgundy color in for the background designer is utilizing the maximum effect of the element of value.

What was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using VALUE in this way? (Try to think like the designer).

The designers’ intent by using value here was to achieve a totally relaxing ad that the consumer will relate to, the relaxing nature of Twinings Tea. The impact on the audience is clear, everything just feels great, from the choice of background tone/color bringing the design together and drawing the audience’s attention through the ad.

What impact did the use of VALUE have on the audience?

The impact that value has had on the audience in this Website is an overwhelming calmness of the whole ad. Twinings has brought forth an ad that speaks to connoisseur of teas, and anyone wanting to explore the variety of tea Twinings Tea has to offer.

How did the use of VALUE make the audience feel? What was the audiences’ response to this use of VALUE as the predominant element of the design?

The use of value here gives the audience a relaxing feeling as they navigate through this Web-site. The audience’s response to the use of value as the predominant element of the design is that they will get a sense of enjoyment through the feel of the site, but also the feeling of not being rushed through the site. The sites rich color/value allows for a comfortable and relaxing experience.

• Please describe the effectivenessoftheuseofVALUEinthisdesign.

The effectiveness of the use of value in this design works amazingly; I myself could feel that I was being drawn into the ad.

• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?

The primary audience is adults who enjoy a good cup of tea, and also like a wide variety of tea as well, this site work well for any of these people.

8. Color:Color has the power to over-ride value. Color defines the intent of a design, the feeling, and the structure. Warm colors can make the viewer feel a range of emo-tions from warm and fuzzy to tense to angry. Cool col-ors leave us feeling relaxed and calm. Viewers respond to color in part based on cul-tural and social influences, but color is very subjective and based on personal pref-erence.


• What is the product or service being advertised?

The product being advertised is Daisy brand cottage cheese

• COLORisbeingusedinthedesigninthefollowingway(s):

üCreates a mood or feeling

üCreates visual tension and movement




üCreates harmony

• Please thoroughly explain your answer to the question above and analyze/describe in your ownwordshowthisadvertisementorwebsiteusesCOLOR.

This advertisement for Daisy cottage cheese is creating a calming feeling through the color of all of the fruits, vegetables, grains, and nuts. Although there is a visual tension of the textures of each one to the next that seems to create movement of this design, the unity of the individual blocks provides a balance, and gives structure. The grid design forms a sense of order that helps to create a harmony in that all of the items around the main point are creating a kind of border.

How did the designer use COLOR and explain why you believe COLOR was utilized in this way?

The designer has utilized color here to create a border of element that directly correlates with the main point of the ad. The main point of this ad, the Daisy container as well as the text are not only balanced in the design, but are contrasted against all of the color surrounding them allowing them to stand out from the color of the grid formed border.

What was the designer’s intent? What do you think he or she was hoping to achieve by using COLOR in this way? (Try to think like the designer).

The designer’s intent was to show contrasting colors to bring out the main point of the design. I think what the designer was hoping to achieve a multi-faceted design by bringing together multiple elements, and I think it all works well together.

What impact did the use of COLOR have on the audience?

The impact on the audience through the use of color is that cottage cheese itself has no color being that it is white. By adding a border in the form of a grid that uses multiple colored toppings, gives the notion that all of these things that you can add to cottage cheese will give it life, or in this designs case color.

How did the use of COLOR make the audience feel? What was the audiences’ response to this use of COLOR as the predominant element of the design?

The use of color in this design would make more people feel that cottage cheese can be better tasting if mixed with any of the ingredients bordering the cottage cheese in the ad. The audience’s response to the use of color as the predominant element of the design is the realization that cottage cheese will be good for a healthy diet considering the addition of the ingredients surrounding the cottage cheese in this ad, and that they may be more apt to buy cottage cheese knowing what they now know from this ad.

• Please describe the effectivenessoftheuseofCOLORinthisdesign.

The effectiveness of the use of color in this design works well because it is brightly colored and really pops making you stop and look at the ad.

• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?

The primary audience of this Website is women, although some men might purchase this prod-uct if they were looking to add healthy foods to their diet.

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