depot modernisation parel wr

Post on 19-Jan-2015






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  • 1. Modernization of Stores Depot at Carriage Repair Workshop,Lower Parel, Western Railway through Implementation ofIntelligent WarehousingwithAutomated Storage & Retrieval System (ASRS)
    • Jogendra Yadvendu
  • Dy.CMM-PL, WR

2. The inconvenient Truth

  • Warehousing did not get its due importance on the Indian Railways because;
  • Materials management was always considered an ancillary activity.
  • When ever a new Locomotive sheds or a carriage workshop was planned, provision for the warehousing was never given a thought.
  • It was always believed that once the workshop a locomotive shed comes up, warehousing for the material shall take care of itself.
  • In the name of a warehouse, a ramshackle godown or an old steam shed or an abandoned building wasprovided in the name of a stores depot.
  • This continues even today.

3. Recent Examples on WR

  • New Electric Locomotive workshop at Dhaboi with an area of>2.5 LakhSq.mhas a provision of only15 m X 100 m for the materials management including warehousing.
  • New CoachPOH workshop at BVP with an approximate area of 3 lakh sq. mhas a provision for 15mX 100 m for the warehousing purpose.
  • New Mahim Scrap Depot in WR has a provision of13000 sq.m consisting of 20 bins of 15m * 12 m each.
  • Why is all this happening and what is the solution ?


  • Is Materials Management department required in the railways ?
  • If the answer is yes, Why the above scenario ?
  • Reasons:
  • Lack of will and vision in the departmental officers.
  • We want to be Goody Goody.
  • Don't want to raise inconvenient questions.
  • Hum Santust Hain.


  • The result:
  • Warehousing as well as the supply chain management still pertains to the era of Stone Age.
  • Result: Archaic Procurement Rules.
  • Mismatched inventory
  • Spoilage and rusting of costly material
  • Block storage on the ground floor
  • Inundation of material during flooding, leaking roofs etc.
  • Presently Modernization means getting a forklift or a Truck from the Sr.DEE in a locomotive shed or Dy.CME in a workshop .

6. Modernization of Carriage Stores Depot at Carriage Repair Workshop, Lower Parel, Western Railway

  • CarriageStores Depot at Lower Parel is the biggest Stores Depot on Western Railway.
  • Annual material issues value of Rs. 600 Million.
  • Accounts forapproximately 25 % of the annual issues on Western Railway.
  • Caters toCarriage Workshop &Divisional Consignees (29).
  • It stocks around 1200 stock items out of which 167 are safety, 257 are vital, 38 passenger amenity items .
  • LHB Coachis a new technology with many items being imported and limited indigenous vendors

7. Coach Holding of Parel Workshop TYPE ICF ICF-SHATABDI LHB Holding 3000 60 110 8. 9. Major activity at Parel Workshop 36 62 LHB 15 5 0 1531 ICF POH 07-08 (estimate) 2006-07 Type Activity Refurbishment of toilets, changingthe main door LHB Refurbishment of toilets, Laying of Stainless Steel Inlay, changing LP Sheet, Limpet Sheet ICF RSP 10. DivisionalFeeding points of Parel Stores Depot Division Carriage Repair Depots BCT BCT, BDTS, BL, ST BRC ANND ADI ADI, KKF, NBVJ, GIM RJT RJT, OKA, HXP RTM RTM, IND,BVP BVP,VRL,PBR 11. Feeding Points Stores DepotLowerParel Carriage Repair Workshop WR Divisions CWS-ADI-BG (165) CWS-ADI-MG(150) CWS-RTM-P (54) CWS-BCT (56) CWS-BDTS(121) CWS-TRS-BAMY(5) CWS-BL (114) CWS-ST (128) CWS-BRCP (20) CWS-ANND (73) CWS-SBI-MG(2) CWS-BVJ (122) CWS-GIM (125) CWS-IND (163) CWS-MHW (24) CWS-UJN (13) CWS-COR (13) CWS-BVC (117) CWS-PBR (123) Mumbai Baroda Ratlam Ahmedabad Bhavnagar Rajkot CWS-RJT (115) 12. Annual issues & closing Balance YEAR ISSUES( in 10 Million) BALANCE ( in 10 Million) TOR ( %) 2004-05 42.33 10.22 24.14 2005-06 46.01 10.11 21.97 2006-07 58.71 10.97 19.34 13. Annual usage value of various category of stores 14. Category of items at Parel depot 15. Modernization of Carriage Repairs Depot at Carriage Repair Workshop

  • Stores depots on the Indian Railways are housed in a dilapidated structures released from the old steam loco sheds or abandoned carriage depots.
  • Hence the structural strength as well as mechanizationis almost nil in the old stores depots.
  • In the estimate for new workshops or Diesel/Electric Loco Sheds, few godowns are provided in the name of stores depot without M&P & material handlingequipment.
  • The entire gamut of activities in the workshops have been mechanized with the inclusion of new technology.
  • The material storage , handling and transportation in a stores depots needs to be modernized so that instead of just acting as a warehouse , the storesbecome a part of the supply chain management and the production process.
  • Presently, they work more as godowns rather than modern warehouses.

16. Present Status 17. 18. 19. What does modernization involve ?

  • Pragmatic mix of IW-ASRS, Drive in Pallet System, Selective Pallet System, conveyor systems etc.
  • Structurally strong building with adequate free height for vertical storage.
  • Adequate material handling equipments and transportation facilities such as platform trucks, forklifts , LMV, HMV .
  • RDBMS based IT application for purchase & Inventory management with adequate Hardware resources.

20. Works Program May 2009 Railway Board > 50 Million June-July 09 Railway Board > Rs. 20 Million but < Rs 50 Million Pink Book June-July 09 Railway Board >Rs. 3 Million but < Rs. 20MillionFeb 2009 GM < Rs. 3 Million LAW BOOK Commencing Yaer Sanctioning Authority Value of Works Plan Head 42 21. Machinery &Plants Program May 2008 Railway Board >Rs. 10 Million Sept/Oct 08 Railway Board > Rs. 1 Million but < Rs 10 Million Pink Book Sept/Oct 08 Railway Board Any Vehicles Sept/Oct 08 GM < Rs. 1 Million LAW BOOK Commencing Year Sanctioning Authority Value of Works Plan Head 41 22. Process Involved in creation of Infrastructure Facility1

  • .Preparation of detailed Proposal by the field unit suo moto or based on instruction of some senior officer
  • Concurrence by associate finance
  • Administrative approval of HOD
  • HQ finance concurrence
  • Sanction ofAGM/GMup to 30 lakhs for normal items and up to 50 lakhs for safety works
  • Concurrence of Railway Board finance for works > 30 Lakhs


  • Approval of Concerned Member I.e Member Mechanical for Machinery & Plants as well as RSP and Member Engineering for Works Program.
  • Proposals above 5 crorers requires the approval of Minister for Railways.
  • Proposals above 50 crorers usually require the approval of Cabinet.


  • Receipt of Sanction from Railway Board
  • Approval of funds for the proposal
  • Preparation of detailed estimate for the proposal
  • Vetting of the estimate
  • Sanction of the estimate
  • Procurement of item or execution of work.

25. Works Program

  • Railway Board fixes the financial limits for various plan heads.
  • Field units send vetted proposals to Hq.
  • Zonal HQ coordinates the proposals .
  • Major works costing > 5 crorers are submitted to Railway Board in advance for scrutiny and clearance
  • Works program is submitted 18 months in advancein respect of works chargeable to CAP, DRF, DF, OLWR, CF under demand No. 16
  • Submitted as PWP & FWP.


  • PWP is initiated by field units in June/July and submitted for net year in September.
  • Railway Board takes a final decision after discussion with the GM
  • Parliament finally approves the same under various heads such as assets, acquitions, construction, replacement .
  • These are financed from CAP, CF, DRF,DF,OLWR

27. Summary of WP

  • Identify requirement, detail, scope, worksite sketch, feasibility, manpower reduction, new technology
  • Acceptance by B.O and preparation of abstract estimate inclusive of sub estimate pertaining to different departments.
  • Obtain administrative approval of DRM/HOD.
  • Get finance concurrence and sent it to CME/Planning.
  • HQlist proposals in 3 categories.
  • A. > 5 crorers, b. 30 lakhs to 5 crorers, c. < 30 lakhs
  • The grouped proposals are put up to the concerned HOD & PHOD
  • Administrative approval of CME in consultation with other H.O.D
  • All the three lists put up to CE-Planning


  • Works programme meeting chaired by G.M and attended by all phod for prioritizing and finalsing.
  • Separate meetings for works above 5 crorers and others.
  • Proposals approved by GM are putup to finance for concurrence.
  • After finance concurrence, all proposals are handed over to CE-P for inclusion in PWP of the Railway for onward submission to Railway Board.
  • Works Programme meeting is held in Railway Board attended by GMto finalise the works.
  • Railway Board conveys the approval of works through the pink Book


  • Works above Rs 50 Lakhs are itemised.
  • Works less than Rs 50 Lakhs are given as lumpsum.
  • At the Railway Level, works > Rs 50 Laks and having a major portion of civil work are executed by CAO-C
  • works > Rs 50 Laks and having a major portion of mechanical l work are to be executed by person nominated by CME
  • Works costing < Rs 50 Laks are executed by the division

30. Estimated cost of the project

  • Sanctioned in M&P Program for the year 2007-08 under plan head 41.
  • Cost:Rs. 138 Million.
  • Components involved;
  • IW-ASRS;
  • Drive in Pallet & Selective Pallet System.
  • 3 & 5 Ton Forklift
  • 5 Ton Road Crane
  • Truck 9 & 16 Ton
  • Multi-utility Vehicle
  • Platform Trucks & Others.
  • 3 Ton EOT Crane.

Rs. 115 Million Rs. 10 Million 31. Preliminary Work involved-1

  • Find out the weight of individualitem to be kept in the ASRS
  • Find out the dimensions of each item.
  • Find out the weight and dimension of items traditionally being received in the existing packaging conditions.
  • Work out the number of pallets required.
  • Work out the No of aisle, height and width.

32. Preliminary Work involved-2

  • Select the area for the ASRS.
  • If Greenfield project, decide the type of building to be constructed.
  • Concrete or PEB?
  • For old workshops , land is a constrain.
  • Think of demolishing the existing structure.
  • New storage area during the construction activity to be planned.
  • Workshop shall normally be reluctant to provide new area during the interim construction period.
  • Fight for new Space during construction period.
  • Try concept of substores


  • Involve civil consultants for new or modification to existing building.
  • Involve ASRS vendors.
  • Get the estimates.
  • Try to get the soil test report for an existing nearby areaor hire a consultant for the same.
  • Get abstract estimates.
  • Convince the HOD
  • Vetting by associate finance.


  • Approvalof Mech, Civil, Electrical ,Stores H.O.D.
  • HQ finance vetting and approval of GM.
  • Inclusion in PWP of the Railway for submission to Railway Board.
  • ConvinceAM(PU),EDME(W), EDF(X), EDF(S), DME(P-II), DF(s)
  • Tajmahal.

35. Detailed Estimate

  • Get civil estimate from the PEB vendors as well as the civil engineering department and convert the sane into civil sub estimate.
  • Get estimate of ASRSfrom ASRS vendors and convert that into mechanical Sub estimate.
  • Get electrical estimate from ASRS vendor & convert the same into electrical sub estimate.
  • Approval of sub estimates from respective H.O.D.


  • Decision regarding Turn Key implementation.
  • Project to be dealt by Materials Management department only including the civil and other works.
  • Prepare single tender document .
  • Decide qualifying criterion.
  • Decide payment conditions separately for civil and ASRS work.
  • The payment terms must be conducive to the vendors so that working capital is not blocked and contractors are not in distress.
  • Decision regarding MB.

37. Other storage & retrieval systems Storage carousel Push-back rack Shelves/bins/drawers Flow-through rack Mezzanine Stacking frame Drive-in rack Split case order picking system Cantilever rack Selective pallet rack Automatic storage/retrieval systems (AS/RS Unit load AS/RS MiniloadAS/RS Man-on-board AS/RS Sliding rack Block stacking (no equipment) 38. 1.Block Stacking(No Equipment)

  • Bulk storage using block stacking can result in the minimum cost of storage since cube utilization is high and no storage medium is required, but material accessibility is low since only the top of the front stack is accessible and loads at bottom of a stack must not require support
  • Storage racks are used when support and/or material accessibility is required

39. Selective Pallet Rack

  • Pallets are supported between load-supporting beams
  • Special attachments and decking can be used to make the racks capable of supporting other types of unit loads besides pallets (e.g., coils, drums, skids)
  • Can be used for:
  • Standard single-deep storage using a counterbalanced lift truck
  • Narrow-Aisle storage using a narrow-aisle lift truck
  • Deep-Reach greater than single-deep storage (typically double-deep storage

40. Drive-Through Rack

  • Loads are supported by rails attached to the upright beams
  • Lift trucks are driven between the uprights beams
  • Requires similar-width loads
  • Open at both ends, allowing access from both ends (FIFO)

41. .Drive-In Rack

  • Same as drive-through rack, except closed at one end, allowing entry from only one end (LIFO)

42. Flow-Through Rack

  • Loads are supported on an incline to enable gravity-based movement of the loads within the rack (via, e.g., a gravity roller conveyor)
  • Loaded at the higher end and unloaded at the lower end (FIFO)

43. Push-Back Rack

  • Same as flow-through rack, except loaded and unloaded at the lower end and closed at the higher end (LIFO)

44. Sliding Rack

  • Only one mobile aisle is used to access several rows of racks
  • Location of the aisle is changed by sliding the rows of racks along guide rails in the floor
  • Typically found in library stacks

45. Cantilever Rack

  • Loads are supported by cantilever "arms"
  • Used to store long loads (e.g., bar stock, pipes, lumber)
  • Similar to pallet racks, except the front upright beams and the front supporting beams are eliminated

46. Shelves/Bins/Drawers 47. Storage Carousel

  • Carousel consists of a set of vertically or horizontally revolving storage baskets or bins
  • Materials (and the storage medium) move to the operator, "part-to-man," for end-of-aisle picking
  • Each level of the carousel can rotate independently in a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction
  • Control ranges from manually activated push buttons to automated computer controlled systems
  • Provides an alternative to typical "man-to-part" AS/RS, where the S/R machine moves to the part

48. Automatic Storage/Retrieval Systems (AS/RS)

  • Consists of an integrated computer-controlled system that combines the storage medium, transport mechanism, and controls with various levels of automation for fast and accurate random storage of products and materials
  • Storage/retrieval (S/R) machine in an AS/RS operates in narrow aisle, serving rack slots on both sides of aisle; can travel in horizontal (along the aisle) and vertical (up and down a rack) directions at same time
  • Advantages: fewer material handlers, better material control (including security), and more efficient use of storage space
  • Disadvantages: high capital Investment.

49. Unit Load AS/RS

  • Used to store/retrieve loads that are palletized or unitized and weigh over 500 lbs.
  • Stacking heights up to 130 ft. high, with most ranging from 60 to 85 ft. high; 5 to 6 ft. wide aisles; single- or double-deep storage racks

50. Miniload AS/RS

  • Used to store/retrieve small parts and tools that can be stored in a storage bin or drawer
  • End-of-aisle order picking and replenishment
  • Stacking heights range from 12 to 20 ft.; bin capacities range from 200 to 750 lbs.
  • Termed a "microload AS/RS" when used in assembly, kitting, and testing operations to deliver small containers of parts to individual workstations, where workstations are typically located on the sides of a pair of racks and the S/R machine operates between the racks to move containers to openings in the racks (storage lanes) located next to each station

51. Man-On-Board AS/RS

  • Used for in-aisle picking; operator picks from shelves, bins, or drawers within the storage structure
  • Manual or automatic control
  • S/R machine is similar to an order picker or turret truck and can sometimes operate as an industrial truck when outside an aisle, except the S/R is guided along a rail when operating in an aisle


  • Working Capacity: 1500 Kg. loads at 100% duty cycle
  • End-of-Aisle Run-out Required: 15 ft.
  • Height Requirements: 12 ft. to 100 ft.
  • S/R Machine Length: 15 ft.
  • Aisle Width: 80" Pallet to Pallet
  • Vertical Speed: 90 FPM
  • Horizontal Speed: 700 FPM
  • Forks Rotation: 180 deg.

General Specifications of IW-ASRS 53. General Specifications of IW-ASRS

  • S/R Machine:
  • Construction: Modular component design. All parts designed for 100% duty cycle. Welded steel frame. Single mast tube, strut braced. Structural steel base.
  • Drive and Idler Wheels: Flanged forged alloy steel. Case Hardened to 55 Rockwell C. Reground for concentricity. Heavy-duty pillow block bearing support.
  • Fork Extractor Mechanism:
  • Construction: Precession fabricated steel
  • Load Capacity: 1500 Kg.
  • Load Support: Industrial Standard Forks
  • Extractor Drive: Patented ball screw and rotator with variable frequency drives, industrial gear reducers, and brake.

54. Crane Rail with V-H Drives

  • Crane Rail:
  • Floor mounted , Rail mounted .
  • Vertical & Horizontal Drives:
  • High performance sine-coded, pulse width modulated AC vector motor drives which generates an adjustable voltage/ frequency three phase output for complete speed control.
  • Automatic stall prevention and voltage boost prevents nuisance tripping during load or line side transient conditions.
  • The drives will not induce any voltage or distortion back into the utility line and maintains a displacement power factor of not less than 0.98 throughout its speed range.

55. Communication & Controls

  • Communication:
  • Infrared Modem
  • S/R Machine Controls:
  • Electrical Components : IEEE code compliance throughout. IEEE rated enclosure, sensors, and wiring. Panel-mounted diagnostic indicator lights. Panel-mounted maintenance controls.
  • Logistics and Positioning : Onboard programmable controller A-B SLC-500 communication by infrared modem. Steel code bar, optical address readers. Fine positioning, motor-mounted resolvers with 1/16'' accuracy or 1 deg. Accurate positioning on start-up.

56. Rack & Pallets

  • Safeguards:
  • Front and rear aisle-obstruction detectors. Onboard and off-board emergency stops. Load and centering sensors and interlocks.
  • Rack Structure:
  • Virtually any post and beam (conventional) existing or new racks capable of safely bearing the pallet loads (pushback and flow rack). Continuity of vertical shelf distance from floor not required. Common depth dimension recommended, but differing depths can often be accommodated. Racks must be attached to the floor but no shimming is needed except with extreme floor conditions.
  • Maximum Height: 100 ft.
  • Pallets:
  • Any two or four way pallet capable of being used.

57. Loading/ Unloading Area RAIL RAIL RAIL 58. Vertical crane of IW-ASRS 59. Drive-in-Pallet System 1 2 3 60. Why use IW-ASRS at Parel Depot

  • Parel workshop has one of the smallestfootprint to Coach POH ratio.
  • Located in the heart ofMetropolitan city-Mumbai with costly land where lateral expansion is not a n option.
  • POH target of ICF, LHB increasing.
  • Area can be released for workshop modernization & expansion activities only by releasing the dead space being occupied by multifarious stores godowns.
  • This is where IW-ASRS comes into play.
  • IW-ASRSutilizes vertical storage capacity leading to efficient storage & retrieval

61. Proposed site at Lower Parel

  • Central ward of Parel Depot
  • Measures 50m * 45 m
  • 50% area with mezzanine floor
  • Max. free height available 6 m.
  • Free height available in mezzanine area is 3 m.
  • Cemented flooring.

62. Constrains

  • IW-ASRS requires a Greenfield area with free height of15to 20 m
  • 100 year old building.
  • CoarseRubble masonry wall .
  • Roof truss supported on 100 year old Cast Iron columns of 6m height.
  • Flooringis uneven with a limited bearing capacity.
  • Annual flooding of ground floor during monsoon.
  • IW-ASRS requires a free height of minimum 15-20 m .
  • Average load per 1.2m*1m pallet is one ton . Each pallet column can go up to 15 bays .
  • Hence bearing capacity of the flooring should be 12 MT per 1.2 sq.m

63. Solution

  • Break Mezzanine floor with area of 25m*45m to obtain free height.
  • New foundation for the columns.
  • New Columns of 20m height.
  • New hardonite flooring with leveled ground for movement of sophisticated machinery
  • Raise wall height byusing prefab light weight material
  • Uselight weight roofing material having energy saving features

64. Activities involved in ASRS

  • Civil Engineering work of site preparation
  • Leveled flooring with adequate bearing capacity
  • Adequate free height for 15-20 m for vertical storage & movement of vertical crane.
  • New light weigh roof
  • Power requirements

65. ! 66. Modus Operandi of execution

  • Prepare detailed sub estimate of electrical, civil & mechanical portion .
  • Obtain sanction of respective HOD.
  • Prepare STR & DPR.
  • Obtain sanction of GM.
  • Prepare material schedules for purchase components .
  • Prepare tender schedule for works portion.
  • Obtain dispensation from COFMOW.
  • Float only one works tender to take care of mechanical, civil as well as electrical work to be carried out by a single agency on a turn key basis.
  • Have provision for operation for 2 years by the contracting agency along with training to be followed by fiveyears comprehensive AMC.


  • The location of ASRS shall be the central ward.
  • Central ward measures 60m X 45 m ETE.
  • On the north end of CW is CR2 Shop.
  • On the Southof CW is macadam road.
  • On the east of CW is fitting shop
  • On the south of CW is rail line

72. Layout of C ward Dy.CMM-PLChamber CA/TA toDy.CMM lift AMM, Ledger Section & computer cell NF Ward DMS Returned stores& platform Survey Plot &Loading platform 73. LAYOUTFOR THE PROPOSED ASRS AT THE CENTRAL WARD 74. Installation of IW-ASRS

  • Transport the material to the prepared ASRS site.
  • Provide Bill of Material along with WTC.
  • Get Payment for 80% of material cost.
  • Install the racks.
  • Cranes, Transfer Car, Pallets etc.
  • Integrated with Warehouse Management System
  • Integrate with Depot Module of MMIS

75. Existing Plan of Roof forCentral Ward Existing Elevation of Roof forCentral Ward Dy.CMM-PLChamber CA/TA toDy.CMM lift AMM, Ledger Section & computer cell NF Ward DMS Returned stores& platform Survey Plot &Loading platform 76. Future elevation of Roof forCentral Ward Dy.CMM-PLChamber CA/TA toDy.CMM lift AMM, Ledger Section & computer cell NF Ward DMS Returned stores& platform Survey Plot &Loading platform 77. Layout of C ward Dy.CMM-PLChamber CA/TA toDy.CMM lift AMM, Ledger Section & computer cell NF Ward DMS Returned stores& platform Survey Plot &Loading platform 78. CIVIL CONSTRUCTION

  • Remove the roof asbestos sheets.
  • Transport to BMC dumping ground.
  • Provide additional colums to take the load of columns to be removed at 4,1 to 4,6.
  • Dismantle truss and purlins.
  • Weigh them and transport to W. R Scrap Yard at Mahim.
  • Dismantle west end wall of CW.
  • Transport the debris to BMC Dumping Ground.
  • Dismantle the Ledger and computer center
  • Transport the debris to BMC DG.

79. Civil Work (Cont.)

  • Dismantle the south end wall of CW.
  • Transport the debris to BMC DG.
  • Provide roof for the non-dismantled area.
  • Dismantle the columns.
  • Weigh the columns.
  • Transport them to WR Scrap Yard at Mahim.

80. Civil Work (Cont.)

  • Prepare the foundation
  • Foundation for columns.
  • Prepare the ASRS working area.
  • Construct the platform.
  • Constructsuperstructure to house ASRS

81. S/ASRS/LPL/2008/01DATED 07.07.2008openingON 12.11.2008 AT 11.00 HRSSCOPE: Design , fabrication, supply, commissioning and testing of automated storage and retrieval system at carriage repair stores depot, lower Parel, MumbaiEMD:7.70 Lakhs. Expected time of completion:12 TO 15 Months from the date of issue ofsigning of contract Tender Details 82. Major work involved

  • Dismantling of exiting central ward buildingand construction
  • Provisioning of ASRS with crane, racks, pallets, electrical controls etc.

83. CIVIL WORK INVOLVES Demolishing /dismantling of existing structure/building and segregation of dismantled debris along with their transportation to nominated Scrap Yards .Construction of concrete platform of approximate height 1 Mtr For supporting entire ASRS structure.Erection of pre-engineered modular steelstructure/building for housing the ASRS .Provision of High Rise Racking System with minimum 3840 racking Locations 84. Provision of cage and plain pallets for keeping material. Provision of High rise Fully Automated, Computer Controlled, Stacker Crane and Transfer Car system along with necessary Aisle Equipment0.Provision of comprehensive Warehouse Management System.Provision of Electricals, screened partition and fire protection system for complete ASRS system. CIVIL WORK . CONT. 85. Two bid system

  • Part Ifor Civil Engineering Work
  • Part- II forMechanical and Electrical Work
  • In prescribed format as given in Annexure B of tender Document


  • Mechanical and Electrical Work :
  • 50 per cent on proof of inspection and dispatch of documents . For dispatches by Road, 50% payment will be made on receipt of material duly pre-inspected and receipted at site by the consignee in good condition
  • ii) Balance 40 % payment shall be made after successful installation &
  • commissioning of the ASRS i.e. Cranes , Transfer cars ,racks, pallets etc.
  • iii) Balance 10 per cent payment within 90 days of commissioning of the entire project on furnishing a Bank Guarantee.If a Tenderer requests a variation in the payment terms and if such variation is acceptable to the Purchaser, the same would be evaluated at an interest rate of12 percent per annumfor purposes of comparison with other tenders.

87. PAYMENT TERMS Payment will be made for the actual work done at site on pro-rata basis. The tendered is free to submit its stage payment schedule based on the activities involved such as dismantling of building, removal of debris, construction of ASRS platform, erection of columns, construction of roof etc.Advance payment ofaccepted rate/structural steel of bars, HTS wires, neoprene bearings, anchorages, sheathing etc. shall be made after bringing to the site ofwork and on production of necessary purchase voucher/Test certificates, an insurance policy covering losses due to thefts & floods and against indemnity bond submitted by the contractors and accepted by competent authority. This advance is recoverable from running bills to the extant quantity of above material are consumed up to the running bills stage. Sr.No Work Payment to be made Remarks. (a) Supply of reinforced steel 70% (b) Supply of material other than reinforced steel 60% (c) Fabrication & Erection 90% (d) On commissioning 100% 88. EMD & SD EMD. Deposit Receipt, Pay order,Demand Draft, Guarantee Bonds. Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit To. Be depositedExcise Duty & Modvat 89. Technical Specification 1 One Single Mast Stacker Crane for 1000 mm (W) X 1200 mm (D) X 1200 mm (H) Pallets of one ton capacity and capable of serving a height of 18 meters or moreTransfer Car Racking SystemPlain Steel Pallets -:Qty 1920 Numbers of Four way entry Plain Steel pallets ofsize 1000 mm (W) X 1200 mm(D) X 1200 mm (H) Cage Steel Pallets :Qty. 1920 Numbers of Four way entry four side wire mesh cage steel pallets of size 1000 mm (W) X 1200 mm(D) X 1200 mm Mechanical Aisle Equipments:Railway railwith adjustable clamps for holding the rails inposition & to ensure alignment. Top rail shall be mounted on the racking system through clamps 90. Electrical Aisle Equipments:The Electrical aisle equipment shall consist of Power rail (fully enclosed Bus Bar), which is mounted on the racking system below the first loading level with necessary protection as feature as per Indian Electricity Act. Controls & Hardware All necessary controls, PLC, Hardware etc. Software Warehouse Management System and inverter control system OPERATION CYCLE Technical Specification 2 91.

  • The Stacker Cranes should be linked to central computer control through WMS
  • Warehouse Management System(WMS)
  • Inventory Control Software (ICS)
  • Location Management Software Module (LMS
  • Handling Control Software Module (HCS)

Automated Controls and Software 92. DESIGN STANDARDS 1 The design of the AS/RS should conform to Indian and International standards, ensuring that best of the System is supplied. Following Indian and International Standards should be followed. IS 800 1984 General Construction on steel IS 801 1975 Code of practice for use of cold formed light gauge steel structural members in general building construction IS 10748 1984 Hot-rolled Steel Strip for Welded Tubes and Pipes Specification IS 3655 1966 Recommended practice for electroplating IS 101 1964 Methods of Sampling and test for paints, varnishes and related Products 93. DESIGN STANDARDS 2 IS 2074 1992 Ready Mixed Paint, Air Drying, Red Oxide Zinc Chrome, Priming Specification IS 513 : Cold Rolled Low Carbon Steel Sheets & Strips IS 325 : 3-Phase induction motor specifications. IS 1363 : Hexagon Head Bolts, Screws and Nuts IS 2062 : 1999 Steel for General Structural Purposes Specification IS 4923 : 1997 Hollow Steel Sections for structural use IS 2266 : Steel Wire Rope for engineering purpose. IS 4923 : Hollow steel section for structural use. FEM 9.311 1978: Rules for Design of Storage & retrieval Machines Structures. 5.1.15 FEM 9.831 1995 : Basis of calculation for Storage & retrieval Machines Tolerances & Clearances within warehouse. 5.1.16 FEM 9.851 2003 : Performance Data of S/R Machines Cycle Time. 94.

  • Civil Engineering Issues
  • Building - PEB
  • Standards- AISCAmerican Institute of Steel Construction(Hot Rolled ,Built Sec.),
  • AISI(American Iron and steel institute) (Light Gauge Cold worked)
  • IS:8750- 1987(Design Load)
  • IS: 800-1984 Construction in Steel
  • IS: 801-1975 Cold Formed Light gauge steel
  • steel structural members
  • Electrical Issues.
  • Firefighting
  • Lightening Protection
  • General Issues


  • Approval of Building Plan from Government Authorities/ BMC/ IIT ?
  • PEB Construction: Which Specification is to be followed ?IS or AES ?
  • Canopy and its location ?
  • Surface Finish for the structural Members- Weather Shot Blasting or wire brush ?
  • Type of Paint to be used : Polyurethane or Enamel ?

96. Painting

  • Painting for the
    • Pallets : PU
    • Racks : PU after
    • shot blasting
    • Crane, Transfer Car :Poly Urethane
    • Structural members :Poly Urethane
    • Wall cladding :Poly urethane

97. Roof

  • Type of Ventilators: Graven typeor powerless ventilators ? Powerless turbo ventilators to be used
  • Safety on the roof approach
  • Safety Net / fall protectionrequirement
  • Tolerance code ?
  • Stiffeners for columns ?

98. General

  • Supply of Steel & Cement : Contractor shall arrange his own steel and cement.
  • Water and Electricity : Shall be provided by Railways but charged from the contractor at actual based on standard railway tariff.
  • Approval of Building Plan :The approval may be obtained from government authorities/ BMC/ IITor BMC Licensed engineers or Chartered engineers of repute.
  • Concrete:RMC or Site Mixed Concrete?
  • Tax Structure: Works Contract or Supply ?
  • Provisioning of Lightening arrestor


  • R/R Masonry below plinth : Plaster or pointing to be done ?
  • IS 456 of 1978 or of 2000 ? M-25is specified 2000 edition .
  • Emergency Door HMPS- Aluminium ?
  • Approved makes of welding electrode, anti termite chemical, Hardonite?
  • No of Windows per bay ?


  • Integrity between old building and the new building ?
  • Chajja over only the window or over the entire course ?
  • Roads and drains around the building ?
  • Office area details
  • Lightening above the racking area?
  • Toilet/Change Rooms ?


  • Aluminum wire mesh around the well of the ASRS ?

102. PEB Design 103. PEB BUILDING 104. Pre Engineered Metal Building ( Major Components)

  • Main framing or vertical columns
  • Purlins, girts and eave struts
  • Sheeting and insulation or prefab panels
  • Brick & Cement Board Walls
  • Flooring
  • Paints and finishes
  • False Ceiling
  • Miscellaneous services


  • Main framing: Itincludes the rigid steel frames of the building.The PEB rigid frame comprises of tapered columns and tapered rafters.The tapered sections are fabricatedwherein the flanges are welded to the web.Splice plates are welded to the ends of the tapered sections.The frame is erected by bolting the splice plates of connecting sections together .


  • Purlins, girts and eave struts are also known as secondary cold-formed members.
  • There is no welding involved in their preparation.They are prepared by just bending the steel coil giving it the desired shape (Z-shape for purlins and girts, and C-shape for eave struts).
  • Purlins : Purlins are the secondary members are for supporting the roof panels & wall cladding .


  • Walls & Roof: Single skin profile or ribbed steel sheets
  • Material: Steel sheets made from steel coils.
  • Minimum thickness 0.5mm high tensile steel.
  • Usezincalume or galvanized bare and permanently colour coated or plain
  • Provision for coating at site after installation.
  • .

108. Insulation

  • Providefibrous insulation slabs / rolls of non- combustible Rockwool,
  • Aluminum foil laminated, placed over a metal mesh bed created between the purlins, and then the roofing steel sheetfixed over it.
  • The siding walls can also be insulated by providing a double skin profile or ribbed steel sheet or cement board sheets on inner side wall cladding having Rockwool.
  • Insulation slab sandwiched in between and held in position with the help of Z spacers in between the two steel sheets.
  • Similarly,a double skin insulated roofing system can also be erected.The cement boards will give a conventional white finish after paining


  • Providepre-fabricated insulated panels, havingtwo single skin panels (plain steel sheets galvanized / zincalume colour coated) with polyurethane foam insulation in between.
  • These panels can be usedas thermally efficient roof and wall claddings for buildings .
  • Roof is of profile steel sheet with or without insulation fixed underneath.

110. Erection of PEB Structure

  • The roof is erected with trusses placed over the walls and profile sheet fixed to purlins and bolted to the trusses.
  • The corners of the walls are provided with steel flashings fixed to the profiled GI sheet on both sides before fixing of the cement particle boards


  • Primary and secondary Members : Coated with one coat (35 microns) of redoxide paint without any special treatment to steel.
  • Shotblasting prior to painting in order to give better anti-corrosion properties.


  • HMPS Steel or aluminum framed doors and windows are fixed to the purlins or the supporting profiled steel either by bolting to the flanges already fixed to the purlins..

113. Design Codes

  • Frame members (hot rolled or built-up) are in accordance with AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) Specifications for the design, fabrication and erection of structural steel.
  • Light gauge cold-formed members are designed in accordance with AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) Specification for the design of light gauge cold formed steel structural members.

114. Design Codes 2

  • IS : 8750 - 1987:Code of practice for design loads of buildings & structures.
  • IS: 800 -1984:Code of practice for general construction in steel.
  • IS : 801- 1975:Code of practice for use of Cold formed light gauge Steel Structural Members in general building Construction

115. Guidelines for PEB design1 AISI viz a viz IS Spec.

  • All designs shall be as per MBMA American standards unlessspecified as per IS code
  • Live load as per American code = 0.57 kn/m^2 and as per IScode =0.75 kn/m^2.
  • As per American code :horizontal deflection = l/180 & vertical deflection=eh/100 for main frames.
  • Wind terrain category 3 is to be selected unless more data is available.

116. Guidelines for PEB design 2

  • In American design , wind coefficients to be followed as given in MBMA.
  • In is design, internal & external building wind coefficients as per IS -875 (part-3).
  • Generally buildings are to be designed as pinned except for building span >30m or crane capacity of more than 5 tons or height greater than 9 m.
  • Standard purlin laps shall be 385 mm

117. PEB


118. PEB TCCS = TAPERED COLUMN CLEAR SPAN 119. Steps in design of PEB

  • Wind load calculation
  • Purline Design
  • Girt Design
  • Design of Main Frame
  • Base Plate
  • Anchor Bolt design for Moment Condition
  • Anchor Bolt design for Shear Condition
  • Gable column design
  • Design of connection plate
  • Cranes Design

120. Erection System 2

  • Preparation for Erection
  • Pre Erection checks
  • Receiving Materials at site
  • Unloading Containers
  • Erection of the Framing
  • Preparation of the First Bay
  • Main frames
  • Mezzanine floors
  • Crane Beams

121. Erection System 3

  • Sheeting & Trimming
  • Sheeting preparation
  • Sheeting the walls
  • Sheeting the roofs
  • Miscellaneous trimmings
  • Fascia

122. Design Issues ?

  • Welding : Single side welding or double sidewelding for PEB Members ?
  • Thickness of hot rolled and cold rolled sections ?
  • 4 mm or 6mm ?
  • Support condition to be considered in design as fixed based or Pin based ?
  • Structural Analysis 2or 3 dimensional ?
  • ?

123. Electrical Issues

  • Power requirement of the entire ASRS system shall be broadly 100 KW.
  • 70 KW for the ASRSand balance 30 KW for the office requirement.
  • 440 AC supply is to be arranged.
  • Underground cable (LT) to be laid from wheel shop to ASRS location and another LTCable from timber ward SSto ASRS arena.

124. Fire Fighting-1

  • Comprehensive fire fightingsystem including fire/ smoke detection, piping, fire hoses, water sump to be provided by the contractor.
  • Nature of material in the ASRS .
  • Steel components: Steel pins, hangers, nuts and bolts, bearings etc.
  • Rubber components: water and air hose pipes, rubber pads, rubber washers,
  • Paints:Approx.300 Tons
  • Chemicals : H2SO4 , trichloroethylene, bleaching powder, soda ash, HCL
  • Cloth : Duster cotton, dungri cloth, waste cotton,
  • Leather : Safety Boots, Hand gloves

125. Fire Fighting-2

  • One Aisle tobe kept separate for paints ,chemicals or other fire prone material.
  • Underground sumpto be created with adequate capacity by contractor.
  • Pumps and motors of adequate capacity to be provided by the contractor for water pumping.
  • Water point shall be provided by the Railways near the sump.
  • Provisioning of traditional fire extinguishers along with two numberhigh powered pressurized water mist system .

126. Bar-coding and RFID 1

  • Bar-coding is to be used for all the components stored in the ASRS i.e individual components for bigger items such as BSS Hanger, buffer plunger etc. and alsopackets for smaller items such as nuts, screws , bolts etc.
  • RFID is to be used for each pallet which shall help in tracking the pallets within the workshop.

127. Bar-coding and RFID- 2

  • Material received at CRD Parel shall have Bar code labels pasted on them. These labels shall be printed by the vendor supplying material to railways.
  • In case Bar codes are not available on the received material, provision of printing the bar codes and pasting on the consignment should be incorporated in the system.

128. Interfacing of WMS, LMS, ICMS & MMIS

  • Contractor shallintegrate the Warehouse Management system, Location Management system, Inventory control system with that of the Western Railways Materials Management System( MMIS).

129. Office area , Wash Rooms ,Change Rooms

  • Office area :
  • Offices presently available.
    • Ledger Section
    • Progress, receipt, Cash Purchase, Dispatch
    • Computer Room
    • Chambers of Dy.CMM & AMM
    • Chambers of CDMS & DMS

130. Location of Offices in the new setup

  • Integrated offices shall be located at theNon Dismantled Area on the ground floor.
  • This complex shall have all the offices mentioned in the previous slide.
  • The layout plan of the offices shall be as under.

131. Layout of New Office Complex. Dy. CMM DMS CDMS Computer Center AMM Office Complex DMS DMS CAVisitors Area

  • Granamite Tile flooring with 2X2 tiles.
  • Walls with polished veneer 6 mm.
  • False ceiling.
  • Modular doors.
  • CFL Lightening.
  • Particle board partition for office

132. Soil test report 133. What is RFID?

  • RFID is an ADC technology(Automatic Data Collection )that uses radio-frequency waves to transfer data between a reader and a movable item to identify, categorize, track...
  • RFID is fast, reliable, and does not require physical sight or contact between reader/scanner and the tagged item

134. What Constitutes an RFID System?

  • One or more RF tags
  • Two or more antennas
  • One or more interrogators
  • One or more host computers
  • Appropriate software

135. RFID API Software (Communicates with the RFID Reader) Customer-Specific Application SoftwareHost Computer Host Memory Space Reader Antenna Application Program Interface (API) Application Program Interface (API) Components of an RFID System 136. Antenna Reader Firmware Customers MIS Host Application Software API TCP/IP Power ~ Asset Asset/Tag RFID System Components (block diagram) Tag Insert 137. RESPONSES COMMANDS Tag Physical Memory APPLICATIONRESPONSES APPLICATION INTERROGATOR RF TAG APPLICATIONCOMMANDS Command / Response Unit PHYSICAL INTERROGATORDATA PROTOCOL PROCESSOR ISO/IEC 15961 ISO/IEC 18000 Encoder Logical Memory AIR INTERFACE ISO/IEC 15962 ISO/IEC 15962 Annexes Logical Memory Map Note: The Logical Memory Mapin the Tag Physical Memory is given by the Tag architecture and the mapping rules in the Tag Driver.All the information in the Logical Memory is represented in the Logical Memory Map Decoder Tag Driver and Mapping Rules Application Program Interface DEVICE COMMANDS DEVICE RESPONSES 138. RFID Operation

  • Sequence of Communication
  • Host Manages Reader(s) and Issues Commands
  • Reader and tag communicate via RF signal
  • Carrier signal generated by the reader (upon request from the host application)
  • Carrier signal sent out through the antennas
  • Carrier signal hits tag(s)
  • Tag receives and modifies carrier signal
    • sends back modulated signal (Passive Backscatter - FCC and ITUrefer to as field disturbance device)
  • Antennas receive the modulated signal and send them to the Reader
  • Reader decodes the data
    • Results returned to the host application

139. RFID Operations 140. What is RFID? -- The Tags

  • Tags can be read-only or read-write
  • Tag memory can be factory or field programmed, partitionable, and optionally permanently locked
  • Bytes left unlocked can be rewritten over more than 100,000 times


  • Tag ID Only
  • Programmable Database Pointer
  • Mission Critical Information
  • Portable Database
  • Read Only (Factory Programmed)
  • WORM - Write Once, Read Many times
  • Reprogrammable (Field Programmable)
  • Read/Write (In-Use Programmable)

RFID System Basics 142.

  • Tags can be attached toalmost anything:
    • pallets or cases of product
    • vehicles
    • company assets or personnel
    • items such as apparel,luggage, laundry
    • people, livestock, or pets
    • high value electronics suchas computers, TVs, camcorders

What is RFID? -- The Tags 143. Are All Tags The Same?

  • Basic Types:
    • Active
      • Tag transmits radio signal
      • Battery powered memory, radio & circuitry
      • High Read Range (300 feet)
    • Passive
      • Tag reflects radio signal from reader
      • Reader powered
      • Shorter Read Range (4 inches - 15 feet)


  • Variations:
    • Memory
      • Size (16 bits - 512 kBytes +)
      • Read-Only, Read/Write or WORM
      • Type: EEProm, Antifuse, FeRam
    • Arbitration (Anti-collision)
      • Ability to read/write one ormany tags at a time
    • Frequency
      • 125KHz - 5.8 GHz
    • Physical Dimensions
      • Thumbnail to Brick sizes
    • Price ($0.50 to $250)

Are All Tags The Same? 145. RFID System Basics

  • How far?
  • How fast?
  • How many?
  • How much?
  • Attached to and surround by what?

146. What is RFID? -- The Readers

  • Readers (interrogators) can be at a fixed point such as
    • Entrance/exit
    • Point of sale
    • Warehouse
  • Readers can also bemobile -- tethered,hand-held, or wireless


  • Advantages
  • Uses normal CMOS processing basic and ubiquitous
  • Relative freedom fromregulatory limitations
  • Well suited for applicationsrequiring reading smallamounts of data at slowspeeds and minimal distances
  • Penetrates materials well(water, tissue, wood, aluminum)

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