dekalb association of realtors leadership academy · 2019. 5. 27. · inaugural dekalb association...

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Emerging leaders of today will guide the REALTOR® organization of tomorrow. Be part of the

Inaugural DeKalb Association of REALTORS® Leadership Academy. Candidates who may best serve as

a local leader in the future are selected based on their track record of volunteer performance for their

local association and/or civic organizations, their leadership potential and their personal integrity.

DAR invites you to complete and submit the application in this brochure for your chance to explore

the leadership possibilities within you.

Application Deadline: July 31, 2011

Lead the Way!

Leadership AcademyDeKalb Association of REALTORS®

preparing tomorrow’s leaders today

2011-2012 Leadership Academy Application

Full Name: ______________________________________________________________ Date _________________________

Name for Name Badge: ___________________________________________________________________________________

NRDS Number (if known): _________________________________________________________________________________

Company: ______________________________________________________________________________________________

Office Street Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________

City: __________________________________________________________________________ Zip Code: ______________

Office Phone: ___________________________________________________ Office Fax: ______________________________

Cell Phone: _____________________________________________________________________________________________

Home Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _______________________________________ State ______________________________ Zip Code: _____________

Home Phone: ______________________________ E-mail Address: _______________________________________________

For questions below, add additional pages as needed.

Local Association Positions Held: ____________________________________________________________________________




Civic Activities: __________________________________________________________________________________________



Why do you want to be considered for the DAR Leadership Academy? _____________________________________________



What do you feel are the three most significant challenges facing the real estate profession today? _____________________




What specific skills/knowledge do you hope to gain from your participation in the DAR Leadership Academy? ____________





Include a letter of recommendation from your broker or office manager.

Leadership AcademyDeKalb Association of REALTORS®

preparing tomorrow’s leaders todayLEAD the Way!

SEPT 19 , 2011 Orientation & Leadership Overview DeKalb Association of REALTORS®SEPT 26, 2011 Successful Meetings: Planning & Structure DeKalb Association of REALTORS®OCT 05, 2011 Attend BOD Meeting DeKalb Association of REALTORS®OCT 17, 2011 Membership Benefits DeKalb Association of REALTORS®OCT 21, 2011 Team Building DeKalb Association of REALTORS®NOV 04, 2011 RPAC/Policy, Laws & Ordinances Georgia Association of REALTORS®NOV 07, 2011 Community Involvement Assignments DeKalb Association of REALTORS®TBD* School Board/County Commissioner MeetingTBD* DAR Community Service or Cultural DiversityNOV 21, 2011 Committee Participation DeKalb Association of REALTORS®TBD* Attend DAR Committee Meeting DeKalb Association of REALTORS®JAN 09, 2012 Public Speaking DeKalb Association of REALTORS®TBD* Government Affairs - GAR State & Local Meeting Georgia Association of REALTORS®FEB 03, 2012 Book Club Discussion Session DeKalb Association of REALTORS®FEB 17, 2012 Community Involvement Reports DeKalb Association of REALTORS®MAR TBD* Field Trip to Georgia’s Capitol Capitol, Atlanta, GAMAR 14, 2012 Pinnacle Awards Emory Conference Center Hotel, Atlanta, GA

2011-2012 Leadership Academy Calendar of Events

Attendance is expected at all sessions/functions. Absences, if any, will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and will require additional assignments in order for students to be reinstated.

* Date to be determined.

Leadership AcademyDeKalb Association of REALTORS®

preparing tomorrow’s leaders todayLEAD the Way!

Legislative Appreciation DaySit in on a meeting of the GAR State and Local Governmental Affairs Committee. Visit our state’s Capitol and meet with elected officials.

Meeting ManagementLearn how the Association is governed by an examination of Robert’s Rules of Order. Attend a Board of Directors meeting to see planning and boardroom protocol in action and how the strategic plan and meeting agendas guide our leaders.

Government AffairsKeith Hatcher, GAR’s Senior Political Consultant, will tell you more about the REALTORS® role in influencing policy matters and the laws regarding real estate and private property rights. You’ll also attend a county commissioner’s meeting or school board meeting.

Membership BenefitsLearn the various benefits from the Association and the DWHIP program. Attend one membership meeting and one membership event. Practice and prepare to present at one New Membership Orientation. Attend the Pinnacle Awards Event to announce your graduation!

Orientation/LeadershipHow to be involved with your Association. Learn about the rich history of the DeKalb Association of REALTORS® and the three-way agreement between DAR/GAR/NAR. Meet DAR Officers/Directors/Staff and discover their duties. Participate in committee meetings and events.

Sessions Include:

I understand that attendance at the meetings and functions identified in this brochure is expected, and I agree to complete the reading assignments prior to each meeting and the post-session evaluation after each meeting.

Please mail completed application, including broker letter no later than

July 31, 2011 to:

DAR Leadership Academy

1414 Montreal Road East

Tucker, GA 30084


FAX 770.934.7444


Signature _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________

The tuition of $40 has been sponsored for 2011-2012, so no payment is required for the Inaugural Academy

participants. Applicants will be notified by August 15th of their acceptance.

Leadership AcademyDeKalb Association of REALTORS®

preparing tomorrow’s leaders today

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