dejohnette martial arts academy soo …...students will use t’ai chi sung in their training and...

Post on 25-Jul-2020






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T’ai Chi Sung

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy


T'ai Chi is a Chinese system of slow meditative physical exercise designed for relaxation, balance and health. The Chinese word sung is translated to mean "movement without conscious effort" but does not imply complete relaxation. Motion is balanced between yin and yang, hard and soft. Movement is calm, slow and relaxed, allowing chi [energy] to flow unrestricted through the body. When needed, immense power can be released in a single movement or set of moves which are totally explosive. Instantly, motion settles back into calm and flowing movements, like the Great River or nature in general. Students will use T’ai Chi Sung in their training and learn to control power through relaxed, effortless movement. DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy Training Program is designed to provide an understanding of the beneficial use of sung in martial arts training and in life.

The Curriculum

The art of Soo Bahk Do involves the development of the mind and the body. There are three areas of development that we focus on in our training: Neh Gung (Internal Energy), Weh Gung (External Energy) and Shim Ging (Mental/Spiritual Energy). Neh Gung can be considered our breath during our technique; Weh Gung is our body’s action (use of hip); and, Shim Gung is our attitude (focused intent) and Moo Do discipline. Our Founder, Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee, introduced a systematic and scientific method of training to enable us to realize our full potential. Through this system, each area builds on the next and is progressively more involved. Our art consists of the following training areas: Ki Cho (Basic Motions) Hyung (Forms) Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun (One Step Sparring) Ho Sin Sool (Self-Defense) Ja Yu Dae Ryun (Free Sparring) Kyok Pa (Breaking) Moo Pahl Dan Khum (Breathing/Energy Exercises)

Ki Cho (Basic Motions)

There are many factors that make our Moo Duk Kwan style very unique under our Founder, Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee. One factor is our unique way to emphasize the use of hip (Hu Ri). The use of hip is extremely important in helping you to understand coordination of speed, power and balance. Proper use of hip will help you achieve higher levels in your training and in other physical activities that you may become involved with in the future. To understand this unique aspect the first step in our training is to break down this application and apply its philosophy in basic hand (Blocking/Punching) and foot techniques (Kicking). As a result the use of hip is broken down into defense and offensive hip. The techniques used are taken from our Hyung (Forms). The basic process will aid in our understanding of the techniques that are later applied in more difficult situations. Ki Cho is the foundation of the techniques in Soo Bahk Do.

Hyung (Forms) Ancient People had a deep interest in the development of forms as well as a profound understanding of them. Below is a quote from the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji, which is the oldest documentation of Korean Martial Arts (300 Years), the author is unknown:

“Performing with hands and feet and conditioning the body is the beginning of the study of the art of Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do). In actual combat, form does not seem in an obvious way to be a necessary part of the martial arts. However practicing forms perfects the ability to perform hand and foot techniques freely. This is fundamental to making the best use of one’s body at all times.”

Basic to all martial arts is this: After the basic movements are learned they are applied to and transformed into forms. As established, traditional and clearly defined sets of steps, jumps, blocks, kicks and punches, each of the forms in our art has a unity and purpose. The elements which make up the character or personality of a form are as follows:

1. Form Sequence 2. Power Control 3. Tension and Relaxation 4. Speed and Rhythm Control 5. Direction of Movements 6. Spirit or Attitude 7. Power of Technique 8. Understanding Form Technique 9. Distinctive Features of the Form 10. Perfect Finish 11. Precision of Movements 12. Intentness

These twelve elements may be used as a basis for evaluating a form and for the study of its improved performance. The Hyung of Soo Bahk Do were influenced by Ryu, or styles. One style is Weh Ga Ryu (Ourside/External House Style). Weh Ga Ryu came from Southern Chinese Schools emphasizing speed, aggressiveness and dynamic action. Examples of the Weh Ga Ryu style are the Gi Cho Hyung, Pyung Ahn Hyung, and Passai.

Another Ryu is Neh Ga Ryu (Inside/Internal House Style). Neh Ga Ryu came from Northern Chinese Schools emphasizing more deliberate technique, stability and fluid motion. Most of our advanced Hyung come from the Neh Ga Ryu, such as Nai Han Ji. The last Ryu is the Joong Ga Ryu (Middle Way Style). This Ryu was a Korean influence due to the fact that they had to be versatile because of the threat of living between China and Japan. The traditional Soo Bahk Hyung like the Yuk Ro Hyung and Chil Sung Hyung come from this style. The types of moves in a Hyung are important to the character also. These techniques often represent something from nature. By symbolizing an animal in our Hyung we show a respect for nature, as we should for all life. .

Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun (One Step Sparring) Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun is pre-planned sparring with a partner that helps develop balance, focus and distance control. Through this area of training you will develop many effective combinations before being introduced to Free Sparring. When you begin Free Sparring, it will be easier for you to perform the techniques required. Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun is performed in a formal manner with proper start, execution of the technique and a proper finish. It involves the following ceremony: Bow to your partner from the attention position Jhoon Bee (Ready Stance) together Measure distance Junior side challenges with Ha Dan Mahk Kee (Low Block) and proper Ki Hap Senior side response with Ki Hap Junior side performs Sans Dan Kong Kyuk (High Punch) Senior side defends attack performing Il Soo Sik exercise Both sides Ba Ro (Return to Ready Stance) together upon completion

Bowing to your partner (Sang Ho Kan E Kyung Ret) in Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan is of the utmost importance as it shows the Respect and Discipline the comprise one of our 5 Moo Do values. Out training involves potentially dangerous techniques and without respect and discipline the techniques may be used in a negative manner. The physical action of bowing shows the constant mental awareness and concentration required, as well as respect towards yourself, your partner and towards the art.

Ho Sin Sool (Self-Defense) Ho Sin Sool has been taught in Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan classes since the Founder established the Moo Duk Kwan in 1945. Ho Sin Sool can be translated as follows: Ho: Protection, Defense Sin: One’s own body (Yourself) Sool: Technique

Ho Sin Sool begins with awareness of your surroundings, circumstances and potential threatening situations. With proper awareness a conflict should be prevented long before a physical confrontation takes place. Typically, the defender is grabbed and pulled in a variety of ways as a result; the defender needs to work in close quarters to escape the attack (grab or various weapons). The purpose of Ho Sin Sool is to subdue attackers (redirect aggressive force) that could be much larger/strronger than you using minimal physical power.

“You can face danger with courage, but you need to have techniques to defend yourself.”

Ho Sin Sool should use the energy of your partner against them. In most situations, when your attacker pushes, you pull away and if they pull, you push. The defender should understand the importance of striking quickly while maintaining the highest level of Shim Gung (Mental Energy). When put into submission the attacker should maintain shi sun (eyesight), good posture and move with the flow of energy for an overall harmonious demonstration.

Ja Yu Dae Ryun (Free Sparring) Ja Yu Dae Ryun is designed to simulate real life- threatening combat. As a result this area is a great test of skill, as it demands not only mastery of individual techniques, but the ability to react and strategize skillfully against an aggressive attacker. Tactical knowledge of applications, as well as sensitivity towards the slightest change from full to empty in oneself and the attacker are of paramount importance. Ja Yu Dae Ryun may be practiced with a single partner, multiple partners, and armed atacker or multiple armed attackers.

Kyok Pa (Breaking) Kyuk Pa is used primarily as a demonstration and test of striking and penetrating power. Wood, bricks, cement or tiles may be broken in Kyuk Pa, which is exhibited most often in formal testing. The simplicity of breaking makes it a popular choice for public demonstrations, as it conveys an aspect of technical pragmatism to an audience without any martial knowledge or experience. Any striking technique may be used for Kyok Pa, though generally the more sophisticated the technique, the more challenging the break.

Moo Pahl Dan Khum (Breathing/Energy Exercises) Daily fitness exercises are part of the Asian culture, with hundreds or thousands of variations. These exercises called “Ki Gung” (Energy Cultivation) in Korean and “Chi Gung” in Chinese, fall into two major categories:

1. Martial exercises which build health and increase ones power for self defense, and 2. Scholarly exercises which are designed specifically for health

These exercises gently work the bones, ligaments, and muscles, as well as the internal organs, circulatory, immune, and lymphatic and energy systems. The Moo Pahl Dan Khum are a set of deep breathing exercises that mean the following: Moo: Military Pahl: Eight Dan: Level Khum: Of Value (Silk)

Moo Pahl Dan Khum and Moon Pahl Dan Khum are one set of very old exercises developed to maintain health both internally and externally. They were originally based on an even older set of exercises called the Ship E Dan Khum (12 exercises). The Ship E Dan Khum were adapted by Marshal Yei, a famous Chinese military General, for his troops. They were divided into two sets, the Moo (Military) set of exercises and the Moon (Scholarly) set of exercises. The Moo Pahl Dan Khum consists of 8 standing exercises and the Moon Pahl Dan Khum consists of 8 sitting exercises. Our Founder, Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee added the Moo Pahl Dan Khum exercises to Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan’s curriculum because he believed martial arts should be learned not only for self-defense, but also for the mental, physical and spiritual development.

T’ai Chi Sung

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy


T'ai Chi is a Chinese system of slow meditative physical exercise designed for relaxation, balance and health. The Chinese word sung is translated to mean "movement without conscious effort" but does not imply complete relaxation. Motion is balanced between yin and yang, hard and soft. Movement is calm, slow and relaxed, allowing chi [energy] to flow unrestricted through the body. When needed, immense power can be released in a single movement or set of moves which are totally explosive. Instantly, motion settles back into calm and flowing movements, like the Great River or nature in general. Students will use T’ai Chi Sung in their training and learn to control power through relaxed, effortless movement. DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy Training Program is designed to provide an understanding of the beneficial use of sung in martial arts training and in life.


1. Relax The word sung is usually translated into English as relax. The basic meaning of the word relax is to become looser or less firm in the muscles, to become less tense or stern in one's features, or to give up one's energy. From the Tai Chi Chuan points of view, however, the word relax can represent only a part of the meaning of the Chinese sung. Since I cannot find an equivalent in English to express fully the meaning of sung, I must use the word relax, which is about the closest word to it. The principle of sung implies loosening one's muscles and releasing one's tensions, giving up one's energy externally but preserving it internally so that one's body will be sensitive and alert enough to adapt itself to any circumstance. Otherwise, it will be merely a body collapse, which has no ability to meet an emergency.

2. Sink

To sink means to relax completely. The whole body (the upper torso, the waist, the thighs and legs) should all be relaxed. All the energy should be concentrated in the "Bubbling Well Point," a hollow place in the middle of the sole of the foot. When one has reached this high level of development, the chi will sink deeply to the tan t'ien, and one's movements will be light and nimble. The body will be so sensitive and alert that it can feel the weight of a feather, and a fly would not be able to alight on it without setting it in motion.

3. The chest should be held in, the back straightened, the shoulders sunk, and the elbows lowered.

When the chest is slightly held in, the chi will sink to the tan t'ien and the blood will circulate throughout the whole body without hindrance. Otherwise, the chi will come up and accumulate in the chest, causing the top of the body to be heavy and the bottom light, and the feet to be easily uprooted. When the back is straightened, the energy will be collected in the spine so that the whole body will act as one unit and the energy that is issued will be tremendously powerful. Otherwise the energy will be dispersed. The shoulders should be sunk, so the chi will sink to the tan t'ien. If the shoulders are shrugged, chi will immediately rise up to the chest, and the entire body will be heavy and clumsy so that the application of energy will be to no avail. The elbows should also be lowered. The elbows and shoulders are closely connected. If the elbows are raised, the shoulders will be immediately affected.

4. A light and nimble energy should be preserved on the top of the head. The lowest vertebrae should be erect. The head should be straight and the whole body should be completely relaxed without exerting the slightest external force. Keep a light and nimble energy on the top of the head as if you were suspended from above to prevent you from collapsing. The lowest vertebrae should be erect so that the mind will be clear. When the top of the head feels as if it were suspended from above the whole body feels light and nimble. Human beings are the cleverest creatures in the world because their heads reach to heaven and their feet stand on the earth.

5. All the movements are directed by the mind. One does not use external muscular force.

It is said in the Classics: "Use the mind to direct the movements, which will then be light and agile. If you use external muscular force to direct the movements, they will be heavy and clumsy."

When one practices Tai Chi Chuan, the whole body should be completely relaxed, not exerting the slightest clumsy force in the muscles, bones or blood vessels. If one does not restrain oneself (by using clumsy muscular force), one's movements will be light and nimble, and the body can be turned at will. There are some who doubt this and say, "If you don't use energy, how can you develop energy?" The answer is that we have sinews and (blood) vessels in our body which are like underground water courses. The water will flow continuously when the courses are not blocked, just as the chi will circulate through the whole body when the sinews and vessels are not obstructed. If the sinews and vessels are filled with clumsy energy, the chi flow and blood circulation will be impeded, the turning of the body will not be light and agile, and even the slightest stir of any part of the body will be shaky and tottering. If you use the mind instead of muscular force to direct your movements, then the chi will follow where mind-intent directs. So day by day the chi and blood will circulate through the whole body without hindrance. If one practices in this manner for a long period of time, one will acquire the real intrinsic energy. In the Tai Chi Classics it is said:

"From the most flexible and yielding one will arrive at the most powerful and unyielding." When one has mastered the techniques of Tai Chi Chuan, one's arms are like iron bars wrapped in cotton, and the weight of both arms is tremendously heavy.

6. Upper parts and lower parts follow each other, and the body acts as one unit. When the hands move the body and legs immediately move also so that the whole body acts simultaneously. As it says in the Tai Chi Classics:

"It is rooted in the feet, develops in the legs, is directed by the waist, and functions through the fingers. The feet, legs, and waist must act as one unit. When one moves, every part of the body is moving, and when one stops, every part of the body is tranquil so that in advancing and retreating you can find the opponent's defects and establish your own superior position."

If one part moves and the other parts do not move, the whole body will be in confusion.

7. Insubstantial and substantial must be clearly differentiated.

When practicing Tai Chi Chuan it is of the utmost importance to discriminate between the insubstantial and substantial aspects. For instance, if the whole body's weight is on the right foot, the right foot is substantial and the left foot is insubstantial, and vice versa. If one can discriminate between the insubstantial and substantial, the movement of steps and turning of the body will be light and nimble. Otherwise they will be heavy and clumsy, and you will be uprooted with a slight pull and push by your opponent. If you want to step forward with your right foot, you must shift your entire weight to the left foot and leave no weight on the right foot - then the movement will be light and agile. When you (try to) step forward with one foot while there is still some weight on both feet, it is called double-weighting. The movement will be heavy and clumsy and put you into a posture "ready to be beaten." It is said in the Tai Chi Classics:

"The insubstantial and substantial must be clearly discriminated. Every part of the body has both a substantial and insubstantial aspect at any given time. The entire body also has this feature if considered as one unit."

8. Concentrate on the line of vision.

Your eyes must look forward to an imaginary opponent in front of you, watching him constantly to see what he will the same direction. It is incorrect to look toward the Southeast by turning while your body is facing east. The head and body should be considered as one unit.

9. All the movements must be connected without severance. When energy is severed, use mind-intent to reconnect it. All the postures are to be practiced slowly, effortlessly and continuously, so that the chi and blood can circulate through the entire body without hindrance. Suppose one posture contains four beats - you must stop momentarily at the end of the fourth beat to complete the movement of the posture, then go on to another posture. So during the transition from one posture to another, you must stop for just half a second. This momentary stoppage will be connected and joined to the next posture by the mind-intent. If one goes on to another posture before the preceding one is fully completed, this is not the correct way of "continuously moving." It is confusion, and one and one will not be able to determine clearly which of the postures is which. The Classics say:

"Tai Chi Chuan is also called 'Chang Chuan' (Long Boxing) because it flows unceasingly like the great river."

The great Tai Chi Master Lao Chen said, "The energy breaks off, but is joined and connected by the mind-intent, just as the lotus root is broken but the fibers remain connected."

10. Meditation in action

In other kinds of boxing arts, one must use tremendous external muscular force. This results in the expansion of veins and blood vessels, impediment of the chi, exhaustion, and panting, all of which are bad for health. When practicing Tai Chi Chuan you must control your movements by tranquility and direct the movements by mind-intent rather than by external muscular force. Then the movements will be effortless, continuous, and slow. The slower one practices (without stopping or jerking) the better. Gradually the above mentioned defects will be eliminated. If the student ponders the matter carefully, he will be able to grasp the idea and acquire the beauty of this art without difficulty.

Moo Pahl Dan Khum

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy

Moo Pahl Dan Khum Moo Pahl Dan Khum are ancient Chinese breathing exercises, designed to stretch, tone, and move energy through the body. The name has been translated to mean “eight brocade” or “eight martial silk.” The implication of both names is that the exercises are very valuable to our martial discipline and to our well-being. The exercises are based on QiGong, a form of standing meditation involving movement. There are many variations of Moo Pahl Dan Khum. These instructions describe the variation that we practice at Miramar Martial Arts Academy.

Moo Pahl Dan Khum #1

1. Begin in a relaxed stance. Grab the fingers of the right hand with the left hand.

2. Slowly raise arms overhead while inhaling. Look up at a 45 degree angle. Hold air in the chest.

3. Drop air into the abdomen. Release the fingers and move the arms outward in a circular motion to the hip area while exhaling.

4. Complete the exercise by inhaling while opening the hands out to the sides, then exhaling while pushing the hands back toward the center.

Repeat the exercise, grasping the fingers of the left hand with the right hand.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 1

Moo Pahl Dan Khum #2

1. Gently close hands into fists and raise them, elbows bent, in front of body until the fists are at chest height.

2. In a motion similar to drawing a bow, open the left hand and press out to left side. The right hand remains in a gently closed fist and is pulled back to the right shoulder area with palm remaining down. Inhale while performing this motion. You should feel the stretch across the chest.

3. Hold the breath 5-7 seconds, then continue holding while bringing the fists back to the center of the chest.

4. Open hands and slowly and smoothly press down with palms while exhaling.

Complete the exercise by inhaling while opening the hands out to the sides, then exhaling while pushing the hands back toward the center. Repeat the exercise, pushing out to the right side.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 2

Moo Pahl Dan Khum #3

1. From Kee Ma Jaseh, inhale and raise both fists and bring hands back to sides of hip with palms facing up, into ready position as in preparation for punch. Inhale through nose, into upper chest. Hold your breath.

2. As one arm is extended slowly, as in Choong Dan Kong Kyuk, let the air drop into the Dan Jun (abdomen). Leave the arm extended for a count of 3 to 5.

3. Still holding the breath, raise hands up. Press vertically, palms open.

4. Press slowly down and to the sides in a circular motion. Exhale as arms move down.

Complete the exercise by inhaling while opening the hands out to the sides, then exhaling while pushing the hands back toward the center. Repeat the exercise, extending the right arm.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 3

Moo Pahl Dan Khum #4

1. While inhaling, bring both hands, palm up, to the center of the chest.

2. Continue holding the breath while pushing up with the left hand (palm up) and down with the right hand (palm down). Feel the stretch along the left side of the torso. Hold for a count of 5.

3. Bring the hands back to the center of the chest.

4. Slowly and smoothly press down with palms facing down while exhaling.

Complete the exercise by inhaling while opening the hands out to the sides, then exhaling while pushing the hands back toward the center. Repeat the exercise, extending up with the right hand and down with the left.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 4

Moo Pahl Dan Khum #5

1. Place the left hand over the right, in the the Nai Han Chi Cho Dan Choon Be Jaseh

2. Raising the hands in front of the body to above the head. The back should be arched and sight directed upward. Begin inhaling when the hands are midway in front of the body.

3. Bending at the waist, move the hands down so the palms are touching the feet. Begin exhaling when the hands are midway in front of the body.

4. Raise the hands in front of the body again. Begin inhaling when the hands are midway in front of the body.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 5

5. Again bending at the waist, move the hands down so the palms are touching the feet. Begin exhaling when the hands are midway in front of the body.

6. Raise the hands in front of the body again. Begin inhaling when the hands are midway in front of the body.

7. For the third time, bend at the waist again, moving the hands down so the palms are touching the feet. This time, retain the breath all the way down.

8. Continue holding the breath while again raising the hands in front of the body.

9. Step out with the left foot while bringing the hands down in a circular motion.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 6

Complete the exercise by inhaling while opening the hands out to the sides, then exhaling while pushing the hands back toward the center. Repeat the exercise, beginning with the right hand over the left.

Moo Pahl Dan Khum #6

1. Shift weight onto the right leg and bend it while turning the hip and upper body to the left. Place your palms on the upper portion of the knee area. The left leg is straight and your body is bent forward at the waist. Your left arm should be locked straight.

2. Press with the left palm on the upper part of knee. Apply force in the direction of the heel, not pushing the knee into a further locked position. Gently massage the left knee with your left hand while breathing normally 5-7 times. Concentrate on the knee with the idea that the knee is breathing.

Complete the exercise by shaking out the left leg. Repeat the exercise, shifting weight onto the left leg and focusing on the right knee.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 7

Moo Pahl Dan Khum #7

1. Begin in a Kee Ma Jaseh. Inhale, filling the lungs, while pulling the fists to the ribs.

2. Push palms out in front of the body while dropping the air into the Dan Jun. Arch the back like a cat. You should feel the stretch across the back of the shoulders.

3. Step out with the left leg while straightening the body and bringing the arms around in a circular motion.

Complete the exercise by inhaling while opening the hands out to the sides, then exhaling while pushing the hands back toward the center. Repeat the exercise.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 8

Moo Pahl Dan Khum #8

1. Stand with feet wider than shoulder width and place the palms of both hands inside the belt. Fingers should be slightly touching.

2. Inhale into the chest while leaning back as far as possible. Hold for a 5-7 count. Sight should be directed upward.

3. Come upright and exhale slowly, pushing down with the palms open.

Complete the exercise by inhaling while opening the hands out to the sides, then exhaling while pushing the hands back toward the center. Repeat the exercise.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy – Moo Pahl Dan Khum 9

Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

Traditional Philosophy

The ultimate goal of the Moo Duk Kwan School is building in its practitioners, mental and physical strength, and the ability to deal with both inner and outer conflict with forthrightness and virtue.

The art we practice is Soo Bahk Do; the style is Moo Duk Kwan. Moo = Stop conflict or to want peace, Duk = Virtue and Kwan = School. The Moo Duk Kwan philosophy draws from Confucianism, Taoism and the code of conduct taught to the Hwa Rang (Korean Knights).

The Moo Duk Kwan philosophy is one based on action: in the Moo Duk Kwan action leads to understanding theory. We believe like Confucius said "Action speaks louder than words," so there are strict guidelines and traditional protocols in the Moo Duk Kwan style.

GrandMaster Hwang Kee wrote "Rockets fly to the moon, the rocket evolved from the Wright brothers' airplane, which can be traced to the theories of Leonardo Da Vinci. It appears that rockets were developed through difficult endeavors and studies over many years. In the state of the martial art the present is based on history of the past." So we in the Moo Duk Kwan School follow a disciplined traditional philosophy.

Five Moo Do Values

Our organization, the Moo Duk Kwan, is strong because of the people who are in it – the same people who study the Soo Bahk Do art and believe in what it can do. To make this organization stronger, we must be proud of what we have.

To truly be proud of something you should understand it. Strive to further understand our:

history tradition discipline/respect philosophy technique

Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan

Guiding Principles Eight Key Concepts

Yong Gi - Courage Chung Shin Tong Il - Concentration In Neh - Endurance Chung Jik - Honesty Kyum Son - Humility Him Cho Chung - Control of power Shin Chook - Tension and relaxation Wan Gup - Speed control

Ten Articles of Faith in Training

1. Be loyal to your country 2. Be obedient to your parents 3. Be loving between husband and wife 4. Be cooperative between brothers and sisters 5. Be respectful to your elders 6. Be faithful to your teacher 7. Be faithful to your friends 8. Face conflict with justice and honor 9. Never retreat in battle 10. Always finish what you start

Student Creeds

The student creeds are part of the children's training, to help them set their intention for personal growth as a result of Soo Bahk Do.

Creed #1 -- I intend to develop myself in a positive manner and avoid anything that would impair my mental growth or physical health.

Creed #2 -- I intend to develop self-discipline in order to bring out the best in myself and others.

Creed #3 -- I intend to use the skills I learn in class constructively and defensively; to help myself and my fellow man, and never be abusive or offensive.

Basic Motions (Ki Cho)

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy

SOO BAHK DO MOO DUK KWAN® DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy®

Basic Movements & Terminology Jhoon Bhee Jaseh (Ready Stance) Ba Ro (Return to Ready Stance) Foot Techniques:

• Basic Kicks o Ahp Podo Oll Ri Gi (Front stretch kick) o Ahp Cha Nut Gi (Front snap kick) o Yup Cha Gi (Front side kick) o Yup Podo Oll Ri Gi (Side stretch kick) o Yup Podo Cha Gi (Side snap kick) o Dollyo Cha Gi (Roundhouse kick) o Dwi Cha Gi (Back snap kick) o Dwi Dollyo Cha Gi (Back spinning kick) o Ahneso Pakhuro Cha Gi (Circular inside/outside snap kick) o Yup Hu Ri Gi (Side hook kick) o Ahp Mee Ro Cha Gi (Front pushing kick) o Moo Roop Cha Gi (Knee strike) o Peet Cha Gi (Diagonal inside / outside snap kick)

• Jump Kicks (E-Dan)

o E-Dan Ahp Cha Gi (Jump front kick) o E-Dan Yup Cha Gi (Jump side kick) o E-Dan Dollyo Cha Gi (jump round-house kick) o E-Dan Dwi Cha Gi (Jump back kick) o E-Dan Dwi Dollyo Cha Gi (Jump back spinning kick)

SOO BAHK DO MOO DUK KWAN® DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy®

Basic Movements & Terminology Jhoon Bhee Jaseh (Ready Stance) Ba Ro (Return to Ready Stance) Hand Techniques:

• Blocking (Defense) o Ha Dan Mahkee (Low Block) o Ha Dan Soo Do Mahkee (Double Low Knife Hand Block) o Choong Dan Soo Do Mahkee (Double Middle Knife Hand Block) o Soo Do Mahkee (Single Knife hand Block) o Ahneso Pahkuro Mahkee (Inside-to-Outside Block) o Pahkeso Ahnuro Mahkee (Outside-to-Inside Block) o Ssang Soo Ahneso Pahkuro Mahkee (Reinforced Middle Block) o Sang Dan Mahkee (High Block) o Yup Mahkee (Inside-to-Outside Middle Block / Back Stance)

• Striking (Attack) o Choong Dan Kong Kyut (Middle Punch) o Sang Dan Kong Kyut (High Punch) o Soo Do Kong Kyut (Knife Hand Strike) o Jang Kwon Kong Kyut (Palm Heel Strike) o Kwan Soo Kong Kyut (Spear Hand Thrust) o Wheng Gin Kong Kyut (Side Punch)

• Reverse Techniques (Twisting) o Tuelo Choong Dan Kong Kyut (Reverse Middle Punch) o Tuelo Kwan Soo Kong Kyut (Reverse Spear Hand Thrust) o Tuelo Ha Dan Mahkee (Reverse Low Block) o Tuelo Soo Do Kong Kyut (Reverse Knife Hand Strike) o Tuelo Soo Do Mahkee (Reverse Single Knife Hand Block)

Combined Basic Hand Techniques:

1. Wheng Gin Kong Kyut / Fu Gin Yup Mahkee / Tuelo Choong Dan Kong Kyut 2. Ha Dan Soo Mahkee / Tuelo Kwan Soo Kong Kyut 3. Sang Dan Mahkee / Tuelo Ha Dan Mahkee / Wheng Gin Kong Kyut 4. Ha Dan Mahkee / Sang Dan Mahkee / Tuelo Choong Dan Kong Kyut 5. Ahneso Pahkuro Mahkee / Tuelo Choong Dan Kong Kyut / Wheng Gin Kong Kyut

Studio Combinations

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 1

Combination #1

1. Low defense(back stance)

2. Reverse middlepunch (forwardstance)

Combination #2

1. Inside to outsidedefense (backstance)

2. Reverse highpunch (forwardstance)

Combination #3

1. High defense(back stance)

2. Reverse middlepunch (forwardstance)

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 2

Combination #4

1. Reverse elbowattack (forwardstance)

2. Side elbowattack (backstance)

3. Hand chop (backstance)

4. Reverse fingerattack to the eyes

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 3

Combination #5

1. Low cross(forward stance)

2. High cross(forward stance)

3. Hand chop (backstance)

4. Reverse fingerattack to the eyes

5. Low hand chop(back stance)

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 6 - 8 1

Combination #6

1. Double lowdefense (horsestance)

2. Double highdefense (horsestance)

3. Double hammerattack to the ribs(arms parallel tofloor)

4. Inside to outsidewith right arm, lowdefense with leftarm (windmillmovement)

5. Inside to outsidewith left arm, lowdefense with rightarm (windmillmovement)

6. Reverse highpunch with theright hand (horsestance)

7. Reverse highpunch with the lefthand (horse stance)

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 6 - 8 2

Combination #7

1. Prep with bothfists on chest,double backfist tothe side

2. Prep with bothfists back to chest,double middlepunch

3. Prep by bringinghands back toears, double handchop to neck

4. Prep with armscrossed in front ofbody, then doublehand chop to theside

5. Prep with bothhands at waist,then double lowfinger attack to thegroin

6. Prep with bothhands at waist,then double middlepalm heel attack

7. Prep with armscrossed in front ofbody, then doublehand chop to theside)

8. Prep with armscrossed in front ofbody, then doublelow chop (handsover knees).

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 6 - 8 3

Combination #8

1. Jump forward tohorse stance,double elbows back(elbows even withbody)

2. Double backfists

3. Big O intodouble low blocks

4. Pull fists up towaist, then twistinto doubleuppercuts

5. Double sidechops

6. Windmill, handsopen, right handup

7. Windmill, handsopen, left hand up

8. Prep with righthand to waist, thenright hand fingerattack to eyes at 45degrees toward leftside

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 6 - 8 4

Combination #8 (continued)

9. Right elbowback, so it'sstraight out to rightside

10. Chop, righthand straight outto right side

11. Elbow defense,right hand slapsleft elbow

12. Low block withleft hand

13. Middle punchwith right handacross to the left at45 degrees

14. Left hand fingerattack to eyes at 45degrees, towardright side

15. Left elbow backso it's straight outto left side

16. Chop, left handstraight out to leftside

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 6 - 8 5

Combination #8 (continued)

17. Elbow defense,left hand slapsright elbow

18. Low block withright hand

19. Middle punchwith left handacross to the rightat 45 degrees

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 9 - 10 1

Combination #9

1. Double lowdefense (horsestance)

2. Left open handcheck

3. Right open handcheck

4. Left hand middlepunch

5. Left hand insideto outside block

6. Right handmiddle punch

7. Right handinside to outsideblock

8. Step back and toright 90 degreeswith low cross, intofront stance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 9 - 10 2

Combination #9 (continued)

7. High cross8. Open handcheck with right(back stance)

9. High punch lefthand (forwardstance)

10. Front snap kickleft foot, keep footup, turn 90degrees to front

11. Land in horsestance with insideto outside block,left hand

12. Right handmiddle punch, theninside to outsideblock

13. Left handmiddle punch, theninside to outsideblock

14. Step back andto left 90 degreeswith low cross, intofront stance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 9 - 10 3

Combination #9 (continued)

15. High cross16. Open handcheck with left(back stance)

17. High punchright hand

18. Front snap kickwith right foot,keep foot up, turnfront 90 degrees

19. Land in horsestance with insideto outside block,right hand

20. Left middlepunch, then insideto outside block

21. Right middlepunch, then insideto outside block

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 9 - 10 4

Combination #10

1. Double lowchops (horsestance)

2. Left handaround to right,ending palm out infront of forehead(like anopen-hand highblock). At sametime, right hand upand chop to neck.

3. Both handsaround to the left,finishing in a hadan soo do mahkkee to the right(still inhorse stance)

4. Right side kick

5. Land with theleft hand punchingacross the front ofthe body (at ribs)and right hand toready position

6. Left hand chopto neck

7. Right middlepunch

8. Right handaround to left,ending palm out infront of forehead(like anopen-hand highblock). At sametime, left hand upand chop to neck.

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 9 - 10 5

Combination #10 (continued)

9. Both handsaround to the right,finishing in a hadan soo do mahkkee (still inhorse stance)

10. Left side kick

11. Land with theright handpunching acrossthe front of thebody (at ribs) andleft hand to readyposition

12. Right handchop to neck

13. Left middlepunch

14. Left front snapkick

15. Left low chop inbackstance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 11 - 13 1

Combination #11

1.Begin withbackstance lowchop (end of #10)

2. Outside to insidewith right arm,moving intoforward stance

3. Front snap kick,landing forward

4. Move left foot upbehind right as youbackfist with yourright hand

5. Bring left handin front, lookingleft, then back spininto a left handbackfist, landing ina backstance

6. Reverse punchinto a forwardstance

7. Front snap kickwith right

8a. Step down (feettogether

8b. Step forwardwith the left footand execute a lowchop in abackstance a b

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 11 - 13 2

Combination #12

1. Reverse highpunch into forwardstance

2. Roundhousekick with right leg

3. Left hand in,back spin with aninside to outsideblock into abackstance

4. Jumping frontkick (kick with left)

5. Reverse highpunch with right

6. Front kick withright

7a. Step down (feettogether

7b. Step forwardwith the left footand execute a lowchop in abackstance a b

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 11 - 13 3

Combination #13

1. Chop with righthand (to neck) intoforward stance

2. Side kick withright leg(advancing)

3. Back spinninglow block with left,ending with feetfairly narrow

4. Step behind withright, side kickwith left

5. Chop with left,ending inbackstance

6. Reverse highpunch with right

7. Front snap kickwith right

8a. Step down (feettogether

8b. Step forwardwith the left footand execute a lowchop in abackstance a b

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 14 - 15 1

Combination #14

1. Reverse highpunch into forwardstance

2. Jumpingroundhouse kickwith left leg

3. Spinning backkick with right leg 4. Back kick with

left leg

5. Chop with left,ending inbackstance

6. Reverse highpunch with right

7. Front snap kickwith right.

8a. Step down (feettogether

8b. Step forwardwith the left footand execute a lowchop in abackstance a b

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 14 - 15 2

Combination #15

1. Outside to insidewith right arm,moving intoforward stance

2. Jumping frontsnap kick with leftleg

3a. Low front kick

3b. High turn kickwith right leg

a b

4. Spinning backkick with left leg

5. Chop with left,ending inbackstance

6. Reverse highpunch with right

7. Front snap kickwith right

8a. Step down (feettogether

8b. Step forwardwith the left footand execute a lowchop in abackstance a b

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 16 - 17 1

Combination #16

1. Reverse highpunch into forwardstance

2. Jumping frontkick with left leg

3a. Low front kickwith right

3b. High side kickwith right, endingin a side stancewith arms insparring position

a b

4. Step behind,side kick with right

5. Chop with right 6. Reverse highpunch with left

7. Front kick withleft

8. Step forwardand low defense ina backstance withleft

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 16 - 17 2

Combination #16 (continued)

9. Reverse middlepunch with right

10. Low chop in abackstance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 16 - 17 3

Combination #17

1. Outside to insidewith right arm,moving intoforward stance

2. Jumping frontsnap kick with leftleg

3. Jumping (flying)side kick with rightleg

4. Spinning backkick with left leg

5. Chop with left,ending inbackstance

6. Reverse highpunch with right,turning into aforward stance

7. Front kick withright

8. Step forwardand low defense ina backstance withleft

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combinations 16 - 17 4

Combination #17 (continued)

9. Inside to outsidedefense in place

10. Reverse highpunch with right

11. Low chop withleft in a backstance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combination 18 1

Combination #18

1. Reverse highpunch into forwardstance

2. Jumping frontkick with left leg

3. Low fingerattack with right

4. Shift into abackstance whilesimultaneouslyperforming a leftlow defense andright back fist

5. Right outside toinside defense

6. Side kick to theright, bringing thefoot back in anddown next to theleft foot

7. Left back kick,bringing the footback in and downnext to the rightfoot

8. Right front kick,bringing the footback in and downnext to the left foot

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combination 18 2

Combination #18 (continued)

9. Left side kick

10. Step forwardwith left leg andperform a left lowdefense in abackstance

11. Left highdefense in place

12. Reverse rightmiddle punch,shifting into aforward stance

13. Low chop withleft into abackstance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combination 19 1

Combination #19

1. Reverse ridgehand attack withright

2. Jumping frontkick with left leg

3. Low fingerattack with right

4. Shift into abackstance whilesimultaneouslyperforming a leftlow defense andright back fist

5. Right outside toinside defense

6. Right outside toinside crescentkick

7. Spinning backkick with left

8. Chop with left ina backstance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combination 19 2

Combination #19 (continued)

9. Reverse highpunch with right

10a. Turn kickwith right

10b. ull leg backand side kick withsame leg

a b

11. Step forwardinto a backstanceand chop with theright hand

12. Reverse lefthigh punch,turning into aforward stance

13. Front kick withleft

14. Low defense ina backstance

13. Left inside tooutside ridge handattack

14. Right reversefinger attack to theeyes

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combination 19 3

Combination #19 (continued)

13. Low chop withleft into abackstance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combination 20

Combination #20

1. Reverse ridgehand attack withright

2. Jumping frontkick with left leg

3. Low fingerattack with right

4. Shift into abackstance whilesimultaneouslyperforming a leftlow defense andright back fist

5. Right outside toinside defense

6. Turn kick withright, landing in ahorse stance

7a. Skip in with aleft heel hook

7b. Turn kick withthe same leg

a b

8. Chop with rightin a backstance

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combination 20

Combination #20 (continued)

9. Reverse highpunch with left,turning into aforward stance

10. Left turn kick,landing forward

11. Spinning heelkick with right,landing with legback

12. Left hand chopin a backstance

13. Reverse righthigh punch,turning into aforward stance

14. Front kick withright, bringing theright foot downnext to the left

15. Step forwardwith a left lowdefense in abackstance

16. Left inside tooutside ridge handattack

Miramar Martial Arts Academy - Combination 20

Combination #20 (continued)

14. Right reversefinger attack to theeyes

13. Low chop withleft into abackstance

Sparring Combinations

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy Soo Bahk Do Sparring Combinations

WHITE BELT #1 1. Sparring stance (right leg back)

2. Shift back into a back stance (Hu Gul Jaseh) with a low block 3. Follow with an advancing Reverse Middle Punch (Teul Oh

Choong Dan Kong Kyuk) 4. Finish in a sparring stance

#2 1. Sparring stance (right leg back) 2. Back Fist to face 3. Reverse Middle Punch

#3 1. Sparring stance (right leg back) 2. Back Fist (Kap Kwon Kong Kyuk) to face 3. Reverse Middle Punch (Teul Oh Choong Dan Kong Kyuk) 4. Front Snap Kick … or

a. Roundhouse Kick … or b. Side Snap Kick … or c. Inside-Outside Kick

5. Finish in a sparring stance #4 1. Sparring stance (right leg back)

2. Perform a Front Snap Kick 3. Back Fist to the face 4. Reverse Middle Punch 5. Finish in a sparring stance

#5 1. Begin in a sparring stance (left leg back) 2. Cross-step behind for the kick 3. Perform a Side Snap Kick 4. Back Fist to the face 5. Reverse Middle Punch 6. Finish in a sparring stance

#6 1. Sparring stance (left leg back) 2. Back Fist to the face 3. Reverse Middle Punch (push your left hip forward when you

punch) 4. Cross-step for the kick (push your right hip forward when you

cross-step) 5. Roundhouse Kick … or

a. Inside-Outside Kick 6. Finish in a sparring stance


#1 1. Sparring stance (both sides right leg back) 2. Perform Front Snap Kick with your rear leg 3. After the kick step forward into a side stance and perform a Back

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy Soo Bahk Do Sparring Combinations

Fist to the face 4. Perform a Reverse Middle Punch 5. Perform an Inside-Outside Snap Kick with your rear leg 6. Finish in a sparring stance

#2 Attack (right leg back) Defense (left leg back) 1. Perform a Front Snap Kick

with the right foot

1. Step forward and to the side as you perform a Reverse Low Block

2. Pivot on both feet, weight is shifted to the left leg as you perform a right hand Reverse Middle Punch

3. Pull you right hip forward to finish in a sparring stance

#3 1. Begin in a sparring stance (right leg back) 2. Back Fist to the face creating an opening in your opponent’s

middle area 3. Reverse Middle Punch 4. As opponent moves backward advance into a cross-leg stance 5. Perform a Roundhouse Kick … or

a. Inside-Outside Kick 6. Finish in a sparring stance

#4 1. Begin in a sparring stance (right leg back) 2. Pivot on both feet for Back Kick (weight is on kicking leg) 3. Look and perform a Back Kick 4. After kicking, land on the ball of the foot and look in preparation

for a Short Back Spinning kick 5. Perform a Short Back Spinning Kick 6. After the kick, land (with your weight) on your left foot

momentarily 7. Perform a Reverse Middle Punch 8. Finish in a sparring stance

#5 Sparring stance (both sides right leg back) Attack Defense

1. Perform a leading foot Roundhouse Kick (may be with a step)

1. Block (kick) and pivot in preparation for kick

2. Short Back Spinning Kick

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy Soo Bahk Do Sparring Combinations

1. Bring kicking foot back into left foot forward cat (back) stance, assuming a defensive (accepting) posture (lower the body)

2. Perform Reverse Middle Punch

Finish in sparring stance #6 1. Sparring stance (right leg back)

2. Outside-Inside Kick, landing forward 3. Perform a Short Back Spinning Kick, foot landing back 4. Back Fist to the face 5. Reverse Middle Punch 6. Finish in a sparring stance

#7 1. Sparring stance (right leg back) 2. Jumping Front Kick 3. Low-High Turn Kick, foot land forward 4. Back Fist to the face 5. Reverse Middle Punch 6. Finish in a sparring stance

#8 1. Sparring stance (right leg back) 2. Step behind into a cross-leg stance 3. Perform Heel Hook Kick 4. Quickly perform a short Roundhouse Kick with the same foot 5. Land forward advancing with a Back Fist to the face 6. Reverse Middle Punch 7. Finish in a sparring stance

GREEN BELT #1 Sparring stance (both sides right leg back)

Attack Defense Leading foot Roundhouse Kick (may be with a step)

1. Step to the side with the leading foot and perform a high knife hand block

2. Continue with a Reverse Middle Punch to opponent’s solar plexus

3. Return to sparring stance Alternate

Leading foot Roundhouse Kick (may be with a step)

1. Step to the side with the leading foot and perform a

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy Soo Bahk Do Sparring Combinations

high knife hand block 2. Prepare for Side Snap Kick 3. Perform Side Snap Kick

#2 Attack (left leg back) Defense (right leg back) 1. Perform a left foot front

snap kick 1. Block (accept) the kick as

you pivot on the ball of your foot to prepare for a back kick. Your weight shifts to your back (right) leg at this time.

2. Perform a back kick with your right leg

1. Bring kicking foot back into left foot back cat (back) stance, assuming a defensive (accepting) posture for defender’s back kick

2. Follow up with a right foot Inside-Outside Snap kick

1. Bring your kicking leg down into a left leg back cat (back) stance, assuming a defensive (accepting) posture (lower the body)

2. Counter with a left hand reverse middle punch

1. Bring your kicking leg back into a left leg back Cat (back) stance, assuming a defensive (accepting) posture

Finish in a sparring stance #3

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy Soo Bahk Do Sparring Combinations

Important Documents

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy

2010 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation® -- U.S. Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation®

P.O. Box 154, Springfield, NJ 07081 (888) SOO-BAHK (973) 467-5716 Fax Email:

1) Who is applying for, or renewing membership? (If adding a new member to your household, please identify the other practitioners in your household and mark them as active or not.) Your name will appear on your membership card and rank

certificates as you list it here. Date

Started Training new mem


Temp ID Gup ID, Dan ID, Non Mem


GE N D R First Name Ini Last Name Birth Date Member Personal Email:

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Address City State Zip Code Country 2) Where should we send your membership materials?

Home Phone Work Phone Cell Phone Preferred Primary Email 3) How else may we contact you about Federation matters?

Studio ID# Certified Studio Name Instructor Dan# Your Instructor’s Name 4) Where do you study the art of Soo Bahk Do® Moo Duk Kwan®?

5) What are your membership payment instructions? Please check Headquarters Use Only SELECT YOUR NEW 1st YEAR MEMBERSHIP Employee:

Activate 1st Time TINY TOT Membership Term Lasts to Age 6 $ 15 Postmarked: Activate my 1st Time 12 month INDIVIDUAL membership $ 79 Received Date:

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Age 6 or 1st

Rank test. Fax To# Mem Starts:

OR SELECT YOUR RENEWING MEMBERSHIP Mem Expires: RENEW my 12 month INDIVIDUAL membership $ 79 Renew To:

RENEW our 12 month HOUSEHOLD membership $ 137 Auth#:

(additional household members may be

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(888) SOOBAHK Auth Date: Expired, Inactive, and Restarted training, multi-year expired and renewals postmarked after

expiration date add $15 per person membership reinstatement fee $ 15

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Soo Bahk Do Testing Requirements for Gup Students

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy Page 1

Gup Time Req.

Basic Hand Basic Foot Hyung Combo Il Soo Sik Ho Sin Sool Kyo Pa

10th 3 months Blocks: High, Low, In/Out,

Out/in, Reinforced

Strikes: Middle, High & Side


Stance: Front, Back,

Side Kicks: Front, Front

Stretch, Roundhouse, Side, Inside/Out, Outside/In

Basic Form #1, #2

#1, #2, #3

Il Bon, E Bon Cross Hand: Il Bon, E Bon

Front Kick

9th 3 months Block: Middle Knife Hand, Low

Knife Hand, Double Low/High

Strikes: Spear Hand, Finger

Attack, Palm Heel

Stance: Cat

Kicks: Spinning

Inside/Out, Spinning Back, Jumping Front

Basic Form #3 #4, #5, #6

Sam & Sa Bon

Cross Hand: Sam & Sa Bon

Palm Heel Strike

8th 3 months Block: Reverse Low, Reverse

Middle, Reverse High, Reverse Elbow

Strikes: Reverse Elbow

Kicks: Stepping Side,

Jumping Turn, Jumping Side

Pyung Ahn Cho Dan

#7, #8, #9

O & Yuk Bon Same Side: Il Bon, E Bon

Stepping Side Kick

7th 3 months Strikes: Hammer Fist, Long

Double Back Fist Kicks: Side Heel Hook,

Stepping Heel Hook Chil Sung E Ro Hyung

#10, #11 Chil & Pahl Bon

Same Side: Sam & Sa Bon

Standing Side Kick

6th 3 months Strikes: Long Double Hammer

Fist Kicks: Jumping

Outside/In Pyung Ahn E Dan

#12, #13 Cu & Ship Bon

2-on-1: Il Bon,

E Bon Stepping Heel Hook

5th 3 months Strikes: Wa Kuk Jang Kap

Kwon, Wa Kuk Jang Kwon Do Kicks: Spinning Heel

Hook Chil Sung Il Ro Hyung

#14, #15 Ship Il & Ship E Bon

2-on-1: Sam

Bon Jumping Turn Kick

4th 3 months Strikes: Du Malh Sik Il & E Bon Kicks: Jumping Back Pyung Ahn Sam Dan

#16, #17 Ship Sam & Ship Sa Bon

2-on-2: Il & E

Bon Spinning Back Kick

3rd 6 months Strikes: Tah Ko Sik Il & E Bon Du Mung Hyung

#18 Ship O & Ship Yuk Bon

2-on-2: Sam

& Sa Bon Spinning Heel Hook

2nd 6 months Strikes: Yo Sik Il & E Bon, Po

Wahl She Il & E Bon Kicks: Jumping Spinning

Inside/Out Passai Hyung, Pyung Ahn Sa Dan

#19 Ship Chil & Ship Pahl Bon

Behind: Il & E

Bon 3 Break Combo

1st 6 months Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung

#20 Side: Il & E

Bon Jumping Back

GUP TEST QUIZ (Answer sheet) 8 Key Concepts:

1. Yong Gi Courage 2. Chung Shin Tong Il Concentration 3. In Neh Endurance 4. Chung Jik Honesty 5. Kyum Son Humility 6. Him Cho Chung Control of Power 7. Shin Chook Tension & Relaxation 8. Wan Gup Speed Control

(Translation from Korean into English)

• Soo hand • Bahk strike • Do way • Moo martial, stop conflict • Duk virtue • Kwan institute • Kwan Jang Nim Grand Master • Do Jang martial art studio

In what year was the Moo Duk Kwan founded? 1945 Who founded the Moo Duk Kwan? Kwan Jang Nim Hwang Kee In what year did Kwan Jang Nim discover the Moo Yei Do Bo Tong Ji? 1957

Fist – Justice bearing honor Leaves - 13 provinces of Korea Berries - 6 major continents Scroll - knowledge (martial artist must also be a scholar)

Soo (hand)

Moo (martial, stop conflict)

Bahk (strike)

The 5 Moo Do Values: 1. History 2. Tradition 3. Discipline & Respect 4. Philosophy 5. Technique

Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan® – Gup Shim Sa

DeJohnette Martial Arts Academy

“Break My Bad Habit”

Student’s Name: (Print clearly)

My “bad habit” is

To break my bad habit I promised that for the next thirty days I will:




Signed: Date: (Student’s signature)

Student must complete these three tasks during the next thirty days to demonstrate their desire to break the bad habit. After

thirty days parent or guardian can confirm all three tasks were completed successfully by signing below, and returning this form

to the Instructor.

Parent’s Confirmation:


3’5” 45 lbs 000 $25

4’0” 60 lbs 00 $25

4’5” 80 lbs 0 $25

4’9” 100 lbs 1 $25

5’2” 120 lbs 2 $25

5’6” 140 lbs 3 $35

5’9” 175 lbs 4 $35

6’0” 185 lbs 5 $35

6’4” 200 lbs 6 $45

6’5” 200 lbs + 7 $45

Studio patches are an additional $10 each.

Name Age

Size Quantity Method of Payment Amount

Email Phone



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