deficit or difference? · 48 2.5 item category...

Post on 28-Jul-2020






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Deficit or Difference?Cycling through the 4-Building-Blocks

to Assess the Power of Context in Narrative Comprehension in Autistic and Typically

Developing Adolescents

Comic vs. Text


About Us


About Alexander• BA Psychology

• MA Special Education

• High School English Teacher - Special Day Class

• PhD Special Education - Joint Doctoral Program

• Measurement in the Social Sciences - I, Graduate Student Instructor (2018)

• Adjunct SFSU Special Education Department

• Project ALLIES - Instructor & Advisor


About James• BSc Computer Science 1996

• MEd 2011

• High School Mathematics Teacher

• PhD Candidate - Quantitative Methods and Evaluation

• Measurement in the Social Sciences - I, Graduate Student Instructor (2014)


Our Mission


inspired by the neurodiversity movement.

Challenging Assumptions


Challenging assumptions about autism using a lens of access,

Repositioning Autism


Deficit? Or difference?

… rather than as a way to assert control and harm vulnerable groups.

First, do no harmTo use measurement as a way to help people and advance science…


Recognizing Autism


Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Psychiatric

Disorders - DSM 5 (American Psychiatric

Association, 2013)

Areas of Impact


•Frith (1989)

•Baron-Cohen, Richler, Bisarya, Gurunathan, and Wheelwright (2003)

•Baron-Cohen and Wheelwright ( 2004)

Meaning Making & Narratives


•Nuske & Bavin (2011)

•White, Hill, Happe & Frith (2009)

Happe and Frith, (2006)

Visual Processing Disposition


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi dapibus felis quis consectetur sodales. Curabitur consectetur velit neque, in tincidunt dui semper id. Nunc sagittis, ex at molestie elementum, ipsum augue posuere neque, at hendrerit nunc odio tincidunt ex. Nunc tempor urna ac mollis aliquet. Quisque lobortis augue eu venenatis consequat. Donec sodales urna tellus, ut varius lacus vehicula non. Nullam aliquam velit a mauris hendrerit ornare. Fusce auctor porta luctus. Ut aliquam odio ac nisl fringilla blandit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nulla congue ligula quis ante ultricies vestibulum. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec venenatis ligula vitae magna condimentum, nec scelerisque ligula posuere.

Vivamus volutpat tellus nisl, ac aliquam lacus aliquet ac. Pellentesque vestibulum, nulla a posuere ultricies, lorem felis eleifend est, interdum aliquet nibh tellus semper nisl. Nam malesuada scelerisque ante sit amet vulputate. Etiam bibendum viverra ipsum, et vehicula metus blandit vel. Nunc non mi nec diam bibendum luctus vel vel nibh. Integer sodales bibendum velit, eget ultricies arcu varius ac. In et urna sagittis, dapibus neque ac, bibendum lectus. Mauris volutpat quam at lacus laoreet, et sollicitudin lectus molestie. Proin at consequat magna. Cras rhoncus eleifend rutrum.

Phasellus bibendum ut ex quis lobortis. Proin ultricies arcu erat, sed placerat risus ullamcorper vitae. Curabitur pharetra elit eleifend, tristique felis et, convallis turpis. Curabitur in sagittis neque, condimentum accumsan risus. Praesent efficitur purus quis commodo ullamcorper. Pellentesque suscipit ac quam non venenatis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Fusce sed volutpat elit. In pharetra, tortor ut maximus pellentesque, enim lorem convallis dolor, non consectetur mi purus ac eros. Sed consectetur, nunc luctus iaculis aliquet, felis turpis vestibulum nunc, sed mollis nisi quam quis erat.

Fusce dapibus nisi vitae eros iaculis, sed convallis sapien accumsan. Quisque egestas interdum tortor sit amet mollis. Phasellus quis diam molestie, facante vitae, auctor enim. Nulla ultricies, sem egestas eleifend commodo,urna lectus semper libero, nec pharetra erat urna at dui. Orci varius natoqpenatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Phafringilla massa sed leo convallis dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fameac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus congue, nibh vel ultriciesfinibus, nibh risus eleifend nibh, volutpat ultrices nulla lacus vel ligul

Comics and Access


Comic+text vs Text-Only


Research Question• When individuals, both neurotypical and autistic, engage with narratives,

are their challenges better explained by a deficit perspective or an access perspective? – Do their challenges result from an internal deficit within their

repertoire of narrative comprehension processing? – Alternatively, is their performance more of an issue of access, in

which all three facets of the prevailing construction-integration models (i.e., the reader, text, and context) interact to create situation specific challenges?


Slow Down!


Construct Map



Outcome Space

Measurement Model

BEAR Assessment SystemFour Building Blocks (Wilson, 2005)

My First Construct Map




My Next Construct Map



Inferential Thinking Bias

Items for Inferential Thinking Bias



➔ Motivational Inference“Why do you think Tom let Jimmy keep the toy car?”

➔ Meta-Reasoning“What made you think of that answer?”

➔ Evaluative Inference“What is the most important lesson someone can learn from this comic?”

➔ Meta-Reasoning“What made you think of that answer?”

• As I made decision rules to relate it back to the construct....

Outcome Space



A portion of the outcome space

Measurement Model: PCM


• Notice the banding of the thresholds


? But wait...


Something’s not quite right…• What about those responses with a

combination of text-implicit and script-implicit?

• No strong theory to hold levels together.

2 Is Integration the Key?


Can Integration be Ordinal?


• less integration


• more integration

Integrative Construct Map



Same Items Design



same items...

• Bay Area Elementary School• Grades 3–6• N=72



Number of Participants by


Age N

8 6

9 11

10 21

11 20

12 14



• Only scored the “why” question for an initial analysis


2 Wright Map


• This includes only the “why” questions

Scoring, again...


• Scored all the item types• Dropped one story

– Everyone scored into the same category



Text-Implicit QAR

Script-Implicit QAR

Script-Implicit & Text-Implicit QAR







Mean Location



Item Category Count Mean θ Item Category Count Mean θ(logits) (logits)

Item 1 0: No Integration 1 -2.94 Item 7 0: No Integration 5 -2.07

1: Text-Implicit 30 -0.32 1: Text-Implicit 31 -0.35

2: Script-Implicit 37 0.4 2: Script-Implicit 34 0.64

3: Combination 4 0.54 3: Combination 2 1.95

Item 2 0: No Integration 6 -2.07 Item 8 0: No Integration 10 -1.89

1: Text-Implicit 36 -0.16 1: Text-Implicit 26 -0.22

2: Script-Implicit 28 0.75 2: Script-Implicit 32 0.73

3: Combination 2 0.78 3: Combination 4 1.39

Item 3 0: No Integration 2 -2.3 Item 9 0: No Integration 2 -2.23

1: Text-Implicit 5 -1.34 1: Text-Implicit 21 -0.26

2: Script-Implicit 65 0.24 2: Script-Implicit 43 0.16

3: Combination 0 3: Combination 6 1.22

Item 4 0: No Integration 8 -2.02 Item 10 0: No Integration 14 -1.21

1: Text-Implicit 14 -0.7 1: Text-Implicit 27 -0.33

2: Script-Implicit 46 0.54 2: Script-Implicit 27 0.83

3: Combination 4 1.38 3: Combination 4 1.98

Item 5 0: No Integration 3 -1.57 Item 11 0: No Integration 6 -2.18

1: Text-Implicit 36 -0.44 1: Text-Implicit 2 -0.54

2: Script-Implicit 25 0.67 2: Script-Implicit 63 0.27

3: Combination 8 1.01 3: Combination 1 1.67

Item 6 0: No Integration 9 -1.56 Item 12 0: No Integration 14 -1.6

1: Text-Implicit 31 -0.34 1: Text-Implicit 13 -0.2

2: Script-Implicit 31 0.85 2: Script-Implicit 42 0.68

3: Combination 1 2.4 3: Combination 3 0.34

Latent Regression







Regressor Coefficient Std Err

Age* 0.282* 0.122

* Significant at the .05 level








Construct Map



• We are confident in the IIR construct at this point

• Made only minor revisions to the construct map

• Now, we’re ready to use IIR as an outcome measure in a study



Gender Age

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Total

M 2 20 7 6 13 4 12 64

F 4 23 1 1 5 9 10 53

Missing - - - - - - - 13

Total 6 43 8 7 18 13 22 130

Study Design


• Two samples (Autistic & Typically Developing)• Two “treatments” (comic+text vs. text-only)• Random assignment within each sample

Autistic groups:

• A (Autistic + Comic)

• B (Autistic + Text)

Typically Developing sample:

• C (Typically Dev. + Comic)

• D (Typically Dev. + Text)

Study Design — Comparability


• Text-explicit QARs (before “main” items):– Check that all students were able to decode – Both text and text+comic formats

(counterbalanced)– Questions required text-explicit QARs

Comparability Results


Comic+text Text-only t-test

Autistic 5.95/6 5.35/6 t=3.27, df=19, p=0.004

Neurotypical 5.85/6 5.82/6 t=0.37, df=124, p=0.714

t-test t=0.570, df=143, p=0.570 t=-2.67, df=143, p=0.009

Items Design — Text-Only


1. Billy loved bikes. He was riding his bike to the beach one day, when he came across the most beautiful bike he had

ever seen. He said to the boy that was riding the beautiful bike, “wow, that’s such a beautiful bike!” “Thanks!” said

the boy.

2. “Hey, how much did you pay for that bike?” asked Billy. “It was $300”, answered the boy.

3. Billy rode his bike home. He thought to himself, “hmmm, maybe my parents will buy me that bike for my birthday”.

4. Billy got home. He says to his parents,“hey mom and dad. For my birthday I would like a new bike pretty please!”.

“No Billy. You already have a nice bike and you don’t need a new expensive one”, said his father.

5. Billy felt sad, and mad. So he took his bike, and rode it to an ice cream shop.

6. Billy walked out of the ice cream shop with ice cream, and found a table to sit outside. “Ice cream, you always make

me feel better” Billy said to himself. Next to him was another table, where a lady was sitting.

7. As Billy was eating his ice cream, the lady left and forgot her wallet. Billy went and grabbed her wallet. He opened

her wallet. “Wow, is this really $300? With that money, I could buy that red bike!” Billy said.

8. The lady that was sitting at the table next to him came back, looking for her wallet. She said, “hello there, have you

seen my wallet? I can’t find it anywhere.”

9. “No, I don’t know where it is”, said Billy.


Items Design—Text+Comic



panels on



Panels 1–3



Panels 4–6



Panels 7–9



3 Outcome Space


Level 3—Original • He is a liar and I have seen

greedy kids do this stuff before.

• Desperate people do desperate things when they find money like Billy did.

• New conjunctions used

Level 3—New

Wright Map



Mean Location



Item Category Count Mean θ Item Category Count Mean θ(logits) (logits)

Item 1 0: No Integration 0 Item 7 0: No Integration 4 -0.48

1: Text-Implicit 57 -0.20 1: Text-Implicit 49 -0.26

2: Script-Implicit 16 0.02 2: Script-Implicit 41 0.17

3: Combination 55 0.24 3: Combination 34 0.33

Item 2 0: No Integration 3 -1.38 Item 8 0: No Integration 8 -0.77

1: Text-Implicit 75 -0.15 1: Text-Implicit 47 -0.18

2: Script-Implicit 20 0.32 2: Script-Implicit 36 0.18

3: Combination 30 0.37 3: Combination 35 0.30

Item 3 0: No Integration 1 -2.3 Item 9 0: No Integration 1 -1.37

1: Text-Implicit 11 -1.34 1: Text-Implicit 32 -0.08

2: Script-Implicit 85 0.24 2: Script-Implicit 75 -0.03

3: Combination 31 0.22 3: Combination 22 0.39

Item 4 0: No Integration 9 -1.12 Item 10 0: No Integration 3 -1.27

1: Text-Implicit 30 -0.30 1: Text-Implicit 71 -0.17

2: Script-Implicit 50 0.21 2: Script-Implicit 31 0.22

3: Combination 39 0.27 3: Combination 25 0.45

Item 5 0: No Integration 1 -0.88 Item 11 0: No Integration 3 -1.10

1: Text-Implicit 118 0.01 1: Text-Implicit 33 -0.32

2: Script-Implicit 2 -1.04 2: Script-Implicit 50 0.15

3: Combination 8 0.59 3: Combination 42 0.23

Item 6 0: No Integration 5 -0.91 Item 12 0: No Integration 8 -1.05

1: Text-Implicit 109 -0.01 1: Text-Implicit 36 -0.19

2: Script-Implicit 6 0.49 2: Script-Implicit 52 0.16

3: Combination 9 0.57 3: Combination 32 0.34

Model Selection



Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4


Main Effects



Predictor Variable Coefficient Std. Error

Age 0.005 (.024)Comic (Format Type) -0.171 (.099)Girl (Gender)Autistic (Diagnosis)Self-Rated Comic ExperienceSpeech-to-Text tool

0.291*-0.534*0.186* -0.164


Model 1

Significant Predictors Only



Predictor Variable Coefficient Std Error

Comic (Format Type) -0.182* (.099)Girl (Gender) 0.294* (.101)Autistic (Diagnosis) -0.553* (.161)Self-Rated Comic Experience 0.175* (.061)

Model 2


Impact of local processing disposition on students’ inferential reasoning

• This disposition translates into particular types of student thinking; namely attention to details, chaining propositions, and the creation of enumerative rather than integrative summaries of text.

• Text-implicit QARs (Pearson & Jonson, 1978) favor this line of thinking since they do not require the integration of world knowledge, but rather operate within the propositional facts of the narrative.

• In addition, relying on details in the narrative to serve as the evidentiary basis for making an inference may seem to be safer, in terms of predictability and risk-avoidance.


3 Model 2

Two-Way Interactions



Predictor Variable Coefficient Std Err

Comic (Format)Female (Gender)Autistic (Diagnosis)Perceived Comic ExperienceComic x Perceived Comic ExperienceAutistic x Comic ExperienceAutistic x Comic Format



Model 3

Analysis á Trois



Predictor Variable Coefficient Std Err

Format (Comic)Gender (Female)Diagnosis (Autistic)Self-Rated Comic ExperienceFormat (Comic) x Self-Rated Comic ExperienceDiagnosis (Autistic) x Self-Rated Comic ExperienceDiagnosis (Autistic) x Comic FormatDiagnosis (Autistic) x Comic Format x Self-Rated Comic Experience




Model 4

Group Mean Locations






Comic Experience

Group Mean IIR

1 1 0 0 0.1211 1 0 1 0.1221 1 0 2 0.1231 1 0 3 0.1241 1 1 0 -2.2831 1 1 1 -1.3771 1 1 2 -0.4711 1 1 3 0.4351 0 0 0 0.3891 0 0 1 0.3541 0 0 2 0.3191 0 0 3 0.2841 0 1 0 -0.1311 0 1 1 0.0681 0 1 2 0.2671 0 1 3 0.466




Comic Experience

Group Mean IIR

0 1 0 0 -0.141000





0 1 1 0 -2.5450 1 1 1 -1.6390 1 1 2 -0.7330 1 1 3 0.1730 0 0 0 0.1270 0 0 1 0.0920 0 0 2 0.0570 0 0 3 0.0220 0 1 0 -0.3930 0 1 1 -0.1940 0 1 2 0.0050 0 1 3 0.204

Model 4



Model 4

Discussion Points


Deficit is Situated

• On the one hand it is a deficit since their mean location on the IIR scale is significantly lower.

• But is the deficit constitutional (i.e., built into the autistic students) or experiential (i.e., suggesting a lack of opportunity to immerse themselves in the medium)?

• If an individual not familiar with baseball played for the first time and did not perform well, we would not conclude that they have a baseball deficit.

• Clearly, if that person continued to play baseball, he would improve.

• Can the same lens be applied to cognition and particularly forms of integration?


Autism & Integration

• Van der Hallen et al., (2015) found through their meta-analysis that when changing the context for visual integration, such as the outcome measure (e.g., response time vs. accuracy) the global differences don’t necessarily present themselves.


Autism & Integration

• Auditory integration has also been investigated as a context, or modality by Mottron and colleagues (2000)

– Had autistic and typically-developing kids listen to two different pieces of music, one at a time, and then were asked if they had the same or different rhythm.

– The pieces of music were manipulated at different levels (local vs. global), with rhythm being the highest global representation.

– They found that all participants used the rhythm as a discrimination cue, which is attenuation at the global level.

– Even when their were changes at the local level, such as pitch, it did not interfere with them processing the rhythm.


A Road Map for a Situated Target

• IIR can serve as a road map to position students’ responses on the IIR scale, further taking note of what material and context brings out their IIR, while at the same time building off of their responses and scaffolding them up the scale.

• Since capturing disposition is somewhat of a moving target, the IIR taxonomy (i.e., IIR construct map) serves as a guide in illuminating the positionality of the respondent for that given context.


• IIR also suggests the value of trying to capture students’ dominant dispositions, rather than simply achievement.

• Educators are often surrounded by high stakes testing, where achievement and accountability are the coin of the realm.

• If students do well, they are deemed to have more ability and schools can receive more funding.

A Road Map for a Situated Target


Context vs Learner

• This can lead to teachers teaching to a test, being consumed with an achievement mindset.

• In which case, any time a learner cannot do something, they are painted with a deficit lens.

• Rather, seeing learning in the context of situated dispositions, educational materials can be developed with the idea of bringing out one’s potential by situating their learning, and focusing on the context rather than the learner as the key issue.



Blum, Mason, Kim, & Pearson (under review)

Text-Implicit QAR

Script-Implicit QAR

Script-Implicit & Text-Implicit QAR






Pearson & Johnson (1978)


● Text-Explicit● Text-Implicit● Script-Implicit

Raphael & Au (2005)

Basaraba et al. (2013)

A Final Word


Repositioning AutismA NeuroDiversity Perspective

• Let us reconsider and expand our thinking about the thinking of autistic learners.

• The findings of this study imply that autistic individuals have the same inherit drive as neurotypical peers to integrate their world knowledge with a narrative

– Although their capacity for integration appears to be situated differently.

• Cognition not as a static set of skills, but rather as a set dynamic, situated operations.

• With practice comes experience, with experience comes knowledge, with knowledge comes deeper comprehension, which in turn promotes cognition.

• This line of research provides alternate frameworks, outside of the deficit model and within a neurodiversity lens, for thinking about autism and narrative meaning making.


Doing Measurement WrightThe importance of collaboration between measurement and substantive research

• Began with substantive question/experiment needing an outcome measure(here measurement is a tool for scientific inquiry)

• The effort of constructing a measure contributes to substantive theory:– In learning how to measure inferencing, we were actually learning

what inferencing is.– Constructing measures is a journey not a destination:

• trial-and-error → new questions → more research • The substantive and measurement questions become entwined and inseparable

(here measurement is scientific inquiry)


Thank You


Thanks especially to:

● David Pearson● Pamela Wolfberg● Karen Draney● Mark Wilson● Berkeley Community

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