defend your faith lesson no. one - introduction

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Defend Your FaithA Study in Christian Evidences

Lesson No. OneThe Introduction

The problem withthe world is that

the intelligentpeople are full of

doubts, whilethe stupid ones

are full ofconfidence.

- Charles Bukowski

First Peter 3:15But sanctify the Lord God in your

hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a

reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.

(c) ESV

Why Even Try?The situation in our world demands we be able to truthfully support our faith

and defend the truth found in the Bible, God’s Word. We must be able to defend against a disregard for absolute truth;

pressure to conform to society; and many false philosophies.

False Philosophies

Romanticism = Feelings are bestNaturalism = Mother Nature

Atheism = God is Make-BelieveAgnosticism = Evidence is Lacking

Positivism = Need Verification (Senses)Humanism = We are it

Universalism* = All paths lead to GodProsperity* = Faith means comfort

* Sometimes found within the church

Unbelief Exists Because…

There are several reasons that many people chose to not believe in God orthe Word of God. Here are the major


Lack of InterestConduct of the Faithful

Religious Division Secularism (God doesn’t matter anymore)

Scientific Advancement

Does God Exist?

There is intrinsic importance to that question since the Bible says God is

the being greater than anything else.

There is instrumental importance to that question since the Bible says God is foundational in the order of life and

existence for all living beings.

If God Does Not Exist...

We are nothing but organized matter.

Everything we are and do is the result of non-living, non-intelligent,

non-purposive matter.

There is no real right or wrong, good or evil. Every moral decision is relative.

No one has any real obligation to doanything at any time.

If God Does Not Exist

Physical death is the absolute end of our existence. There is no life

after this whether it be good or bad.

No matter how we have acted there will be no accounting, no judgment,

and no punishment. Our decisions havenothing to do with our eternity

because we have no eternity.

If God Does Exist

We are more than organized matter.

We are a result of the actions Godtook to create us.

There is real right or wrong, good and evil. Universal morality does exist.

We have a real obligation to obeythe will of God.

If God Does Exist

Each one of us will live on in another world when our life in this

world ends.

Each one of us will give an accountto God for how we have lived in this


Defend Your FaithA Study in Christian Evidences

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