deep image generating models

Post on 25-Jan-2017






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Deep Image Generating Models /

Imperial College London


Kai Arulkumaran @KaiLashArul

ForewordDeep learning is a great creative tool

We can generate novel media in unexpected ways (e.g. DeepDream/Inceptionism [1])

We can remix media (e.g. style transfer [2])

We can directly use deep generative models

The following applies to more than just images

SummaryGenerative adversarial networks (GANs) [3]

Variational autoencoders (VAEs) [4, 5]

Autoregressive networks [6-8]

GenerationLet's create an image using a starting value

Speci�cally, some random noise, maybe sampled from a Gaussian: z ∼ (0, 1)

Create a transformation model that takes and returns an image

f z


Images from space are generated from a value ∼ P(Z)

Networks as FunctionsArti�cial neural networks are powerful function approximators

Approximate (many) continuous functions in (universal approximation theorem) [9]


Learn network parameters, , to satisfy a criterionθ

Generator FunctionLearn a generator function, , that creates images: G(z; θ) x = G(z)

What criterion to train ?G

Discriminator FunctionTrain a discriminator function, , to label images: D(x;ϕ) y = D(x)

Learn to distinguish real images: when Learn to distinguish fake images: when

(y = 1) x ∼ p(X)(y = 0) x = G(z)

Adjust to maximise both criterionsϕ

Minimax GameTrain using the minimax rule from game theory [3]G

[log(D(x))] + [1 − log(D(G(z)))]minθ maxϕ �x∼p(X) �z∼p(Z)

never sees real images, but learns to create images that would fool


GANs turn density estimation into an easier problem - classi�cation

DCGANConvolutional neural networks improve GAN capabilities [10]

GAN GenerationsPreserve general image statistics, sharp edges

Fail to preserve spatial relationships/coherence

InterpolationsTake 2 samples, linearly spherically interpolate [11], generate

Image ArithmeticNetworks learn a manifold (locally Euclidean space)

Conditional GANsUse information about class of object [12-15]

InferenceImpose more meaning on latent space

Observation is generated by a latent variable x z

Inference tries to retrieve which was responsible for which z x

Probabilistically, generation is and inference is

x ∼ P(x|z)z ∼ P(z|x)

Autoencoders learn both together

for "true" distributions, for model distributionsP Q

AutoencodersNeural network encoder, , with encoding e z = e(x)

Decoder, , with decoding d x = d(z)

learns , learns e Q(z|x; θ) d Q(x|z; θ)

Compose networks, , and train jointlyd ∘ e

Criterion is minimising distance between real input and reconstruction



Mean square error/cross entropy criterions correspond to maximising likelihood of reconstruction

Generative AutoencodersConstrain encodings to follow a prior probability distribution, P(Z)

Idea 1: Directly sample from stochastic neurons

Optimisation requires estimating gradient over expectation, naively requiring (Monte Carlo) sampling

Idea 2: Reparameterise to a deterministic function + noise source [4]

Encoder outputs parameters for a probability distribution

Criterion penalises di�erence between desired distribution parameters and encoder outputs

Stochastic samples via the reparameterisation trick

Variational AutoencodersVAEs are latent variable models trained with variational inference

Maximise variational/evidence lower bound

[log(p(x|z))] − [Q(Z|X)‖P(Z)]�q(z|x) DKL

KL divergence penalises deviating from Q(Z|X) P(Z)

Variational Bayes w/ mean-�eld approximation reverse KL divergence⟹

Divergence BehavioursForward KL divergence, , is "zero-avoiding",

covering, ensures whenever [P‖Q]DKL

q(z) > 0 p(z) > 0

Reverse KL divergence, , is "zero-forcing", �nds modes[Q‖P]DKL

Jensen-Shannon divergence = [P‖ ] + [Q‖ ]DJS






GANs minimise JS divergence assuming is Bayes optimalD

Discriminative RegularisationReconstruction (bottom) of real image (middle) is blurry

in uncertain regions (such as hair detail)

Discriminative loss using pretrained network (top) [16, 17]

MCMC Sampling does not perfectly match ; resolve with sampling [18]Q(Z) P(Z)

Sequential DrawingPaint on canvas using recurrent neural network [19]

DRAW: A Recurrent Neural Network For Image G...

Conditional on TextCondition generation on a text caption [20]

Independence AssumptionSo far, pixels were created independently of each other,

given the penultimate layer

Autoregressive networks generate pixels one at a time, conditional on the previous [6-8]

ConclusionDeep generative models have improved a lot in a few years

Images are intuitively interpretable for qualitative evaluation

Generative models are hard to evaluate quantitatively [21]

Potential uses, e.g. procedural content generation

For more depth, see Building Machines that Imagine and Reason

Figures1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Google Research Blog: Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural NetworksNeural Networks, Manifolds, and Topology -- colah's blogNewmu/dcgan_code - GitHubPattern Recognition and Machine Learning | Christopher Bishop | Springer[1602.03220] Discriminative Regularization for Generative Models[1610.09296] Improving Sampling from Generative Autoencoders with Markov ChainsDRAW: A Recurrent Neural Network For Image Generation by Google DeepMind - YouTube[1511.02793] Generating Images from Captions with Attention

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ThanksFriends on Twitter for posts and discussions

Toni Creswell, equal contributor on [16]

Colleagues at BICV and Computational Neurodynamics

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