deck the halls, but don’t ditch your diet!deck the halls, but don’t ditch your diet! we have...

Post on 13-Jul-2020






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Deck the Halls,BUT DON’T DITCH YOUR DIET!We have armed you with 10 healthy eating tips to keep you on

track throughout the holiday season

BE PREPARED! The best way to approach the holidays is to be PREPARED. Having a strategy to keep you on track is the best thing you can do. It can be as simple as checking out all the food options available to you, and choosing which options you want to sample, and which options you will pass on.

TIS THE SEASON TO SHARE! Prepare a healthy dish for all to share. Meanwhile, focus on socializing with your friends and family and having fun. Food doesn’t have to be the only thought on your mind.

BRING ON THE VEGGIES! Fill at least half of your plate with a nice array of vegetables. Start your meal with a colorful salad to avoid diving into the main course on an empty, ravenous stomach.

DO NOT GO TO THE PARTY ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! Everything will seem much more appealing on an empty stomach. This way you will be able to keep hunger at bay for when the main course is served, while saving on some calories!

ADJUST THE SIZE OF YOUR PLATE TO TRICK THE MIND! Moderation is KEY, so try to eat dinner off your salad plate, and salad off your dinner plate.

SAVOR EACH BITE! How often is it that you get to have that sweet potato pie? Remember to eat slowly, not only because it takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to signal to your brain that it is full, but also for the sheer fact that you want to enjoy every bite of that favorite dish.

BE PICKY! You don’t have to dive into every dish. Instead, nosh on your favorite dishes, and skip the ones you would score a 5 out of 10 on.

AVOID “SIPPING” YOUR CALORIES! With wine bottles at every table, and festive drinks being passed around, alcoholic beverages tend to be the most difficult treats to turn down. However, when you realize that a glass of eggnog can contain over 350 calories, almost more than that piece of pie, you may be more inclined to turn it down. Alcohol also tends to inhibit even the best intentions, so try alternating between water and alcohol to minimize your intake while staying hydrated.

STAY ACTIVE! Recruit some family members and friends to join you on a stroll after dinner. This will not only help to digest some of that food, but will also reduce the temptation to continue to eat if you linger at the table for long periods of time.

AVOID FEELINGS OF GUILT! Even if you do go overboard, don’t beat yourself up over it. It’s important to keep in mind that a slip shouldn’t turn into a fall. Get back on track as soon as the holiday celebrations wrap up.











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