december st. martin's episcopal church newsletter

Post on 09-Apr-2018






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  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    I N S I D E T H I SI S S U E :

    News Briefs:

    Toy drive

    Adult CF classes

    Mary & Martha

    2010 Taxes

    Prayer ChainBlood drive

    St. Nick event


    Fr. Jon: New life;

    3G Network


    ECW Annual Mtg. 4

    Bishop, contd;

    Care &



    Advent, contd;

    Holiday concert




    Youth Group


    Annual meeting;

    Stephen Ministry


    Milestones 9

    Lay ministry






    Flower fund 12

    A B E A C O N O F

    C H R I S T S L O V E ,

    S P I R I T - F E D ,

    S E R V I N G O T H E R S S T . M A R T I N S E P I S C O P A L C H U R C H

    MessagesD E C E M B E R 2 0 1 0S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

    by the Rev. Susan Naylor

    It will be a wonderful cele-

    bration as we welcome

    Bishop Wayne Smith to St.

    Martins. As chief pastor, it

    is the norm for the Bishop

    to be with us about every

    15 to18 months, in addi-

    tion to major celebrations such

    when we welcomed Fr. Jon Hall

    as our Rector. Visiting parishes is

    something that our Bishop genu-

    inely enjoys. His wife, Debbie

    Smith, recently returned from

    Lui, Sudan, and will

    be joining him for

    this visit. Here are

    some thoughts from

    Bishop Smith about

    making visitations to

    all the parishes in

    our Diocese:

    The round of pastoral visits to

    the parishes and other worship-

    ing communities in the Diocese

    of Missouri is one of my chief

    responsibilities as your bishop.

    Visitations are also one of the

    great joys of the episcopate.

    For me to preach the word a

    to preside at the table and th

    font is not an extraordinary

    ministry. It is, in fact, the usu

    thing for a bishop to do, even

    when a parish experiences

    these Episcopal acts once eve

    fifteen to eighteen months.

    My hope is that visitations c

    be relaxed in tone but focuse

    in purpose.

    continued on pag

    by Earl Naylor

    For most Americans, November

    28 marks the end of a long week-

    end of food, fun, and football. But

    to Christians around the world it

    is also the beginning of the church

    year, the First Sunday in Advent.

    During the coming seasons of

    Advent, Christmas and Epiphany

    we celebrate God, revealed to us

    in Jesus Christ, an event second

    only to LentEaster - Pentecost

    in importance to our faith.

    The beginnings of Advent as a

    season go back to the fourth cen-

    tury when it was a time of prepa-

    ration for the season of Epiphany,

    Preparing for the birth of ChristChristmas Eve

    5 p.m.

    Christmas Pageant

    & Holy Eucharist

    10:30 p.m.

    Christmas Carols

    11 p.m.

    Holy Eucharist

    Christmas Day

    10 a.m.

    Holy Eucharist

    when God revealed himself to us,

    not as a wrathful, judgmental God

    of law in the Old Testament, but

    as the forgiving, grace-full God in

    Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God,

    who takes away the sin of the

    world. (John 1:29)

    Each Sunday in Advent is a differ-

    ent aspect of this manifestation.

    The first Sunday, Nov. 28, does

    not look to the past as much as it

    does to the future. Isaiah speaks of

    establishing the Lords house, of

    beating swords into plowshares, of

    a time of peace and an end to war.

    Jesus tells us in Matthews gospel

    that no one knows the hour of the

    second coming, so we must

    ways be ready. Our process

    hymn that morning, #57, L

    He Comes with Clouds

    continued on pa

    Bishop Smith to visit St. Martins Dec. 1

  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    P A G E 2

    News Briefs

    M E S S A G E S

    St. Martins is drop-

    off site for toy driveGive, and it will be given to you. A good

    measure, pressed down, shaken together

    and running over, will be poured into your

    lap. For with the measure you use, it will

    be measured to you."

    Luke 6:38

    St. Martins is a toy drop-off

    site for the annual Toy Day

    drive organized by Circle of

    Concern. New toys will be

    collected in a box in Park Hall

    Monday through Thursday

    from 9 a.m. till 4 p.m. through

    Dec. 17. All donations will be

    sorted and readied for gift-

    giving to children in our com-

    munity. Parishioners of St. Mar-

    tins and community members

    are encouraged to donate toys

    to this cause.

    Circle of Concern will be ad-

    vertising the St. Martins drop-

    off site in their newsletter and

    other forms of communication.

    So be aware that folks from the

    community will be coming into

    our church over the next few

    weeks. Please give our

    neighbors a warm welcome and

    help direct them to Park Hall!

    Help plan Christian

    formation classesDiscuss the results of our re-

    cent survey and help plan adult

    Christian formation classes for

    the winter and spring. Join us

    Sunday, Dec. 5 at 11:30

    a.m. in the Upper Laird. Please

    bring your calendars and your


    Mary & Martha

    celebrates the

    holidaysThe Mary & Martha Guild will

    meetWednesday, Dec. 8 for

    our Christmas Luncheon.

    Mariam Jenkins will be our

    guest speaker. If youve neverheard her speak, youre in for a


    Please bring a gift for a lady in

    need. It may be something

    personal or toiletries of your


    In order to accommodate eve-

    ryone for lunch, please sign up

    or let your caller know youllbe attending. We need your

    RSVP no later than Dec. 1.

    2010 Tax deductionsIn order for a charitable dona-

    tion to be eligible for a 2010

    tax year deduction, checks

    must be dated and received on

    or before Dec. 31. If the con-

    tribution is mailed to the

    church it must be postmarked

    no later than Dec. 31.

    Need prayers?If you have an urgent need for

    prayers for yourself, relatives

    or friends, contact the St. Mar-

    tins Prayer Chain. All prayer

    requests are confidential.

    Contact any of the following


    The Rev. Virginia Noel

    (636-779-2807 or,

    Teresa Reeves


    Anne Gravatte (636-394-1775)

    Bob McElroy (636-527-0951).

    Save the date

    to donate blood:Jan. 13: 3 - 7 p.m.

    The Blood Drive held last

    August was so successful that

    the Red Cross has asked St.

    Martins to hold another one.

    Please consider donating bloodto give the Gift of Life to

    those who need it.

    Help a family or youth

    in need this ChristmasYou can help bring joy to a

    needy family this Christmas by

    participating in St. Martins an-

    nual St. Nicholas Event. Pick

    up a tag in Park Hall and pur-

    chase a gift for that per-

    son. Presents should be re-

    turned wrapped by December

    5 with the tag which you take. It

    is very important to get the gifts

    back in a timely fashion. If you

    prefer leaving the shopping to

    the Outreach Committee, a

    monetary donation will be ap-

    preciated with checks made out

    to St. Martin's and "St. Nicholas"

    on the memo line. Monetary

    donations will also be used to

    purchase grocery certificates for

    the families.

    The Outreach Committee isalso collecting gifts for Episco-

    pal City Mission (youth in de-

    tention). New gloves, socks, T-

    shirts, toiletries, basketballs, and

    chess sets are just some of the

    requested items. There will be a

    collection box in Park Hall.

    Please do not wrap these gifts.

    Keep up with all

    the latest news and

    information on

    our website at
  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    Making room for new life at St. Martins

    P A G E 3S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

    Dear St. Martins brothers

    and sisters,

    Thank you for your gener-

    ous support towards the

    life of our congregation in

    2011. I am looking for-

    ward to serving with you

    this year with the joy of

    what God is doing in

    Gods church. I am ex-

    cited by the new life around us

    and I thank you for being positive

    ambassadors in our community.

    Recently I was visiting with an-

    other priest in our diocese who

    regularly asks about the status of

    St. Martins. My responses are

    consistently positive, of course,

    recognizing our growth in ener-

    getic volunteers and service to

    time, talent and treasure. My

    comments to my colleague also

    acknowledge the work ahead for

    us. However, I believe that our

    challenges are not so much


    as oppor-


    that bringus to-

    gether as

    we serve

    God in a



    way in 2011. I am also encour-

    aged by his interest and am re-

    minded that we have people

    praying for us and for the mis-

    sion of this congregation.

    One example of working to-

    gether that I notice emerging is

    reaching people who are looking

    for a church home. Part of the

    challenge for our membership

    involves inviting others, welcom-

    ing them with Christian hospital-

    ity, and leading them into the life

    of the congregation. Discipleship

    then is brought into the mix and

    we discover how God blesses

    the hospitable parish with new

    folks who bring great gifts with

    their participation.

    I am reminded of another story

    which includes people traveling

    towards a home. (Is there room in

    the Inn?) Advent and Christmas-

    tide mark the greatest account

    of moving out in faith and finding

    a place to give witness to the

    power of God coming into the

    world. Full of surprise and won-der, Jesus showed us that God

    wants to bless Creation. I be-

    lieve that God has a piece of

    that same wonder in every new

    person and family that comes

    into our church. I believe that

    there is a part of them that is

    asking if there is room for them

    in our worship, ministries, and

    fellowship. Thank you for the

    many ways we make room for

    the presence of God.

    Blessings, Fr. Jon

    jhall@stmartinschurch.org3G Network going strong

    2011 Giving


    Theres still time to

    make a pledge

    for 2011!

    Pledge cards are

    available in

    St. Martins office.

    Thank you for

    showing your


    By Jane & Jeff Klieve, Stewardship Co-Chairs

    Over the last month, we have been focusing our

    attention on the 3Gs in our lives: Grace, Grati-

    tude & Generosity. In the Adult education classes,

    we talked about living with money and explored

    the ways in which we see and use money. In the

    November Forum, we discussed stewardship and

    the ways in which Gods Grace is present in our

    lives. The timeline in Park Hall is filled with Post-it

    notes which share examples of the 3Gs in our

    livesboth as individuals and as a congregation.

    Sunday, Nov. 14 marked our official ingathering

    for the 2011 pledges. The cards were blessed

    along with the offering at both services -- recog-

    nizing that all we have is a gift from God.

    If you have not had an opportunity to submityour pledge card yet, theres still time! You

    may bring it to church with you or mail it

    whichever is most convenient for you. If you

    have misplaced your card, more are available in

    the pew racks in the sanctuary or may be ob-

    tained from the church office. St. Martins is a

    wonderful congregation doing wonderful work

    in this world. We would like to express our

    gratitude for your generosity of spirit.

  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    P A G E 4

    M E S S A G E S

    By Jeanne Lucas King

    The Diocese of Missouri Episcopal

    Church Womens Annual Meeting

    was held Oct. 23, at Grace Episco-

    pal Church in Kirkwood. This years

    theme was Stronger Together, and I

    did become a little stronger by

    sharing the day with my Episcopal


    On Friday evening, prior to the

    Annual Meeting, there were meet

    and greet activities planned. At The

    CheckeredCottage a small group of

    gals met to make a craft and share afew stories. We became friends

    immediately. Shopping the Kirk-

    wood community stores (several

    owned by women) followed. Next

    came dinner atAmicis Italian Restau-

    rant, then a jazz concert at Grace

    Episcopal Church.

    Saturday, as we entered Grace Epis-

    copal Church for the morning lit-urgy, the executive board of the

    Diocese of Missouri ECW greeted

    us with homemade breads, muffins

    and donut holes to go with the

    morning juice and coffee. It was

    welcoming and gracious (root

    word: grace).

    The Rt. Rev. George Wayne Smith

    presided over the liturgy. (It is

    grace to have the support of the

    bishop!) The Rev. Elizabeth Bowen

    served as deacon. (What a beautiful

    presence she is!) The gospel reading

    was from Luke 10: 38-42. This is

    the story of two sisters, Martha and

    Mary, who present contrasting atti-

    tudes toward life and the presence

    of Jesus in their home. Our preacher,

    The Rev. Renee Fenner, used grace,

    humor and enthusiasm to inspire and

    provoke thought.

    At 11:15 a.m. (yes it is only 11:15

    am!!) I already am over-filled with

    grace. Our first workshop, Self De-

    fense for Women, was led by Sgt. Cath-

    erine Dennis, a 20-year veteran of the

    St. Louis police force. Sgt. Dennis is

    not only a woman of physical

    strength, but also of inner, Christian

    strength. As she demonstrated for us

    ways to physically protect ourselves

    from harm, she also shared some an-

    ecdotes that let us know she was well

    aware of Gods presence in her life

    and work.

    After lunch, Lynda Schultz presented

    the second workshop, Come Clean

    with God. Yes, Lynda works as a pro-fessional house and commercial prop-

    erty cleaner. She shared many practi-

    cal tips and products that she uses in

    her professional work, like using red

    and blue cloths - symbolizing the

    blood of Christ and the waters of

    baptism. Lyndas presentation showed

    Stronger together: notes from ECWs annual meetingus not only the value

    of domestic work,

    but also that God is

    present in all we do.

    Lynda is a woman ofthe millennium,

    working with her

    iPod attached to her

    ear. But instead of

    listening to music,

    she has downloaded the Bible. As she

    works, she hears Gods word every

    minute. What an example of prayer

    without ceasing!

    Workshop number 3: Women - What

    Makes You So Strong?The Rev. Renee

    Fenner helped us find the answer to

    that question within our selves. Using

    the text from todays Gospel, (Luke

    10:38-42 the Martha and Mary story)

    Rev. Fenner gave us 4 questions to

    ponder and discuss in small groups.

    The discussion groups were open and

    honest. All the women knew that what

    was said at the table stayed at the table.

    No need to remind any one of confi-

    dentiality; it is an unspoken by-law.

    After our discussions, Rev. Fenner

    spoke to the gospel. She listed the

    powerful women of the Bible, of

    American History, modern and con-

    temporary history. We were able to

    note that the listed women were notpowerful because of position or

    money but because of their fortitude,

    their strong will and perseverance.

    (These words/traits are in our Baptis-

    mal covenantmore grace). We are

    their descendants. We are women of

    grace. We are Episcopal Church


    Jeanne King (center) enjoys time with new

    friends made at the ECW Annual Meeting.

  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    Bishop Smith to visit St. Martins

    P A G E 5S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

    Church members and residents in West St. Louis

    County can now come to St. Martins for profes-

    sional counseling services. Care and Counseling is

    a not-for-profit interfaith organization offering

    services to children, adults and families in the St.

    Louis area. St. Martins will serve as a satellite of-

    fice for Kavitha Lakshmanan, who holds a Master

    of Social Work degree from Washington Univer-


    Kavitha specializes in treating anxiety, depression,

    grief/loss, adult survivors of abuse or neglect, eat-

    ing and body image issues, adjustment or phase of

    life issues, gay/lesbian/bisexual issues, relationship

    or sexual problems, spiritual issues and racial/

    cultural or immigration issues.

    Care and Counseling comes to St. Martins"I welcome the oppor-

    tunity to work collabo-

    ratively with people of

    diverse backgrounds

    and spiritual beliefs. I

    am honored to have

    the chance to bear

    witness to the lives of people who have demon-

    strated the courage to seek help.

    The Care and Counseling office is located in

    the lower level classroom area of our church

    (next to Music Director Earl Naylors office).

    Kavitha is working part-time hours as she builds her

    client base.

    For more information or to

    schedule and appointment:


    314 - 878 - 4340

    or 1 - 800 - 677 - 3609



    (contd from page 1)

    They need look nothing at all like

    a state occasion and, as the chief

    pastor of the Diocese; I prefer

    not to be treated as a guest.

    We are, all of us, guests at the

    table where Jesus himself is the


    As an extension of presiding at

    the Eucharistic table, where the

    faithful community discerns

    Christs body, present in the sac-

    rament (1 Cor. 11:23-33), my

    intent is also to spend some time

    discerning, with you, the body of

    Christ which is your congrega-


    Our Prayer Book names the

    bishops visitation among the five

    occasions especially fitting for

    Baptism and I want to honor that

    norm in the congregations of this


    The teaching ministry of the

    episcopate means a great deal to

    me. Teaching can be formal or

    informal. It can focus on a local

    need or diocesan life. It can be

    question-and-answer or simple

    dialogue. Whatever the forum, I

    do love to teach.

    Please know that I want to

    meet with the circle of desig-

    nated leaders when I come for a

    visitation. I want to hear fromyou how I and my office might

    better support the mission and

    ministry God has set before you.

    I also want to know what that

    mission and ministry might be,

    as well as the plans you have

    made to accomplish it. The

    work of our Diocese is accom-

    plished most of all through the

    life of congregations, and I want

    to collaborate with those charged

    for the local leadership in every

    one of them.

    I believe that supporting and

    encouraging congregations re-

    quires a bishop to support and

    encourage their ordained leader-


    I look forward to being with the

    people of St. Martins!

    Yours in Christ,

    +Wayne Smith

    We look forward to having all the

    orders of ministry serving to-

    gether around Gods holy table,

    lay persons, the bishop, our

    priest and myself as your deacon!

    Yours in Christs service,

    /Susan Naylor

    Bishop Wayne Smith

    at St. Martins

    Sunday, Dec. 12

    9 a.m.

    Class in Upper Laird

    10:15 a.m.

    Holy Eucharist & Baptism

    11:30 a.m.

    Reception in Park Hall

  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    P A G E 6

    M E S S A G E S

    (contd from page 1)

    Descending, is a great

    summation of this

    days theme.The second Sunday in

    Advent contains a

    unique Gospel reading

    the name of Jesus

    does not appear, and

    he is eluded to only

    near the end of the reading.

    The central character is John

    the Baptist, the voice crying in

    the wilderness. This is a day of

    preparation not for birth, but


    Advent III puts the emphasis

    back on Jesus. When asked if

    he is the messiah, Jesus an-

    swers, "Go and tell John what

    you hear and see: the blind

    receive their sight, the lame

    walk, the lepers are cleansed,

    the deaf hear, the dead are

    raised, and the poor have good

    news brought to them. The

    messenger has prepared the

    way; the King of Glory can en-


    On December 19, the final

    Sunday in Advent, we reach the

    event which we celebrate with

    such joy and amazement, the

    birth of Jesus. Matthew tells the

    story and links it to the proph-

    ecy in Isaiah. Paul tells the Ro-mans that Jesus humanity is

    proved by being born of a de-

    scendent of

    David, just as

    his resurrection

    proves he is the

    Son of God. On

    this Sunday, and

    on Christmas

    Eve and Day,

    we experience

    something only

    Christians can. We travel in

    time! The birth long ago is a

    birth today in our hearts. Joyto the World, the Lord is


    May this coming season be a

    blessing to you all. May you

    receive the babe who comes

    to us, the teacher who

    brought good news to all,

    and the redeemer who saves

    us from our sins. Amen.

    Earl Naylor, Music Director

    Preparing for the birth of Christ

    Free holiday concert comes to St. Martins

    St. Martins will once again

    host the Missouri Choral

    Society Christmas con-

    cert. This years perform-

    ance will be held Saturday,

    Dec. 4 at 7:30 p.m. The

    program features John Rut-

    ters Magnificat and

    twelve Christmas car-

    ols. The longstanding tradi-

    tion of concluding the con-

    cert with a sing-along ver-

    sion of White Christmas

    will be continue and the

    words will be included in

    the program so that every-

    one can participate. There

    is no admission charge and

    all are invited to hear this

    80-voice ensemble. Several

    of our members will be

    singing with the group in-

    cluding Errington Brown,

    Jane Klieve and Jeff Klieve.

    Dr. Kenneth Greenlaw, for-mer choirmaster at St. Mar-

    tins, conducts the

    group. Come hear some

    beautiful music and get in the

    holiday spirit!

    St. Martins hosts

    a free concert by theMissouri Choral Society

    Saturday, Dec. 4

    7:30 p.m.

  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    Christmas pageant set for Christmas Eve

    P A G E 7S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G

    Whether youre a

    toddler or a grand-

    parent, you can bring

    the magic of Christ-mas into your life by

    getting involved in our

    annual Christmas pageant.

    This years 5 p.m. Christmas

    Eve service will feature the

    children and youth of St. Mar-

    tins presenting the traditional

    Christmas story.

    Children ages 4 through 18 areinvited to be a part of our an-

    nual pageant. Ac-

    tors, singers and

    musicians are en-

    couraged to partici-pate. We have a

    role for everyone!

    Adults are also needed to help

    with costumes, props and gen-

    eral shepherding duties.

    Ralph Trieschmann will be

    directing this years perform-

    ance. Rehearsals take place on

    Saturdays and Sundays. You

    must attend at least two re-

    hearsals to participate in the

    production. Please sign up in

    Park Hall to be a part of the


    And even if you dont have any

    kids or grandkids to participate

    in the pageant, join us at the 5

    p.m. service on Christmas Eve

    and share in the magic!

    Faithfully yours,

    Janis Greenbaum,

    Christian Formation Director

    December youth

    group eventsC I R C L E O F C O N C E R N

    S E R V I C E D A Y

    Saturday, Dec. 4

    Noon - 3 p.m.

    RSVP on Facebook

    or e-mail Sean at

    C H R I S T M A S P A R T Y

    Sunday, Dec. 19

    7 - 8:30 p.m.

    St. Martins Youth Room

    RSVP on Facebook

    or e-mail Mike or Ashleigh at

    All middle school and high school

    students are welcome at St. Martins

    youth group events.

    C H R I S T M A S

    P A G E A N T

    S C H E D U L E


    Sat., Dec. 4

    9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

    (speaking parts only)

    Sat., Dec. 11 & 18

    9:30 - 11:30 a.m.

    (all cast)

    Sun., Dec. 19

    9 - 10 a.m.

    (during Sunday School)


    Fri., Dec. 24

    5 p.m.

    (arrive by 4:15 p.m.)

    St. Martins spirit shines through coat drive

    Patrick & Sean Parker help sort and bag coats donated at our second annual youth group coat

    drive, which ran from Oct. 30 - Nov. 14. Thanks to the generosity of many St. Martins mem-

    bers, we contributed 83 new and gently-used coats to the Kurt Warner Winter Warm-Up event.

    The coats will be distributed to families in need throughout the St. Louis area.
  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    P A G E 8

    M E S S A G E S

    Annual meeting set for Jan. 30New vestry members will be elected at the Annual Parish Meeting Jan. 30, 2011, at 10:30 a.m. Four ves-

    try positions are open for three-year terms. According to church law, vestry members must be 18

    years old and a confirmed communicant in good standing. A communicant in good standing is one who

    has a record of working, praying and giving to the parish.

    Potential vestry members need to demonstrate a commitment to Jesus Christ, to St. Martins parish and

    The Episcopal Church; set an example in personal stewardship; be willing to be responsible for manage-

    ment of parish property and finances; be willing to commit to a three-year hands-on term of service;

    and share with clerical leadership and parish leaders in seeking Gods will for St. Martins in setting a vi-

    sion for its mission and ministry.

    Also to be elected is one delegate to diocesan convention and one alternate delegate to diocesan conven-


    You may send your suggestions for potential vestry members to and they

    will be forwarded to the Nominating Committee. You should have the consent of those you nominate

    before nominating them. Please give these elections your prayerful consideration.

    The following ministry leaders should submit reports for the Annual Meeting to by Jan. 19 so they can be included in the report packet:

    Rector ECW Mens Group

    Deacon Evangelism Cmte. Outreach Cmte.

    Senior Warden Eucharistic Visitors Stephen Ministry

    Junior Warden Facilities Cmte. Stewardship Cmte.

    Treasurer/Finance Cmte. Hospitality Cmte. Ushers

    Endowment Fund Lunch Bunch Christian Formation

    Altar Guild Mary & Martha Guild Music

    Schedule forAnnual Meeting

    Sunday, Jan. 30

    9 a.m.Holy Eucharist Rite II

    10 a.m.

    Coffee & Fellowship

    10:30 a.m.Annual Parish


    Caring for people through peopleby Deb Aylsworth

    Even though I walk through the valley of

    the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for

    you are with me; your rod and your staff,

    they comfort me (Psalm 23:4).

    This passage talks about Gods presence

    with us when we are suffering. Just as the

    shepherd carried his rod and staff to protecthis sheep, God carries his rod and staff to

    comfort his people. His presence comforts.

    We are not alone!!! He never leaves us

    alone when we are suffering. Gods presence

    for lonely and suffering people is a powerful

    tool. The physical presence of another caring

    human being can bring significant comfort to

    those who are suffering. Stephen Ministry

    can give you a caring, compassionate, confi-

    dential, person to walk with you in the dark

    valleys, whether you are dealing with family

    issues, professional situations or health con-

    cerns. A Stephen Ministry caregiver has been

    trained to be a listening, non-judgmental com-


    Jesus exemplified care and compassion for

    those who were hurting. Christians are

    called to be Christ to the world by incarnat-

    ing his love wherever there is pain and suffer-

    ing. When Christians love and care for those

    who are hurting, Gods character shines


    For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over

    into our lives, so also through Christ our

    comfort overflows (2 Corinthians 1:5)

    S T E P H E N

    M I N I S T R Y

    L E A D E R S :

    Leanne Lyle


    Barbara McCann


    Mary Pomeroy


    Beverly Weaver


  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    P A G E 1 0

    Lay Ministries Schedule for DecemberD E C E M B E R 5

    8 a.m.

    Lector: Bob ElspermanChalice Bearer: DArcy ElspermanUshers: Jim & Bette CrabtreeGreeter: Elin Cogan-Adewumni

    10:15 a.m.1st Lesson: Jane Klieve2nd Lesson: Rich LuebckePrayer Leader: Tom AllenUshers: Bob Pomeroy, Deanne Orris, Wayne Peters, Steve YoungHealing Ministers: Barb McCann, Mary PomeroyChalice Bearers: Rich Luebcke, Tom AllenAcolytes: Ellie Ecker, Kiki Cogan, Abby TrieschmannGreeters: Nancy & Steve YoungChildrens Worship Leader: Teresa ReevesCW Assistants: Matthew Greenbaum, Gina GarboNursery: Jody Mena

    Eucharistic Visitors: Ray Harbert, Nancy Young

    D E C E M B E R 1 2

    8 a.m.Lector & Chalice Bearer:Jim CrabtreeUshers: Rich & Honor Hebenstreit

    10:15 a.m.

    1st Lesson: Rina Chittooran2nd Lesson: Mary K HeydePrayer Leader: Daryl NormanUshers: Barbara Bartelsmeyer, Tom & Sandy Baranowski, SarahAlemanHealing Ministers: Bev Weaver, Diana HauserChalice Bearers: Mary K Heyde, Daryl NormanAcolytes: Evan Fencl, Grace Gerretsen, Lindsey PetersGreeters: Mopsi & Jack HanleyChildrens Worship Leader: Julie ClarkCW Assistants: Mackenzie Morrison, Kiki CoganNursery: Jody Mena, Alice McLaughlinEucharistic Visitors: Mary K Heyde, Phyllis Duff

    D E C E M B E R 1 9

    8 a.m.Lector & Chalice Bearer: Daryl NormanUshers: Bob & Ginny MarchettoGreeter: Elin Cogan-Adewumni

    10:15 a.m.1st Lesson: Maxine Heller2nd Lesson: Judi BatchPrayer Leader: Chuck BatchUshers: Rich Brown, Larry Cornelius, Mary Jane Drake,

    Jean DuPont

    (Dec. 19/10:15 contd.)Healing Ministers: Leanne Lyle, Barb McCannChalice Bearers: Judi & Chuck BatchAcolytes: Grace Gerretsen, Ellie Ecker, Abby TrieschmannGreeters: Carole GerretsenChildrens Worship Leader: Terri GarboCW Assistants: Mike Peters, Will Gerretsen

    Nursery: Jody Mena, Alice McLaughlinEucharistic Visitors: Leslie Pattengill, Rebecca Barger

    D E C E M B E R 2 4 - C H R I S T M A S E V E

    5 p.m.

    1st Lesson: Tom Allen2nd Lesson: Bob BuehlerPrayer Leader: Daryl NormanUshers: Steve Gillies, Bob McElroy, Wayne Peters, Jean DuPonChalice Bearers: Bob Buehler, Daryl NormanAcolytes: Lindsey Peters, Abby Trieschmann, Mackenzie MorrNursery:Jody Mena

    11 p.m.1st Lesson: Rina Chittooran2nd Lesson:Jane KlievePrayer Leader: Rich LuebckeUshers: Bob & Linda Huheey, Bob & Jan WatersChalice Bearers:Jane Klieve, Rich LuebckeAcolytes: tba

    D E C E M B E R 2 5 - C H R I S T M A S D A Y

    10 a.m.Lessons & Chalice Bearer:Jack HauserAcolytes: tba

    D E C E M B E R 2 6

    8 a.m.

    Lector:Jeanne KingChalice Bearer: Lou VoitUshers: Bob & Jan WatersEucharistic Visitor: Mary Richardson

    10:15 a.m.

    1st Lesson: Ray Harbert2nd Lesson: Janis GreenbaumPrayer Leader: Kurt Greenbaum

    Ushers: Bob Pomeroy, Rich Eidson, Chuck Batch, Steve YoungHealing Ministers: Mary Pomeroy, Judi BatchChalice Bearers: Janis & Kurt GreenbaumAcolytes: Matt Greenbaum, Mackenzie Morrison, Kiki CoganGreeters: Mary K & Erv HeydeChildrens Worship Leader: Debbie GlazerCW Assistants: Abby Trieschmann, Gina GarboNursery: Jody Mena

    If you cannot serve your on an assigned date, please get a substitute and notify the church of the change (636-227-1484).If you have any special scheduling needs please contact:Readers, Chalice Bearers, Ushers: Ruby Downs, 636-458-5033 /;Acolytes: Bob Ecker, 636-230-7302 /;

    Greeters: Mary K Heyde, 636-532-9345 /;Childrens Worship & Nursery: Janis Greenbaum, 314-651-1843 /
  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    S T M A R T I N S C H U R C H . O R G P A G E 1 1





















    4 9:30am-Pageant






































































































































  • 8/8/2019 December St. Martin's Episcopal Church Newsletter


    15764 Clayton Road

    Ellisville, Mo., 63011-2330


    Phone: 636-227-1484E-mail:

    St. Martins Episcopal Church

    W O R S H I P S C H E D U L E

    S U N D A Y M O R N I N G S

    8 a.m. - Holy Eucharist I

    9 a.m. - Christian Formation

    10:15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist II

    W E D N E S D A Y S

    Noon - Holy Eucharist II





    Say it with flowersEach Sunday you have an opportunity to honor or remember

    loved ones with altar flowers - the perfect way to remember an

    anniversary, honor a graduate, say thank you in a special way,

    or celebrate a special birthday.

    There is a new flower chart on the wall next to the tract rack in

    the narthex. If you wish to donate to the flower fund by spon-

    soring altar flowers, please write your name beside the date you

    want. Multiple sponsors can sign up for a Sunday. (Note that

    there are no sponsorship Sundays in Lent this year.)

    2010 Christmas Flowers Coupon

    Please complete this coupon and your contribution with Christmas Flower on your checks memo line.

    Either put both in the offering plate during a service or mail to the church office.

    Your Name ______________________________________________________________________

    Please circle:

    Given in Thanksgiving Memory Celebration of / for


    You will receive a letter from the church office the month be-

    fore the Sunday you chose. Please complete the form with the

    purpose of your remembrance / celebration about the flowersfor the bulletin and include a tax-deductible donation to the

    flower fund of $30 (minimum) and mail it back to the church

    office. The flower fund provides flowers at the altar each Sunday

    throughout the year.

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