december 2013 saints alive-3 · in the evening as you go to sleep: blessed be god forever; come...

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Saints Alive! All Saints’ Episcopal Church 121 North Main Street, Attleboro, MA 02703 508-222-2233 December 2013

Mission Statement

We are one with the Spirit, We are one with the Lord,

We are a renewed community of Faith

A nurturing family called to share the Lord’s message of Love, Compassion, and


From Our Priest-In-Charge

Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

I’ll admit it. Despite my best hopes, I’m usually never very present to or aware of Advent. Christmas always seems to catch me by surprise. As the semester winds down, my stacks of student papers and exams to grade grow higher and higher. Final grades are due on December 21st, and that’s about when I’ll feel like I can stop and breathe. Many in our community experience something similar. There are trees to decorate, cookies to bake, shopping to do, presents to wrap, concerts to attend, the annual LaSalette pilgrimage to make, etc. etc. etc., in addition to already-present family and work responsibilities. “Getting ready for the holidays” can be kind of maddening. During Advent many in our community also experience quite pointedly and painfully the burdens and hurts of illness, of fractured relationships, of loneliness, and of memories of better times when loved ones were alive, when friends and family were united, when the world may have made more sense. We’re confronted with the juxtapositions of how we think things ought to be, how we’re told things ought to be, and how they may actually be. For many people and for varied reasons, the best thing about “the holidays” is when they end. Into the mix of these thoughts and feelings, the Church invites us to slow down, to take heed, to be aware, to live in the midst of pregnant expectation for the birth of Jesus, divine love made incarnate in the world. In the four Sundays in Advent, we will be performing an Advent Wreath Lighting Liturgy in which we will pray together Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come. Perhaps this simple prayer that invites Jesus into your life can companion you this Advent:

In the morning when you arise:

Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come In the evening as you go to sleep:

Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come During the day as you eat your meals:

Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come In moments of joy and laughter:

Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

Table of Contents From Our Priest-in-Charge 1 From Our Pastoral Associate 2 From Our Deacon 3 Prayer for Calling of Bishop Coadjutor 3 Co-Wardens Report 4 Reflections on a Season 5 Birthday List 5 Christian Education 5 Stewardship 6 Contact Information 6 Prayer List 7 Pledge Ingathering, Stone Soup & Saints 8 Christmas Fair 2013 9 Vestry Minutes 10 Events Quick List 12 Ministry Opportunities 13 Calendar 14

All Saints’ Leadership Co-Wardens

Marian Cote’ & Lyn Darling

Clerk Martha Lingard


Evelyn Sanford

Vestry Members Judy Little

Richard DeCusati Barbara Boynton


In moments of sadness, pain, and desolation: Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

When thinking about someone you don’t particularly like: Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

When thinking about someone you love: Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

When the suffering and pain of the world confront, compel, and overwhelm your heart and mind: Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

When injustice enrages you: Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

In moments when you don’t know what to say or what to feel: Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

In any situation and at any time: Blessed be God forever; Come Lord Jesus, Come

Advent prepares us to make a home in our hearts and minds for Jesus, whose love and compassion can heal and liberate a hurting world. May this simple prayer prepare us to welcome Emmanuel.

In peace,

Meghan +

From Our Pastoral Associate

By the time you read this we will be beginning Advent, a time of waiting and preparation for the great feast of Christmas. It is often a hectic time, but I hope that each of you will find time to set aside to reflect on what the true meaning of Christmas is. I, personally, will spend a quiet morning with the Sisters of St. Margaret in Duxbury and another quiet day with my clergy support group at Miramar Retreat Center. Taking this time helps to slow me down a bit - always important to me during these busy seasons.

I continue to visit our shut-ins each month, which I enjoy very much. It is nice to visit with them and hopefully help them to feel that they are still an important part of our congregation - even though they can’t be with us each Sunday to worship. Keep them in your prayers, as I know you do.

Blessings and peace to each of you in this Advent season.

Rev. Billie+


From Our Deacon I am almost drawn to some sort of reflection on the birth of Jesus and his life and ministry. It seems somehow unavoidable that, with the Christmas season near, a reflection on how God’s grace and love for us all in the gift of that child should be offered. It is after all the right thing to do, but I won’t. I will leave those thoughts and words to others and rather offer you one word that has found its way deep into my heart this past year with you and that word is trust. You have trusted in your lay leadership as they have tackled the difficult work of guiding you through so many things including building maintenance and repair. You have trusted. You have trusted each other. In all the work here, the fairs, the celebrations, the joys and the challenges, you have trusted that together much gets done. You have trusted that inviting low income families into this place and by working with other faith communities that you would find a new and rewarding way to be a people of welcome through your new mission “One Family”. I have seen it often over this past year. A people so filled with trust that blessings just seem to pour down on you and that is powerful. Your trust that God loves you and provides for you is nothing short of an amazing witness to life, new life. Let’s just call it Christmas life. I feel it happening, I see it happening and I know it will continue. Trust.

Rev. Ron Tibbetts  

Almighty God, giver of every good gift: We thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus Christ, and for the witness of your whole church in his name. We thank you for your Holy Spirit, empowering us for ministry. So guide the hearts and minds of all those who shall choose a bishop in this diocese and those who will respond to the call, that we may receive a faithful pastor who will care for your people. May our discernment transform our spirits and draw us closer to you, Almighty God. Amen.

Prayer for the Calling of a

Bishop Diocesan


Co-Wardens’ Report We would like to thank Evelyn and ALL her many “helpers” who helped to make our Christmas Fair a huge success! Each of you contributes in so many ways, which goes to the old adage “that many hands make light work.” Aside from the monetary gain, we personally found it to be such an enjoyable time! It’s nice spending the day with friends! Thanks to the Diocesan Green Grant of $10,000 and the additional contributions to our maintenance fund, we are nearing completion of updating our heating and electrical systems. Paul Johnston of Arrow Plumbing and Heating completely overhauled our boiler. He cleaned and rebuilt the individual circulator pumps and removed the old hot water heater and expansion tanks and replaced them with efficient models. While we have a few areas that we are still working on, overall the system appears to be operating efficiently. Brian Hicks of BRH Electrical Services reworked our wiring system as needed. He installed all new “smart” thermostats, which can be programmed to manage the heat demand of our building schedule. Brian has added timers for the front lights and the spotlight on our “Good Shepherd” window so that they will be lit during the evening. We would also like to thank Bill Darling for cleaning and painting our front door lights. Our front doors are nearing completion as Peter Paltrineri has installed the weather stripping and secured the doors for winter. He will return in the spring to repaint the doors and install the drip molding over the doors. As a side project to the doors, we removed the stucco on that wall due to the deterioration. We found that the wood under the ‘old’ stucco was rotting from years of moisture seeping in. So we rebuilt the interior wall with new materials and added a concrete lip at the base to prevent further water seepage. While the wall was open, Quality Insulation was able to blow in a substantial amount of insulation to that section. Henry Caetano of Caetano’s DPS, Inc. replaced the stucco which was an amazing process. We are grateful to Mr. Caetano who “gifted” a portion of his bill back to the Church. When we noticed the issue with our stucco, we called the Church Insurance Co. to see if they could help us in any way with the expense. While the stucco was not covered, the representative, Jeff Staples, noticed the problem with the shingles missing from our roof and the water damage on the ceiling in the Peck Street vestibule. We have received a check for $2,450.00 to repair the roof, etc. Cameron Roofing will be in the first week of December to complete the roof repair, which will include the installation of new flashing in the crevice by the tower. They will also be installing new gutters at the front door to eliminate the flow of water on the wall and walkway. As we proceed into the holidays, we are hopeful that we can take a rest from projects to enjoy our family time! We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Marian & Lyn


December 1 – Martha Lingard December 5 – John Lingard December 5 – Ellen Parker

December 12 – Rev. Billie Mae Gordon December 15 – Pat Clapp

December 20 – Marian Cote’ January 1 – Barbara Dykas

1/3 – Katharine Cote’ 1/9 – Deidre Scott

1/13 – James T. Scott

Reflections on a Season By Jim Azevedo

Oh, for if I could have A year of Decembers, Of Christmas cards and carols, Of tributes to peace and joy, And born-again in New Year’s hopes. But, no, then the holidays would be but common days, Forgotten amidst the rush-rush timetable of days – month – a year! No, keep the Yuletide as one time, Celebrated as special time, With the pure powder of season’s snow, Laid-out as nature’s altar cloth For the year-end service Of renewal and rebirth. Yes, even nations call a cease-fire, And men of all castes and colors Speak universally, Feliz Navidad -- Joyeux Noel – Merry Christmas! So, on Noel’s eve, light the Yule log, And let the season’s hearth warm men’s hearts. For a fortnight, let us celebrate humanity – Be it from your god or mine – When the up-and-coming Touch the down-and-out. But do not despair at Christmas passing. In your album, keep those season’s snapshots – Color prints of green, red and white, Captured by the mind’s eye, And reflect on them happily In a quiet moment, Be that as it May… Or June! To uplift the spirit. Shalom…Peace.

Christian Education

Our Confirmation Class members continue to work on their service activities within the church. Godly Play classes for the younger set will spend December discovering the stories of Advent beginning with the prophecies and ending quietly as we all await that special birth. Classes take place during the 10AM service. Nursery care is available every Sunday morning as well.

Marian Cote’ Sunday School Coordinator


IMPORTANT CONTACT INFORMATION Priest- in-Charge: The Rev. Meghan Sweeney (857) 225-0243 cell

E-mail: Pastoral Associate: The Rev. Billie Mae Gordon (617) 584-2737 cell

(508) 923-6953 home E-mail: Deacon: The Rev. Ron Tibbetts (774) 210-0284 cell

(508) 695-2225 home E-mail:

Co-Wardens: Lyn Darling (508) 222-4900 E-mail: Marian Cote’ (508) 223-1891

Email: Secretary: Robin Miller (508) 222-2233 New Email Address! E-mail:

Stewardship “You shall take some of the first of all the fruit of the ground, which you harvest from your land that the Lord your God gives you ….. And you shall rejoice in all the good the Lord your God has given.” (Deuteronomy 26: 1, 11) As Deuteronomy tells us, you have taken some of the first fruit and set it before the altar of God. And you have done this generously! Our fruit basket is full. At this time, our ingathering of pledges totals $42,160. New and increased pledges total $8,265. With the Diocesan match of $4,000 for increased and new pledges, our current pledged income for 2014 is $46,160. I feel blessed and grateful to be a part of this All Saints’ community.

In Gratitude, Judy Little

Chairperson, Stewardship Committee


In your prayers, please remember: Bobby, Chrissy, Alec, Phillip, Terry, the Juaire family, Norma & Bill, Jim, Al & Cindy, Aaron, Bishop Tom, Bishop Gayle, Judith, Matthew, Pat & Tom, Amber & Mary, Peter, Jane, Phillip Lyons, Jane-Ann & Lisa, Carol, Dave, Madeline, Debbie, Barbara, Billy, Ruth, Marion, Bob, Norma, and Anonymous.

We also remember and pray for all our men and women in the military and for those who strive for justice and peace throughout the world.

If you would like to add someone to the Prayer List, please contact the Church Office at 508 222-2233 or

Judy Little will be taking orders for Christmas Flower Memorials until Sunday, December 15th. The cost of the poinsettias remains the same so the donation is $20. You can see Judy after church or can reach her at 508-226-1943 or .

Tuesday, December 24th

Christmas Eve Service

5:30PM – Carols

6:00PM - Worship


Now the birth of Jesus the Messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: "Look, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,

and they shall name him Emmanuel," which means, "God is with us." When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife, but had no marital relations with her until she had borne a son; and he named him Jesus.

Matthew 1:18-25

Pledge Ingathering, Stone Soup & Saints Sunday, November 17th, was a special day at All Saints’. We celebrated our Pledge Ingathering by offering our pledges to God during the Liturgy. The fruit basket, representing returning our gifts of the first fruit back to God, looks abundantly full. Following the service we shared a community meal of Stone Soup and enjoyed each other’s company while playing “Saint” (a wonderful version of Bingo created and produced by our Confirmands).

The “caldron” of stone soup, full of vegetables, turkey, chicken and kielbasa - and a stone, of course - simmered away while we were in worship. Since many people contributed an ingredient, the pot was full almost to overflowing. We surely had an abundance, enough for seconds and leftovers. Our Confirmands really topped off the day with their game of “Saint”. They came up with the idea while working at the Fair. With their computer expertise, they created and printed the “Saint” bingo cards. And they continued to be creative with stones for markers and prizes made with decorative jars, filled with stones on the bottom and candies on top. Following the moral of Stone Soup, “a greater good (and a great time for all!) was achieved by working together, with everyone contributing what they can”.  


2013 Christmas Fair

On Saturday, November 9th All Saints’ experienced one of those joyful little miracles that make a big impact on many people. Our Christmas Fair was a special day of community and church family. The warmth and love that we share spread out to our Fair guests, and they were touched by the welcome they received entering our building, the smiling faces greeting them as they shopped Yvonne’s Attic and the Book Room, and the happy salutations as they came into the Undercroft. Many of those attending the Fair commented that we were friendly and cheerful and it was a treat to be at our Fair. We took some chances at this year’s Fair. We decided to have everything on one floor. We tried to limit the number of raffle baskets/items. We served lunch from the Kitchen for people to enjoy in a Café’ area set up in the Undercroft. Change isn’t easy. But we made a choice to embrace it, go with it and do our best to make it work. And it was a great success. We got to know each other better. We worked alongside someone we hadn’t worked with before. We supported each other when a break was needed. We opened our arms to the Attleboro community and gave them the gift of ourselves – talk about taking chances – we gave them the experience of seeing authentic people of faith, doing their best to live and share their faith in the everyday world. Our hard work raised total of $4,300+ – remaining holiday crafts can still be purchased during Coffee Hour in Parish Hall, so money is still coming in. The Raffles brought in $2,374 – many positive comments were made that our Raffle baskets are the best of all the Fairs in the area. Thank you to everyone who made this Fair so successful. To those who worked on crafts, donated raffle baskets, ran the elevator, worked at a table or room on Fair day, prepared lunch, helped set up and helped clean up. Your contribution made the 2013 Christmas Fair one we will remember. A follow-up meeting to review the Fair will be scheduled soon for a Sunday in mid-January (following morning Liturgy). Please plan to be there to share your thoughts and Fair experience. And your ideas for our 2014 Christmas Fair.


All Saints’ Episcopal Church Vestry Meeting Minutes October 22, 2013

Present: Rev. Meghan Sweeney, Rev. Ron Tibbetts, Barbara Boynton, Marian Coté, Lyn Darling, Richard DeCusati, Judy Little, Martha Lingard, Evelyn Sanford. The meeting began at 7:00 with opening prayer led by Barbara. Minutes: The minutes from the September 24, 2013 were reviewed and accepted with the correction of the spelling of Helen Netos name. Financial Reports: Treasurer’s Report: Evelyn distributed the Profit & Loss statements for September and year to date, the budget vs. actual report, 2013 grants, the Monthly Review report and theTreasurer’s Report. Rich moved and Marian 2nd to accept the treasurer’s reports. Finance Committee Report: Lyn reported that we are ahead of budget, but still showing a deficit of about $2,500 each month. To cover monthly operating expenses and in anticipation of up coming building repairs the Finance Committee recommended that we take $20,000 from the DIT Fund. Lyn noted that we have made back in interest the full amount withdrawn last year. Following discussion, Martha moved to accept the Finance Committee’s recommendation to withdraw $20,000 from the DIT fund. Rich 2nd and the motion passed unanimously. 2012 Audit Update: Rev. Meghan reported that she has talked with the Diocese and the audit report should be ready next week. Also, it was noted that we are up to date with the 2011 audit. Assessment Update: Rev. Meghan reported that the Diocese has negated all back balances so we are up to date. Our application for an abatement of the 2014 assessment has been accepted, so the rate will be $3,818.00, which represents an $1,100.00 reduction. Ongoing Programs and Concerns: Parish Programs: Stewardship: Judy reported that the introductory letter for this year’s stewardship campaign have gone out and the ingathering will be on November 17th. Pledge cards will be mailed in advance of the ingathering. Christmas Fair: Evelyn announced that we have 25 raffle items, but we are in need of additional cash for the money wreath. The fair will be on one floor and there will be elevator operators to assist. Marian will contact the Boy Scouts to request assistance for set up on Thursday and clean up on Saturday. Christian Education:

• Marian is ready to roll with Godly Play, but is waiting for children. • Rev. Megan announced that confirmation is May 17th at Holy Spirit Church in Orleans.

One Family: Rev. Ron announced the next event is November 23rd. He will be preaching about the program at Good Shepherd church this Sunday. He has spoken with Diocese and grant money looks very promising. Worship:

• Rev. Megan is looking into a digital piano that can also play recorded music. She is hopeful that a grant will cover the expense.

• Rev. Ron announced that Prayer and Praise is temporarily on hold because of all the activities going on. He expects to resume sometime after the New Year.

• Robin will be making calls or sending e-mails during the week to remind worship participants that are scheduled for the upcoming Sunday.

• Men’s & Women’s Gatherings: The next men's gathering is scheduled for this Sunday at Albertos. The League of Her Own gathering was also scheduled for Sunday, but has been cancelled.


• The VPOD (Vestry Person of the Day) schedule is complete through November, so the new schedule will be circulated at the November vestry meeting.

Diocesan Events/Programs: • The Diocesan Convention is November 2, 2013 in Boston and is open to all. • All Saints/All Souls day will be celebrated on November 3, 2013. Parishioners are invited

to dress as their favorite saint and bring in pictures of loved ones. • The Hartford Institute is meeting on October 26, 2013. Judy volunteered to attend with

Rev. Meghan. • There will be a special convention for the election of the Bishop Co-Adjutor on April 5,

2014 and the ordination will be at the Agganis Arena at BU on September 13, 2014. Building Issues:

• Lyn reviewed the status of the Green Grant Improvements. The front door is moving along, but the wood frame is rotted and is being restored. During this process issues with the stucco were revealed and will need to be addressed. Lyn is gathering quotes for the stucco repair and insulation for this area. New thermostats have been purchased and will be installed shortly, along with the bleeding of the pipes.

• Rev. Meghan announced that Jack Graham has been hired as the Sexton for a six week trial period.

Safe Church Policy: Rev. Meghan is working on the Safe Church policy and will e-mail the policy to us upon completion. New Business:

• To provide stability, Rev. Meghan asked that the Vestry members prayerfully consider staying on the Vestry for one more year.

• The computer in the Treasurer’s office appears to be on its last legs. After discussion Martha moved to purchase a computer for the Treasurer’s office, spending up to $650.00. Marian 2nd and motion passed unanimously.

• There was an announcement in the Sun Chronicle that the Church of God was having a yard sale and flu clinic. Rev. Meghan has spoken with them about discussing publicity with us prior to making announcements.

• The Al-Anon contract is coming up for renewal. Lyn moved to renew the Al-Anon contract for one year, noting their meetings are held on Wednesdays from 7:00 – 9:30 pm, including the set up. The expectation is that they will make a $50.00 donation for each meeting. Evelyn 2nd and the motion passed unanimously.

• Rev. Meghan announced that 12 people participated in Crop Walk last Sunday. • Evelyn is requesting new accounting software and she will look into Peachtree and

compare it to Quick books. Reports:

• Wardens’ Report: Lyn read a thank you note from the Church of God for our flexibility with extra time. The note will be posted on the bulletin board.

• Rev. Meghan led a discussion regarding the recent Vestry retreat. The feedback was very positive with comments like it was interesting to hear about other member history with the church, the camaraderie was nice and it made us think.

Rev. Meghan closed the meeting by leading us in Evening Prayer.

Respectfully submitted,

Martha Lingard, Clerk


“And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”

Dr. Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Canticle 15

The Song of Mary - Magnificat Luke 1:46-55

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior;

for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed:

the Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is his Name. He has mercy on those who fear him

in every generation. He has shown the strength of his arm,

he has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,

and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.

He has come to the help of his servant Israel, for he has remembered his promise of mercy,

The promise he made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children for ever.

Fall-Winter Events – Quick List!

December 1: Make your own Advent Candle Wreath after Church December 8: Celebration of St. Nicholas Day December 24: 5:30PM Carols, 6:00PM Worship January 20: Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Worship Service January 25: One Family 9AM-11AM in the Undercroft



Acolytes We are thankful for our acolytes, including crucifiers, who assist at the altar on Sunday mornings. If you have a child in 6th grade or older, he/she is eligible to serve in this ministry. For more information, contact Rev. Meghan. Sunday School Would you be interested in teaching a structured Sunday School program? Please speak with Marian Cote’. Fellowship Coffee Hour is held after services on Sunday mornings in the Parish Hall. Please wear your name tag – or see a Vestry member if you don’t have one. Volunteers are needed – see Lyn Darling or Marian Cote’. Lay Eucharistic Ministers Lay Eucharistic Ministers are those that help our priest lead Sunday worship services. Duties include administering the chalice during the Holy Eucharist. If interested, see Rev. Meghan.

Nursery A safe and caring environment is provided for children through the age of 3 during the 10AM service. Attleboro Area Council of Churches Boxes of cereal, juice boxes and non-perishable food items are being collected by the Attleboro Area Council of Churches. If you can donate to this on–going project, please bring the items to church and leave them on the pew in the back of the church. Ushers & Greeters Ushers and Greeters welcome parishioners and guests and perform various functions during services. Volunteers are always needed. Contact Rev. Meghan. Property and Grounds The Property and Grounds committee is responsible for the care of our Church building and grounds which include, but not limited to, maintenance, minor repairs, and grounds care. Contact Marian Cote’. Lectors If you don’t mind reading in front of others, this ministry is for you. Lectors read the appointed lessons and prayers during the Sunday Worship Service. If interested, speak with Rev. Meghan. Altar Guild & Altar Flowers Please speak with Elaine Blackburn and Becky Dailey if you are interested in ministering through the Altar Guild. For Altar Flowers, contact Judy Little at 508 226-1943 to discuss open Sundays. A $35 memorial donation for flowers is requested.

If you would like to contribute to the ongoing relief efforts in the Philippines, please consider donating through Episcopal Relief & Development, or call 855 312-4325.


Calendar for December 2013

Church of God – Every Sunday – 2-5PM

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1

First Sunday of


10AM Morning Liturgy

Make Your Own Advent Wreath


7-9pm Cub Scouts


7-9pm Church of God


7-9pm Al-Anon


7-9pm Boy Scouts

7-9pm Church of God


Bishop Nicholas



Second Sunday of Advent

10am Morning


St. Nicholas Day Fun!


7-9pm Cub Scouts


7-9pm Church of God


7-9pm Al-Anon


7-9pm Boy Scouts

7-9pm Church of God


7-9pm Church of God



Third Sunday of Advent

10am Morning



7-9pm Cub Scouts


5pm Finance Committee

7pm Vestry


Church of God


7-9pm Al-Anon


7-9pm Boy Scouts

7-9pm Church of God


7-9pm Church of God



Fourth Sunday of Advent

10am Morning



7-9pm Cub Scouts


Christmas Eve

5:30pm Carols 6pm Christmas Eve



Christmas Day

7-9pm Al-Anon

26 January

Newsletter Deadline – 12


7-9pm Church of God


St. John, Apostle and Evangelist

7-9pm Church of God


Holy Innocents


First Sunday after Christmas

10am Morning




New Year’s Eve

7-9pm Church of God


New Year’s Day

The Holy Name


7-9pm Boy Scouts

7-9pm Church of God


7-9pm Church of God


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