debbie watkin - realms, achievement - class of professor william allan kritsonis

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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Interjecting Change:  A Model for Student

Improvement Utilizing the Ways of  KnowingThrough the Realms of Meaning as a

Framework for Student Success andAchievement

resented !"

#e!!ie $atkins

$illiam Allan %ritsonis& h#rofessor

h# rogram in 'ducational (eadership)AMU * +he +e,as A-M Universit" S"stem

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The Problem

• Higher level learningskills are not beingsuccessfully mastered

by a significantnumber of our highschool and collegeage students.

•New approaches areneeded to facilitatehigher levels ofretention and learning.

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Evidence of Needed Improvements in

acilitating New Educational ormats

• !any students are notable to apply theirknowledge successfully tohigh stakes standardi"edtests necessary tograduate from high schoolor enter college withoutneeding developmentalclasses to bring them upto an acceptable level for

successful studentachievement in the highschool or collegeclassroom.

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Purpose of the #tudy

• The purpose of this study is to utili"e a

concept mapping strategy as an

intervention tool in student learning and

test to see if there is a significant

difference in a student$s knowledge and

understanding of academic topics when

utili"ing this strategical intervention.

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%esearch &uestions

• Is there a relationship between utili"ing the Ways of

Knowing Through The Realms of Meaning  !odel and

#tudent achievement'

• (hat is the student$s perception on the effectiveness of

the (ays of )nowing Through the %ealms of !eaning 

!odel in their educational learning process'

• How do teachers perceive the effectiveness of the (ays

of )nowing Through the %ealms of !eaning !odel and

their teaching instruction'

• *oes the understanding and application of the si+

%ealms of !eaning enhance student performance'

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,iterature %eview

• -The impossible made possible / method for

measuring change in conceptual understanding

in undergraduate science studies0 •

#umitra Himangshu1 Ph*1 !acon #tate 2ollege

•  / study that e+amined change in conceptual

knowledge of scientific concepts using concept

mapping.• #tudy was e+tensive1 nationwide and funded by

a grant.  2ontact has been made with her *issertation 2hair and an attempt has been

made to speak with *r. Himangshu who is out of the country.

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,iterature %eview

• “Effects of advance organizers on learning

and retention from a fully Web-based

Class 3aiyun 2hen1 Ph* 45niversity of 2entral lorida

The purpose of this study is to investigate how

advanced organi"ers1 both visual and te+t base

affect a students$ knowledge ac6uisition andapplication in two post7tests.

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,iterature %eview

• -2oncept map used in reading English as

a foreign language at the university level0

,i Han1 Ph*1 Indiana #tate 5niversity0

-The influence of continuous concept map

construction on the information seeking


,i Han1 Ph*1 Indiana #tate 5niversity0

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Need for the #tudy

• #tudent need to improve study1 knowledgeretention1 and application skills for theenhancement of student success and


• %esearch is needed to determine what

interventions can be successful with bothat7risk1 main7stream1 and advanced levelstudents.

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 /usabel$s  /ssimilation Theory

-The Theory of !eaningful ,earning0




Seven 'ight





 /ssimilation Theory

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%e" Concepts inAssimilation +heor"

• 8. #ubsumption 4 E+isting 2oncepts are #ubsumers of New 2oncepts

• 9. *erivative #ubsumption 4 New )nowledge /ttached to Previous


• :. 2orrelative #ubsumption 4 /lter or E+tend 2oncept )nowledgeleading

to higher level cognitive thinking

• ;. <bliterative #ubsumption 4 *egree of !eaningfulness

• =. Progressive *ifferentiation 4 Elaboration of !eaningful ,earning

• >. Integrative %econciliation 4 2ognitive *ifferentiation

• ?. #uperordinate ,earning 4 New 2oncepts are ,earned

• @. /dvance <rgani"ers

• 8. Identify relevant propositional and conceptual knowledge of


• 9. New )nowledge must be properly organi"ed.

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Aardner$s !ultiple Intelligences Theory and the %ealms of !eaning

Intelligence Type 2apability and Perception %ealm

,inguistic (ordsB,anguage #ymbolics

,ogicalB!athematical ,ogic and Number #ymbolics

!usical !usic1 sound1 rhythm Esthetics

3odily7)inesthetic 3ody !ovement 2ontrol Esthetics

#patial7Cisual Images and #pace Esthetics

Interpersonal <ther people$s feelings #ynnoetics

Intrapersonal #elf7/wareness #ynnoetics

Naturalist Natural Environment Empirics

#piritualBE+istential %eligion and 5ltimateIssues


!oral Ethics1 humanity1 value oflife Ethics

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.f Understanding


The #tudy

3ased on the (ays of )nowing Through the%ealms of !eaning

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High #chool


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High #chool %andom #ampling of

 /t7%isk1 Aeneral Education1 /ndAifted and Talented #tudents

#tudy will begin with in7depth knowledge of

student level of performance and learning

styles and perceptions transcripts1

student interviews1 pre7tests in area being

tested and administration of Aardner$s!ultiple Intelligence Theory test.

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 /ssessment Transfer 

•  /ssessment %esults (ill 3e Transferred

to <ne of #i+ %ealms !odel 2oncept

!aps and %eviewed by Trained Teacher$s

(ho (ill Evaluate the ,evel of ,earning


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<ther %ealms to 3e

Incorporated Into !odel

• Esthetics

0Music& )isual

Arts& Arts ofMovement&(iterature

• Ethics

0 Moral %nowledge

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• Intervention will be initiated based on Realms of Knowledge 2urriculum 3ooks

•  / Post Test will be given /fter Intervention to determine if studentlearning has been affected by testing interventions applied.

•  / &ualitative #urvey1 based on established Teaching and ,earning&uestionnaires will be given to students to assess their perceptionof the effectiveness of the intervention.

• inal interviews with students and teachers participating in the studywill be completed to assess the study and its affect on the student$slearning and academic success in gaining new knowledge andapplying this knowledge to higher levels of critical thinking andapplication have been achieved.

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 /fter the study1 these 6uestions should be

able to be answered.

Is there a relationship between utili"ing the

(ays of )nowing Through The %ealms of

!eaning !odel and #tudent achievement'

(hat is the student$s perception on the

effectiveness of the (ays of )nowing

Through the %ealms of !eaning !odel in

their educational learning process'

How do teachers perceive the

effectiveness of the (ays of )nowing

Through the %ealms of !eaning !odel and

their teaching instruction'

*oes the understanding and application of

the si+ %ealms of !eaning enhance

student performance'

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Arades )789

#pecial Education #tudents

E#, #tudents

!ainstream #tudentsAifted and Talented

2ommunity 2ollege

*evelopmental 2lasses

Traditional 2ollege 2lasses %e6uiring /dvanced ,evels of 2ognitive Thinking

and /cademic /pplication

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