david w. deeds: aie world conference 2016: engaging with digital difference

Post on 23-Jan-2018






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Engaging with

Digital Difference

David W. Deeds

Technology Integrator

Alliance for

International Education

World Conference


Engaging with Digital Difference


• Technology Integrator/Teacher for Yew Wah

International Education School of Yantai, China

• 15 years in education, 50-50 higher ed and K-12

• PhD in Educational Technology, MS degrees in

Education and Software Engineering

• Regular international edtech conference presenter

Engaging with Digital Difference

Recent Presentations



Engaging with Digital Difference

Recent Presentations



Engaging with Digital Difference

Your students are (almost!) ready for technology

integration. Are your administrators and teachers

ready? Do you have checklists?

Engaging with Digital Difference


• Is technology integration your #1 budget priority?

• Is your Technology Integrator full-time?

• Is technology integration a vital (if not primary!)

factor re: teacher evaluations?


• Do you accept that technology integration is much

more than just using a PC and a projector?

• Do you understand what you need to do, and are

you willing to invest the time and effort (money)?

Engaging with Digital Difference


• Are you willing to meet the challenges involved

with being in charge of your learning experiences?

Engaging with Digital Difference

Why Technology Integration…Seriously?

• Necessary preparation for students’ futures

• Active vs. passive role, hands-on, collaboration

• Personalization, differentiation, individualization

• Assessment via projects, real-world scenarios

• Actualizes global (digital) citizenship principles

• Edtech is ultimate means of student engagement

The question is no longer WHY, it’s HOW!

Engaging with Digital Difference

Mechanics vs. Methodologies:

• Not simply a matter of knowing how to push the

buttons (use hardware and software)!

• Administrators, teachers and students all need to

be properly prepared for technology integration

Engaging with Digital Difference

What is Technology Integration?

• Seamless/transparent: Edtech used in every class, but

as a means to an end vs. an end in itself

• Student- vs. teacher-centric: Teacher is guide on the

side vs. sage on the stage (role changes)

• Problem-solving, including defining the problem itself!

• Project-based: Task- or goal-oriented, but the process is

more important than the outcome (cycle!)

• Built-in resilience: If it doesn’t work, try something else!

• Constantly changing: Everyone must evolve with it!

Engaging with Digital Difference

Debunking the Edtech Myths

• Technology integration = impersonal teaching/learning

• Online learning is not as effective as onground

• Classroom edtech use is distracting (who/what exactly?)

• Learning styles are real (except maybe hands-on!)

• Teachers must be omniscient to be respected

• Using the Internet is dangerous, mentally/physically

• Kids are already addicted to using their devices

• Playing games (having fun!) is not teaching/learning

Engaging with Digital Difference

Example Project #1:

Connect with China Collaborative


Engaging with Digital Difference

Example Project #2:

Humanities Urban Planning Unit: Minecraft

Engaging with Digital Difference

Need a framework? NMC K-12 Horizon Report:


Available in English, Chinese and Korean!

Engaging with Digital Difference

Time-to-Adoption Horizons

One Year or Less:

• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

• Makerspaces

Two to Three Years:

• 3D Printing

• Adaptive Learning Technologies

Four to Five Years:

• Digital Badges

• Wearable Technologies

Engaging with Digital Difference

Impacting Trends


• Increasing Use of Blended Learning

• Rise of STEAM Learning


• Increasing Use of Collaborative Learning Approaches

• Shift from Students as Consumers to Creators


• Rethinking How Schools Work

• Shift to Deeper Learning Approaches

Engaging with Digital Difference

Impeding Challenges


• Creating Authentic Learning Opportunities

• Integrating Technology in Teacher Training


• Personalizing Learning

• Rethinking the Roles of Teachers


• Scaling Teaching Innovations

• Teaching Complex Thinking

Engaging with Digital Difference

Discussion: Trends

• Increasing Use of Blended Learning

• Rise of STEAM Learning (Makerspaces)

• Increasing Use of Collaborative Learning Approaches

• Shift from Students as Consumers to Creators

All inextricably linked, in my own humble opinion! Start

with one and you can create a “domino effect” re: other


Engaging with Digital Difference

Discussion: Trends

What has worked?

• Mandatory online classes for teachers and students

• Makerspaces “easy win” because of low initial cost

• Global collaboration projects with infrastructure

What hasn’t worked?

• Making anything optional: always excuses

• Fear of linking progress with teacher evaluations

• Failure to prepare students for project-based learning

Engaging with Digital Difference

Discussion: Challenges

• Creating Authentic Learning Opportunities

• Integrating Technology in Teacher Training

• Personalizing Learning

• Rethinking the Roles of Teachers

• Scaling Teaching Innovations

Need to change perspectives to overcome challenges,

e.g., Getting Teachers to Rethink Their Roles!

Engaging with Digital Difference

Discussion: Challenges

What has worked?

• Using real-world scenarios as unit foundations

• Technology as (necessary!) means of differentiation

• Mechanics first, but not forgetting methodologies

What hasn’t worked?

• Enabling teachers to continue “business as usual”

• Failure to present “new model” and paths

• Isolating teacher training: individuals vs. subjects

Engaging with Digital Difference

Discussion: Solutions

• Use edtech to solve biggest problem (e.g., language)

• Teacher Technology Certification Program

• Plan: Deadlines for technology integration stages

• Eliminate testing for assessment, projects instead!

• Train teachers and students together (e.g., projects)

• Start with Makerspace, work up to STEAM

• Counseling approach re: identities (teacher, student!)

• Adopt standards such as ISTE’s for all involved

Engaging with Digital Difference

"Technology use must be placed in the context of

effective pedagogy and leadership. If the technology is

not in service of enhancing learning, then it risks being

just a set of devices. The NMC Horizon Report series

grounds the adoption of edtech in the reality of the

progressive trends and pressing challenges impacting

education. The publications also pinpoint positive

examples of schools and organizations that are making

great efforts to leverage digital tools to make learning

more hands-on, active, and engaging for students.”

Samantha Adams Becker

Senior Director, Publications & Communications

Engaging with Digital Difference

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Engaging with Digital Difference

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