dark side of application quality management

Post on 20-Jun-2015






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What Yoda Can Teach us About Application Quality Management It’s no Jedi mind trick! 10 black holes to avoid for successful application delivery A long time ago, in a galaxy not too far away, the very first CHAOS Report published by the Standish Group generated worldwide attention by its claim that 40 percent of IT projects failed and that these failings were costing the US economy 140 billion dollars each year. Ten years later, matters had improved somewhat with only half as many projects failing, but worryingly 53 percent were late, over-budget or not meeting their objectives. Now, within a mere five years, the number of failed projects is back on the rise, the 2009 Standish Group CHAOS report indicates that nearly 25 percent of projects are doomed. The quality of application delivery is at the heart of many of the challenges faced in IT projects, and this paper reviews some of the most common pitfalls and pain points that often beset development projects. With the help of Yoda, Obi Wan and others from the Star Wars cast, we will learn how best to avoid these challenges and deliver your projects on time, on budget and most importantly with quality. This presentation, aimed primarily at QA Management, addresses the challenges of software testing within QA and the impact it has on the business. It attempts to outline the main benefits of test automation in conjunction with good software testing processes, whilst highlighting the negative impact current market-dominating products have in the application quality process. - See more at: http://www.origsoft.com/whitepapers/yoda-and-application-quality-management/


  • 1. The Dark Side of Application Quality Management Ten Black Holes to Avoid For Successful Application Delivery Jonathan Pearson Original Software

2. A long time ago, in a galaxy not too far away, the tribal group of gartner invented the term aqm. Traditionally focused on specific testing activities, The market is now shifting as organisations seek greater business value and agility. This involves business analysts more directly in overall quality efforts, along with a shift in focus from finding defects to validation, to ensuring business objectives are being met 3. Black Hole No. 1: Walking Before you Crawl Obi-Wan: How long will it take before you can make the jump to light speed? Han Solo: Travelling through hyperspace ain't like dusting crops, boy! Without precise calculations we could fly right through a star, or bounce too close to a supernova and that'd end your trip real quick, wouldn't it? 4. Quality is a Journey Are we there yet? Never ending journey? How to maximise quality on the journey? 5. Journey Essentials ALM strategy Test strategy Collaboration platform Early QA involvement Business involvement Automation if possible Regression testing 6. Hows the Project Going? 7. Black Hole No. 2: QA as a Silo Obi Wan: The force is what gives a Jedi his power. It is an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us. It binds the galaxy together 8. Breaking Down Barriers IT presence on the board? Who does QA report to? Development Board level IT Business Techniques used? 9. Processes 10. Processes 11. Black Hole No. 3: Lack of Organisation Obi Wan: You are going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view 12. Organisational Issues Tidiness Knowledge Re-use Standards 13. Black Hole No. 4: Lack of Control Obi Wan: But you cannot control it. This is a dangerous time for you, when you will be tempted by the Dark Side of the Force 14. The Black Hole No. 5: Lack of Visibility & Out of Date Information The Emperor: Youve paid the price for your lack of Vision: If you will not be turned you will be destroyed 15. Metrics Which one essential metric is most important to you? Defects created per day Defects fixed per day Requirements coverage Testing Tasks outstanding/complete Defects outstanding by priority/severity 16. Measuring Quality 17. AQM Utopia 18. Black Hole No. 6: Unnecessary Re-Work General Madine: Is your strike team assembled? 19. Re-Use is Key Project outlines Test data Regression Dealing with change 20. Black Hole No. 7: Dont Hinder Collaboration With Overly Technical Tools C-3PO: Dont blame me. I am an interpreter. Im not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal 21. KISS DO Central organisation No coding Flexibility Scalability DONT Technical expertise barrier High maintenance Disparate tools = complexity 22. Black Hole No. 8: Methodology Imposition Yoda: Decide you must, how to serve them best 23. Methodology & Process Which software development process do you currently use across the organisation? Agile Waterfall Iterative Hybrid Combination Combination (different methodologies across departments/projects) Other 24. Black Hole No. 9: Lack of Cross-Project Visibility Gold Leader: It's no good, I can't manoeuvre! Gold Five: Stay on target Gold Leader: We're too close! Gold Five: Stay on target! 25. Black Hole No. 10: Wasting Knowledge & Time Yoda: Do not underestimate the powers of the Emperor or suffer your fathers fate you will Pass on what you have learnt, Luke 26. Sharing Knowledge Test Data KNOWLEDGE Lessons Learnt Test Assets Improve Re-Use Process 27. Integrated AQM 28. How Could You Improve Your Current AQM Solution? How could you improve your current AQM solution? (tick all that apply) A real-time unified view of all projects underway Flexibility for solution to be methodology/process agnostic Ability to manage resources effectively Access to management information via smart device Ability to trace requirements across the entire Software Development Life Cycle 29. Questions? solutions@origsoft.com www.origsoft.com

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