dalat city

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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OutlineI. History

II. Location

III. Climate

IV. Population

V. Economy



VIII. Religion


I. History For centuries, Dalat had been home to the Co Ho minority

people Dalat Dalat’s establishment and development happened

during the Vietnam War period In 1893, Dalat was discovered by the French Dr Alexandre

Yersin The initial purpose of establishing Dalat was for French

officials to go up here for rest and recreation Roads connecting adjoining areas to Dalat (from the

central coast and the south) were then built In the World War I, the French flocked to Dalat because

they couldn’t go back to their motherland on holidays. In 1940s, the city crossed into the stage of prosperity

with government offices relocated to Dalat. Dalat is considered as the capital of Indochina.

In 1954, the French left Dalat and the city began a new development until now.

In 2009, the Prime Minister decided to recognize Dalat as the first-category city.

Dr. Alexandre Yersin


II. Location Covering an area of approximately 395 km2 Located on Lam Vien Highland, at 1500

meters above sea level Surrounded by ranges of mountains helping

to block the wind Having around 20 streams with the lengths of

over 4 kilometers and 16 lakes, one of which is Xuan Huong Lake, the famous lake at the heart of the city accounting for 38 hectares

III. Climate Thanks to being located on highlands and

surrounded by systems of forests, especially pine woods, Dalat has a temperate weather all year round contrast to tropical climate in the South of Vietnam

There are two distinct seasons: rain season (from May to October) & dry season (from November to April)

The average temperature is 18-21oC Another noteworthy weather condition in Dalat is the

mist which happens about 85 days on average per year

Weather in Dalat

IV. Population When it was first discovered, there were only a few

villages of Lat tribal people here In the past, Dalat citizens came from various

backgrounds including Chinese, French, Kinh people (the largest group of people in Vietnam) and other minority groups

Nowadays, the majority of the city dwellers are Kinh people coming from many regions in the country

In 2011, Dalat has a population of over 210,000 people with the population density of 536 people/km2

V. Economy1. Tourism and servicesMainly companies working in tourism and services, accounting for 70% of the city’s GDP Dalat tourism having long been renowned for temperate weather and rich in natural and human resources attracting millions of tourist arrivals to come to visit and rest every yearIn 2009, Dalat having 673 places of accommodation (over 11,000 rooms) with the capacity of more than 38,000 guestsTourist attractions distributed across Dalat both in the city center and suburb areas Typical festival: Dalat Flower Festival, organized every two years with hundred thousands of visitors

Dalat Flower Festival

2. Agriculture and Processing Industry

Dalat’s weather suitable for growing temperate vegetables from America, France, Sweden, Japan…

The industry attracting most labor force: processing industry

Typical products: grape wine, artichoke tea, green tea, coffee, fruit preserve, vegetables and flowers

Flower farming industry growing annually at 20%, producing 1,5 billion flower branches/ year

A new industry developed in the late 20th century: embroidery in which the most popular & famous company: XQ Dalat Company

XQ Embroidery

Hi-tech flower industry

Typical Dalat flowers: Hydrangea & everlasting flower

“Mut” product – a kind of fruit preserve

VI. Architecture Dalat is the only city in Vietnam which has been

carefully planned since its establishment The city was considered as a museum of Western

architecture in the early 20th century with many famous constructions and beautiful villas

Despite Dalat’s architecture being strongly influenced by French architecture, the designs of the constructions in Dalat were also inspired by the nature’s features, especially the weather and the natural landscape

This combination has made Dalat’s architecture unique and full of colors

Dalat Railway StationTrouville – Dauville Railway Station

Dalat Railway Station was designed following Art Deco Style, similar to Trouville – Dauville Railway Station

VII. Education One of the important education centers in the

South of Vietnam 25 kindergartens, 44 primary and secondary

schools 3 universities (4-year degree), 4 colleges (3-year

diplomat), continuing education centers, vocational schools, specialized schools for disabled children…

The precursor to Dalat University: Dalat Institute, a university managed by Vietnamese Church during the war period and the precursor to Pedagogy College of Dalat: Grand Lycee Yersin, a high school for the French and rich Vietnamese

Dalat University The university is situated on a pine hill with its landscape

classified as one of the most beautiful campuses in South East Asia

The university of Dalat is a general university with many majors working in various fields, aiming to train and provide high qualified labor for the Central Region and South of Central Highland

Dalat University provides 32 majors with courses at different levels: vocational certificate, diplomat, university degree, Master degree and Ph.D degree

In 2011, the university has in total around 23,000 students at all levels

It is also one of the five universities in Vietnam allowed by the Government to teach Nuclear Technique subject

Dalat University

Pedagogy College of Dalat

VIII. Religion Due to special features in the formation process

of the population, Dalat has many religions There are 43 churches, 55 pagodas and many

other temples of different religions in Dalat The majority of Dalat dwellers follow Buddhism.

Christianity ranks second in the popularity There’s no conflicts among these religions. They

live in harmony with each other. Followers of all religions often participate in

charity activities

Truc Lam Zen Monastery

Cock Church (Main Church)

IX. Summary Dalat is, a famous and beautiful city, is considered

as one of the most popular tourist destinations in Vietnam.

This is thanks to many factors such as its special architecture, all year round temperate weather, romantic pine forests, breath-taking flower fields, French boulevards, villas from the colonial period and the friendliness of its citizens.

All of these features constitutes a sense of ethereal beauty, making this small city the ideal destination for tourists to get away from busy metropolises.

Thank you for your attention!

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