daisy yeung project

Post on 09-Apr-2017






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Social Networking

By: Daisy Yeung

+Social Networking

Easy interactions/communications

Keep up with what your friends are doing

Find old friends/acquaintances

Look up information Entertainment

Easier for identity theft Scammers trick people into

downloading malware Distractions Suicide rates Anonymous messages Spread of unreliable and

dishonest information Online bullying


+ Statistics

41% of girls (15-17) reported being bullied

32% of online teens say they have been target

39% of social network users have been cyber bullied

15% have experienced someone being mean or cruel online

88% have seen someone be mean to another

1 in 6 parents are aware of their child being bullied

+Warning signs

Appearing sad, moody, or anxious

Avoiding school Withdrawing from social

activities Experiencing a drop in grades Looking upset after using the

computer Looking upset after viewing a

text message Becomes suicidal

+ When Teens See Others Being Mean




+Interview Questions

As a guidance counselor, how many cases of cyber bullying have you witness?

What are some advice you would give to a victim that is experiencing cyber bully?

Why do you think cyber bullying starts? Are there any programs in this school that a victim can

join to talk about their issues?

+Interview Answers

Throughout my whole career, I've witnessed about 5 cases. 

In our school, if its a minor problem, you should tell your parents and deans. But if it gets out of hand and affecting the child, they should call the police. 

It's a way for children to confront other children through the Internet. It's easier online than in person. 

In school, there's a program a child can join called "Solitaire Anti-Bullying". 

+Questions For You

If you saw someone getting bullied, what would you do?

Have you ever been cyber bullied? Who do you think is the best person to tell about cyber

bullying? What do you think is the best punishment for the

offender? Should children 15 and under be using social

networking? If parents see their child getting cyber bullied, should

they shut down their child’s profile?

“AFTER SCHOOL, 13-YEAR-OLD ALICIA DUMPS HER BACKPACK and heads to the computer to connect with her friends on MSN. One of them breaks the news that she's been sent a link to a website entitled "Top 10 People Not to Take to Prom," on which Alicia's school photo is featured, alongside comments like "What a fat ugly sl*t." Turns out the rest of Alicia's friends - and who knows how many other schoolmates - were sent the same link. Crying and fighting the urge to throw up, Alicia tells her mother. Though Mom offers a comforting hug, her advice is less helpful: "Just don't look at it, hon." The next day, when Alicia's mother drives her to school, she can't understand why the normally easygoing teen refuses to get out of the car.”

+Works Cited

Gilkerson, Luke. “Covenant Eyes Header.” Honest Discussion about Internet Temptations. Covenant Eyes, 17 Jan. 2012. Web. 07 May 2013.

Strickland, Jonathan. "What Are the Pros and Cons of Social Networking Sites?"HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 May 2013.

Stanberry, Kristin. "The Pros and Cons of Social Networking for Teenagers: A Parent’s Guide." The Pros and Cons of Social Networking for Teenagers: A Parent's Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 09 May 2013.

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