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Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 165


Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity



Chiltern Farm Barn, Main Road North, Dagnall

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Suitable for economic development - Site has permission for 580 sqm of manufacturing employment use.

Yes No Yes 580

EDL023 Cross Keys Farm, Dagnall

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Unsuitable- the site is in the AONB, Green Belt, prominent and isolated and likely to have a wider landscape impact. Development is unlikely to be related to the settlement pattern.

No No No

Total 0 0 0 580

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 167

Dinton Housing Economic

Development Reference Site Address Parish Site

Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


DIN001 Land to the South West of New Road



Unsuitable. Although it may be possible for 3 or 4 dwellings to be sensitively designed on the site respecting landscape character and the openness of the land, the consideration of planning applications for around 10 dwellings in 2016 has found significant landscape and openness sensitivities that mean for HELAA purposes it is unlikely a proposal or 5 or more could be made sustainable.

No No



Land south of High Street, Westlington



Unsuitable - The site has major heritage constraints. The site is adjacent several Listed Buildings and in the Conservation Area. The site provides in the context of the conservation area an important green space with views across.

No No No

DIN003 Land at Water Lane


0.25 Shown in table for Ford

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 168

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) Upton

DIN004 Land at Upton, Upton Road



Unsuitable - The site is located adjacent to Upton rather than Dinton. Therefore the site is not located in a HELAA settlement.

No No No

DIN006 Land south of Upton Road



Unsuitable – Development would be likely to have an adverse impact on the Conservation Area (the site is an important green space) and highways with restricted visibility at Upton Road

No No No


Motts Garage, Oxford Road, Upton



Unsuitable. The site is not in or adjacent the settlements either Dinton or Ford which are the HELAA settlements in the parish. Upton does not form part of the HELAA study.

No No No

Total 0 0 0 0

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 170

Drayton Parslow Housing Economic

Development Reference Site Address Parish Site

Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


DPA001 Land North of North Close

Drayton Parslow


Suitable for housing - no significant constraints to development subject to a landscape buffer and suitable access being provided.

Yes Yes 20 20 No

DPA002 Former RAF buildings, Dorcas Lane

Drayton Parslow


Unsuitable - site is detached from the village with poor connection to local services and facilities and development would be likely to have a harmful landscape and visual impact.

No No No

DPA003 Land r/o Prospect Close and Prospect Farm

Drayton Parslow


Unsuitable - this site is prominent within the area and of a significant scale that would like cause impact to the landscape and adjacent Conservation Area.

No No No

DPA004 Land off Salden Chase

Drayton Parslow

0.24 Suitable for housing. Need to assess location of mature trees to retain.

Yes Yes 5 5 No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 171

DPA005 Land at south west of Chapel Lane

Drayton Parslow


Unsuitable - likely to have an adverse impact on heritage (adjacent Listed Building), the site is very adjacent to the historic core (and Conservation Area) of the village with land falling away to the south east.

No No No

Total 25 25 0

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 173

East Claydon Housing Economic

Development Reference Site Address Parish Site

Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


ECL001 Land to the rear of Church Way

East Claydon


Unsuitable – The site is adjacent a listed building curtilage and it is not clear if the site can provide a satisfactory vehicular access. Potential access off rear of Church Way suffers from restricted width and visibility. Development in this location would be backland and out of character with the village. Development in this location would be backland and out of character with the village.

No No


ECL002 Land r/o 23-29 St Marys Road

East Claydon


Unsuitable – The site is adjacent a listed building curtilage Development in this location would be backland and out of character with the village.

No No No

ECL003 New Farm, 2 St Mary’s Road

East Claydon

0.73 Suitable – the site has planning permission for 6 homes.

Yes Yes 6 6 No

Total 6 6 0 0

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 175

Edlesborough Housing Economic

Development Reference Site Address Parish Site

Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


EDL001 Land off Slickett’s Lane

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Unsuitable - Important site in landscape & village character, development in this area feels very sporadic and the site's character is very rural. It also has poor highway infrastructure.

No No No

EDL002 Land off Dove Close

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Suitable - Site has no significant constraints, although there is currently limited access. Site is well related to settlement. Northern edge of site is within Flood Zone 2/3. The site also contains semi improved grassland with stream on the north boundary. To safeguard biodiversity assets, there is a need to retain a 10m buffer strip to the stream and buffer to the hedge on the north west boundary.

Yes Yes 10 10 No

EDL003 Land north of Cow Lane

Edlesborough, Northall and

1.53 Suitable - Part of site has planning permission for 30 dwellings. The rest of the site has no significant

Yes Yes 45 45 No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 176

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) Dagnall constraints and would provide a

opportunity to improve/ join up grid plan of the village.

EDL004 Land at the end of Summerleys

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Unsuitable - part of site fronting Summerleys has permission for one dwelling. The rest of the site has poor highways access and is not well related to the rest of the settlement. Northern edge of the site is within Flood Zone 2/3.

No No No


Land between Leighton Road and Tring Road

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Unsuitable - Site is detached and has no relationship to the built up area of the settlement. Southern part of site adjoins the Chilterns AONB. The site is in an Area of Attractive Landscape and development would be likely to have a harmful landscape and visual impact.

No No No

EDL006 Land Adjacent Cow Lane

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Unsuitable - site located outside the settlement, is detached from the built form and is in a rural location.

No No No

EDL007 Land at Edlesborough, Northall and

6.6 Unsuitable - Site detached from the village and is exposed from

No No No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 177

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) Church Farm Dagnall the north.

EDL008 Land south of Cow Lane

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Unsuitable - Developing the site would have a harmful impact on biodiversity with semi improved grassland with scrub starting to establish hedges on three boundaries. In addition the north west part of the site is detached from the rest of the settlement and there are long distance views to and from the site. Development would also require highway improvements to Cow Lane.

No No No

EDL009 High Street Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall

3.53 Suitable – the site has planning permission for 57 homes.

Yes Yes 57 57 No


Fields r/o Leighton Road and High Street

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Unsuitable - Site lies near to a Scheduled Ancient Monument, development would have a detrimental impact on the setting of Edlesborough and Schedule Ancient Monument. Part of the site away from the Scheduled Ancient Monument is poorly

No No No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 178

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) related to the rest of the settlement. Developing the site would also have a medium to high ecology impact.


Land on the north east side of Leighton Road, Edlesborough

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Unsuitable - site is poorly related to the rest of the settlement. The site is in an Area of Attractive Landscape and visible rolling land where development would be likely to have a harmful landscape and visual impact.

No No No

EDL013 Deans Farm, South End Lane

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall

See Table for Northall


Land at Whistle Brook Farm, Slapton Lane

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall

See Table for Northall


Chiltern Farm Barn, Main Road North

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall

See Table for Dagnall

EDL016 Threeways, Leighton

Edlesborough, Northall and

See Table for Northall

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 179

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) Road Dagnall

EDL017 Land Adjacent To The Cottage

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall

See Table for Northall

EDL019 Land Off Eaton Bray Road

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall

See Table for Northall

EDL020 29 The Green

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Suitable for housing - Development of this site would constitute infill within the built up area and would be appropriate subject to suitable access being achieved. Inadequate visibility from one access is a previous issue now being investigated in a planning application.

Yes Yes 6 6 No

EDL021 Slicketts Lane

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall


Part suitable for housing- The northern part of the site which best relates to the existing built up development would be suitable for housing subject to appropriate access being achieved. Highway access to the site is currently poor. The southern part of the site becomes

Yes Yes 80 40 40 No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 180

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) more exposed, rural in character and is adjacent an Area of Attractive Landscape. There are listed buildings adjoining the site and the impact on those should be considered in the design. The site borders a river which should have a 10m buffer and the small area of Flood Zone 2 and 3 be excluded from development.

EDL023 Cross Keys Farm, Dagnall

Edlesborough, Northall and Dagnall

See Table for Dagnall

Total 198 158 40 0

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 182


Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


DIN003 Land at Water Lane



Unsuitable. The site is adjacent a Listed Building and could not accommodate 5 homes (the minimum for HELAA) on the site and be in line with local character, development is quite sporadic.

No No No

DIN005 Linden Way Dinton-with-Ford-and-Upton


Unsuitable - biodiversity (mature woodland and scrub), would be out of keeping with settlement form and also adverse highways impact (sub standard carriageway width).

No No No


Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 184

Gawcott Housing Economic

Development Reference Site Address Parish Site

Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability



1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


GAW001 Land of Church Street

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable – The site accessed by a small lane has significant highway constraints and is within a conservation area which would not cope with significant additional traffic.

No No



Land to the east of Buckingham Road

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable. The site is an important open land gateway into the village and development would be likely to have an adverse landscape visual impact and adverse impact on settlement pattern.

No No


GAW003 Durrants Farm, Radclive Road

Gawcott with Lenborough

0.56 Suitable - Site has permission for 5,500sqm new D2 use.

No No

Yes 5,500


Land r/o Clearhayes, Gardener's Lane

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable - development would be likely to have an adverse impact on the setting of Conservation Area, a Listed Building and also there are likely adverse highway impacts with the alignment of the junction restricting larger movements, compounded by on street parking.

No No No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 185

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability



1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity



Land south of Primrosehill Farm, off Main Street

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable - development would be likely to have an adverse landscape visual impact and impact on settlement pattern due to prominence, siting beyond the edge of the village.

No No


GAW006 Land north of Eagle's Farm, off Cow Lane

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable - development would be likely to have an adverse highways impact due to narrow carriageway width.

No No


GAW007 Land north end of Old Barn Close

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable - adverse landscape and visual impact from this elevated site out into the countryside, prominent to Radclive Road.

No No



Land north of junction of Radclive Road and Buckingham Road

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable - it is unclear where the vehicular access would be taken from and how safe pedestrian access would be provided. There are a present visibility constraints at the Buckingham Road and Main Street junction. If this highways issue could be resolved to the satisfaction of the Local Highway Authority then a frontage housing scheme may be suitable, nothing more due to likelihood of adverse landscape visual impact at this prominent site.

No No


Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 186

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability



1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


GAW009 Land north of 9-23 Gilbert Scott Gardens

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable - landscape visual impact at a prominent site and highways (junction visibility restriction at Buckingham Road and Main Street).

No No No


Land adjacent village hall, Buckingham Road

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable -adverse impacts on heritage (joining the Conservation Area to modern housing) and highways (junction visibility restriction at Buckingham Road and Main Street).

No No No

GAW011 Land at Eagle's Farm, Cow Lane

Gawcott with Lenborough

0.2 Unsuitable - adverse highways impact due to carriageway width restriction.

No No No


Triangular land between Hillesden Road and The Barracks

Gawcott with Lenborough


Unsuitable. The site is outside the settlement of Gawcott, in the open countryside with no buildings on any side.

No No No

Total 0 0 0 5,500

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 188

Granborough Housing Economic

Development Reference Site Address Parish Site

Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity



Land adjacent to Winslow Road



Unsuitable – the site is detached from the village around 600m to the village centre and with no development opposite. A development would be out of character with the village settlement pattern. It also feels like open countryside with land falling away to the north with views longer distance to the north. Potential highway visibility issue due to the vertical alignment of the carriageway.

No No


GRA002 Land adjacent to Church Lane



Suitable for housing - around 40 units could be achieved in line with settlement pattern and local character also having regard to the wider landscape. Around half the site (the north) is an Archaeological Notification Area to be investigated and there is a Public Right of Way to be safeguarded and the setting of a Listed Building opposite to be carefully considered.

Yes Yes 40 20 20 No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 189

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity



Land to the south of Pump House, Winslow Road



Part suitable for housing – developing the entire site would be intrusive development into the countryside and incompatible with settlement pattern. However a frontage would be possible without having these adverse impacts subject to detailed design being acceptable.

Yes Yes 5 5 No

Total 45 25 20 0

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 191

Great Brickhill

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


GRB001 Land East of Ivy Lane and South of Holts Green

Great Brickhill


Unsuitable - development would likely harmful landscape and visual impact. The site is in an Area of Attractive Landscape, a prominent sloping site from roads to the south.

No No No


Land at Eaton Leys, west side of the A4146, south of Watling Street and east of the River Ouzel

Great Brickhill

See Table for South and West of Milton Keynes/Bletchley

GRB003 Lavente Gate, off A4146 Bletchley

Great Brickhill

See Table for South and West of Milton Keynes/Bletchley

GRB004 Land west of Galley Land and the A4146

Great Brickhill

See Table for South and West of Milton Keynes/Bletchley

Total 0 0

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 193

Great Horwood Housing Economic

Development Reference Site Address Parish Site Area

(ha) Site assessment Achiev

ability Suitable Capacity 1-5

Years 6-15

Years Suitable Capaci

ty (sqm)

GHW001 Land at Singleborough Road

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - Site is exposed in the landscape and is an important gateway location into the settlement. Land is elevated on top of a mound/embankment in a sensitive landscape prominent gateway position and likely to have a significant impact on the conservation area and potentially listed buildings in proximity to the site.

No No No

GHW002 Land west of School End

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - The site is used as a car repair and part sales business however it is not considered there is scope for intensification or expansion of the site to at least 500sqm the minimum for HELAA.

No No No

GHW003 Land at Greenway Farm

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - site is detached from Great Horwood and Winslow. Development of the site would involve and intrusive development into the open countryside onto a Greenfield site, and would not consolidate the existing settlement pattern. The resultant urbanisation would cause harm to the character and appearance of the open countryside and to the adjacent settlements.

No No No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 194

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability

Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity


GHW004 Land to the rear of 10-12 High Street

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - Site access requires demolition of a listed dwelling or development of an access immediately adjacent the building. Site also forms remains of mediaeval fields and plot patterns (Burgage plots), which forms an area of open space. Site is important to the appearance and character of the conservation area.

No No No

GHW005 Land off Wheathouse Copse

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - Site is unlikely to be able to accommodate 5 dwellings given the access constraints and the need to be in keeping with the conservation area.

No No No

GHW006 Spring Farm, Spring Close

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - The site being developed for 5 or more dwellings is likely to have an adverse impact on the character of the Conservation Area and would be out of keeping with local character. The site is sloping with sensitivity issues as well as having poor access.

No No No


Land at Willow Road adjacent Caravan Park and Caravan Park Land

Great Horwood

1.1 Unsuitable. The site has significant highways constraints. No No No

GHW008 Land west of Wigwell

Great Horwood

0.84 Unsuitable - Site forms an important area of green space which is near to listed buildings. Development would have significant landscape

No No No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 195

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability

Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) Gardens and adverse impact on the setting of the

conservation area. There is also no highway access.

GHW009 Land at Home Farm, Winslow Road

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - The site has numerous historic constraints to be investigated which would exclude a significant part of the site, unlikely to achieve 5 dwellings on the remainder of the site. Also unclear whether the access issue could be resolved. Economic development uses other than a farmyard also unlikely to be appropriate given access, sensitive village environment to further traffic movements and historic constraints.

No No No

GHW010 Land south of Home Farm, Winslow Road

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - Site detached from built form of village and significantly exposed within the landscape.

No No No

GHW011 Land to South of Pil lch Lane

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - long distance landscape views to and from the site, with a high recreational value. Road access also inadequate.

No No No

GHW012 Land East of Nash Road

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - Site on the edge of the village likely to have a harmful impact on the conservation area and visual impact due to development of open space.

No No No

GHW013 Land south of Great 2.35 Suitable - No significant constraints, although Yes Yes 42 32 10 No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 196

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability

Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) Weston Road Horwood any development should be designed to

minimise impact on long distance views. A planning application was considered during 2015 and 2016 for 42 homes and an appeal was dismissed 26.09.16. The appeal has since been Called In.


Land to the south of Little Horwood Road (Neighbourhood Plan Policy 2)

Great Horwood


Suitable - Site is allocated in the neighbourhood plan for 15 dwellings on the western part of the site and as a reserve site on the eastern half.

Yes Yes 30 30 No

GHW015 Horwood Mill Great Horwood

0.71 Suitable. The site has planning permission from 06.06.2016. Yes Yes 7 7 No

GHW016 The Meadows, Land off Willow Road

Great Horwood

1.7 Unsuitable. The site has significant highways constraints. No No No


Land North of Little Horwood Road

Great Horwood

1.05 Suitable - Site is allocated in the neighbourhood plan for 15 dwellings. Yes Yes 15 15 No

GHW018 Land West of Nash Road

Great Horwood

1.63 Suitable - Site is allocated in the neighbourhood plan for 15 dwellings Yes Yes 15 15 No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 197

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability

Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity



Cross Roads Garage, Bletchley Road

Great Horwood

0.41 Suitable - Site has permission for B1 New 312 sqm, B2 New 261 sqm employment use. Yes No Yes 573


Roddimore Farm, Winslow Road,

Great Horwood


Suitable - Site has permission for erection of 2 barns, 2 stables and ménage for 670 sqm D2 leisure use.

Yes No Yes 670

GHW022 Greenway Business Park

Great Horwood


Unsuitable - Tight road access and well outside the settlement. Very little built development surrounding. The site is unlikely to be able to accommodate an additional 500sqm employment floorspace - the minimum for HELAA.

No No No

Total 109 84 25 1,243

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 199

Grendon Underwood Housing Economic

Development Reference Site Address Parish Site Area

(ha) Site assessment Achieva

bility Suitable Capacity 1-5

Years 6-15

Years Suitable Capaci

ty (sqm)


Land to the west of Springhil l Road

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - The site, although adjacent to an existing residential area, is disconnected from the village of Grendon Underwood, therefore poorly connected to services and facilities. There is a strip of trees with a TPO between the site and the adjacent residential area. The site is also within a sensitive landscape.

No No No

GUW002 Fields of Old Farm, Edgcott Road

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - Site is beyond the built up edge of the village, further extending the linear nature of the village. Development would also impact upon views of the adjacent conservation area. Significant area of Flood Zone 2/3 through middle of site.

No No No

GUW003 The Bungalow, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - Only frontage development of this site would be considered suitable and this has been developed.

No No No

GUW004 Land adj. Bailey's Farm, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable. The owner of the site has clarified the site to the rear is a working farm in their ownership and the access is needed for that. The owners do not wish to make the site available for more than 3 or 4

No No No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 200

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability

Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) homes. This is below the minimum for HELAA.

GUW005 Baileys Farm, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - The site is in current use as a working farmyard, development of the entire site would also constitute unacceptable backland development and would be out of keeping with the linear nature of Grendon Underwood.

No No No

GUW006 Grendon Garage, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Suitable - site has planning permission for 8 dwellings. Site also has permission for 49.7 sqm retail unit which is under the HELAA minimum threshold (500sqm).

Yes Yes 8 8 No

GUW007 Land at Springhil l Road

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - Would result in the loss of a green space which it is considered makes an important contribution to the character and appearance of the housing estate and the rural character of the locality.

No No No

GUW008 Land south of Ivy Cottage, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Part Suitable – 0.37ha as shown on the October 2015 HELAA Report. Based on the character of the area around 5 homes could be achieved. There should be no development on the mature trees to the front of the site as this has high biodiversity value. There is also the need to sensitively consider the character of the conservation






Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 201

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability

Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) area, listed building curtilage to the west and to retain the Public Right of Way which crosses the site.


Land South of Bridleways Lodge, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - The site is peripheral from the village in an exposed setting and development would unsustainably extend the village into the open countryside and would be likely to have a harmful landscape and visual impact.

No No No

GUW010 Land off Shakespeare Orchard

Grendon Underwood


Suitable – The site has a resolution to grant planning permission for 11 homes subject to completion of a Section 106 Agreement.

Yes Yes 11 11 No

GUW011 Lawn Farm Business Centre

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - Site provides existing employment units. The site is disconnected from the village and isolated from the rest of the village. Residential development of this site would be in an unsustainable location and result in loss of employment.

No No No


Land between Springhil l Prison and Lawn Hill

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - Would result in the loss of a green space which it is considered makes an important contribution to the character and appearance of the housing estate and the rural character of the locality.

No No No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 202

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability

Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity



Land south of Shakespeare House and adjacent playing field, off Broadway

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - Development would have a harmful impact on views of Listed Buildings and the Conservation Area. Development of a backland nature (behind Main Street) would also be out of keeping with linear character of settlement.

No No No

GUW015 Land adjacent Springhill

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - the site is poorly related to the settlement pattern in the existing village, the site would also have poor access to the village. The edge of the site is in Flood Zones 2 and 3.

No No No


Land at Greatmoor, straddling railway line

Grendon Underwood

143.6 Unsuitable - the site is not in or adjacent to a HELAA settlement. No No No

GUW017 Land south west of Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - adverse impact on the conservation area, listed building and high biodiversity impact with ridge and furrow, scrub and pond with Great Crested Newts.

No No No


Land west of Edgcott Road and The Broadway

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - the site is in close proximity to Listed Buildings and the Conservation Area and be likely to have an adverse impact. The site is also poorly related to the ribbon character of the village, in the open countryside and would have an adverse

No No No

Final Aylesbury Vale Draft Housing and Economic Development Land Availabil ity Assessment Report v4 (January 2017) Page 203

Housing Economic Development

Reference Site Address Parish Site Area (ha)

Site assessment Achievability

Suitable Capacity 1-5 Years

6-15 Years

Suitable Capacity

(sqm) impact on settlement pattern.


Land north of Builder’s Yard, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - building at this location behind the frontage/ribbon development would be at odds with the settlement pattern and be likely to have a wider landscape visual impact visible from public vantage points.

No No



Land north of Pear Tree Farm, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - would be likely to have an adverse biodiversity impact due to mature hedge on boundary and pond on the site with Great Crested Newts likely to be present.

No No



Land south of Pear Tree Farm, Main Street

Grendon Underwood


Unsuitable - the site is out of village, prominent, beyond the settlement edge in open countryside and be likely to have a significant wider landscape and visual impact and be at odds with settlement pattern.

No No


Total 24 24 0 0

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