dad's senior letter

Post on 08-Jul-2015






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Love you August....


Congratulations August!!!

For August…..

Love, Dad

Congratulations August!!!

For August…..

Love, Dad

It truly seems like yesterday…. I saw your mom walk up to the building I was working after her trip to the doctor and she told me you were going to bless us with your arrival in 6 months. That was when I started on your first birthday gift and the cradle was ready for your arrival.

Next thing I knew I was holding this beautiful little baby in my arms and one thing struck me; those eyes. They were wide open, soaking everything in and I knew then; she was going to be an incredible baby, child, young adult, and woman.

And the morning I came into your room and your poopy diaper was off in your crib…. OMG you made the biggest smelliest mess I could have ever imagined.

If I remember correctly, I went back into our bedroom and told mom she said “Ma Ma”.

And no, I would not let your mom change your name!

We were inseparable those first few years and I remember how wonderful it was rocking you to sleep almost every night, trips to get donuts on Saturday morning, and all the bike rides with you tucked in the trailer.

You even survived not being the only child and became a wonderful big sister, and then another sister.

Remember having to race Tanner with your bikes around the block in IL?

And before I knew it, my little baby was already in school.

With all of your activities like the Daddy-Daughter dance, camping with girl scouts, bingo night, school plays, softball practice………

And sports, sports and more sports. Summers spent at all-stars, soccer fields, and working on your pitching and swing. And your first game pitching! You struck out the first three batters. And lets not forget the softball season when you did not strike out once. And only thrown out at first three times the whole season.

All the trips and adventures are cherished every day. That time will never wane.

So what happened?

In a hot second….. You grew up.

Before my eyes, this baby girl became a beautiful young woman. I am proud as I can be of everything she has become. She is beautiful, smart, has a smile that will light up a room, a sense of humor few can match, a curiosity and passion for soaking everything in, and truth be told….. an amazing loving heart.

A heart that has a passion for living life to the fullest, on her terms, and making things work for her and those around her.

We remember the good times and the challenges. The little moments together,

the birthdays, and the

celebrations of

milestones in your life.

These are the wonderful memories that fill my heart and bring smiles to my face, and a tear to my eye.

Because in the immortal words of

Robert Frost:

So as I celebrate you for who you were, are, and will be….. These great memories are what I will always carry forward.

And many more to follow.

And I got to play “The Time Song” One more time…..

Carpe diem August; today, and every day for the rest of your life. Live each minute with laughter, love, and passion.

As dawn goes down today, your gold will always stay…. in my heart

I love you Baby Girl.

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