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Vol. X No. 3 October 2013

The Bombay Archdiocesan Commission for Inter-Religious Dialogue

President : Archbishop Oswald Gracias

Chairman : Fr. S. M. Michael SVD

Office Add. : Institute of Indian Culture, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri, Mumbai - 400 093

Telephone : 2836 8038

Email : smmichael2000@hotmail.com / irdbom@gmail.com

Members : Dr. (Mrs) Valerie D’Souza, Fr. Lawrence D’Souza & Fr. Aniceto Pereira.

1. Dialogue in the Context of the Emerging Political Scenario Fr. S.M. Michael SVD 2


2. Pope Francis’ Letter to the Imam of Al-Azhar Vatican News Service 4

3. Assisi: Icon of Inter-Religious Peace Prayer Aniceto PEREIRA 5

4. Walk in God’s Light

Inter_Religious Prayer Service for Diwali Meera Colaco 6

efoJeeueer kesâ DeJemej hej, Devlej-Oece& ØeeLe&vee meYee F&MJejerÙe ØekeâeMe ceW Ûeuees P. X. Swami

5. Inter Religious Independence Day Celebrations Sr. Gracy Rodrigues 8

Reports of Peak Year-of-Faith IRD Gatherings

6. IRD Independence Day at Canossa Night School, Mahim Sr. Celcy Fernandes fdcc 11

7. Inter Faith Prayer Meeting at Dolours Church, Wadala Anand Castellino 12

Vatican City, 18 September 2013 (VIS) – “I invite all Catholics throughout the world to unite with other Christians to continue to implore God for peace in the most afflicted parts of our planet”. The Pope launched this appeal following today’s catechesis, recalling that on 21 September the United Nations celebrate the “International Day of Peace”. “May peace, a gift from Christ, forever reside in our hearts and support the aims and actions of the leaders of the Nations and all men of good will. Let us all be committed to encouraging efforts for a diplomatic and political solution in the seedbeds of war that remain a cause for concern. My thoughts turn especially to the dear Syrian population, whose human tragedy may be resolved only through dialogue and negotiation, with respect for justice and the dignity of every person, especially the weakest and most defenceless”.



Sammelan X - 2 ; July 2013 u 2

The communal violence in India and terrorist

activities in different parts of the world have

increased in recent times. More than eighty

innocent Christians were killed and more than

150 wounded seriously as they were emerging

from the Sunday Mass at the All Saints Church in

Peshawar, Pakistan. The images of the sufferings

of children, women and men who survived the

suicide bombing on the innocent worshipers are

still in front of our eyes. It is learned that the two

suicide bombers belonging to a faction of the

Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility

for the attack. One of the wounded, John Tariq,

who lost his father in the attack cried, “What

have we done wrong to these people? Why are we

being killed?”

When we look to the African world, we often hear

violence and killing of the innocent Christians in

Nigeria, Egypt, Tanzania and Kenya. Our

memories are still fresh about the Kenya mall

attack. More than eighty people were killed at an stupscale shopping mall in Nairobi on 21

September 2013 which continued for several

days. It is believed that al Shabaab militants –

Somalia’s al Qaeda-linked rebel group was

behind this violence.

Apart from this the continuing violence in Syria

and the loss of lives is unfathomable occurrences

in our world of today. The inability of the United

Nations and the divisions among its Security

Council has paralyzed the existing world order.

Why we go so far, in our own country, the

Muzaffarnagar riots and a rise in communal

conflicts have tarnished the image of our country

in the international world. It is clear that

communal forces pose the biggest challenge on

the unity and integrity of our country. It gravely

undermines the Constitutional governance of

our nation. As the general election of 2014 is fast



approaching the number, frequency, and

magnitude of religious and communal

processions are on the increase. These are used to

polarize the voters on the basis of communal


It is important for us to understand that there is

politics behind the terrorist attacks, communal

violence and riots. Though it is complex to deal

with the international situation, we may be able

to contribute our share to the decrease of

communal politics in India. We can be politically

alert and prophetically active in shaping the

future of India built on the Constitutional Vision

of our Founding Fathers.

The 2014 Parliamentary Election is fast

approaching. Already one could well recognize

the election fever enveloping around us. We can

certainly work for the emergence of a

government which takes care of all Indians as

equal citizens. Normally, there is a common

feeling among Christians that politics is

something abominable. We feel that it is

something opposed to the life in the Spirit and

we should, to the extent possible keep a safe

distance from it. Hence, for too many of us,

politics is a dirty topic. But it is important to

realize that the situation in India and the world is

changing very fast and we need to contribute our

share to shape the future of India and indirectly

the world.

We may take our inspiration from the Vatican

Council in this year of faith. It exhorts the

faithful, “It is a mistake to think that, because we

have here no lasting city, but seek the city which

is to come, we are entitled to shrink our earthly

responsibilities; this is to forget that by our faith

we are bound all the more to fulfill these

responsibilities according to the vocation of

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 3

each. May Christians be proud of the

opportunity to carry out their earthly activity in

such a way as to integrate human, domestic,

professional, scientific and technical enterprises

with religious values, under whose supreme

direction all things are ordered to the Glory of

God” (The Church in the Modern World, No.43).

The importance of political participation in

shaping the future is also stressed by the official

Church leaders. “Politics,” emphasized Pope

Paul VI, “is the best manner of living the

Christian commitment in the modern world”.

Pope Pius XII said, “Politics is the highest form of


The Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi also

understood the importance of the citizens to be

involved in politics to shape the future of this

nation. He said, “I claim that the human mind or

human society is not divided into water-tight

compartments called social, cultural, political

and religious. All act and react upon one another.

Any human person who aspires after the all

pervading Spirit of Truth cannot afford to keep

out of any field of life. That is why my spiritual

devotion to God of Truth has drawn me into the

field of politics.” Gandhiji continued: “Those

who claim that religion and politics are different

spheres of life, do not know what exactly religion

is. And I would say without a moment’s

hesitation and yet in all modesty that I could not

be leading a religious life unless I identify myself

with the whole humankind and that I could not

do unless I take part in politics.”

Hence, it is a fervent appeal to all that we need to

shape our future of the world and particularly of

India by being active and alive to the existing

situation and play our role to build a world of

love and charity. This implies that we need to be

politically alert and prophetically active in the

upcoming elections so that a government may be

formed which will respect all Indians as equal

citizens of this great country which is the vision

of the Indian Constitution.

Let us work for this.

Fr. S. M. Michael SVD

Inviting all BIRD Graduates to


Mission Sunday4 pm – 7 pm

Salvation Church Parish Hall, Dadar

lTo re-invigorate the vision for Ministry of IRDlTo understand the present situation of the Church in the Middle East

(Input by Fr. Anthony Fernandes, Director, DYC & earlier working in the Gulf Region

lTo pray for Inter-Religious Peace in the WorldlTo share creative was of IRD

Please confirm your participation in advanceCall: Marie D’Souza 9930806875 or Thelma Cardoz 9920115848

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 4

Cairo’s Al-Azhar University, considered one of

the most important centers of learning in Sunni

Islam, announced yesterday that Pope Francis

has sent a personal message to the Grand

Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmed Al Tayeb.

Pope Francis conveyed his good wishes to Al-

Tayeb via a face-to-face meeting between the

Grand Imam and the Apostolic Nuncio to

Egypt, Mgr. Jean-Paul Gobel, reports Catholic thwebsite Abouna. On 17 Sep 2013 Gobel

personally delivered Pope Francis’ Ramadan

greetings to the Muslim world as well as a

message to Al Tayeb

expressing his hope for

greater dialogue between

Muslims and Christians.

A Vatican correspondent

reported that the Pope’s

letter highlighted the

Vatican’s respect for Islam

and said he hoped that

every effort would be

made towards achieving

“mutual understanding

between the world’s

Christians and Muslims

in order to build peace and justice.” Al Tayeb

responded that Al-Azhar desires to send a

message of “respect for people of every

religion and the safeguarding of human

dignity and the highest values described in the

Quran and the Sunnah,” adding that Muslims

are willing “to collaborate to help justice and

progress grow among the people of the Earth.”

During Pope Benedict XVI’s tenure, relations

between the Vatican and the Muslim world

were strained at times for a variety of reasons,

including his use of a quote that was perceived

to be anti-Islamic in his 2006 Regensburg


l e c t u r e . B e n e d i c t ’s J a n u a r y 2 0 1 1

condemnation of anti-Christian violence in

Egypt heightened tensions even more, and

caused Al-Azhar to completely suspend

dialogue with the Holy See, citing his

“unacceptable interference in Egypt’s affairs.”

Prior to that incident, a delegation from the

university would participate in meetings with

the Pontifical Council for Interreligious

Dialogue every two years.

Pope Francis’ election after Benedict’s

resignation was seen as a

new chance for religious

cooperation by many

Muslim leaders, and Al

Tayeb sent Francis a

p e r s o n a l n o t e o f

congratulations when he

was chosen as Pope.

Though the rift seems to

b e h e a l i n g q u i c k l y,

especially in light of the

religious ramifications of

the unrest in Egypt,

Benedict’s remarks have

not been forgotten. Al-

Azhar’s report of the meeting said that Al

Tayeb told Gobel that casting Islam in a

negative light is a “red line” that must not be

crossed, in an apparent reference to the

incidents that took place while Benedict was


Though Al-Azhar’s account of the meeting did

not explicitly mention the possibility of

resuming official dialogue between the two

institutions, it is certainly a big step forward

when it comes to repairing past wounds.

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 5

October 26, 1986

In October 1986,

Pope John Paul II

held the “World

Day of Prayer for

Peace of Assisi”,

the first time such

a n e v e n t h a d

occurred. Major

religious leaders, including the Dalai Lama

and the Archbishop of Canterbury, joined

with the Pope to call for peace, unity, and

interreligious understanding. The Pope

closed the meeting with the call, “Let’s keep

spreading the message of Peace and living

the spirit of Assisi.”. Since Assisi, the

community of Sant’Egidio has sought to

fulfill that message by convening and

annual meeting of religious leaders to

discuss critical global issues of peace, unity,

and interreligious dialogue.

October 27, 2011

Two and a

half decades

later, Pope

B e n e d i c t

XVI invited

nearly three

h u n d r e d


ves of the religions of the world as well as a

few non-believers to participate in the 25th

anniversary of the World Day of Prayer for

Peace: A Day of Reflection, Dialogue and

Prayer for Justice and Peace in the World, on

the theme Pilgrims of Truth, Pilgrims of Peace.


This historic gathering was held Oct. 27,

2011 at Assisi, Italy to commemorate the first

such gathering held 25 years ago on the same

day in 1986 by Pope John Paul II. The

representatives attending the gathering

included about 60 Catholics, 60 Orthodox

and Protestant Christians, 65 Muslims, 65

Buddhists, eight Jews, seven Hindus, six

Shintos, five Sikhs, four non-believers, three

Confucists, three Taoists, one Jain, one

Baha’i and one Zoroastrian.

October 4, 2013

O n F r i d a y 4

O c t o b e r P o p e

Francis will visit

the city of Assisi,

the birthplace of

St. Francis, his


8.45 a.m. v i s i t t o t h e S h r i n e o f

St. Damian to pray, and then meet

with the poor assisted by Caritas.

11 a.m. Mass in Piazza San Francesco,

followed by lunch with the poor

from the city centre.

After lunch visit to the Hermitage of the

Prisons, where he will pray in St.

Francis’ cell.

3.15 p.m. he wi l l meet wi th c le rgy,

c o n s e c r a t e d p e r s o n s a n d

members of the diocesan pastoral


5.45 p.m. meet with young people on the

terrace in front of the basilica.

6.30 p.m. at Rivotorto where he will pray

privately in St. Francis’ hovel.

Aniceto Pereira

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 6


* A Samai prepared for lighting with tea lights

placed instead of cotton wicks and oil.

* Decoration around the Samai of white flower

garlands and petals.

* As the reading from sacred scripture is

announced, one lighted Diya should be

brought up.


We welcome all gathered here on this joyful

day, the Festival of Light. All over India, the

lights of Diwali twinkle and sparkle bringing

joy and hope. Let us pray with

the joy of togetherness, and the

hope of a spiritual light burning

brightly in our hearts for each


Call to Prayer

Let us still our minds and hearts

and come in to the presence of

the eternal One, the almighty

One. (Pause while)

Lighting of the Samai

The Parish Priest then invites some of the

dignitaries to join him in lighting the lamp –

while the following bhajan is sung.

From the unreal lead me to the real

From Darkness to light

From death to immortality , Peace, Peace, Peace

Today we have been engulfed in the sea of

darkness – Violence, Corruption, Terror,

Ignorance, and Unbelief etc. Let us dispel the

darkness from our hearts and allow the light of

creation to shine on us today. Symbolically let

us welcome the light in our midst by stretching

our hands towards the diya and drawing the

light towards our eyes. We now begin readings

of Sacred Scriptures from different faiths.



DeeJeMÙekeâleeSB* Skeâ meceF& ØepJeefuele keâjves kesâ efueÙes lewÙeej~* meceF& keâes meHesâo HetâueeW kesâ nej mes mepeeSB Deewj veerÛes

meceF& kesâ ÛeejeW Deesj meHesâo hebKegefÌ[ÙeeB* leerve JÙeefòeâÙeeW keâes ÛegefveÙes pees nj Oeeefce&keâ-«evLe kesâ hee"

keâer Iees<eCee nesves hej Skeâ pJeefuele oerhe meeLe ueeS ~

heefjÛeÙeDeepe ØekeâeMe keâe lÙeesnej nw - Fme Deevevo Yejs efove hej, nce ÙeneB DeeS ngS meye ueesieeW keâe mJeeiele keâjles nQ~ YeejleJe<e& ceW nj peien, efoJeeueer keâer Ûecekeâ-Oecekeâ, Deevevo Deewj DeeMee

keâe mebosMe ueeleer nw~ Skeâ meeLe nesves kesâ Deevevo mes Yejkeâj leLee DeOÙeeeflcekeâ ØekeâeMe keâer pJeeuee mes, Yejs ùoÙeesb mes nce Skeâ otmejeW kesâ efueÙes ØeeLe&vee keâjW~>

ØeeLe&vee keâer hegkeâejDeeDees nce, Deveeefo Deewj meJe&Meefkeäleceeve F&MJej keâer GheefmLeefle ceW, ceve Deewj ùoÙe keâes efmLej keâjW

meceF& keâes ØepJeefuele keâjvee (heuueer hegjesefnle, oerhe peueeves kesâ efueS, kegâÚ Øeefleef‰le JÙeefòeâÙeeW keâes Deheves meeLe Deeves kesâ efueÙes Deecebef$ele keâjles nQ~ Gme meceÙe Demeleescee meleieceÙe ieeÙee peelee nw) Demelees cee meleieceÙee , lecemeescee pÙeesefleie&ceÙee ce=lÙeescee& Dece=leceieceÙee , Meebefle, Meebefle, Meebefle

Deepe nce DebOekeâej kesâ mecegõ ceW (Deefnbmee, Yeü°eÛeej Deelebkeâ, De%eeve leLee DeefJeÕeeme Deeefo) efveceive nes ieS nQ ~ DeeDees Deepe nce Fme DebOekeâej keâes otj keâjW Deewj mepe&ve kesâ ØekeâeMe keâes Deheves Thej Ûecekeâves oW leLee Øeleerkeâ kesâ ®he ceW, efoÙee ØepJeefuele keâjkesâ nce Deheves yeerÛe ØekeâeMe keâe mJeeiele keâjW ~Deye nce efJeefYeVe OeceeX kesâ heefJe$e «evLeeW mes hee" Meg® keâjWies~

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 7

1. A Reading from the Bible: Gen.: 1: 1-5

* Silent Reflection (pause)

* Intercessory Prayer

We pray for the light to come over us and

that God’s Word always to be our light.

Our response: God of Light guide our


*Sing a verse of a Hindi bhajan

2. A Reading from the Quran Sura 24:35-36

* Silent Reflection (pause)

* Intercessory Prayer

We pray that the Almighty, the giver of

light will shine in our entire being.

Our response: God of Light guide our


*Sing an Antiphon/1 verse of a bhajan

3. A Reading from the sacred scriptures of

Hinduism: Bhagvad Gita Ch 8:26

*Silent Reflection

*Intercessory Prayer

As all over India Hindus celebrate the

festival of light in our world, we pray that

light would be one that overcomes the

darkness of violence and terror.

Our response: God of Light guide our

actions .

*Sing an Antiphon/ 1 verse of a bhajan

Concluding Prayer

You Lord are our, light, radiant, and splendid.

Light up our minds with knowledge and

understanding and integrity. Grant that we

may become bearers and builders of Light to

build our neighbourhoods, communities and


Sing an English Concluding Hymn

Meera Colaco

1. heefJe$e yeeFefyeue mes hee" : Glheefòe «evLe 1:1-5(ceewve efÛevleve)

* ceOÙemLelee keâer ØeeLe&veence ØeeLe&vee keâjles nQ efkeâ ØekeâeMe nce meye hej Úe peeS, leLee F&MJej keâer JeeCeer, meoe nceeje ØekeâeMe yeve ~nceeje peJeeye : ns ØekeâeMe kesâ F&MJej! nceejs keâeÙeeX ceW nceeje ceeie&oMe&ve keâj ~* (Skeâ mlegefleieeve ieeSB / efnvoer Yepeve keâe Skeâ heo)

2. heefJe$e kegâjDeeve cepeero mes hee" - megjn 24:35-36* (ceewve efÛevleve)* ceOÙemLelee keâer ØeeLe&veence ØeeLe&vee keâjles nQ efkeâ meJe&Meefòeâceeve, ØekeâeMe osvesJeeuee, nceW ØekeâeefMele keâj osnceeje peJeeye : ns ØekeâeMe kesâ F&MJej! nceejs keâeÙeeX ceW nceeje ceeie&oMe&ve keâj ~* (Skeâ mlegefleieeve ieeSB / efnvoer Yepeve keâe Skeâ heo)

3. efnvot-Oece& kesâ heefJe$e «evLe mes hee" - YeieJeodieerlee 8:26* (ceewve efÛevleve)* ceOÙemLelee keâer ØeeLe&veepeye keâer, mebmeej ceW ØekeâeMe keâe heJe&, efnvot ueesie Yeejle ceW nj peien ceveeles nQnce ØeeLe&vee keâjles nQ efkeâ ØekeâeMe ner, Delebkeâ Deewj Deefnbmee kesâ DebOekeâej keâes otj keâj os ~nceeje peJeeye : ns ØekeâeMe kesâ F&MJej! nceejs keâeÙeeX ceW nceeje ceeie&oMe&ve keâj ~

* (Skeâ mlegefleieeve ieeSB / Yepeve keâe Skeâ heo)

Debeflece ØeeLe&veens ØeYeg! let nceeje keâeefvleceÙe Deewj Meeveoej ØekeâeMe nw ~ nceejs ceve keâes %eeve efJeJeskeâ Deewj F&ceeveoejer mes ØekeâeefMele keâj os ~ nce hej Ssmeer ke=âhee keâj efkeâ, nce ØekeâeMe kesâ Jeenkeâ Deewj Deheves Deemeheeme leLee mecegoeÙe Deewj osMe kesâ efvecee&Ce ces ØekeâeMe kesâ efvecee&lee yeve peeSB ~Deefvlece Yepeve-Deb«espeer ceW


heer. Skeäme. mJeeceer

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 8


Dialogue is a shared conversation of two or

more persons. It could be defined as the

intention to seek mutual understanding on

an issue or situation through inquiry and

learning that can lead to consensus. Thus

Inter-religious dialogue is a conversation of

two or more believers of different religions

or living faiths, where each one makes a

serious effort to take other's concerns into

her or his own picture, even when

disagreement persists. No participant gives

up her or his identity, but each recognizes

enough of the other's valid human claims so

that she or he will act differently towards the


Therefore inorder to mark the Year of Faith

with a peak experience of dialogue, we, the

Sisters of Canossa Annexe organized an

Inter-Faith prayer Service at Victoria Parish th

on 15 August 2013. The Theme of the Prayer

service was “Inter-Faith Dialogue:

Promoting Peace and Harmony”.

th thOn 15 August, India celebrated its 67

Independence Day. India is the cradle of the

human race, the birth place of human speech

and the mother of History.

This was a special occasion to come together

as one community and exalt our Mother

Earth, where our most valuable and most

astrictive materials in the history are

treasured. Yet aware of the atrocities and

injustices that mark the present generation

where communal and cultural violence

takes form even in our thinking, we thought

of coming together to pray for peace. It

was a moment to reflect upon the

interconnectedness of all beings and to uplift

our hearts and minds in a safe environment

for all. We came together as a community of

different faiths in the spirit of respect,

dignity, identity and harmony, and to come

to a deeper knowledge of one another.

“It is as urgent a cause as I can imagine that

we work to bring religions together to help

claim the higher ground with each other, to

hold up compassion and social justice, and to

become a common voice in addressing the

great problems in our world,” said Dean

Reports of Year of Faith Peak Activity


Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 9

Lloyd. “I see one dimension of Faith shared,

to be both a call for tolerance, respect, and

understanding, and also a fresh affirmation

that we from different religions are called to

partner in creating a more peaceful and more

just world.”

The prayer service began with a procession

of the dignitaries with lighted candles in

their hands, followed by the lighting of

Samai which was placed on the Stage.

Light is the symbol of God's presence in our

midst. Therefore to welcome God's presence

in our hearts and to ask for His blessings our

Canossa High School Girls performed the

prayer dance.

The Dignitaries who were first warmly

welcomed spoke on their convictions of their

religious traditions. Miss Surender Kaur,

while sharing her insights on Sikhism, said,

“Secular” means respecting all the religions

as they are and giving them freedom to

practice their religion. Dr. Mohammed

Kadeer Khan while sharing on Islam, said

that the name 'Is- Salaam” itself means

Peace. Five times a day, before and after the

“Namaj” they wish each other with peace.

This sharing was embellished by our

Canossa Night High School Girls who

performed a dance on 'Jhansi Ki Rani'

conveying the message of strength, courage

and love for the country by a woman who

gave her life in the battle field.

Sr. Neelam – Brahma Kumari – shared her

insights and inspirations on the spirituality

of Peace and Harmony. She said God has

created each human being to be in Peace and

to live in Peace and to attain this Peace we

need to be serene and live in harmony with

each other, trying not to hurt anyone at any

cost. Fr. Savio De Sales, while sharing on

Christianity, said, if we want to enjoy Peace,

we need to seek Justice, for Peace and Justice

are the two sides of the same coin.

Once again Canossa Night High School

Girls screened a dance on “MeraDesh

Mahan Hai” communicating the message,

that we are proud of our country and we love

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 10

our country. This was followed by the

sharing by Dr. K.S. Ingoli, on Buddhism. He

said “Peace is a central concept for Buddha,

who came to be known as the “santirâjâ” or

the “Prince of Peace.” For the aim of good life

and the practice of it, is said to consist in

“sama-cariyâ” or “harmonious living” with

one's fellow beings. It was this doctrine,

which gave “inward peace” (ajjhatta-santi)

and resulted in “harmonious living” which

Buddha for the first time in the known

history of mankind sought to spread over

the entire Earth”.

Dr. Harsha spoke on Hinduism. She quoted

Atharva Veda saying “let there be Peace in

the heavens, the earth, the atmosphere, the

water, the herbs, and the vegetation, among

the divine beings and in Brahman, the

absolute reality. Let everything be at Peace

and in Peace. Only then will we find peace”.

Fr. S.M. Michael svd, the director of Bombay

Inter-Religious Dialogue conveyed his

message on Peace and Harmony. He also

thanks the Canossian Sisters for taking the

initiative in organizing such enriching event

at Parish level.

The programme was concluded with an

Inter-faith prayer for Peace followed by the

Vote of thanks and the National Anthem.

Sr. Gracy Rodrigues.

Canossa Annexe

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 11


The essence of Independence Day truly thcame alive on the 13 of August 2013. Our

l o v e f o r o u r c o u n t y I n d i a w a s

wholeheartedly expressed by organizing an

Inter-religious dialogue. A unique moment,

where representative from five different

religions participated in the prayer service

with great fervor and enthusiasm.

Ms Shania Penkar represented the Jewish


Mrs. Kamla of the Parsi community

Mrs Salma Madha of the musl im


Sr. Margaret Sequeira the Headmistress of

Canossa High School of the Catholic


Mrs Susmitha Salgoankar of the Hindu


Together they carried forward the spirit of

oneness by lighting the diya a symbol of

peace and unity. An elaborate prayer

service celebrating Ramadan Id and Parsi

New Year invigorated our belief that “Unity

is Strength”. A short power point

presentation highlighting the importance of

fasting in the holy month of Ramandan and

the significant of the Parsi New Year were

shown to the students. The whole

experience was endearing.

The day came alive with the Patriotic Dance

and Singing Competition. Students dressed

in colourful costumes gracefully performed

vibrant, foot tapping numbers. He whole

ambience reciprocated love for our Mother

Land India. Everyone left the auditorium of

being as a one big family.

Sr. Celcy Fernandes FdCC

Sammelan X - 3 ; October 2013 u 12


We are in the Year of Faith, and the aspect of

dialogue in the living out of faith is always of

great interest. With this in mind and also to

celebrate the 66th year of independent India,

an Inter-Faith Prayer Meeting was held at

Our Lady of Dolours Church, Wadala on

Sunday 11 August 2013.

The programme began with an audio-visual

presentation which was also a prayer service

with various scriptural texts and a prayer

made by Fr. Allwyn Misquitta. A brief

welcome was followed by the Lighting of the

Lamp and asuitable invocaton for Peace and


Dr. R Kharanja, a Parsi priest, then spoke on

the tenets of Zoroastrianism specially

concerning respect for other people and

living harmoniously. The Budhist monks

Bhante Vimal and Rahul then led us into a

meditative hymn and shared the non-

violence traditions of the community and

their efforts in bringing about peaceful living

amongst people. Kiranjeet Kaur, a Sikh,

quoted from their scriptures and spoke on

the need for tolerance as an essential element

for peace and harmony. Through everyday

examples of our homes and work places, she

brought out the conflicts that arise because of

an intolerant attitude and a failure to accept

differences. Fr. Godfrey, Parish Priest, said

that Jesus had come to bring the fullness of

life which all of us need to experience. He

emphasized that self growth and proper

understanding of our own faith and

practices, respect and acceptance of truths

and goodness in other faiths and a sharing of

our living experiences could help in bringing

about a civilization of justice, peace and love.

Dr. Gaurang Vora, a Hindu, gave practical

examples of his own involvement in tackling

local issues of garbage, illegal development,

care for environment, police inaction, noise

violations, etc which helped people come

together for good causes and see reason for

being together irrespective of religious


The meeting closed with a vote of thanks by

Anand Castelino who expressed a hope that

this would lead to other occasions to come

together and work for the good of all. A very

thought provoking multi-lingual audio-

visual presentation concluded the meeting.

Anand Castellino

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