customer training courses 2006 ps5857

Post on 04-Mar-2015






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Schneider ElectricProjects & ServicesCustomer training courses

Unlock your potential with Schneider Electric training

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Schneider Electric is proud to present the updated customer training


The catalogue has been extensively reviewed to ensure that it details the

complete range of training and development options in all areas of

specialisation; from high and low voltage, to automation and mandatory

legislative requirements.

The range of courses available is varied, yet comprehensive, and many of

our courses are accredited by prestigious institutions, as detailed below.

Schneider Electric recognises the importance of, and places a heavy

emphasis on, training and development. As a result of this, the products

supplied by the group are constantly being upgraded and improved and our

training courses are continually being developed to reflect these advances in

product and technology.

Schneider Electric prides itself in providing flexible training options, and all

the courses featured can be delivered at one of our training facilities located

nationwide or on site at your premises. Dependant on the number of

delegates, courses can be run either on an "open" basis or tailored to your

specific requirements on a "closed" basis (one to six delegates).




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A u t h o r i s e d p e r s o n c o u r s e s 4

Industrial, NHS Estates, AP1, AP3, AP2, AP19

Available courses

P r o g r a m m a b l e l o g i c c o n t r o l l e r c o u r s e s 1 8

W e b b a s e d t e c h n o l o g y 1 7

O p e r a t o r i n t e r f a c e H M I a n d S C A D A c o u r s e s 2 3

I n d u s t r i a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s c o u r s e s 2 5

C l i p s a l C - B u s c o u r s e s 1 5

V a r i a b l e s p e e d d r i v e c o u r s e s 2 7

Transparent Ready, PowerLogic

Premium, Micro, Momentum, Quantum, 984

Magelis, Vijeo

Interbus S, Profibus DP, Ethernet, Modbus Plus, Fipway, FipI0


P r o t e c t i o n / p r o d u c t c o u r s e s 9

Sepam, GenieEvo, Ringmaster, Masterpact, Compact, YSF6

Basic and intermediate

D o m e s t i c a r r a n g e m e n t s 2 9

Terms and conditions

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Authorised person courses

These courses are primarily for people who have to operate the High Voltage (HV)or Low Voltage (LV) electrical systems on site.

The procedures for the operation of a ‘Safe System of Work’ are laid down in the UK by the Health and Safety Executive, which makes it a mandatoryrequirement to have staff formally trained prior to undertaking any switching duties on an electrical system.

The rules adopted by the regional electricity companies will be used in ourindustrial courses.

High Voltage Authorised Personelectrical course (industrial)4 days (non-residential)


Delegates will be introduced to electrical systems and the dangers which exist and canarise when operating and working on HV andLV systems. A facility for examining equipmentand gaining hands on operating experiencewill be available throughout the course.


The training will cover safe operating procedures relating to the operation and maintenance of a variety of equipment.Delegates will gain the required experience toissue documentation abiding by all legislation,and their specific company defined procedures, in addition to attaining the role of safety co-ordinator.

Statutory safety regulationsHV switchgear operation and maintenanceOperation and maintenance of electrical distribution equipmentIssue of Permit to WorkIssue of Sanction to TestNetwork operationsApplication of Electrical Safety Regulationsto high voltage equipment and systemsBasic protection operationsCable location and identification

Target audience

All staff required to operate a live system.

Course code: 107

Low Voltage Authorised Persontraining3 days (non-residential)


The training will teach safe operatingprocedures relating to the operation andmaintenance of a variety of equipment.

Delegates will gain the required experience toissue documentation abiding by all legislationand their specific company definedprocedures, in addition to attaining the role ofsafety co-ordinator.

Equipment used

Various LV equipment


Statutory safety regulationsLV switchgear operation and maintenanceOperation and maintenance of electrical distribution equipmentIssue of Permit to WorkIssue of Sanction to TestNetwork operationsApplication of Electrical Safety Regulationsto LV equipment and systemsBasic protection operationsCable location and identification

Target audience

Suitably experienced personnel nominated forappointment as Authorised Person (electrical)with respect to LV distribution equipment.

Course code: 101

4 The above courses are held at Schneider Electric Chippenham, Wiltshire

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Authorised Person NHS estates inaccordance with HTM 2020/215 days (residential)


UK National Health Service course for theappointment of persons working to the HTM20/21 Electrical safety code for High Voltage(HV) systems. This will apply to England andWales and also covers the variationsapplicable to Scotland and Northern Ireland.


Management policyStatutory legislationHTM 2020/21 roles and dutiesSafety programsSigns and noticesPermits and sanctions in useInspectorateElectrical apparatus construction, operation and maintenanceSafe isolation of HV and Low Voltage (LV) systems Practical exercises on HV and LVCable workingsProtection applications, settings and testingWritten test assessment


Delegates who attend the course should have a firm understanding of basic electrical principles and theory

Target audience

All staff who work in NHS Electricaldisciplines.

Course code: 140Course code: 163













Authorised person courses


Mechanical to electrical conversion

4 days (residential)

ObjectivesTo assist in the transition from “mechanical” to“electrical” by providing the basic technicalskills and knowledge for a wide range ofelectrical services. The course also providesthe necessary background information for‘multi-skilled’ M&E staff.


Candidates will acquire the skills andknowledge to:

State and apply electrical theoryIdentify wiring systemsState the requirements for earthingIdentify standard symbols from circuit/flow diagramsIdentify and use transformersIdentify HV/ LV distribution and switchgear systemsState the requirements for electric motors/generatorsIdentify land select lightening systemsComplete practical wiring projectsFault-find on completed projects

Target audience

M&E staff from a basic mechanicalbackground who have (or are about to begiven) responsibility to work on LV electricalinstallations. It is recommended that allmechanically based staff attend this coursebefore any other electrical course.

Course code: 158

The above courses are held at Schneider Electric Chippenham, Wiltshire

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Authorised person courses

AP2 Authorised Person electricalcourse MoD approved5 days (residential)


Delegates will learn the essentialrequirements of safe working procedures onLV equipment as required by the Electricity atWork regulations and Defence EstatesJSP375/SRP01 Safety Rules and Procedures

Equipment used

A wide variety of manufacturers HVswitchgear is installed for practical work


Statutory safety regulationsMandatory safety regulationsDefence Estates Electrical Safety Rules and ProceduresLV distribution switchgear and equipment Application of electricity safety regulations Issue of Permit to Work, Sanction to Test &Sanction for Work on live equipmentCable location and identificationOperating records and documentation

Target audience

M&E engineers and technicians who havebeen nominated by the Authorised Engineerto take on the role of authorised person LV.

Course code: 152


AP1 Authorised Person electricalcourse MoD approved10 days (residential)


Delegates will learn the essentialrequirements of safe working procedures onHigh Voltage (HV) equipment as required bythe Electricity at Work Regulations andDefence Estates JSP375/SRP01 Safety Rulesand Procedures.


Statutory safety regulations, mandatory safety regulations, Defence Estates, Safety Rules and Procedures (JSP375/SRP01) HV switchgear operation and maintenance HV ring and radial network operation Issue of Permit to Work Issue of Sanction to Test Network operations Low Voltage (LV) distribution equipment Application of Electrical Safety Regulations to LV equipment and systems Issue of Permit to Work and Test and Sanction to work on live equipment Operating records and documentation Cable location and identification Testing and commissioning of HV electricaldistribution equipmentPressure (Hi-Pot) testing

Target audience

Suitably experienced M&E personnelnominated for appointment as AuthorisedPerson (electrical) with respect to HVring/radial distribution and LV distribution equipment.

Course code: 110

The above courses are held at Schneider Electric Chippenham, Wiltshire

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Authorised person courses


AP19 Authorised Person hazardous areas - electrical3 days (residential)


To enable delegates nominated forappointment as authorised persons to acquirethe necessary background knowledge, skillsand basis for gaining company experience.

In particular:

To revise and update the requirements andapplication of relevant legislation

To learn procedures for a safe system of work on hazardous LV systems in accordance with JSP375/SRP01 section 7

To obtain practice in implementing the above


British Standards (BS) and Cenelec (European) Standards and codes of practiceThe classification of areas and the choice of equipment for use in the presence of Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (PEXA)Certification of equipment methods of protection, gas groups and temperature classificationApplication and use of MoD Defence Estate (DE) Safety Rules and Procedures (JSP375/SRP01) MoD/DE maintenance requirements for installation and maintenance of equipmentClassroom and practical assessment exercises

Target audience

Engineers and technicians who haveresponsibility for the selection, operation andmaintenance of electrical equipment/systemsforming hazardous area installations.

Course code: 151

AP3 Authorised Person electricalrefresher course MoD approved5 days (residential)


Delegates will revisit the essentialrequirements of safe working procedures onHigh Voltage (HV) equipment as required bythe Electricity at Work Regulations andDefence Estates JSP375/SRP01 Safety Rulesand Procedures.


Statutory safety regulations Mandatory safety regulations, Defence Estates, Safety Rules and Procedures (JSP375/SRP01) HV switchgear operation and maintenance Operation and maintenance of electrical distribution equipment Issue of Permit to Work Issue of Sanction to Test Network operations Low Voltage (LV) distribution equipment Application of Electrical Safety Regulationsto HV equipment and systems Issue of a Sanction to Work on live equipment Operating records and documentation Cable location and identification


The course contains practical exercises, sodelegates are advised to bring appropriate protective clothing

Target audience

Authorised Persons who have a requirementto complete refresher training to remaineligible for continued appointment.

Course code: 111

The above courses are held at Schneider Electric Chippenham, Wiltshire

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Authorised person courses


Authorising Engineers (Electrical)5 days (residential)


This course teaches persons appointed toAuthorised Engineer status, or a similar rolewithin the company, to understand the rolesand duties to manage their staffing needs,whilst also adhering to the UK statutoryrequirements.

Equipment used

Classroom work and various High Voltage(HV) and Low Voltage (LV) distributionequipment.


The latest statutory regulations - for workingRoles and duties of the Authorised EngineerAppointment of Authorised Person and Certified PersonIssue of Permits & Sanction (team exercise)Protection systems - updatesAuditing proceduresActions after major damage - tasks and duties Installing a new substation, HV/LV phasing


The delegate has full Authorised Persons(electrical) knowledge in respect to hisdistribution systems.

Course code: TBA

The above courses are held at Schneider Electric Chippenham, Wiltshire

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The fundamental principle of controlling danger with the operation of High Voltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) circuit breakers lies at the centre of allnetworks, from a major transmission system, down to a simple radial LVdistribution board. Failure of a device to operate correctly could result in seriousdamage and endanger personnel.The correct installation and setting up of breakers, and its allied protection, iscovered to enable any staff members to grasp the characteristics of theseessential products, common to our daily lives.

Protection/product courses

Understanding distributionnetwork protection4 days


The course is aimed at designers, specifiersand operators of HV distribution networklayout and protection equipment packages.The issue of protection co-ordination isexamined with reference to practicalexamples. Modern numerical protection andcontrol devices which have serialcommunications capabilities are investigated.

Equipment used

Various protection relays plus the Sepam range of protection relays. Ringmaster and YSF6

switchgear. Talus and Sprite remote terminalunits.


HV supplies and network configurationsEstimation of system fault levelsInstrument transformersApplication of overcurrent and earth fault protectionDifferential protectionProtection of transformers, motors and generators

Target audience

Electrical engineers who have previous experience in protection, or are moving into a protection role.

Course code: 109

Low Voltageskilled personDuration on application


The course will cover basic theory and theavoidance of danger - when at work

Equipment used

Various LV distribution equipment.


Statutory Safety RegulationsLV equipment operation and maintenanceOperation of an LV electrical systemIssue of Permit to Work and Sanction to TestApplication of Electrical Safety Rules whenworking A simple method of doing short circuit calculationsCable location, plus identification and spikingLV phasing outBasics of working on generators and UPS’s

Course code: TBA

The above courses are held at Schneider Electric Chippenham, Wiltshire

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GenieEvo switchgear training1 day


Delegates will safely operate the circuitbreaker to secure the point of isolation andearthing appropriately.

Equipment used

GenieEvo Switchgear


Overview presentation, with notes:Introduction to the switchgearDefines the main variants and ratingsArchitecture and main componentsEvolis vacuum circuit breakerControlled air disconnectorVoltage transformerEndurance characteristicsOverview of the Sepam protection system

Demonstration, followed by hands-on operation:

Isolator and circuit breaker mechanism operationCable testing facilityVoltage transformer compartmentProtection resetVisual checksFactory tour of production line

Course code: 118

Protection/product courses

Sepam Protection & Control Relay training1 day


To teach the operation and use of the Sepam2000, 20, 40 or 80 protection relay.

Equipment used

Sepam protection relay and hand held terminal.


Introduction to the relayDefinition of the main variantsArchitecture and main componentsFunctionalityPLC ladder logic overview PC setting software Metering functionsProtection resetPost fault interrogationDisturbance recorderProtection settingsI/O statusUse of TSM handheld terminaladds further 1/2 day

Course code: 116

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Ringmaster switchgear training1 day


To teach the construction and operation ofRingmaster switchgear.

Equipment used

Ringmaster switchgear.


Introduction to the switchgearDefines the main variants and ratingsArchitecture and main componentsInterruption systemGas pressure indicationEndurance characteristicsOverview of protection system (TFL or VIP300)Mechanism operationCable testing facilityCircuit breaker resetProtection resetVisual checks

Course code: 127

VIP300 self powered protectionrelay training1 day


To teach the common operator features of theVIP300 relay.

Equipment used

VIP300 relay.


Introduction to the VIP300 relayMethod of operationFunctionalityBasic IDMT relay theoryOverview of relay settingProtection resetRelay health checkMinimum operating currentPost fault interrogationProtection settings

Target audience

Persons required to operate VIP300 relays.

Course code: 157

Protection/product courses












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Protection/product courses

UPS systems training

2 days


To teach safe operating procedures relating tothe operation and maintenance of UPSequipment. Delegates will gain the requiredexperience to issue documentation abiding byall legislation and their specific companydefined procedures.

Equipment used

UPS and associated switchgear.


Statutory safety regulations relating to UPSUPS principlesUPS associated switchgearDiscrimination including earth loop impedanceFault levels relating to mains, generator, UPS and switchgearPractical operation of UPS and switchgear

Target audience

All staff who have a UPS system on theirfacility. Suitably experienced personnel withnominated responsibility for UPS systems.

Course code: 160

Working safely with dieselgenerator systems1 day


To teach safe operating procedures relating tothe operation and maintenance of generatorsets.

Equipment used

Cummins Diesel Generator set.


Statutory safety regulations relating to generator setsGenerator set principlesSafe isolation of generator setsSafety around a running engine

Target audience

Suitable for managers and supervisors whohave responsibility for generator systems, andwill benefit electricians and fitters in charge ofcarrying out routine maintenance.

Course code: 112

The above courses are held at Schneider Electric Chippenham, Wiltshire

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Protection/product courses

YSF6 switchgeartraining 1 day

ObjectivesTo teach the operation and maintenance ofYSF6 Switchgear.

Equipment used

Various equipment, as available.


Introduction to the switchgearDefine main variants and ratingsArchitecture and main componentsCircuit breaker positions and earthing methodVoltage transformer typesInterruption systemCircuit breaker operationIsolating mechanismHigh Voltage (HV) shuttersCircuit earthingBusbar earthing via earthing deviceVoltage transformer isolation and fuse removal

Course code: 120

High voltage upgrade from lowvoltage training 2 days

ObjectivesDelegates will be introduced to electricalsystems and the dangers which exist and canarise when operating and working on HighVoltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) systems.A facility for examining equipment and gaininghands on operating experience will beavailable throughout the course.

Equipment used

Issue of Permit to WorkIssue of Sanction to TestNetwork operationsApplication of Electrical Safety Regulationsto HV


Statutory safety regulationsHV switchgear operation and maintenanceOperation and maintenance of electrical distribution equipmentEquipment and systemsBasic protection operationsCable location and identification

Target audience

Suitably experienced personnel nominated forappointment as Authorised Person (electrical)with respect to HV/LV distribution equipment.

Course code: 167

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Protection/product courses

Relay testing and settings traininggenerator systems2 days


Delegates will be introduced to protectionsystems and how to test them. Throughoutthe course the facility for examiningequipment and gaining hands on operatingexperience will be available. Grading studiesusing Microsoft & Excel will be covered.

Who will benefit

All staff required to work with protection relayson HV/LV systems.


The training will cover testing proceduresrelating to the different types of relays.Delegates will gain the required experience toenable them to work on protection schemesand to have an understanding ofgrading/discrimination studies.

Current & Voltage transformersElectro-mechanical relaysElectronic relaysMicroprocessor relaysApplication of basic relay test setsTesting using advanced test setsSetting/grading of relays in a scheme

Target audience

Personnel appointed as Authorised Person(electrical) and industrial or commercialmembers of staff, with responsibility forworking or testing on HV/LV distributionsystems.

Course code: 518

Operation and maintenance of LVair circuit breakers1 day


The purpose of this course is to provide aprimary understanding of the operation ofcircuit breakers and to outline the relevantoperational aspects of the unit.

Equipment used

Compact NS MCCBMasterpact air circuit breakersControl unit tester


Identify the circuit breaker standardsCircuit breaker mechanical theoryElectrical circuit breaker operationLevels of maintenance and servicingImportant aspects of the control unit

Target audience

The course is designed for engineering staffconcerned with operation and/or maintenanceof the LV circuit breakers including:

Installation and operating staffMaintenance/repair teamsCommissioning and test techniciansSystems designersPanel manufacturers

Course code: 106

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Course code: 107



l C







Clipsal C-Bus provides products for the control and automation of lighting indomestic and commercial premises.

Clipsal C-Bus courses

C-Bus basic course2 days


On completion of this course students shouldbe able to:

Understand the principles of C-Bus systemsPlan and design a C-Bus systemUse the C-Bus Toolkit SoftwareProgram basic C-Bus units

Equipment used

C-Bus dimmer, PC interface, PIR, Lightsensor and 4 way switch. PC with toolkitsoftware installed.


Introduction to the C-Bus systemExamples of installationsC-Bus operationPlanning and design of a C-Bus installationUsing the Toolkit SoftwareConfiguring and programming C-Bus unitsPractical exercises


PC and MS Windows familiarity.

Course code: 401

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C-Bus intermediate 21 day


On completion of this course students shouldbe able to:

Program the Colour Touch Screen

Equipment used

C-Bus Colour Touch ScreenPC with Toolkit and PICED software installed.


Introduction to EthernetSetting up the network interface using Lantronix software Programming basic functions on touch screenUsing schedules and scenesProgramming the DLT with key functions and scenes

Course code: 403

Clipsal C-Bus courses

C-Bus intermediate 11 day


On completion of this course students shouldbe able to:

Setup and configure a C-Bus network interfaceProgram the monochrome Touch Screen

Equipment used

C-Bus B/W Touch Screen, Network Interfaceand Dynamic Labelling Technology (DLT) 5button unit, PC with Toolkit and PICEDsoftware installed.


Introduction to EthernetSetting up the network interface using Lantronix software Programming basic functions on touch screenUsing schedules and scenesProgramming the DLT with key functions and scenes

Course code: 402

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Transparent Ready

1 day


On completion of this course students shouldbe able to:

Understand the principles of EthernetUnderstand the principles of TCP/IPDesign a simple Ethernet NetworkUnderstand how web based technology is being used in industrial and commercial equipment

Equipment used

Various web based equipment.


Introduction to NetworksIntroduction to Ethernet Ethernet network cables and devicesEthernet network designPrinciples of TCP/IPAddressing and subnet maskMethods of managing dataExamples of the technology in use


PC and MS Windows familiarity.

Course code: 351

Web based technology courses














Web enabled power and control allows access to power, lighting, HVAC, andmanufacturing, to monitor and/or control, using the same technology as theoffice LAN infrastructure.

Web based PowerLogic2 days


On completion of this course students shouldbe able to:

Set up a PowerServer IP addressUse Netmeeting to access the PowerServer Set up an EGX400 gatewayUse Web Page Generator to create web pages for the EGX400Use the SMS software

Equipment used

PowerLogic PowerServerPM 800 Power meterCM 4000 Circuit MonitorEGX400 Gateway


Ethernet and TCP/IPSet up NetmeetingPowerLogic powerserverPowerLogic EGX400Web page generatorAccessing SMS in the powerserverSMS standard applicationsSMS custom applications


PC and MS Windows familiarity.

Course code: 130


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Course code: 107Course code: 107Course code: 107

Schneider Electric's range of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) is secondto none. With a wide range of processors, selecting a PLC to meet yourpersonal needs is easy.

With this in mind, our PLC courses are wide and varied, covering all PLC typesand all programming software versions. With a selection of open coursesavailable on request, both in our offices or on site, our flexible trainingschedules make it easy for you to meet your training needs.

To back up our standard programming courses, customised training is availableto cover all intelligent modules and all communications networks.

Programmable logic controller courses

Modicon TSX PL7 Prolevel 1 application course4 days


By the end of the course the student should have the skills to:

Select and configure PLC hardwareUnderstand the PL7 programming softwareUnderstand the PL7 language componentsDebug an applicationConduct fault finding and maintenanceBack-up applicationsUpdate application documentation

Equipment used

Modicon TSX 37 Micro PLC Modicon TSX 57 Premium PLCPL7-Micro/Junior programming software


Principles of programmable controlIdentification of PLC hardwareConfiguration of the PLC I/O modulesSystem configurationPrinciples of programming and structuresPrinciples of analogue operationIntroduction to programming languagesLadder logicTextSequence flow chart (Grafcet)Instruction list Practical exercisesApplication debugging, back-up and exportFault finding and maintenanceApplication documentation


A basic knowledge of Windows and PLCswould be helpful.

Course code: 321

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Course code: 107Course code: 107

Programmable logic controller courses

PL7 Proadditional coursesNormally each module occupies 1/2 day


Premium PLC.


PL7 Pro Version 4.0+ software.

Additional courses

TSX ETY 410/TSX ETY 510 Ethernetcommunications (global data, I/O scanningto Advantys, Boot_P and default webpages) plus older communication modulesTSX ETY 110 & ETY 110 WSTSX WMY 100 Factorycast module(generate e-mail, send data to MySql,create customised web pages, etc)TSX DMY 28RFK - reflex moduleTSX CTY 2A - 2 channel counter 40 kHzTSX CTY 4A - 4 channel counter 40 kHzTSX CTY 2C - 2 channel counter +measurementTSX ISP Y100 - 1 weight measure inputTSX SCY 21600 - 2 channelcommunicationsTSX SCY 21601 - 2 channelcommunicationsTSX PAY 262/282 - safety moduleTSX SCP 114 Card (3 x Magelis to onePLC via SCA 62's)TSX FPP20 Fipway communication card(telegram, common words, shared table,UNI-TE request)TSX SAY 100 - AS-interfaceTSX IBY 100 interbus S (to momentum)TSX PBY 100 Profibus communicationTSX MDM 10 modemPL7 Pro library functions (1.5 days)Inductel - inductive identification system(0.5 day)


Participants MUST have attended a minimumof PL7 Pro level 1.

Course code: TBC

Agenda for TSX PL7 Proruntime screen courses1/2 day


Premium PLC’s.


PL7 Pro Version 4.0+ software.

Runtime screens

By the end of this course participants will beable to create runtime screens containing thefollowing:-

Static and Dynamic text with decimal &binary valuesDynamic lines & circles (point to failedbattery)Objects from the library (eg dynamicpiston)Screen selection buttonSend values to the PLC,increment/decrement values, toggle digitalelementsTrends and bar charts of PLC values Messages


Participants MUST have attended a minimumof PL7 Pro level 1.

Runtime screens can not be used with PL7Junior or PL7 Micro.

Course code: TBC

Other short courses can be created on request, for 4 - 6 participants.

















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Course code: 107Course code: 107Course code: 107

Programmable logic controller courses

Concept level 1application course3 days


By the end of the course students will be ableto:

Configure a PLCDevelop simple programs in IEC editorsCreate derived function blocksDocument programme

Equipment used

Concept software Quantum PLCs


Quantum hardware modules and configurationIEC 1131-3 overviewProgramming language editorsFBD ladderStructured textInstruction listDerived function blockSequential function chartApplication documentationPractical work


Delegates attending this course will need afamiliarity with PC and MS Windows.

Course code: 319

Concept level 2application course3 days


By the end of the course students will be ableto:

Configure a PLCUse security featuresProgramme in all 5 IEC languagesCreate and use DFBsCreate and use macrosCreate and use DDTsCreate documentationExport/import programmes

Equipment used

Concept software Quantum PLCs


Quantum hardware modules andconfigurationIEC 1131-3 overviewProgramming languages FBD, SFC, LD, ILand STDerived function blocksDerived data typesMacrosDocumentationPractical work


Concept level 1 application course.

Course code: 320

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Course code: 107Course code: 107

Programmable logic controller courses

Modicon ProWORX level 1application course4 days


Describe the basic principles of a PLCRecognise and name the major components of a PLC systemConfiguring a PLCExplanation of PLC I/O mapProgram basic ladder logic functionsTransfer and save applications on PCExplain system diagnostics, maintenance and fault finding

Equipment used

Modicon 984, Compact, Momentum andQuantum PLCs availableProWORX software

- PLUS- NxT- 32


Principles of programmable controlOverview of PLC hardwareConfiguring of applicationsModicon PLC system theoryLadder programming language and methodologyPractical examples and applicationsPLC trouble shooting techniquesOverview of Modicon networking


Basic knowledge of Windows would helpSome experience of plant control orintroduction to PLCs would be desirable.

Course code: 330

Modicon ProWORX level 2application course4 days


Review of basic programming functionsPrinciples of data manipulation (DX move functions)Principles of bit manipulation (DX matrix functions)Applications of sequential controlUse of extended Maths functions (i.e. floating point, double precision)Programming and use of the Subroutine functionsAccessing the PLC extended memory

Equipment used

Modicon 984, Compact, Momentum andQuantum PLCs availableProWORX software



DX move functionsDX Matrix functionsSequential control interface16 Bit and extended Maths functionsSTATE and ID functionsJSR and subroutine functionsExtended memory instructionsPractical examples and applicationsOverview of Modicon networking


Delegates must have attended the ProWORX level 1 course.

Course code: 331


















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Course code: 107Course code: 107Course code: 107

Programmable logic controller courses

UNITY overview course

3 days


To teach the functions of the UNITYprogramming software.

Equipment used

Premium or Quantum hardware, UNITYprogramming software.


Creating users using the security featuresProject settingsConverting PL7 or Concept programsPLC configurationProgramming - Function block diagram- Instruction list- Structured text- Ladder diagram- Sequential function chartDerived data typesDerived function blocksImport and export of projects, sections etc.


Computer skills and basic PLC knowledge.

Course code: 301

Additional Modules for Premiumand Quantum courseOn application


To provide training on hardware and softwaremodules not included on standard courses.Customers may request to be included onstandard course, or as a stand alone course.

Equipment used

Various Quantum and premium modules atthe customers request. May include counters,comms (Ethernet, MB+, Profibus, Interbus,AS-interface, Modbus, etc.), and otherspecialised hardware and software modules.


Module configuration and set upModule functionsPractical exercises


Completion of level 1 course on either PL7,Unity, Concept, ProWORX NXT, ProWORX 32, or Modsoft.

Course code: Customised

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To complete the Schneider Electric Automation and Control philosophy, our HMIand SCADA products are designed to enhance the varied and plentifulAutomation and Control solutions available. Our aim in the Schneider ElectricCustomer Training Centre is to give complete technical solution training, withfixed and tailored courses designed for the benefit of our customers.

Our HMI and SCADA courses cover the whole range of products givingtechnical training to any required level including: installation engineers,maintenance technicians and programmers. The course can be customised tosuit your needs.

Operator interface HMI and SCADA courses

Magelis XBTF

2 days


On completion of this course students willbe able to:

Install XBT productCreate and modify application and model pagesConfigure and execute an applicationSet-up and use communications to the PLCPerform troubleshooting techniques

Equipment used

Modicon TSX programmable controllersPersonal computerMagelis XBT or TXBTXBT L1000, PL7 Pro software


Communication set-upXBT L1000 software operationUse of recipesApplication pagesModel pagesAlarm pagesStatic and animated objectsDialogue tableImporting, exporting, saving and restoring of an applicationTroubleshooting tools and techniquesPractical examples and exercises


Basic computer and Windows experience,Modicon TSX PLC level 1 application course.

Course code: 333

Vijeo Looklevel 1 application course5 days


On completion of this course students will be able to:

Utilise the software to monitor and control values, trend, record, and historically review data from PLCs

Equipment used

Modicon TSX Quantum or Premium PLCsPersonal computerVijeo software


Products overview/demonstrationOFS configurationIntroduction to Graphic BuilderThe configuration explorerAnimating objectsSymbol creation and useActive X controlsVB Scripting examplesTag properties and filtersAlarm viewerHistorical data serverThe Trend viewerThe Log viewerSecurity and layersJava beansSaving and restoring the application


Basic Windows and PC experienceSchneider PLCs level 1 application course.

Course code: 343


















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Operator interface HMI and SCADA courses

Agenda for XBTG course

2 days


To teach users and programmers how toprogram and use the Magelis XBTG andXBTGT operator screens

Equipment used

Magelis XBTG, XBTGT and Vijeo designersoftware


Introduction to Vijeo designer softwareCreate a simple projectInserting pages and page linksText displays, parametersProgramming screen objectsUsing the simulatorDownloadingGrouping objectsAudio messages


Must have computer skills.

Course code: 300

Magelis XBTNupdate1 day


To teach the operation, programming and useof the Magelis XBTN operator screen

Equipment used

Magelis XBTN, Premium or Micro PLC, PCwith PL7 Pro and XBT L1000


Display unit operationKey functionsUsing XBT L1000 softwareSetting up commsAdding pagesAdding and programming screen objectsLinking PLC variablesUsing the simulatorPractical exercises with PLC


Must have completed PL7 Pro Level 1.

Course code: 332

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The market for industrial communications continues to increase, and as such,Schneider Electric's policy of total connectivity allows our products, especiallyPLCs and VSDs, to connect to most major network systems, includingSchneider Electric’s ‘Transparent Factory’ concept, based around EthernetTCPIP.

Our communications courses teach all aspects of communications fromprinciples and selection, through to design and implementation. Eachcommunication protocol course is backed up by practical exercises.

Industrial communications courses

Modicon TSX networksQuantum/Momentum1/2 day per module - Minimum 1 day


On completion of this course the studentshould have the skills to:

Determine network architectureSelect network hardwareUtilise the programming software to configure the networkDetermine data exchange formatsExchange data across the networkDebug an application exchange

Equipment used

Modicon TSX Quantum/Momentum controllerHMI operators panelATV Variable Speed DriveProgramming software to suit


Principles of networkingNetwork system configurationNetwork modules:

- Modbus- Modbus Plus- Interbus S- Profibus DP- Ethernet TCPIP- AS-interface

Practical examples and exercises


Modicon TSX level 2 application course.

Course code: 342

Modicon TSX networks forpremium/micro1/2 day per module - Minimum 1 day


On completion of this course the studentshould have the skills for:

Determining network architectureSelection of network hardwareUtilising the programming software to monitor the network trafficDetermination data exchange formatsExchanging data across networksDebugging an application exchange

Equipment used

Modicon TSX programmable controllersHMI operator InterfaceATV Variable Speed DrivePL7 Pro software workshop


Principles of networkingNetworking using the XTELsoftware workshopNetworking system configurationNetwork modules:

- Uni-Telway- Fipway- FiplO- AS-interface- Other networks

Practical network exchanges using PL7 ProPractical software exercises


PL7 Pro level 2 application course.

Course code: 324




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Industrial communications courses

Communications forVariable Speed Drives1/2 day per module - Minimum 1 day


On completion of this course the studentshould be able to:

Describe the different methods of communication and protocols used by Variable Speed Drive products and their common useConfigure communication links with other devices such as man machine interfaces and programmable logic controllersSet up communication links with other devices such as man machine interfaces and programmable logic controllersUse communication links to control a drive and display its status and fault logs

Equipment used

This course will use current models of theAltivar range of Variable Speed Drives Modicon TSX programmable logic controllersMagelis man machine interfacesAS-i actuator sensor interface


Principles of communicationsConfiguration of communication modules including:

- FIPI/0 - Uni-telway - Interbus-s - Modbus Plus - AS-interface - Ethernet - Profibus DP

Communication between nodes


Introduction to AC Variable Speed DrivesCommissioning and maintenance of AC Variable Speed DrivesCommissioning and maintenance of soft starts courses.

Course code: 339

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Schneider Electric is a leading supplier of Variable Speed Drives (VSDs) andsoft starts in the world markets and as such, our aim at the Schneider ElectricCustomer Training Centre is to support our products with a range of technicalcourses designed for the benefit of our customers.

Our VSD and soft start courses range from those aimed at giving the student agood basic knowledge of the principles of operation, a firm understanding ofhow to configure and parameterise the products and a good grounding in faultdiagnosis and correction, to those aimed at giving the student experience inhardware set-up and diagnostics. Courses are backed up with hands-onpractical exercises on live equipment.

Variable speed drive courses

An introduction to ACVariable Speed Drives1 day


The course aims to provide a broadintroduction to the principles of AC motorspeed control using VSDs.

Delegates should be able to demonstrate anunderstanding of:

The characteristics of AC induction motorsHow AC VSDs operate The difference between constant andvariable torque applications The application functions provided by ACvariable speed drives

Equipment used

The course is conducted using Altivar drives,which can include: ATV11, ATV31, ATV38, ATV58, ATV71, ATV61


AC VSD and motor principles Application and installation considerations,including constant and variable torque loadcharacteristics Explanations and hands-on practicaldemonstrations of the key functionsprovided by modern AC VSDs



Course code: 337














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Variable speed drive courses

Benefits of using ACVariable Speed Drives

1 day


A course designed for those who wish toexploit the growing list of benefits modern ACVSDs can provide.

On completion of the course students will beable to:

Recognise the many applications which can benefit from the use of AC VSDsUnderstand how the AC VSD works Be conversant with the various AC VSDfunctions and how they can help usersimprove performance of their applicationsAppreciate the AC VSDs role in makingsignificant energy savings when applied toappropriate applications

Equipment used

Demonstrations are performed using moderndrives from the Telemecanique Altivar range.


Basic AC motor and VSD theory Explanations of how modern VSDs canconsiderably enhance both fixed andvariable speed motor applicationsExamples of the applications that canbenefit the most from VSDs Case studies and examples of thecalculations used to demonstrate howVSDs can save energy



Course code: 345

Commissioning andtroubleshooting ACVariable Speed Drives2 days


Designed for commissioning, maintenanceand aftersales engineers.

On completion of the course students will beable to:

Demonstrate an understanding of the driveused and how to navigate menusconfidently Understand fault codes and the procedurefor resolving trips Commission a drive according to therequirements of the applicationBack up and restore drive parametersettings quickly using software tools whereavailable

Equipment used

The course is conducted using Altivar drives,which can include: ATV11, ATV31, ATV58, ATV38, ATV71, ATV61


Refresher of AC motor and Variable SpeedDrive (VSD) theory Important application and installationconsiderations Commissioning a drive for trouble freeoperation Hands-on commissioning andtroubleshooting exercises


Introduction to AC VSDs.

Course code: 338

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For further details, please call the Schneider Electric Customer Training

Centre on 024 7684 7564, fax us on 02476 847 545, or email us at or visit our website on


Unless otherwise stated, the following arrangements apply to all of the coursesadvertised in this catalogue.

Domestic arrangements


The cost of the scheduled training includesfull course documentation, lunch andrefreshments throughout the day (this onlyapplies if the training is held at a Schneider Electric site). Delegates areresponsible for their own accommodationcosts where necessary, however, a list of localhotels which offer preferential rates isavailable on request.


From time to time, it may be necessary tochange the location or dates of the coursesdetailed in this catalogue, so please confirmdetails with us before making a reservation. The Schneider Electric Customer TrainingCentre is approximately 10 minutes by carfrom the main Coventry railway station, andBirmingham airport is approximately half anhour by car.


Course start and finish times vary, joininginstructions will be issued to each delegatewhen a place is booked detailing the locationand times of training. However, if you are inany doubt please do not hesitate to contactthe Schneider Electric Training CustomerCentre.


Telephone bookings are accepted providingthey are followed by a written reservationeither by post or by fax.


A certificate of attendance is issued to eachdelegate who successfully completes atraining course.

Course contents

All training courses include practical content.For specific details of each course, pleasecontact the Schneider Electric Customer Training Centre.



Fire Station

Cannon ParkShopping Centre

Junction 15

Junction 4





















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1 PaymentCheques must be made payable to Schneider Electric Ltd and should accompany the booking form whichmust reach us 4 weeks prior to the course start date to secure a place.

2 Telephone BookingsThese are accepted subject to written confirmation and payment being received no later than 4 weeksprior to the course start date.

3 AcknowledgmentsPayment and reservation will be acknowledged. For VAT purposes, a receipted invoice for the fees will beissued.

4 ConfirmationUpon receipt of payment, course confirmation and joining instructions will be forwarded giving details oftime, location and travel information.

5 Cancellation by participantsCancellation must be made in writing 4 weeks prior to the course commencement for a full refund.Thereafter the full course fee is forfeited. However, substitutions will be accepted at any time forconfirmed course places.

6 Cancellation by Schneider Electric LtdThe Schneider Electric Customer Training Centre reserves the right to cancel any proposed course andwill give as much notice as is reasonable and practical.

In the event that a course cannot be held or completed, Schneider Electric Ltd will endeavour to re-schedule the course within a reasonable period. Should it not be possible to agree a mutuallyacceptable date then a full refund of fees already paid will be made.

Schneider Electric Ltd cannot be held liable for failure to provide an alternative or for any costs arisingfrom the cancellation.

7 PricesUnless otherwise stated prices include documentation, lunch and refreshment but do not include eveningmeals, accommodation or any travel costs. Delegates are responsible for their own hotel bookings.

8 Health & Safety at Work ActThe customer must ensure that all participants are aware of their responsibilities under the Health &Safety at Work Act.

9 CopyrightSchneider Electric Ltd may provide course notes and other training materials which are intended for thesole use of the individuals attending the courses. The materials provided should not be duplicated for thebenefit of non participants nor should any other documentation, samples or other materials be removedfrom Schneider Electric Customer Training Centre premises by participants without specific authorisationin writing.

10 LiabilitySave where Schneider Electric Ltd is shown to have failed to exercise reasonable care and such failureresults in death or personal injury, the company shall not be liable in any respect of any claims arising byreason of death, personal injury or loss of or damage to property arising from attendance at the Schneider Electric Customer Training Centre.

Schneider Electric Customer Training CentreUniversity of Warwick Science ParkSir William Lyons RoadCoventry CV4 7EZ

Tel: 024 7684 7564Fax: 024 7684 7545

Terms and conditions

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JUL 2006PS 5857

member of

Merlin Gerin is a world leader in the manufacture and supply of high, medium and low voltage products for the distribution, protection, control and management of electrical systems and is focused on the needs of both thecommercial and industrial sectors. The newly launched VDINetwork Solutions offer provides flexible, configurableethernet systems for all communication needs.

Square D is a total quality organisation and its business is to put electricity to work productively and effectively, protecting people, buildings and equipment. Its low voltageelectrical distribution equipment, systems and services areused extensively in residential and commercial applications.

Telemecanique is a UK market leader and world expert inautomation and control. It provides complete solutions, withits range of components, Modicon range of high technologyprogrammable controllers (PLCs), multiple fieldbus andethernet communication networks, HMI, motion controlsystems, variable speed drives and communicationssoftware. In addition, it offers power distribution throughprefabricated busbar trunking.

Schneider Electric’s local supportSchneider Electric is committed to supporting its customers at every stage of a project. Our 180 sales engineers, the largestdedicated sales force in the UK electrical industry, operate from 4 customer support centres.

Our sales engineers are skilled at assessing individual requirements and combined with the expert support of our product specialists, will develop the most effective and economical answer taking relevant regulations and standards fully into account.

To access the expertise of the Schneider Electric group, please call 0870 608 8 608. Each customer support centre includesfacilities for demonstrations and training, and presentation rooms fully equipped with audio visual and video, providing excellent meeting facilities.

Industrial systems and solutions showroomSchneider Electric Ltd, University of Warwick Science Park, Sir William Lyons Road, Coventry CV4 7EZ

Building systems and solutions showroomSchneider Electric Ltd, Stafford Park 5, Telford, Shropshire TF3 3BL

Energy and Infrastructure systems and solutions showroomSchneider Electric Ltd, 123 Jack Lane, Hunslet, Leeds LS10 1BS

Product showrooms

Fax 0870 608 8 6060870 608 8 608Nationwide support on one number - call the Customer Information Centre on

ScotlandSchneider Electric LtdUnit 18 Claremont Centre112a Cornwall Street SouthKinning ParkGlasgow G41 1AA

South WestSchneider Electric LtdPO Box 41Langley RoadChippenhamWiltshire SN15 1JJ

North WestSchneider Electric LtdFirst Floor Market HouseChurch StreetWilmslowCheshire SK9 1AY

Local customer support centres

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