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Post on 25-Jun-2015






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Town Mouse&

Country Mouse

country town

Here are Town Mouse and Country Mouse.The two mice are good friends.

“Please come to the country for lunch.”

“Thank you,” Town Mouse answers.

“What’s this?”Town Mouse asks.

“ It’s a cow,” Country Mouse answers.

“What’s this?”Town Mouse asks.“ It’s an apple tree,” Country Mouse answers.

“ I’m hungry. Let’s have lunch.”Country Mouse says.They go to his house to eat.

“ The milk and cheese are from the cow. The apples are from the trees.”

“Please come to the town for lunch.”“ Thank you,”Country Mouse answers.

“What’s this?”Country Mouse asks.

“ It’s a bus,” Town Mouse answers.

“ It’s a park,” Town Mouse answers.

“What’s this?”Country Mouse asks.

“ I’m hungry. Let’s have lunch,”Town Mouse says.They go to his apartment to eat.

“Are the milk and cheese from the cow?

Are the apples from the trees?”

“No,” Town Mouse answers.“There are no cows and no apples trees in town!

I take the bus to the food store.They have apples, cheese, and milk there.”

Town Mouse likes the town.

Country Mouse likes the country.

But they are good friends.

Thank You E4C 495410757 李宜庭

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