curt's cafe prensentation

Post on 11-Apr-2017






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Curt’s CafeMedia Kit

Brought to you by

Yellow Submarine

✤ Kathryn Shear

✤ AJ Phommalee

✤ Candice Johnson

✤ Angela Ranieri

Table of Contents✤ Category/ Industry Analysis: 1

✤ Brand Analysis: 2

✤ SWOT: 3-6

✤ Primary Competitive Analysis: 7-9

✤ Secondary Competitive Analysis: 10

✤ Brand Equity Statement: 11-15

✤ Research Analysis: 16

✤ Consumer Analysis: 17-19

✤ Target Selection and Rationale: 20

✤ Objectives: 21-23

✤ Big Idea: 24 i

✤ Social Media Platform 25

✤ Twitter 26 - 29

✤ Social Media (Picture & Video) 30

✤ Youtube 31

✤ Vlog Series 32

✤ Instagram 33

✤ Vine 34

✤ Facebook 35

✤ Foursqaure 36

✤ Check ins 37

✤ Print

✤ Loyalty Cards 39

✤ Print ads 39-40

✤ Flyers 41

✤ Button 42

✤ Coasters/Business Card 43

✤ Stickers 44

✤ Online

✤ Online Ads 45-46

✤ Survey 47

✤ Email Blasts 48

✤ Farmer’s Markets 49

✤ Flash Mob 50

Category & Industry Analysis✤ Coffee Trends

✤ Most popular drink in the world✤ 400 million cups consumed by Americans per day✤ 40 % of drinkers are 18-24 ✤ 54% of drinkers are 25-39

✤ Cafe Trends✤ Casual atmosphere✤ Limited menu - more emphasis on socially responsible menu items and ingredients

✤ Trendy words: Organic, Shade grown, Sustainable, Fair-trade certified


Brand Analysis✤ Opened April 20, 2012✤ Curt’s: Cultivating Unique Restaurant Training✤ “Dining with a purpose” ✤ Helps at risk youth by teaching them basic life skills and work training✤ Simple & competitive menu - local, fresh and quality ingredients ✤ L.I.F.E Strategy✤ L : Basic Life Skills, I : Intellectual Skills, F : Food Service Skills &E : Experiential Skills with mentors


SWOT: Strengths✤ Friendly Staff✤ Relaxing, cozy and homey atmosphere✤ Competitive prices✤ Good quality ingredients - Local & Fresh✤ Focused on neighborhood improvements✤ Healthy options✤ Positive mission✤ Good meeting place✤ Appeals to all ages


SWOT: Weaknesses✤ Friendly staff, however, service needs improvement✤ Limited and generic menu✤ Small kitchen (temporarily)✤ Disjointed area - cafe and “living room”✤ Revolving door of new employees✤ Low awareness✤ Cafe closes too early (Just 8)


SWOT: Opportunities✤ Extend customer loyalty benefits to the local realtors and general Evanston community ✤ Have a permanent staff along with the kids at risk✤ Extend store hours into the evening✤ Ability to offer more events in “living room”✤ Expand catering - more options along with gourmet look and taste✤ Highlight one signature item


SWOT: Threats✤ Local coffee shops near Northwestern University and surrounding areas✤ Too far from NU campus and purple line✤ Economy - customers are not buying as often✤ Employment issues - not a professional/traditional staff✤ Losing federal grants✤ Need to focus on one view point such as social mission or menu (slow down on all the side projects)


Primary Competitive Analysis✤ Starbucks✤ Strengths

✤ One of the most popular coffee chains in the U.S.✤ Known for high quality coffee✤ Convenient

✤ Weaknesses✤ Expensive✤ Inability to have a “mom and pop” feeling ✤ Markets coffee more than other items on menu


Primary Competitive Analysis✤ 7- Eleven✤ Strengths

✤ Offers variety of soft drink and food options - One stop shop✤ Strategically placed on every corner for convenience✤ Better prices

✤ Weakness✤ Offer hot meals with no nutritional balance✤ Lacks healthy food options✤ Coffee is just okay


Primary Competitive Analysis✤ Old Neighborhood Grill✤ Strengths

✤ Offers fast service with competitive prices✤ A variety of options (American & Mediterranean cuisine) ✤ Hip restaurant for younger customers

✤ Weakness✤ Not well known in Evanston Area✤ Just a fast food joint✤ No waiters & waitresses


Secondary Competitive Analysis

✤ Secondary Competitors: Northwestern University Cafes✤ Norbucks✤ Unicorn✤ Peets✤ Kafein✤ Coffee Lab


Brand Equity Statement✤ Brand Essence

✤ “Inspiration you can taste”

✤ Quality, Warm Beginnings✤ Creative Community with Homemade products✤ Purpose driven and inspirational✤ Motivated, giving and welcoming environment


Brand Equity Statement✤ Core Identity✤ Great coffee

✤ Wide selection of quality coffee✤ Mission Driven

✤ Curt’s is a glass half full kind of people who give anyone who comes in an equal opportunity to succeed

✤ Homey Atmosphere

✤ A great place to unwind and be productive in a loving environment.


Brand Equity Statement✤ Extended identity

✤ Friendly Staff✤ The staff is full of great personalities who make you feel part of the community

✤ Embracing

✤ Supportive of all people from different background, creeds and lifestyles

✤ Quality Food

✤ The menu is full of fresh, local ingredients at competitive prices


Brand Equity Statement✤ Value Propositions

✤ Functional Benefits✤ Curt’s Cafe offers a wide variety of house brewed coffee, homemade pastries, and a fresh menu

✤ Emotional Benefits

✤ Improve the community by staying true✤ A great cafe to get to know your neighbors✤ The atmosphere offers a comforting environment for all


Brand Equity Statement✤ Relationship

✤ Be the cafe in the community you can count on. A place where neighbors and employees are invited to learn, relax and enjoy coffee.


Research Analysis✤ Qualitative: One-on-one Interviews

✤ At Curt’s (Staff & customers) and other local cafes (Starbucks, Caribou)

✤ Coffee drinkers value atmosphere over most else. Product/coffee and service are the “bait”, atmosphere drives retention.

✤ Typical drinkers visit twice a week and becomes a part of daily routine

✤ Insight: Atmosphere and “FEELING” drive retention.


Research Analysis✤ Quantitative: Survey Monkey

✤ Online research conducted lead to the following insights:✤ Consumers tried Curt’s based off of social mission and friend’s recommendation (another example of community factor)

✤ Consumers said it’s “very important” or a “driving factor” about giving business to a brand with a social mission

✤ Insight: Consumers care strongly about COMMUNITY.


Consumer Analysis✤ Demographics✤ Evanston is the primary consumers of Curt’s

✤ Racial Demographics: ✤ 66% White/Caucasian✤ 18% Black/African-American

✤ Primary groups that visit Curt’s: ✤ Mothers with children✤ Women’s outings✤ Fathers with Children✤ Senior Citizens, Young Adults (18-25) 17

Consumer Analysis✤ Key Insights✤ Coffee drinkers visit favorite cafe at least twice a week✤ Consumers find coffee and food quality important but atmosphere is much more important

✤ Word of mouth is the primary source of recommendations for small cafes

✤ 78% of respondents live one mile away from Curt’s

✤ 100% of respondents knew of the social mission✤ Social mission was the main reason they come to Curt’s


Consumer Analysis✤ Key Benefits

✤ Emotional✤ The brand becomes a welcoming coffee shop for patrons

✤ Rational✤ Caffeine is the main energy source of people’s daily routine✤ Cafes are a great spot to study or hold business meetings


Target Selection & Rationale✤ Primary✤ Evanston realtors on Central St.

✤ Realtors are a major part of Curt’s current business✤ Make Curt’s as a place to sit in for lunch and stay for the atmosphere ✤ Offer the dining room as a place for realtors to meet with current or potential clients

✤ Secondary✤ Young Evanston families

✤ Family friendly atmosphere and menu


Marketing Objectives

✤ Increase awareness of Curt’s Cafe by 30-50% for local realtors on Central St. and young families in the Evanston community.


Advertising Objective✤ Solidify Curt’s Cafe as Evanston’s welcoming neighborhood coffee shop.


Message Objective

✤ Creatively communicate that the customers come for the coffee and stay for the homey feeling.


Big Idea & Main Focus

✤ A meeting place for individuals, so people can get involved in to community and give other new beginnings.



Social Media Platforms✤ Utilize social media for a simple and large medium

✤ Vital for the success of any type of business

✤ Use mediums such as

✤ Twitter

✤ Facebook

✤ Foursquare

✤ Vine


Twitter✤ What It Does

✤ Acts as a “hub” for all social media channels

✤ Quick-response channel

✤ Speaks directly to consumers

✤ Brings excitement through spontaneous promotions


Current Curt’s Cafe Twitter


New Curt’s Cafe Twitter


Simple Twitter Ideas✤ Create awareness of upcoming events in store and daily specials by


✤ Inspiration quotes: If it weren’t for coffee, I’d have no identifiable personality whatsoever.” -David Letterman #coffeeinspiration

✤ Jokes: What do you call a cake that goes real fast? Vrooom! Scone. #sconejokes

✤ Daily Specials: Hey Curt’s lovers! For the next hour, swing by and get 25% off our fresh-baked brownies! #brownielove!


Social Media (Pictures & Video)

✤ Words get old. Pictures and video will increase interest instantly

✤ Use social media tools

✤ Youtube: Upload videos instantly to show customers the “vibe”, “aura” and “neighborhood feel” Curt’s has to offers

✤ Instagram: Show customers the artist side of Curt’s by customizing photos

✤ Vine: Offer 6-second video to show off the shop’s delicious treats and homey atmosphere


Youtube Ideas✤ Commercial 1:

✤ Photo collage of students at Curt’s

✤ Students will have the opportunity to tell their story, hopes, dreams and plans after they leave Curt’s

✤ Acoustic version of “Come Together” playing in the background

✤ Commercial 2:

✤ Fictional narrative/storyline with random happenings throughout the cafe.

✤ The video will progress to the “living room” where an acoustic performance of “Come Together” is playing


Vlog Series✤ Highlight employees and active members of Curt’s Community

✤ Tell their OWN story about

✤ Their life

✤ The impact Curt’s has had on them

✤ How the cafe makes the community “Come Together”


Instagram Ideas✤ Photos of daily specials, menu items, consumers and employees

✤ Photo Contest with customized hashtags

✤ #InstaCurts, #CurtsEvanston, #CurtsContest

✤ Best photo/most retweets wins.

✤ Winner receives a free lunch


Vine Ideas✤ 6 second videos of:

✤ Stacking scones to be sold

✤ Taking freshly make cookies out of the oven

✤ An in-store event happening in the living room or main cafe

✤ More food making!


Facebook ✤ Remain an outlet for interacting with consumers through posts,

photos, and check-ins

✤ Increase the post frequency of Curt’s Café’s Facebook page

✤ Check-in specials and frequency discounts

✤ Consumer can tell all their friends they are enjoying the food and atmosphere of Curt’s

✤ Make post more exciting and engaging

✤ Post questions or trivia to increase consumer engagement


Foursquare✤ A social network that allows people to check into their current


✤ Offers tips & reviews

✤ Shows the consumers current within a certain mile radius to restaurants and businesses

✤ Consumer can check-in and connect through Facebook

✤ Offers coupons to increase frequency

✤ Use this as an outlet for frequent customer cards


What’s A Check In?✤ People are able to geographically tag themselves at a specific location

✤ Allows customers to share their location with friends and social networks

✤ Create check in specials or frequency offers when people share that they’re at Curt’s


Print - Loyalty Card✤ Pass out loyalty cards to frequent


✤ Relators

✤ Young Families

✤ Students

✤ After seven coffees the customer will receive a free cup of coffee

✤ Reoccurring customers will increase


Print ✤ Print will focus on social


✤ Print will run in local newspapers and magazines

✤ Evanston Roundtable

✤ The Daily Northwestern

✤ Evanston Life

✤ Make It Better Magazine





✤ Hand out at summer festive - local concerts, art shows or sporting events✤ Volunteers will hand out flyers✤ Flyers literally comes together to say many messages

✤ ‘Come Together and Bring A Friend Everyday’✤ ‘Come In And You Can Help Everyday’


Button✤ Buttons can be placed at

the counter

✤ Passed out at events

✤ Given away with gift baskets

✤ Placed at open houses for relators

✤ Customers can take one and where it around Evanston 42

Coasters/Business Card✤ Coasters used at

✤ Customers to use at the cafe

✤ Local relators to use at the office

✤ At home

✤ 4th of July Parade

✤ Tailgating at NU football games



✤ Stickers can be an outlet to show Curt’s is part of the neighborhood✤ Place on trash cans, Train and bus stations, Stop signs✤ Coffee cups

✤ An inexpensive way to get Curt’s logo on the to-go-cups44

Online Ads


✤ Connects to survey

✤ Places to post Ad


✤ City of Evanston Website

✤ McGraw YMCA Website

✤ Evanston Community Development Corporation Website

✤ Northwestern University Website

Online Ads


Survey✤ Survey will conduct a

personality test

✤ Figure out what type of beverage you are

✤ Coffee, Tea, Green Drink, etc.

✤ Tell the customer about the social mission and make them become a part of something special


Email Blasts ✤ Utilize current emails and aim to capture 50% more emails from new customers

✤ Cashier can ask for emails or just have a jar for business cards on counter✤ Offer a birthday club

✤ Offers free lunch or a $5 credit for any menu item during a customer’s birthday week

✤ Let consumers know that you cater events ✤ Email a a brief letter every month✤ For summer events and parties✤ Special promotions (NU games, new menu items)✤ Upcoming events (book clubs, open mics)


Farmer’s Market ✤ Booth at Evanston Farmer’s Market

✤ Sell baked goods, coffee and merchandise (coffee mugs, t-shirts, stickers)

✤ Direct consumers back to Curt’s for lunch

✤ Direct consumers back to rest after shopping

✤ Create awareness and exposure by giving customer the opportunity to sample the amazing variety of food


4th of July/ Flash Mob✤ Register to be a part of Evanston’s 4th of July Parade

✤ Get a group of volunteers

✤ Create a flash mob near Curt’s café

✤ Ryan Field or Rocky Miller Park at end of parade (off Ashland)

✤ An energetic way to get attention & direct customers to the cafe


Thank You

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