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Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 1


JODI LANEProfessor

Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law3219 Turlington Hall, P.O. Box 117330

University of FloridaGainesville, FL 32611-7330

Phone: (352) 294-7179FAX: (352) 392-6568E-mail:


B.A. Criminal Justice, Indiana University, 1990, with High DistinctionM.A. Criminal Justice, Indiana University, 1992Ph.D. Social Ecology with a Concentration in Criminology, Law and Society, University of

California, Irvine, 1998


“Crime and Gangs in an Urban Sphere: Constructing the Threat and Fearing the Future.” Committee: Joan Petersilia (Chair), James W. Meeker, Henry N. Pontell, and Daniel Stokols.

Professional Experience:

August 2013-Present. Professor. Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law, University of Florida

2010-2011 Robin and Jean Gibson Term Professor, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Florida

May 2008-July 2013. Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Criminology & Law, University of Florida

July 2005-May 2008. Associate Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, University of Florida

August 1999-June 2005. Assistant Professor, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, University of Florida

July 1999-May 2003. Consultant, RAND Criminal Justice Program, Santa Monica, CaliforniaAugust 1997-July 1999. Criminal Justice Policy Analyst, RAND, Santa Monica, California

Areas of Specialization:

Fear of Crime, Crime Policy, Corrections, Juvenile Justice, Gangs, Program and Policy Evaluation

Grants and Fellowships (Funded):

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, July 1, 2004-December 31, 2008. $398,237. Jodi Lane, P.I., Lonn Lanza-Kaduce and Ronald Akers, Co-PIs. “Evaluation of Florida’s Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative.”

The Coalition for Juvenile Justice, 2001, $10,000. Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, PI, Jodi Lane, Jennifer Woolard, Charles E. Frazier, and Frank A. Orlando, Co-PIs. “Trying and Sentencing Juvenile Offenders in Criminal Court.”

University of California Regents’ Dissertation Fellowship, Winter 1998National Science Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, 1996. $7,520, “Understanding the Fear of Street

Gangs: The Importance of Community Conditions, Crime Levels, and Resident Characteristics.”

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Award Number SBR 96-31719.Pacific Mutual Foundation Grant for Graduate Student Research, Summer 1995School of Social Ecology Summer Research Fellowship 1994, 1993

Honors, Awards and Recognitions:

Listed as one of the most productive criminologists in Ellen G. Cohn & David P. Farrington (2014), “Publication Productivity of Criminologists,” Journal of Criminal Justice Education 25/3: 275-303.

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2013 Outstanding Mentor AwardListed as one of “The Most Prolific Female Scholars in Elite Criminology and Criminal Justice Journals,

2000-2010” in Henriikka Weir and Erin Orrick (2013). Journal of Criminal Justice Education 24/3: 273-298.

Listed as one of “The Most Prolific Sole and Lead Authors in Elite Criminology and Criminal Justice Journals 2000-2009” in Erin A. Orrick and Henriikka Weir (2011). Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 22/1: 24-42.

2010-2011 University of Florida College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Robin and Jean Gibson Term Professor

Named 1 of 20 female “academic stars” in Rice, Stephen K., Karen J. Terry, Holly Ventura Miller, and Alissa R. Ackerman (2007). “Research Trajectories of Female Scholars in Criminology and Criminal Justice” Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 18/3: 360-384.

American Society of Criminology Division on Corrections and Sentencing Outstanding Service Award, November 15, 2007

American Society of Criminology Division on Corrections and Sentencing New Scholar Award, November 17, 2005

Distinguished Service Award in Criminal Justice, Presented by Chapter 15 of the Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency, May 2003

Association for Criminal Justice Research (California) Award for Outstanding Dissertation on Crime or Criminal Justice, April 1999

School of Social Ecology Outstanding Teaching Assistant, University of California, Irvine, 1996The Forensic Studies Hue and Cry Award, Indiana University Criminal Justice Department, 1992Outstanding Senior Award, Indiana University Criminal Justice Department, 1989Phi Beta KappaAlpha Phi SigmaGolden Key Honor SocietyAlpha Lambda Delta, freshman honoraryPhi Eta Sigma, freshman honorary

Professional Workshops Attended

"General Structural Equation ("Lisrel") Models: An Introduction," taught by Dr. Kenneth Bollen at the Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research Summer Training Program in Quantitative Methods of Social Research, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, August 2001.

National Institute of Justice Data Resources Program Workshop “Integrating Qualitative Data with Quantitative Studies,” June 2000 (Competitive Admission and $1000 Stipend)

Peer-Reviewed Publications:

Cook, Carrie L., & Jodi Lane (in press). “Responding to Incidents of Sexual Victimization in Correctional Institutions: Correctional Officer Perspectives.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology (Accepted January 13, 2016)

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Cook, Carrie L.*, & Jodi Lane. (in press). “Blaming the Victim: Perceptions about Incarcerated Sexual Assault Victim Culpability among a Sample of Jail Correctional Officers.” Victims & Offenders (Accepted June 19, 2015)

Fox, Kathleen, Matt R. Nobles, and Jodi Lane. (in press) “Control Balance Behind Bars: Testing the Generality of Tittle’s Theory among Incarcerated Men and Women.” Crime & Delinquency (Accepted August 18, 2014; online 9/26/14)

Ward, Jeffrey T., Kathleen A. Fox, Marie Skubak Tillyer, & Jodi Lane. (2015). “Gender, Low Self Control, and Violent Victimization.” Deviant Behavior, 36, 113-129.

Cook, Carrie L.* & Jodi Lane. (2014) “Professional Orientation and Pluralistic Ignorance among Jail Correctional Officers.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 58(6): 735-757. (Published June)

Santos, Saskia*, & Jodi Lane. (2014) “Expanding Clear et al.’s Value of Religions Ideas: Former Prison and Jail Inmates’ Perspectives.” Deviant Behavior, 35: 116-132. (Published January)

Fox, Kathleen*, Jeffrey Ward*, & Jodi Lane. (2013) “Selection for Some, Facilitation for Others: Self-Control Theory and the Gang Violence Relationship.” Deviant Behavior 34/12: 996-1019.

Fox, Kathleen A.*, Jodi Lane, & Ronald L. Akers. (2013) “Understanding Gang Membership and Crime Victimization among Jail Inmates: Testing the Effects of Self Control.” Crime & Delinquency 59/5: 764-787.

Garcia, Crystal A. and Jodi Lane. (2013) “What a Girl Wants, What a Girl Needs: Findings from a Gender-Specific Focus Group Study.” Crime & Delinquency 59/4: 536-561. published online April 3, 2009 as doi:10.1177/0011128709331790

Reprinted in: Mallicoat, Stacy L. (2012). Women and Crime: A Text/Reader. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Lane, Jodi & Kathleen A. Fox.* (2013). “Fear of Property, Violent, and Gang Crime: Examining the Shadow of Sexual Assault Thesis among Male and Female Offenders.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 40: 472-496. (Lead article)

Santos, Saskia,* Jodi Lane & Angela Gover. (2012) “Former Inmates’ Perceptions of Informal Methods of Control Utilized by Correctional Officers.” American Journal of Criminal Justice 37: 485-504. (Lead article)

Lane, Jodi & Kathleen A. Fox.* (2012) “Fear of Crime among Gang and Non-Gang Offenders: Comparing the Impacts of Perpetration, Victimization, and Neighborhood Factors.” Justice Quarterly 29: 491-523.

Cook, Carrie L.* & Jodi Lane. (2012). “Examining Differences in Attitudes about Sexual Victimization among a Sample of Jail Officers: The Importance of Officer Gender and Perceived Inmate Characteristics.” Criminal Justice Review 37: 191-213.

Garcia, Crystal A. & Jodi Lane (2012). “Dealing with the Fall-Out: Identifying and Addressing the Role that Relationship Strain Plays in the Lives of Girls in the Juvenile Justice System” Journal of Criminal Justice 40: 259-267.

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Fox, Kathleen A.,* Kathryn Zambrana,* & Jodi Lane. (2011) “Getting In (And Staying In) When Everyone Else Wants to Get Out: Ten Lessons Learned from Conducting Research with Inmates.” Journal of Criminal Justice Education 22/2: 304-327.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. (2011) “The Combined Impact of Theoretical Models on Perceived Risk and Fear of Gang Crime among Whites and Latinos” Victims & Offenders 6/1: 64-92.

Garcia, Crystal A. & Jodi Lane. (2010) “Looking in the Rearview Mirror: What Incarcerated Women Think Girls Need from the System.” Feminist Criminology 5/3: 227-243. (Lead Article)

Fox, Kathleen A.*, Jodi Lane, & Ronald L. Akers. (2010) “Do Perceptions of Neighborhood Disorganization Predict Crime or Victimization? An Examination of Gang Member versus Non-Gang Member Jail Inmates.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 38: 720-729.

Fox, Kathleen A.* & Jodi Lane. (2010) “Perceptions of Gangs among Prosecutors in an Emerging Gang City.” Journal of Criminal Justice, 38: 595-603

Cook, Carrie* & Jodi Lane. (2009) “The Place of Public Fear in Sentencing and Correctional Policy.” Journal of Criminal Justice 37: 586-595.

Lane, Jodi. (2009) “Perceptions of Neighborhood Problems, Fear of Crime and Resulting Behavioral Precautions: Comparing Institutionalized Girls and Boys in Florida.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 25/3: 264-281.

Cook, Carrie* & Jodi Lane. (2009) “Legislator Ideology and Corrections and Sentencing Policy in Florida” Criminal Justice Policy Review 20/2: 209-235.

Lane, Jodi, Angela Gover, & Sarah Dahod.** (2009). “Fear of Violent Crime among Men and Women on Campus: The Impact of Perceived Risk and Fear of Sexual Assault.” Violence & Victims 24/2: 172-192.

Lane, Jodi & Derek Chadee. (2008). “Perceived risk, Fear of Gang crime, and Resulting Behavioral Precautions in Trinidad.” Caribbean Journal of Criminology and Public Safety 13/1&2: 138-188.

Brank, Eve & Jodi Lane (2008). “Punishing My Parents: Juveniles’ Perspectives on Parental Responsbility.” Criminal Justice Policy Review 19/3: 333-348.

Brank, Eve, Jodi Lane, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, & Amber Sehgal. (2008) “An Experimental Juvenile Probation Program: Effects on Parent and Peer Relationships.” Crime & Delinquency 54/2: 193-224.

Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, & Amber Sehgal. (2007a) “The Effects of an Experimental Intensive Juvenile Probation Program on Self-Reported Delinquency and Drug Use.” Journal of Experimental Criminology 3: 201-219. (Lead article)

Lane, Jodi & Lonn Lanza-Kaduce. (2007) “Before You Open the Doors: Ten Lessons from Florida’s Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative.” Evaluation Review 31/2: 121-152.

Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, & Amber Sehgal. (2007b). “Implementing ‘Corrections of Place’ Ideas: The Perspective of Clients and Staff.” Criminal Justice and Behavior 34/1: 76-95.

Lane, Jodi. (2006) “Joan Petersilia: A Life of Policy-Relevant Corrections Research.” Women & Criminal Justice 17/4: 1-17. (Lead article)

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Lane, Jodi. (2006). “Exploring Fear of General and Gang Crimes among Juveniles on Probation: The Impacts of Delinquent Behaviors.” Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice 4/1: 34-54.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. (2005). “Theories and Fear of Gang Crime among Whites and Latinos: A Replication and Extension of Prior Research.” Journal of Criminal Justice 33/6: 627-641.

Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, & Amber Sehgal. (2005). “Evaluating an Experimental Juvenile Probation Program: Intervention and Outcomes.” Crime & Delinquency, 51/1:26-52.

Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, & Carmen Flores. (2004). “Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration in Corrections: Overcoming Hurdles for Successful Partnerships.” Criminal Justice Review 29/1: 97-114.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. (2004). “Social Disorganization Perceptions, Fear of Gang Crime, and Behavioral Precautions among Whites, Latinos, and Vietnamese.” Journal of Criminal Justice 32/1: 49-62.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. (2003a). “Ethnicity, Information Sources, and Fear of Crime.” Deviant Behavior 24/1: 1-26.

Reprinted in Yvonne Jewkes. (2009). Crime and Media. London: Sage.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. (2003b). “Fear of Gang Crime: A Look at Three Theoretical Models.” Law & Society Review 37/2: 425-456.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. (2003c). “Women’s and Men’s Fear of Gang Crimes: Sexual and Nonsexual Assault as Perceptually Contemporaneous Offenses.” Justice Quarterly 20/2: 337-371.

Lane, Jodi. (2002). “Fear of Gang Crime: A Qualitative Examination of the Four Perspectives” Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency 39/4: 437-471.

Lane, Jodi, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Charles E. Frazier, & Donna M. Bishop. (2002). “Adult versus Juvenile Sanctions: Voices of Incarcerated Youths.” Crime & Delinquency 48/3: 431-455.

Reprinted in Richard Lawrence & Craig Hemmens. (2008). Juvenile Justice: A Text/Reader. Sage.

Parker, Karen F., Patricia L. McCall, & Jodi Lane. (2002). “Exploring the Racial Discrimination and Competition Processes of Race-Specific Violence in the Urban Context” Critical Sociology 29/1-2: 235-254.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. (2000). “Subcultural Diversity and the Fear of Crime and Gangs.” Crime & Delinquency 46/4: 497-521.

Lane, Jodi S. (1997). “Can You Make a Horse Drink? The Effects of a Corrections Course on Attitudes toward Criminal Punishment.” Crime & Delinquency 43/2: 186-202.

*Current or former graduate student, **Undergraduate student

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 6Book Chapters, Encyclopedia Entries, Invited Entries, and Other Publications:

Lane, Jodi, and Lonn Lanza-Kaduce (in press, 2015). “The Problem of Incarcerating Children with Adults.” Oxford Handbook on Prisons and Imprisonment edited by John Wooldredge and Paula Smith. New York: Oxford University Press (submitted August 8, 2013)

Lane, Jodi and James W. Meeker. (2016). “Fear of Gangs: A Summary and Directions for New Research.” Pp. 170-193 in Psychology of Fear, Crime and the Media: International Perspectives, edited by Derek Chadee. Psychology Press. (Published December)

Lane, Jodi. (2015). “Getting Yourself to Write: Tips for Graduate Students and New Scholars.” ACJS Today, 15/3, pp. 12-21.

Lane, Jodi. (2015). “Juvenile Delinquency and Justice Trends in the United States.” Pp. 3-14 in Marvin D. Krohn & Jodi Lane (Eds). Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.

Lane, Jodi. (2015). Fear of Crime. Pp. 854-859 In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd Ed, Edited by James D. Wright. Oxford: Elsevier. (Published April)

Lane, Jodi & Crystal A. Garcia. (2014). “Joan Petersilia.” Pp. 609-612 In Encyclopedia of Theoretical Criminology edited by J. Mitchell Miller. John Wiley & Sons. (Published April 2014)

Rukus, Joseph* & Jodi Lane. (2014). “Unmet Need: A Survey of State Resources at the Moment of Reentry.” Pp. 155-180 in Offender Reentry: Rethinking Criminology and Criminal Justice, edited by Matthew S. Crow and John Smykla. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Kuhn, Ashley* and Jodi Lane. (2013). The Impact of Racial Socialization and Fear of Crime on Expected Reactions to a Situation Similar to the Trayvon Martin Case” for conference proceedings, At Close Range: The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin. Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations at the University of Florida. Conference proceedings March 20, 2013. Published at:

Lane, Jodi. (2013) “Theoretical Explanations for Gender Differences in Fear of Crime: Research and Prospects.” Pp. 57-67 In Routledge International Handbook of Crime and Gender Studies edited by Claire M. Renzetti, Susan L. Miller, and Angela R. Gover. New York: Routledge.

Lane, Jodi (2012). “Juvenile Probation” pp. 1512-1519 in the Encyclopedia of Adolescence edited by Roger J.R. Levesque. New York: Springer. Published November 15, 2011

Lane, Jodi. (2010). “Stanko, Elizabeth A.: Gender, Fear and Risk.” In Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory edited by Francis Cullen and Pamela Wilcox. Thousand Oaks: Sage. ISBN 9781412959186.

Lane, Jodi (2010). “Fear of Crime, Individual and Community-level Effects.” In Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention edited by Bonnie Fisher and Steven Lab. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Lane, Jodi. (2009). “Faith-based Programming for Offenders.” Invited for a special issue on Evidence-Based Research, Policy and Practice in Criminal and Juvenile Justice Settings. Victims & Offenders 4/4: 327-333.

Lane, Jodi. (2009). “Program Evaluation.” Pp. 428-436 in J. Mitchell Miller (ed). 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

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Lane, Jodi & Bonnie S. Fisher (2009). “Unpacking the Relationship between Gender and Fear of Crime: Explaining Why There Are Similarities and Differences.” Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 25/3: 260-263.

Akers, Ronald L., Jodi Lane, & Lonn Lanza-Kaduce. (2008). “Faith-Based Mentoring and Restorative Justice: Overlapping Theoretical, Empirical, and Philosophical Background.” Pp 136-166 in Holly Ventura Miller (Ed.). Restorative Justice: From Theory to Practice. Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance, Volume 11. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Group.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn & Jodi Lane. (2007) “Initiating Faith-based Juvenile Corrections: Exercising without Establishing Religion.” Pp. 131-148 In Marilyn. McShane and Frank.P. Williams, Youth Violence and Delinquency: Monsters and Myths. Volume 2. Westport, CT: Greenwood/Praeger.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, Donna M. Bishop, & Charles E. Frazier. (2005). “Juvenile Offenders and Adult Felony Recidivism: The Impact of Transfer.” Journal of Crime and Justice 28/1: 59-77. (invited)

Lane, Jodi. (2004). “Joan Petersilia.” in J. Mitchell Miller and Richard A. Wright (eds.) Encyclopedia of Criminology. New York: Routledge.

Karp, David R., Jodi Lane, & Susan Turner. (2002). “Ventura County and the Theory of Community Justice.” Pp. 3-33 in David R. Karp and Todd R. Clear, What is Community Justice? Case Studies of Restorative Justice and Community Supervision. Thousand Oaks: Sage.

Lane, Jodi & Susan Turner. (1999). “Interagency Collaboration in Juvenile Justice: Learning from Experience.” Federal Probation 63/2: 33-39.

Petersilia, Joan, Jodi Lane & Maithilee Pathak. (1995). Crime: Instructor's Manual. San Francisco: Institute for Contemporary Studies Press

*Current or former graduate student, **Undergraduate student


Krohn, Marvin D. & Jodi Lane (Eds) (2015). Handbook of Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Justice. United Kingdom: Wiley-Blackwell.

Lane, Jodi, Nicole E. Rader, David C. May, Bonnie S. Fisher & Billy Henson. (2014). Fear of Crime in the United States: Causes, Consequences, and Contradictions. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.

Named an “Outstanding Academic Title for 2015” by CHOICE Magazine. (January 2016, p. 709)

Published Reviews

Tabetha Griffis Bennett. (2015, June). Criminal Justice Review 40/2: 230-243.

R.M. Seklecki, (2015, July). Choice. 1934.

Sara L. Bryson. (2015). Security Journal, published online August 2015. doi: 10.1057/sj.2015.20

Lane, Jodi & Joan Petersilia (Eds.). (1998). Criminal Justice Policy. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 8Publishing.

Technical Reports:

Fox, Kate,* Jodi Lane, & Katheryn Zambrana.* (2009). Gangs, Crime and Victimization among Florida Jail Inmates. Final Report Prepared for Florida County Jails. October.

Lane, Jodi, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Ronald L. Akers, & Carrie Cook.* (September 2009). Final Report of the Florida Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative (FCBDTI) Evaluation. Submitted to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. (Revised February 2010)

Lane, Jodi, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Ronald L. Akers. (December 2008). Before You Open the Doors: Ten Lessons from Florida’s Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative. Submitted to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention and the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice.

Lane, Jodi, Amber Schroeder, Susan Turner, & Terry Fain. (2002). South Oxnard Challenge Project: Report of What Works. RAND Report MR-1520/1-VC. January.

Turner, Susan, Amber Schroeder, Terry Fain, Jodi Lane, & Joan Petersilia. (2002). Evaluation of the South Oxnard Challenge Project 1997-2001. RAND Report MR-1520-VC. January.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Charles E. Frazier, Jodi Lane, & Donna M. Bishop. (2002). Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court Study: Final Report. January.

Turner, Susan, Amber Schroeder, Terry Fain, Jodi Lane, & Joan Petersilia. (2000). South Oxnard Challenge Project, 1997-2000. December. RAND Report CP-379 (12/00).

Bishop, Donna M., Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Charles E. Frazier, Jodi Lane, & Henry George White. (2001). “Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court in Florida: The Initial Impact of the 1994 Reforms.” Fact Sheet. Washington D.C.: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

Lane, Jodi & Susan Turner. (1999). “The South Oxnard Challenge Project.” Pp. 109-151 In Todd R. Clear and David Karp, The Community Justice Movement: A National Census. Final Report to the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, December.

Susan Turner, Jodi Lane, Joan Petersilia, & Terry Fain. (1999). South Oxnard Challenge Project:1997-1998 Report. March. RAND Report CP-379.

Meeker, James W., Bryan J. Vila, Thomas E. Fossati, Jodi Lane, Katie J.B. Parson, & Douglas Wiebe. (1998). “Gang Incident Tracking System.” Pp. 1-92 In The Final Report of the Orange County Consortium COPS Project published by the Orange County Chiefs’ & Sheriff’s Association County-wide Gang Strategy Steering Committee

Lane, Jodi. (1996). “Chapter 2: Felony Defendants in Los Angeles County, 1994.” In Controlling Crime and Achieving Justice in Los Angeles County published by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and the Los Angeles County Probation Department.

Lane, Jodi. (1995). “Regina House: Program Evaluation Plan.” Prepared for the Regina House Homeless Women's Shelter, Santa Ana, CA

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 9Conference Papers:

Gagnon, Analisa, Kate Fox, and Jodi Lane. “Extending Social Learning Theory to Explain Victimization Among Gang and Ex-Gang Offenders.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual conference, November 19, 2015, Washington, D.C.

Lane, Jodi and Ashley Price Kuhn. “The Effects of Racial Socialization and Fear of Crime on Attitudes toward George Zimmerman.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences annual conference, March 4, 2015. Orlando, FL.

Lane, Jodi and Ashley Price Kuhn. “Fear of Crime, Attitudes about George Zimmerman, and Expected Implications of Florida’s Stand-Your-Ground Law.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual conference, November 20, 2014, San Francisco.

Rukus, Joseph and Jodi Lane. “Paving a Positive Path: An Evaluation of a Jail-Based Work Release Program.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology annual conference, November 19, 2014, San Francisco.

Rukus, Joseph, & Jodi Lane. “Making it on the Outside: Preliminary Results of a Jail-Based Work Release Program Evaluation.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 20, 2013.

Lane, Jodi & Ashley Price Kuhn. “In the Shoes of George Zimmerman: The Impact of Promotion of Mistrust, Subcultural Diversity, and Fear of Crime on Expected Personal Reactions.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 20, 2013.

Kuhn, Ashley Price & Jodi Lane. “The Impact of Racial Socialization and Fear of Crime on Expected Reactions to a Situation Similar to the Trayvon Martin Case.” Presented at the UF Levin College of Law Center for the Study of Race and Race Relations 10th Annual Spring Lecture and Panel Discussions. At Close Range: The Curious Case of Trayvon Martin, Gainesville, FL. March 20, 2013.

Rukus, Joseph & Jodi Lane. “Working through Work Release: A Study of the Characteristics Associated with Successful Completion of Jail-Based Work Release Programming.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 17, 2012.

Kuhn, Ashley Price & Jodi Lane. “Racial Differences in Socialization about Crime: Impacts on Personal Fear.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 16, 2012.

Zambrana, Kathy & Jodi Lane. “Examining the Link Between Offending, The Neighborhood Context, and Fear of Crime Among Probationers.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 15, 2012.

Lane, Jodi, Chris Gibson, and Kelsey Antle. “The Impact of Secondary Exposure to Violence on Youths’ Fear: The Role of Neighborhood Context.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 14, 2012.

Rukus, Joseph* & Jodi Lane. “Reentry Strategy Comparison of County Work Release Residents and Low-Risk Jail Inmates: A Qualitative Analysis.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, New York, NY, March 15, 2012

Zambrana, Katheryn,* Kathleen Fox,* & Jodi Lane. “Getting In (and Staying In): 10 Lessons Learned from Conducting Research with Inmates.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 10Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November 16, 2011

Kathleen Fox* & Jodi Lane. “Fear of Crime among Gang and Non-Gang Offenders.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November 18, 2011

Tolson, Danielle,* Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Jodi Lane. “Is it Justice or Injustice? The Effect of Defiance on Recidivism among Incarcerated Youth.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November 18, 2011

Price, Ashley,* Jodi Lane, & Ronald L. Akers. “The Impact of Perceptions of Disorder on Fear among Juvenile Offenders.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November 18, 2011

Cook, Carrie* & Jodi Lane. “Correctional Officer Attributions of Blame in Inmate Sexual Assault Victimization.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., November 19, 2011

Tolson, Danielle A.,* Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Jodi Lane. “Defiance and Recidivism among Incarcerated Youth.” Poster presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Annual Meeting, Miami, FL March 4, 2011

Tolson, Danielle A.,* Jodi Lane, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Ronald L. Akers. “Familiar Dimensions of Delinquency and Drug Abuse: Juveniles’ Perspectives on Social Learning.” Poster presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 18, 2010

Santos, Saskia* & Jodi Lane. “Misdemeanant Probationers’ Perspectives on the Severity of the Conditions of Probation.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2010

Cook, Carrie* & Jodi Lane. “Professional Orientation and Pluralistic Ignorance among Jail Correctional Officers.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2010

Lane, Jodi, Kelly Welch, James W. Meeker, & Marc Gertz. “Racial Stereotypes and Concern About Crime and Terrorism: Comparing Race and Gender Effects.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November 17, 2010

Lane, Jodi. “The Impact of Faith-Based Services in Florida’s Juvenile Incarceration Facilities.” Invited presentation for the 9th Annual American Studies Symposium “Incarceration Nation,” March 19, 2010, University of Florida

Cook, Carrie* & Jodi Lane. “Staff Perceptions of Inmate Credibility in Reports of Sexual Victimization.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 26, 2010.

Rukus, Joseph* & Jodi Lane. “Unmet Need: A Survey of State Resources at the Moment of Reentry.” Paper presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, February 24, 2010.

Lane, Jodi, James W. Meeker, & Ashley M. Nellis. “Perceived Risk and Fear of Terrorism and Willingness to Lose Personal Rights.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 6, 2009.

Santos, Saskia* & Jodi Lane. “Expanding Clear et al.’s Value of Religion Ideas: Former Prison and Jail Inmates’ Perspectives.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 11Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 6, 2009.

Fox, Kathleen,* Jodi Lane, & Ronald L. Akers. “Understanding Crime Victimization among Gang Members: A Test of Micro-and Macro-level Explanations.” Paper presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, November 5, 2009.

Pollack, Shana**, Jeffrey T. Ward,* Chris Gibson, William Rowe, Jerry Miller & Jodi Lane. “Fear of Crime and Perceived Risk of Victimization: Does Gender Matter?” Poster presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, March 13, 2009.

Lane, Jodi, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & James W. Meeker. “Juveniles’ Perceptions of Treatment by Staff, Perceived Risk, and Fear of Victimization while Incarcerated.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, St. Louis, November 12, 2008.

Fox, Kate* & Jodi Lane. “Fear of Gang Crime Among Prosecutors.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, St. Louis, November 13, 2008.

Santos, Saskia* & Jodi Lane. “Finding God: Former Inmates’ Perspectives on Turning to Religions.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, St. Louis, November 15, 2008.

Cook, Carrie Schrage* & Jodi Lane. “College Student Perceptions on Corrections and Sentencing.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, St. Louis, November 14, 2008. (Panel Chair)

Meeker, James W. & Jodi Lane. “Revisiting the Shadow of Sexual Assault Hypothesis for Gang Crime: The Relationships among Fear of Rape, Perceptions of Crime Seriousness, Perceived Risk and Fear among Women and Men.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, St. Louis, November 13, 2008.

Garcia, Crystal A. & Jodi Lane. “Tales From the Field: Frontline Workers Speak About the Needs of Girls in the Juvenile Justice System.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, St. Louis, November 12, 2008.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, Ronald L. Akers, & Carrie Schrage.* “Mixing Faith-based and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions in Juvenile Corrections: Exploring the Consequences of Complementary and Conflicting Treatment Components.” Presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference, March 8, 2008, Jacksonville, FL

Schrage, Carrie,* Jodi Lane & Lonn Lanza-Kaduce. “Perceptions of ‘Just Deserts’ and Recidivism among Juveniles in the Florida Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative.” Presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Conference, March 7, 2008, Jacksonville, FL

Garcia, Crystal & Jodi Lane. “Looking in the Rear-View Mirror: What Incarcerated Women think Girls Need from the System.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 17, 2007, Atlanta, GA

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Social Disorganization Perceptions, Fear of Gang Crime and Behavioral Precautions among Women and Men.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 16, 2007, Atlanta, GA

Santos, Saskia* & Jodi Lane. “Ex-Inmate Perspectives on Informal Methods of Control Utilized by Correctional Officers.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 15, 2007, Atlanta, GA

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 12Akers, Ronald L., Jodi Lane, & Lonn Lanza-Kaduce. “Faith-Based Mentoring and Delinquency

Treatment in Florida.” Presented at the Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, April 12, 2007, Atlanta, GA

Schrage, Carrie,* Jodi Lane, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Jessica Perry,* & Ronald L. Akers. “Religious Beliefs among Youths in Florida’s Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, March 16, 2007. Seattle, Washington.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, Ron Akers, Gretchen Pendell,* Carrie Schrage,* Erin Lane,* & Jessica Perry.* “Implementing ‘Thinking for a Change’ in Florida’s Juvenile Institutions.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 3, 2006

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Do General Fear of Crime Questions Gauge Perceived Risk, Fear of Crime, or Behaviors? An Exploration into a Nagging Question.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 2, 2006.

Schrage, Carrie* & Jodi Lane. “Legislator Ideology and Corrections and Sentencing Policy in Florida.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November 1, 2006.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Mary Beth Parker,* Jodi Lane, & Ron Akers. “Initiating Faith-Based Juvenile Corrections: Exercising Without Establishing Religion.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, Baltimore, MD, March 3, 2006.

Parker, Mary Beth* & Jodi Lane. “ Perceptions of Punitiveness toward Juvenile Offenders.” Presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Meetings, St. Petersburg, FL, March 3, 2006 (peer-reviewed acceptance)

Lane, Jodi, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Ron Akers. “Reflections on Developing and Implementing Florida’s Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative for Incarcerated Juveniles.” Presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Meetings, St. Petersburg, FL, March 2, 2006 (peer-reviewed acceptance)

Brank, Eve, Jodi Lane, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, & Amber Sehgal. “An Experimental Juvenile Probation Program: Effects on Parent and Peer Relationships.” Presented at the American Psychology-Law Society Meetings, St. Petersburg, FL, March 2, 2006 (peer-reviewed acceptance)

Lane, Jodi & Derek Chadee. “Fear of Gang Crime in Trinidad.” Presented at the 4th International Conference on Crime and Justice in the Carribean, Trinidad & Tabago, February 8, 2006. (peer-reviewed acceptance)

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, Ronald L. Akers, Mary Beth Parker,* Gretchen Pendell,* & Erin Lane.* “Before You Open the Doors: Lessons from Year 1 of Florida’s Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, November 18, 2005.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “The Combined Impact of Theoretical Models on Perceived Risk and Fear of Gang Crime Among Women and Men.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, November 17, 2005, Toronto, Canada

Lane, Jodi, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Mary Beth Parker,* & Gretchen Pendell.* “Evaluating the Florida Faith and Community-Based Delinquency Treatment Initiative: Lessons About Start-Up.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, March 17, 2005, Chicago, IL.

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 13Bishop, Donna M., Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Charles E. Frazier, & Jodi Lane. “Prosecutorial Charging

Decisions in Transfer Cases.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, November 19, 2004, Nashville, TN

Lane, Jodi. “Fear of Crime Among Juvenile Probationers.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, November 18, 2004, Nashville, TN

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “The Combined Impact of Theoretical Models on Perceived Risk and Fear of Gang Crime Among Whites and Latinos.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, November 17, 2004, Nashville, TN

Helms, Michael,** Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Charles E. Frazier, Jodi Lane & Donna M. Bishop. “Waiver of Counsel Among Young Offenders: Variability Between the Juvenile and Criminal Justice Systems.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, November 17, 2004, Nashville, TN

Lanza-Kaduce, Jodi Lane, Donna Bishop, & Charles E. Frazier. “The Consequences of Transfer on Girls in Florida.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, March 11, 2004, Las Vegas, NV

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Fear of Gang Crime Among Women and Men: Testing Previous Theoretical Findings.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meeting, March 10, 2004, Las Vegas, NV

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Fear of Gang Crime Among Whites and Latinos: Testing Previous Theoretical Findings.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Meeting, November 19, 2003.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, Charles E. Frazier, & Donna M. Bishop. “Legal Representation for Serious Juvenile Offenders and Its Impact.” Presented at the Southern Sociological Society Meeting, March 28, 2003, New Orleans, LA

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Perceptions of Community Problems, Fear of Gang Crimes, and Resulting Protective Behaviors among Whites, Latinos, and Vietnamese.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, March 7, 2003, Boston, MA.

Harlow, Karen S., Crystal A. Garcia, & Jodi Lane. “Aging in Place: Neighborhood Characteristics, Experiences, and Quality of Life.” Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 24, 2002, Boston, MA

Turner, Susan, Jodi Lane, Terry Fain, & Amber Schroeder. “Evaluating an Experimental Juvenile Probation Program: Comparing Official Outcomes and Self-Reports.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 15, 2002, Chicago, IL.

Bishop, Donna M., Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Charles E. Frazier, & Jodi Lane. “Unraveling the Effects of Juvenile Transfer on Recidivism: The Post-Release Behavior of Juveniles Sentenced to Adult versus Juvenile Correctional Institutions.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 15, 2002, Chicago, IL.

Lane, Jodi. “Picturing Community Factors that Make Residents Feel Unsafe.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 14, 2002, Chicago, IL.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “The Impact of Perceived Offense Seriousness and Perceived Risk of Victimization on Fear of Gang Crime.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 14Annual Meeting, November 13, 2002, Chicago, IL.

Garcia, Crystal, Karen S. Harlow, & Jodi Lane. “The Importance of Quality of Life on Perceived Risk Among the Elderly.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 13, 2002, Chicago, IL.

Frazier, Charles E. Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Jodi Lane, & Donna M. Bishop. “Juveniles Transferred to Criminal Court: Comments and Results from 25 Years of Research.” Presented to the National Association of Counsel for Children, September 27, 2002, Orlando, FL.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, Donna M. Bishop, & Charles E. Frazier. “The Impact of Recidivism of Alternative Juvenile and Adult Sanctions.” Presented at the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation, July 21-24, 2002, Washington, DC.

Bishop, Donna M., Charles E. Frazier, Jodi Lane, & Lonn Lanza-Kaduce. “Unraveling the Effects of Juvenile Transfer on Recidivism: The Effects of Confinement in Custodial versus Treatment-Oriented Institutions.” Presented at the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation, July 23, 2002, Washington DC.

Frazier, Charles E., Donna M. Bishop, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Jodi Lane. “Florida’s Quarter Century Experience with Prosecutorial Transfer of Juvenile Offenders to Adult Court: An Evaluation Study Retrospective.” Presented at the Second Annual International Conference on Sentencing and Society, June 27-29, 2002, Glasgow, Scotland.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Fear of Gang Crimes among Whites and Latinos: Examining the Importance of Concerns About Diversity, Disorder and Decline.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, March 9, 2002, Anaheim, CA

Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, Terry Fain, & Amber Schroeder. “Effects of Ventura County’s Four-Year Collaboration to Implement ‘Corrections of Place:’ Results from Youth Interviews.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, March 7, 2002, Anaheim, CA

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Exploring Women and Men’s Fear of Gang Crimes: Is Fear of Rape Key to Differences?” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 8, 2001, Atlanta, GA (Panel Chair)

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Donna M. Bishop, Charles E. Frazier, & Jodi Lane. “Is Transfer the ‘Capital Punishment’ of the Juvenile Justice System?” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 7, 2001, Atlanta, GA

Frazier, Charles E., Donna M. Bishop, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Jodi Lane. “Justice for Juveniles in Juvenile and Criminal Court Settings: A Comparative Analysis of Case Processing.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 7, 2001, Atlanta, GA

Schroeder, Amber, Terry Fain, Susan Turner, Jodi Lane, & Carmen Flores. “Evaluating the South Oxnard Challenge Project.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 7, 2001, Atlanta, GA

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Charles E. Frazier, Donna M. Bishop & Jodi Lane. “Transfer and Recidivism: New Findings from the Florida Transfer Study.” Presented at the Bureau of Justice Statistics (JRSA) National Conference, October 4-5, 2001, New Orleans, LA

Lane, Jodi. “Fear of Gang Crime: A Qualitative Examination of the Four Perspectives.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Meetings, August 19, 2001, Anaheim, CA (Roundtable

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 15Chair)

Lane, Jodi, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Donna M Bishop, & Charles E. Frazier. “Examining Recidivism Expectations and Outcomes for Youth in the Juvenile and Adult Systems.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Meetings, April 6, 2001, Washington D.C.

Lanza-Kaduce, Lonn, Jodi Lane, Donna M. Bishop & Charles E. Frazier. “Re-Examining the Recidivism of Juvenile and Transferred Offenders in Florida.” Presented at the Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, April 6, 2001, Atlanta, GA.

Carmen Flores, Jodi Lane, & Susan Turner. “Working Together in the Field: Implementing and Evaluating the South Oxnard Challenge Project.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 17, 2000, San Francisco, CA. (Panel Chair)

Schroeder, Amber, Jodi Lane, Terry Fain, & Susan Turner. “Evaluating the South Oxnard Challenge Project: Year Three.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 16, 2000, San Francisco, CA.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Fear of Gang Crime: A Look at the Four Theoretical Models.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 15, 2000, San Francisco, CA. (Panel Organizer, Acting Panel Chair)

Bishop, Donna M., Charles E. Frazier, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Jodi Lane. “Juvenile Versus Criminal Justice Processing: A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences and Reactions of Adolescent Offenders.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 15, 2000, San Francisco, CA.

Lane, Jodi & James W. Meeker. “Subcultural Diversity and the Fear of Crime and Gangs.” Presented at the American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, August 16, 2000.

Frazier, Charles E., Donna M. Bishop, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, & Jodi Lane. “Juvenile Offenders' Perceptions of Treatments that Work and Treatments that Don't Work.” Presented at the Southern Sociological Society Annual Meeting, April 2000.

Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, & Terry Fain. “Evaluating the South Oxnard Challenge Project: Year Two.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 18, 1999, Toronto, Canada.

Meeker, James W. & Jodi Lane. “Examining the Relationship Between Crime News Sources and Fear of Crime and Gangs.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 17, 1999, Toronto, Canada.

Lane, Jodi. “Fear of Gangs in Orange County, California.” Presented at the Association for Criminal Justice Research (California) Meeting, October 28, 1999, San Diego, CA.

Lane, Jodi & Susan Turner. “Practical Realities of Program Evaluation: Lessons from the South Oxnard Challenge Project.” Presented at the Association for Criminal Justice Research (California) Meeting, April 29, 1999, Sacramento, CA.

Lane, Jodi. “Connecting Fear of Crime Theories: Residents “Focus” on the Community Factors that Make Them Fear Crime and Gangs.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 12, 1998, Washington, D.C.

Meeker, James W., Jodi Lane, & Bryan J. Vila. “Fear of Crime and Gangs: Differences Among White, Latino, and Vietnamese Residents of Orange County, California.” Presented at the American

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 16Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 12, 1998, Washington, D.C.

Lane, Jodi, Susan Turner, & Terry Fain. “Evaluating a New Approach to Juvenile Justice in South Oxnard, California.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 11, 1998, Washington, D.C. (Panel Chair)

Lane, Jodi & Carmen Flores. “Community Counts: Incorporating Community into the Practice of Juvenile Justice in South Oxnard.” Presented at the Western Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, February 1998, Newport Beach, CA

Lane, Jodi, James W. Meeker, & Bryan J. Vila. “Fear of Gangs in Orange County.” Presented at the Western Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, February 1998, Newport Beach, CA

Lane, Jodi. “If We Don’t Deal with This, We are Going to Have Another LA Problem: The Social Construction of Gang Problems by Law Enforcement and Community Leaders.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 20, 1997, San Diego, CA

Garcia, Crystal A., Karen Harlow, & Jodi Lane. “Aging and Fear of Crime: Community and Individual Markers for Perceived Vulnerability and Behavioral Change.” Presented at the Gerontological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 1997, Columbus, OH

Lane, Jodi. “Don't You Go [Out] There: The Effects of ‘Social Disorganization’ Variables on Fear of Crime and Gangs.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, March 13, 1997, Louisville, KY

Lane, Jodi. “Subcultural Diversity and the Fear of Crime and Gangs.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 23, 1996, Chicago, IL

Lane, Jodi. “An Approach to Understanding Fear of Gangs as a Function of Community Characteristics.” Presented at the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, March 14, 1996, Las Vegas, NV

Lane, Jodi. ‘Changing Punishment Philosophy through Education: Like Moving a Mountain?” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 18, 1995, Boston, MA (Panel Chair)

Lane, Jodi. “Can You Make the Horse Drink: The Effects of a Corrections Course on Attitudes Toward the Punishment of Offenders.” Presented at the American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting, November 11, 1994, Miami, FL

*Current or former graduate student, **Undergraduate student

Selected Other Presentations:

Lane, Jodi. “America’s Prisons.” Presented to the Monday Discussion Group at The Village retirement community in Gainesville. March 17, 2008.

Lane, Jodi. “Fear of Crime: What We Know about Causes and Consequences.” Invited presentation to the Primetime Institute, Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL, February 1, 2007.

Lane, Jodi. “Fear of Crime: What We Know about Causes and Consequences.” Invited presentation to the Institute for Learning in Retirement, Gainesville, FL, March 27, 2006

Lane, Jodi. “Juveniles in Adult Corrections.” Invited presentation to the Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency, Chapter 15, January 13, 2005.

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 17

Lane, Jodi. “Capital Punishment: A National and State Overview.” Invited presentation given to the Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency, Chapter 15, February 12, 2004.

Lane, Jodi. “Comparing the Adult and Juvenile Justice Systems.” Invited presentation given to the University of Florida Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, April 3, 2003

Lane, Jodi. “Focus on Prisoner Re-Entry: Challenges and Prospects.” Invited presentation to the Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency, Chapter 15, December 4, 2002.

Lane, Jodi, Lonn Lanza-Kaduce, Charles E. Frazier, & Donna M. Bishop. “Findings from the Florida Juvenile Transfers to Criminal Court Study.” Presented to the Florida Bar Commission on the Legal Needs of Children, June 21, 2001, Orlando, FL.

Lane, Jodi. “Fear of Crime: What We Know About Causes and Consequences.” Invited lecture presented at American University, April, 5, 2001

Lane, Jodi. "Youth Violence: A National Overview." Presented to the Marion County (FL) Public Policy Institute Committee on Youth Violence in Our Community, March 2000.

Lane, Jodi. “South Oxnard Challenge Project: Program and Evaluation Update.” Presented to the South Oxnard (CA) Challenge Project Executive Board, September 18, 1998.

Lane, Jodi. “An Overview of ‘Corrections of Place’ Theory.” Presented at the California Board of Corrections Challenge Grant Quarterly Conference, Ventura, CA, October 1997.

Lane, Jodi. “Logistics of Creating Orange County's Fear of Gangs Survey.” Presented to the Anti-Gang Initiative Second Cluster Conference, Office of Community Oriented Policing, U.S. Department of Justice, Huntington Beach, CA, April 9, 1997.

Lane, Jodi. “UCIFRG'S Approach to Measuring Fear of Gangs.” Presented to the National Youth Gang Center Data Collection Focus Group, Irvine, CA, January 29, 1997.

Lane, Jodi. “Gang Incident Tracking System (GITS).” Presented to Orange County Crime Analysts’ Association, Costa Mesa, CA, September 11, 1996.

Courses Taught:

University of FloridaGraduate Courses Undergraduate Courses

Corrections and Public PolicyCriminal Justice ProcessEvaluation ResearchGangs, Community and PolicyProfessional Development in

Criminology, Law and SocietyProseminar in Criminology, Law and

SocietyProseminar in Sociology

Advanced Principles of Criminal JusticeIntroduction to CorrectionsJuvenile DelinquencyJuvenile Justice (Residential & Online)Research Methods in CriminologyCorrections InternshipJuvenile Justice Internship

University of California, IrvineJuvenile Delinquency

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 18Graduate Student Committees Chaired:

Ph.D. Students: (Completion date) and Current EmploymentMaryAnn Thrush (May 2015), Assistant Professor, Lincoln Memorial UniversityJoseph Rukus (August 2014), Assistant Professor, Arkansas State University Julie Baldwin (May 2013), (Co-Chair). Assistant Professor, Missouri State University (2015-);

Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas, Little Rock (2013-2015)Saskia Santos (August 2011). Research and Evaluation Department, Field Operations Division,

State of South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole and Pardon ServicesCarrie L. Cook (May 2009). Associate Professor, Georgia College and State University (2014-

present); Assistant Professor (2009-2014)Kathleen (Kate) Fox (May 2009). Associate Professor (2015-), Assistant Professor (2012-2015),

Arizona State University; Assistant Professor, Sam Houston State University (2009-2012)

Ashley Price Kuhn (in progress)

M.A. Students: (Completion Date).Kelsey Antle (May 2013)Leslie Ballard (August 2002)Jessica Chiarizio (August 2008)Kelly Ann Dever (August 2006), Co-chairAshley Price Kuhn (December 2012)Saskia Santos (December 2007)Katheryn Zambrana (May 2012)

Tutoring Experience:

University of California, Irvine Athletic DepartmentAcademic Support, Academic Advising Liaison, Fall 1993-Spring 1997Study Table Coordinator, Fall 1993- Spring 1995

Indiana University, Athletic DepartmentTutor, Fall 1987-Spring 1992

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 19Service to Profession:

Promotion ReviewArizona State University, Summer 2014Georgia State University, Summer 2015Virginia Commonwealth University, Summer 2015

External Program ReviewClayton State University Criminal Justice Program, Summer 2013

Grant Report ReviewRAND Corporation, May 2014, March 2015

Grant Proposal Reviewer:

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, September 2007, July 2009, July 2010

National Science Foundation, March 2003, March 2006

National Institute of Justice, March and April 2008, July 2010, September 2010, June 2012, July 2013, June 2014

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, February 2011

Manuscript Reviewer:

American Sociological Review, 2001American Journal of Community Psychology, 2011, 2013Asian Journal of Criminology, 2013American Journal of Criminal Justice, 2011Canadian Journal of Criminology, 2009Crime and Delinquency, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011Criminal Justice Review, 2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2016Criminology, 2002, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011Criminology & Public Policy, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008Deviant Behavior, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013European Journal of Criminology, 2015Feminist Criminology, 2007, 2008Homicide Studies, 2009, 2011International Criminal Justice Review, 2005, 2007, International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014

Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice, 2005Journal of Criminal Justice, 2005, 2008, 2010Journal of Crime and Justice, 2015Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 2006, 2007, 2010, 2011Journal of Family Issues, 2003, 2010, 2011Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 2010Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 2009, 2010, 2012Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 2001, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012Justice Quarterly, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2012Law and Human Behavior, 2013, 2015Law & Society Review, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2013Men & Masculinities, 2008Security Journal, 2011Sex Roles, 2010Social Forces, 2015Social Problems, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2014Social Psychology Quarterly, 2006Social Science Quarterly, 2002Sociological Focus, 2002, 2013, 2014Sociological Perspectives, 2001, 2005Sociology Compass, 2011The Sociological Quarterly, 2006Victims & Offenders, 2009, 2015Violence & Victims, 2011, 2012

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 20Book Proposal/Book Reviewer:

Bridgepoint Education, 2012Cambridge University Press, 2008, 2009Oxford University Press, 2010, 2011, 2014Routledge, 2014Roxbury Publishing, 2005

Sage Publications, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010Temple University Press, 2007, 2008Wiley-Blackwell, 2012

Editorial Boards:

Crime & Delinquency, January 2006-PresentCriminal Justice Review, August 2011-PresentJournal of Criminal Justice, May 2010-December 2012Justice Quarterly, January 1, 2006-December 31, 2008Victims & Offenders, September 2008-Present

Advisory Board:

University of Florida Journal of Law and Public Policy, Fall 2003-Fall 2010(?)

Professional Memberships and Service:

Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, 1991-Outstanding Mentor Award Committee, Chair, 2014-2015Graduate Assistant for Coramae Richey Mann, Program Chair, Annual Meeting, 1992

American Society of Criminology, 1991-Mentoring Committee, Chair (2015-2016)Student Awards Committee, 2013-2014; Chair, 2014-2015Ruth Shonle Cavan Young Scholar Award Committee, 2012-2013Vollmer Award Committee, Chair, 2011-2012Nominations Committee, 2007-2008Herbert Bloch Award Committee, 2000-2001, 2009-2010Division on Corrections and Sentencing

Division Chair, 2009-2011Executive Counselor, 2003-2007By-Laws Revision Committee, 2014Awards Committee, 2003-2004, 2005-2006, 2006-2007, 2008-2009, 2009-2010

Chair, 2006-2007Newsletter Committee, 2011-2012Outreach Committee Chair, 1999-2002Webmaster, 2006-2009

Annual Program Committee for Fear of Crime, 2010Annual Program Committee for Juvenile Corrections, 2008Annual Program Committee for Corrections, 2006Annual Program Committee for Gender, Sentencing and Criminal Justice Processing, 2004Annual Program Committee for Types of Crime, Victims and Offenders, 2002Annual Program Committee, Division Chair for Gangs and Crime, 2000

American Sociological Association, 1996-2002Association for Criminal Justice Research (California), 1999-2003Association for Doctoral Programs in Criminology and Criminal Justice

Vice President (elected), 2015-2017Law & Society Association, 1993-1998Society for the Study of Social Problems, 1995-2007Southern Sociological Society, 2000-2002

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 21

Departmental Service

Search Committee, Departmental Office Assistant, Summer 2015Department Self-Study Committee, Criminology, Law and Society Graduate Program, 2014-2015Internal Chair Search Committee, Spring 2015 (appointed)Merit Review Committee, 2014-2016 (appointed)Graduate Committee, Fall 2003-Summer 2005, Fall 2006-Spring 2013, 2014-presentGraduate Comprehensive Exam Committees

Crime and Justice, Fall 2009-Present Committee Chair, Fall 2009-Present

Research Methods and Theory, Summer 2004-Summer 2009Committee Chair, 2005-2006, 2007-2008, 2008-2009

Faculty Mentor for Assistant Professor, Lora Levett, 2005-2012Ronald L. Akers Graduate Student Paper Award Committee, Spring 2012, Spring 2016Department Manager Selection Committee, Spring 2011Criminology, Law and Society Graduate Coordinator, January 2008-August 2010Department Merger Graduate Task Force, 2008-2009Institute for Crime, Justice and Policy Research Concept Paper Evaluation Committee, 2008-2009Newsletter Committee Chair, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Fall 2006-Spring

2009Executive Committee (elected), Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Spring 2006-May

2008Departmental Tenure and Promotion Committee, Assistant Professor Lora Levett, Fall 2012,

Committee ChairSearch Committee, Fall 2007Senior Search Committee, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Fall 2006-Spring 2007Search Committee, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, Fall 2004-Spring 2005Search Committee, Center for Studies in Criminology and Law, Spring 2003Chair, Planning Committee, Center for Studies in Criminology & Law, Spring 2001-Summer 2005

Mission Subcommittee, 2001-2002Strategic Planning Subcommittee on Graduate Program, Department of Sociology, 2000-2001Research Initiative Committee, Center for Studies in Criminology and Law, 1999-2000

College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (CLAS) & University Service

CLAS Finance Committee (Appointed), 2015-2018CLAS Promotion and Tenure Committee (Appointed), 2013-2016Faculty Advisor, Freshmen Preview Orientation, Summers 2012-2015CLAS Faculty Council (elected), 2012-2014CLAS Nominating Committee (elected), 2011-2013CLAS Graduate Committee, 2009-2010CLAS Task Force on Shared Governance, Fall 2006-Spring 2007Faculty Senate (elected), University of Florida, Fall 2005-Spring 2008Phi Beta Kappa

Membership Committee, Fall 2006-Spring 2010; Treasurer, Spring 2009-present

University Scholars Program, Fifth Annual USP Symposium, Moderator, April 2004University Scholars Program, Fourth Annual USP Symposium, Moderator, April, 2003University Scholars Program, Second Annual USP Symposium, Session Chair, March 31, 2001University Graduation Marshall, 1999-2000, Summer 2011CLAS Graduation Marshall 2002, 2003

Jodi Lane/March 2016/page 22

Related Community Service:

Speaker, Alachua County Detention Center, October 6, 2003 (spoke to incarcerated youths about the juvenile justice system and process)

Speaker, Graduation Ceremony for GED and Vocational Program graduates at Lancaster Correctional Institution, Trenton, FL, January 17, 2003

Volunteer, Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Ventura County, CA. July 1998-July 1999Volunteer Tutor, Boys' Club, Bloomington, IN. Fall 1987-Spring 1988

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