curriculum vitae - · curriculum vitae personal...

Post on 27-Sep-2018






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1. Full Name: Aleida J. Sandoval

2. Citizenship: Venezuelan

3. Mailing Address:

Prof. Aleida J. Sandoval

Universidad Simón Bolívar

Depto. Procesos Biológicos y Bioquímicos

Apartado 89000. Caracas, 1080-A


4. Telephone: +58 212 9063953

5. Fax: +58 212 9063971

6. E-mail:


1. B.S. Degree, Agoindustrial Engineering. Universidad Nacional Ezequiel Zamora.

1983-1988. San Carlos. Venezuela

2. M.S. Degree, Food Science. Universidad Simón Bolívar. 1989-1991. Caracas,


3. Ph.D. Degree, Food Science and Technology. University of Reading, 1996-1999.

Reading, England (UK). Thesis: Studies of starch transformations in a controlled

shear field.

Other academic activities

Sabbatical leave from the University Simón Bolívar (USB) in Caracas (Venezuela) to

the French National Institute of Agronomic Research (Institut National de la

Recherche Agronomique, INRA) in Nantes (France). Host: Dr. Guy Della Valle

August 2006-August 2007. Research work: Mechanical properties of expanded food foams

September 2013-August 2014. Research work: Effect of sheeting stage of breadmaking

process on the final quality characteristics of French bread

Invited Professor in the Erasmus Mundus Master Course (Food Innovation and Product

Design, FIPDes). AgroParisTech, Massy / Paris (France). December 2013/July 2014.



Spanish (mother tongue), English and French


1. Extrusion-cooking of cereals and starchy products with particular interest in the

molecular transformation and rheological changes during processing and their effect

on quality attributes of extruded products

2. Stability studies during food product storage.

3. Prediction of food quality during thermal processing

4. Studies of sorption characteristics of foods


1. Acta Científica Venezolana. Venezuela.

2. Interciencia. Venezuela.

3. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad del Zulia, Venezuela.

4. Journal of Food Engineering, Elsevier

5. LWT- Food Science and Technology, Elsevier

6. Transactions of the ASABE (American Society of Agricultural and

Biological Engineers). USA

7. International of Food Science & Technology. Wiley-Blackwell

8. Drying Technology, Taylor & Francis Group

9. Carbohydrate Polymers, Elsevier.

10. Cereal Chemistry, AACC International

11. International Journal of Food Properties, Taylor & Francis Group

12. Food Hydrocolloids, Elsevier

13. Journal of Food Science, Institute of Food Technologists, Wiley-Blackwell.

14. Journal of Food Science and Technology, Springer.

15. Journal of Polymer Engineering, De Gruyter Publisher.

16. Food and Bioproducts Processing, Elsevier.

17. European Polymer Journal, Elsevier.

18. International Food Research Journal, Elsevier.

19. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, Elsevier.

20. Journal of Cereal Science, Elsevier.


1. Barinas State (Venezuela). 1983-1988. To do undergraduate studies

2. Fundación Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho (Venezuela). 1990-1991. To do postgraduate


3. USB-CONICIT. 1996-1999 (Venezuela). To do Ph.D. studies at Reading University




1. Outstanding mention in the M.Sc. Thesis titled: Estudio del Proceso de Esterilización

por Llenado en Caliente de Pasta de Tomate Envasada en Vidrio. Universidad Simón

Bolívar, 1991

2. Member of the Researcher Promotion System. Ministry of Science and Technology

(Venezuela). Category: Candidate: 1994-1997.

3. Crossley Research Prize (1996-97). Award for the best seminar presentation of the

year in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Reading.

Reading, UK.

4. APV Baker Prize for the Young Food Engineer of the Year (1999). For the most

meritorious young food engineer awarded by the engineering company APV baker

and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in the United Kingdom. Work: A novel

rheometer for kinetic measurements under extrusion conditions.

5. Member of the Researcher Promotion System. Ministry of Science and Technology

(Venezuela). Category: Level I. 2000-2004.

6. Ezequiel Zamora Order. Award for her work on teaching and research. Awarded by

the Ezequiel Zamora University (Venezuela). November 2000.

7. Member of the Researcher Promotion System. Ministry of Science and Technology

(Venezuela). Category: Level II. 2005-present.


1. Full Professor. From 2006.

2. Associate Professor. Food Science. Department of Technology of Biological and

Biochemical Processes. Simon Bolivar University. 1997-2005.

3. Assistant Professor. Food Science. Department of Technology of Biological and

Biochemical Processes. Simon Bolivar University. 1992-1996.

4. Research Assistant. Food Science. Department of Technology of Biological and

Biochemical Processes. Simon Bolivar University. 1989-1992.

Other academic-administrative responsibilities at the Simón Bolívar University

1. Area Coordinator. Applied Sciences & Engineering. Research & Development

Deanery. (period: 2016 to present)

2. Principal. Credential Evaluation Committee of new academic personnel in the

Department of Material Science. (period: 2015 to present)

3. Principal. Credential Evaluation Committee of new academic personnel in the

Department of Biological and Biochemical Processes. (period: 2001-2006, 2009-

2011, 2011-2013)


4. Chairwoman of Laboratory “B” (administrative unit for the following university

laboratories: chemistry, polymer science, biology, nutrition and food science).

(period: 2012-2013)

5. Coordinator in charge of Graduate Studies (Specialization, Master and Doctor

degrees) in Food Science and Nutrition. Graduate School (period: 2003-2006, 2009-


6. Dean in charge of the Graduate School (interine). (September-October 2010).

7. Area Coordinator. Basic and Applied Sciences of the Graduate School (period: 2005-

2006, 2009-2010).

8. Section Head. Laboratories of Food Science and Nutrition (of Laboratory “B).

(period: 1992-1994).


Courses taught in the programs of Food Science, Chemical Engineering and Biology at

Simon Bolivar University:

Undergraduate Courses:

Food Processing

Laboratory of Food Processing

Graduate Courses:

Food Preservation Operations I

Laboratory of Food Preservation Operations I

Food Preservation Operations II

Laboratory of Food Preservation Operations II

Shelf life of Packaged Food

Phase Transition and Food Rheology


Undergraduate thesis: 33

Specialization: 6

Master thesis: 7

Doctorate: 1



1. Fernandes V, Müller, A.J., & Sandoval AJ. 2011. Evaluación de las propiedades

reológicas y térmicas de diferentes composiciones de chocolate. XIV Coloquio

Venezolano de Polímeros. 11 al 14 de Abril. Naiguatá, Venezuela.


2. Sandoval, A.J. 2010. Estudio de la temperatura de transición vítrea (Tg) de sistemas

alimenticios basados en almidón. I Jornada de Análisis Térmico de Materiales. UDO-

Margarita. Porlamar 29 de Noviembre. Conferencista Invitada

3. Cova A, Sandoval AJ, Laredo, E, & Müller AJ. 2009. Efecto plastificante y anti-

plastificante del água em sistemas a base de almidón. XIII Coloquio Venezolano de

Polímeros. 11 al 14 de Mayo. Caracas, Venezuela.

4. Perdomo J., Cova A, Sandoval AJ, & Müller AJ. 2007. Influencia del contenido de

humedad sobre la Tg del almidón de yuca y determinación de las isotermas de

sorción de agua. XII Coloquio Venezolano de Polímeros. 6 al 9 de Mayo. Cumaná,


5. Cova A, Sandoval AJ, Müller AJ, Michon C & Launay B. 2005. Influencia del

contenido de lípidos y velocidad de extrusión sobre la expansión de extrudados de

sémola de maíz. XI Coloquio Venezolano de Polímeros. 17 al 20 de Julio. Caracas,


6. Angueira M, Sandoval AJ, Barreiro JA, & Woyzechowsky L. 2002. Evaluación de la

tasa de respiración de pimentones (capsicum annum L.) almacenados a baja

temperatura. III Congreso Venezolano de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos. 29 de

Junio al 3 de Julio. Caracas, Venezuela.

7. Angueira M, Salgado M, Sandoval AJ & Barreiro JA. 2001. Predicción de historias

de temperatura y retención de nutrientes en alimentos envasados en vidrio. LI

Convención Anual de ASOVAC. San Cristobal, Venezuela.

8. Sandoval AJ, Barreiro JA, Rinaldi R, Rivas D & Guedez A. 1996. Estimación de

parámetros para el pelado químico de duraznos (Prunus persica). I Congreso

Venezolano de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos. 23-27 de Marzo. Caracas,


9. Sandoval AJ, Barreiro JA & Mendoza S. 1992. Estudio Microbiológico del Proceso

de Esterilización por Llenado en Caliente de Pasta de Toamate Doble Concentrada.

XLII Convención Anual de ASOVAC. Caracas, Venezuela.


10. Sandoval, A.J., Chaunier, L., Della Valle, G., & Lourdin, G. (2015). Changes in

rheological properties and cellular structure of wheat flour dough during shaping.

10th Annual European Rheology Conference. April 14-15. Nantes, France.

11. Sandoval, A.J., Chaunier, L., Chiron, H., Della Valle, G., Lourdin, G., & Réguerre,

A.L. (2014). Variations des propriétés rhéologiques et de la structure alvéolaire de

pâtes de farine de blé au cours du laminage. 49ème Congrés Annuel du Groupe

Français de Rhéology (GFR). Grenoble du 27 au 29 octobre. France.

12. Pérez, A., Sandoval, A.J., Cova, A., & Müller, A.J. (2013). Caracterización térmica y

mecánica del almidón de yuca. Efecto del aceite de maíz sobre las temperaturas de

transición vítrea del almidón de yuca. X Simposio Argentino de Polímeros SAP-

2013. 28-30 de Agosto. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

13. Pérez, A., Sandoval, A.J., Cova, A., & Müller, A.J. (2013). Envejecimiento físico del

almidón de yuca. Caracterización térmica. X Simposio Argentino de Polímeros SAP-

2013. 28-30 de Agosto. Buenos Aires, Argentina.

14. García, L., Cova, A., Sandoval, A.J., & Müller, A.J. (2009). Sorption isotherms of

whey protein concentrate (WPC) and cassava starch-WPC blends by using a moisture


sorption analyzer. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Alimentos. 6-9 de

Septiembre. Bogotá, Colombia.

15. Cova, A., Sandoval, A.J., & Müller, J.A. (2009). Expansion and sorption isotherm of

corn grits and corn grits-corn germ blends. VII Congreso Iberoamericano de

Ingeniería de Alimentos. 6-9 de Septiembre. Bogotá, Colombia.

16. Sandoval AJ, Giménez G, Barreiro JA & Müller AJ. 2008. Capillary rheometry of a

starchy ready to eat breakfast cereal formulation and its major components. Effect of

temperature, moisture content and shear rate.10th

International Congress on

Engineering and Food (ICEF 10). 20-24 April. Viña del Mar, Chile.

17. Sandoval AJ, Chaunier L., Courcoux P & Della Valle G. 2008. Bulk mechanical

behaviour of commercial solid particle food foams. 1st International Symposium

Crispy Cracks 'Creating and retaining the crispiness of food'. 19-20 March.

Wageningen, The Netherlands.

18. Cova A, Sandoval AJ, Müller AJ, Granda P, Launay B & Michon C. 2006. Influence

of lipids content and screw speed on expansion of corn grits extrudates. IUFOST

XIIIth World Congress of Food Science and Technology. 17-21 September. Nantes,


19. Ferris J, Sandoval AJ, Barreiro JA & Müller AJ. 2006. Storage modulus evolution

kinetics during thermal processing of a bologna-type sausage. IUFOST XIIIth World

Congress of Food Science and Technology. 17-21 September. Nantes, France.

20. Méndez J, Cova A, Sandoval AJ & Müller AJ. 2006. Sorption characteristics of corn

products: corn starch, zein, corn starch/zein mixture and grits. IUFOST XIIIth World

Congress of Food Science and Technology. 17-21 September. Nantes, France.

21. Scherer E, Sandoval AJ, Barreiro JA & Quezada O. 2006. Colour degradation

kinetics of a tuna and vegetable mixture during thermal processing. IUFOST XIIIth

World Congress of Food Science and Technology. 17-21 September. Nantes, France.

22. Paradas N, Sánchez A & Sandoval AJ. 2005. Diseño y evaluación de un secador solar

para la deshidratación de alimentos. X Congreso Latinoamericano de Transferencia

de Calor y Materia (LATCYM). 13-15 de Abril. Caracas, Venezuela.

23. Brett B, Figueroa M, Sandoval AJ & Barreiro JA. 2005. Estudio de las características

de sorción de un sistema alimenticio basado en almidón. X Congreso

Latinoamericano de Transferencia de Calor y Materia (LATCYM). 13-15 de Abril.

Caracas, Venezuela.

24. Sandoval AJ & Barreiro JA. 2005. Reología del almidón de maíz bajo condiciones de

extrusión. X Congreso Latinoamericano de Transferencia de Calor y Materia

(LATCYM). 13-15 de Abril. Caracas, Venezuela.

25. Sandoval AJ, Della Valle G & Nuñez M. 2004. Viscous properties of ready-to-eat

breakfast cereal for extrusion cooking. International Congress on Engineering and

Food (ICEF 9). 7-11 March. Montpellier, France.

26. Sandoval AJ & Pyle DL. 2000. Gelatinisation of wheat starch under extrusion

conditions using a novel concentric cylinder rheometer. International Congress on

Engineering and Food (ICEF 8). 9-13 April. Puebla. Mexico.

27. Sandoval AJ & Barreiro JA. 1996. Water sorption isotherms of non fermented cocoa

beans (Theobroma cacao). IFT Annual Meeting. 22-26 June. New Orleans, USA.

28. Sandoval AJ. 1995. Cinéticas de reacción en pruebas de vida útil. Concepto del Q10.

III Taller Iberoamericano sobre Envases y Embalajes para Alimentos. CYTED-

RISEA. Valencia, Venezuela.


29. Barreiro JA, Milano M & Sandoval AJ. 1995. Estudio cinético del cambio de color de

la pasta de tomate doble concentrada por efecto del tratamiento térmico. I Congreso

Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Alimentos. Campinas-Brasil. 5-9 de Noviembre.

Campinas, Brasil.

30. Barreiro JA, Caraballo V & Sandoval AJ. 1994. Estudio del pelado químico de frutas

con geometría esférica. V Congreso Latinoamericano de Transferencia de Calor y

Materia (LATCYM). 24-27 de Octubre. Caracas, Venezuela.


1. Sandoval, A.J., Chaunier, L., Chiron, H., Della Valle, G. & Réguerre, A-L. (2017).

Cellular structure and rheological properties of shaped fermented wheat flour dough.

Journal of Cereal Science. 73, 91-98. doi: 10.1016/j.jcs.2016.12.001

2. Sandoval, A.J., & Müller, A.J. (2017). Implications of non-equilibrium state glass

transitions on carbohydrate polymers. In: Bhandari, B., & Roos, Y.H. (Eds.). Non-

equilibrium states and glass transitions in foods. Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier),

UK. pp. 175-207.

3. Figueroa, Y., Guevara, M., Pérez, A., Cova, A., Sandoval, A.J., & Müller, A.J.

(2016). Effect of sugar addition on glass transition temperatures of cassava starch

with low to intermediate moisture contents. Carbohydrate Polymers, 146, 231-237.

doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.03.054

4. Sandoval, A.J., Chaunier, L., Chiron, H., Della Valle, G., Lourdin, D., & Réguerre,

A-L. (2015). Variations des propriétés rhélogiques et de la structure alvéolaire de

pâtes de farine de blé au cours du laminage. Rhélogie, 28, 1-7.

5. Pérez, A., Meléndez, I., Vera, I., Cova, A., Sandoval, A.J., & Müller, A.J. (2015).

Thermal and tensile properties of corn semolina-protein blends in the glassy state.

Journal of Food Engineering, 165, 93-103. doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2015.05.022

6. Pérez, A., Sandoval, A.J, Cova, A., & Müller, A.J. 2014. Glass transitions and

physical ageing of cassava starch-corn oil blends. Carbohydrate Polymers, 105, 244-

252. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.01.032

7. Luk, E., Sandoval, A.J., Cova, A., & Müller, A.J. 2013. Anti-plasticization of cassava

starch by complexing fatty acids. Carbohydrate Polymers, 98(1), 659-664. doi:


8. Fernandes, V.A., Müller, A.J., & Sandoval, A.J. 2013. Thermal, structural and

rheological characteristics of dark chocolate with different compositions. Journal of

Food Engineering, 116(1), 97-108. doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2012.12.002

9. Cova, A., Müller, A.J., Laredo. E., & Sandoval, A.J. 2012. Effect of two different

lipid sources on glass transition temperatures and tensile properties of corn semolina.

Journal of Food Engineering, 113(2), 265-274. doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2012.05.040

10. Sandoval, A.J., Barreiro, J.A., & Müller, A.J. 2012. Moisture adsorption isotherms of

amorphous cassava starch at different temperatures determined by a dynamic vapour

sorption technique. Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad del Zulia,

29(3), 475-493.

11. García, L., Cova, A., Sandoval, A.J., Müller, A.J., & Carrasquel, L.M. 2012. Glass

transition temperatures of cassava starch-whey protein concentrate systems at low and


intermediate water content. Carbohydrate Polymers, 87(2), 1375-1382. doi:


12. Sandoval, A.J., Barreiro, J.A., & Müller, A.J. 2011. Determination of moisture

adsorption isotherms of rice flour using a dynamic vapour sorption technique.

Interciencia, 36(11), 848-852.

13. Sandoval, A.J., Guilarte, D., Barreiro, J.A., Lucci, E., & Müller, A.J. 2011.

Determination of moisture sorption characteristics of oat flour by static and dynamic

techniques with and without thymol as an antimicrobial agent. Food Biophysics, 6(3),

424-432. doi: 10.1007/s11483-011-9221-4

14. Madrigal, L., Sandoval, A.J., & Müller, A.J. 2011. Effects of corn oil on glass

transition temperatures of cassava starch. Carbohydrate Polymers, 85(4), 875-884.

doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2011.04.013

15. Fernandes, V., Müller, A.J., & Sandoval, A.J. 2011. Evaluación de las propiedades

reológicas y térmicas de diferentes composiciones de chocolate. Revista

Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales (SUPPL. 3), 12-13.

16. Nuñez, M., Della Valle, G., & Sandoval, A.J. 2010. Shear and elongational viscosities

of a complex starchy formulation for extrusion-cooking. Food Research

International, 43(8), 2093-2100. doi: 10.1016/j.foodres.2010.07.006

17. Cova, A., Sandoval, A.J., Balsamo, V., & Müller, A.J. 2010. The effect of

hydrophobic modifications on the adsorption isotherms of cassava starch.

Carbohydrate Polymers, 81(3), 660-667. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2010.03.028

18. Barreiro Jr., J.A., Minichini, A., Barreiro, J.A., & Sandoval, A.J. 2010. Water

sorption isotherms of NPK 10-20-20/4 MOP fertilizer. Industrial & Engineering

Chemistry Research, 49(2), 887-892. doi: 10.1021/ie900533q

19. Nuñez, M., Sandoval, A.J., Müller, A.J., Della Valle, G., & Lourdin, D. 2009.

Thermal characterization and phase behaviour of a ready-to-eat breakfast cereal

formulation and its starchy components. Food Biophysics, 4(4), 291-303. doi:


20. Ferris, J.J., Sandoval, A.J., Barreiro, J.A., Sánchez, J.J., & Müller A.J. 2009. Gelation

kinetics of an imitation-mortadella emulsion during heat treatment determined by

oscillatory rheometry. Journal of Food Engineering, 95(4), 677-683. doi:


21. Scherer, E., Sandoval, A.J., & Barreiro, J.A. 2009. Kinetics of heat-induced color

change of a tuna-vegetable mixture. Interciencia, 34(12), 888-892.

22. Brett, B., Figueroa, M., Sandoval, A.J., Barreiro, J.A., & Müller, A.J. 2009. Moisture

sorption characteristics of starchy products. Oat flour and rice flour. Food Biophysics,

4(3), 151-157. doi: 10.1007/s11483-009-9112-0

23. Sandoval, A.J., Nuñez, M., Müller, A.J., Della Valle, G., & Lourdin D. 2009. Glass

transition temperatures of a starchy ready to eat breakfast cereal formulation and its

main components determined by DSC and DMTA. Carbohydrate Polymers, 76, (4),

528-534. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2008.11.019

24. Perdomo, J., Cova, A., Sandoval, A.J., García, L., Laredo, E., & Müller A.J. 2009.

Glass transition temperatures and water sorption isotherms of cassava starch.

Carbohydrate Polymers, 76(2), 305-313. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2008.10.023

25. Sandoval, A.J., Chaunier, L., Courcoux, P., & Della Valle, G. 2008. Bulk mechanical

behavior of commercial particle food foams. Journal of Texture Studies, 39(4): 405-

425. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-4603.2008.00150.x


26. Barreiro, J.A., Sandoval, A.J., Rivas, D., & Rinaldi, R. 2007. Application of a

mathematical model for chemical peeling of peaches (Prunus persica L.) Variety

Amarillo Jarillo. LWT- Food Science and Technology, 40(4): 574-578. doi:


27. Dautant, F.J., Simancas, K., Sandoval, A.J, & Müller, A.J. 2007. Effect of

temperature, moisture and lipid content on the rheological properties of rice flour.

Journal of Food Engineering, 78(4): 1159-1166. doi:


28. Sandoval, A.J., & Barreiro, J.A. 2007. Off-line capillary rheometry of corn starch:

Effects of temperature, moisture content and shear rate. LWT- Food Science and

Technology, 40(1): 43-48. doi: 10.1016/j.lwt.2005.09.001

29. Reverón, I.M., Barreiro, J.A., & Sandoval, A.J. 2005. Thermal death characteristics of

Lactobacillus paracasei and Aspergillus niger in Pilsen beer. Journal of Food

Engineering, 66 (2): 239-243. doi:10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2004.03.014

30. Angueira, M., Sandoval, A.J., & Barreiro, J.A. 2003. Tasas de respiración en cuatro

híbridos de pimentón (Capsicum annum L.). Interciencia, 28(10): 593-596.

31. Reverón, I.M., Barreiro, J.A., & Sandoval, A.J. 2003. Thermal resistance of

Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Pilsen beer. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 109(2):


32. Barreiro, J.A., Fernández, S., & Sandoval, A.J. 2003. Water sorption characteristics

of six row barley malt (Hordeum vulgare). LWT- Food Science and Technology, 36

(1):37-42. doi: 10.1016/S0023-6438(02)00158-5

33. Sandoval, A.J., & Barreiro, J.A. 2002. Water sorption isotherms of non fermented

cocoa beans (Theobroma cacao). Journal of Food Engineering, 51(2): 119-123. doi:


34. Sandoval, A.J., Barreiro, J.A., Tovar, X., & Angueira, M. 2002. Características de

sorción del cacao fermentado en polvo (Theobroma cacao). Revista Técnica de la

Facultad de Ingeniería Universidad del Zulia, 25(1): 49-55.

35. Barreiro, J.A., Milano, M., & Sandoval, A.J. 1997. Kinetics of colour changes of

double concentrated tomato paste during thermal treatment. Journal of Food

Engineering, 33(3-4):359-371. doi: 10.1016/S0260-8774(97)00035-6

36. Barreiro, J.A., Sandoval, A.J., Guédez, A., & Luciani, Y. 1996. Comportamiento

reológico de concentrados de tomate: efecto de la temperatura y la concentración.

Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición, 46 (3): 224-229.

37. Barreiro, J.A., Caraballo, V., & Sandoval, A.J. 1995. Mathematical model for the

chemical peeling of spherical foods. Journal of Food Engineering, 25(4):483-495.

doi: 10.1016/0260-8774(94)00023-3

38. Sandoval, A.J., Barreiro, J.A., & Mendoza, S. 1994. Prediction of hot fill-air-cool

sterilization processes for tomato paste in glass jars. Journal of Food Engineering,

23(1): 33-50. doi: 10.1016/0260-8774(94)90122-8

39. Sandoval, A.J., Barreiro, J.A., & Mendoza, S. 1992. Thermal resistance of Bacillus

coagulans in double concentrated tomato paste. Journal of Food Science, 57 (6):

1369-1370. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2621.1992.tb06860.x


Proceedings of Congresses


1. Fernandes V, Müller, A.J., Sandoval AJ. 2011. Evaluación de las propiedades

reológicas y térmicas de diferentes composiciones de chocolate. Revista

Latinoamericana de Metalurgia y Materiales (SUPPL. 3), 12-13.

2. Sandoval, A.J., Della Valle, G. and Nuñez, M. 2005. Viscous properties of ready-to-

eat breakfast cereal for extrusion cooking. Proceedings of the Night International

Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 9). Springer Verläg, pp. 662-667.

3. Sandoval, A.J. and Pyle, D.L. 2001. Gelatinisation of wheat starch under extrusion

conditions using a novel concentric cylinder rheometer. Proceedings of the Eight

International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF 8). Volume I. 568-572.

4. Barreiro, J.A.; Milano, M. y Sandoval, A.J. 1995. Estudio cinético del cambio de

color de la pasta de tomate doble concentrada por efecto del tratamiento térmico.

Anales del I Congreso Ibero-Americano de Ingeniería de Alimentos. Tomo II. 23-35.

5. Barreiro, J.A., Caraballo, V. y Sandoval, A.J. 1994. Estudio del pelado químico de

frutas con geometría esférica. Proceedings LATCYM 94. Tomo I. IIB6.1-IIB6.12.


6. Scherer E, Sandoval AJ, Barreiro JA and Quezada O. 2006. Colour Degradation

Kinetics of a Tuna and Vegetable Mixture during Thermal Processing. IUFOST

XIIIth World Congress of Food Science and Technology. D:\data\articles\000528.pdf,

pages. 1013-1014.

7. Ferris J, Sandoval AJ, Barreiro JA and Müller AJ. 2006. Storage modulus evolution

kinetics during thermal processing of a bologna-type sausage. IUFOST XIIIth World

Congress of Food Science and Technology. D:\data\articles\000528.pdf, pages. 375-


8. Cova A, Sandoval AJ, Müller AJ, Granda P, Launay B and Michon C. 2006.

Influence of lipids content and screw speed on expansion of corn grits extrudates.

IUFOST XIIIth World Congress of Food Science and Technology.

D:\data\articles\000528.pdf, pages. 365-366.

9. Méndez J, Cova A, Sandoval AJ and Müller AJ. 2006. Sorption Characteristics of

Corn Products: Corn Starch, Zein, Corn Starch/Zein Mixture and Grits. IUFOST

XIIIth World Congress of Food Science and Technology. D:\data\articles\000528.pdf,

pages. 1447-1448.

10. Paradas N, Sánchez A y Sandoval AJ. 2005. Diseño y evaluación de un secador solar

para la deshidratación de alimentos. Memorias del X Congreso Latinoamericano de

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11. Brett B, Figueroa M, Sandoval AJ y Barreiro JA. 2005. Estudio de las características

de sorción de un sistema alimenticio basado en almidón. Memorias del X Congreso

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Venezuela. CD-ROM. ISBN: 980-237-230-7.

12. Sandoval AJ y Barreiro JA. 2005. Reología del almidón de maíz bajo condiciones de

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Materia (LATCYM). Caracas, Venezuela. CD-

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1. Barreiro, J.A. y Sandoval, A.J. 2006. “Operaciones de Conservación de Alimentos

por Bajas Temperaturas”. 2nd Ed. Editorial Equinoccio. Universidad Simón Bolívar.

Caracas, Venezuela. ISBN: 980-237-210-2

2. Barreiro, J.A., Mendoza, S. y Sandoval, A.J. 1994. "Higiene y Saneamiento en el

Servicio de Alimentos". Editorial Equinoccio. Universidad Simón Bolívar, Caracas,

Venezuela. ISBN: 980-237-078-9.

January, 2017

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