curriculum vitae - kenyatta university€¦ · academic qualifications may 2013 associate dean...

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PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: Prof. Elishiba Njambi Kimani

Associate Dean: Kenyatta University Graduate School


Professor in Gender and Development Studies

Department of Gender and Development Studies

School of Humanities and Social Sciences

Kenyatta University


Nationality: Kenyan

Address (Work)

Department of Gender and Development Studies,

Kenyatta University,

P.O. BOX 43844 - 0100



P.O. BOX 175 Thika -01000, Kenya.


(Mobile) 0723 702 041

0733 838554


May 2013 Associate Dean Kenyatta University Graduate School

2011 Professor – Gender, Education and Development Studies, Kenyatta


1998 Ph.D. - Gender, Education and Development Studies- Kenyatta


January 2013 Visiting Professor: Pan African University of Basic Sciences,

Technology and Innovation (Teaching: Human Rights and Gender)

1982 Masters in Education - Primary Teacher Education (P.T.E.) -

University of Nairobi.

1977 Bachelor of Education (Arts- History and Geography)

Upper Second Class Honors – (University of Nairobi)


Gender, Education and Development

Gender and Human Rights

Gender and Governance

Gender Based Violence

Gender and HIV/AIDS (Preventive and Management)

Gender and Reproductive Health

Gender and Policy Development

Rural and Community Development

Gender, Agriculture and Development

Gender, Environmental Conservation, Management and Sustainable Development

Women Empowerment in social-economic development

Gender analysis and mainstreaming

Institutional Management and Development

Project Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation

Community mobilization for participatory development

Gender, Media and Journalism

Curriculum and training manual development

Workshop/ seminar trainer and facilitator

Trainer on Gender and HIV/AIDS prevention and management

Drugs and Substance Abuse

Development of IEC Material

Gender responsive social Research and report writing

Theories in Gender and Development Studies

Social Research Methodology

Gender Mainstreaming, Empowerment and Analysis

Trainer in Gender mainstreaming in all aspects of Development and Right Based



Gender and Development Studies

Gender and Human Rights

Gender and Policy

Gender and Governance

Theories of Gender and Development

Social Research Methodology

Gender Responsive Research Methodology


Gender and Project Management

Gender Analysis and Mainstreaming


Successful supervision:

-PhD 5

-Masters (Thesis): 7 (Projects): 14

Ongoing Supervision:

-PhD 10

-Masters: Projects 40

Thesis 15


20th September 2011 to date: Professor in Gender and Development Studies

2003 To September 2011: Senior Lecturer - Department of Gender and Development

Studies- School of Humanities and Social Sciences - Kenyatta University.

1992-2003: Lecturer, Department of Gender and Development Studies, Kenyatta University

1990-1992: Tutorial Fellow: Department of Development Studies, Kenyatta University


May 2013 to date: Associate Dean- Graduate School

September 2011 to date: Professor in Gender and Development

June 2006 to date: Director, Kenyatta University Mentoring Programme.

March 2010 June 2010: Acting Director for Gender and Affirmative Action

Implementation Centre, Kenyatta University

2002 To September 2006: Chair Person, Department of Development Studies

1996-2002: Examination Coordinator, Department of Development Studies.

2003 To September 2011: Senior Lecturer - Department of Gender and Development


1992-2003: Lecturer, Department of Gender and Development Studies, Kenyatta


1990-1992: Tutorial Fellow: Department of Development Studies, Kenyatta University


6th January 2014 to Date: Appointed Visiting Professor for Mount Kenya University,

Department of Economics and Development

April 2013 to Date: Appointed Associate Professor for Pan Africa University for Science,

Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI) for Gender and Human Rights

March 2011 to date: Curriculum reviewer in Gender and Development Studies for the

Commission for Higher Education (CHE) -Kenya

September 2011 to Date: Professor in Gender, Education and Development

1998 to Date: Supervision of Masters and PhD Students writing of Thesis

1985-1990: Dean of Curriculum Kilimambogo Teachers Training College

1983-1990 - Curriculum Developer: Kenya Institute of Education in Professional Studies

and G.H.C. for Pre- service and In-service Primary School Teachers Trainees

1982-1990: Lecturer- In various Teachers Training Colleges in Kenya for Professional

Studies and G.H.C.

1978-1981: Headmistress- Kiangunyi Girls Secondary School in Murng’a County Kenya

1977-1980: Secondary School Teacher- In various Girls’ Secondary schools in Kenya

1982-1990: Supervised Teachers in Teaching Practice in Lower and Upper primary Classes

1982-1990: Participated in writing materials for In Service and Pre- Service Teachers

Training Programs for the Ministry of Education in Kenya

1980-1983: Taught in Muthaiga Primary School in Nairobi in lower and upper classes 1- as a

requirement in the fulfillment for the Degree in Masters in Education (Primary Teacher



6th January 2014 to Date: Appointed Visiting Professor for Mount Kenya University,

Department of Economics and Development

April 2013 to Date: Appointed Associate Professor for Pan Africa University for Science,

Technology and Innovation (PAUSTI) for Gender and Human Rights

January 2012-to date: Consultant for the African Women Studies Centre (University of

Nairobi) as an advisor and researcher for advocating and lobbying the Ministry of Education

for the Implementation of Article 43 (f) (Right to education) of Kenya Constitution.

March 2011 to date: Resource person in Universities’ Programmes and Accreditation

Process for the Commission for Higher Education (CHE).

January 2011 To Date: External examiner for South Kenya University in Gender,

Development and Social Sciences

January 21st to February 8th 2013: Lead Consultant as an external consultant in the Mid-

term evaluation of United Bible Society HIV and Take Charge Youth Programme in Corte

D’ ivoire.

6th-7th November 2012: Trained by the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) as a

Resource person in Peer Review for Universities’ Programmes and Accreditation Process.

29th October to 2nd November 2012: Lead Consultant in Gender and HIV/AIDS

Francophone Training of Trainers Workshop held in Emlys Hotel in Abidjan-Corte

D’ivoire, for the United Bible Society Africa HIV Service:

June – November 2012: I am also familiar with the expectation of the Kenya Defence Force

(KDF), as a resource person in training at Kenya Defence Academy (Lanet), since Kenyatta

University has collaboration with the Ministry of State for Defence through the Kenya

Military Training Academy programme. In this capacity I supervise projects for Cadets

trainees in Gender related projects.

26th September- 5th October, 2012: Lead Consultant in Gender and HIV/AIDS Anglophone

Training of Trainers Workshop held in Pacific Hotel in Lilongwe-Malawi for the United

Bible Society Africa HIV Service:

10th June to 15th July 2012: Consultant in the Gender Assessment/Evaluation for the

USAID Funded programs being implemented through partnership/contract with the

Government of Kenya and Non State Actors in Kenya. The assignment is in a consortium of

four other consultants, with the evaluation focusing on Education, Youth development,

Health, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Governance programs.

20th October 2011 - July 2012: Consultant for UNFPA and Ministry of Gender, Children

and Social Development for the development of Sessional Paper on the Abandonment of

FGM in Kenya.

June 2011 to December 2012: External examiner and moderator for the police service

training for GSU, APs and Kiganjo police training College.

12th to 16th March 2012: Consultant in Gender and HIV Joint Programme Review in Addis

Ababa, Ethiopia- For United Bible Society Africa HIV Service: The Task: entailed

presentations and group work facilitations for the donors and countries’ HIV Programme co-

coordinators in GBV, Human Rights, Sexuality and Child Rights.

1st December 2010 to March 2011: UN Women Consultant in Mainstreaming Gender in the

Kenya Police Curriculum within the Police Reforms Process

February 2011: Consultant for UN Women in Facilitating a workshop targeting senior

police officers and members of PRIC to sensitize them on gender including validation of the

gender components in the curriculum. As one of the facilitators, the workshop programme

gave me an opportunity to interact and facilitate a sharing session with the of six senior

women police officers who attended the 49th Annual International Conference of

International Women in Policing (IWAP) held in Kentucky, USA in August 2011.

May 2011: Consultant for Kenya Institute for Education (KIE) in facilitating an induction

of the new curriculum for police instructors in the training colleges for GSU, APs as well

Kiganjo Police training College in Nyeri.

March 2010 (On-going): Consultant for gender mainstreaming and research component in

Kenya Farmer Voice Radio, a joint programme for American Institute for research, being

implemented by (Non State Actors)- KU, JKUAT, Kenya National Federation of Agricultural

Producers and FIT resources – Key responsibility: Ensure mainstreaming of gender in radio

stations, messages, delivery channels and recipients; Capacity building in gender for all

stakeholders in the project.

June 2009 (On-going): Member of Kenyatta University Gender Implementation Advocacy

Team (A joint initiative focusing on gender mainstreaming in Institutions of higher learning

for FAWE and Universities in African Region)

May to November 2009: Consultant to Develop Kenya Port Authority and Dock Workers

Union Gender Mainstreaming Institutional Policy.

October 2008 – September 2009: Lead Researcher in a joint research for Kenyatta

University/UNICEF/ASHEWA on “Gender Representation in Levels of Education in

Kenya: Identifying Opportunities for Policy, Action and Linkages.

November 2008-August 2009: Consultant for NCC and Ministry of Home Affairs in the

Development of “National Plan of Action for Children in Kenya”.

September 22-26, 2008: Consultant and trainer in the Regional Workshop for Training of

Trainers in Gender Based Violence and HIV/AIDS for USAID Health Initiative, organized

by the Constella Features Group.

July/August 2008: Consultant in the writing of HIV and AIDS policy for Kenya Port

Authority and Kenya Dock Workers Union.

April 14th 2008 to 16th April 2008: Consultant in gender mainstreaming and training on

Gender, development and Human rights for religious leaders in Kinshasa, DRC.

September 2007 to January June 2008: Consultant for NCC and Ministry of Home

Affairs in the development of the Kenya National Children Policy.

September 2007 to date: Consultant in training Dock Workers Union on Gender

mainstreaming, HIV/AIDS and Gender Based Violence for Kenya Port Authority workers

in which:

-I carried out a series of trainings on Gender, HIV/AIDS and GBV

- Developed a Dock Workers Union Policy on HIV/AIDS (April 2009)

-Developed a Dock Workers Union Policy on Gender mainstreaming

(Validated on 16th and 17th Nov 2009 and to be launched on 19th Dec 2009).

30th July-1st July 2007: Consultant in a regional Training on Gender Based Violence and

HIV AIDS for USAID Health Policy Initiative.

May/June 2007: Consultant in the writing of HIV and AIDS policy for Kiriri University

February 2007: Lead consultant in the writing of HIV and AIDS policy for Jomo Kenyatta

University of Agriculture and Technology.

September 2006 to July 2007: Engaged by the Norwegian Church Aid as a consultant in a

series of trainings and TOT in gender mainstreaming in development prorammes, GBV, HIV

and Development for military, police and media officers in Bukavu, DRC.

February 2006 to May 2007: Consultant in a series of gender trainings and TOT for the

Norwegian Church Aid partners (Non State Actors) in Great Lakes Region at Kigali Rwanda.

October, 2006 To Date: A member for a technical team for research in small arms and

human security for the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa coordinated by

Regional Centre on Small Arms (RECSA) and Institute for Security Studies (ISS).

May to August 2005: Consultant in the Needs Assessment Study on Gender responsive

intervention for the IDPs in Shilalo Village, Eritrea, for the Norwegian Church AID.

April to September 2004: Lead Consultant for the Collaborative Centre for Gender and

Development in a baseline survey to establish best practices, lessons learnt and challenges in

existing efforts in the advancement of child rights, protection and welfare in the areas of

operation for Plan Kenya.

May 2003 – September 2004: Lead Researcher for a Baseline Survey (study) on the

Situational Analysis of Primary Education in Somalia: From a gender Perspective, For

UNICEF Somalia

May 2003 to September 2004: Lead researcher for the study on the Situational Analysis of

Primary Education in Somalia: From a gender Perspective, For UNICEF Somalia

April 2003 to December 2006: Consultant and Gender adviser and trainer for Norwegian

Church Aid (NCA) programme officers and partners (Non-State Actors) in ten countries of

the Great Lakes Region and the Horn of Africa (Programs are in: Health, Child rights,

education, water, sanitation, environment, agriculture, FGM, HIV and AIDS, Health and

Emergency interventions.

My responsibilities included: Advising and training NCA program officer, partners and

counterparts in Rights Based Approach to Development, Gender analysis, Monitoring and

Evaluation, advising and capacity building on the effective implementation of the

institutional Gender Policy, report writing and gender.

January to February 2003: Lead consultant for a needs Assessment study for capacity

building in gender mainstreaming for the NGOs, Community and Faith Based Organizations

(Non State Actors in five Project Units (Thika, Embu, Kisumu, Kwale and Kilifi) for Plan

IOnternational, Kenya.

January to March 2003: Lead Consultant in a Needs Assessment Study on Girls’ Education

and Empowerment for Women in Plan International, Kenya Project Areas – A joint project

for Plan Kenya and the Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development.

October 2002 to June 2006. Consultant for gender in the joint project for GOK and

Kenyatta University on: Enhancing Girls’ participation and performance in Mathematics,

Science and Information Technology in Primary, Secondary and Universities Levels of

Education. My role is to mainstream gender in the project cycle, M and E, advice, research

and training in gender related issues.

August/ September 2002: Consultant for UNICEF SOMALIA in gender mainstreaming

and capacity building and Training of Trainers for Non Formal Education Teachers (TOT).

The workshop was held in Hargeisa, Somalia.

August/ September 2002: Consultant for UNICEF SOMALIA in gender mainstreaming

and capacity building for leadership Organizational Development (TOT) for youth

leadership programme in NGOs and Community Based Organizations (Non State Actors) in

Somalia. The work and trainings were done in Hargeisa, Somalia.

January/February 2002: Consultant for UNICEF SOMALIA in Gender Capacity Building

Training of Trainers (TOT) for primary school teachers in the use of new syllabus and

textbooks for grades 1-4 in Somalia. The workshop was held in Hargeisa, Somalia.

February 2002 to December 2003: Gender Consultant for UNICEF SOMALIA in the

development of Puntland and Somaliland Education Policy, (PEPP).

1997- 2007: Lead consultant in gender and training, coordination and evaluation for various

programs and projects for the Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development (An NGO

based in Nairobi) as follows:

2000 to 2006: Consultant to organize, facilitate and train partners in Gender for the

Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development. Specific activities:

-Needs assessment

-Report writing

-Planning for the trainings

-Programmes monitoring and evaluation for partners and counterparts

-Analyzing and Processing information


-Dissemination of reports among partners and counterparts

2000: Lead Consultant for Plan International, Kenya in the training of Primary School

Teachers involved in the Msingi Bora Project. The project focus was to enhance gender

responsive teaching and career guidance especially for girls) in the PLAN KENYA primary

schools in project areas in Kenya.

February 2000: Consultant for FAWE as a Gender trained for the Managers and teachers for

the FAWE School of Excellence in Kigali, Rwanda.

April 2000: Consutant for Fawe in the development of a gender and Education training

manual based on the video- ‘These Girls are Missing’.

June to September 2000: Consultant for FAWE to develop Gender Training manual for

country Chapters.

May 1998 to December 1998: Consultant for UNICEF Country Office and GOK:

Gender trained for Policy Makers and Curriculum Developers in Early Childhood

Development (ECD) for the UNICEF Girl Child Project.

April to September 2004: Lead Consultant for the Collaborative Centre for Gender and

Development in a baseline survey to establish best practices, lessons learnt and challenges in

existing efforts in the advancement of child rights, protection and welfare in the areas of

operation for Plan Kenya.

February 1997 to March 1998: Consultant for USAID project to influence Parliamentary

Bills, processes and structures to ensure that gender issues and governance were continuously

taken on board.

1997: Consultant for UNICEF/GOK: Consultant as a Gender trainer for Policy Makers and

Curriculum Developers in the Ministry of Education for the UNICEF Girl Child Project.

1992-1997: Consultant for Ministry of Education to Train key stake holders – Policy makers,

curriculum developers, publishers and teachers in mainstreaming gender in Education - Focus

of the Training was on picking and addressing Gender Issues in curriculum, school and

classroom environment, Gender responsive Teaching and Learning Methods.


a) Peer Reviewed Articles in International Journals:

1) Dorothy M. Elijah, Elishiba N. Kimani and Geoffrey M. Wango. (December 2013).

Gender-related Challenges faced by students in learning technical courses in Machakos

Technical Training Institute, Machakos County-Kenya. In Woodpecker Journal of

Educational Research. ISSN 2315-7267. Vol. 2 (10)

2) Elishiba N. Kimani, HIV/AIDS and the Community with Reference to Kenya. (June

2013) PPRIME Journals: The Prime Journal of Social Science.

ISSN: 2315-5051.

3) Tabitha Wang’eri, Elishiba Kimani, Samuel Mutueleli. (2012). ‘Transitional Challenges

Facing First Year Students in Kenyan Public Universities: A Case of Kenyatta University-

Kenya’. Oriental Journals on International Review of Economics and Management.Vol. 2,

No. 1. Online: www.oriental

4) Wanjiku Mukabi Kabira and Elishiba Njambi Kimani. (December 2012). ‘The Historical

Journey of Women’s Leadership in Kenya.In The Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational

Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 3(6): 842-849. Online:

5) Joan Kabaria-Muriithi, Lucy Ngigi, Elishiba Kimani. (2012).‘Factors Predisposing

Women to Intimate Partner Violence in Kenya’. In The Journal of Emerging Trends (JETEAS,

JETEMS, JETERAPS). OCTOBER 2012 EDITION, Volume 3. Number 5). Online


6) Josephine Kisulu. Elishiba Kimani, Donald Kombo. 2012. Factors influencing

occupational aspirations among girls in secondary schools in Nairobi region – Kenya. In

Prime Research on Education (PRE).ISSN: 2251-1253. Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 244-251. Online

7) Elishiba Njambi Kimani and Donald Kisilu Kombo. 2011. An Investigation of

Community Participation in the Development of Schools and Income Generating Projects in

Rural Areas in Kenya. In British Journal of Educational Research 1(1): 58-68. Online

8) Mwikamba Kaibui, R. W. Gakuru, J.N. Kathuri and E. N. Kimani. (2011). The Role of

Retired Agricultural Extension Workers in Enhancing Farmers Socio-economic Development

in Thika District-Kenya. In Egerton Journal of Humanities, Science and Education. Vol. x,

2011. Njoro: Egerton University.

9) E.N. Kimani and M.N. Ndani: 2011. Challenges faced by teacher students of Kenyatta

University in accessing further education through e-Learning: In Global Education, Science,

Technology and Public Policy Initiatives for Sustainable Development in Africa. Fall 2011

Edition. Volume 1 no. 1.

10) Mwikamba Kaibui, R.W., Gakure, N. J., Kathuri and E.N. Kimani (2011), The Role of

Retired Extension Workers in Enhancing Farmers’ Socio-Economic Development in Thika

District- Kenya. In Egerton Journal of Humanities, Sciences and Education, Vol. x, 2011.

Egerton University.

11) Elishiba Njambi Kimani and Donald Kisilu Kombo. (October 2011). Abortion in

Kenya: An Examination of its causes and Effects on Female Students in Secondary Schools

and Colleges in Kenya. In Journal of Education & Social Sciences. Issue Number 2 Vol 1:

Education, Human Resources Production and Social Economic Transformation in the 21st

Century: Challenges and Opportunities. Masinde Muliro University of Science and


12) Elishiba Njambi Kimani and Donald Kisilu Kombo. 2010. Challenges facing nuclear

families with absent fathers in Gatundu North District, Central Kenya”.In The African

Symposium: An online Journal of the African Educational Research Network. Issue (volume

10, No. 2). On line -the African Symposium (ISSN#TX 6-342-323).

13) Elishiba Njambi Kimani and Donald Kisilu Kombo. 2010. Gender and Poverty

reeducation a Kenyan context. In Education Research and Reviews International Academic

Journals. January 2010; 5 (1).On-line


14) Kimani E and Maina L 2010. Older Women’s Rights to Property and Inheritance in

Kenya: Culture, Policy and Disenfranchisement. In International Journal of Ethics and

cultural Diversity in Social Work. On-line journal:

15) Elishiba Kimani and Kaibui Mwikamba 2010. Gender Dynamic in Science and

Technology. In Journal of Agriculture , Science and Technology (JAGST). Volume 12 (2)


16) M.N. Ndani and E.N. Kimani. 2010. Factors Influencing Early Childhood Development

Teachers; Motivation in Thika District, Kenya. In African Journal of Teacher Education

AJOTE Volume 1 Number ! Summer 2010. ISSN:1916-7822.

17) M.N. Ndani and E.N. Kimani. 2009. Community Participation in School Teacher

Motivation and Adequacy of the Physical Learning Environment. In Isiphethu Solwazi:

Unizulu International Journal of Education. Volume 1 Number 1 2009. ISSN 2078-

7545. Also

18) Philomena Mwaura and Elishiba Kimani, June 2009. Gender Based Violence : A

Pastoral Challenge for the Church in Africa. In Orita Ibadab Journal of Religious Studies.

XLI/1 June 2009 ISSN 0030 5596 – Also on line:

19) Elishiba Kimani. 2008. Gender Issues and HIV and AIDS in Universities. In

ChemChemi International Journal of the School of Humanities and Social Sciences:

Volume 5 Number 1 2008.

b) Books:

i)Kimani, E.N., Mbaabu L. N., Gitu, J. and Kamau, F. June 2013. 26th Post-Graduate

Seminar Abstracts. Kenyatta University Press. Nairobi.

ii) Kimani, E., Mwangi, W., Gacheche, and Ruto, G. 2012, Article 43 (1) (f) of the

Kenya Constitution: ‘Every person has the right to Education’, African Women Studies

Centre and Amkeni Wakenya, Nairobi: Kenya.

iii) Mugenda O., Kimani E., Maina L. and Wainaina M. 2010. A Survey of Female

Representation in Higher Education in Kenya: Identify Opportunities for Policy

Action. Nairobi: Longhorn Publications.

iv). L.N. Wanjama, E.N. Kimani, M.J. Lodiaga. 2007. HIV and AIDS: The Pandemic.

Nairobi. Jomo Kenyatta Foundation.

v) Elishiba Kimani. 2004. A Situational Analysis of Primary Education in Somalia: A

Gender Perspective, UNICEF Somalia. On line:

c) Chapters in Books:

i). Elishiba Kimani. 2006. “The Role of African Universities in the Achievement of Gender

Equality and Women Empowerment, MDG 3). In The Role of African Universities in the

Attainment of the Millennium Development Goals. Kenyatta University.

ii) Eddah Gachukia and Fay Chung. 2005. “Why Gender is a Critical Issue in Textbook

Writing”. The Textbook Writer’s Manual. Lusaka: International Institute for Capacity

Building in Africa and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization


iii) D.M. Muia and J.E. Otiende. 2004. Introduction to Development Studies for Africa.

Nairobi: Acacia Publishers. Nairobi. The Chapters I have written are:

Chapter 3: The Development Process: Strategies and Related Socio-Economic

Indicators and problems.

Chapter 4: Taking a gender Perspective in the Development Process: a justification.

Chapter 5: Participatory Development.


2012 to date: Editorial Advisory Board Member, Umea University Sweden. The

Invisible Girl publication.

2012 to date: Member of the Editorial Board-ChemChemi International Journal of

School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Kenyatta University.

2009 to date: Member of Editorial Board for the Collaborative Centre for Gender

and Development (CCGD)-Nairobi, Kenya.

Jan 2013 to date: Member of Editorial Board in Prime Journal of Social Science

(PJSS) and International Journal of Global Studies (IJGS)

April 2013: Member of Editorial Board: Journal of "Developing World Women:

"Justice, Law & Health (DW-JLH)" for Swedish publishing company for Low and

Medium Income Countries (LMICs).


African Educational Research Journal

Educational research and Essays

Reviewer, Journal of Agriculture, Science and Technology (JAGST)

Prime Journal of Social Science

Basic Research Journal of Education Research

Wudpecker Journal of Educational Research


Dec 2013 Ksh. 3,000,000 ($ 37,040) a research grant for Kenya Retirement Benefit

Authority RBA for a research on ‘risks and opportunities associated with paying

lumpsum pension benefits to retirees in Kenya: implications for income security.’

January, 2013: A member of the team who developed the technical proposal for

UNWomen to bid for Kenyatta University to host ‘Africa Centre for Inclusive

Transformational Leadership’ Initial grant for the project was $ 57,000,000.

2009: Ksh 1,000,000 ($ 12,350) by UNICEF/ASHEWA research ‘A Survey of

Female Representation in Higher Education in Kenya: Identify Opportunities

for Policy Action’. The research culminated with a publication on the same.


National Council for Children Services (NCCS)

Fagright International Centre (FIC)

Dock Workers Union)

Government of Kenya-Ministries of Education, Gender, Children and Social Services,

Youth and Sports, Home Affairs, Works and Housing, Agriculture and Health


UNICEF Kenya Country Office

UNICEF Somalia



Kenya National Examination Council

The Collaborative Centre for Gender and Development (CCGD)

Forum for African Women Educationists (FAWE) Regional Office

Forum for African Women Educationist Kenya Chapter (FAWEK)

Women Educational Research of Kenya (WERK)

Association in the Development of Education materials for Africa (ADEA) based in

London – UK.

Plan Kenya

The Norwegian Church Aid

FIDA – Kenya




1. The Vice - Chancellor,

Kenyatta University,

P.O. Box 43844 – 0100,

Nairobi. Kenya.

2. The Dean

School of Humanities and Social Sciences,

Kenyatta University,

P.O. Box 43844 – 0100,

Nairobi. Kenya

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