curriculum selections 2009 10

Post on 15-Jul-2015






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CURRICULUM SELECTIONSResources for Sunday School and Small Group Study


Teachers will be scheduled for the following Sunday School sessions: Sept. 11 – Oct. 16 (6 lessons), Oct. 23 – Nov. 20 (5 lessons), Nov. 27 – Dec. 18 (4 lesson Advent Study), January 8 – Feb. 12 (6 lessons),Feb. 19 – March 25 (6 lessons) and April 1 – May 20 (7 lessons).


A1 All I Want for Christmas by James A. Harnish“What do you want for Christmas?” The question isn’t just for kids. For adults, the answer is deeper and more important because we generally receive what we seek. Advent, approached thoughtfully, can be a time of spiritual discipline to prepare us to receive the gifts God most deeply longs to give. Each of four lessons focuses on a theme (hope, peace, joy and a Savior), a key passage of Scripture, a reflection and discussion questions.

A2 The Scriptures Sing of Christmas by Ellsworth KalasThis study explores the songs of praise found in the Scriptures of Christmas: Mary’s Song in Luke 1:46-55, Concert in a Field in Luke 2:8-14, An Old Man Sings in Luke 2:25-35 and Song of Wondrous Mystery in John 1:1-14.

A3 While We Wait, Living the Questions of Advent by Mary Lou ReddingMary Lou Redding, managing editor of The Upper Room daily devotional guide, has written this study to help people who don’t want to gloss over their own questions about the Christmas story. Using this book as the basis for an Advent journey, the class will study the faith questions of Tamar, Ruth, Mary, Zechariah, Elizabeth and the Magi as a way of connecting with their own contemporary experience of Christmas.

A4 Why Jesus, Answering Tough Questions about our Savior by David NasserThis DVD-based study filmed on location in Israel addresses the tough question that people have abut Jesus and points them back to the scriptural truths about our Savior. Teaching from Jerusalem, Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, and other locations where Jesus walked, Nasser is joined by Mac Powell of Third Day and includes stories by Jason Castro of American Idol, Hall of Fame Football Coach Joe Gibbs and actor Stephen Baldwin.


B1 International Lesson Series: Book of John* All classes are encouraged to use this material for one quarter, either as part of our teacher rotation system or as class-led material. ILS includes excellent Bible commentary, ideas for class participation, a leader’s guide and student booklets. *Unless you tell us otherwise, your class will be scheduled for ILS for the spring quarter, which is a study of the book of John. B2 The Bible in 90 Days is a 14-week DVD curriculum designed to help people attentively read every word of the Bible – a lifetime goal for many Christians. The basic plan consists of reading 12 pages a day of a specially prepared large-print Bible—a task that usually takes between 45 minutes and an hour—to help readers achieve their goals. Classes that choose to participate will enjoy completing this Bible-reading experience and discussion together

with a group of trusted friends. Developed by Houston businessman Ted Cooper, this curriculum has proven successful for both Sunday School classes and small-group studies at Chapelwood.

B3 Crash Course on the Old Testament provides a big-picture survey of the Old Testament. By exploring key information about creation, the patriarchs, the law, the era of the kings, the prophets, and the exile and return, participants will discover a powerful God whose redemptive plan for his people is evident through the Old Testament and still today. This study works well for class-led sessions.

B4 Crash Course on the New Testament provides a big-picture survey of the New Testament. By exploring key information about Jesus’ life, the beginning of the church, Paul’s missionary journeys, the process of salvation, controversies in the early church, and the end of the age, participants will discover the story of Christianity and its relevance for us today. This study works well for class-led sessions.

B5 Christian Mysteries (What Most Christian Churches Teach) discusses the doctrine common to the main-line Christian churches around eight core topics; apostolic faith, the Trinity, Christ, salvation, the church, baptism, communion, and Christian life. United Methodist professor Ted A. Campbell wrote the course “for Christians who need a kind of ‘refresher’ on basic teachings and a broader perspective on the faith they share with other Christians.”

B6 Favorite Bible Passages contains 26 scripture passages that may be studied in any order. The student book offers refreshing insights into popular, well-loved Scriptures. Each lesson offers a biblical basis for facing life's decisions and encourages a deeper personal faith. The teacher’s guide explains the meaning of the passage when it was written, words for our time and ideas for drawing conclusions for individual application of the Scripture. This choice is great for class-led lessons and to have available for one or two lessons between the end of one study and the start of another and when the assigned teacher is unavailable.

B7 Galatians, Living in Freedom and Love is a six-week study that moves past “what does this passage mean to me” to include what the writer, in this case, Paul, intended to say about God and our relationship to God. Written by Scot McKnight and Karen Lee-Thorp, the study combines the historical meaning of the biblical text and its contemporary significance.

B8 A Hop, Skip, and a Jump Through the Bible by author/pastor/seminary professor J. Ellsworth Kalas presents the grand story of the Bible. Appropriate both for people who are familiar and unfamiliar with Scripture, the study shows how the Bible isn’t just a collection of stories of the past, but rather it is our own continuing story of God and God’s relationship with the human race. Classes need to choose this for an entire quarter and a team of teachers will be assigned.

B9 Life Interrupted: Navigating the Unexpected (A Study of Jonah) Intrusions from outside invade our lives daily. Is it possible they might be opportunities from God? Sharing the lessons she's learned, Priscilla Shirer reflects on the book of Jonah, showing you how to experience the freedom that comes from going with God - even when the world seems to be against you.

B10 Living the Resurrection Eugene Peterson examines the post-resurrection narratives, and the comments on them by Paul, and draws from them insights about how to live out of this glorious Resurrection truth. How do we encounter, witness to, and serve the Risen

Christ in everyday life? As he describes it, there is resurrection wonder, resurrection friends, and resurrection meals.

B11 Our Community Now and in God’s Future (I John and Revelation) interprets the meaning of God’s love for today, using the book of I John for insight. It also draws on passages from Revelation to explore the new community in Christ and how that community will live in God’s new world. One of the Great Themes of the Bible studies that includes teacher helps and questions for discussion.

B12 Picturing the Events of the Bible Sometimes when you see a place for the first time, your whole perspective on it changes. That is just as true for our understanding of the Bible as it is in other aspects of our lives today. This guide helps you picture the places referred to in the Bible and to work through a timeline of important events. As you fill out your mental image of these important times and places, your understanding will grow.

B13 Shattered Dreams: God’s Unexpected Path to Joy (Naomi’s life in the book of Ruth)”Shattered Dreams, writes Dr. Larry Crabb, “are never random. They are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a larger story.” As Crabb retells and illuminates the disturbing and touching story of Naomi, we gain an unforgettable picture of how God uses shattered dreams to release better dreams and a more fulfilling life for those God loves.


CL1 The Christian Atheist Are you putting your whole faith in God but living as if everything is up to you? Craig Groeschel, founder of, admits his own tendency to live this way and challenges us to look at our hypocrisy that manifests itself as believing in God, BUT not really knowing God, or not praying, not forgiving, trusting more in money, worrying all the time or not sharing our faith.

CL2 Enough is an invitation to rediscover the Bible’s wisdom when it comes to prudent financial practices. Money has great power in our lives. Used wisely, it is one key to accomplishing our goals, providing for our needs, and fulfilling our life purpose. UMC Pastor and author Adam Hamilton points out that many of us ignored the wisdom of the past when it came to money, resulting greater stress and anxiety. This study reveals the Bible’s key teachings that lead to experiencing contentment, overcoming fear, and discovering joy through simplicity and generosity.

CL3 Love as a Way of Life: Seven Keys to Transforming Every Aspect of Your Life Gary Chapman, author of The Five Love Languages, uses life stories, personal assessment tools, practical exercises and a ton of inspiration for unlocking the power of authentic love. Good questions for book clubs, adult classes or small groups.

CL4 The Master Plan of Evangelism is a modern-day Christian classic that illuminates the principles underlying Jesus’ methods of sharing the Good News. Author Robert Coleman writes, “The world is desperately seeking someone to follow. That they will follow someone is certain, but will that person be one who knows the way of Christ, or will he or she be one like themselves leading them only on into greater darkness?” Each chapter delineates a different aspect of Christ’s work with people and may be used as the basis for a class session.

CL5 Radical, Taking Back Your Faith From the American Dream David Platt challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated the gospel to fit our cultural preferences. He shows what Jesus actually said about being his disciple--then invites you to believe and obey what you have heard. And he tells the dramatic story of what is happening as a "successful" suburban church decides to get serious about the gospel according to Jesus.

CL6 Remembering the Forgotten God – A Study of the Holy Spirit Francis Chan, author of “Crazy Love” and pastor of Cornerstone Church in Simi Valley, California, reminds us of the true source of the church’s power: the Holy Spirit. He writes, “Without the supernatural power of God in our lives, we remain incredibly ordinary. Our churches remain ordinary. Our natural tendency is to work in our own strength rather than relying on the Holy Spirit and the results are not surprising.” This course will examine the person and work of the Holy Spirit.

CL7 They Found the Secret-Twenty Lives That Reveal a Touch of EternityJim Jackson cites this book as one that made a difference in his life. Hudson Taylor, John Bunyan, Andrew Murray, Amy Carmichael, Oswald Chambers, Charles Finney -- behind the varied lives and personalities of these and other men and women lies a common theme, a pattern that leads from desperation to the abundant life Jesus promised. From their stories, we too can find the path to deeper faith and a more vital relationship with God. Classes could choose some of the 20 people described in the book for shaping a six-week study.

CL8 Why? Making Sense of God's Will When the ground shakes, and a poor nation’s economy is destroyed; when the waters rise, washing away a community’s hopes and dreams; when a child suffers neglect and abuse; when violence tears apart nations; where is God? If God is all powerful, and if each one of us is a beloved child of God, then how can God allow tragedy and suffering to infest his creation? When we lift our prayers to God, and no answer seems to come; when we earnestly seek to know the will of God for our lives, yet can't seem to discern it; when God seems far away, where is God? In his new book, Adam Hamilton brings fresh insight to the age-old question of how to understand the will of God. Rejecting simplistic answers and unexamined assumptions, Hamilton addresses how we can comprehend God’s plan for the world and ourselves.

CL9 Work: A Kingdom Perspective on Labor Our culture tends to view work as (1) a necessary evil, (2) a means to an end of making a living (which usually means making a killing), or (3) a curse that one would want to avoid if humanly possible. In this study, Ben Witherington, Amos Professor of New Testament for Doctoral Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary, provides a biblical way of thinking about work.


SF1 Through Artists’ Eyes: An Exploration of Bible-inspired Art. A particular paint stroke. A certain shaft of light. A precise placement of a chisel. For centuries, the Bible’s accounts have inspired artists to express the beauty, emphasize the power and elaborate on the meaning of God’s Word. Each week, you will find the links between Scripture, art and your life. Classes may choose to explore God’s Word through Glass, on Canvas or in Stone. Please indicate which one of the series you prefer.

SF2 The Jesus Priorities Can Jesus change your life – your everyday, going to work/school/grocery, taking care of kids, whatever . . . life? In response to his own faith crises, Christopher Maricle began analyzing what Jesus said and did according to the

Gospels. His findings point toward a way of transforming our life in the midst of living it. Here are the Jesus Priorities, based on the words and acts most frequently spoken and demonstrated in his life. Your life can become an instrument of God’s grace in the world as you learn the Jesus Priorities and make them your own.

SF3 This We Believe, The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice For John Wesley, the Bible is the joyfully consistent testimony of God’s never-ending grace and ever-seeking love. Likewise, studying the Bible is more than merely knowing what Scripture says; it is also about living every day as a child of God. Beginning with the Core Terms found in The Wesley Study Bible, Bishop Will Willimon systematically lays out key Wesleyan tenets of faith so that you will have a fresh way to hear God’s voice, share in God’s grace, and become more like Jesus Christ.

SF4 Transformed Living in Tough Times “Tough times” is a much-used phrase in recent history. Pastor John Ed Mathieson asserts that Christians can face tough times as transformed people and that people of faith can rise about the storm. His book examines four practical elements of navigating unsettling events and circumstances: return to priorities, focus on fundamentals, exercise God’s creativity and develop a Christ like attitude.

VIDEO-BASED SERIESClass presidents were given a spreadsheet listing all the video resources available at Chapelwood. Your class may use any of those studies. A few are highlighted here. Many of the teachers have their favorites and are available to facilitate video series as well.

V1 Crazy Love It's crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Francis Chan asserts that God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts--it's falling in love with God.

V2 The Jesus Creed: Loving God and Loving Others Scot McKnight offers seven segments on our Lord’s two greatest commandments: to love the Lord your God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself. Related themes include Beginning with God, Discovering our Vocation, Learning Compassion, and Dealing with Failure. These segments contain biblical lessons and real life illustrations.

V3 The Prodigal God: Finding Your Place at the Table Two sons, one table, many to welcome home. Pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan Tim Keller, teaches that Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son illustrates that the gospel is neither religion nor irreligion, morality nor immorality, but something else entirely.

V4 Sacred Parenting, How Raising Children Shapes our Souls This DVD series shows how God can transform lessons in raising children into opportunities to grow in the image of Christ. Author Gary Thomas encourages us to look at parenting as an avenue of spiritual formation that God uses to shape parents’ souls in ways you cannot imagine. V5 Scouting the Divine: My Search For God In Wine, Wool, and Wild HoneyDo sheep really know their shepherd’s voice? How often does a grapevine need to be pruned? What does it mean when a land is described as overflowing with honey? In her quest to better understand what God wants to communicate through the Bible, Margaret

Feinberg explored these symbols and metaphors and their deeper meanings by spending time with a shepherdess in Oregon, walking the fields with a farmer in Nebraska, exploring a vineyard of California, and talking with a veteran beekeeper in Colorado.

V6 Start Becoming a Good Samaritan features host John Ortberg and others exploring Christian social responsibility and justice for the millions of potential Good Samaritans sitting in the pews (us!). The six sessions cover issues like poverty, AIDS, racism, genocide, child slavery, the disenfranchised, caring for the environment, and the dynamic impact a single Samaritan can make. The video features topical experts, theologians, front-line workers, victims, encouragers and first-timers so that viewers can get a complete picture of the challenges and an understanding of how we can get involved where we live.


Dorothy BlodgettT1 Enough See CL2

T2 They Like Jesus, Not the Church The course was designed by pastor Dan Kimball who has worked with youth and young adults in California. He points out that there are aspects of the "institutional church" that keep this "emerging generation" from becoming active in a church even though they like what Jesus said and did. Through videos and written material we will consider these issues and relevant passages in the Bible. The aim is to make our faith available to all of God's people; even those who are not just like us!

Bob BollingT3 The Five Love Languages: How to Express Heartfelt Commitment to Your Mate Are you and your spouse speaking the same language? While love is a many-splendored thing, it is sometimes a very confusing thing, too. And as people come in all varieties, shapes, and sizes, so do their choices of personal expressions of love. Quality Time, Words of Affirmation, Gifts, Acts of Service, and Physical Touch are the five basic love languages Dr. Gary Chapman identifies uses to guide couples. Also available: The Five Love Languages for Singles . . . For Children . . . For Teens – Please note if your class prefers one of these versions.

T4 God is Closer Than You Think Bestselling author John Ortberg stresses that intimacy with God can happen right now if you want it. A closeness you can feel, a goodness you can taste, a reality you can experience for yourself. That's what the Bible promises, so why settle for less? God is closer than you think, and connecting with him isn't for monks and ascetics. It's for business people, high school students, busy moms, single men, single women ... and most important, it's for YOU.

T5 Living the Questions This video course is based on current Biblical scholarship and post-modern thinking. The topics include intimacy with God; evil, suffering, and a God of love; compassion, the heart of Jesus’ ministry; and Pauline theology -- a passion for Christ. The final session discusses the contribution of Wesleyan theology to Christianity. The video presenters include Marcus Borg, Sister Helen Prejean, John Dominic Crossan, Tex Sample, and Amy Jill-Levine, among many others. Class discussion follows the video

Tom Brandino

T6 The Greatest Prayer: Rediscovering the Revolutionary Message of the Lord’s Prayer Noted biblical scholar John Dominic Crossan makes a fresh look at the Lord's Prayer, taking key words (Father, name, kingdom, will, bread, debt, and temptation), examining

their meaning in a biblical context, concluding that they are a revolutionary manifesto, proclaiming nonviolence and distributive justice.

T7 One Minute After You Die Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for eternity. Perhaps it doesn't seem real that we will still exist--fully conscious and alive--beyond the grave. But it's true, and it calls for careful consideration. Bestselling author Erwin Lutzer urges readers to study what the Bible says on this critical subject. Topics include: Can near-death experiences teach us anything about life after death? What does the Bible say about purgatory? What will heaven be like? Is it realistic to believe in hell? How can we prepare for our own final moment?

Carleton ColeT8 Dealing With Fear

Hazel ColeT9 How to Love Your Neighbor This study covers some of the underlying issues that prevent us from really loving others including understanding self and others (class members take a self profile); shedding light on our dark side—what can we expect from God; ten reasons to praise God; what is truth, reaching the lost, humility, and be-attitudes for the 21st century. Use of Scripture and humor are part of this study.

T10 The Gift of Laughter Many people think Christians are very serious and never have fun! Nothing could be further from the truth. This course will explain the physical and psychological benefits of laughter; teach people how to lighten up and not take themselves so seriously; and how to deal with the difficult people in our lives. Many stories (including those of phenomenal healing) will illustrate the message.

T11 Top Ten Ways to be Christian

Terry DavisT12 Who is God in Three Persons? A Study of the Trinity Is the Trinity a Bible doctrine? Where did we get this doctrine? What issues and questions about the Trinity have emerged in the Christian faith over the centuries? What difference does the doctrine of the Trinity make in contemporary Christian life? Author John R. Tyson addresses these questions and others as he provides us with an overview of the doctrine of the Trinity, its biblical origins, and its development in the life of the Christian faith. .T13 Mere Christianity This book by C.S. Lewis has sold millions of copies worldwide. It sets out to explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times. C.S. Lewis provides a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith.

Mark GreekT14 Fearless: Imagine Your Life without Fear Renowned author and preacher Max Lucado says, “Two years ago I began writing a new book entitled Fearless. Little did I know then what we'd be facing now, but God did. The book examines Jesus' statements about fear and encourages us to take heart in difficult times. The antidote to the fear epidemic? Trust. If we trust God more, we can fear less. What a comforting promise.”

T15 The Jesus Priorities (See SF2)

Al Hoppe

T17 Christianity and World Religions This is six-week video series prepared by UMC Pastor Adam Hamilton, supplemented by handouts on the major world religions. Format: watch video (20 minutes); then review handout (20 minutes). Religions covered include Islam; Buddhism; Hinduism; Judaism; Confucianism; and Christianity. Our society is more religiously diverse than ever, yet most of us know very little about the faiths of our non-Christian neighbors. This course will help, at least a little, to close that knowledge gap.

T18 Christianity’s Family Tree This is six-week video series prepared by UMC Pastor Adam Hamilton, supplemented by handouts on these Christian denominations: Eastern Orthodoxy; Roman Catholicism; Lutheranism; Calvinism; the Baptists; Anglicanism; Pentecostalism and Methodism. Format: watch video (20 minutes); then review handout (20 minutes). This course will help us see how each of these denominations offers valuable perspectives on the Christian faith in general and our own faith walk in particular.

T19 Six Great Traditions Of The Christian Faith Based on Richard Foster’s classic book Streams of Living Water, this course examines six core dimensions of faith and practice that define the Christian life: Contemplative (prayer-filled life); Holiness (the virtuous life); Charismatic (Spirit-led life); Social Justice (compassionate life); Evangelical (Word-centered life); and Incarnational (sacramental life). The strengths and weaknesses, plus inspiring stories of proponents, of each “stream” will be discussed. End result? A more full-orbed, multi-dimensional faith.

T20 Life Lessons From The Gospel Of Luke This course will examine some of the Gospel passages found only in Luke and conclude each passage with a series of lessons for our Christian lives. For example, consider the famous passage (Luke 10:38 – 42) in which Jesus visits the home of Mary and Martha. One lesson we can learn from this incident is that Christians may differ in character or temperament, and yet Christ’s grace may equally reign in their different hearts (Barclay). Generally two passages, each with three or four lessons, are covered in each class session.

T21 The Spiritual Disciplines There are personal and corporate disciplines which promote spiritual growth and call us to move beyond superficial living into the depths of the Christian life. (Foster) These disciplines include the inward disciplines of meditation, prayer, fasting and study; the outward disciplines of simplicity, solitude, submission and service; and the corporate disciplines of confession, worship, guidance and celebration. The course will draw on works by well-known authors Richard Foster, John Ortberg and Dallas Willard.

T22 Lessons From The Lives Of Great Christians This course will review the lives of “great” Christians, some famous and some not so well known, and review the lessons we can learn from them. One of the clear lessons from such lives is that there is no such thing as one model for the Christian life. Rather looking at the Christian life as lived in a variety of ways down through the ages will help us understand how we can more fully and creatively live our lives in the 21st century. Among others, we will look at theologians (such as St. Augustine), apologists (such as C.S. Lewis), missionaries (such as St. Patrick), martyrs (such as Dietrich Bonheoffer), and musicians (such as Bach, Handel and Charles Wesley).

Marcia Hudgens

T23 Serve God Save the Planet: A Christian Call to Action Matthew Sleeth, M.D. has written this practical collection of Scriptural lessons about how personal responsibility, simplicity, and stewardship can be applied to modern life. Marcia will expand on the book and facilitate discussion and practical application.

T24 Tex Mix: Stories of Earthy Mysticism This video series of 20 tales by Tex Sample provides a great jumping off place for wonderful class discussions based on the related Scripture texts.

T25 What Happens When Women Pray The teachings in this practical and biblical book about prayer have been tested in hundreds of prayer seminars all over the world, as both men and women have learned to pray in more personal and believing ways. Since 1968, Evelyn Christenson has led prayer seminars worldwide. Millions of readers have enjoyed Evelyn's books, which include, Lord, Change Me and Praying God's Way.

Ed JensenT26 Wisdom – The Question The text for this study is The Spirituality of Imperfection by Ernest Kurtz and Katherine Ketcham. The beginning of wisdom is the acknowledgement that there is a God and I am not that God! The corollary is that “we must first accept our human condition with its essential imperfection as we begin our spiritual journey of finding meaning and purpose in life and becoming the person God created us to be.

Jim Ledbetter and Don MorrisonT27 The Tumultuous History of God’s Chosen People, Part II A brief look at the intersection of culture, politics, power and Scripture from the time of the Israelite entry into the promised land through to the destruction of the second temple by the Romans. If you ever wondered, “Who were the Egyptians, Assyrians, Philistines, Phoenicians, Babylonians, Persians, Hittites, Ammonites. Seleucids, Ptolemies, Hellenists, Hasmoneans and Romans of the Biblical texts, how did they affect the people living the Bible stories, and why should I care?”, then this is the study for you. We’ll look at the cultures and world events as they influenced God’s Chosen people. This slice of land at the edge of the Eastern Mediterranean was truly where the “East” met “West” in ancient history and to see God’s hand behind all of these civilizations will help you understand the Jewish/Middle Eastern heritage and roots of Christianity.

Don MorrisonT28 Whatever Happened to the 12 Apostles? A study of Jesus’ closest associates and friends during His short stay on earth, their lives, their world, their journeys from Discipleship to Apostleship, What happened after Calvary, and how God used these humble “jars of clay” to begin Christ’s church, spread the good news, offer redemption and salvation to all. Covered in this study are the 12 original disciples and Matthias.

T29 12 Extraordinary Women of the Bible The baker’s dozen selected for this series were chosen due to their relative importance in Biblical history and the facts that their stories are critical to the story of redemption. Most of the women we’ll meet in this series were unremarkable in and of themselves (with the exception of Eve). They were ordinary, common women of their times and age – in exactly the same way that the Disciples on their way to Apostleship were common ordinary men of their time and age. Covered in this study are Eve, Deborah, Sarah, Ruth, Rahab, Rebekah, Rachel, Esther, Hannah, Anna, Mary of Nazareth and Mary Magdalene.

T30 The History of Our Bible – Learn how the Bible we read today came to be in this six-week course. The class will cover the evolution and development of the Holy Bible from its

origins on stone tablets and papyrus scrolls through the ages and history of man on earth, to the King James Version and on into the present with 250+ Versions, 96 English Translations, Electronic Bibles and Bibles on the Kindle or I-Pad. The format of the class is lecture and discussion – each week we will focus on a stage of the development of the communication of God’s Word and Will for us – from the Ten Commandments on stone, to the Torah and Septuagint, to the early Greek and Latin versions, from the Roman Empire, its end and through the Dark Ages to the Renaissance, Age of Enlightenment, invention of the printing press and the Protestant Reformation. And how God’s hands are always at work “behind the scenes” of human history to ensure the survival of His message of grace, forgiveness and Salvation.

T31 In the Footsteps of Paul This class will cover the life and times of Paul from his early history in Tarsus, through to his conversion on the Road to Damascus, and widespread ministry to the Gentiles (as well as everyone else) in the first century A.D and his critical role in the development and establishment of the early Christian Church. The format of the class is lecture and discussion – each week we will focus on the historical and cultural composition of the man Saul/Paul, being a product of his era, his strengths, weaknesses, “thorns in the flesh” and his eventual courageous stand against the Roman Empire and ultimate death at the Empire’s hands.

Teresa RossyT32 How to Study the Bible In these interactive sessions, classes will learn and use a variety of Bible study skills that they can practice for a lifetime. Each week a different method will be introduced, including spiritual reading (lectio divina), interpretation and application, character study, word study and guided imagery. The course includes a session on how to use Bible study helps such as a concordance, Bible dictionary, commentaries and maps.

T33 iMethodist: There’s an app for that! This six-session introduction to Methodism features interactive sessions that show you how to connect with our world-wide denomination through its doctrine, means of grace, sacraments and service to those in need. We’ll use internet tools, audio/visual resources and personal interaction to make John Wesley’s unique way of discipleship meaningful in our modern world. Bring your laptops, iPad, Kindle or smart phone! Bibles useful, too.

Cynthia SchoonoverT34 Vine and Branches

T35 In Everything Give Thanks, A Study in Gratitude In this class we will discuss and respond to the invitation to grow in gratitude as part of the maturing of our faith. We will study scripture, draw on current research and consider various situations and examples of how we can learn to incorporate gratitude into our everyday life and more fully reap its benefits.

T36 Customized Study - Is there a topic, issue, concern or area you would like to study as a class? I will work with representatives from your class to customize or tailor a curriculum around the topic of your choice. Then during class time we will use this framework to support study, discussion, reflection and interaction organized around the topic of your choosing.

T37 70 times 7 - Living Forgiveness How do we live the call to forgive even up to “70 times 7?” This class will examine steps in the forgiveness process including: Is it OK to be

angry? Forgiveness vs. reconciliation; Releasing the debt; Developing compassion and Forgiving ourselves.

Elaine ScottT38 Jesus and the Kingdom of God What comes to mind when you hear the expression, "The Kingdom of God?" Is it here, or in Heaven? Now, or later? Come hear what Jesus had to say about the kingdom during his time on Earth, and what his teachings tell us about our role in helping the kingdom come today.

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