cuori in campo stralci, aforismi, haiku e lettere dal sismadisciplinari, quali la comprensione del...

Post on 24-Jan-2020






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2 A liceo sportivo

Anno scolastico 2016 - 2017

Cuori in campo

Stralci, aforismi, haiku e lettere dal sisma

Foto scattata a un calco delle vittime conservatasi dopo l’eruzione del Vesuvio presso il museo di Pompei durante il viaggio di istruzione.


Poiché l’angoscia di ciascuno è la nostra, ancora riviviamo la tua, fanciulla scarna

che ti sei stretta convulsamente a tua madre quasi volessi ripenetrare in lei

quando al meriggio il cielo si è fatto nero. […] Potenti della terra padroni di nuovi veleni,

tristi costudi segreti del tuono definitivo, ci bastano d’assai le afflizioni donate dal cielo.

Prima di premere il dito, fermatevi e considerate.

Primo Levi, La bambina di Pompei


Sommario Sommario ........................................................................ 3 Una circolare ministeriale ................................................. 4 An Abstract ...................................................................... 6 Un giorno/ di sole:/ ritorna la vita ..................................... 7

Haiku e aforismi ............................................................... 7 Letters for the earthquake .............................................. 33


Una circolare ministeriale

Questo lavoro nasce dalla fusione di più intenti e di più suggestioni, personali e collettive, che ci hanno sensibilizzato e ci hanno motivato alla realizzazione di questa piccola raccolta poetica. Di fronte al dramma del 24 agosto 2016, le nostre coscienze si sono forse risvegliate: ma come fare a tradurre questa presa di posizione sentita nei confronti della disperazione? Come fare a tradurre in pratica, uno sforzo collettivo immediato, ma che, inesorabilmente, tenderà a scemare? Innanzitutto le radici profonde di questo lavoro risalgono alle immagini di dolore che non si arrende degli abitanti di Amatrice e dei paesi colpiti dal sisma. Non ci si abitua mai a tali istantanee, a tali scorci graffianti, ma mai supini, nei confronti della terra e del destino. La seconda nasce dalla lettura di alcune epistolae di Plinio il Giovane, narranti la morte di suo zio (Plinio il Vecchio) e primo naturalista della storia, in conseguenza all’eruzione del Vesuvio, con terremoto successivo che ha raso al suolo città come Ercolano e Pompei. La terribile coincidenza: proprio questo cataclisma avvenne il 24 agosto 79, quasi duemila anni prima di quella attuale (24 agosto 2016). Sembra che l’uomo non impari mai. La soluzione di impegno sociale è stata offerta da una circolare ministeriale, tanto meravigliosa, quanto rara, più precisamente quella emanata il 9 settembre 2016 che portava come titolo-vessillo l’augurio di ogni docente: Ripartiamo dalla scuola. Per una volta, il MIUR ci è sembrato concreto e positivo nell’affrontare la crisi e la forza della natura, senza inabissarsi in cadici e burocrazia da leguleio senza cuore, un castello kafkiano che sembra insuperabile, almeno per il caso italiano. E allora le coscienze si sono tradotte in questa raccolta poetica, i cui proventi vorrebbero essere versati per portare aiuti ai terremotati. Quanto vero quel monito di Primo Levi che inneggiava alla memoria: “Per non dimenticare…” e quanto fa stare bene, ricordare. Questa raccolta esprime il desiderio di farsi vita nonostante la morte, di valorizzare una crescita spirituale, anche dovuta alla lettura di alcuni romanzi di formazione di Paolo Coelho, per apprenderne la leggerezza scrittoria, che nasconde un’attenzione continua al problema della formazione. In un’epoca di selfie senza soluzione di continuità, di società liquide e facebookiane si è cercato di mettere in primo piano un momento, uno scorcio, un attimo di bellezza, sfruttando l’opportunità dell’ambito Cittadinanza e costituzione. Le richieste ministeriali ed europee


impongono come primo obbligo morale, quello di creare dei buoni cittadini, che si impegnino vicendevolmente, con solidarietà e responsabilità, per un futuro migliore e più sostenibile. Non è competenza facile da sviluppare, ma ci si è messi in gioco per accrescerla, così come si è cercato di sviluppare altre e più specifiche competenze disciplinari, quali la comprensione del testo e la produzione scritta, per imitationem del modello coelhano. Comprensione del testo, perché lo stile dell’aforisma (Manuale del guerriero della luce ne è un fulgido esempio) e il tema della formazione personale e spirituale sono al centro dei romanzi dell’autore brasiliano. Produzione scritta, perché i ragazzi si sono cimentati nella scrittura di alcuni haiku e aforismi che ricordino il sisma, nonché di lettere in lingua inglese indirizzate a ipotetici ragazzi sopravvissuti al sisma. Eh sì, non è scontato: a seguito di una chiamata telefonica personalmente effettuata all’unità di crisi del ministero, il collega di italiano e di latino di Amatrice mi ricordava l’ormai abbondante presenza di grembiuli e materiale scolastico, “forse troppi per i bambini rimasti”, ma mancano i buoni pasti per i bambini della scuola dell’infanzia. L’abisso e un tuffo al cuore: quanto scontatamente trattiamo la vita…. Un ringraziamento particolare vanno alle insegnanti preziose di scienze Federica Borasi e di inglese Cristina Melchiorre per la collaborazione e per l’impegno che hanno profuso in questa piccola grande impresa e ai ragazzi, piccoli compagni di viaggio di questa breve ed eterna avventura che è la nostra vita. Diceva una canzone molto celebre: “La fede è troppo scossa ormai, ma prego e penso fra di me: proviamo anche con Dio, non si sa mai. E non c’è niente di più triste in giornate come queste, che ricordare la felicità. […] È uno di quei giorni in cui rivedo tutta la mia vita, bilancio che non ho quadrato mai […] Ho sempre detto in ultimo, ho perso ancora ma, domani è un altro giorno e si vedrà”. Per ora e per sempre: ripartiamo dalla scuola…

Francesco Patrucco


An Abstract This work is the outcome of an emotional suggestion and of a social awareness for the pain of the people of Amatrice, who lost their wealth, their homes, their schools and, above all, their lives. The pupils of the second class of the liceo sportivo shared the grief for this tragedy, deciding together with their teachers to do something concretely in order to help those who live in this area .In doing so, we followed the directions of the Italian Ministry of the Public Education, especially for the skills required by the school subject of Cittadinanza e Costituzione. It was not simple to share the consciousness of the brevity of human life, of its weakness, the strength of Nature, dishonoured and sacrificed more and more by an uncontrolled and unsustainable human progress. That is the purpose of this project born and developed with the teachers of Science and English . We decided to study scientifically the earthquakes, especially those which hit the central areas of Italy on 24th August 2017. After reading Plinio the Young’s Letters (16,20, liber VI), where the author explains causes and consequences of the Vesuvius’ eruption and the following earthquake, after a brief mention of his uncle’s (Plinio the Old) death, on 24th August 79 A.D, each student wrote an aphorism (a guide of their own land by the Umberto Eco’s words) and a haiku to explain their emotional côté. With the same aim, they imagined a penfriend in Amatrice, where there are no schools left, and sent him/ her a letter to get information and show their feelings and emotions. My colleagues and I hope that this work will contribute to make our pupils better men/women and better citizens as well as make them think how lucky they are. As Saba wrote “The pain has a voice and it doesn’t change” and Primo Levi said “Everyone’s woe is our”, we hope we pursued a good purpose not to forget the sufferance of other people.

Cristina Melchiorre


Un giorno/ di sole:/ ritorna la vita

Haiku e aforismi Anime indifese: la terra trema in un cuore d' acciaio

Gli uomini lavoravano, i bambini giocavano e gli animali correvano: tutto da ricostruire per queste anime indifese.


Scende la sera, tutto trasforma ombre e pensiero La sfida della vita è più paurosa della morte.


Non sei morto, hai solo perso te stesso, con la distruzione dei tuoi ricordi. I ricordi sono come le nuvole... Ci sono sempre, anche se tu, forse, non riesci più a vederle.


Il terremoto Sorride. E la gente piange La Terra, solida casa dell'uomo, alle volte ci atterra, in una frazione di secondo.


Il terremoto distrugge le case: tu distruggi il mio cuore La terra posta sotto ai nostri piedi, quella che dovrebbe proteggerci, si ribella e ci distrugge a causa dei nostri errori.


Trema il cielo, cade la terra. Silenzio. Quando il cielo trema e cade la terra, c'è solo silenzio e morte.


Lo tsunami ti inonda, come l'amore ha inondato me Lo tsunami inonda le città, ma l'amore inonda i cuori delle persone che si amano.


E così per vendetta La natura si scaglia sull' uomo. Un terremoto per svegliarlo. Vite innocue, vite acerbe, vite mature. Tutte appese ad un albero distrutto da un terremoto.


Nel viso del terremoto

vedo la felicità Come un cielo sereno. Il viso del terremoto mi ricorda la felicità, la felicità mi ricorda un cielo sereno, il cielo sereno trasmette felicità


C'è una meta tremante per ogni anima sofferente: Il vento caldo della libertà. Non temere che sia tutto perduto, qualsiasi sia il tuo malessere, troverai un luogo e uno stato di libertà.


La terra si muove, tutto da rifare. La terra si finge ferma e invece si muove all'ombra, come una barca in un oceano in tempesta.


"E come il terremoto, tornerà la mancanza, a farmi soffrire" "La mancanza, se non ti ferisce, fa sì che tu sia più forte."


Città distrutte, scomparse in un minuto: muto dolore Sembra che gli uomini provino più dolore per i terremoti che per le guerre che questi combattono e per le quali uccidono.


La natura crea e distrugge, ma la speranza è indistruttibile Sii speranzoso, sii indistruttibile. Anche quando la natura distrugge.


In un giorno d'estate il terremoto colpisce: ancora ingiustizie L'ingiustizia è come una partita mezza vinta e mezza persa: vinta perché sei vivo, persa perché non hai più niente


Città distrutte, scomparse in un soffio silenzioso di dolore. A seguito di un terremoto, si scopre sempre che qualche sismografo l’aveva previsto, che qualcuno aveva taciuto e che molti non avevano ascoltato.


La notte del riposo, quiete. La natura si risveglia.

Mentre la notte si riposa, la natura si risveglia e non è mai quiete.


Senza le mie radici dentro me piove

L’amore vero è quello che ti rende una persona migliore senza sradicarti da quello che sei, diventando più forte.


La natura si ribella La terra si squarcia Tutti piangono

Il terremoto fa meno vittime della stupidità, dell'egoismo e della cattiveria dell'uomo.


Questo ruggito dal centro Della terra dove tutto tace E nulla rimane

Il terremoto è un evento talvolta fortunoso: ci obbliga a ricominciare tutto da nuovo


Le case sono come le carte Le sfiori e cadono, Ma il desiderio di ricominciare non svanisce mai

Le case sono come le carte, crollano, ma non crolla mai il desiderio di ricominciare


Il cielo continua a brillare sopra a una città ormai spenta.

La terra suona una ninna nanna macabra


Notte di terremoto, la luna illumina la stanza che trema.

La natura ha potere di distruggere e creare.


Più l'uomo ruba alla natura, più la natura si ribella

La natura si riprende tutto ciò che è suo.


Notti di paura, la terra trema ancora, il cielo piange i morti.

Quando la terra trema, il cielo piange i suoi morti.


Le scosse si sprigionano scuotendo la nostra vita, in cerca di persone felici. La vita è come un terremoto, ti scuote ogni giorno dentro, lasciando continuamente piccole crepe.


Letters for the earthquake

Dear Davide,

I'm Federico, I'm 15 years old and I live in Valle Lomellina, a

small village in Lombardia. I am studying at Sobrero high school, where

I'm attending the liceo sportivo. This year in Science we studied the

earthquakes and in History we read Plinio's report about the eruption of


I'm sorry for what happened to you on 24th august, I think people are

ready to help you. I think it is very difficult live in a village hit by the

earthquake. I'll try to help you. Take courage! We will be with you!

Dear friend,

My name's Andrea, I am 16 years old and I have curly brown

hair and green eyes. I live in a small village called Sartirana. At school

we talked about the power and the destruction of earthquakes, because

in your area on 24th of august there was a terrible earthquake. During

this activity at school, I was quiet and unhappy because the earthquake

destroyed your village. In history, I studied Plinio the Young : in his

novel he wrote about the earthquake in Pompeii. I hope that now you are

fine and you live in a safe village or city. I hope to see you.

Dear friend,

my name is Amedeo, I play rugby, I’m 17 years old and I live in

Alessandria near Torino in Piedmont. In my School, I studied the

earthquakes and that really impressed me especially when my teacher

told me of your School, which was destroyed by the earthquake. When I

realized what you were feeling when you lost your House or your School.

I felt very sad and now I want to help you. Goodbye!

Dear friend,

My name is Emanuele, I'm 15 years old, I'm tall and slim and I

have brown hair and blue eyes. I like sport in general and in particular

basketball, I have been playing it since I was 4 years old, I like it so

much. This year we studied the earthquakes I was very impressed

especially by the power of the nature that you can't stop . I felt so sad

and I couldn't imagine how you felt. In class, we worked on this fact and


we made a PowerPoint about it. This work helped me to know the

strength of the earthquake iwhich hit the center of Italy. See you soon.

Dear friend

I'm Alessio, a student from Sobrero high school. I'm attending

the liceo sportivo.I live in Valenza with my family in a big house in the

centre of the town. This year we studied the earthquakes at school and I

really liked that. I was happy to do this project because I could work in

group to better study this natural disaster. In the project, we made a work

on power point, where we explained the earthquake’s effect in Italy and

in the Mediterranean Sea. I was surprised about the power of this

disaster. It’s impossible to try to escape, because it hits at random and

it's so powerful. Unfortunately the earthquake is impossible to stop

because it is a natural event , so we can't only support the people. I’m

so sad about that, because every time it hits, it produces thousands of

victims and that is impossible to anticipate. If there was a solution, I

would do anything to avoid it.

See you soon

Dear friend,

I'm Alessandro Scalzi, a student at Sobrero High School, I'm 15

and I'm writing to tell you what I did at school about the earthquakes. We

studied the earthquakes in Science and this is the thing that impressed

me most, because I finally knew why the earthquakes happened and

why there was one of the most powerful in Italy last years. When I also

knew that a similar disaster happened during the Roman Empire, I was

really impressed and I felt sad for the destruction. I am hopeful for the

people hit by the earthquake because I think you are strong people and

you can overcame this bad period and forget this experience.

Best wishes.

Dear friend from Amatrice,

My name is Gersel, I’m 16 and I’m from Casale Monferrato in

Piemonte. I'd like to tell you about what we did at school. This year,

when we heard about the tragic events in Amatrice, my friends and I

started a project about earthquakes and volcanoes, in order to learn

something more. The thing that most attracted me was the power point


we did about volcano’s eruption, and their origins, it was an interesting

experience. We also felt impressed, when we saw what happened in the

area of the earthquake, I felt upset. It was so sad and terrible to lose

everything and unfortunately that does not depend on us, we can't

change it. I wrote this letter because I wanted to support all of you and

tell you not to give up. You must forget these terrible moments and

continue your life.

With love

Dear friend,

I am Andrea and I am 15. I live in Mede, a small town near

Pavia. I play football as a goalkeeper and I really love it. I have one

brother who lives with me and a sister who lives on her own in Pavia.

Months ago at school, we talked about the earthquake which hits your

area and more generally about all the earthquakes. Every time we talked

about your situation, I thought that I really wanted to be there with you to

help you . We studied the earthquakes in science and in Italian when we

tried to consider the emotion that you felt during this bad period. I am

excited to write you because it is a way to help you and tell you never to

give up. In Italian we read a story written by Plinio the Young, who wrote

a letter about the earthquake and the eruption of Vesuvius in Pompeii in

79 A.D. Reading how the people of Pompeii spent their last moments,

made me feel astonished. It made me think that after 2000 years

emotions have never changed. You need to continue to be happy and to

think about the future of your life. All the best

Dear friend,

My name is Christian and I'm fifteen, I live in Valenza, but I go to

school in Casale Monferrato. I'm tall and I have short, blond hair.

Now I'm writing this letter to support you in this bad time. This year at

school we studied the earthquakes and I liked this activity because we

worked in groups. I'm sorry for what happened to you: it was a huge

disaster! See you soon!


Dear friend,

my name is Filippo. I'm 16 years old and I'm attending the liceo

sportivo in Casale. At school we saw on TV what happened in your area.

It was terrible and I really felt sorry.

Write me soon. Bye bye

Dear friend

My name is Matteo, I live in Alessandria, a city in Piedmont. I'm

a student at Sobrero high school in Casale Monferrato. I study at the

liceo sportivo. I'm tall and I have short brown hair. Now I'm writing this

letter to know about your emotions. This year at school we studied the

earthquakes and I liked this subject because I worked with my friends.

I'm sorry about what happened to you. See you soon!

Dear friend,

My name is Lorenzo, I am 16 years old and I live in Valenza,

near Casale. I'm writing this letter to support you. In class we studied the

earthquakes and the thing that impressed me most was the violence of

the earthquake, which destroyed a lot of houses and killed a lot of

people. When I heard that you weren't happy, I searched on the Internet

some news about the disaster that the earthquake caused in your area. I

hope I will be able to help you and your family.

See you soon.

Dear friend

My name is Emanuele, I'm fifteen years old. I was born in Torino

but I live in Casale Monferrato. I attend the Liceo Sportivo, I'm in the

second year. This year my mates and I made a school project based on

the earthquakes. We also studied Plinio's documents about Pompeii in

79 A.D. I watched what happened to you on TV and I was very angry

and sad because people in Amatrice lost their houses and their lives

changed. In March with five of my school friends I went to Pompeii with

and we saw the disaster. See you soon.

Dear friend ,


I live in Casale Monferrato near Turin. I am fifteen years old and

I go to Sobrero high school. I am attending the liceo Sportivo. I play

basketball for Junior Casale and I really like it. I am slim, I have blue

eyes and black hair. I sometimes play basketball with my friends. At

school I studied the earthquakes and the thing which most impressed me

was a letter written by Plinio "the Young”. I liked it because Plinio wrote

about the eruption of Vesuvius and it was very interesting. When the

earthquake devastated the territory of Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche, Emilia-

Romagna, I felt sad and angry. I am sorry for you and your people. I wish

that you are all right now.

Good luck.

Dear friend,

my name is Ginevra, I live in San Salvatore Monferrato in

Piemonte. I play football and I love this sport. I've got long, straight,

brown hair and brown eyes. In class, we worked with our teachers and

we studied that the earthquake is a phenomenon able to devastate a lot

of countries or territories. Especially we talked about the violent

earthquake that hit your village and I was impressed. I felt sad because I

saw on TV many people crying and I hate seeing these things, but I liked

to see how the other people helped you.

See you soon

Dear friend,

I'm a 15 years old boy and I'm a student. I study at Sobrero high

school, which is in Piedmont. I am quite tall and I've got brown hair and

brown eyes. About six months ago, we started a new project to help you

and the people who live in your area. With our teacher, we talked about

the power of the earthquakes and what they can do. Everybody in my

class was scared and sad. These things shouldn’t happen and I couldn't

believe what had happened to you. I felt sad and sorry. The thing that

impressed me most was the danger of the earthquake. For some days I

thought how you could feel. I hope that now you feel better and that you

and your people will be able to smile again.

See you soon.


Dear friend,

How are you? I'm fine and I hope you are well, too. I would like

to tell you about me. I'm 16 years old, I have long, brown hair and brown

eyes. I'm tall and slim and I usually wear casual clothes. I practise the

sport dance and I need a partner because I have to dance in pair. I go to

Sobrero high school in Casale, near my house. I have one sister, her

name is Rachele. She is 10 years old but she is very tall! At school I

studied the earthquakes and my favourite activity was power point in

science because I am very interested in computer science During

classes in Italian I read about the earthquake which hit your area. I am

very sad for you. I hope in the future I will be able to meet you. See you


Dear friend,

In this letter I'm going to write about myself. My name is Matteo

and I'm 15 years old. I'm friendly and easy-going, I'd really like to know

something about you. During this year we studied the Earthquakes in

Science. Personally, I think this was the most interesting topic if you are

into science. I was really impressed by the effects that an Earthquake

can have on people, animals and Earth. When I was on holiday in Emilia

Romagna, I heard about the Earthquake in Amatrice and I was so

disappointed and sad about you. I think that losing your house or one of

your relative or same friends is the worst thing that could happen. I wish

you could start again a new life and make new friends soon.

Best Wishes

Dear Friend,

I'm Viviana, I'm fifteen and I'm studying at Sobrero high school in

Casale Monferrato. I have got short brown hair, brown eyes and I'm quite

tall. In my class, we studied the earthquakes and It was amazing, but

scary at the same time. Amazing because we wrote an "haiku" and an

"aphorism" on the earthquake. It was a beautiful activity, because you

could understand the emotions that people felt. I really regret about you,


but I hope that soon your life can return to normality and in the meantime

I wish you all the best. I hope that you'll write me as soon as possible,

because I want to know how you are and what is happening now in your



Dear friend,

my name is Francesco. I'm 15 years old and I'm a student at

liceo sportivo in Casale. I was impressed by the strength of the

earthquake because this year at School I studied this phenomenon. I

saw photos of cities destroyed. When I heard what happened to you, I

was very sorry because many people lost their houses and others died. I

hope you could overcome this event soon.

See you soon.

Dear friend,

My name is Giada and I'm 16 years old. I go to Sobrero high

school and I attend the second year of the liceo sportivo. I've got long

straight hair, blue eyes and a small mouth. What's your name? At school

my friends and I did some activities about the events that happened in

your area. In science we studied the earthquakes and we wrote a text in

Italian about it. The story of Plinio the Young impressed us because he

wrote about the Vesuvius eruptions . I'm very sad for the events that hit

you, but I hope that you, your family and your friends are safe! Please

write me back soon. Best wishes

Dear Filippo,

My name is Alyssa and I'm 16 years old. I'm attending the

Sobrero's high school. Recently I've studied the Earth for the Italian and

Science exams. We did it because we heard about the earthquakes that

hit your area. I can't imagine how you felt when it happened, but I

searched on the Internet some speeches made by people like you.

When I was listening to them, I felt so sad and angry because it's not fair

that an earthquake can cause all that destruction. I feel very close to you


and I'd like to help you. I have to go now, duty calls, but I hope that we

will keep in touch.

Best wishes.

Dear friend,

I am Elvira, I'm 15 years old and I am studying at "A.Sobrero"

high school in Casale I have long blond hair, green eyes and I'm

1,75 m tall. I live with my mum in a little village called Bozzole. I am a

solar and generous person. At school we studied the earthquakes in

science and in Italian, we tried to imagine the emotions of the people hit

by the earthquake I'm sorry about what happened to you. I was

impressed about your courage to rebuild your houses I'd like to visit your

city and discover your story.

See you later.

Dear Friend,

my name is Alessio, I am 16 years old and I live in a small

village near Pavia, called Torre Beretti. I go to school in Casale at

"Sobrero" high School. At school, we talked about what happened to you

last summer and so we decided to start a project. We worked in group.

My group and I searched about the earthquake scales and the most

powerful earthquakes registered with them. It's been a very emotional

work because a lot of people died and the people who survived were

without a house or without a job. Fortunately, a lot of them were lucky

because they still have their family and their friends. It's scary thinking

about the violence that an earthquake can produce. The cry of the

people that lost everything is sad but it’s amazing how people help each

other. If you want, you can tell me about your feelings, how your life has

changed or where you live now. I hope that you'll have more luck. Best


Dear friend,

My name is Emma and I'm 15 years old. I was born on

Halloween, in Ivrea, a city in Piemonte. I attend the liceo sportivo

because I'm very good at sport. In my free time I do gymnastic and love


I'm writing to you because I would like to know how you are and what

you think about this tragic event. During this year, we read a lot about


what happened in your area. Our teachers decided to let us work in

groups; we search on the Internet some information about the

earthquakes; we also read about the Vesuvius’s eruption and the awful

event which destroyed Pompeii.

I think it is very scary to find yourself in the middle of an Earthquake and

not to have where to stay but I'm sure you will overcome.

Kisses and hugs.

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