cuore project - students questionnaire

Post on 24-Dec-2014






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CUORE project - Students Questionnaire


The C.U.O.R.E. Project

Questionnaire for students Sample: 208 subjects

“Elena Cuza” School, Iaşi

A material realized by the psychopedagogical teacher, Bârlădeanu Corina





1. To what extent are you concerned about the present state of the health of the environment in your town?

a. foarte preocupat/ăb. preocupat/ăc. puţin preocupat/ăd. nu mă preocupă deloc

At the first question, which concerns the students’ interest in environmental problems, 48% of subjects answered that they were concerned about these problems, 18% of subjects said that they were very concerned about environmental problems, 30% of subjects proved that they were little concerned about such issues and 4% stated that they weren’t concerned at all about these issues. These percentages point to us a rather high interest of the subjects questioned on environmental problems and on problems related to the health of the environment we live in. The results of this first item can be correlated with those received at this

first question addressed to parents.





2. In your school do you take part in information/practical activities concerning the protection of the environment?

a. întotdeaunab. deseoric. rareorid. Niciodată

This question concerns the student’s degree of participation and involvement in the activities having ecological themes. Therefore, 18% of the questioned subjects stated that they always took part in this type of activities, 52% said that they often participated in such activities while 26% of students seldom participate in this type of activities and 4% never take part in such events. The results received at this question emphasize once again the growing interest in the protection of the environment of both students and teachers who, within certain available time limits, organize such events. The results of the diagram can be correlated with those received at the same question addressed to teachers.





3. The protection of the environment also implies measures to save/reuse water, energy and waste. Do you support and

apply such measures in your family?

a. întotdeaunab. deseoric. rareori d. niciodată

The students’ answers at this question complete the answers given at the previous question and confirm the conviction that there is a positive tendency on the students’ part to save resources and to be concerned about the protection of the environment. Therefore, 31% of respondents stated that they always saved resources, 41% of them stated that they often saved resources, 23% of respondents answered that they seldom saved

resources and 5 % of respondents declared that they never saved them. The results of this question can be correlated with the parents’ answers at the same question.





a. întotdeaunab. deseoric. rareori d. niciodată

4. Waste which are the result of daily activities and can harm the environment are: paper, cardboard, bottles, glass, plastic containers, scrap iron, organic materials, clothes, shoes, electronic and domestic devices, dangerous waste (boxes of varnishes, lacquers, paints, gas bottles) etc. Do you select these materials when you throw them away?

At this question, 16% of subjects declared that they always selected waste when throwing them, 20% of subjects of often selected waste, 44% seldom made a selection of waste, and 20% of students never selected waste. The results show that the selection of different materials (waste) before throwing them is a regular practice of the questioned subjects, but the results obtained can be correlated with those of the questionnaire for parents and with those of the questionnaire for teachers. As we mentioned before, this reality is also connected with a certain education in this respect and with the fact that there are large areas in our city where, up to now, there haven’t been any selective waste containers.




5. Are there in your school any selective waste containers?

a. dab. nuc. nu ştiu

This question requires students to answer if there are any selective waste containers in their school. A high percentage of students that is 86% of students assert that there are selective waste containers, 4% of students declared that there weren’t any selective waste containers and 10% of subjects haven’t given a clear answer.




6. Have you seen schoolmates who throw waste in the same container?

a. dab. nuc. nu ştiu

Question no.6 concerns the evident behaviour of pupils inside the school. 59% of subjects declared that they saw schoolmates who threw waste in the same container, 14% stated that they didn’t see schoolmates throwing waste in the same container and 27% of students answered that they didn’t know anything about this. As we have also noticed in the case of other items, these results underline a lack of ecological education and emphasize the way in which we should address this type of education. The fact that we theorize very much on the activities related to the environment and its protection, doesn’t help us too much in the process of acquiring an appropriate behaviour, instead the personal example of adults and the practical activities would be efficient in this respect.

At this question, 11% of subjects declared that they often threw different packages in the street, 56% stated that they seldom threw packages in the street and 33% of students never did that.

0% 11%



7. Did you happen to throw away plastic bottles, paper, cardboard in the street or in green areas?

a. întotdeaunab. deseoric. rareori d. niciodată





8. In your class did you adopt a firm attitude towards throw-ing waste outside the appropriate places?

a. întotdeaunab. deseoric. rareori d. niciodată

This question was meant to emphasize the students’ behaviour and especially their degree of involvement and participation in difficult situations. 11% of students answered that they adopted an attitude in their class towards throwing waste in inappropriate places, 29% stated that that they often reacted to that, 39% of subjects answered that they seldom adopted an attitude towards throwing waste in inadequate places and 21% of students never reacted to that. The results point out that there is tendency towards non-participation of students and that parents didn’t insist in their education on the building up of attitudes, beliefs, abilities for an independent life, in one word on the building up of abilities and social behaviour.




9. Have you seen taps which are out of order and which lose water in your school?

a. dab. nu c. nu ştiu

At this question, 47% of subjects answered that they saw in their school taps which are out of order, 36% said that they didn’t see such taps and 17% of students abstain from giving a concrete example. The high percentage of respondents who assert that they saw taps which are out of order shows that students are receptive to this kind of problems maybe on account of the discussions that they have with the members of their family. These students will certainly evolve in a favourable way as long as we can work on their behaviour and attitude and give them responsibilities.




10. Have you noticed classmates who don’t turn off the taps?

a. dab. nuc. nu ştiu

Item 10 concerns the students’ behaviour. Therefore, 52% of subjects answered that they saw schoolmates

who didn’t turn off the taps, 38% of students declared that they didn’t see their classmates turning off the taps, 10% of subjects didn’t know what to answer. These results can be correlated with those of the questions referring to the students’ behaviour.





11. When you are near a river, do you throw different packages in the water?

a. întotdeaunab. deseoric. rareori d. niciodată

At this question, 1% of students answered that they always threw waste in the water, 11% of subjects declared that they seldom threw waste in the water, 88% of subjects said that they never threw waste in the water.





12. Have you organized activities on the responsible use of water?

a. foarte desb. desc. câteodatăd. niciodată

The results of the question no.12 complete the image presented up to now. 12% of subjects declared that they organized activities in their school on the responsible use of water, 25% answered that they often realized such activities, 41% of students said that they often organized this type of activities and 22% of subjects said that they never realized activities on the responsible use of water. These results can be correlated with the results of the items 9 and 10.




13. Does your school have a collection system for the rain-water?

a. dab. nu c. nu ştiu

This question was meant to present the subjects’ opinion concerning the existence in the school of a collection system for the rainwater. Consequently 11% of students think that the school has such a system, 20% of subjects declared that they didn’t think the school had a collection system, 69% of subjects answered that they didn’t know whether the school had such a system or not. We can notice a high percentage of students who didn’t know what to answer. Maybe these results can be explained on one hand by the fact that the problems connected with the school equipment are not a point of interest for students and on the other hand, the results also show the students’ lack of curiosity for the environment in which they spend most of the time.






14. What type of light bulbs do you have in your school?

a. cu incandescenţăb. fluorescentc. halogend. economice. nu ştiu

At question 14, the subjects who were questioned gave the following answers: 2 % of subjects think that there are incandescent light bulbs in the school, 60% of students consider that there are fluorescent light bulbs, 1% of subjects think that there are halogen light bulbs, 18% of students consider that there are economic light bulbs and 19 % of subjects didn’t know what to answer. These results can be correlated with those of the questionnaire for teachers connected with this problem.




15. Do you turn on the light in your house:

a.ori de câte ori este nevoie în cursul zilei

b. indiferent de momentul zilei

c. cât mai rar

Item 15 takes into account the subjects’ daily conduct, their daily practices. 60% of subjects admitted that they turned on the light as often as necessary in the daytime, 7 % of respondents answered that they turned on

the light irrespective of the moment of the day and 33% said that they turned it on as seldom as possible. We can

notice a slight growing tendency towards the saving of energy.



16. Do you prefer natural light to artificial light (from light bulbs) in the daytime?

a. dab. nuc. nu ştiu

At question 16, a very high percentage of subjects, 91% of subjects admitted that they preferred natural light to artificial light, 4% of students answered that they preferred natural light to artificial one and 5% of subjects didn’t know what to answer.




17. How often do you use electrical equipment (cassette recorder, T.V. set, video projector, etc.)?

a. întotdeaunab. deseoric. rareorid. niciodată

At question 15, 7% of students answered that they always electrical equipment during activities, 42% of subjects said that they often used electrical equipment, 46% of students admitted that they seldom used such equipment and 5% of subjects stated that they never used electrical equipment during activities at school. The results obtained at this item can’t be correlated with the results at the same question in the questionnaire addressed to teachers. This lack of correlation points out the fact that either the students haven’t answered in accordance with the present-day situation during the school activities or the results on the part of the teachers may be desirable, but they may not be founded in reality.





18. Do you turn off the light in your classroom when you don’t need it?

a. întotdeaunab. deseoric. rareorid. niciodată

At this question, 28% of subjects stated that they always turned off the light in the classroom when they didn’t need it, 37% of students answered that they often did that, 20% said that they seldom turned off the light, 1% answered that they never turned off the light when they didn’t need it. We can notice a slight growing tendency towards a behaviour for saving energy.




19. Are there any panels, posters, signs to promote the reduction of energy consumption?

a. dab. nuc. nu ştiu

40% of subjects answered that there were signs, posters, panels to promote the reduction of energy consumption, 18% of students said that there weren’t such signs and 42% stated that they didn’t if there were such signs in the school. The results at his question can be correlated with those at the item 19 from the questionnaire addressed to teachers.




20. Would you like to find more information concerning the “3R education” (reduction, reuse, recycling)?

a. dab. nu c. nu ştiu

The last question in the questionnaire, an opinion question, was meant to be a feed-back of our whole

analysis and referred to the parents’ wish to find out other information about “3R education”. A very high percentage, 83 % of students stated that they wanted to find more things about “3R education”, 10 % said that they didn’t want to find more information about “3R education” and 7 % answered that they didn’t know if they wanted to find more information about this education.




Identification data: age

< 11 ani11 -14 ani> 14 ani

Date de identificare: Sex



Identification data: class


16% of subjects are above 14 years old, 62% of subjects are aged between 11 and 14 and 22% of them are below 11 years old.

We can notice that a high percentage of subjects is represented by pupils in the primary school (69%) while 31% of subjects are students in the elementary school.


11% 2%


Identification data: With whom do you live at home?

a. părinţiib. rude de gradul Ic. alte rude d. vecinie. singur


Identification data: Sex


87% of pupils live with their parents, 11% of subjects live with first degree relatives, 2% of respondents live with other relatives.

52% of the questioned subjects are females and 48% are males.

Conclusions of the questionnaires

We notice from the results received at the questionnaires which were applied to pupils, that these pupils have essential information about the protection of the environment. Most of the pupils apply these practices, but there are some pupils who adopt a non-participatory behaviour. In correlation with the results of the questionnaires for teachers and for parents, these scores emphasize the students’ desire to achieve practical activities.The pupils’ responsibilization is really welcome in the case of such activities in order to acquire a behaviour with a view to saving, reusing and recycling energy, water and waste.

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