culture documentpdf

Post on 21-Jan-2017






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The Gang of 4 Productions Ltd “Company Culture Document”

G A N G O F 4

G A N G O F 4


G A N G O F 4

G A N G O F 4


The Company Credo

The Importance of courage as a creator By the Pyschologist Donald MacKinnon

“The most salient mark of a creative person, the central trait at the core of their being is, as I see it, just this sort of courage. It is not physical courage of the type that might be rewarded by the Carnegie Medal or the Congressional Medal of honour, although a creative person may have courage of this kind too. Rather, it is personal courage, courage of the mind and spirit, psychological or spiritual courage that is the radix of a creative person:

• The courage to question what is generally accepted: • The courage to be destructive in order that something better can be constructed: • The courage to think thoughts unlike anyone else’s: • The courage to be open to experience both from within and from without: • The courage to imagine the impossible and try and achieve it: • The courage to stand aside from the collectivity and in conflict with it if necessary,

The courage to become and be oneself.”

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An Introduction from the Co-FoundersWhen Ryan and I initially set out on this journey we had a passion and a dream to create a company like no other. Our vision was to create something truly special, and unique.

This meant doing something different and most importantly creating a climate and culture where all involved would be rewarded, excited, learn and most importantly have fun working with us.

Our intent and initial vision was not just to build a company but one that is admired, envied and copied in equal measure. Given this we also understood that to achieve this, we needed to create a culture and climate that ensures we constantly improve and enhance our approach and behaviours to stay ahead of the game.

To do this we passionately believe it means changing the 20th Century archaic approach to management and how many companies are currently run. It is about truly valuing, respecting, and supporting all our team members and partners to ensure a real “Creative Company” ethos and mentality. In return it is about, when able, to properly reward those that help us achieve this vision.

Namely, a company where people can fully utilise their talents, work along side other, highly talented people and work in a way that is inspiring and very rare to find in business.

Our philosophy is based on a “relatively” simple formula;

A Powerful Vision + A “Positively Different” Approach + An Exceptional Company Culture = An Amazing, Truly Motivated Team = A Brilliant Product + An “Iconic Brand” = Sustainable Long-Term Profits = a Bright and Profitable Future, to all who made it happen.

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller

A very warm welcome, to “The Gang of 4 Productions” Company Culture document.

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Company Mission, Vision & Values


To entertain, challenge and engage, via stimulating thought, debate and creativity!


To add “Tangible” value added, via an exceptional company culture and a “Positively Different” approach to business ensuring a sustainable and exceptional results driven company.

This will be achieved via a true spirit of partnership, an ethical approach and a fair rewards system for all and any partners who help achieve this vision.

Also via our ideas and approaches we intend to have a lasting and positive impact on society.

Company Values

Bold - Go big or go home. Enterprising - A challenge is an opportunity. Leadership - Because only by example can we expect others to follow. Inventive - Always looking for new and better ways. Entertaining - Because all the world’s a stage. Visionary - Help make the world a better place. Excellence - Because second best is never enough.

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Operating Guidelines

As a new start up with huge ambitions, we hope the following “Operating Guidelines” act as a “Lighthouse” in how we operate on a daily basis, as well as ensuring we constantly challenge ourselves and the business world via continued improvement to make this company an exceptional success.

Our fundamental core philosophy is to be “Positively Different” in all that we do.

This means we will constantly strive to find better ways of doing business, to not only ensure we always provide a truly exceptional and differentiated product/and or service to our customers but to create a company culture and climate that anyone and everyone involved with us loves. Therefore ensuring people not only want to work with us, but deliver their utmost best.

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Operating Guidelines (Cont)

All for One and One for All. For us this is the bedrock of how a company should be run, namely real teamwork, when applicable and logical, with all united and working together in order to ensure the sustainable success of the company.

Speak out and be heard. In order to ensure the above it is crucial that we have a culture and clear understanding of being able to discuss anything and everything in a constructive manner.

Diversity of thought = Respect, tolerance, understanding and support. We believe that the greatest companies are ones where individuals are valued for who they are, and what they are. We also fully accept that our company needs and wants, people with differing personalities, approaches and skill sets.

Treat others how you wish to be treated yourself. We believe that intelligent human beings deserve to be treated as “Intelligent human beings.” Therefore anyone and everyone that works for or with this company deserves and will be treated as such all we ask is to be treated as such in return.

Responsibility yet shared accountability. We expect and trust our people based on their expertise to just do it! However we also hope that any key decision taken is shared prior to implementation with the team when appropriate, thereby ensuring the combined depth and breadth of knowledge and input appropriate to the decision.

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Operating Guidelines (Cont)We only accept “Good” compromises. We do not expect or believe that any major decision has to be completely agreed by all. Based on experience we are more than aware that this too often results in a decision adapted to gain “consensus” but sadly one that fails to deliver truly positive results.

And, And, And, not But, But, But. It is always easy to kill any idea stone dead with negativity. This is especially true when challenging traditional norms or conventions. All we ask is that people try and build on any idea in a positive fashion rather than dismissing it out right. Based on this we believe we will all be amazed at where this approach could potentially take us.

No Blame, No excuses. To underpin our whole ethos we have to accept as a given that we will either collectively or individually make mistakes. As the saying goes “If you went skiing today and didn’t fall down, you were on the wrong mountain.” Therefore we promise and expect the following;

A No Blame Culture: If you try something, and it goes wrong, cool. We will all learn from this to not make the same mistake twice. No Excuses: In return for the above, we will not accept, a ‘cover your ass’ mentality. If you seek excuses or attempt to pass the buck because of an error of judgment, nobody gains. Make a mistake, ‘fess up, learn and we all move on.

It’s got to be fun. As, stated, we want to create a truly exceptional company that people want to work for and with. Should you wake up in the morning and dread working with us quite simply we have failed in our vision. As the saying goes “You can’t get milk from unhappy cows.”

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Our Way of Working - “Positively Different”In addition to the previous guidelines and in line with our “Positively Different” approach we will continue to challenge and change traditional conventions in the way a company is “normally” run.

This currently means the following;

Small is the new big While our financial ambitions have no bounds we have no desire to become a future supertanker, preferring the speedboat model - a small, flexible core team ensuring we never lose our start up mentality and ethos.

Outsource, Outsource, Outsource. We want to outsource everything we can. Why? Because we want “Best in Class” partners, exposed to the “real world” who understand our constant desire for improvement and who have to keep proving their value to us, and us to them.

All Team members freelance. We believe this is the future of employment - A true Win/Win approach From a Company perspective - More knowledgeable, more adaptable, more experienced, no bullshit, performance focused people From a Freelancer Perspective - We have to have the right culture, approach and offer to keep people happy and willing to continue to work with us

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Our Way of Working - “Positively Different”Treating intelligent humans like …….Intelligent humans. • Completely flat non hierarchical structure • Everyone involved in the major decisions (1 person, 1 vote) • No job hours, holiday limitations, dress code, required place or country of work, no detailed job descriptions

and in the future no formal job titles.

To constantly question, challenge, implement, check and improve. • To ensure an open minded, team and no fear of failure culture • 360º appraisals after every Edition (All the team plus partners) • Weekly company performance reviews - bi-weekly/monthly full review and amendment of action plans if

required • To always ensure we ask in all that we do - Is this truly “Positively Different?”

To play a positive role in society. • We passionately believe that to survive and prosper in the future, companies must give to be able to take. • We will work with our consumers and customers to constantly improve our offer - creating a real sense of

community and a highly ethical company • We will feature a charity advert in each issue gratis • All of our future activities will ensure an “Enlightened Capitalism Approach”

- Namely helping people to help themselves and reaping the rewards

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In Conclusion

We fully understand that that we are on a constant journey of discovery, all we ask that all who agree to join us on this journey accept and understand our way of working, in return we will ensure that all involved that truly help us to make our vision a reality are properly rewarded.

Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy

Creativity is more than just being different. Anybody can plan weird; that's easy. What's hard is to be as simple as Bach. Making the simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity. Charles Mingus

Regards, The Gang of 4 Productions Ltd.

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