culinary studies in osaka, the heart of japan's culinary culture ......larousse gastronomique...

Post on 27-Apr-2021






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Culinary Studies in Osaka, the heart of Japan's culinary culture

We are Number美

食We are Number

Culinary Studies in Osaka, the heart of Japan's culinary culture

Osaka Abeno辻調理師専門学校TSUJI Culinary Institute


Osaka Abeno辻製菓専門学校

TSUJI Institute of Patisserie1-year course2-year course

Osaka AbenoEcole TSUJI Osaka

1-year course

College of French and Italian Cuisine Japanese Cuisine College

Patisserie CollegeCollege of Cafe Food and Sweets

TokyoEcole TSUJI Tokyo

1-year course2-year course

College of Culinary Arts and Management

College of Confectionery Arts and Management

College of French and Italian Cuisine

Japanese Cuisine CollegePatisserie College

TSUJI Culinary InstituteGroup

advanced studies

France LyonChateau de I'EclairChateau Escoffier

advanced studies

TSUJI Schools of Advanced Studies in France

1-year course2-year course3-year course(*In plannig)


Culinary Studies in Osaka, the heart of Japan's culinary culture

For many years, the city of Osaka has been famed as "the kitchen of the nation".The inhabitants of Osaka enjoy a blessing of gastronomic riches, as the result of bounty from the mountains and from the sea, and these fresh ingredients are used to create a wide variety of delicious food. For over half a century, the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group has trained many professional chefs in this gastronomic area of Osaka.







這樣經過大約 55 年的高等教育,其結果辻調理師集團






‘정통을 만들기 위해서는 정통요리의 맛을 아는 것이

중요하다’ . 이것이 츠지조그룹의 교육 이념입니다 .

정통의 맛이 있는 것이 무엇인지 모르면 아무리 솜씨

가 있더라도 정통의 맛을 만들어내기가 어렵습니다 .

그렇기 때문에 츠지조그룹에는 일본 뿐만 아니라 세

계각국에서도 일류 재료를 수입하여 사용하고 있습

니다 . 물론 강사들도 본고장에서 연수를 거듭한 각국

의 식 ( 食 ) 문화에 정통한 프로들입니다 .

이렇게 약 55 여년간의 고도의 교육을 해 온 결과 츠

지조그룹은 세계적으로 인정받는 톱클래스의 쉐프와

파티쉐를 다수 배출하여 일본과 전세계에서 그 실력

을 인정을 받게 되었습니다 . 그리고 지금도 일본뿐만

아니라 전세계의 음식을 탐구하며 세계적인 규모의

요리교육을 연구하고 있습니다 . 그러한 도전정신이

츠지조그룹의 지위를 확고하게 하고 있습니다 .

The City of Food Culture : Osaka'In order to create authentic cuisine, it is crucial to have a profound knowledge of authentic flavors'. This philosophy stands at the very heart of culinary education at the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group. We believe without this 'knowledge' of the flavors of delicious cuisine, then one cannot recreate those flavors to standards of perfection, even after learning all the necessary skills. The TSUJI Culinary Institute Group therefore obtains and uses the very finest ingredients not only from Japan, but from throughout the world. Additionally, the Institute teachers are professional chefs of a high standard of excellence who have been trained at the very 'home' of their own individual culinary cultures, and are thus representative masters of food cultures throughout the world.As a result of providing 55 years of highly advanced education, the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group has produced many world-class chefs and pâtissiers of the first rank. Our Institute is now well-recognized by government bodies and media for its expertise, and we are still advancing-through continued exploration of "the art of cuisine" from around the world, and the development of culinary education on a global scale. The unchallenged leading status of the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group rests on this ideology, and the spirit that continually leads us to seek new challenges.

Capital : Tokyo〔エコール 辻 東京〕●辻調理技術マネジメントカレッジ●辻製菓技術マネジメントカレッジ●辻フランス・イタリア料理マスターカレッジ●辻日本料理マスターカレッジ●辻製菓マスターカレッジ



The City of Food Culture : Osaka


〔エコール 辻 大阪〕●辻フランス・イタリア料理マスターカレッジ●辻日本料理マスターカレッジ●辻製菓マスターカレッジ●辻カフェフード・スイーツマスターカレッジ

Number of available places offered by chef schools in Japan

Osaka Abeno

We are NumberWe are Number

Culinary Studies in Osaka, the heart of Japan's culinary culture

Over 400 full-time teachers have completed overseas training. One of these will be your classroom teacher.Teachers of the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group display their skills

as professional chefs and take part in the making of countless cooking programs. They cooperate with the media in other ways as well, creating the food and desserts featured in TV dramas and providing instruction to actors performing the roles of chef and patissier.





Some 135,000 graduates in total

츠지조그룹의 교수들은 프로의 기술을 전파하는 등 여러 프로그램의 제작에

적극적으로 협력해 왔습니다 . 예를 들어 TV , 영화 , 드라마촬영에 필요한 요

리와 제과를 제작하며 , 요리사나 파티쉐 역의 연기자들에게 기술을 가르치며 ,

각종 매체에서도 활약하고 있습니다 .

Playing parts in TV shows and in drama series

츠지조그룹은 ‘정통을 탐구하는 자세’ 로 음식관

련 기술과 지식을 전수하고 있으며, 향후 푸드비

즈니스 업계를 짊어질 인재의 육성을 통해 , 많은

사람의 삶을 풍요롭게 해 주는 식( 食 ) 의 전파를

통해 식문화 발전에 이바지하고 있습니다 .

As a result of our attitude at the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group, which continually seeks authenticity, we aim to bequeath culinary knowledge and skills to future generations, to develop human resources as future leaders of the food industry, to promote the life-enriching philosophy of the 'Beauty of Gastronomy' to all, and to contribute to the advancement of culinary culture.

Over 700 books published





TSUJI Culinary Institute Group a Leader in Culinary Education, a Contributor to the Devel opment of Gastronomic Culture

We employ 400 full-time 'Masters of Culinary Teaching' who educate our students with dedication and devotion. Our teachers themselves also continually strive to improve their own skills, through training at overseas hotels, restaurants and pâtisseries. In addition, both institutes offer lessons by famous hotel chefs from inside and outside Japan, and restaurant owner-chefs.

由經驗豐富的 400 名專業教師認真地進行指導,而教師們也輪流去海外的一流



‘교육의 프로’ 인 경험이 풍부한 400 명의 전임강사가 열정적으로 지도합니다 .

강사들도 기술을 연마하기 위하여 해외 호텔이나 레스토랑 , 제과점등에서 연

수하고 있습니다 . 더불어 일본의 국내외 유명 호텔 조리장과 오너 쉐프를 초

빙하는 수업도 있습니다 .

We have published over 700 books covering a wide range of subjects, from textbooks for culinary professionals to simply-written 'how-to' books on cookery and baking for amateurs, together with culinary dictionaries and essays on cuisine. Our publication list includes Japanese Cooking, which became a best-seller in the United States. As a result, we are trusted by professionals who work in the food industry.

自從本校出版的「JAPANESE COOKING」在美國成為暢銷書以來,我們又出版


另外寫了餐飲隨筆,編制了烹飪辭典等,出版的書籍多達 700 餘本。這些書籍


미국에서 베스트 셀러가 된 ‘JAPANESE COOKING’ 을 비롯하여 프로들을 위

한 요리책과 요리와 제과 · 제빵의 비결을 알기 쉽게 소개하는 책 , 그리고 음식

관련 에세이와 요리사전까지 700 권 이상의 서적을 출판했습니다 . 세계각지

의 음식업계에서 신뢰를 받고 있습니다 .

The schools of the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group have graduated 135,000 students. We are proud to report that our graduates are actively working as leading chefs and as the finest pâtissiers, with many of our graduates having won culinary and confectionery competitions. Also, many of our graduates have become chefs at top-starred hotels, famous restaurants and official residences in various countries-they play an active role not only in Japan, but also on the world stage. This is the true real-world value that reflects the excellent quality of education quality provided by the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group.

辻調理師集團學校畢業生現在已經達到 13 萬 5 千人。他們成為一流廚師和點心師活




츠지조그룹은 지금까지 13만5천명에 이르는 졸업생을 배출해 냈습니다. 그 가운데 현

재 일류 쉐프와 파티쉐로 활약하고 있으며 요리와 제과 · 제빵 콩쿨에서 입상한 졸업생들

도 적지 않습니다. 또한 일류 호텔이나 유명 레스토랑의 쉐프가 되거나 각국 대사관의 조

리사로 근무하는 등 일본뿐만 아니라 세계각국에서 활동하는 졸업생도 많습니다. 이러한

졸업생들의 활약상 또한 츠지조그룹의 높은 교육수준을 입증하고 있습니다.

1-star restaurant KEISUKE MATSUSHIMAOwner-chef: Mr. Keisuke Matsushima

Royal Cuisine Meister of AustriaThe owner-chef of the restaurant, "K. u .K.", Mr. Shingo Kanda

Oshaberi Cooking (Tête-à-tête Cooking)

Gretel no Kamado (Gretel’s Oven)

Gastronomic Technology

TSUJI Culinary Institute Group - France

The TSUJI Culinary Institute Group's outstanding abilities, sought after by many industries






History of TSUJI Culinary Institute Group

TSUJI Culinary Institute Group a Leader in Culinary Education, a Contributor to the Devel opment of Gastronomic Culture

After studying at one of the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group schools in Japan, students have an opportunity to continue their education at our boarding school in France - using authentic French ingredients, and learning the very essence of French cuisine and desserts from leading local chefs. We have renovated an old château near Lyon - one of the finest gastronomic capitals of Europe - and over the past 35 years or so since the school's establishment, some 6,400 students have graduated from the school. Following the student's completion of the main course, the school then offers a five-month in-house vocational training period in cooperation with restaurants throughout France. As the school is not just an affiliated institution, but a key part of the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group, teachers from the main school are present as full-time staff to ensure the students receive the best of care. The school also plays an important information collecting role as the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group's hub in the Western Hemisphere.


里昂在歐洲也是屈指可數的美食城市。法國分校的校園則是用里昂郊區的城堡改建而成。建校雖然不滿 35 年,

但是畢業生已經達到 6400 人。本科結束後學生可以在法國各地的餐飲店培訓五個月。學校是寄宿制,所以本


프랑스교는, 일본에 있는 그룹교를 졸업한 후 본고장의 재료를 가지고 현지 일류 쉐프로부터 요리와 제빵, 제과의

진수를 배울 수 있는 전원 기숙사제( 全寮制)교육기관입니다. 유럽의 유명한 미식 도시 리옹 근교에 있는 궁전을

개조하여35여전에 개교한 프랑스교는 현재6400명의 졸업생들을 배출했습니다. 본과 졸업 후에는 프랑스 각지의

레스토랑에서 5 개월 동안 연수할 수 있는 제도도 마련되어 있습니다. 본교 직원도 상주하고 있으므로 불편함 없이

공부할 수 있습니다. 또한 유럽 요리 정보 수집의 거점으로도 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있습니다.

In 2000, following the request of the Japanese Government, the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group took charge of the production of all cuisine and confectionery for the Kyushu/Okinawa G8 Summit Banquet, attended by the heads of seven nations, including the Presidents of France and the United States and the Prime Minister of the UK. Apart from the above, the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group makes significant contributions to the global development of gastronomic culture, including offering lectures on Japanese cuisine to leading chefs of Korea and France.

2000 年美國總統、英國首相和法國總統等七國首腦會聚沖繩開高峰會,辻調理師集團學校受日




2000 년 일본정부에서의 의뢰를 받아 G8 정상회담 ( 큐슈-오키나와에서 개최된 선진 8 개국

정상회담 ) 만찬회에서 모든 요리와 제과 · 제빵의 연출과 제작을 담당했습니다 . 그 외에도 한

국과 프랑스의 톱 쉐프들을 대상으로 한 일본요리강습과 식문화의 국제적 발전에도 이바지하

고 있습니다 .

Social Banquet for World Leaders at the Kyushu/Okinawa G8 Summit

A lecture in Korea hosted by the Japan Foundation

1960 TSUJI Culinary Institute is established1972 Founder Shizuo Tsuji is named honorary

Meilleur Ouvrier de France (M.O.F.) by the French Government

1980 TSUJI School of Advanced Studies in France opens

1984 TSUJI Institute of Patisserie opens2000 TSUJI Culinary Institute Group produces and

prepares all courses in the banquet at the G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit; all the staff members receive a letter of thanks from the Prime Minister of Japan

2007 TSUJI Culinary Institute introduces Culinary Arts and Management Course (2 year program)

2008 tsuji+1 starts in Seoul, South Korea2009 TSUJI Institute of Patisserie introduces

Confectionery Arts and Management Course (2 year program)

2014 President Yoshiki Tsuji is featured in CNN program Talk Asia

2016 TSUJI Culinary Institute introduces Advanced Culinary Arts and Management Course (3 year program)

1960 辻調理師專門學校 建校

1972 辻靜雄校長獲得法國政府頒發的「M.O.F.(法國最優秀


1980 辻調理師集團學校 法國分校 建校

1984 辻製菓專門學校 建校

2000 在九州 · 沖繩高峰會「首腦社交晚宴」中負責料理的綜



2007 辻調理師專門學校 調理技術餐飲經營管理本科(2 年課


2008 韓國首爾「tsuji+1」開始

2009 辻製菓專門學校 製菓技術餐飲經營管理本科(2 年課程)


2014 辻芳樹校長與美國 CNN「Talk Asia」合作並出演

2016 辻調理師專門學校 高級調理技術餐飲經營管理本科(3


1960 츠지조리사전문학교 설립

1972 츠지 시즈오 초대교장 , 프랑스 정부로부터

‘M.O.F.(프랑스최우수기술상)명예상’ 수상

1980 츠지조그룹 프랑스교 개교

1984 츠지제과전문학교 개교

2000 큐슈・오키나와정상회담 ‘수뇌사교만찬회’ 에서 요리

총연출과 제작을 담당

츠지조그룹 스태프 전원에 총리대신 감사장 수여

2007 츠지조리사전문학교 조리기술매니지먼트학과(2 년


2008 한국・서울 ‘tsuji+Ⅰ’ 시작

2009 츠지제과전문학교 제과기술매니지먼트학과(2년제)개설

2014 미국 CNN ‘Talk Asia’ 에 츠지 요시키교장님이 출연・협력

2016 츠지조리사전문학교 고도조리기술매니지먼트학과(3


辻調理師専門学校 TSUJI Culinary Institute

Regular Course (1 year program)In one-year classes covering a spectrum of culinary genres, students will acquire the basic skills required in a kitchen and the knowledge required of a professional. Courses are available that combine classes to match specific career goals, such as studying abroad in France.● Culinary Class : Basic class of the Regular Course● Cafe Class : For students interested in running a cafe● Culinary Class and France Studies Course : Graduates of this course then enter the

TSUJI Schools of Advanced Studies in France without the need for an entrance exam



●烹飪班 : 廚師本科基礎班

●咖啡廳班 : 為嚮往咖啡世界的人

●烹飪班・法國分校留學課程 : 畢業後,前往辻調理師集團學校法國分校留學(免入學考試)

모든 장르의 기초적인 기술과 지식을 습득하는 1 년간 . 현재에 필요한 기능을 철저히 배우는

것은 물론이고 요리인으로서 마음가짐도 배웁니다 . 또한 프랑스교 유학을 목표로 하는 등 자

신의 경력에 맞게 선택하는 코스도 준비되어 있습니다 .

●조리클래스 : 조리사본과 기초클래스

●카페클래스 : 카페의 세계를 목표로 하는 사람

●조리클래스•프랑스교유학코스 : 졸업후 츠지조그룹 프랑스교로 유학(입학시험면제)

Enrollment Ceremony: Early AprilGraduation Ceremony: Mid-MarchSchool Hours (homeroom): 9:00 - Lesson Hours: 9:10 - 16:20 (Mon - Fri)Holidays: Sat/Sun/national holidays,

summer vacation & winter vacation

入學典禮:4 月上旬畢業典禮:3 月中旬上課時間:每星期一至星期五 9:00 ~ 9:10(HR)/9:10 ~ 16:20 休 假 日:星期六、日、國定假日、暑假、寒假

입 학 식:4 월 상순졸 업 식:3 월 중순수  업:월요일부터 금요일까지수업시간:9:00~9:10(HR)/9:10~16:20 휴  일: 토요일 , 일요일 , 공휴일 , 여름 휴가 , 겨울 휴가

1 年課程 調理師本科

1 년제 조리사본과

Culinary Arts and Management Course (2 year program)

2 年課程 調理技術餐飲經營管理本科

2 년제 조리기술매니지먼트학과

In the first year of this course, students will learn the basics of diverse genres of cuisine. In the second year, they will acquire advanced specialized techniques in a selected major through restaurant simulations.The curriculum is designed to develop management and communication skills in addition to culinary expertise.

在 1 年級學習多種烹飪技術和知識,培養基礎,之後在決定各自優先種類的 2 年級,透過餐廳 · 模


1 학년때 다양한 장르의 요리를 배우며 기초를 양성한 뒤 2 학년때는 한 장르를 선택해서 레스토랑 시뮬레이션 실습으로

고도한 전문성을 습득합니다 . 조리기술뿐만 아니라 매니지먼트와 커뮤니케이션 능력을 양성하는 커리큘럼도 충실합니다 .

Advanced Culinary Arts and Management Course (3 year program) *In planning

3 年課程 高級調理技術餐飲經營管理本科 ※計劃中

3 년제 고도조리기술매니지먼트학과 ※계획중

In this full three-year program, students will acquire advanced cooking skills and a broad, deep understanding of culinary cultures. The small class sizes are designed to foster professionals who can contribute to people and society through food.

透過 3 年課程的長期教學計劃,學習高級別的調理技術與廣泛深入的教養。在少數精銳的教育下,


3 년제라는 장기 커리큘럼으로 고도한 조리기술과 폭넓고 깊은 교양을 습득합니다 . 소수 정

예의 교육으로 ‘식 ( 食 )’ 을 통해서 사람과 사회에 기여할 수 있는 인재를 양성합니다 .

New in academic year 2016

2016 년도 신설

2016 年 新設

We develop individuals who can play key roles in the culinary world, exercising a broad spectrum of skills.

In order for students to acquire true culinary knowledge and practical skills, the lessons are conducted in a way that inter-links all practical, theory and educational lessons. Moreover, we have adopted a system whereby each class has a homeroom teacher assigned, providing comprehensive support to our students not only with regard to the lessons themselves, but also with regard to aspects of their daily lives. Therefore, our students are able to concentrate solely on their studies.


Qualifications attainable at the time of graduation(卒業時に取得できる資格)Japanese National Qualification: Licensed Cook (automatically awarded upon graduation)※ Chef Training Facility Assistant, ※ Food Technical Management Coordinator 日本国 国家資格 調理師免許(卒業時に無試験で取得)※調理師養成施設助手 ※食品技術管理専門士

Qualifications attainable before graduation(在学中に受験できる資格)Osaka Prefectural Blowfish Chef's Registration Certificate (attainable after taking the blowfish (fugu) processing lessons), Skill assessment (passing this assessment assures exemption from the theory test for the Specialized Chefs/Culinary Technicians) ※ Proficiency Test for Class 3 Restaurant Services大阪府ふぐ取扱登録者証(ふぐ処理講習会の受講で取得)、技術考査(合格すると専門調理師・調理技能士の学科試験を免除)、※レストランサービス技能検定 3 級

Qualifications (資格)

facilities & equipment

Lectures (Theory Lessons)The teacher demonstrates cuisine/confectionery preparation, while explaining the processes in detail. Students take notes regarding the key points and gain a full understanding of the cooking methods and processes as well as the reasoning and theory behind such methods and processes.Japanese cuisine, French cuisine, Italian cuisine, Chinese cuisine, ethnic cuisine and confectionery강 습 ( 이론 )선생님들이 교단에서 친절하게 설명해 가며 직접 요리와 과자·빵을 만듭니다. 학생들은 그것을 보면서 조리법과 조리 이론을 배우게 됩니다.

講 習 ( 理論 )老師在講台上一邊認真地講解,一邊製作料理和點心。學生一邊記筆記,一邊在自己的腦子裡消化、理解烹調方法和烹調順序、以






조리기술과 지식을 보다 깊이 이해하고 습득할 수 있도록 실습과 이론 , 그리고 교양 수업이 각각 상호 연계되어 이

루어집니다 . 또한 담임제로 학생의 수업뿐만 아니라 생활면에서도 한명 한명씩 책임있게 지도하여 입학에서 졸업까

지 안심하고 면학에 힘쓸 수 있습니다 . 졸업시 국가자격인 조리사면허를 시험없이 취득할 수 있습니다 .

Practical LessonsStudents are divided into groups and practice their cooking. During these practical lessons, teachers closely observe and provide detailed instruction to students meaning that even beginners can take part in practical lessons without feeling out of their depth. Naturally, an important part of the learning process for our students is to taste the results of their own cooking!Japanese cuisine, French cuisine, Italian cuisine, Chinese cuisine, ethnic cuisine and confectionery

실 습그룹별로 요리를 합니다 . 선생님들이 가까이에서 친절하게 지도를 해주므로 초보자도 안심하고 실습에 임할 수 있습니다 . 또한 학생들이 직

접 만든 요리를 시식합니다 . 시식도 중요한 공부중 하나입니다 .

實 習每小組用精選的材料製作菜餚。老師站在學生旁邊,親切認真地進行指導,所以即使沒有經驗的學生也不必擔心。而且,讓學生品




Educational LessonsStudents acquire knowledge of various cuisine-related cultural matters and also of ingredients, nutrition and hygiene, all of which are vital in the life of any professional chef'. This study is essential for the obtaining of a Chef's License.

교 양학생은 ‘식( 食 )’ 에 관한 가지각색의 문화와 식재, 그리고 영양과 위생에 대한 지식을 습득합니다 . 이것이 모두 프로의 요리인으로서 불가

결한 과정이며, 조리사면허를 취득하기 위하여 필요한 학습입니다.

教 養學生學習飲食相關的各種文化及食材、營養與衛生相關的知識。這些都是作為職業廚師生存下去的不可或缺的東西,是為了取得廚師證書



※ mark means that these qualifications are only available to students of the Culinary Skills Management Course. ※印のある資格は調理技術マネジメント学科でのみ取得できます。

TSUJI Culinary Institute-Overview

Students from Japan and abroad learn side by side

Thorough instruction on hygiene is also provided. Practical rooms are maintained in a pristine and hygienic condition at all times.

Practical rooms are designed to meet the specific needs of each genre of cuisine. All facilities are of professional standard.

"Mass Cooking Practical Room" enables the simulation of large-volume food preparation, such as school lunch etc.

Through a classroom teacher system, each student is provided with maximum support.

Enrollment Ceremony: Early AprilGraduation Ceremony: Mid-MarchSchool Hours (homeroom): 9:00 - Lesson Hours: 9:10 - 16:20 (Mon - Fri)Holidays: Sat/Sun/national holidays,

summer vacation & winter vacation

入學典禮:4 月上旬畢業典禮:3 月中旬上課時間:每星期一至星期五 9:00 ~ 9:10(HR)/9:10 ~ 16:20 休 假 日:星期六、日、國定假日、暑假、寒假

입 학 식:4 월 상순졸 업 식:3 월 중순수  업:월요일부터 금요일까지수업시간:9:00~9:10(HR)/9:10~16:20 휴  일: 토요일 , 일요일 , 공휴일 , 여름 휴가 , 겨울 휴가

Regular Course (1 year program)

1 年課程 製菓衛生師本科1 년제 제과위생사본과

辻製菓専門学校 TSUJI Institute of Patisserie

In one-year classes, students will focus on the basic techniques of Western and Japanese confectionery and baking, and on applying those techniques in a professional setting. Courses are available that combine classes for studying abroad in France and obtaining a double license in the Regular Course at the TSUJI Culinary Institute.● Confectionery Class : Basic class of the Regular Course● Double License Class : Graduates of this course then acquire a broad range of

culinary skills at the TSUJI Culinary Institute● Confectionery Class and France Studies Course : Graduates are exempted from

the entrance exam to enroll in the TSUJI Schools of Advanced Studies in France

在 1 年的時間內集中學習從西式糕點、和菓子到麵糰製作的各個種類的基礎。要求確實掌握基



●製菓班 : 製菓衛生師本科的基本班

●雙證書班 : 畢業後,將直接升入辻調理師專門學校學習多種多樣的調理技術

●製菓班・法國留學課程 : 畢業後,去辻調理師集團學校法國分校留學(免入學考試)

양과자부터 시작해서 화과자 제빵까지 모든 장르의 기초를 1 년이라는 단기간에서 집중해서

습득합니다 . 기초기술을 철저하게 계속해서 힘을 키웁니다 . 또한 프랑스교로의 유학과 츠지

조리사전문학교 ( 조리사본과 ) 로 진학이 가능한 ( 제과+조리 ) 더블라이센스를 취득하는 것

도 가능합니다 .

●제과클래스 : 제과위생사본과 기초클래스

●더블라이센스클래스 : 졸업후 츠지조리사전문학교로 진학하여 폭넓은 조리기술을 배움

●제과클래스・프랑스교유학코스 : 졸업후 츠지조그룹 프랑스교로 유학(입학시험면제)

Confectionery Arts and Management Course (2 year program)

2 年課程 製菓技術餐飲經營管理本科

2 년제 제과기술매니지먼트학과

In the first year of this course, students will acquire the basic skills and knowledge of Western and Japanese confectionery and baking. In the second year, those in the Patissier Class will perfect their skills and acquire well-rounded techniques, and those in the Boulanger Class will receive specialized training in baking. By advancing from the basics to applied skills, the two-year program fosters professionals in the world of confectionery.● New in academic year 2016 Patissier Class : Two years of studies in all

genres of pastry● New in academic year 2016 Boulanger Class : Special class for training in baking

1 年級學習西式糕點、和菓子、麵糰製作的基本技術與知識。到了 2 年級,「糕點師班」會提高

第 1 年學習的技術的完成度與綜合能力。「麵包師班」會磨練針對麵糰製作而專門化的專業能力。

在從基礎向實際應用展開的 2 年間,要掌握為了在製菓業一展身手而必備的技能與教養。

● 2016 年新設 糕點師班 : 透過 2 年時間學習所有種類的班

● 2016 年新設 麵包師班 : 磨練麵糰製作的專業性的特別班

양과자와 화가자 , 그리고 제빵의 기초기술과 지식을 배우는 1 학년 . 2 학년에 진학하면 ‘파

티시에클래스’ 와 ‘브란제클래스’ 로 나뉩니다 . ‘파티시에클래스’ 는 1 학년때 학습한 기술

의 완성도를 높이고 총합력을 키웁니다 . 그리고 ‘브란제클래스’ 는 제빵에 특화한 전문력을

연마합니다 . 기초부터 응용까지 전개하는 2 년간으로 제과 업계에서 활약할 수 있도록 기술

과 교양을 습득합니다 .

● 2016 년도 신설 파티시에클래스 : 2 년간에 걸쳐 모든 장르를 배우는 클래스

● 2016 년도 신설 브란제클래스 : 제빵의 전문성을 연마하는 특별클래스

Develop experts who can take on unique challenges as patissier.


Qualifications attainable at the time of graduation(卒業時に取得できる資格)Eligibility to take the National Examination for Confectionery Hygiene Master製菓衛生師国家試験受験資格

Students will obtain a qualification of candidacy for the National Examination for the national qualification of, “Confectionery Hygiene Master, ” at the time of graduating the Regular Course (1-year course), or at the time of completing the first year of Confectionery Arts Management Course (2-year course) of the Tsuji Institute of Patisserie.

일본 국가자격인 ‘제과위생사’ 수험 자격은 제과위생사본과 (1년제) 학생들은 졸업시에, 제과매니지먼트학과 (2 년제) 학생들은 1학년 끝난

후에 취득할 수 있습니다 .

辻製菓專門學校製菓衛生師本科 (1 年課程 ) 在畢業之後,製菓技術餐飲經營管理本科 (2 年課程 ) 在第 1 年課程結束時,均可以取得


Qualifications (資格)

facilities & equipment

Lectures(Theory Lessons)The teacher demonstrates making confectionery and breads, while explaining in detail the reasons for using specific skills for specific processes and the reasons why using such skills will produce certain results. Students take notes of the key points while watching the demonstration and gaining understanding of the processes and theory. Also, through the learning of the origins of confectionery and its cultural background, students will acquire a deep understanding of confectionery and bread.

이 론 ( 강습 )선생님이 교단에서 과자와 빵을 만들면서 왜 그렇게 하는지, 왜 그렇게 되는지, 기술을 하나하나씩을 체계적으로 설명해 주십니다 . 또한 과

자의 유래와 문화적인 배경까지 공부함으로써 제과와 제빵을 더 심도있게 이해할 수 있습니다 .

理 論 ( 講習 )理論的老師在講台上一邊製作糕點和麵包,一邊認真地講解每一個技術操作,比如 : 為什麼這樣做,為什麼會變成這個樣子等。學






Practical LessonsStudents work to produce confectionery and breads, utilizing state-of-the-art equipment, tools and selected ingredients, all directly imported from Europe. Thorough instruction is provided to each group of students, and these practical lessons provide repeated revision of the basic skills, enabling students to truly acquire the skills learnt.

실 습유럽직수입의 최신 기자재와 , 엄선한 재료를 사용하여 과자와 빵을 만듭니다 . 그룹별로 친절한 지도를 받으며 기초에서부터 몇번이고 반복

하므로 확실하게 배울 수 있습니다 .

實 習在實習課上,均使用從歐洲進口的機器以及最新式機器,採用精選的材料來製作糕點和麵包。每個小組都在老師的親身指導下,從



Educational LessonsStudents gain knowledge of public health regulations, public health studies, nutrition science, dietetics and food hygiene, as well as knowledge of many cultures, all related to confectionery and bread. They also acquire the knowledge essential for any professional pâtissier, including that relating to ingredients, nutrition and hygiene. This study is essential for eligibility to take the examination for the Master of Confectionery Hygiene qualification. Moreover, during the 2-year course, more pragmatic lessons directly tied in with the working environment are offered, areas including hygiene management, ingredient management, design and shop management are all covered.

교 양‘위생법규’‘공중위생학’‘영양학’‘식품학’‘식품위생학’등 과자와 빵에 관한 문화를 비롯하여 재료와 영양 위생에 관한 지식도 배울 수 있습니다 .

제과위생사면허 수험자격을 취득하기 위하여 필요한 과목들입니다 . 또 2 학년제에서는 위생관리와 재료관리 그리고 디자인과 매니지먼트 등

좀더 현장에 직결되는 수업도 합니다 .

教 養飲食文化概論、衛生法規、公眾衛生學、營養學、食品學、食品衛生學等教養課,掌握有關糕點和麵包的餐飲文化以及職業廚師所

需要的相關材料、營養和衛生的知識。這些都是為取得參加製菓衛生師執照考試的資格的必須科目。2 年級還要學習衛生管理、食



TSUJI Institute of Pâtisserie-Overview

Teachers are close at hand to provide an environment for unrestricted learning by students.

Flash freezer for rapid freezing

Practical rooms both provide functionality and inspire creativity.

All facilities are of a professional standard, including the authentic European-made ovens.

Lecture room equipped with a large monitor allowing students to view even the most delicate movements of the teacher's fingertips

Full-time specialists, who have devoted themselves to teaching in their own specialized fields of French, Viennese and Japanese confectioneries, and also of breads, will thoroughly observe and instruct each student.

제과기술과 지식을 더욱더 이해하고 습득할 수 있도록 실습과 이론 , 그리고 교양 수업이 각각

상호 연계되어 이루어집니다 . 프랑스과자 , 독일과자 , 빈과자 , 화과자 , 제빵등 각 분야의 전문

가가 학생 한명 한명씩 세심하게 지도합니다 .

생활면에서도 학생 한명 한명씩 책임있게 지도하고 있어 졸업할 때까지 안심하고 면학에 힘쓸 수 있습니다. 또한 졸업

시에는 국가자격인 제과위생사면허의 수험자격을 취득할 수 있습니다 .

辻調理師専門学校 調理師本科

김 형주(한국)

Message from overseas students.

스무살이 된 지 얼마 안 되었을 때 자신이 무엇이 되고 싶은지 망설

이고 있을 때였습니다 . 그 때 일본을 잘 아시는 어머니께서 일본요

리의 메카인 오사카에서 요리를 공부하도록 추천해 주셨습니다 . 견

학차 학교에 처음 왔을 때 청결한 학교 건물에 너무 놀랐고 학교는

저의 마음을 사로잡았습니다 . 입학해 보니 목표를 같이 하는 일본

친구도 많이 생겼고 매일 보람있는 학교생활을 보내고 있습니다 .

츠지조리사전문학교에서 일본을 비롯한 각국의 요리를 공부해 보니

앞으로 요리를 평생 직업으로 하는데 어떠한 망설임도 없어졌습니

다 . 학교에서 배운 기술로 세계로 진출하려면 일본요리를 전문으로

하는 것도 좋지만 프랑스교에 가서 프랑스요리를 배우는 것도 좋을

것 같습니다 . 힘들기 하나 현재 학교생활에 매우 만족하며 , 요리에

관심이 있는 분들에게 츠지조리사전문학교를 적극 추천해주고 싶습

니다 .

When I'd just turned 20 I had no real idea of what I wanted to do for a living. Then my mother, who knows Japan very well, recommended that I take culinary studies in Osaka. On the campus open day, I saw TSUJI's schoolhouse, and it was so clean that I fell in love with the school instantly. To be honest, now that I'm enrolled in the Institute, it's hard work for me to keep up with the lessons, but I am truly satisfied with my school life here. If you are interested in culinary studies, I definitely recommend that you come to the Institute here. Having studied at TSUJI, I no longer have any doubts about spending the rest of my life as a chef. In the future, I think I would like to go overseas and advance my career as a chef cooking Japanese cuisine; however, studying at TSUJI's School in France is also a very attractive and exciting option!

전세계에서 통하는 기술을 습득 , 한국에서 오사카를 거쳐 해외로 진출 .

Aim to play an active role on the global stage through the acquisition of world-class skills!

辻調理師専門学校 調理技術マネジメント学科吳 榮峰(台灣)

辻製菓専門学校 製菓衛生師本科林 昀潔(台灣)


樣的點心 ! 這部日劇裡出現了許多非常精緻漂亮和有創意的點心,知



許多幸福感的點心是有那麼深奧的一面。啊 ! 現在、在學校所學的一




I became interested in confectionery preparation since watching a Japanese drama series, "Antique", which was shown on TV in Taiwan. I really wished that I could make desserts like the ones I saw on TV! I later found out that those beautiful and unique desserts appearing in the program were the creations of teachers at the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group. It took no time at all for me to decide to enroll in the TSUJI Institute of Pâ tisserie. I have made the change from consumer to producer! I never realized the complexities of sweet confectionery that makes everyone happy! Everything I learn at school now is so fascinating and new to me that I enjoy learning immensely. I am very interested in the lessons dealing with Japanese confectionery and bread. In the future, as a producer of memorable confectionery, I would like to offer people moments to remember.


The excitement of experiencing at first hand what I'd seen on television.

辻製菓専門学校 製菓衛生師本科

장 승환(한국)

일본에 건너오기 전에 한국에서 제과 , 제빵 학교를 졸업했습니다 .

하지만 뭔가 부족하다고 생각했었습니다 . 그것이 무엇인에 대한 답

을 이곳 츠지제과전문학교에 입학하고나서야 알게 되었습니다 . 그

것은 선생님들의 지도법이었습니다 . 언제나 먼저 확실하게 설명해

주시고 , 실습 수업을 시작하면 그 내용을 이해하고 몸에 익할 수 있

도록 선생님께서 항상 옆에서 가르쳐주십니다 . 그러므로 만드는 도

중에 어느 부분이 잘못되었는지 어떻게 하면 빠르고 정확하게 할 수

있는지 자세히 배울 수 있습니다 . 그리고 사용재료 , 실습환경 , 위

생관리가 철저하기 때문에 자신이 만든 상품에 자신을 가질 수 있습

니다 . 이곳 츠지조그룹의 선생님들은 뛰어난 파티쉐이기도 하면서

가르침의 프로들이라고 생각합니다 . 저는 언젠가 여기서 배운 지식

과 기술을 한국에도 전파하고 싶습니다 .

Prior to coming to Japan, I learnt bread-making skills in Korea. However, for some reason, I was not satisfied. After studying at TSUJI, I now know what I was missing. It was the teachers' teaching methods. Here at TSUJI, teachers explain the theory so well and then they allow students to put the theory into practice over and over. The teachers here oversee students until the students can bake bread properly and independently. The teachers inform the students during the process of where they have made a mistake, or what skills they are lacking. Hygiene control here is absolute. Moreover, the TSUJI teachers are true professional chefs, who are also professionals in teaching. In the future, I would like to teach in my own country the knowledge and skills which I have acquired here at TSUJI.

선생님의 기술과 지도력이 뛰어나다 ! 바로 가르침의 프로이다 .

I'm amazed at the high level of skill of the teachers! They are true professionals in teaching.









My parents run a Japanese restaurant and my elder brother graduated from the TSUJI Culinary Institute. It is the best-known school in Japan, located in Osaka, the capital of cuisine, but mainly, I was a big fan of the "Docchi-no Ryori Show," which was broadcast in Taiwan and which starred TSUJI's teachers. After I enrolled, I was surprised by the high level of facilities available to us! Moreover, all the students and teachers were so kind and friendly, and I enjoy myself every day. The reason I enrolled in the two-year Culinary Skills Management Course was that I wanted to learn about management, in addition to making myself proficient in culinary skills. In the future, I would like to run a restaurant specializing in "original cuisine", something which is very popular in Taiwan. After gaining a broad knowledge of the culinary art at the TSUJI Culinary Institute, I will go back and help at my parents' restaurant, in order to improve my acquired skills.


I entered the Institute following the recommendation of my brother, who graduated from TSUJI. I am convinced that it provides me with the best of learning environments!

Message from overseas students.

Acquire the power of CuisineThe world of cuisine and culinary arts you are about to step into has no such thing as a final destination. New chefs and new styles of cooking emerge every day with the change of times. In this world, once you are satisfied with the vast number of recipes you have mastered, you cease to grow. Put the other way around, even a single recipe can expand into countless others—ideas and creativity open up infinite possibilities. This is why the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group teaches not only recipes but also the skill of exploring recipes. We are here to help you grow into chefs and patissiers with a vision for realizing your great dream. Our methods and curricula do not strictly adhere to convention, because we aim for education that encourages you to acquire the power of cuisine.

TSUJI is a leading-edge learning environment.

Message from the Principal













요리의 힘을 키우기 위해

여러분들이 앞으로 걸어가려고 하는 ‘식( 食 )’ 세계에는 종착점

이라는 것이 없습니다. 시대의 변화와 더불어 새로운 스타일의

요리와 요리인이 지금 현재도 점점 탄생하고 있습니다. 아무리

많은 레시피를 외워도 거기서 만족해버리면 성장이 멈추는 세계

입니다. 반대로 단 하나의 레시피에서 파생하는 레시피는 무한

이고 스스로 생각하는 힘, 그리고 발상하는 힘만 있으면 가능성

이 무한하게 펼쳐집니다. 그래서 츠지조그룹은 단지 요리뿐만이

아니라 요리의 배우는 방법을 배우는 것을 중요시하고 있습니

다. 자신의 세계관을 단단히 가진 요리인과 파티시에로서 활약

하고 모든 꿈을 크게 이루어질 수 있기 위해서. 츠지조그룹은 지

금까지의 상식을 구애되지 않는 교육방법과 카리큘럼으로 요리

의 힘을 진정으로 배우기 위해 요리교육을 지향하고 있습니다.

Kitchens are not the only learning environment at TSUJI! There are PC booths on each floor, a library holding over 4,500 specialized volumes - we provide an attractive and supportive milieu in which to learn. We also offer a job placement search system for students and graduates. We continue to improve our educational environment, in response to the needs of our motivated students.

辻調グループ 校長 辻 芳樹

In spring 2016, the TSUJI Culinary Institute will have a new building providing the ideal setting for specialized learning and more advanced culinary education. Our fortified campus will continue to foster techniques needed by the changing times and society.

2016 年春,辻調理師專門學校誕生了新校舍。為了實現更高度的食品教育,完善了進行各門類深入學習的


2016 년봄 , 츠지조리사전문학교에 새로운 건물이 탄생됩니다 . 더 고도한 식( 食 ) 교육을 실현하기 위하여 각전문

장르의 배움을 깊게 하는 이상적인 환경이 설비됩니다 . 시대와 사회가 요구하는 기술을 양성하는 곳이 더욱더 업

그레이드될 겁니다 .




阪急 HANKYU←三ノ宮


For NARA奈良→

For NAGOYA名古屋→




For NAKAMOZU なかもず↓

For WAKAYAMAKANSAI Airport 和歌山・関西空港↓

KANSAIInternational Airport関西国際空港

For KYOTO京都→
























M20 T25





OSAKA International Airport(ITAMI)大阪国際空港(伊丹)






For NARA奈良→






M23/T27 天王寺  MIYAKO-HOTEL●天王寺 都ホテル ●近鉄百貨店





●KO-NAN コーナン





We hold Campus Open Days for those wishing to know more about the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group, and who would like to know how our students learn. During the Campus Open Day, you can watch, and listen, and experience exactly what it is like to study at the TSUJI Culinary Institute Group. You will experience cuisine and confectionery preparation in exactly the same style as an actual lesson, instructed by teachers who appear frequently in the media. There is also a consultation corner where we will answer any questions you may have. We therefore extend a warm welcome to you, and invite you to feel free to participate in our Campus Open Day. We are also happy to accept preliminary visits to our Institute at any time. Please contact us for details and to make an appointment.

본교에서는 ‘츠지조그룹을 좀더 알고 싶다’

‘어떻게 배우는지 궁금하다’ 고 하는 분들에

게 보고 듣고 느낄 수 있는 오픈 캠퍼스를 열

고 있습니다 . 대중매체에서 활약중인 선생님

께 실제 수업과 같은 방식으로 요리와 제과

제빵을 배울 수 있습니다 . 다양한 질문을 받

으며 설명해 드리는 상담실도 마련되어 있으

니 많이 참가해주십시오 . 또한 학교 견학접

수도 수시로 하고 있습니다 . 자세한 내용은

학교로 문의해 주시기 바랍니다 .









Would you like to participate in our Campus Open Day?학교 견학에 참가하세요 .


Important Note :

❶ 辻調理師専門学校 TSUJI Culinary Institute 3-16-11, Matsuzaki-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka-city, OSAKA, 545-0053 JAPAN +81-6-6624-1101

❷ 辻製菓専門学校 TSUJI Institute of Patisserie 3-9-23, Matsuzaki-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka-city, OSAKA, 545-0053 JAPAN

Ecole TSUJI Osaka Ecole TSUJI Tokyo

Château de I'Eclair France Lyon Château Escoffier

Toll Free : 0120-24-2418 (Tel&Fax)3-16-11, Matsuzaki-cho, Abeno-ku, Osaka-city, OSAKA, 〒 545-0053E-mail

General Entrance Information

Tel : 06-6629-0208 Fax : 06-6629-0909 Foreign Student Supporting Office

The Tsuji Culinary Institute Group (TSUJICHOU GURUUPU) is not the same as the “Tsuji Gakuen” located in Nakanoshima, Osaka. We, the Tsuji Culinary Institute Group, are the central body of a group including the Tsuji Culinary Institute in Abeno Osaka, Tokyo, and schools in France.The Tsuji Culinary Institute Group has no connection with the institution calling itself the "Tsuji Gakuen Culinary and Confectionery Vocational School (GAKKOU HOUJIN SANKOU GAKUEN TSUJI GAKUEN CHOURI SEIKA SENMON GAKKOU)". Please note these points in order to avoid confusion.

주 의‘츠지조그룹’ 은 츠지조리사전문학교를 중심으로 오사카 아베노 ( 오사카시 아베노구 ) 와 도쿄 , 그리고 프랑스에 있는 학교 그룹입니다 . ‘学校法人 三幸学園 辻学園調理・製菓専門学校’ 와 상관없는 학교입니다 .

請注意 !本校「辻調グループ」( 本部位於大阪市阿倍野區 ) 是以「辻調理師専門学校」為中心,與東京校、法國校相結合的學校集團。本校與「学校法人 三幸学園 辻学園調理・製菓専門学校」(大阪・中之島)沒有任何關係。


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