csu bakersfield feb 2016

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Welcome to Dinner & Moviesfor Mental Health

CSU BakersfieldThursday, February 11, 2016

Here’s the Plan

I. Quick introductionII. Set the stage togetherIII. Watch short films & discuss themIV. Make it personal with our panel

Brought to you by…

• Voter-approved (2004) millionaire’s tax

• $ all goes to mental health services

• Funds ~1,600 programs throughout the state

• SF-based nonprofit• Monthly film contest• Campus workshops• Online resources

www.ArtWithImpact.org• Instagram Contest



1.Mental health is personal

2.This is a public space

1.Films might be triggering…

What are some movies that address mental illness?

• One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest• It’s kind of a funny story• Shutter island• Country strong• I am Sam• A beautiful mind ( mental illness)• Radio• Frankie and Alice

How are mentally ill people portrayed in the media?

• They are outcasts• Lost• Unemployed• Friendless• Homeless• Abandoned

What is mental illness?• Empowering; try to obtain their own

normal• Lonely, hard to explain emotions to others• Unique, no one goes through the exact

same thing (lots of spectrums)• Need assistance, can’t do it alone

Mental health vs. Mental illness?• Treatment for mental illness can lead to

mental health• Mental health-state of well being• The environment (impacts)

GladysDirector: Jessica JonesWinner: December 2013

What is Stigma?• (She didn’t want to look weak)• It’s like a gap (social)- distance,

psychological• A negative association, neg labels• a judgment

How does stigma feel?• Hurtful• Constricting• Abandoned• Scapegoat• Isolating• Outcasted• Marked

Knuckle Sandwich Director: Bailey Donovan

Winner: April, 2012

Groups of 3• What did you FEEL?

• What did you THINK?

What did you think? What did you feel?Thoughts•Funny-the scenario,•Music, chaotic•Confusion (context?)•Fear of her hurting herself, confused about her destroying the kitchen•Abusive relationship, messed up mindset•Video was a metaphor for her feelings •(Kitchen-portrays how she felt inside)•She caught him cheating•He beat her up and told her to make him a sandwich

Feelings•Anxiety-sharp objects•Uncomfortable, suspicious, “some thing is wrong”•Anger

TresDirector: Mariana OsunaWinner: September 2014

What did you think? What did you feel?

Thoughts• relying on family in times of need•Disorientation is intentional (imagery, motif)

Feelings•Turmoil-questioning why?•Ominous-death and drowning•Inspired-conquering hardship•Relieved-hope•Empathy•Despair- chaotic, lost

What can I do?

•Panel will help to shed light on personal experiences, answer questions and concerns

•Explore available and accessible local mental health resources


Go Ahead – Be Political!

Voter-approved Prop. 63, the Mental Health Services Act, provides coordinated and comprehensive care to Californians with mental illness.

This act is by us, for us. Let’s make sure our voices are heard in Sacramento.

Speak Up!


Get involved in Art With Impact

• Instagram Campaign #strategies4strength

• Short Film Competitionhttp://www.artwithimpact.org/mental-health-films

• Vote for submitted films: www.artwithimpact.org/submitted-films

• Tell us what you thought of this event: www.artwithimpact.org/feedback

• Follow Art With Impact on Facebook:www.facebook.com/ArtWithImpact1

Meet the Panel• Nicole Dabbs, Student Representative• Jason Watkins, Disability Advisor, SSD• Kristen Morgan, Student Representative• Ruth Miles, Counselor, CSUB• Eric Lord, Counselor, CSUB• Ellen Eggert, Kern County Mental Health

• SALTKC.ORG (Save a Live)• Inspire at CSUB – Mental Health Awareness in MayCandle light event in October

Thank you for coming!

Please share your thoughts:


Contact: Friend@ArtWithImpact.org

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