cse 6007 fall2012

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Trimester: Fall 2012

Course Outlines

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof.. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)


Component Marks(%)

Attendance 5

Continuous Assessment - Class Test 10

Continuous Assessment - Project 15

Midterm 30

Final 40

Total 100

Reference Book

1. Design Patterns, by Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides

2. Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, By Martin Fowler

3. WCF 4.0 Multi-tier Services Development with LINQ to Entities By Mike Liu

Lecture 1

• Introduction to Design Pattern

• The strategy Design Pattern

Lecture 2

• Value Object pattern.

• The Decorator Design Pattern

• The Factory Design Pattern

Lecture 3

• The Observer Design Pattern

• The Singleton Design Pattern

• The Adapter Design Pattern

Lecture 4

• **** Class Test

• Registry design pattern

United International University (UIU) Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE)


• Dependency Injection Pattern

Lecture 5

• The Facade Design Pattern

• The Template Design Pattern

• Model-View-Controller

Lecture 6

• Mid-Exam

Lecture 7

• Enterprise Pattern


• Open and Close Multi-tier

Lecture 8

• The Composite Design Pattern

• The Visitor Design Pattern

• The Proxy Design Pattern

Lecture 9

• SOA Design pattern

• SOA in .NET

• Web services


• WCF: Windows Communication Foundation

Lecture 10

• **** Class Test

• Implementing a Basic WCF Service

• Creating a client to consume the WCF service

Lecture 11

• MVC3-Rajor

Lecture 12

• Project Demonstration

• Review

Lecture 13

• Final Exam


UIU Week 1, CSE 6087 1/23

United International University

Trimester: Fall 20012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. Dr. Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 1: Introduction and The strategy Design Pattern

Design Pattern

A design pattern is:

• a standard solution to a common programming problem. Some problems come up

over and over in object-oriented programming. A design pattern represents a

codified solution to a problem, an idiom that you can apply when you encounter it


• a shorthand for communicating design concepts. Design patterns provide a

vocabulary for sharing software designs with other programmers, both verbally

and in documentation and specifications. Rather than a wordy description like

“this class steps through a collection and returns one element at a time”, you can

just say “this class is an iterator.”

• a particular shape of object diagram, object model, or module dependency

diagram. Many patterns reveal themselves this way, often by reducing the degree

of coupling between components to make the design more amenable to change.

• The bible for design patterns is the so-called “Gang of Four” book, Design

Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, by Gamma, Helm,

Johnson, and Vlissides, which is a recommended course text.

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Example# 1

• Lets we have an old object and interface which takes old object

• After some time, interface has been changed and issue is how to handle the


• Design pattern gives the solution to this problem using adaptor pattern.

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Example# 2

• Lets you are designing a web site which has the following pages.

• There are a lot of interactions between pages and which makes the programming

complex. In that case a mediator design pattern provides a good solution.

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Kinds of Design Patterns

1. Architectural Patterns

An architectural pattern expresses a fundamental structural organization or

schema for software systems. It provides a set of predefined subsystems, specifies

their responsibilities, and includes rules and guidelines for organizing the

relationships between them.







Tier – Open / Close

2. Creational Patterns

• Creational design patterns are design patterns that deal with object creation

mechanisms, trying to create objects in a manner suitable to the situation.

• .Example:



Singleton pattern

Builder pattern

3. Structural patterns

• Structural design patterns are design patterns that ease the design by identifying a

simple way to realize relationships between entities.

• Example:


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Aggregate pattern

4. Behavioral patterns

• Behavioral design patterns are design patterns that identify common communication

patterns between objects and realize these patterns. By doing so, these patterns

increase flexibility in carrying out this communication.

• .Example:

Chain of responsibility



Riehle and Zullighoven make similar distinctions, but seem to partition the different

kinds of patterns among analysis, design, and implementation. They define the terms

conceptual patterns, design patterns, and programming patterns as follows:

1. Conceptual Patterns

A conceptual pattern is a pattern whose form is described by means of terms and

concepts from an application domain.

2. Design Patterns

A design pattern is a pattern whose form is described by means of software

design constructs, for example objects, classes, inheritance, aggregation and use-


3. Programming Patterns

A programming pattern is a pattern whose form is described by means of

programming language constructs

Qualities of a Pattern

A well written pattern should exhibit several desirable qualities and they are:

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• Encapsulation and Abstraction Each pattern encapsulates a well-defined problem and its solution in a particular


• Openness and Variability Each pattern should be open for extension or parametrization by other patterns so

that they may work together to solve a larger problem.

• Generativity and Composability Each pattern, once applied, generates a resulting context which matches the initial

context of one or more other patterns in a pattern language. These subsequent

patterns may then be applied to progress further toward the final goal of

generating a "whole" or complete overall solution.

• Equilibrium

Each pattern must realize some kind of balance among its forces and constraints.

This may be due to one or more invariants or heuristics that are used to minimize

conflict within the solution space. The invariants often typify an underlying

problem solving principle or philosophy for the particular domain, and provide a

rationale for each step/rule in the pattern.

Patterns and Algorithms

• Algorithms and data structures may be employed in the implementation of one or

more patterns, but algorithms and data structures generally solve more fine-

grained computational problems like sorting and searching.

• Patterns are typically concerned with broader architectural issues that have larger-

scale effects. The design patterns in [GoF] address people and development issues

like maintainability, reusability, communicating commonality and encapsulation

variation. These are issues that matter to the people who need to create and

evolve/grow these software systems over time.

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• Algorithms and data structures are usually concerned almost exclusively with

optimizing space or time or some other aspect of computational complexity and

resource consumption.

Patterns and Frameworks

One thing closely related to design patterns and object-orientation is a software


• A framework supplies the infrastructure and mechanisms that execute a policy for

interaction between abstract components with open implementations.

• A software framework is a reusable mini-architecture that provides the generic

structure and behavior for a family of software abstractions, along with a context

of memes/metaphors which specifies their collaboration and use within a given


• A framework is a set of cooperating classes that make up a reusable design for a

specific class of software. A framework provides architectural guidance by

partitioning the design into abstract classes and defining their responsibilities and

collaborations. A developer customizes a framework to a particular application by

subclassing and composing instances of framework classes.

Example – MVC framework

There are three major components of MVC:

• Model: Encapsulates core data and logic. Model is often related with the business

logic of the application. It knows all the data that needs to be displayed. It is

always isolated from the User Interface (UI) and the way data needs to be


• View: It is the UI part of the application. It uses read-only methods of the model

and queries data to display them to the end users. It may be a window GUI or a

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HTML page. View encapsulates the presentation of the data, there can be many

views of the common data

• Controller: It acts as a interacting glue between models and views. It accepts

input from the user and makes request from the model for the data to produce a

new view.

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The [GoF] book describes the major differences between design patterns and frameworks

as follows:

• Design patterns are more abstract than frameworks. Frameworks can be

embodied in code, but only examples of patterns can be embodied in code. A

strength of frameworks is that they can be written down in programming

languages and not only studied but executed and reused directly. In contrast,

design patterns have to be implemented each time they are used. Design patterns

also explain the intent, trade-offs, and consequences of a design.

• Design patterns are smaller architectural elements than frameworks. A typical

framework contains several design patterns but the reverse is never true.

• Design patterns are less specialized than frameworks. Frameworks always have a

particular application domain. In constrast, design patterns can be used in nearly

any kind of application. While more specialized design patterns are certainly

possible, even these wouldn't dictate an application architecture.

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Design Principles

• Encapsulate aspects of your application that vary

• Program to interfaces, not implementations

• Favor composition over inheritance

• Classes should be open for extension but closed for modification

• Strive for loosely coupled designs between objects that interact

• Depend upon abstraction, not concrete classes

Pattern Catalogs

A pattern catalog is a collection of related patterns (perhaps only loosely or informally

related). It typically subdivides the patterns into at least a small number of broad

categories and may include some amount of cross referencing between patterns.

Design Anti-Patterns

• A design anti-pattern is an example of design that initially appeared to be a good

idea, but later turned out to be a bad one.

• Anti-patterns are examples of bad design and bad coding practice. Examples of

object-oriented anti-patterns:

a) Creating massive classes with a huge number of methods.

b) Too many utility classes that perform too many operations. A utility class is

one that has only static methods, no state and which performs operations on

objects that are passed in.

• Significance of Design Anti-Patterns

Anti-patterns are useful for the same reason that patterns are useful, anti-patterns provide

a way to document and spot bad design and to (hopefully) provide remedies. It's a good

idea to know about anti-patterns so that your code doesn't use any, so that they can be

recognised the next time code is maintained and so that their impact can be appreciated at

the next code review. They should be identified as early as possible in the software life-

cycle as it's easier to re-design code than unpick its implementation.

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Criticisms of Patterns

• Some have criticized design patterns, pointing out that they don't provide reuse

nor do they differ significantly from other abstractions. The purpose of design

patterns is to capture commonality at the design level. Patterns can be reused once

implemented; however, as soon as the design is implemented, it has become

specific to the particular language and environment in which it will be deployed.

The implementation of a persistence layer pattern would be radically different on

a handheld device compared to one for a server environment. The pattern for

these two environments will have some elements in common and this

commonality can be reused at the design level. The pattern can then be

decomposed and refined, one for each environment, and the individual patterns

can be reused and implemented. The two patterns and the common part can then

be made publically available from the Portland Pattern Repository. Patterns and

their implementations compliment each other, however, one isn't a replacement

for the other and patterns are design-level entities.

• I've often thought design patterns were clever, but a toy when compared to reality.

I think in real systems we use thousands of different patterns and morph them and

hybridize them as we go. Building real software out of a few toy patterns is like

building a Lamborghini out of lego. I think what we really need then are ways to

dynamically discover the patterns we care about at a given moment, I think of it

as "data mining the code".

1. Strategy Pattern

• Behavioral Pattern

• Encapsulates an algorithm inside a class.

• Defines a family of interchangeable encapsulated algorithms that receives the

same input type and provides the same output type in different manners that can

be determined in run-time.

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Why do we need?

Consider the following basic design:

• Carry() is defined in base class and run() is overridden in the derived classes

as required.

• Suddenly you recognise that, as this is for worldwide cars, there are some

cars, which go for race.

• Only change required is to add a race() method in the base class so some

cars can go for the race.

• User starts the Demo with the above change , Some thing went horribly wrong:

"Taxi's started racing"

"RaceCar's started carrying passengers"

• Now code needs to be modified.

Modify Taxi Class - Race() to do nothing

Modify RaceCar Class -Carry() to do nothing

• But consider about ToyCar they do not race nor they do not Carry.

Create the ToyCar Class

- Race() to do nothing

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-Carry() to do nothing

• As long as new type of car's come, the more modification is required in base

class and derived classes (need to override code). This is the problem to

maintain the code. To solve this problem Strategy Design Patterns comes as a



• In order to solve the above problem we separate car class than car behavior i.e.

Separate the algorithm code from the class code.

• We use "Program to an interface, not an implementation” The interfaces can be designed as follows:

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• "Favor Composition over inheritance" The refined design is as follows:

• In Strategy design pattern : "Define a family of algorithms(strategies),

encapsulate each one, and make them interchangeable. Strategy lets the

algorithm vary independently from clients that use it.". Now look at the code level solution:

Public abstract class Car


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CarryBehaviour carryBehaviour;

RaceBehaviour raceBehaviour;

public Car()

{ }

public abstract void run();

public void race()




public void carry()




public void setraceBehaviour(RaceBehaviour rb)


raceBehaviour = rb;


public void setcarryBehaviour(CarryBehaviour cb)


carryBehaviour = cb;



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RaceBehaviour (Interface), RaceCar (Class) & RaceNoWay (Class):

public interface RaceBehaviour


public void race();


public class RaceCar implements RaceBehaviour


public void race()


system.out.println("I am racing");



public class RaceNoWay implements RaceBehaviour


public void race()


system.out.println("I can't race");



CarBehaviour (Interface), CarryPeople (Class) , NonCarrier (Class) &

CarryLoad (Class):

public interface CarryBehaviour


public void carry();


public class CarryPeople implements CarryBehaviour


public void carry()


system.out.println("I can carry only people");



public class NonCarrier implements CarryBehaviour


public void carry()


system.out.println("I can't carry");



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public class CarryLoad implements CarryBehaviour


public void carry()


system.out.println("I can carry only Load");



Car Class

Public class Taxi extends Car


public Taxi()


carryBehaviour = new CarryPeople();

raceBehaviour = new RaceNoWay(); }

public void run()


System.out.println("Running a Taxi");



Jeep Class

Public class Jeep extends Car


public Jeep ()


carryBehaviour = new CarryLoad();

raceBehaviour = new RaceNoWay();


public void run()


System.out.println("Running a Jeep");



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RaceCar Class

Public class RaceCar extends Car


public RaceCar ()


carryBehaviour = new NonCarrier();

raceBehaviour = new RaceCar(); }

public void run()


System.out.println("Going for Race");



ToyCar Class

Public class ToyCar extends Car


public ToyCar ()


carryBehaviour = new NonCarrier();

raceBehaviour = new RaceNoWay();


public void run()


System.out.println("Play with ToyCar ");



RentalCar Class

Public class RentalCar extends Car


public RentalCar ()


carryBehaviour = new CarryPeople();

raceBehaviour = new RaceNoWay();


public void run()


System.out.println("I am Rented Car");



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Small Demo

Public class WorldCarSimulator


public static void main(string[] args)


Car Ferrari = new RaceCar();


Ferrari.race(); Ferrari.run();

Car RoadRunnerTaxi = new Taxi();



//Changing the behaviour dynamically

RoadRunnerTaxi.setraceBehaviour(new RaceBehaviour());




• When new thing comes we change outside of the class i.e. when new algorithm

comes (behavior), we need to implement that new behavior in a new interface not

in class level and that behavior can set dynamically using set method.

• Any class change their behavior outside of the class e.g.

//Changing the behaviour dynamically

RoadRunnerTaxi.setraceBehaviour(new RaceBehaviour());


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Lab Work (C# or Java): The problem ('design smell') associated with this approach is simply the way we

are placing the implementation of the actions Eat() and MakeNoise() inside the concrete

classes. This doesn't exactly lead to a maintainable design. For example, suppose we

want to extend our animal kingdom by introducing an AllyCat class. An AllyCat might

have different implementations of Eat() (eating out of the trash), but still have the same

kind of MakeNoise() (moew) implementation. You might think, "well, we can just derive

from the concrete class Cat, and override the Eat() method with our own AllyCat.Eat()

implementation" and you're right, you can. However, extending behavior through

hierarchal inheritance should be avoided. Not only that, designs like this can lead to

duplicate code.

Instead, you should compose classes with isolated algorithm implementations.

The goal is to separate varying-code from non-varying code. A quick way to identify

non-varying code aspects of your classes is through "has-a" relationships. A Dog "has-a"

distinct eating behavior, a Cat "has-a" distinct eating behavior, an AllyCat "has-a"

distinct eating behavior, so on and so forth... From our classes and implementation, we

have noise behaviors and eating behaviors.

Provide a better solution for the above problem. You must provide the followings

in your answer.

a.) UML for your solution.

b.) Java/C# codes for the solution.

The Solution

The solution to basic problems is to implement a Strategy pattern. Consider the following


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And taking a peek in some of the Cat, Ally Cat and Dog code:

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All that we have done with this new architecture is delegate the "making noise" and

"eating" to behavioral classes that specifically handle the task. We have delegated control

to the behavioral classes. This is a much better extensible and coherent design and often

leads itself to better to code reuse.

Whenever we create classes that are composed of behavioral actions, we call these

compositions. Classes such as Dog, Cat, and AllyCat are compositions of behaviors and

gain their behavior through composition, not inheritance. Inheritance (like the previous

architecture) can lead to unintended consequences when fiddling with the superclass and

is more prone to breaking existing code.

*************** End of Week 1 **************

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United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. Dr. Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 1: Decorator and Factory Design Pattern

2. Decorator Design Pattern

• Structural Pattern

• Also known as wrapper.

• The Decorator Pattern is used for adding additional functionality to a particular

object as opposed to a class of objects. It is easy to add functionality to an entire

class of objects by subclassing an object, but it is impossible to extend a single

object this way. With the Decorator Pattern, you can add functionality to a single

object and leave others like it unmodified.


• Consider you have a following computer class with a description method:

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• After some time you need to add to the description method a disk:

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• You need again to modify the computer class again as follow:

• In this way if you need again and again modification to your class then it is

difficult to manage since you need to touch the actual class again and again.

• To solve the above problem, Decorator pattern comes as a rescue. The design

pattern suggests you to create a wrapper class and place the instance of the class

to the wrapper class and wrapper class allow you to add new functionality i.e.

changing the description method. In this way you do not need to modify the

computer class.

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In order to solve the above problem you can design the classes as follows:

• Here Monitor description method calls Disk description method and Disk

description method in turn call Computer method.

• How to code the above Decorator design pattern.

o Computer class which has a minimal description

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o We need a basis of Decorator class which is the abstract class as well as

the derived class from the main Computer class.

o When Disk come to the table then we can design Disk decorator as


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o Similarly if you need another Decorator e.g. CD then you can design that

as follows:

o Similarly if you need another Decorator e.g. Monitor then you can design

that as follows. Do not forget that in the constructor you can pass CD

object for Computer c parameter since CD is itself a Computer type.

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o The following way you can use the decorator patterns in the claient


o The output will be – You are getting a computer and a disk and a monitor

and a CD and a CD

• The idea behind a decorator pattern is that you can customize your objects by

adding multiple wrappers over and over again even the same wrapper twice or

more times.

• So using Decorator pattern you can customize your object each time using a

wrapper without modifying your codes.

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Decorator Applicability

• When you need to add responsibilities to individual objects

– dynamically and transparently, that is, without affecting other objects

– responsibilities that can be withdrawn

• when extension by subclassing is not practical

– large number of independent extensions are possible and would

produce an explosion of subclasses to support every combination

– a class definition may be hidden or otherwise unavailable for


Decorator Advantages

• Provide an alternative to subclassing.

• Responsibilities can be added / removed at run-time by attaching and detaching


• Providing different Decorator classes for a specific Component class lets you mix

and match responsibilities

• Easy to add a property twice

• Pay-as-you-go approach

o don't bloat, but extend using fine-grained Decorator classes

• Functionality can be composed from simple pieces

o thus, an application does not need to pay for features it doesn't use

• A fine-grained Decorator hierarchy is easy to extend

Decorator Disadvantages

• Lots of Little Objects

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o a design that uses Decorator often results in systems

o composed of lots of little objects that all look alike

o objects differ only in the way they are interconnected, not in their class or

in the value of their variables

o these systems are easy to customise by those who understand them, they

can be hard to learn and debug

Factory Design Pattern

• Creational Pattern - Provide an interface for creating families of related or

dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

• In OOP, the most common way to create an object is with the new operator, the

language construct provided to do just that. But in some cases, new can be

problematic. For instance, the creation of many kind of objects requires a series of

steps: i) you may need to compute or fetch the object’s initial settings; ii) you

might have to choose which of many sub classes to instantiate; iii) or perhaps you

have to create a batch of other helper objects before you can create the object you

need. In those cases, new is a “process” more than an operation—a cog

(component) in a bigger machine.

• In Factory Pattern we have the Problem : How can you create such “complex”

objects easily and conveniently—without cut-and-paste programming?

• The Solution to the above answer- Create a “factory”—a function or a class

method— to “manufacture” new objects.


• Consider a situation where we need a database connection depending on the

user’s choice:

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• In one way you can solve the above problem using the following function:

• In the above, OracleConnection, SqlServerConnection etc. need to be same class

as Connection which Factory Design Pattern Provides.

Solution from Factory Pattern

• You need a factory pattern to make the better solution for the above problem.

• In the Factory Pattern, a factory method defines what functions must be available

in the non-abstract or concrete factory. These functions must be able to create

objects that are extensions of a specific class. Which exact subclass is created will

depend on the value of a parameter passed to the function.

• The first version of the Factory class is as follows, The CreateConnection() is

called creational method. We need to make the Connection abstract class in order

to support CreateConnection() method of Factory Design Pattern

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• The above Factory class is used as follows:

• Now have a look how Factory Design Pattern provides the solution.

o Step 1: Abstract class of the class that Factory creates

o Step 2: All derived classes of the abstract class.

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o Step 3: The following way you can test the above factory design pattern.

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• So the idea here is that the code which changes a lot when design changes (in our

case CreateConnection()), extract that code and put into a Factory class and that

Factory is responsible to create objects.

4. The Value Object Pattern


• The intent of this pattern is to provide the way to implement data-types as

immutable classes so that their instances can be handled like built-in values. It is

architectural pattern.

• A value object is a small simple object, like a money or date range, whose

equality is not based on identity.

• You can have multiple copies of an object that represents the date 16 Jan 1998.

Any of these copies will be equal to each other. For a small object such as this, it

is often easier to create new ones and move them around rather than rely on a

single object to represent the date.

• A reference object is an object whose equality is based on its identity. Reference

objects are big in size e.g. customer, order etc.

• A general heuristic is that value objects should be entirely immutable. If you want

to change a value object you should replace the object with a new one and not be

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allowed to update the values of the value object itself - updatable value objects

lead to aliasing problems.

• In n-tier software architecture value object pattern is applied when data is

transferred from database to VO (value object tier).


Consider a tool box class in php which carries only nails.


class ToolBox


private $_nails;

public function getNails()


return $this->_nails;


public function setNails(Nails $nails)


$this->_nails = $nails;




class Nails


private $_quantity;

public function __construct($quantity)


$this->_quantity = (int) $quantity;


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public function add(Nails $nails)


$this->_quantity += $nails->count();


public function count()


return $this->_quantity;


private function __toString()


return (string) $this->_quantity;




$myToolBox = new ToolBox;

$yourToolBox = new ToolBox;

//Using twenty Nails

$twentyNails = new Nails(20);

//Start out with equal number of nails.



//Here's another 100 nails.

$yourToolBox->getNails()->add(new Nails(100));

echo "Your nails: {$yourToolBox->getNails()}<br/>";

echo "My nails: {$myToolBox->getNails()}<br/>";

You probably already noticed that problem is that we are both using the same Nails

object. In this case the problem may be easy to spot and avoid, but as your application

becomes bigger, preventing this type of mishap can save you a huge headache. Another

mayor benefit of using Value Objects is they enable you to encapsulate type-specific

operations. Martin Fowler does a great job at demonstrating this with his Money pattern,

which encapsulates the handling of rounding currency.

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The key to creating Value Objects is making them immutable. Because Value Objects’

equality don’t depend on their identity, simply creating a new object when the value

changes, accomplishes this using the following code:

public function add(Nails $nails)


return new Nails($this->_quantity + $nails->count());


//Here's another 100 nails.


$yourToolBox->getNails()->add(new Nails(100))


Lab Exercise

• Given the following code, complete the code for a BoatFactory class so it can be

used to create big and small boat objects:

public interface Boat {

int maxCapacity;

int topSpeed( )


class CruiseShip implements Boat { // big boat

int topSpeed( ) { return 20; }


class SpeedBoat implements Boat { // small boat

int topSpeed( ) { return 40; }


Boat myBigBoat = BoatFactory.

Boat mySmallBoat = BoatFactory.create(“small”);

public class BoatFactory {

static Boat create(String s) {

// your code here

if (s.equals(“big”))

return new CruiseShip( );

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else if (s.equals(“small”))

return new SpeedBoat( );


return null; // error



• Using the same code, use the Decorator design pattern to

i. Add a BoatDecorator class implementing the Boat interface

public class BoatDecorator implements Boat {

Boat b;

BoatDecorator (Boat b) { this.b = b; }

int topSpeed( ) { return b.topSpeed( ); }


ii. Create two BoatDecorators withBarnacle( ) and withTurboEngine( ) that

change the result returned by topSpeed( ) by –1 and +10, respectively

public class withBarnacle( ) extends BoatDecorator {

int topSpeed( ) { return b.topSpeed( ) - 1; }


public class withTurboEngine( ) extends BoatDecorator {

int topSpeed( ) { return b.topSpeed( ) + 10; }


Design Problem – Home work


You are working as part of team which is tasked with designing a security package. The

package is to be used as part of a university system to control access to system services.

The access control policy is based on the role a particular user plays. There are three

roles: Lecturer, Student, and Administrator. Table 1 presents the access rights for each role.

Administrator Student Lecturer

Install software *

Access network * * *

Submit coursework solution *

Publish coursework problem *

UIU Week 1, CSE 6087 18/19

Table 1 Access privileges

A member of your team has proposed an initial design which is shown in Figure 1. With

this design, the abstract superclass Operator is intended to be sub-classed with concrete

classes representing particular roles. The Operator class provides a default implementation

of the isAuthorizedTo() method which simply returns false. The concrete subclasses

override this method and depending on the String argument value, return true or false

indicating whether instances of the class have permission to do what is described by the

String argument. For example, calling isAuthorisedTo() with the argument “install software”

on an Administrator instance would return true; calling the method with the same argument

on a Student or Lecturer object would return false.

Figure 1 Initial design

The proposed design, however, suffers from a fundamental weakness. Within the

University, a single individual may play several roles. For example, one person might

play the Lecturer role and teach undergraduate students. The same person might also be

studying part time for a postgraduate degree. In this case, the person will require access

rights for both publishing coursework and submitting coursework. With the existing

design, a person can only be represented by an instance of one of the three concrete

subclasses and is therefore constrained to play a single role.

You raise this problem with your team. Another member responds and points out that the

problem is easily solved by creating additional subclasses to cater for all the

combinations of roles. Specifically, this means defining 3 additional subclasses:

LecturerAndStudent, LecturerAndAdministrator, and StudentAndAdministrator. To cater for an

individual playing all three roles, a further subclass LecturerAndStudentAndAdministrator

would be required.

You think about this suggestion for a moment and it doesn’t take you long to see that it’s

unattractive. First, it would be error-prone to maintain since if the access rights change

for one role, you will have to edit the source files for four classes. For example, adding a

new privilege for students, such as allowing them access to file sharing services (likely to

be used for sharing music files!) would involve editing the Student, LecturerAndStudent,

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StudentAndAdministrator and LecturerAndStudentAndAdministrator classes. It then occurs to

you that the problem would be exacerbated if at a later date you wanted to introduce a

new role, such as Secretary. To cater for all possible combinations now would require

many more subclasses. And what if further new roles needed to be accommodated after

that? Clearly the exponential growth in the number of concrete subclasses is


You air your thoughts to your team members. They are impressed by your analysis but

look to you for a solution. You quickly consider each of the design patterns you know

about, but none of them seem to tackle this seemingly generic problem. A brief search on

the Internet using Google with the terms “subclass explosion” and “design pattern”

returns a host of links which have in common the Decorator design pattern. The

Decorator pattern looks promising …

The task

Investigate the Decorator design pattern and apply it to develop an alternative design to

the access control problem. Your design should address the problems inherent in the

original design. The exam question will assess your understanding and application of the

pattern and thus requires that you do the necessary preparatory work prior to the exam.

*************** End of Week 2 **************

UIU Week 3, CSE 6087 1/15

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof.. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 3: The Observer Design Pattern, The Singleton Design Pattern, The Adapter

Design Pattern

5. The Observer Design Pattern

• Behavioral Pattern – The problem deals with “How can you alert (potentially)

many objects when a certain object’s state changes? Is there a scheme that’s

dynamic—one that allows interconnections to come and go as a script executes?

• The observer pattern is a software design pattern in which an object (called the

subject object) maintains a list of its dependents (called observers) and notifies

them automatically of any state changes, usually by calling one of their methods.

It is mainly used to implement distributed event handling systems.


• The Observer pattern defines an one-to-many dependency between a subject

object and any number of observer objects so that when the subject object

changes state, all its observer objects are notified and updated automatically.

• The Observer pattern essentially allows an unlimited number of objects to

observe or listen to events in the observed object (or subject) by registering

themselves. After observers are registered to an event, the subject will notify

them when the event is fired.

• The subject handles this by storing an observer collection and iterating

through it when the event occurs in order to notify each observer.

• Observer Pattern registers observers with a subject.

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• You might have multiple observers. Subject must keep a list of registered

observers and when event occurs it fires (provides notification) all registered


• Unregister also possible when we do not need any observer.

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UML class diagram

The following is class diagram of an observer pattern (Kremer 1998):


� Knows it observers

� Has any number of observer

� Provides an interface to attach and detaching observer object at run time


� Provides an update interface to receive signal from subject


� Store subject state interested by observer

� Send notification to it's observer


• Maintain reference to a ConcreteSubject object

• Maintain observer state

• Implement update operation

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6. The Adaptor Design Pattern

• Structural Pattern

• Adapters are used to enable objects with different interfaces to communicate

with each other.

• Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. It is

useful when we upgrade system

• Lets you have an interface class which fits in with a back end class.

• After some time, management upgrades the system and now the back end object

takes Acme object instead of Ace object.

• You can see from the above figure that after upgrade Ace object is not able to

plug into Backend object any more.

• So what do you do - you put an adaptor class in between interface and back end.

The adaptor helps interface to communicate with back end class i.e. adaptor

adapts one object to another receptacle object. This strategy is called adaptor

design pattern.

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• Lets we have an example of the adaptor design pattern as follows.

• We need an adaptor because Acme object which fits in with back end and Acme’s

object’s setFirstName and setLastName is supposed to be setName. Similarly,

Acme’s object’s getFirstName and getLastName is supposed to be getName. So,

we need an adaptor or converter to convert Ace object to Acme Object.

• In order to code the above we first code AceInterface and AceClassas follows.

AceClass is based on AceInterface.

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• Next we code AcmeInterface and AcmeClassas follows. AcmeClass is based on


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• Next we need to code AceToAcmeAdaptor and the code is as follows. The

construct of such class is as follows. Not that it accepts AceClass object in the

constructor and through adaptor it connects to AcmeClass.

• The code for such adaptor is

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• Now, we are going to do test the adaptor class. This is done through a test

program and it is given as follows.

• The output of the above test program is as follows:

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7. The Singleton Design Pattern

• Creational Pattern- Ensure a class only has one instance, and provide a global

point of access to it.

• Sometimes we want just a single instance of a class to exist in the system. For

example, we want just one window manager. And we want to ensure that

additional instances of the class cannot be created.


• Normally when you have a class and you create many instances of it then you get

many objects e.g.,

• But in the case of singleton design pattern we get one instantiated object for

many calls of getInstance() method instead of new e.g.,

• Example of Singleton Design pattern is implemented in the following database

class. Note that it private constructor. Only getInstance() method is used to create

single instance of the class.

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public class Database


private static Database singleObject;

private int record;

private String name;

private Database(String n) // Note private


name = n;

record = 0;


public static Database getInstance(String n) //



if (singleObject == null){

singleObject = new Database(n);


return singleObject;


public void editRecord(String operation)


System.out.println("Performing a " + operation +

" operation on record " + record +

" in database " + name);


public String getName()


return name;



• The testing of the singleton pattern is as follows:

public class TestSingleton


public static void main(String args[])


Database database;

database = Database.getInstance("products");

System.out.println("This is the " +

database.getName() + " databse.");

database = Database.getInstance("employees");

System.out.println("This is the " +

database.getName() + " databse.");



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• Output. Note that we did not get employees database here because of single


Singleton and multi-threading

• What if two threads concurrently invoke the instance() method? Any problems?

• When more than one threads pass through the get instance method of the single

pattern Database class then both thread see singleObject==null and both of them

create Database object and which is not desirable.

• To avoid concurrency problem we should redesign the following database class as


public class DatabaseSynchronized


private static DatabaseSynchronized singleObject;

private int record;

private String name;

private DatabaseSynchronized(String n)


name = n;

record = 0;


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public static synchronized DatabaseSynchronized

getInstance(String n)


if (singleObject == null){

singleObject = new DatabaseSynchronized(n);


return singleObject;


public void editRecord(String operation)


System.out.println("Performing a " + operation +

" operation on record " + record +

" in database " + name);


public String getName()


return name;



• The following class can be used to create the Singleton thread.

public class TestSingletonSynchronized implements Runnable


Thread thread;

public static void main(String args[])


TestSingletonSynchronized t = new



public TestSingletonSynchronized()


DatabaseSynchronized database;

database = DatabaseSynchronized.getInstance("products");

thread = new Thread(this, "second");


System.out.println("This is the " +

database.getName() + " database.");


public void run()


DatabaseSynchronized database =


System.out.println("This is the " +

database.getName() + " database.");



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Lab Practice

The code below shows a user list that sends out a message when users are

added. This list is watched by a logging observer that puts out a message when a

user is added. You are supposed to run this program in the lab and understand

observer patter (Do it in C#).



interface IObserver {

function onChanged($sender, $args);


interface IObservable {

function addObserver($observer);


class UserList implements IObservable {

private $_observers = array();

public function addCustomer($name) {

foreach( $this->_observers as $obs )

$obs->onChanged( $this, $name );


public function addObserver( $observer ) {

$this->_observers []= $observer;



class UserListLogger implements IObserver {

public function onChanged( $sender, $args ) {

echo( "'$args' notifies UserListLogger <br>" );


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class AuditLogger implements IObserver {

public function onChanged( $sender, $args ) {

echo( "'$args' notifies AuditLogger <br>" );



$ul = new UserList();

$ul->addObserver( new UserListLogger() );

$ul->addObserver( new AuditLogger() );

$ul->addCustomer( "Jack" );

$ul->addCustomer( "John" );


This code defines four elements: two interfaces and two classes. The IObservable

interface defines an object that can be observed, and the UserList implements that

interface to register itself as observable. The IObserver list defines what it takes to

be an observer, and the UserListLogger implements that IObserver interface.

The observable user list and the user list event logger

If you run this on the command line, you see this output:

'Jack' notifies UserListLogger

'Jack' notifies AuditLogger

'John' notifies UserListLogger

'John' notifies AuditLogger

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Home Work - 1 The code given in HomeWork3-1.rar has an adapter design pattern

demonstration. You are supposed to run this program in the lab and understand

observer patter.

Home Work - 2 Imagine you are designing a virtual world in which the following types of objects needed

to be inter-related: lamps, switches, outlets, and rooms. Assume the following semantics

for those objects:

a. A switch is either on or off and there is one switch per room.

b. When a switch is off, none of the outlets in the same room have power, but

when the switch is on all of them do.

c. A lamp may be plugged into exactly one outlet, and an outlet may have 0, 1,

or 2 lamps plugged into it.

d. A lamp is lit when it is plugged into an outlet that has power, and otherwise is


Q1. If you used the Observer pattern to relate those objects, please describe everything

that would happen (according to that pattern) when a lamp was plugged into a socket.

Q2. If you used the Observer pattern to relate those objects, please describe everything

that would happen (according to that pattern) when a switch was flipped from off to on.

Home Work - 3 What design pattern should you think of when you want to reuse an object but it has

the wrong interface? Give an example to support your answer.

Home Work - 4 “I am limited to how many database connections I can have. What design pattern helps

me limit the number of objects I can create?”

• You could use Singleton pattern where we only want one instance of the class.

After making the constructor private, you get one version of the class. – Give

example code to support the above.

• You can use the Singleton pattern to limit the number to X as well.- Give example

code to support the above.

*************** End of Week 3 **************

UIU Week 4, CSE 6087 1/6

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 4: Registry design pattern, • Dependency Injection pattern

8. Registry Design Pattern

• Behavioral Pattern – It’s generally considered “good form” to avoid the use of

global variables, objects are usually passed from one code segment to another as


• The problem with passing instances globally is that objects sometimes end up as

“tramp data,” passed into one function only to be passed again to another function

which truly needs the object. To make writing, reading, and consuming code

simpler, it’s best to minimize the number of different objects and consolidate

knowledge of how to get to a numerous of other widely-used objects into a single,

well-known object.

• How can you get references to objects through a single, well-known, object? The

Registry design pattern is like an “object phone book”—a directory—that stores

and retrieves references to objects.

• The Registry pattern can be useful, for example, if, for the bulk of your

application, you use the same database connection, but need to connect to an

alternate database to perform a small set of tasks every now and then. If your DB

class is implemented as a Singleton, this is impossible (unless you implement two

separate classes, that is)—but a Registry makes it very easy:

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class Registry {

private static $_register;

public static function add(&amp;$item, $name = null)


if (is_object($item) &amp;&amp; is_null($name)) {

$name = get_class($item);


elseif (is_null($name)) {

$msg = "You must provide a name for non-objects";

throw new Exception($msg);


$name = strtolower($name);

self::$_register[$name] = $item;


public static function &amp;get($name){

$name = strtolower($name);

if (array_key_exists($name, self::$_register)) {

return self::$_register[$name];


else {

$msg = "’$name’ is not registered.";

throw new Exception($msg);



public static function exists($name){

$name = strtolower($name);

if (array_key_exists($name, self::$_register)) {

return true;


else {

return false;




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// testing is at here

$db = new DB();Registry::add($db);

// Later on

if (Registry::exists(’DB’)) {

$db = Registry::get(’DB’);


else {

die(’We lost our Database connection somewhere. Bear with us.’);


9. Dependency Injection Pattern

• Behavioral Pattern – It is a technique that indicates to a part of a program which

other parts it can use, i.e. to supply an external dependency, or reference, to a

software component.

• In technical terms, it is a design pattern that separates behavior from

dependency resolution, thus decoupling highly dependent components.


public interface ICar {

public float getSpeed();

public void setPedalPressure(final float PEDAL_PRESSURE);


public interface IEngine {

public float getEngineRotation();

public void setFuelConsumptionRate(final float FUEL_FLOW);


The following shows a common arrangement with no dependency injection applied:

public class DefaultEngineImpl implements IEngine {

private float engineRotation = 0;

public float getEngineRotation() {

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return engineRotation;


public void setFuelConsumptionRate(final float FUEL_FLOW) {

engineRotation = …;



public class DefaultCarImpl implements ICar {

private IEngine engine = new DefaultEngineImpl();

public float getSpeed() {

return engine.getEngineRotation()*…;


public void setPedalPressure(final float PEDAL_PRESSURE) {




public class MyApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {

ICar car = new DefaultCarImpl();


float speed = car.getSpeed();

System.out.println("Speed of the car is " + speed);



In the above example, using the ICar interface, an engine instance is created by using the

IEngine interface in order to perform operations on the car. Hence, it is considered

highly-coupled, because it couples a car directly with a particular engine implementation.

In cases where the DefaultEngineImpl dependency is managed outside of the scope of

the car, the class of the car implementing the ICar interface must not instantiate the

DefaultEngineImpl dependency. Instead, that dependency is injected externally

The following shows a common arrangement dependency injection applied:

public class DefaultCarImpl implements ICar {

private IEngine engine;

public DefaultCarImpl(final IEngine engineImpl) {

engine = engineImpl;


public float getSpeed() {

return engine.getEngineRotation()*…;


public void setPedalPressure(final float PEDAL_PRESSURE) {


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public class CarFactory {

public static ICar buildCar() {

return new DefaultCarImpl(new DefaultEngineImpl());



public class MyApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {

ICar car = CarFactory.buildCar();


float speed = car.getSpeed();

System.out.println("Speed of the car is " + speed);



In the example above, the CarFactory class assembles a car and an engine together by

injecting a particular engine implementation into a car. This moves the dependency

management from the DefaultCarImpl class into the CarFactory class. As a

consequence, if the DefaultCarImpl needed to be assembled with a different

DefaultEngineImpl implementation, the DefaultCarImpl code would not be changed.

Framework-managed dependency injection

There are several frameworks available that automate dependency management

by delegating the management of dependencies. Typically, this is accomplished by a

container using XML or "meta data" definitions. Refactoring the above example to use an

external XML-definition framework:

<service-point id="CarBuilderService">


<construct class="Car">






/** Implementation not shown **/

public class MyApplication {

public static void main(String[] args) {

Service service =


ICar car = (ICar)service.getService(Car.class);


float speed = car.getSpeed();



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In the above example, a dependency injection service is used to retrieve a

CarBuilderService service. When a car is requested, the service returns an appropriate

implementation for both the car and its engine.

Lab Practice The code given in HomeWork4.rar has a registry design pattern

demonstration. You are supposed to run this program in C# or Java twice in the lab

to understand registry pattern. After first run there will be an object will be created

in object directory. And after second run the object will be retrieved from the file.

Home WOrk The code given in HomeWork4.rar has a dependency injection design pattern

demonstration. You are supposed to run program yesTest.php and noTest.php to

understand how to use dependency injection pattern.

*************** End of Week 4 **************

UIU Week 5, CSE 6087 1/15

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 5: Facade Design Pattern, Template Design Pattern, Model-View-Controller

10. The Façade Design Pattern

• Structural Pattern

• Provide a unified interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem.

• Façade defines a higher-level interface that makes the subsystem easier to


• It wraps a complicated subsystem with a simpler interface.

How it works

• Lets we have a difficult interface in one area of code and the other code only takes

simple interface.

• In the above case we use Façade design pattern to establish communication in

between of such code.

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Difference between Adapter and Facade

• Adapter pattern

o is used for providing an interface for incompatible classes.i.e Adapter

provides a different interface to its subjects.

o Adapter changes an object's interface and make it usable by another

objects .i.e the Adapter pattern changes the interface of one or more

classes into one interface that a client is expecting.

• Facade provides

o the simpler interface to the client.let us assume u have number of sub

systems and each one has exposed some interfaces.but all interfaces are

not required by the client.so what we do make one interface top of the

subsystems i.e facade.

o In Facade we wraps multiple objects.

o Facade is the simpler interface of the complex sub systems

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UML Diagram

As told Façade is seen as the simpler interface of the complex sub systems and the UML

is as follows.


Consider an example of a Library. Where people borrow and returns books.

In our example we have

Facade : Facade

Subsystem classes : Book ,Shelf , Person

class program


internal class Book


internal string FindBook()


return "Subsystem for Book, Method FindBook\n";


internal string Returned()


return "Subsystem for Book, Method Returned\n";



internal class Shelf


internal string AssignBook()


return "Subsystem for Shelf, Method AssignBook\n";


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internal string PlaceBook()


return "Subsystem for Shelf, Method PlaceBook\n";



internal class Person


internal string Return()


return "Subsystem For Person, Method Return\n";


internal string Borrow()


return "Subsystem For Person, Method Borrow\n";



public static class Facade


static Book book = new Book();

static Shelf shelf = new Shelf();

static Person person = new Person();

public static void ReturnBook()


Console.WriteLine("ReturnBook 1\n" +

person.Return() +




public static void BorrowBook()


Console.WriteLine("BorrowBook 1\n" +

book.FindBook() +





static void Main()


Facade.BorrowBook(); //two interfaces as described in the

problem before





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Above was very simple demonstration of using a facade design pattern. The role of above

example was to provide an easier interface for different high-level views of subsystems

whose details are hidden from users.Everything in the façade has to be public so that the

Client, which is compiled into a different assembly, can access it. In library example we

have different subsystems and using facade we give very simple interface to client.


• Structuring a system into subsystems helps reduce complexity

• Subsystems are groups of classes, or groups of classes and other subsystems

• The interface exposed by the classes in a subsystem or set of subsystems can

become quite complex

• One way to reduce this complexity is to introduce a facade object that provides a

single, simplified interface to the more general facilities of a subsystem

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11. The Template Design Pattern

• Behavioral Pattern

• It is used to set up the outline or skeleton of an algorithm (a sequence of

actions), leaving the details to specific implementations later. This way,

subclasses can override parts of the algorithm without changing its overall


• The Template Design Pattern is perhaps one of the most widely used and

useful design pattern.


• In Template Design Pattern you will have a base class and that will have a

template method which is go in the following example. The template method will

have series of methods which make the outline of an algorithm. The inheriting

classes may override the methods which are in the template method. The template

method is final one.

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• In the above example we create robots using the template go method. We may

create car robot and cookie robot using the above template design pattern. The

code is as follows.

• At first make the abstract class as our base class.

public abstract class RobotTemplate {

public final void go() {







public void start() {



public void getParts() {

System.out.println("Getting parts....");


public void assemble() {



public void test() {



public void stop() {




• Next two inheriting classes. Here overriding methods are provided for specific

robot building.

public class AutomotiveRobot extends RobotTemplate


private String name;

public AutomotiveRobot(String n)


name = n;


public void getParts()


System.out.println("Getting a carburetor....");


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public void assemble()


System.out.println("Installing the carburetor....");


public void test()


System.out.println("Revving the engine....");


public String getName()


return name;



public class CookieRobot extends RobotTemplate


private String name;

public CookieRobot(String n)


name = n;


public void getParts()


System.out.println("Getting a flour and sugar....");


public void assemble()


System.out.println("Baking a cookie....");


public void test()


System.out.println("Crunching a cookie....");


public String getName()


return name;



• In the last we provide test program to test the template.

public class TestTemplate

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public static void main(String args[])


AutomotiveRobot automotiveRobot =

new AutomotiveRobot("Automotive Robot");

CookieRobot cookieRobot = new CookieRobot("Cookie


System.out.println(automotiveRobot.getName() + ":");



System.out.println(cookieRobot.getName() + ":");




Customizing – Conditional Template

• You can provide conditional methods in the template method of the base class so

that algorithm does not need to take all the methods. Example is given as follows.

Here testOK() method controls whether we need or not test() method.

public abstract class RobotHookTemplate {

public final void go()


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if (testOK()){





public void start()




public void getParts()


System.out.println("Getting parts....");


public void assemble()




public void test()




public void stop()




public boolean testOK()


return true;



• CookieRobotHook which do not need test() method.

public class CookieHookRobot extends RobotHookTemplate


private String name;

public CookieHookRobot(String n)


name = n;


public void getParts()


System.out.println("Getting a flour and sugar....");


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public void assemble()


System.out.println("Baking a cookie....");


public String getName()


return name;


public boolean testOK()


return false;



12. Model-View-Controller Design Pattern

• Architectural design pattern

• Model-View-Controller (MVC) is a classic design pattern often used by

applications that need the ability to maintain multiple views of the same data.

• The MVC pattern hinges on a clean separation of objects into one of three

categories — models for maintaining data, views for displaying all or a portion of

the data, and controllers for handling events that affect the model or view(s).

• MVC is a pattern to decouple your UI (presentation layer) from your model

(domain layer). Layering is an approach to decouple subsystems in general (and

much more). MVC is basically a recipe to enable proper layering.

How It Works

The MVC abstraction can be graphically represented as follows. Events typically cause a

controller to change a model, or view, or both. Whenever a controller changes a model’s

data or properties, all dependent views are automatically updated. Similarly, whenever a

controller changes a view, for example, by revealing areas that were previously hidden,

the view gets data from the underlying model to refresh itself.

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We explain the MVC pattern with the help of a simple spinner component which

consists of a text field and two arrow buttons that can be used to increment or decrement

a numeric value shown in the text field.

3-tier Multi-tier Architecture

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• The spinner’s data is held in a model that is shared with the text field.

• The text field provides a view of the spinner’s current value.

• Each button in the spinner attached to an action listener that eventually handles

that event. Depending on the source of the event, the ultimate action listener

either increments or decrements the value held in the model. The action listener is

an example of a controller.

The trampolines that initially receive the action events fired by the arrow buttons, are also

controllers — However, instead of modifying the spinner’s model directly, they delegate

the task to a separate controller (action listener).

Lab Exercise MVC VS MVP

In MVP, the Presenter contains the UI business logic for the View. All invocations from

the View delegate directly to Presenter. The Presenter is also decoupled directly from the

View and talks to it through an interface. This is to allow mocking of the View in a unit

test. One common attribute of MVP is that there has to be a lot of two-way dispatching.

For example, when someone clicks the "Save" button, the event handler delegates to the

Presenter's "OnSave" method. Once the save is completed, the Presenter will then call

back the View through its interface so that the View can display that the save has

completed. The key differences between the patterns:

MVP Pattern

• View is more loosely coupled to the model. The presenter is responsible for

binding the model to the view.

• Easier to unit test because interaction with the view is through an interface

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• Usually view to presenter map one to one. Complex views may have multi


MVC Pattern

• Controller are based on behaviors and can be shared across views

• Can be responsible for determining which view to display

MVP the View is in charge.

The View, in most cases, creates it's Presenter. The Presenter will interact with the model and

manipulate the View through an interface. The View will sometimes interact with the Presenter,

usually through some interface. This comes down to implementation, do you want the View to call

methods on the presenter or do you want the View to have events the Presenter listens to. It boils

down to this: The View knows about the Presenter. The View delegates to the Presenter.

MVC the Controller is in charge.

Controller is created or accessed based on some event/request, the controller then interacts with

the Model to further configure the View. It boils down to: Controller creates and manages View,

View is slave to Controller. View does not know about Controller.

An example of MVC and MVP is provided in MVC-MVP.rar

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HW-3 ABC Company stored data about employees (e.g., name, age, address) in two

areas - one is in an excel file (abc.xls) and the other is in a text file (abc.txt). You are

hired to write a program to process ABC’s employees. Here process means – reading data

from file and printing names of each file. Write a program (in java or C#) using template

design pattern for ABC to process employees’ data.

Hints: You need one abstract class where process template method exists and two sub

classes – one for text file processing and the other is excel file processing. The process

template method shall contain two steps – readData() and printData().

*************** End of Week 5 **************

UIU Week 7, CSE 6087 1/1

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 6: Mid Exam

*************** End of Week 6**************

UIU Week 7, CSE 6087 1/29

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 7: Enterprise Pattern, SOAP, Multitier Architecture

Enterprise Design Pattern

• Design patterns which are used mostly for Enterprise Application Architecture are

known as Enterprise Design Pattern.

• Enterprise Design patterns are introduced in Core J2EE Patterns, the patterns deal with

presentation, and application logic.

Examples of Enterprise design Pattern

Base Patterns Command: - An object encapsulates everything needed to execute a method in another


Registry: This pattern is useful for making data available to all classes in a process.

Through careful use of serialization, it can also be used to store information across a

session or even across instances of an application.

Web Presentation Patterns:

Front Controller: A controller that handles all requests for a Web site.

Application Controller: A centralized point for handling screen navigation and the flow

of an application

Template View: Renders information into HTML by embedding markers in an HTML


Page Controller: An object that handles a request for a specific page or action on a Web

site. Lighter weight but less flexible than Front Controller, Page Controller addresses

the same need. Use this pattern to manage requests and handle view logic if you want

fast results and your system is unlikely to grow substantially in complexity.

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Domain Logic Patterns

Transaction Script When you want to get things done fast, with minimal up-front

planning, fall back on procedural library code for your application logic. This pattern

does not scale well. This pattern Organizes business logic by procedures where each

procedure handles a single request from the presentation.

Domain Model: An object model of the domain that incorporates both behavior and data.

13. Command Design Pattern

• Behavioural Pattern -An object encapsulates everything needed to execute a

method in another object

• When two objects communicate, often one object is sending a command to

the other object to perform a particular function. The most common way to

accomplish this is for the first object (the "issuer") to hold a reference to the

second (the "recipient"). The issuer executes a specific method on the

recipient to send the command.


• Let we have two set of objects i.e. command issuer and receiver as follows.

Crisis centre issues command to the server to keep it up. There are set

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commands which crisis centre can execute on servers. Command design pattern

work on this example.

Set of commands forms command object in crisis centre which communicate to

servers. Such objects are shown below.

Servers are called receivers and Crisis centre is called invoker here. Coding starts

with the interface of receiver as follows.

public interface Receiver


public void connect();

public void diagnostics();

public void reboot();

public void shutdown();

public void disconnect();


Servers implements the interface as follows.

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public class AsiaServer implements Receiver


public AsiaServer()



public void connect()


System.out.println("You're connected to the Asia server.");


public void diagnostics()


System.out.println("The Asia server diagnostics check out OK.");


public void shutdown()


System.out.println("Shutting down the Asia server.");


public void reboot()


System.out.println("Rebooting the Asia server.");


public void disconnect()


System.out.println("You're disconnected from the Asia server.");



public class EuroServer implements Receiver


public EuroServer()



public void connect()


System.out.println("You're connected to the Euro server.");


public void diagnostics()


System.out.println("The Euro server diagnostics check out OK.");


public void shutdown()


System.out.println("Shutting down the Euro server.");


public void reboot()


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System.out.println("Rebooting the Euro server.");


public void disconnect()


System.out.println("You're disconnected from the Euro server.");



public class USServer implements Receiver


public USServer()



public void connect()


System.out.println("You're connected to the US server.");


public void diagnostics()


System.out.println("The US server diagnostics check out OK.");


public void shutdown()


System.out.println("Shutting down the US server.");


public void reboot()


System.out.println("Rebooting the US server.");


public void disconnect()


System.out.println("You're disconnected from the US server.");



Interface for command is as follows.

public interface Command


public void execute();

public void undo();


All commands implementations are as follows.

public class ShutDownCommand implements Command

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Receiver receiver;

public ShutDownCommand(Receiver r)


receiver = r;


public void execute()







public void undo()









public class RunDiagnosticsCommand implements Command


Receiver receiver;

public RunDiagnosticsCommand(Receiver r)


receiver = r;


public void execute()







public void undo()


System.out.println("Can't Undo.");




public class RebootCommand implements Command


Receiver receiver;

public RebootCommand(Receiver r)

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receiver = r;


public void execute()







public void undo()









At last step we create invoker to test our command design pattern. Invoker loads


public class Invoker


Command commands[] = new Command[5];

int position;

public Invoker()


position = -1;


public void setCommand(Command c)


if (position < commands.length - 1){


commands[position] = c;

} else {

for (int loopIndex = 0; loopIndex < commands.length - 2;


commands[loopIndex] = commands[loopIndex + 1];


commands[commands.length - 1] = c;



public void run()




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public void undo()


if (position >= 0){






The testing of the above command design pattern is as follows:

public class TestCommands


public static void main(String args[])


TestCommands t = new TestCommands();


public TestCommands()


Invoker invoker = new Invoker();

// Create the receivers

AsiaServer asiaServer = new AsiaServer();

EuroServer euroServer = new EuroServer();

USServer usServer = new USServer();

//Create the commands

ShutDownCommand shutDownAsia = new ShutDownCommand(asiaServer);

RunDiagnosticsCommand runDiagnosticsAsia = new


RebootCommand rebootAsia = new RebootCommand(asiaServer);

ShutDownCommand shutDownEuro = new ShutDownCommand(euroServer);

RunDiagnosticsCommand runDiagnosticsEuro = new


RebootCommand rebootEuro = new RebootCommand(euroServer);

ShutDownCommand shutDownUS = new ShutDownCommand(usServer);

RunDiagnosticsCommand runDiagnosticsUS = new


RebootCommand rebootUS = new RebootCommand(usServer);









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UML Class Diagram

UIU Week 7, CSE 6087 10/29

The classes and/or objects participating in this pattern are:


• declares an interface for executing an operation

ConcreteCommand (ServerCommand)

• defines a binding between a Receiver object and an action

• implements Execute by invoking the corresponding operation(s) on Receiver

Client (CommandApp)

• creates a ConcreteCommand object and sets its receiver

Invoker (User)

• asks the command to carry out the request

Receiver (Server)

• knows how to perform the operations associated with carrying out the request.

Multi-tier Computing

• The J2EE platform is an implementation of the concept of Multi-tie computing.

• Multi-tier is a distributed software architecture in which systems are divided into

autonomous processes, where a client sends requests to a server and that server

sends responses as an answer to the request to that client.

• Multi-tier is a concept that will distribute the autonomous processes over clients

and servers, based on the suitability for the task of those clients and servers.

Figure : Client/Server roles

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• As can be seen clearly from the figure above, it is possible that a server can

be the client of another server. In general there is no clear distinction

between clients and server besides a concrete request.

• In a large distributed system almost every client is a server and every server

is also a client.

14. Multi-tier logical layering

• In Multi-tier computing software are divided in logical layers.

• A layer is a reusable portion of code that performs a specific function.

• Each layer in the software is responsible for a specific task in the application.

The logical layering of an application does not need to be the same as the

physical layering of an application.


In theory we distinguish 6 layers in software, as shown in figure below.

Figure : Software layering

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1) Presentation manager

• A presentation manager displays the user interface. The presentation

manager is responsible for the look and feel of an application: it defines how

something is displayed to the user. It is also responsible for the infrastructure

of user interface elements that are possible in an application. The user

interface elements are not limited to text and controls , but also include

things as graphics, sound, animation and movies. A presentation manager is

not application dependent. All applications can use the same presentation


• In some operating systems there is a clean distinction between a presentation

manager and the operating system itself (e.g. Linux/Unix with X-Windows)

and a user can choose which presentation manager (s)he will use for the

application (this choice is of course limited by the required user interface

elements). Other operating systems only offer one presentation manager

which is integrated with the operating system (e.g. Microsoft Windows).

2) Presentation logic

• The presentation logic layer is responsible for what is displayed to the user. It

defines which screens are displayed, when they are displayed, which

navigation paths exist between screens, which fields to display etc.. The

presentation logic layer is application dependent.

3) Application logic

• The application logic layer contains the actual application logic. This is the layer

where the application functionality is defined. The application logic layer is

application dependent.

• In practice, this layer is the least recognizable of all layers. This layer is typically

spread over all other layers whith most of its logic ending up in the presentation

logic layer.

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4) Business logic

• The business logic layer contains the business rules of an organization. All the

business rules should be shared between all the applications of the

organization. This will ensure that changes in business rules will propagate

through all the organization's applications. This layer is not application

dependent but organization dependent.

5) Database logic

• The database logic layer contains the data dictionary of the application. It

describes the tables, their columns, data types, primary and secondary keys.

6) Database manager

o This layer is responsible for the actual storage of data. This layer can be

application dependent but most of the time it is not. Most of the time the

database manager is a commercial off-the-shelve application, which is able to

manage many applications. For very simple applications the database

manager and the operating file system are the same (persistence).

o In practice, the database logic layer and the database manager layer are

almost always one layer. Most database managers generate the physical

storage facilities of the data on the basis of a database logic written in SQL.

Whenever we speak of "database" in this tutorial we mean the integrated

database logic / database manager layer.

Multi-tier physical layering

o A physical layer is called a tier. A tier is for all practical purposes and

considerations the same as a process.

o When creating a distributed Multi-tier system there are several strategies on

can use to divide the logical layers over processes, ranging from all layers on

their own process to all layers in one process (which of course is not

distributed anymore). One can even choose to implement one layer in

multiple processes.

o In the past, several strategies were implemented with different degrees of

success. In the next paragraphs several tier-models are introduced. Note that

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different books may use some different definitions, although they are always



A 1-tier application is an application in which all 6 logical layers are in 1 physical

layer as shown in the picture below.

Figure: 1-tier

o A 1-tier application is of course not a distributed application but it is

mentioned here for completeness only.

o Most applications known to end users are 1-tier applications. Examples of 1-

tier applications are Microsoft Word, Open Office Writer.

o But other applications which fall in this category are all kinds of databases

that use file sharing mechanisms to achieve multi-user databases like

Microsoft Access. They look like multi-tier applications but are in fact 1-tier



o A 2-tier application is an application in which the 6 layers are divided over 2


o As you can see, below are the three most used variants of that division. The

first (left column) one is called 2-tier with a thin client. The client is called thin

because the only thing the client manages is the presentation of the

application. Everything else is done at the server tier. The third (right column)

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one is called 2-tier with a thick client. It is called thick because it includes the

presentation logic and the application logic as part of its client tier. The

second variant (middle column) is just the intermediate form of the two


Figure 2-tier with thin, normal or thick client

o A 2-tier application is quite common. Most database driven application built in

the 1980's are 2-tier applications.

o Typical examples of a thin or intermediate client application are all application

that use dumb terminals or X-Windows terminals. Typical examples of thick

client applications are those applications written in

o C++ or Visual Basic that require the installation of a JDBC or ODBC

driver/datasource which connects directly to a database.

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o A 3-tier application is an application in which the 6 layers are divided over 3

processes. The figure just shows the 2 most common variants, although other

variants do exist.

o The first (left column) one is the thin client. The second (right column) is the

thick client version. The distinction of the tiers is the same as with the 2-tier


o A 3-tie application is also common as the technology matured enough in the


o Typical examples of a thin client 3-tier application are most web based

applications. They consist of a client tier that uses a web browser, a server

tier with a web server and some CGI based technology (or something very

similar) and a data tier with a relational database. Typical examples of thick

client applications are applications that use technologies as CORBA and


Figure: 3-tier, with a thick or thin client

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o As the name implies an n-tier application is an application in which the 6

layers are divided over an unknown number of tiers.

o Practice has shown that not every combination is successful. The figure below

shows the 2 most common variants. The first (left column) has a thin client

tier and a thin presentation tier (this can be seen in X-Window applications,

where the actual output and the presentation logic can live on different

machines), a thick business tier and a data tier. The second (right column)

has a thin client tier, a thick presentation tier and a data tier.

Figure: n-tier

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o n-Tier applications started in the late 1990's to appear. Typical examples of

the thick presentation n-tier applications are application build based on

component technologies as DCOM and J2EE. It is the J2EE variant which we

will be discussing in the remainder of the tutorial.

Advantages of Multi-Tier Architecture

Software applications are constructed with multi-tier architecture methodology

for many a reasons. Foremost, is the ability to provide the optimal amount of

“scalability” to the system and allow any of the tiers to be upgraded, replaced, or

interchanged independently.

o At some point in a software system, there is the inevitable “Change”. This

change can come in the form of a functionality change, a functionality

enhancement, a completely new module, or even a hardware infrastructure

enhancement and so on. In any case, changes can occur during the initial

development or after the first version is complete. Thus it becomes

mandatory to have the architecture of the system designed from the

beginning as “multitiered”. This will help us to minimize the impact on the

system when implementing any change to any layer.

o As a result of having the source code organized into multiple tiers, debugging

and maintaining your application as a whole will be easier. The organization

will allow for you as a developer (or any other developers you might be

working with) to easily locate specific sections where an exception is

occurring or where a change needs to be implemented.

o If the system does not implement a well-structured architecture, your

application will be prone to defects and bugs; this will also make any type of

upgrades or enhancements difficult and time-consuming to execute. The

system will not be very scalable, which will result in a poor application.

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• SOAP allows the creation of Web services, which are standardized computing

resources that take input from across a network and respond in an advertised way.

• SOAP is a specification for extensible markup language (XML) messages that

travel between endpoints. It is a way for software programs to invoke other

software programs (or parts of them) over the network.

• SOAP is a lightweight protocol for exchange of information between tiers of an

enterprise application.

• WSDL is an XML format for describing SOAP opeartions. In SOAP a client is a

script that uses a Web Service and Server is defined as a script that provides a

Web Service.

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• WSDL stands for Web Services Description Language. WSDL is an XML-based

language for describing Web services and how to access them.

• WSDL is also used to locate Web services.

• A WSDL document describes a web service using these major elements:

Element Defines

<types> The data types used by the web service

<message> The messages used by the web service

<portType> The operations performed by the web service

<binding> The communication protocols used by the web service

The main structure of a WSDL document looks like this:



definition of types........



definition of a message....



definition of a port.......



definition of a binding....



A WSDL document can also contain other elements, like extension elements, and a

service element that makes it possible to group together the definitions of several web

services in one single WSDL document.

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WSDL Example

This is a simplified fraction of a WSDL document:

<message name="getTermRequest">

<part name="term" type="xs:string"/>


<message name="getTermResponse">

<part name="value" type="xs:string"/>


<portType name="glossaryTerms">

<operation name="getTerm">

<input message="getTermRequest"/>

<output message="getTermResponse"/>



In this example the <portType> element defines "glossaryTerms" as the name of a port, and

"getTerm" as the name of an operation.

The "getTerm" operation has an input message called "getTermRequest" and an output message

called "getTermResponse".

The <message> elements define the parts of each message and the associated data types.

Compared to traditional programming, glossaryTerms is a function library, "getTerm" is a

function with "getTermRequest" as the input parameter, and getTermResponse as the return


Operation Types

The request-response type is the most common operation type, but WSDL defines four types:

Type Definition

One-way The operation can receive a message but will not return a


Request-response The operation can receive a request and will return a response

Solicit-response The operation can send a request and will wait for a response

Notification The operation can send a message but will not wait for a


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Request-Response Operation

A request-response operation example:

<message name="getTermRequest">

<part name="term" type="xs:string"/>


<message name="getTermResponse">

<part name="value" type="xs:string"/>


<portType name="glossaryTerms">

<operation name="getTerm">

<input message="getTermRequest"/>

<output message="getTermResponse"/>



In the example above, the port "glossaryTerms" defines a request-response operation called


The "getTerm" operation requires an input message called "getTermRequest" with a parameter

called "term", and will return an output message called "getTermResponse" with a parameter

called "value".

WSDL Bindings

WSDL bindings defines the message format and protocol details for a web service.

Binding to SOAP

A request-response operation example:

<message name="getTermRequest">

<part name="term" type="xs:string"/>


<message name="getTermResponse">

<part name="value" type="xs:string"/>


<portType name="glossaryTerms">

<operation name="getTerm">

<input message="getTermRequest"/>

<output message="getTermResponse"/>



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<binding type="glossaryTerms" name="b1">

<soap:binding style="document"

transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" />


<soap:operation soapAction="http://example.com/getTerm"/>

<input><soap:body use="literal"/></input>

<output><soap:body use="literal"/></output>



The binding element has two attributes - name and type.

The name attribute (you can use any name you want) defines the name of the binding, and the

type attribute points to the port for the binding, in this case the "glossaryTerms" port.

The soap:binding element has two attributes - style and transport.

The style attribute can be "rpc" or "document". In this case we use document. The transport

attribute defines the SOAP protocol to use. In this case we use HTTP.

The operation element defines each operation that the port exposes.

For each operation the corresponding SOAP action has to be defined. You must also specify how

the input and output are encoded. In this case we use "literal".

Lab Work


Connectivity between applications is very important. Connectivity in any case is very

important for that matter but it specially is very important between applications.

Connecting web application used to be a big challenge before the advent of technologies

like SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). The reason it was so difficult was, there

were so many technologies people were working in. The applications were hosted on

different types of servers, etc. But these things should not be a barrier to facilitate the

communication between applications. The only requirement was to have some standards

to follow and standard ways of doing things so that the applications become capable of

communicating with other applications irrespective of the technologies used.

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SOAP and Web Services

SOAP and XML created the solution for the problem that developers were facing before.

SOAP is a standard XML based protocol that communicated over HTTP. We can think of

SOAP as message format for sending messaged between applications using XML. It is

independent of technology, platform and is extensible too.

We have SOAP and XML to give us connectivity between applications. Does it mean

that I have to write XML and SOAP specific things myself to facilitate this

communications? I could do that but that will be very time consuming and sometimes

error prone too.

Where does Web Services come in picture? Well, Web services is the mechanism that

ASP.NET framework provides to make it easy for us to write code to facilitate

connectivity between applications. As ASP.NET developer, If I need an application that

will be used by many other applications then I can simply decide to write a web service

for it and ASP.NET framework will take care of doing the low level SOAP and XML

work for us.

The other side of the coin is, if our ASP.NET application wants to use a web service, i.e.,

an application that is providing me SOAP based interface for communication. So what

we are going to do now is write a small Web service to see how we can have our

application communication-ready for other applications and secondly, we will try to

consume a webservice to understand how we can use other applications from our


We have a very basic web service implemented which can let the user have some basic

arithmetic operations. Now to create the WebService binary, we will have to use the

following command on Visual Studio Command Prompt.

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>CSC /t:library /out:ArithmeticServiceImpl.dll App_code\Service.cs

This will create a DLL file for our web service. This DLL file can be used by any client

by using the SOAP protocol. If we need to test our web service for how it works over the

SOAP protocol, we can view the service.asmx file in the browser and see what functions

our web service is exposing (After running web service from VS-2010). We can even test these

methods here and see the XML file that contains the service description.

Consuming a WebService

There are three ways we can consume a WebService:

1. Using HTTP-POST method.

2. Using XMLHttp that will use SOAP to call our the service

3. Using WSDL generated proxy class

The HTTP-Post method can be used by calling .asmx file directly from client. We can

directly use the method name and the parameter names will be taken from our input fields

on form.

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<form action="http://localhost/.../Service.asmx/Multiply"


<input name="x"></input>

<input name="y"></input>

<input type="submit" value="Enter"> </input>




When this form get submitted, the web service's method will be called. The second

method where we can use the XMLHttp over SOAP to access the webservice is used

when we want to use the web service using full capability of SOAP.

The third way of using the web service is by generating a Proxy class for the web

service and then using that proxy class. This method is, to me, more type safe and

less error prone as once we have the proxy class generated, it can take care of SOAP

messages, serialization and ensure that all the problems can be handled at compile

time instead of runtime.

To use this service, we need to do "Add Web reference" and add the webservice

reference. Alternatively I can also use WSDL.exe, a command line tool, to generate

the proxy classes and use them. "Add web Reference" is also using the same

WSDL.exe to generate the proxy classes.

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Let us run the website to see the results

Home Work

The ultimate remote control is capable of executing commands to run a set of household

instruments as shown below.

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Interfaces of commands to control above instruments are as follows.

The details of one interface implementation are as follows.

The remote control is used as an invoker which executes the set commands as follows.

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Write all necessary interfaces and classes in C# or Java to simulate household equipments control

using a remote control using command design pattern. You also need to develop client program to

test your solution.

*************** End of Week 8 **************

UIU Week 9, CSE 6087 1/16

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Dr. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 8: Composite, Visitor Design Pattern

15. Composite Design Pattern

• Structural Pattern

• Composite allows a group of objects to be treated in the same way as a single

instance of an object.

• The intent of composite is to "compose" objects into tree structures to

represent part-whole hierarchies. Composite lets clients treat individual

objects and compositions uniformly.

How it works

• Composite Design Pattern works for hierarchies. Lets consider the following

hierarchy for which we are going to design composite design pattern. Lets you

want to iterate over the organization and print out the name of VPs. Using

composite design pattern you need to develop the same strategy for iteration for

Division, VPs and root VP.

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• .First code the abstract class for the component of corporation which we call


public abstract class Corporate


public String getName()


return "";


public void add(Corporate c)



public Iterator iterator()


return null;


public void print()




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• Next we code the leaves of the corporation which is VP. Note that iterator needs

to traverse through VP.

public class VP extends Corporate


private String name;

private String division;

public VP(String n, String d)


name = n;

division = d;


public String getName()


return name;


public void print()


System.out.println("Name: " + name + " Division: " +



public Iterator iterator()


return new VPIterator(this);



• The iterator of VP is given below. Note that only single object exists in VP object

so iterator is very simple here.

public class VPIterator implements Iterator


private VP vp;

public VPIterator(VP v)


vp = v;


public java.lang.Object next()


return vp;


public boolean hasNext()


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return false;


public void remove()




• Next coding the branches i.e. division. Division contains leaves. The class is

given below.

public class Division extends Corporate


private Corporate[] corporate = new Corporate[100];

private int number = 0;

private String name;

public Division(String n)


name = n;


public String getName()


return name;


public void add(Corporate c)


corporate[number++] = c;


public Iterator iterator()


return new DivisionIterator(corporate);


public void print()


Iterator iterator = iterator();

while (iterator.hasNext()){

Corporate c = (Corporate) iterator.next();





• The iterator for leaves is given below.

public class DivisionIterator implements Iterator


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private Corporate[] corporate;

private int location = 0;

public DivisionIterator(Corporate[] c)


corporate = c;


public java.lang.Object next()


return corporate[location++];


public boolean hasNext()


if(location < corporate.length && corporate[location]

!= null){

return true;

} else {

return false;



public void remove() {



• Now corporation one which contains the whole hierrachy

public class Corporation extends Corporate


private ArrayList corporate = new ArrayList();

private int number = 0;

public Corporation()



public void add(Corporate c)




public void print()


Iterator iterator = corporate.iterator();

while (iterator.hasNext()){

Corporate c = (Corporate) iterator.next();





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• The last one is testing the whole. The client program is given below.

public class TestCorporation


Corporation corporation;

public static void main(String args[])


TestCorporation t = new TestCorporation();


public TestCorporation()


// Construct the organization

corporation = new Corporation();

Division rnd = new Division("R&D");

rnd.add(new VP("Steve", "R&D"));

rnd.add(new VP("Mike", "R&D"));

rnd.add(new VP("Nancy", "R&D"));

Division sales = new Division("Sales");

sales.add(new VP("Ted", "Sales"));

sales.add(new VP("Bob", "Sales"));

sales.add(new VP("Carol", "Sales"));

sales.add(new VP("Alice", "Sales"));

Division western = new Division("Western Sales");

western.add(new VP("Wally", "Western Sales"));

western.add(new VP("Andre", "Western Sales"));


VP vp = new VP("Cary", "At Large");




// Composite Pattern works here




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UML Class Diagram


• is the abstraction for all components, including composite ones

• declares the interface for objects in the composition


• represents leaf objects in the composition

• implements all Component methods

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• represents a composite Component (component having children)

• implements methods to manipulate children

16. Visitor Design Pattern

• Behavioral Pattern

• The visitor design pattern is a way of separating an algorithm from an object

structure upon which it operates. A practical result of this separation is the

ability to add new operations to existing object structures without modifying

those structures. This is the last design pattern of GoF (23rd )

How it works • Consider the corporation structure (object structure) that we have used in iterator

design pattern.

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• If we want to apply new operation i.e. who is going to retire in the next year?

Then we can attach visitor object which will traverse all elements in the hierarchy

and collect internal data (e.g. age) to make the list of retirees. In that case the

structure (hierarchy) will not be altered. Similarly if we have another new

operation in the next same thing will be done without affecting the structure. This

is how visitor design pattern works.


Represent an operation to be performed on the elements of an object structure. Visitor

lets you define a new operation without changing the classes of the elements on which it

operates. The classes and/or objects participating in this pattern are:

• Visitor (Visitor)

o declares a Visit operation for each class of ConcreteElement in the object


• ConcreteVisitor (IncomeVisitor, VacationVisitor)

o implements each operation declared by Visitor. Each operation implements a

fragment of the algorithm defined for the corresponding class or object in the

structure. ConcreteVisitor provides the context for the algorithm and stores its

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local state. This state often accumulates results during the traversal of the


• Element (Element)

o defines an Accept operation that takes a visitor as an argument.

• ConcreteElement (Employee)

o implements an Accept operation that takes a visitor as an argument

• ObjectStructure (Employees)

o can enumerate its elements

o may provide a high-level interface to allow the visitor to visit its elements

o may either be a Composite (pattern) or a collection such as a list or a set

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This real-world code demonstrates the Visitor pattern in which two objects traverse a list

of Employees and performs the same operation on each Employee. The two visitor

objects define different operations -- one adjusts vacation days and the other income.


interface IVisitor


void Visit(Element element);


// Concrete Visitors

class IncomeVisitor : IVisitor


public void Visit(Element element)


Employee employee = element as Employee;

// Provide 10% pay raise

employee.Income *= 1.10;

Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}'s new income: {2:C}",

employee.GetType().Name, employee.Name,




class VacationVisitor : IVisitor


public void Visit(Element element)


Employee employee = element as Employee;

// Provide 3 extra vacation days

Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}'s new vacation days: {2}",

employee.GetType().Name, employee.Name,




// Element

abstract class Element


public abstract void Accept(IVisitor visitor);


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// Concrete Element

class Employee : Element


private string _name;

private double _income;

private int _vacationDays;

// Constructor

public Employee(string name, double income,

int vacationDays)


this._name = name;

this._income = income;

this._vacationDays = vacationDays;


// Gets or sets the name

public string Name


get { return _name; }

set { _name = value; }


// Gets or sets income

public double Income


get { return _income; }

set { _income = value; }


// Gets or sets number of vacation days

public int VacationDays


get { return _vacationDays; }

set { _vacationDays = value; }


public override void Accept(IVisitor visitor)





//Object Structure

class Employees


private List<Employee> _employees = new List<Employee>();

public void Attach(Employee employee)



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public void Detach(Employee employee)




public void Accept(IVisitor visitor)


foreach (Employee e in _employees)







// Three employee types

class Clerk : Employee


// Constructor

public Clerk()

: base("Hank", 25000.0, 14)




class Director : Employee


// Constructor

public Director()

: base("Elly", 35000.0, 16)




class President : Employee


// Constructor

public President()

: base("Dick", 45000.0, 21)






class MainApp


/// <summary>

/// Entry point into console application.

/// </summary>

static void Main()


// Setup employee collection

Employees e = new Employees();

e.Attach(new Clerk());

e.Attach(new Director());

e.Attach(new President());

// Employees are 'visited'

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e.Accept(new IncomeVisitor());

e.Accept(new VacationVisitor());

// Wait for user





Home Work

Let’s assume we are working on an application that calculates the cost associated with

different teams in a company. The organizational chart of this company is illustrated in

the figure below. At the top of the org chart is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) who

has 2 Vice Presidents reporting to him. The VP of Technology has 2 developers and since

the company is still in the growth mode, the VP of Sales does not have anyone reporting

to him.

The application you should develop in C# or Java using composite design pattern and

should calculate the “cost” incurred in different teams. The cost is calculated by the

summation of the salary of the department head and the salaries of employees that report

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to the department head. For example, the cost of the Technology team is the sum of

salary of the VP-Technology, Developer1 and Developer2.


The Composite Pattern is perfect for this application as we would like to treat the object

(say Developer1) and the collection of objects (say VP-Technology) in the same manner.

The Composite Pattern is made of the following entities:

1. IComponent: An interface that defines operations for objects in the composition.

2. Component: A class that implements the operations to single objects

3. Composite: A class that implements the operations to the collection of objects

4. Client: A class that uses the IComponent interface to operate on components and


Physical MoPhysical MoPhysical MoPhysical Model del del del –––– Class DiagramClass DiagramClass DiagramClass Diagram

A sample output may be for this task as follows:

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*************** End of Week 9 **************

UIU Week 9, CSE 6087 1/24

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 9: SOA, Web Services and WCF


• A service is a unit of functionality exposed to the world.

• Service-orientation (SO) is an abstract set of principles and best practices for

building service-oriented applications.

• Service-orientation yields maintainable applications because the applications

are decoupled on the correct aspects.

• A service-oriented application is robust because the developers can use

available, proven, and tested plumbing, and the developers are more

productive because they get to spend more of the cycle time on the features

rather than the plumbing.

• The many other hailed benefits, such as cross-technology interoperability, are

merely a manifestation of the core benefit. You can certainly interoperate

without resorting to services, as was the practice until service-orientation.

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• It is not practical to build monolithic systems in current multinational

enterprises and SOA comes as an alternative solution to this.

• Business processes quite often are supported by systems that are running on

different platforms and technologies both within and outside the organization.

Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a mechanism that enables

organizations to facilitate communication between the systems running on

multiple platforms.

• SOA is a design pattern that can help address this business need. SOA is a

collection of well-defined services, where each individual service can be

modified independently of other services to help respond to the ever-evolving

market conditions of a business.

• Unlike traditional point-to-point architectures, an SOA implementation

comprises one or more loosely coupled and interoperable set of application


• For a business it is usually cheaper to “consume” an off-the-shelf application

service that constitutes the solution instead of writing all the functionality.

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3-tier architecture using SOA

• Web services essentially use a technology called XML (thru SOAP

specifications) to create a connection and build the middle tier of business


• In 3-tier architecture using SOA, service consumers (client tier) and service

providers (web services in the middle tier) and the last one is database-tier.

The service providers (web services) return a response message to the client

tier. The request and subsequent response connections are defined in some

way that are understandable to both the service consumers and service

providers. These connections are defined through a standard web service

technology called SOAP. Examples of services could include the following:

• Login

• Logoff

• GetCustomers

• GetOrders

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SOA for Book Publishing Order Solution

To understand Service-Oriented Architecture, take a look at the scenario as follows:

• In this example, a book publisher can receive book orders from both a single,

individual reader as well as large quantity book orders from large national

book resellers. Orders are received by the Order System application, which

collects and processes the orders.

• Internally, the Order System application collects and processes the orders,

such as validating credit cards and forwarding the order to the Order

Fulfillment system. Both the Order System application and the Order

Fulfillment application communicate with other internal applications and

systems for various reasons.

• Over time this publishing company becomes popular because it is hiring great

authors and putting out high-quality books, and it becomes apparent that this

simple solution is not keeping up with the demand and volume of orders. For

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example, maybe the current Order System can’t keep up with the volume of

orders coming in, and thus the Order Fulfillment system is having difficulty

handling the amount of orders being handed to it from the Order System.

• Service-Oriented Architecture says that the current system can, and should,

be flexible enough to allow changes to the existing architecture without

disrupting the current architecture and infrastructure currently in place. That

is, each piece should be isolated enough that it can be replaced without

disturbing the flow and process of the rest of the system. It is the concept of

designing the technology processes within a business.

• If the developers of the original systems in place were smart, they would

have designed the architecture to allow for such a “plug-and-play” type of

environment, but at that time their decision was somewhat difficult because

of the technologies they had to choose from.

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In the above proposed solution using SOA:

• To handle the amount of orders coming in, a router was put in front of the

Order Process service that then distributes the orders to one of many Order

Process services. An Order Fulfillment router was also placed in front of the

Order Fulfillment service, which accomplishes the same thing as the Order

Process router; that is, it takes the incoming orders from the Order Process

service and distributes the orders to one of many Order Fulfillment services.

• The other internal systems can still communicate and exchange information

with these services without any changes. Externally, Joe Reader and the

National Book Seller have no idea that changes were made at the publisher’s

end—it is all transparent to them. In fact, they might even see a better

responding system when placing orders. The key here is that with SOA, major

changes can take place behind the scenes completely transparent to the end

user and without any interruption of the system.

Building Principles of SOA

1. Service boundaries are explicit

Any service is always confined behind boundaries, such as technology and location.

The more the client knows about the implementation of the service, the more the

client is coupled to the service. To minimize the potential for coupling, the service

has to explicitly expose functionality, and only operations (or data contracts) that are

explicitly exposed will be shared with the client. Everything else is encapsulated.

2. Services are autonomous

A service should need nothing from its clients or other services. The service should

be operated and versioned independently from the clients, enabling it to evolve

separately from them. The service should also be secured independently, so it can

protect itself and the messages sent to it regardless of the degree to which the client

uses security.

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3. Services are compatible based on policy

The service should publish a policy indicating what it can do and how clients can

interact with it. Any access constraints expressed in the policy (such as the need for

reliable communication) should be separate from the service implementation details.

Practical Principles of SOA

1. Services are interoperable

The service should be designed so that any client, regardless of its technology, can

call it.

2. Services are scale-invariant

It should be possible to use the same service code regardless of the number of

clients and the load on the service. This will grossly simplify the cost of ownership of

the service as the system grows and allow different deployment scenarios.

3. Services are available

The service should always be able to accept clients' requests and should have no

downtime. Otherwise, if the service has periods of unavailability the client needs to

accommodate them, which in turn introduces coupling.

4. Services are responsive

The client should not have to wait long for the service to start processing its request.

If the service is unresponsive the client needs to plan for that, which in turn

introduces coupling.

5. Services are disciplined

The service should not block the client for long. The service may perform lengthy

processing, but only as long as it does not block the client. Otherwise, the client will

need to accommodate that, which in turn introduces coupling.

6. Services are secure

A service and its clients must use secure communication.

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7. Services are thread-safe

The service must be designed so that it can sustain concurrent access from multiple

clients. The service should also be able to handle causality and logical thread re-


Which is SOA and which is not?

• One could argue that web services was the first step on the road to SOA. Is

that statement true? Yes and no. No, in that you can have an SOA solution

without using web services. Yes, in that it is a great beginning to something

much larger.

• A good web service is almost self-describing, providing useful information. We

can hit a web service that gives me stock quotes, or lets me buy or sell

stocks, or tells me how my portfolio is doing. In the case of the book

publisher, I want a web service that tells me information about my order.

These are web services that exhibit SOA traits.

• In contrast, a web service that provides reads as well as writes data to my

database shows no SOA. Now, don’t get me wrong. Those types of web

services have their place and provide great benefits. But they don’t fit in the

SOA realm and don’t conform to the SOA principles as above mentioned.

Difference between WCF and Web service

Features Web Service WCF

Hosting It can be hosted in IIS

It can be hosted in IIS, windows

activation service, Self-hosting, Windows


Programming [WebService] attribute has to

be added to the class

[ServiceContraact] attribute has to be

added to the class


[WebMethod] attribute

represents the method exposed

to client

[OperationContract] attribute represents

the method exposed to client

Transports Can be accessed through

HTTP, TCP, Custom

Can be accessed through HTTP, TCP,

Named pipes, MSMQ,P2P, Custom

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• Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a platform, a framework if you

will, for creating and distributing connected applications. It is a fusion of

current distributed system technologies designed and developed from day one

with the goal of achieving SOA.

• Windows Communication Foundation (Code named Indigo) is a programming

platform and runtime system for building, configuring and deploying network-

distributed services. It is the latest service oriented technology;

Interoperability is the fundamental characteristics of WCF. It is unified

programming model provided in .Net Framework 3.0. WCF is a combined

features of Web Service, Remoting, MSMQ and COM+. WCF provides a

common platform for all .NET communication.


• WCF is interoperable with other services when compared to .Net

Remoting,where the client and service have to be .Net.

• WCF services provide better reliability and security in compared to ASMX web


• In WCF, there is no need to make much change in code for implementing the

security model and changing the binding. Small changes in the configuration

will make your requirements.

• WCF has integrated logging mechanism, changing the configuration file

settings will provide this functionality. In other technology developer has to

write the code.


Making right design for your requirement is little bit difficult.

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WCF Architecture

WCF has the following components.


• WCF contracts are much like a contract that you and I would sign in real life.

A contract I may sign could contain information such as the type of work I will

perform and what information I might make available to the other party.

• A WCF contract contains very similar information. It contains information that

stipulates what a service does and the type of information it will make


Followings contracts are available in WCF.

• A data contract explicitly stipulates the data that will be exchanged by the

service. The service and the client need to agree on parameters and return

types of the methods.

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• A message contract provides additional control over that of a data contract, in

that it controls the SOAP messages sent and received by the service. In other

words, a message contract lets you customize the type formatting of

parameters in SOAP messages.

• A service contract is what informs the clients and the rest of the outside world

what the endpoint has to offer and communicate.

• Policy and binding contracts specify important information such as security,

protocol, and other information.

Service Runtime

• The Service Runtime layer is the layer that specifies and manages the

behaviors of the service that occur during service operation, or service

runtime (thus “service runtime behaviors”). Service behaviors control service

type behaviors.

The following lists include major behaviors managed by the Service Runtime layer:

• Throttling Behavior: The Throttling behavior determines the number of

processed messages.

• Error Behavior: The Error behavior specifies what action will be taken if an

error occurs during service runtime.

• Concurrency Behavior: The Concurrency behavior determines how each

service, or instance of the service, handles threading. This behavior helps

control how many threads can access a given instance of a service.


The Messaging layer defines what formats and data exchange patterns can be used

during service communication. Client applications can be developed to access this

layer and control messaging details and work directly with messages and channels.

The following lists include major of the channels and components that the Messaging

layer is composed of:

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• HTTP Channel: The HTTP channel tells the service that message delivery will

take place via the HTTP protocol.

• Encoders: Encoders let you pick from a number of encodings for the message.

• MSMQ Channel: If your service needs to interoperate with MSMQ, this is the

channel that enables that.

Activation and Hosting

The Activation and Hosting layer provides different options in which a service can be

started as well as hosted. Services can be hosted within the context of another

application, or they can be self-hosted. This layer provides those options.

The following list details the hosting and activation options provided by this layer:

• Windows Activation Service: The Windows Activation Service enables WCF

applications to be automatically started when running on a computer that is

running the Windows Activation Service.

• .EXE: WCF allows services to be run as executables (.EXE files).

• Windows Services: WCF allows services to be run as a Windows service.

• COM+: WCF allows services to be run as a COM+ application.

Some Fundamental Concepts in WCF

Service Execution Boundaries

With WCF, the client never interacts with a service directly, even when dealing with a

local, in-memory service. Instead, the client always uses a proxy to forward calls to

the service. The proxy exposes the same operations as the service, plus some proxy-

management methods.

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In WCF, every service is associated with a unique address. WCF supports the

following transport schemas:



• Peer network

• IPC (Inter-Process Communication)


Addresses always have the following format:

[base address]/[optional URI]

Here are a few sample addresses:






Defining and implementing a service contract in C# is given as follows:


interface IMyContract



string MyMethod(string text);

//Will not be part of the contract

string MyOtherMethod(string text);


class MyService : IMyContract


public string MyMethod(string text)


return "Hello " + text;


public string MyOtherMethod(string text)


return "Cannot call this method over WCF";



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• Where the service resides in the same process as the client, is a special case.

The host for the in-proc case is, by definition, provided by the developer.

• The host can be provided by Internet Information Services (IIS), by the

Windows Activation Service (WAS) on Windows Vista or Windows Server 2008

or later, or by the developer as part of the application.

• Hosting in IIS is very similar to hosting a classic ASMX web service. You need

to create a virtual directory under IIS and supply an .svc file. The .svc file

functions similarly to an .asmx file and is used to identify the service code

behind the file and class. Following example shows the syntax for the .svcfile.

A .svc file

<%@ ServiceHost

Language = "C#"

Debug = "true"

CodeBehind = " /App_Code/MyService.cs"

Service = "MyService"



Binding will describes how client will communicate with service. There are different

protocols available for the WCF to communicate to the Client. You can mention the

protocol type based on your requirements. Binding has several characteristics,

including the following:

• Transport

Defines the base protocol to be used like HTTP, Named Pipes, TCP, and MSMQ are some type of protocols.

• Encoding (Optional)

Three types of encoding are available-Text, Binary, or Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism (MTOM).

• Protocol (Optional)

Defines information to be used in the binding such as Security, transaction or reliable messaging capability

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• Every service is associated with an address that defines where the service is, a

binding that defines how to communicate with the service, and a contract that

defines what the service does. This triumvirate governing the service is easy to

remember as the ABC of the service. WCF formalizes this relationship in the form

of an endpoint. The endpoint is the fusion of the address, contract, and binding.

• Configuring an endpoint administratively requires placing the endpoint details in

the hosting process's config file.

namespace MyNamespace



interface IMyContract


class MyService : IMyContract



The endpoint of the above service is as follows.



<service name = "MyNamespace.MyService">


address = "http://localhost:8000/MyService"

binding = "wsHttpBinding"

contract = "MyNamespace.IMyContract"





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A centralized, service-oriented implementation of the customer data and service

contract using WCF and multiple endpoints, shown below.

Creating WCF Service

We are designing a grade calculator of UIU students at here as given below.

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Use visual studio 2008 for the above project.

Server-side Programming


namespace UniService



public interface IUniService



string GetGrade(double marks);




namespace UniService


public class GradingService : IUniService


public string GetGrade(double marks)


if (marks >= 90)

return "A";

else if (marks >= 86)

return "A-";

else if (marks >= 82)

return "B+";

else if (marks >= 78)

return "B";

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else if (marks >= 74)

return "B-";

else if (marks >= 70)

return "C+";

else if (marks >= 66)

return "C";

else if (marks >= 62)

return "C-";

else if (marks >= 58)

return "D+";

else if (marks >= 55)

return "D";


return "F";







<service behaviorConfiguration="WCFDemoService.Service1Behavior"


<endpoint address="" binding="wsHttpBinding"



<dns value="localhost" />



<endpoint address="mex" binding="mexHttpBinding"

contract="IMetadataExchange" />





<behavior name="WCFDemoService.Service1Behavior">

<!-- To avoid disclosing metadata

information, set the value below to false and remove the metadata

endpoint above before deployment -->

<serviceMetadata httpGetEnabled="true"/>

<!-- To receive exception details in

faults for debugging purposes, set the value below to true. Set to

false before deployment to avoid disclosing exception information -->







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Client- side Programming private void submitBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




double marks = Double.Parse(marksTB.Text);

UniService.UniServiceClient client = new


resultTB.Text = client.GetGrade(marks);




resultTB.Text = "NA";



Must add service reference as follows:

Must use the same namespace which was given in service as follow:

UIU Week 9, CSE 6087 20/24

You can take the webservice from any where also from other websites.

To test whether our service was built ok then set main project as WCFdemoservice

and run it from VS-2008 and you will see the following.

If you click GradingServiceService.svc then you will see the following:

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If you use http://localhost:2287/GradingService.svc?wsdl you will know how to

invoke the webservice.

If you want to publish this website to IIS then the followings are important.

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Must set asp.net version of the host site.

Also by clicking the edit configuration of the above figure you need to select c# as

the application language.

You need to also restart the computer or

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After all you will have

Use Debug version not Release version while you develop your solution. I had that


The Following Module was built either with optimizations enabled or without debug information

…….. discovered that I wasn't outputting my debug info on my build. If you right click

on the project and go to 'properties', then select the 'build' tab, on the bottom of the

page there's an 'Advanced...' button that will display your setting for you output

debug info. Set that to 'full' and the error should go away.

Lab Work

In this lab work (WCFExample.rar), the above grade calculator and how to use this

service projects are given. You are supposed to run this solution and modify by adding

another method into this to understand well this activity.

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Home Work

You are asked to develop a web-service which hosts a method that takes a tax payer’s

(Bangladeshi) income and deduction information and after that returns his amount of tax

payable to the government. You can make the reasonable assumptions but make it as

simple as possible. You also need to develop a windows form application which can

demonstrate the consumption of this web-service.

*************** End of Week 9**************

UIU Week 10, CSE 6087 1/16

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 10: ABC of WCF


• As discussed earlier, A service always has at least one endpoint, but can have multiple. A

client normally communicates with only one endpoint. A plain-old-webservice only has

one endpoint and communicates via HTTP and Text/XML. The picture below shows a

service with three endpoints. Notice the ABC.

1. A stands for Address

2. B stands for Binding

3. C stands for Contract

UIU Week 10, CSE 6087 2/16


WCF can provided addresses for the following protocols:



o NamedPipe

o Peer2Peer


Address Types

1. Endpoint Address

An endpoint address specifies the address of a specific service endpoint. The

client can access the service via the endpoint address such as the following:


2. Base Address

Base addresses provide a way to specify a single, primary address for a given

service and assign relative addresses to each individual endpoint. For

example, suppose you have a service with three exposed endpoints. You can

assign a given service the following primary, or base, address:


3. MEX Address

MEX addresses allow a client to gather information about a particular service.

MEX, meaning metadata exchange, is an HTTP endpoint address used to

obtain service information. For example, the following address is an MEX



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Address Formats

1. HTTP Address

HTTP is an Application Layer protocol that is a request/response


2. Base Address

HTTP addresses can be secured by using SSL (Secure Socket Layer):


3. TCP Address

TCP provides communication services at an intermediate level between an

application program and the IP;


4. MSMQ Address

Message Queuing (MSMQ) technology enables applications running at different

times to communicate across heterogeneous networks and systems that may be

temporarily offline. Applications send messages to queues and read messages

from queues. The following illustration shows how a queue can hold messages

that are generated by multiple sending applications and read by multiple

receiving applications.

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The format of this address is as follows:

net.msmq://hostname / [private] / queue-name

and the example is:


5. Named Pipe Address

A named pipe is a method for passing information from one computer process to

other processes using a pipe or message holding place that is given a specific

name. The Named Pipe address is formatted as follows:



A binding specifies how a service is accessible.

1. BasicHttpBinding

Due to the binding's simplicity it enables a higher level of interoperability with

existing web service client and services. It represents bindings that a service can

use to communicate with ASMX-based clients. It aims for clients which do not

have .NET 3.0 installed. The following example illustrates some of the properties

of BasicHttpBinding being configured in a configuration file:




<binding name = “basichttpbind”

closeTimeout = “00:00:30”

openTimeout = “00:00:30”

sendTimeout = “00:00:30”

receiveTimeout = “00:00:30”>





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2. WSHttpBinding

The WSHttpBinding offers a lot more functionality in the area of interoperability.

Unlike BasicHttpBinding, WSHttpBinding supports WS-* functionality and distributed

transactions with reliable and secure sessions using SOAP security.




<binding name = “wshttpbind”

allowcookies = “true”

textencoding = “utf-8”

closeTimeout = “00:00:30”

receiveTimeout = “00:00:30”>





3. NetTcpBinding

The NetTcpBinding provides a secure and reliable binding environment for .NET-to-

.NET cross-machine communication. It uses the TCP protocol and provides full

support for SOAP security, transactions, and reliability.




<binding name = “nettcpbind”

portsharingenabled = “true”

listenbacklog = “10”

closeTimeout = “00:00:30”

transactionflow = “true”>





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4. NetNamedPipeBinding

The NetNamedPipeBinding provides a secure and reliable binding environment for

cross-process (same machine) communication.




<binding name = “netnamedpipebind”

maxconnections = “50”

openTimeout = “00:00:30”>





5. NetMsmqBinding

The NetMsmqBinding provides a secure and reliable queued communication for

cross-machine environments. Queuing is provided by using the MSMQ (Microsoft

Message Queuing) as a transport, which enables support for disconnected

operations, failure isolation, and load leveling.




<binding name = “netmsmqbind”

exactlyonce = “true”

durable = “true”

usemsmqtracing = “false”

openTimeout = “00:00:30”>





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How to use Address and Bindings: an Example This project is given in lesson-10a.rar.

1. Create a solution WCFService


namespace WCFService



public interface IServiceClass



string GetText();


int MultiplyNumbers(int firstvalue, int secondvalue);




namespace WCFService


public class ServiceClass : IServiceClass


string IServiceClass.GetText()


StreamReader sw = new StreamReader(

@"D:\Monzur\UIU_semester\Summer-2011\CSE 6007\SmapleWCFPoj\


return sw.ReadLine();


int IServiceClass.MultiplyNumbers(int firstvalue,int



return firstvalue * secondvalue;




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2. Create WCFService Librray i.e. DLL file after building the above project.

3. Create another solution named as WCFServiceHost which contains

WCFService Librray.

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The code behind the form is:

namespace WCFServiceHost


public partial class WCFForm : Form


ServiceHost sh = null;

public WCFForm()




private void WCFForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


Uri tcpa = new Uri("net.tcp://localhost:8000/TcpBinding");

sh = new ServiceHost(typeof(ServiceClass), tcpa);

NetTcpBinding tcpb = new NetTcpBinding();

ServiceMetadataBehavior mBehave = new




MetadataExchangeBindings.CreateMexTcpBinding(), "mex");

sh.AddServiceEndpoint(typeof(IServiceClass), tcpb, tcpa);


label1.Text = "Service Running";


private void WCFForm_FormClosing(object sender,

FormClosingEventArgs e)






4. Create another solution named as WCFClient which will consume WCFService

Librray from WCFServiceHost. In order to do that first run the service by

running from command prompt WCFServiceHost.exe, then you will get the following screen.

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Now create the solution as

The Form should be as follows:

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In order to add services to consume by the form use the following:

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After clicking the buttons you will get the followings:

private void getTextBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




TCP.ServiceClassClient client = new



textBox2.Text = client.GetText();


catch (Exception ex)


textBox2.Text = ex.ToString();



private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)




int num1 = Convert.ToInt32(num1TB.Text);

int num2 = Convert.ToInt32(num2TB.Text);

TCP.ServiceClassClient client = new



int result = client.MultiplyNumbers(num1, num2);

resultTB.Text = Convert.ToString(result);


catch (Exception ex)


resultTB.Text = ex.ToString();



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Using Configuration Files Instead of programming address, binding and contracts, we can do the same in

aconfiguration file named as App.config. To do so, you need the followings:

1. The first step is to add a configuration file to the host application. Right-click the

solution and select Add ➪ New Item from the context menu. From the Add New

Item dialog, select Application Configuration File from the list of installed

templates. The Name should default to app.config but if it does not, name it

app.config and click Add.

2. The app.config file will be added to your project and will open with some default

configuration information. Delete the contents of the app.config file and replace

them with the following:

<?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”utf-8” ?>




<service name =”WCFService.ServiceClass”>

<endpoint contract =”WCFService.IServiceClass”


binding =”netTcpBinding”

address =”net.tcp://localhost:8000/TcpBinding”/>

<endpoint contract =”WCFService.IServiceClass”


binding =”netNamedPipeBinding”

address =”net.pipe://localhost/NetNamedPipeBinding”/>




<binding name =”NetTcpBinding_IServiceClass”/>



<binding name =”netNamedPipeBinding_IServiceClass”/>









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• Contracts in Windows Communication Foundation provide the interoperability

they need to communicate with the client.

• It is through contracts that clients and services agree as to the types of

operations and structures they will use during the period that they are

communicating back and forth.

Three basic contracts are used in WCF.

1. Service Contract

• a service contract defines the operations, or methods, that are available on

the service endpoint and is exposed to the outside world. It also defines the

basic message exchange patterns, such as whether the message behaves in a

request/reply, one-way, or duplex behavior.

• A service contract is defined by simply applying the [ServiceContract]

annotation to an interface or class. The following example shows how to

define an interface as a service contract:


public interface IBookOrder


//do some stuff


• Service operations are specified by applying the [OperationContract]

annotation on the methods of an interface, as illustrated in this example:


bool PlaceOrder(string orderdate, string bookisbn);


bool CheckOrder(int ordernumber);

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• Put these two together to make a complete service contract, as shown here:


public interface IBookOrder



bool PlaceOrder(string orderdate, string bookisbn);


bool CheckOrder(int ordernumber);



The example-1 uses TCP binding to read the content of a file and

multiply two numbers. You are expected to provide the options TCP or

Named pipe bindings i.e. two endpoints. The rest is same as before.

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If you want to host services into IIS, you need the following two command

to run from command line to kick-off .NET

C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis -ga


C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319>aspnet_regiis -i

Start installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319).


Finished installing ASP.NET (4.0.30319).

*************** End of Week 10**************

UIU Week 11, CSE 6087 1/15

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Prof. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 11: MVC 3 and RAZOR



1. No separation of presentation layer and business layer.

2. Doesnt promote reusability of application components.

3. its for simple applications.


1. Ease of maintenance resulting from separation of presentation layer and business layer.

2. Reusability of components

3. Controller presents a single point of entry to the web application providing cleaner means of implementing

security and state mgmt.

4. MVC2 is not the successor to MVC.

MVC3 - Taken from Web

ASP.NET MVC has always supported the concept of “view engines” – which are the pluggable modules that

implement different template syntax options. The “default” view engine for ASP.NET MVC today uses the same

.aspx/.ascx/.master file templates as ASP.NET Web Forms. Other popular ASP.NET MVC view engines used

today include Spark and NHaml.

The new view-engine option we’ve been working on is optimized around HTML generation using a code-focused

templating approach. The codename for this new view engine is “Razor”, and we’ll be shipping the first public

beta of it shortly.

Design Goals

We had several design goals in mind as we prototyped and evaluated “Razor”:

• Compact, Expressive, and Fluid: Razor minimizes the number of characters and keystrokes required in a file, and enables a fast, fluid coding workflow. Unlike most template syntaxes, you do not need to interrupt your coding to explicitly denote server blocks within your HTML. The parser is smart enough to infer this from your code. This enables a really compact and expressive syntax which is clean, fast and fun to type.

• Easy to Learn: Razor is easy to learn and enables you to quickly be productive with a minimum of concepts. You use all your existing language and HTML skills.

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• Is not a new language: We consciously chose not to create a new imperative language with Razor. Instead we wanted to enable developers to use their existing C#/VB (or other) language skills with Razor, and deliver a template markup syntax that enables an awesome HTML construction workflow with your language of choice.

• Works with any Text Editor: Razor doesn’t require a specific tool and enables you to be productive in any plain old text editor (notepad works great).

• Has great Intellisense: While Razor has been designed to not require a specific tool or code editor, it will have awesome statement completion support within Visual Studio. We’ll be updating Visual Studio 2010 and Visual Web Developer 2010 to have full editor intellisense for it.

• Unit Testable: The new view engine implementation will support the ability to unit test views (without requiring a controller or web-server, and can be hosted in any unit test project – no special app-domain required).

We’ve spent the last few months building applications with it and doing lots of usability studies of it with a variety of volunteers (including several groups of non-.NET web developers). The feedback so far from people using it has been really great.

Choice and Flexibility

One of the best things about ASP.NET is that most things in it are pluggable. If you find something doesn’t work the way you want it to, you can swap it out for something else.The next release of ASP.NET MVC will include a new “Add->View” dialog that makes it easy for you to choose the syntax you want to use when you create a new view template file. It will allow you to easily select any of of the available view engines you have installed on your machine – giving you the choice to use whichever view approach feels most natural to you:

Razor will be one of the view engine options we ship built-into ASP.NET MVC. All view helper methods and programming model features will be available with both Razor and the .ASPX view engine.

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You’ll also be able to mix and match view templates written using multiple view-engines within a single application or site. For example, you could write some views using .aspx files, some with .cshtml or .vbhtml files (the file-extensions for Razor files – C# and VB respectively), and some with Spark or NHaml. You can also have a view template using one view-engine use a partial view template written in another. You’ll have full choice and flexibility.

Hello World Sample with Razor

Razor enables you to start with static HTML (or any textual content) and then make it dynamic by adding server code to it. One of the core design goals behind Razor is to make this coding process fluid, and to enable you to quickly integrate server code into your HTML markup with a minimum of keystrokes.

To see a quick example of this let’s create a simple “hello world” sample that outputs a message like so:

Building it with .ASPX Code Nuggets

If we were to build the above “hello world” sample using ASP.NET’s existing .ASPX markup syntax, we might write it using <%= %> blocks to indicate “code nuggets” within our HTML markup like so:

One observation to make about this “hello world” sample is that each code nugget block requires 5 characters (<%= %>) to denote the start and stop of the code sequence. Some of these characters (in particular the % key – which is center top on most keyboards) aren’t the easiest to touch-type.

Building it with Razor Syntax

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You denote the start of a code block with Razor using a @ character. Unlike <% %> code nuggets, Razor does not require you to explicitly close the code-block:

The Razor parser has semantic knowledge of C#/VB code used within code-blocks – which is why we didn’t need to explicitly close the code blocks above. Razor was able to identify the above statements as self-contained code blocks, and implicitly closed them for us.

Even in this trivial “hello world” example we’ve managed to save ourselves 12 keystrokes over what we had to type before. The @ character is also easier to reach on the keyboard than the % character which makes it faster and more fluid to type.

Loops and Nested HTML Sample

Let’s look at another simple scenario where we want to list some products (and the price of each product beside it):

Building it with .ASPX Code Nuggets

If we were to implement this using ASP.NET’s existing .ASPX markup syntax, we might write the below code to dynamically generate a <ul> list with <li> items for each product inside it:

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Building it with Razor Syntax

Below is how to generate the equivalent output using Razor:

Notice above how we started a “foreach” loop using the @ symbol, and then contained a line of HTML content with code blocks within it. Because the Razor parser understands the C# semantics in our code block, it was able to determine that the <li> content should be contained within the foreach and treated like content that should be looped. It also recognized that the trailing } terminated the foreach statement.

Razor was also smart enough to identify the @p.Name and @p.Price statements within the <li> element as server code – and execute them each time through the loop. Notice how Razor was smart enough to automatically close the @p.Name and @p.Price code blocks by inferring how the HTML and code is being used together.

The ability to code like this without having to add lots of open/close markers throughout your templates ends up making the whole coding process really fluid and fast.

If-Blocks and Multi-line Statements

Below are a few examples of other common scenarios:

If Statements

Like our foreach example above, you can embed content within if statements (or any other C# or VB language construct), without having to be explicit about the code block’s begin/end. For example:

Multi-line Statements

You can denote multiple lines of code by wrapping it within a @{ code } block like so:

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Notice above how variables can span multiple server code blocks – the “message” variable defined within the multi-line @{ } block, for example, is also being used within the @message code block. This is conceptually the same as the <% %> and <%= %> syntax within .aspx markup files.

Multi-Token Statements

The @( ) syntax enables a code block to have multiple tokens. For example, we could re-write the above code to concatenate a string and the number together within a @( code ) block:

Integrating Content and Code

The Razor parser has a lot of language smarts built-into it – enabling you to rely on it to do the heavily lifting, as opposed to you having to explicitly do it yourself.

Does it break with email addresses and other usages of @ in HTML?

Razor’s language parser is clever enough in most cases to infer whether a @ character within a template is being used for code or static content. For example, below I’m using a @ character as part of an email address:

When parsing a file, Razor examines the content on the right-hand side of any @ character and attempts to determine whether it is C# code (if it is a CSHTML file) or VB code (if it is a VBHTML file) or whether it is just static content. The above code will output the following HTML (where the email address is output as static content and the @DateTime.Now is evaluated as code:

In cases where the content is valid as code as well (and you want to treat it as content), you can explicitly escape out @ characters by typing @@.

Identifying Nested Content

When nesting HTML content within an if/else, foreach or other block statement, you should look to wrap the inner content within an HTML or XML element to better identify that it is the beginning of a content block.

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For example, below I’ve wrapped a multi-line content block (which includes a code-nugget) with a <span> element:

This will render the below content to the client – note that it includes the <span> tag:

You can optionally wrap nested content with a <text> block for cases where you have content that you want to render to the client without a wrapping tag:

The above code will render the below content to the client – note that it does not include any wrapping tag:

HTML Encoding

By default content emitted using a @ block is automatically HTML encoded to better protect against XSS attack scenarios.

Layout/MasterPage Scenarios – The Basics

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It is important to have a consistent look and feel across all of the pages within your web-site/application. ASP.NET 2.0 introduced the concept of “master pages” which helps enable this when using .aspx based pages or templates. Razor also supports this concept using “layout pages” – which allow you to define a common site template, and then inherit its look and feel across all the views/pages on your site.

Simple Layout Example

Below is a simple example of a layout page – which we’ll save in a file called “SiteLayout.cshtml”. It can contain any static HTML content we want to include in it, as well as dynamic server code. We’ll then add a call to the “RenderBody()” helper method at the location in the template where we want to “fill in” specific body content for a requested URL:

We can then create a view template called “Home.cshtml” that contains only the content/code necessary to construct the specific body of a requested page, and which relies on the layout template for its outer content:

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Notice above how we are explicitly setting the “LayoutPage” property in code within our Home.cshtml file. This indicates that we want to use the SiteLayout.cshtml template as the layout for this view. We could alternatively indicate the layout file we want to use within a ASP.NET MVC Controller invoking Home.cshtml as a view template, or by configuring it as the default layout to use for our site (in which case we can specify it in one file in our project and have all view templates pick it up automatically).

When we render Home.cshtml as a view-template, it will combine the content from the layout and sub-page and send the following content to the client:

Compact, Clean, Expressive Code

One of the things to notice in the code above is that the syntax for defining layouts and using them from views/pages is clean and minimal. The code screen-shots above of the SiteLayout.cshtml and Home.cshtml files contain literally all of the content in the two .cshtml files – there is no extra configuration or additional tags, no <%@ Page%> prefix, nor any other markup or properties that need to be set.

We are trying to keep the code you write compact, easy and fluid. We also want to enable anyone with a text editor to be able to open, edit and easily tweak/customize them. No code generation or intellisense required.

Layout/MasterPage Scenarios – Adding Section Overrides

Layout pages optionally support the ability to define different “sections” within them that view templates based on the layout can then override and “fill-in” with custom content. This enables you to easily override/fill-in discontinuous content regions within a layout page, and provides you with a lot of layout flexibility for your site.

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For example, we could return to our SiteLayout.cshtml file and define two sections within our layout that the view templates within our site can optionally choose to fill-in. We’ll name these sections “menu” and “footer” – and indicate that they are optional (and not required) within our site by passing an optional=true parameter to the RenderSection() helper call (we are doing this using the new C# optional parameter syntax that I’ve previously blogged about).

Because these two sections are marked as “optional”, I’m not required to define them within my Home.cshtml file. My site will continue to work fine if they aren’t there.

Let’s go back into Home.cshtml, though, and define a custom Menu and Footer section for them. The below screenshot contains all of the content in Home.cshtml – there is nothing else required in the file. Note: I moved setting the LayoutPage to be a site wide setting – which is why it is no longer there.

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Our custom “menu” and “footer” section overrides are being defined within named @section { } blocks within the file. We chose not to require you to wrap the “main/body” content within a section and instead to just keep it inline (which both saves keystrokes and enables you to easily add sections to your layout pages without having to go back through all your existing pages changing their syntax).

When we render Home.cshtml as a view-template again, it will now combine the content from the layout and sub-page, integrating the two new custom section overrides in it, and send down the following content to the client:

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Encapsulation and Re-Use with HTML Helpers

We’ve covered how to maintain a consistent site-wide look and feel using layout pages. Let’s now look at how we can also create re-usable “HTML helpers” that enable us to cleanly encapsulate HTML generation functionality into libraries that we can re-use across our site – or even across multiple different sites.

Code Based HTML Helpers

ASP.NET MVC today has the concept of “HTML Helpers” – which are methods that can be invoked within code-blocks, and which encapsulate generating HTML. These are implemented using pure code today (typically as extension methods). All of the existing HTML extension methods built with ASP.NET MVC (both ones we’ve built and ones built by others) will work using the “Razor” view engine (no code changes required):

Declarative HTML Helpers

Generating HTML output using a code-only class approach works – but is not ideal.

One of the features we are looking to enable with Razor is an easy way to create re-usable HTML helpers using a more declarative approach. Our plan is to enable you to define reusable helpers using a @helper { } declarative syntax like below.

You’ll be able to place .cshtml files that contain these helpers into a Views\Helpers directory and then re-use them from any view or page in your site (no extra steps required):

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Note above how our ProductListing() helper is able to define arguments and parameters. This enables you to pass any parameters you want to them (and take full advantage of existing languages features like optional parameters, nullable types, generics, etc). You’ll also get debugging support for them within Visual Studio.

Note: The @helper syntax won’t be in the first beta of Razor – but is something we hope will be enabled with the next drop. Code-based helpers will work with the first beta.

Passing Inline Templates as Parameters

One other useful (and extremely powerful) feature we are enabling with Razor is the ability to pass “inline template” parameters to helper methods. These “inline templates” can contain both HTML and code, and can be invoked on-demand by helper methods.

Below is an example of this feature in action using a “Grid” HTML Helper that renders a DataGrid to the client:

The Grid.Render() method call above is C#. We are using the new C# named parameter syntax to pass strongly-typed arguments to the Grid.Render method - which means we get full statement completion/intellisense and compile-time checking for the above syntax.

The “format” parameter we are passing when defining columns is an “inline template” – which contains both custom html and code, and which we can use to customize the format of the data. What is powerful about this is that the Grid helper can invoke our inline template as a delegate method, and invoke it as needed and as many times as it wants. In the scenario above it will call it each time it renders a row in the grid – and pass in the “item” that our template can use to display the appropriate response.

This capability will enable much richer HTML helper methods to be developed. You’ll be able to implement them using both a code approach (like the way you build extension methods today) as well as using the declarative @helper {} approach.

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Visual Studio Support

As I mentioned earlier, one of our goals with Razor is to minimize typing, and enable it to be easily edited with nothing more than a basic text editor (notepad works great). We’ve kept the syntax clean, compact and simple to help enable that.We have also designed Razor so that you get a rich code editing experience within Visual Studio. We will provide full HTML, JavaScript and C#/VB code intellisense within Razor based files:

Notice above how we are providing intellisense for a Product object on the “@p.” code embedded within the <li> element inside a foreach loop. Also notice how our \Views folder within the Solution Explorer contains both .aspx and .cshtml view templates. You can use multiple view engines within a single application – making it easy to choose whichever syntax feels best to you.


We think “Razor” provides a great new view-engine option that is streamlined for code-focused templating. It a coding workflow that is fast, expressive and fun. It’s syntax is compact and reduces typing – while at the same time improving the overall readability of your markup and code. It will be shipping as a built-in view engine with the next release of ASP.NET MVC. You can also drop standalone .cshtml/.vbhtml files into your application and run them as single-pages – which also enables you to take advantage of it within ASP.NET Web Forms applications as well.

Lab work – Implement the above Rajor Example and JqueryMVc.rar

*************** End of Week 11**************

UIU Week 12 &13, CSE 6087 1/1

United International University

Trimester: Fall 2012

Course: CSE 6007

Course Title: Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Faculty: Dr. S M Monzurur Rahman (mrahman99@yahoo.com)

Week 12 & 13: Project Demonstration and Revision

*************** End of Week 12 & 13 **************

Final Project: Airline Navigation

CSE 6007- Design and Development Open Multi-tier Application

Due Date Week 12

In this project you will solve the problem of navigation. Our customer, an airline, wants

us to provide an application that calculates the distance between various world cities. For

example, a pilot should be able to open up our application—delivered via one or more Web

pages, naturally—and specify an origin city and a destination city. The application should then

return a value, in kilometers, that represents the shortest possible air route between the two cities.

This value will be used for fuel calculations and other planning purposes.

The Earth, as you may have heard, is roughly spherical. The shortest distance between

two points on the surface of a sphere is along a circle whose edge includes the two points, and

whose center, furthermore, is the center of the Earth. Such a route is called a Great Circle route.

The Great Circle route between two nearby points is nearly indistinguishable from a straight line,

but a Great Circle path between two widely spaced points can seem odd to people accustomed to

thinking in terms of flat surfaces. This is why the shortest path between New York and Hong

Kong, for example, goes nearly over

the North Pole. Federal Express has a freight hub in Anchorage, Alaska, for a reason: That city is

roughly equidistant from Tokyo, New York, and London. In any case, the customer wants us to

develop an application that takes latitude and longitude values for a given city from a database

and uses them to calculate the Great Circle distance between the two places. The solution to the

problem, as well as the interface that allows the user to specify the two cities of interest, should

be one or more browser renderable pages or can access via a smart phone.

Not surprisingly, the customer's requirement represents an excellent opportunity to use open

multi-tier software architecture. The possible tiers of this software are as follows.

The database. The customer wants latitude and longitude information about various cities

to be stored in a database. They don't specify a particular kind of database, but we know that the

odds are good that at some point in the life of our application the airline will migrate from one

database platform to another. At the very least, we want the ability to do our development and

testing under one kind of database before connecting our application to the airline's database

server. It seems like a good idea to treat our database and its server as a discrete unit—the

database layer.

The accessors. With a database layer that's distinct from everything else, we need a

collection of software elements that act as interfaces between the database and the software that

relies on its data. Structured query language (SQL) is the specific go-between, but we want to

abstract the SQL statements a bit. This is the function ofthe objects in the accessor layer. The

accessor layer should be easily reconfigured to

connect to a new kind of database server, as well. For that reason, it will make use of the PEAR

DB classes, which will be discussed further later in this chapter, and in Chapter 7 on database


The business logic. The customer provided us with a statement of the business logic for

this application. The application is to calculate Great Circle distances. How? Based on the

latitudes and longitudes of the two endpoint cities. If we can find a mathematical formula that

takes such input and provides the required output, and can encode that algorithm into the PHP

language, we have a business logic layer.

The presentation mechanism. The user interface shouldn't be too complicated, and it

may even be possible to fit it all into one piece of software. The presentation layer has to first

present the user with lists of possible origin and destination cities and allow him or her to select

one of each. Upon submission of those values, the user interface should present the calculated

Great Circle distance, and make it easy for the user to do another calculation with a different pair

of cities.

The possible table snapshot is as follows.

The possible UI to test this software is

The business logic layer is where you should tackle the to solve. In the logic layer, classes decide

what information they need in order to solve their assigned problems, request that information from the

accessor layer, manipulate that information as required, and return the ultimate results to the presentation

layer for formatting. The business logic layer in this application should do the spherical geometry—the

Great Circle calculation itself. The calculation program, calcGreatCircle(…), should use an algorithm

that assumes the Earth is perfectly spherical, which it isn't. The calculation is not the point here, so if

you're thinking about using this application as a serious navigation tool, think again.

** For further reference for this problem you have been given the text where this problem is

extracted. Their solution is given in PHP and services are third party catered which you should

create yourself.

Submission Guidelines

• SRS of the problem and infrastructure requirements for the software solution.

• Use case diagram and Component Diagram

• Software Architecture Design using VISIO or Visual paradigm for the above

mentioned problem.

• Source code of the solution using C#/Java/OO PHP.

• Deployment Diagram using VISIO or Visual Paradigm and deployment description

• Testing strategies – a document file.

.All of the above you need to submit in a zip or rar file.

The assignment is a group assignment and each group may have maximum four students. The

assignment is due on week 12 to the CSE executive course box or my office or final exam hall.

As we would like you to have the opportunity to finish the last assignment before the end of the

semester, we would like this date to be a final one. Your submission must include a description

of your answers in readme.txt file. All submission must be in a CD or DVD with a cover case.

No printed or hard copy will be accepted or mailed. I may allow multiple submissions in one

CD/DVD, in that case separate folder must be created with student’s ID as the folder name.

For any questions regarding this assignment contact me at mrahman99@yahoo.com


1. Use case Diagram

2. Class Diagram

3. Component Diagram

4. Deployment Diagram

---------------------End of Assignment---------------------------

c h a p

A Sue

Des i^^^P^nmplement ing a Mu|n l iP^n) l i ca t ion in PHP:


I his chapter gets straight to the essence of multi-tier design under PHP by walking through the design and implementation of a complete application. Though the application is simple in some ways—its database consists of a single table, for example, and there is no elsewhere layer—it illustrates some important points. The idea is that you'll get a taste of these key concepts here, and explore them more fully in later chapters.

5.1 Examining the Problem

The requirement we aim to solve in this chapter is one of navigation. Our customer, an airline, wants us to provide an application that calculates the distance between various world cities. For example, a pilot should be able to open up our application—delivered via one or more Web pages, naturally—and specify an origin city and a destination city. The application should then return a value, in kilometers, that represents the shortest possible air route between the two cities. This value will be used for fuel calculations and other planning purposes.

The Earth, as you may have heard, is roughly spherical. The shortest distance between two points on the surface of a sphere is along a circle whose edge includes the two points, and whose center, furthermore, is the center of the Earth. Such a route is called a Great Circle route. The Great Circle route between two nearby points is nearly indistinguishable from a straight line, but a Great Circle path between two widely spaced points can seem odd to people accustomed to thinking in terms of flat surfaces. This is why the shortest path between New York and Hong Kong, for example, goes nearly over


56 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP

the North Pole. Federal Express has a freight hub in Anchorage, Alaska, for a reason: That city is roughly equidistant from Tokyo, New York, and London.

In any case, the customer wants us to develop an application that takes latitude and longitude values for a given city from a database and uses them to calculate the Great Circle distance between the two places. The solution to the problem, as well as the interface that allows the user to specify the two cities of interest, should be one or more browser-renderable pages.

5.1.1 Sketching Out the Layers

Not surprisingly, the customer's requirement represents an excellent opportunity to use multi-tier software architecture.

• The database. The customer wants latitude and longitude information about various cities to be stored in a database. They don't specify a particular kind of database, but we know that the odds are good that at some point in the life of our application the airline will migrate from one database platform to another. At the very least, we want the ability to do our development and testing under one kind of database before connecting our application to the airline's database server. It seems like a good idea to treat our database and its server as a discrete unit—the database layer.

• The accessors. With a database layer that's distinct from everything else, we need a collection of software elements that act as interfaces between the database and the software that relies on its data. Structured query language (SQL) is the specific go-between, but we want to abstract the SQL statements a bit. This is the function of the objects in the accessor layer. The accessor layer should be easily reconfigured to connect to a new kind of database server, as well. For that reason, it will make use of the PEAR DB classes, which will be discussed further later in this chapter, and in Chapter 7 on database access.

• The business logic. The customer provided us with a statement of the business logic for this application. The application is to calculate Great Circle distances. How? Based on the latitudes and longitudes of the two endpoint cities. If we can find a mathemat-ical formula that takes such input and provides the required output, and can encode that algorithm into the PHP language, we have a business logic layer.

• The presentation mechanism. The user interface shouldn't be too complicated, and it may even be possible to fit it all into one piece of software. The presentation layer has to first present the user with lists of possible origin and destination cities and allow him or her to select one of each. Upon submission of those values, the user interface should present the calculated Great Circle distance, and make it easy for the user to do another calculation with a different pair of cities.

It's all modular, and it'll be easier to build, maintain, and modify because of that charac-teristic. Multi-tier design seems like the right design choice for this application. Figure 5.1 shows the proposed architecture for our solution.

5.1 Examining the Problem 5 7

Persistence Layer

Accessor Layer


Business Logic Layer

Presentation Layer

^ ^






Figure 5.1: The Great Circle appHcation in schematic form.

5.1.2 Communication Between the Layers

How, though, will the layers communicate with one another? Communication requires a protocol, either a custom-designed and -implemented one or a standard one that's adopted. What characteristics will our interlayer communication protocol need? Here's a list:

• Support for intermachine communications. It's possible that the various layers of this application will reside on different hardware platforms. It's safe to assume that they'll be connected by a TCP/IP network, and that standard protocols, such as domain name service (DNS), hypertext transport protocol (HTTP), and simple mail transport protocol (SMTP), will exist on the network.

• Support for the exchange of simple and complex data types. Considering the problem to be solved here, it seems likely that we'll need to move complex data struc-tures, such as indexed and associative arrays, between layers. Our job will be much simpler if the communications protocol lets us move such structures without drama.

58 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP •

• Ease of implementation. We want to spend our time as designers and, to a lesser extent, implementors of a software solution. The application we create should be notable as one that solves its assigned problem efficiently, not as one that uses a particular interlayer communications protocol.

Later chapters deal with the question of why, but the quick answer to the question of which interlayer communication protocol to use is: simple object access protocol (SOAP). SOAP satisfies all of our performance requirements, and it's easy to implement because (as is often the case in PHP) there's a freely available library that will do the heavy lifting for us. We just whack a reference to the library into our software and start using SOAP communication.

5.2 The Database Layer

The persistence layer (assuming that it's a database, anyhow) speaks SQL. It receives SQL queries in, and replies with SQL result sets (or messages that indicate success or failure). In the larger scheme of multi-tier architecture, the persistence layer receives incoming SQL queries from the PHP programs in the accessor layer. As a matter of principle, nothing but programs on the accessor layer should read from or write to the database. That's a very important idea in multi-tier application architecture.

5.2.1 Creating the Table Our application has a very simple back end that comprises only one table, which has only four columns. There are no real issues of database design to be worked through in this case—no foreign keys, dependencies, or relationships to be established and verified.

The table, to be called cities, needs only to hold the name of each city to which the airline flies and the latitude and longitude of each. Because it's good form—something you should always include in your tables—there will be an automatically incremented id column, as well, just in case there is ever a need to establish relationships with this table.

Here's the SQL code that establishes the table we need in the MySQL database server:



CREATE TABLE 'cities' ( 'id' int(ll) NOT NULL auto_increment, 'cityName' varchar(30) NOT NULL default ", 'latitude' double NOT NULL default '-9999', 'longitude' double NOT NULL default '-9999', PRIMARY KEY ('id')


5.2 The Database Layer 59

Note that the default values given for the latitude and longitude columns are obviously invalid. If we'd used 0 instead, we'd have run the risk of confusion because 0,0 is a real location off the west coast of Africa.

To run that code on a typical MySQL server (assuming you had not created a database to contain the cities table), you'd use a sequence of commands beginning with these:

mysql mysql>create database cities; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.05 seconds) mysql>quit Bye.

Those lines logged you in, created a database called cities (the database and the table will have the same name), and logged you out. Then, at the operating system's command line, you'd enter this:

mysql cities < cities.sql

That runs the SQL statements in cities.sql against the database called cities. Continuing, there are some rules about the data that is to be stored in the cities table:

• The latitude column contains a decimal representation of degrees latitude, with 0 being the equator, positive numbers being north latitudes, and negative numbers being south latitudes.

• The longitude column contains a decimal representation of degrees longitude, with 0 being the prime meridian through Greenwich, positive numbers being west longitudes, and negative numbers being east longitudes.

Both latitude and longitude values are therefore between -180 and 180.

5.2.2 Populating the Table

To make our table useful, we need to populate it with some city names, latitudes, and longitudes. These SQL statements fill the cities table with data (note that the id column is populated automatically):


INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Sydney', -33.87, -151.22);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Darwin', -12.47, -130.83);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) valuesC'Hong Kong', 22.28, -114.15);

60 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP a

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) valuesCMumbai', 19, -72.8);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Shanghai', 31.23, -121.47);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Seoul', 37.55, -126.97);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Copenhagen', 55.67, -12.58);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Paris', 42.87, -2.33);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Cairo', 30.05, -31.25);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Cape Town', -33.92, -18.22);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Washington', 38.9, 77.03);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('San Francisco', 37.78, 122.42);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Santiago', -33.45, 70.67);

INSERT INTO cities (cityName, latitude, longitude) values('Recife', -8.05, 34.87);

To run that code, use the same syntax as before at the operating system's command line:

mysql cities < citiesPopulator.sql

You can see the effects of the populator script by entering the SQL query,

SELECT * from cities

which should yield results like this:


1 2


Sydney Darwin


-33.87 -12.47


-151.22 -130.83

5.3 The Accessor Layer 61

3 4 b 6 7

1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Hong Kong Mumbai Shanghai Seoul Copenhagen Paris Cairo Cape Town Washington San Francisco Santiago Recife

22.28 19

31.23 37.55 55.67 42.87 30.05 -33.92 38.9 37.78 -33.45 -8.05

-114.15 -72.8

-121.47 -126.97 -12.58 -2.33 -31.25 -18.22 77.03

122.42 70.67 34.87

5.3 The Accessor Layer

The accessor layer is the first layer at which we find software written in the PHP language. Essentially, the accessor layer exists to keep SQL statements out of the business logic layer. That's done for reasons of security and improved reliability.

Functions in the accessor layer typically are accessor and mutator functions (other-wise called "getter" and "setter" functions), which retrieve and modify values in the database, respectively. With such functions in place, software lower in the application—in the logic layer, specifically—can (indeed, should) refer to the getter and setter functions and not include a single line of SQL.

The purpose of the accessor layer in this application is to provide two sets of data, each under a different condition. First, when the application is generating the user inter-face, the accessor layer needs to provide a list, in other words, an array, of the cities whose details are included in the database. Second, the accessor layer needs to be able to take a city name as input and, in response, return an array containing that city's latitude and longitude values. The accessor layer is going to include two significant functions.

5.3.1 Isolating the Database Details

Because the accessor layer is the interface between the database and the software that makes use of it, much of the code in the accessor layer is concerned with connecting to the database server. Furthermore, because there's only one table supporting this simple application, all PHP programs in the accessor layer will connect to it.

This program will use the PEAR DB class for database connectivity, largely because PEAR DB makes it easy to change database server types (say, from MySQL to Oracle) if the need arises. PEAR DB requires certain information when it establishes a connection, including the hostname of the machine on which the database runs, the username and password to be used in establishing a connection, and the name of the table to be queried.

62 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP

Furthermore, PEAR DB requires a specific string that identifies the type of database server being connected to the application. A list of various servers' key strings appears in the PEAR DB documentation and in Chapter 7, but for now just know that the identifying string that corresponds to a MySQL server is mysql.

Each program in the accessor layer will need all of these details. Because it's possible that they'll change—that the server will move to a different machine, or that the username and password will change—it makes sense to isolate all of the details in a single file. The file can then be imported (using a require_once() statement, typically) into any piece of software that will access the database.

Here is a listing of the most important lines from dbDetails.php:

Sphptype = 'mysql'; / / Type of database server (PEAR-DB standard name string). Shostspec = 'db2'; / / Hostname of database server (or IP address). Sdatabase = 'cities'; / / Database name. Susername = 'access'; / / Database username. Spassword = 'php'; / / Database password.

The configuration details are all there and commented, ready for modification.

5.3.2 Getting City Names from the Database The first requirement of this application's accessor layer is that it provide an array containing all the cities whose geographic details appear in the cities table. This is a straightforward matter of an SQL statement based on the SELECT command, but there's a fair bit of PHP packaging that has to go on around it.

The application uses getCities.php to satisfy the city-listing requirement. That file, like all files discussed in this book, is available on the Internet site. It's also listed fully here, but interspersed with explanatory text to clarify what's going on.

require_once('nusoap-0.6/nusoap.php'); require_once('dbDetails.php');

The first order of business is to import some libraries. The first line imports Dietrich Ayala's NuSOAP library and the second brings in the simple declarations of database details that we moved to a separate file for ease of maintenance.

// Establish NuSOAP soap_server object //and register function as Web Service...

$s = new soap_server; $s->register('getCities'); $s->service($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);

These lines refer to NuSOAP classes and establish a SOAP server to which other layers can connect. The SOAP server is set up to catch HTTP requests, and the getCities() function, to be declared momentarily, is made available for external access.

function getCities() {

5.3 The Accessor Layer 63

// Make globals from dbDetails.php available within function scope.

global $phptype; // Type of database server, global $hostspec; // Hostname of database server, global $database; // Database name, global Susername; // Database username. global $password; // Database password.

// Assemble Data Source Name (DSN) and connect, allowing for errors...

$dsn = "$phptype://$username:$password@$hostspec/$database";

$db = DB::connect($dsn);

if (DB::isError($db)) { die ($db->getMessage()); }

The first part of the getCitiesO function concerns itself with connecting to the database whose details are defined by the variables in dbDetails.php. The variables have to be made available inside the function (that's what the five lines beginning with global are for). Then, they can be used to assemble a datasource name (DSN), which is a uniform resource locator (URL)-like string that PEAR DB uses to establish a connection to a database. An attempt to connect is made; the attempt results in an object that has to be examined to see if it's an error, in which case everything is off.

/ / Assemble and send SQL statement, allowing for errors . . .

$sql = "SELECT cityName FROM cities ORDER BY cityName";

Sresult = $db->query($sql);

if (DB::isError(Sresult)) { SerrorMessage = $result->getMessage(); die (SerrorMessage); }

With the connection to the database established, the function proceeds to set a variable equal to an SQL query string (the decision to put the ORDER BY instruction here, rather than in the presentation layer, certainly is debatable). The query then gets sent to the database, which results in an object. That object has to be checked to see if it's an error. If it's not an error, it's an object representing the results of the query.

/ / Extract rows from query results, fi t t ing pieces of data into

64 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP «

/ / SreturnArray (an associative array) for returning.

while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) { $returnArray[$i]=$row[0]; ++$i; }

This loop exists to use MySQL's fetchRowO function against every row in the result object, thus extracting it. Because we know the result set has only one column (the SQL statement requested only cityName), we can take the first element of every row array ($row[0]—the only element) and put it into another array, SreturnArray.

/ / Disconnect from database and return SreturnArray...


return SreturnArray;


Having extracted all returned rows, the function terminates the database connection and returns SreturnArray. Because this function is exposed as a SOAP service, SreturnArray could be sent out across the network via the SOAP protocol. It's not a problem; SOAP handles the transmission of arrays without any hassle.

5.3.3 Getting Latitudes and Longitudes from the Database

The other function of the Great Circle application's accessor layer is to get latitude and longitude of a specified city from the database. This piece of accessor software has to take a city name as a parameter and use it in extracting coordinate data from the cities table.

This functionality appears in getLatLong.php, which is listed and commented upon here:

require_once('nusoap-0.6/nusoap.php'); require_once('dbDetails.php');

// Establish NuSOAP soap_server object // and register function as Web Service...

Ss = new soap_server; Ss->register('getLatLong'); Ss->service(SHTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);

• 5.3 The Accessor Layer 65

The program opens much like getCities.php, but with the getLatLongO function being exposed this time.

function getLatLong($city) {

// Make globals from dbDetails.php available within function scope.

global $phptype; // Type of database server,

global $hostspec; // Hostname of database server, global Sdatabase; // Database name, global $username; // Database username. global Spassword; // Database password.

// Assemble Data Source Name (DSN) and connect, allowing for errors...

$dsn = "$phptype://$username:$password@$hostspec/$database";

$db = DB::connect($dsn);

if (DB::isError($db)) { die ($db->getMessage()); }

Again, the sole function uses PEAR DB to hook up to a database, assembling a DSN out of the pieces defined in the dbDetails.php file.

/ / Assemble and send SQL statement, allowing for e r r o r s . . .

$sql = "SELECT lat i tude, longi tude FROM c i t i e s WHERE cityName='$city"';

The SQL query includes $ci ty (note the quotation marks around the variable reference), which came into the function as a parameter.

$result = $db->query($sql);

i f (DB::isError($result)) { SerrorMessage = $result->getMessage(); die (SerrorMessage); }

Then, the function sends the SQL query to the database, and makes sure the result is something other than an error.

// Extract rows from query results, fitting pieces of data into // SreturnArray (an associative array) for returning.

while ($row = $result->fetchRow()) {

66 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP •

Slatitude = $row[0]; Slongitude = $row[l];

$returnArray['city'] = $city; $returnArray['latitude'] = Slatitude; SreturnArray['longitude'] = Slongitude; }

This function differs from getCitiesO in that it uses the query results, which comprise three columns, to create an associative array. The code inside the while loop relies on the fact that the sequence of the columns in the result set is known—a situation that results from the explicit listing of column names in the SELECT statement.

/ / Disconnect from database and return SreturnArray...


return SreturnArray;


When the work of querying the database and transferring the results to an associative array is done, the function shuts down the database connection and returns the associative array containing coordinate information.

5.4 The Business Logic Layer

The business logic layer is where you tackle the problems your program was created to solve. In the logic layer, classes decide what information they need in order to solve their assigned problems, request that information from the accessor layer, manipulate that information as required, and return the ultimate results to the presentation layer for formatting.

The business logic layer in this application does the spherical geometry—the Great Circle calculation itself. The calculation program, calcGreatCircle.php, uses an algorithm that assumes the Earth is perfectly spherical, which it isn't. The calculation is not the point here, so if you're thinking about using this application as a serious navigation tool, think again.

In terms of software requirements, calcGreatCircle.php is interesting because it has to be both a SOAP server and a SOAP client. As a SOAP server, it takes city name pairs from the presentation layer. As a SOAP client, it forwards those city names to the accessor layer, getLatLong.php, specifically, in order to retrieve the latitude and longitude of each.

Here are the contents of calcGreatCircle.php, the sole element of the Great Circle application's business logic layer:

5.4 The Business Logic Layer 67

require_once(' nusoap-0.6/nusoap. php ' ) ;

/ / Establish NuSOAP soap_server object //and reg i s te r function as Web Service . . .

$s = new soap_server; $s->regis ter( 'ca lcula teGreatCirc le ' ) ; $s->service($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA);

Only the NuSOAP library is imported; there's no need for the database stuff here. The ca lcu la teGrea tCi rc le ( ) function is exposed as a SOAP service.

function toRad($degrees) {

// Converts Sdegrees to equivalent value in radians.

Sradians = Sdegrees * (pi()/180); return Sradians;


The function toRadO is a utility function that calculateGreatCircle() makes use of. It converts a value expressed in degrees into an equivalent value expressed in radians. This function is not exposed as a SOAP service; it's accessed only by calculateGreatCircle().

function calculateGreatCircle(Scityl, Scity2) {

// Calculates Great Circle distance (in km) between Scityl and Scity2 // Establish Sparameters array and call Web Service to get latitude and

longitude for Scityl...

Sparameters = array('city'=>Scityl); S soapclient = new soapclient('http://db2/greatCircle/getLatLong.php'); SreturnedArray = Ssoapclient->call('getLatLong',Sparameters);

// Populate simple variables for clarity...

Slatl = SreturnedArray[latitude]; Slongl = SreturnedArray[longitude];

// Establish Sparameters array and call Web Service to get latitude and longitude for Scity2...

Sparameters = array('city'=>Scity2);

68 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP

Ssoapclient = new soapclient('http://db2/greatCircle/getLatLong.php'); SreturnedArray = $soapclient->call('getLatLong',$parameters);

// Populate simple variables for clarity...

$lat2 = $returnedArray[latitude]; $long2 = $returnedArray[longitude];

// Convert degrees to radians

$latl = toRad($latl); $longl = toRad($longl); $lat2 = toRad($lat2); $long2 = toRad($long2);

// Calculate distance...

$theta = $long2 - $longl; $distance = acos((sin($latl) * sin($lat2)) + (cos($latl) * cos($lat2) *


if (Sdistance < 0) {

$distance = $distance + pi(); }

// Multiply by constant to get kilometers...

Sdistance = Sdistance * 6371.2;

return $distance;


The rest of calcGreatClrcIe.php has to do with the Great Circle calculation itself, which isn't remarkable except for its extensive use of PHP's trigonometry functions.

5.5 The Presentation Layer

The presentation layer exists for the purpose of providing a user interface, whether the user is a machine or a human being. If the user is a human being, the user interface will likely take the form of an hypertext markup language (HTML) document. They will likely include text boxes, buttons, and selection lists—all the usual elements we see when we use our computers. The details of user interface design (how to arrange your pro-gram's interface elements, how your commands should behave, what sort of feedback

• 5.5 The Presentation Layer 69

your users should get, and so on) make up an elaborate field of programming specialty. They're largely beyond the scope of this book, so we'll deal only with the characteristics of the user interface that have to do with communicating with the rest of the application.

If the user is a machine, another software application of some kind, our program should probably generate an extensible markup language (XML) document as output. The beauty of the multi-tier architecture comes through when you consider that it would be just as easy to provide XML, rather than HTML, documents at the presentation layer. With XML results being generated, the application becomes, broadly speaking, more of a Web service (to be used by other machines rather than by people) than a business appli-cation. That means someone else could use your whole application as a module in his or her project.

The presentation layer of the Great Circle application comprises a single page, which perhaps not ideally, contains a combination of PHP and HTML code. Its "life cycle" has two parts. First, it displays lists of candidate origin and destination cities, each with a cor-responding radio button, and a master Submit button at the bottom of the page. That's shown in Figure 5.2.

When the user chooses cities and clicks the Submit button, the page changes to include the calculated distance between the two previously selected cities, as depicted in Figure 5.3.

Here's a commentary on the presentation layer program, greatCircle.php (the name, which makes no mention of the presentation layer, was chosen because the user may have to type this filename as part of a URL):


/ / Extract from $_POST array to allow for register_globals being off

$cityl = $_POST['origin']; $city2 = $_POST['destination'];

Variables $_POST[ ' o r i g i n ' ] and $_POST[destination] correspond to the name attributes of the two sets of radio buttons in the HTML that appear later in greatCircle.php. When a form is submitted to this program (it's submitted to itself, a process that's explained later in this section), the value attribute of the selected radio button from each group is the value of $_POST['origin'] and $_POST[destination]. Note that it's no longer good practice to refer to Sorigin and Sdest inat ion directly, as was reasonable with the older versions of PHP that shipped with the r eg i s t e r_g loba l s option (in php.ini) on bydefault. Modern versions of PHP have r eg i s t e r_g loba l s off, so we must approach form contents via the superglobal $_POST (or $_GET) array. See Chapter 4 for more information on HTTP POST and HTTP GET operations.

/ / Establish Sparameters array and ca l l Web Service to get distance

$parameters = array(*ci tyl '=>$ci tyl , 'c i ty2'=>$city2); $soapclient = new soapcl ient( 'h t tp : / /db2/greatCirc le /calcGreatCirc le .php ' ) ;

70 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP

Great Circle Calculator

Choose the orighi.

r Cairo

C Cape Town <^ Copenhagen <^ Darwin f^ Hong Kong <~ Mumbai <~Pans C Recife <" San Francisco ^ Santiago <~ Seoul ^ Shan^ai <~ Sydney C Washington

Choose the destlnatloii.

f'Cairo C Cs^e Town f* Copenhagen f* Darwin f̂ Hong Kong <* Mumbai r p a n s <" Recfe (^ San Francisco f̂ Santiago r Seoul <̂ Shan^iai <̂ Sydney ^ Washington

Figure 5.2: The Great Circle presentation layer, before submission of a city pair.

M "3 ̂ ^ Great Circle Calculator The great circle distance between Darwin and Pans is 14047 kilometers.

Choose the orighu

C Cairo C Cj^e Town vy Copcnhsificii C Darwin C Hong Kong O Mumbai C Paris C Recfe C San Francisco C Santiago C Seoul C Shanghai C Sydney

C Washington

Choose the destfaiation.

C Cairo

C Cape Town C Copenhagen C Darwin r Hong Kong O Mumbai r Paris r Recife C San Francisco C Santiago r Seoul C Shan^ai C Sydney ^ Washington

wmmmi^^^^m Figure 5.3: The Great Circle presentation layer, after submission of a city pair and ready for another challenge.

Sdistance = $soapclient->call( 'calculateGreatCircle ' ,Sparameters); Sdistance = round(Sdistance);

The function makes a call to the business logic layer, sending the two city names as para-meters for calcGreatCircle to process. The round() function strips the fractional portion from the result, because the algorithm used isn't accurate enough to merit such precision.

/ / Establish Sparameters array and ca l l Web Service to get l i s t of c i t i e s . . .

Sparameters = a r rayO;

5.5 The Presentation Layer 71

Ssoapclient = new soapcl ien t ( 'h t tp : / /db2/grea tCi rc le /ge tCi t ies .php ' ) ; Scit ies = $soapcl ient->cal l ( 'getCit ies ' ,$parameters) ;

Another SOAP call, this time directly to the accessor layer, secures an array of city names. This array is used twice in generating the HTML interface.


<head> <title>Great Circle Calculator</t i t le> </head>


<H2>Great Circle Calculator</H2>

i f (Sci tyl != "" AND $city2 != "") { echo "The great c i rc le distance between $ci tyl and $city2 i s $distance

kilometers."; }

This conditional statement ensures that the calculated Great Circle distance is displayed only if such a calculated distance exists. The result isn't shown the first time the page is loaded, in other words.

<form action="<?php $PHP_SELF; ?>" method="post">

<H3>Choose the origin.</H3>

foreach (Sci t ies as Scity) { echo "<input type='RADIO' name='origin'

value='$city '>$city <br>\n"; }

A simple PHP loop goes through the S c i t i e s array and generates the HTML radio buttons representing origin cities.

<H3>Choose the destination.</H3>

foreach (Sci t ies as Scity) { echo "<input type='RADIO' name='destination' value='$city '>$city <br>\n";


72 Chapter 5: Designing and Implementing a Multi-Tier Application in PHP •

A nearly identical loop, also operating on the Scities array, generates the HTML radio buttons representing destination cities.


<input type="SUBMIT" name="submitButton" value="Calculate Great Circle">




The remainder of the program is simple HTML code.

5.6 Questions and Exercises

Here are some questions and exercises meant to further your thinking about the material contained in this chapter.

1. This chapter didn't implement the elsewhere layer, which was introduced at the beginning of the chapter. How might an elsewhere layer be put to advantageous use in the Great Circle application?

2. If you were to expand the scope of the Great Circle application to enable the user to specify a city name manually, rather than choosing one from a list, what problems might this introduce? How could you deal with them?

3. If you didn't want to use SOAP for interlayer communication, what other strategies could you use?

4. See if you can redesign the presentation layer of the Great Circle application so that the PHP code is completely separated from the HTML code.

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