cricket® five-minute firestarter destined to light the way for hikers

Post on 15-Feb-2022






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Cricket® Five-Minute FirestarterDestined to Light the Way for Hikers

© 2013 Swedish Match.

Rating for Cricket® 5-Minute Firestarter: 5

The Cricket 5-Minute Firestarter is a new fire-lighting option with extraordinary design and technology. This new product, which I have tested myself, comes wrapped in a neat, eye-catching box.

Much like the strikers you see on ordinary match boxes, the Cricket 5-Minute Firestarter box has its own striker on the side. Upon opening the package, I noticed that the product was actually two-in-one! Not only did the product contain the Firestarter sticks, but also a large match head on the end of – how convenient is that? This product is lightweight and affordable, has

your matches and fire sticks all in one, and can easily be protected from the elements on the trail with a zip lock bag. Lightweight traveling enthusiasts will love the product’s compact design, while convenience-focused consumers will love the combination of matches and Firestarters.

My family and I live off-the-grid – prime testing grounds for assessing this product in real time. We cook our own food over an open campfire in the warmer months and during the winter, over a wood burning box stove. When I usually start my fires, I combine a good amount of balled-up paper and kindling before lighting. After the fire gets burning, I toss on some medium-sized fuel to produce a strong-burning flame. With the Cricket 5-Minute Firestarter, all I needed were some small wood pieces approximately 16 inches long sourced from a few split logs that I propped up against another small half-log. I placed one Cricket 5-Minute Firestarter under the wood and within five minutes, the flames were burning rapidly.

Using the product was as easy as counting 1, 2, 3. Simply strike the large head of a Firestarter on the side of the box and lay it on the ground under some medium-sized sticks and wood pieces. The product does exactly what it says – burns for five whole minutes before going out. If your wood is not burning after these five minutes, then you simply need new wood! It’s interesting to note that we accidentally left the product out in the rain. The next morning, the Firestarters still struck and burned without fail! On your next hiking trip, why not ditch the matches and kindling and go with the two-in-one Cricket 5-Minute Firestarter to see for yourself how well the product lives up to its name! This Cricket product will certainly be the outdoor fire solution we take along on our next hiking trip.

Author: Merlyn Seeley of, Outdoor Rec & Adventure,

Make your next outdoor adventure as easy as 1, 2, 3 with the Cricket 5-Minute Firestarter!

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