cranbourne east primary school no 5518 school newsletter · lose weight to look good. children...

Post on 13-Jun-2020






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Issue 13 1st June 2017

Cranbourne East Primary School No 5518


Website: Address: 2 Bowyer Avenue, Cranbourne East 3977



Saturday 3rd June & Sunday 4th June Vision Portraits Fundraiser (by appointment)

Monday 5th June Taskworks Excursion – Grade 1C/B/G/K/M

Wednesday 7th June Taskworks Excursion – Grace 1T/H/L/S/K

Wednesday 7th June Annual Reporting Meeting 7:00pm

Monday 12th June Queen’s Birthday Public Holiday School Closed on this day

Friday 30th June Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) Applications Close


Hi Everyone

At a meeting, next Wednesday evening commencing at 7:00pm, the School Council will be presenting the 2016 Annual Report to the community. The Annual Report details the progress the school is making towards achieving the goals and targets outlined in the School Annual Implementation Plan and four-year School Strategic Plan. The Annual Report includes a statement about our school and focus statements on achievement, engagement and wellbeing. Another section, the performance summary, looks at the school profile, parent and staff surveys, achievement and financial performance and position. We look forward to seeing our parents in attendance at the Annual Reporting meeting.

Can you believe the school is already preparing and planning for the 2018 school year. Part of the planning process is to confirm student enrolments which determines facilities and building and more importantly staffing. As you can appreciate it is vital that we have the right number of classrooms and the right amount of staff including home group teachers and specialist teachers in place to provide maximum learning opportunities for our students. If parents are planning on enrolling students into the school, or know of a neighbour or friend who live within the school boundary with school age children yet to start, we request you contact the office to commence the enrolment process. Your support with this matter will be greatly appreciated.

I must thank the many students who take great delight in assisting with keeping the grounds neat and tidy. During the recess and lunchbreak many students can be seen patrolling the school with buckets and tongs in hand collecting the occasional item of litter. The students are always thanked and presented with a special Principal Award sticker acknowledging their efforts.

Next week our Year 1 students head off on an excursion to Taskworks which will be a fun day linked to learning. Taskworks was developed to provide kids with an environment in which they could 'get back to basics' - talk and work with each other and use their minds in different activities. Taskworks motto is 'complete, solve, create' and this is where the inspiration for the 6 Task Centres came about, allowing children to use their different skills. Activities include: What’s the quickest way to place 42 coloured pegs in their appropriate holes? What are the Memory Doors for and what is the purpose of the spinning Peg Wheel?

Our Foundation year students will also be working with St Johns Ambulance learning about staying safe and how first aid can help us. I look forward to hearing about the new learning from our students.

Please ensure you child is on time every day to commence their learning (unless ill) and attends school every day. One unnecessary day where a child is not at school is one day of vital lost learning. Additionally, it is important to ensure your child reads on a daily basis at home even weekends. The enjoyment of reading is a wonderful learning tool which easily flows into adulthood.

Enjoy a wonderful week. Kind regards Garry & Staff

Phone: 5990 0400 Fax: 5990 0499

From the Welfare Officer Exercise is Everywhere For active children in good health a structured fitness program isn't needed. These children are constantly on the move and their flexible, young bodies equip them to participate in physical activities. Play, for children, is exercise. When a child plays, they develop dexterity, motor skills and muscle strength. Physically, they also develop strength, agility, coordination, stamina, spatial awareness and fitness as they practice and extend their movement skills according to their stage of development.

The benefits of exercising Regular exercise helps develop muscles and strengthen bones. Children who are physically fit tend to sleep better. Fitness aids concentration, and regular muscular exercise helps to lessen stress and tension. As with all types of play, physical exercise and fitness also increases stamina, endurance, flexibility and strength. Aerobic exercise is particularly good for developing endurance. Regular aerobic activity can include cycling, walking, running or jogging, swimming, or sports such as basketball, football or soccer. During aerobic exercise, the heart rate increases and breathing becomes more laboured. Over time, aerobic exercise will strengthen the heart and the body's ability to provide oxygen to the cells. Flexibility can be improved by stretching and for most children, stretching is a natural part of their overall movement in reaching for things or simply bending down to pick something up. Strength is something children also tend to achieve naturally if they have regular opportunities to play on equipment, particularly climbing ropes or monkey bars.

How much is too much? Regardless of age, any exercise that is enjoyable and doesn't cause distress, pain or other physical discomfort, can be undertaken at any time. Ideally, children above the age of two, benefit most from at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise (such as running, jumping, skipping, hopping, walking) over the course of a day, every day of the week. As opposed to some adults, young children are mostly not as driven by the desire to maintain a certain level of fitness, or lose weight to look good. Children naturally take part in all sorts of play that involves activity. The onset of tiredness or in some cases simple boredom, usually ensures that a child will stop the activity and look for something else to do. Young children are more likely to be active if their family–including parents or carers–are active. However, for children who prefer to spend a great deal of time in front of a computer or television screen, encouraging them to play outside may require the parent to set limits on screen time, and provide alternative activities. Over-exercising can lead to weight loss, hormonal imbalance (especially in girls) and cause injuries, especially when parts of the body are over-used. If the amount of time a child is exercising or playing sport is beginning to intrude on normal activities, this may be the sign to rethink the exercise commitment. Always stop any activity if a child complains of pain, dizziness, or feels sick or excessively tired.

Kathy Jones Primary Wellbeing Officer

Mathletics News In the last two weeks, a total of 265 bronze Mathletics certificates were achieved and 46 silver certificates. Congratulations to the following students for earning gold certificates:

Year 2 – Aarav S, Ethan P Year 3 – Sashwat K

Year 4 – Harrison H, Anah P Year 5 – Netra P

Year 6 – Hasrat G

Don’t forget to log into Mathletics at home:

House Points This week: Year Total: Ruffy 1394 Ruffy 7701 Hudson 1179 Hudson 7324 Lyall 1158 Lyall 7999 Donnelly 1298 Donnelly 7652

From the Office

CAMPS, SPORTS & EXCURSIONS FUND (CSEF) Parent Application forms MUST be returned with a copy of your health care card by Friday 30th June. NO late applications can be accepted. Please note: Parents who have previously submitted an application form in 2017 are not required to apply again. The annual CSEF amount per student is: •• $125 for primary school students Application forms are available from the School Office.


Unfortunately, due to the current wet weather conditions our grounds are extremely wet and muddy. As a result, many children have been coming into the building with mud and this has placed a great strain on the limited uniform supply that is housed in the sick bay. Can we therefore request that you send your child to school with spare clothing in their school bag. Your co-operation with this request may eliminate the school having to contact you during the school day to supply a change of clothes.


Please check lost property before 9.00am or after 3.15pm, via the door located near First Aid, for any lost items of clothing. For ease of finding any lost items, please remember to name school uniform items with a permanent marker pen.

Shining Star Awards for 29th May – 2nd June 2017

Year Shining Star Award Year Shining Star Award

Prep Hayyaan K For putting in an excellent effort to learn all of his Golden Words.

Year 3

Mia C For putting in a great effort to contribute to class discussions. Keep it up Mia.

Kaden P-B For a fantastic effort with learning the Magic Words.

Cooper W For a great effort with his weekly homework.

Keep it up!

Darshika S For being an attentive and helpful student in the classroom.

Colin A For a great effort to make inferences about how characters might be feeling in the book ‘Enemy Pie’.

Sophia D For a wonderful effort in her writing and making great choices!

Evie P For doing a great job with her information report writing.

Jake B For working so hard with writing tasks and not giving up when words sound tricky. Well

done for being a ‘trying lion’ Jake!

Kesh M For consistently putting in an effort to produce 5 Star Work.

Sajada N For learning many more letters and sounds and showing persistence in her

writing efforts.

Year 4

Jaeli B For consistently setting a great example of positive behaviour inside and outside the learning


Nate H For his fantastic effort with reaching 100 nights Home Reading.

Jaycob T For setting an excellent example in the learning space.

Tanvi S For working hard to make creative patterns during Maths

Zachary B For working hard during Maths sessions.

Year 1

Ekam S For always completing work to a 5 star standard. Well done Ekam!

Pippa D For being an amazing host of the 4JR assembly.

Ronakpreet D For your great contributions during Oral Language. Keep it up!

Khalisah K For trying her hardest with her Handwriting.

Jet W For being a helpful and friendly member of 1MBC.

Johnmichael M For persistently trying his best during our Maths sessions.

Jasleen G For settling in well at CEPS! Ajoh G For sharing her ideas during reading focus group.

Diezel T For a great effort in creating an interesting piece of writing during our free Writing


Ela C For working so hard to achieve your Writing goals.

Pranav S For showing improvement in settling in to class in the morning and moving up to

Orange M100W words.

Year 5

Briana S For working hard to create and solve number sentences with missing numbers in Maths this

week. Fantastic effort Briana!

Jah-Ron L For showing improvement in your Writing. Gabriella S For her excellent effort in Mathematics by working on subtraction tasks this week. Well done!

Isabella U For trying hard with her Writing. Iris G For writing an engaging procedure on how to evacuate in an emergency. Well done Iris!

Mikaela B I For her fantastic participation in the guided reading session.

Zac B For doing a creative rhyming poem on cricket during our Writing session. Well done, Zac!

Year 2

Aryan D For showing excellent team work in respectful relationships.

Victoria G For consistently putting in effort towards her writing.

Fabian Y For a fantastic fraction wall during Maths. Parvinder M For her fantastic effort in Maths this week.

Jasmehar N For working hard to improve his Writing. Justin F For his creativity designing a ‘transformation logo’.

Fatima H For always willing to help others within the classroom and shows great effort in her

school work.

Year 6

Roaman A

For a massive effort in improving his reading skills and habits at home. Keep it up Roaman!

Mansirat B For working hard on her comprehension skills.

Adam I For his excellent use of language in his persuasive text about cats being better than dogs.

Kayla D For creating a fantastic fraction creature using halves and quarters.

Anita R

For fantastic work during our reciprocal reading sessions. Well done Anita!

Brayden N For creating a fantastic Fraction Monster, sharing your understanding of quarters

and eighths.

Adithya P

For demonstrating patience and care when assisting his Prep Buddy to complete a task. Great

work, Adithya!

Ekam K For her great effort in Reading. Grace M For helping others during Inquiry Learning.

Narayan R R For his fantastic effort while learning about fractions in Maths this week.

Keira W For her dedication to her role as Deputy Prime Minister of 6PB.

Year 3

Danielle I For her fantastic efforts summarising texts

using different strategies. Well done!

Sharnee B For helping others and always trying her best.

Hamed A For excellent reading during Reader's Theatre.

Jye M-G For excellent work on his procedure Writing plan.

Banoo F For her brilliant work on her Google Drive account.

Shining Star Awards for 29th May – 2nd June 2017

Year Shining Star Award Year Shining Star Award

Performing Arts

Mr Beach

Lucie C Prep J

For your great rhythmic skills. Your effort and attitude are

always fantastic too. Keep it up!

Mrs Simmonds

Mikaylah Mc 4S

For being an excellent recycle monitor.

Performing Arts

Ms Purvis

Heidi B 6A

For your excellent and varied responses to how different

pieces of music make you feel.

Mrs Warren Oliver L 5G

For a good effort at showing Resilience.

PE Mr Carey

Brock F 2V

For helping his classmates when doing catching and throwing


Mrs Harding Devan S Prep B

For doing a fantastic job at reading. Well done Devan.

PE Mr Shaw

Brigham W 5S

For working hard to improve his netball skills. Keep up the great


Mrs Wickramasing


Hania H 6F

For trying really hard to gain a better understanding of fractions.

PE Miss Edwards

Angel S 3A

For persisting with challenging activities in PE this week.

Ms Naismith Jasmyn B 5X

For working hard on your Maths word problems and your Procedural Writing

this week.

ICT Mr Ross

Natalie H 4P

For her outstanding work in recording an item for the Online


Ms Hudson Hrithikka R 5L

For doing a wonderful job at Reading while in the library. Well done!

ICT Ms Brookman

Nyaak N M 4J

For making responsible choices and effectively collaborating with

his partner to achieve lesson goals.

Mrs Little Sevin A 2k

For adapting to change in a positive and respectful manner.

Visual Arts Ms Lloyd

Alyssa C 5C

For listening carefully to instructions and successfully creating a Street Art stencil.

Mrs Hill Hunter R 1L

For a fantastic effort during CAFE finding connectives.

Visual Arts Ms Pither

Gaelle M L 1L

For always giving 100% and doing a great job in all

Performing Arts activities.

Ms Burgess Liam T 5L

For being a supportive friend. Well done!

Science Ms Singleton

Rhys A 1G

For making some great shadow puppets with his partners.

Ms Harris Casey J 2W

For using her reading strategies during Sustained Reading.

Science Ms Pitt

Jake S 4P

For his enthusiastic approach to our measuring temperature


Ms Beck Aveleen K 1T

For being a kind and helpful classmate.

Auslan Bimali B 4D

For showing great enthusiasm during Auslan session.

Ms Abblitt Nathan W 2B

For working so well on your Fractions.

Literacy Support Mrs Dunmall

Moroni I 2T

For his enthusiastic involvement in Literacy Support Sessions and

progress made.

Ms Silva Ronakpreet K 1C

For being a kind and helpful classmate.

Literacy Support Mrs Healy

David W, Thomas F & Zoe C

Prep F Matilda F, Prep B Steele B, Prep G

For practising and learning the sounds for the letters a s b t e n k c p o r d i.

Well Done!

Ms Whitehead

Cory P 4P

For displaying wonderful manners. Well done Cory!

Ms Roberts Ava H 4G

For being a kind and helpful classmate.

Mrs Bhasin Tristan A 3S

For always showing respect and being ready to help.

Ms Heald Casey J 2W

For an amazing job doing doubles in Maths.

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