crack the code to weight loss: unlock your body's hidden ...€¦ · crack the code to weight...

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Crack the Code to Weight Loss: Unlock Your Body's Hidden Potential

About This eBook..................................................................................................................2

About Dr. Stefanie Bennett, LAc, PhD and Bennett Acupuncture and Functional Medicine................................................................................................................................3

Welcome to THE Weight Loss Guide for YOUR Body..........................................................4

Weight Loss Begins with a Nutritionally Backed Foundation................................................5

Tasty and Nutritionally packed Recipes…………………………….……………………………9

I’m eating right, but still not seeing the results I want. What is the deal?………………..….26

Stress and the Mean Tricks It Plays on Your Metabolism ……………………………………28

Take Control of Cortisol to Optimize Fat Burning................................................................29

You Can Thank Estrogen for Those Excessive Inches.......................................................32

Insulin’s Deceptive Role in Weight Gain.............................................................................33

Boost Your Cells and Organs with a 5,000-Year-Old Proven Method…………………...…34

The Slimmed-Down Wrap-Up.............................................................................................37

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Crack the Code to Weight Loss: Unlock Your Body's Hidden Potential

About this eBook

We have designed this eBook to be educational, approachable, and solutions-focused to make it easy for you to understand the truth behind weight gain and its subsequent loss.

If you have tried weight loss programs that didn’t produce the results you wanted, you may feel discouraged or insecure. You may even blame yourself and want to give up. The first piece of advice we will give to you is to never give up on your weight loss goals. Instead, give up on other programs.

What these other programs leave out is the beneficial understanding of how one thing can affect something else seemingly unrelated. In this case, it is the effects unbalanced hormones can have on both weight loss and weight gain. Many women are unaware of the connection between weight, energetic metabolism or QI metabolism, and hormones.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself, “What can I do about this?” Keep reading to find out.

Once you have read and obtained better knowledge about this connection, the next steps you need to take will be easy. We call these “action steps.” We have provided them for you to ensure a comprehensive weight loss and hormone-balancing program that will work for you.

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About Dr. Stefanie Bennett, LAc, PhD, and Bennett Acupuncture and Functional Medicine

Dr. Stefanie Bennett is an Oriental medicine specialist and functional

medicine practitioner here at Bennett Acupuncture and Functional Medicine. She holds a master’s degree in Oriental medicine and herbology from South Baylo University, CA as well as a PhD in acupuncture from American Liberty University, CA.

Dr. Bennett has 10+ years of experience working side by side with Internal medicine doctors within a medical group. Through this practice, Dr. Bennett learned the importance of co-managing your care with your MD. She believes keeping an open dialogue with your primary care provider or your specialist is the best way to ensure you receive the treatment that best benefits you. In fact, internists, pain management specialists, neurologists, gastroenterologists, and other types of MDs regularly refer their patients to Dr. Bennett.

Dr. Bennett’s focus and the goal of Bennett Acupuncture and Functional Medicine is to not only guide and promote your weight loss, but to also work with you to find the underlying causes of this stubborn weight. Identifying the root of your weight gain issues allows Dr. Bennett to construct a personalized treatment that will ultimately lead to lasting weight loss.

Our patient-specific treatment guidelines consist of two components that not only give you maximum results, but they also promote an overall enhanced health and vitality. To do this, first we target your core metabolic imbalances that trigger symptoms of hormone instability. These symptoms include fertility, sex drive, energy, sleep patterns, weight, and overall well-being.

It is imperative, however, to ensure your body energy also known as QI is at optimum alignment in order to get the most out of rebooting your metabolism and stabilizing hormones. As a result, realigning the QI is the second component to our program. Dr. Bennett is certified and specializes in acupuncture and Chinese medicine—the main advocates of ensuring and promoting the proper level of your body’s healing energy. While healing energy is crucial to your health, this vital force does not exist in Western medicine.

Dr. Bennett’s approach to looking at the whole person in order to identify and target underlying issues is essential to any holistic treatment method. The common conditions for women we see and subsequently treat at Bennett Acupuncture and Functional Medicine include but are certainly not limited to the following:

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· Chronic Fatigue

· Menopausal Discomfort

· Weight Loss

· Infertility

· Hypothyroidism


It is our belief at Bennett Acupuncture and Functional Medicine that alternative medicine permits the body to heal and synchronize with out using invasive treatments. In rare cases, it may be appropriate to use such surgical treatments, but only after the body has failed to respond to holistic treatments properly. We pride ourselves on accurately recognizing when this type of extensive treatment is needed and Dr. Bennett can recommend the best surgical choice to ensure you not only receive the right treatment, but you receive the best treatment for your chronic condition.

However, we find in the majority of cases, allowing the body to heal and synchronize without pumping it full of toxins and chemicals that will essentially inhibit the healing process, the Western approach is no longer necessary. In the event that it is, the effects of the allopathic treatment are increased due to the body’s new synchronization.

Welcome to THE Weight Loss Guide for YOUR Body

The words you are about to read in this eBook aren’t just superficial with empty promises like the weight loss guidelines and diets you might find leafing through magazines. The plan outlined in this eBook is not only researched and scientifically proven to produce results specific to your unique body, but it is a tried and true method that attests to the results you can achieve when you listen to your body.

Thus far in your weight loss endeavors you have not been alone. Women across the country commit themselves to fad diets, dog-ear workout guides in magazines, and pay high prices for exercise classes. No matter what methods you tried and how strictly you followed dieting

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guidelines in conjunction, when you aren’t seeing the right results, you might feel like something is missing, right? That no matter how hard you try, you are still doing something wrong?

New patients come in to our office feeling the same way. And they often ask us, “Why am I not losing weight?”

We generally have three answers.

1. Your diet consists of too much sugar and highly processed foods

2. A hormone imbalance is causing your fat storing hormones to shut down your fat burning hormones; or

3. Your body cellular energy and Qi are unbalanced

Many patients are aware of the general way in which the body breaks down and stores fat. But this concept of fat storing hormones can be unfamiliar to them and may also be a new concept for you. The hormones known as cordial, estrogen and insulin—when found in excess—are known to boost the fat storage processes and decrease your body’s capability to burn fat naturally.

Now that we have cleared the air on the differences of traditional weight loss programs and our tried and true method, let’s delve right in on how to swing these factors in your favor to increase fat burning and give you the weight loss results that will help you feel better than ever.

Weight Loss Begins with a Nutritionally Backed Foundation

What you eat throughout the day can have a major impact on your weight. Cereals chocked full of sugar, lunches soaked in grease, and dinner plates with little color that are full of carbohydrates and fats will never produce the results you want, no matter how much you workout. All weight loss plans, regardless if you were following our methods or not—and all health strategies actually—should be built on a strong nutritional foundation.

Committing to a healthy diet can be difficult if you try to eliminate all unhealthy foods at one time. So instead, we suggest taking baby steps or cutting out foods at a pace you are comfortable. Now, this is no excuse to procrastinate. These steps must be taken to ensure the maximum results of a weight loss plan. Successful diets take time to adapt to and too many people fail when they try to change their diet too drastically, too quickly.

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The first step we recommend is to cut out all foods made with white flour. Once you have gotten adjusted to a diet with replacements for white flour, take it an extra step and cut out all processed grains including breads, pasta and cereal. You may be asking, if they aren’t white flour products, why do I need to remove them?

Unfortunately, processed grains are named redundantly for the exact way they are produced—by highly processing the grains—and these grains are loaded with sugar. Your digestive tract was not designed to handle such highly processed food and this can result in inflammation as your digestive tract struggles to break it down.

Feeling bloated and gassy is also another direct result of ingesting foods that your digestive tract has a difficult time breaking down. Not only should feeling this discomfort persuade you against consuming processed grains, but also the reasons behind the feeling of being bloated and gassy should be enough to turn you off of them for good.

If your body cannot adequately break down the foods you ingest, some of your meal will essentially be sitting in your gut rotting as it waits its turn to be broken down—if it is broken down at all. The resulting sluggishness of digestion, water retention, and bloating are all main factors that lead to weight gain just on their own.

So it only makes sense that if you eliminate processed grains, your body will break down foods at an optimal pace while reducing the potential for rotting food, water retention, bloating and ultimately weight gain, right?

That is correct. Replace hard to digest foods like processed grains with a few organic fruit servings to really boost your digestion. Many fruits—like berries—offer anti-inflammatory properties so you can ensure your are providing your gut the right nutrition to digest properly.

This all may sound easy enough, but where people really begin to struggle is with having the proper foods available. Today, we are constantly on the go and stopping by a fast food chain or

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throwing together a frozen meal is all too convenient. Many of us don’t want to take the time to go out of our way to buy fresh fruit, but unfortunately this is a must.

Seek out the nearest farmer’s market or design a route home from work that passes a local grocery store. Get in the habit of swinging by these places regularly and picking up fresh fruit to always have on hand so you will eat what is necessary and not whatever is just convenient. After all, maintaining a healthy weight is not just a convenience, but it is also a necessity for over all wellness, longevity and vitality.

Once you have mastered the elimination of processed grains and replaced them with organic fruit, another food group that is necessary for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and preventing weight gain is vegetables. Up your intake. We understand how much you may despise vegetables, but once you start adding them to your meals frequently and see what they are doing for your waistline, we guarantee you will think twice about your preexisting opinion of vegetables.

To help get you started on the path to loving vegetables, we offer a variety of veggie-laden recipes as well as plenty of ideas for how to add vegetables to your favorite meals. No matter what road you take to adding vegetables to your diet, we urge you to get creative with produce and build a lasting relationship with this food group.

Supplement the vegetable servings on your plate with fresh juice drinks or green smoothies. There are plenty of methods to getting your daily intake of vegetables.

Once you have a pretty good understanding of how to add more color—fruits and vegetables—to your plate, it is essential to choose clean, organic meats to nourish your body with high-quality protein. Proteins break down slowly—in a good way—to help keep you feeling fuller, longer and supply your brain with essential amino acids. Proteins work to balance your blood sugar through out the day as well.

Now that you have restructured your diet by eliminating processed grains and filling your plate with fruits, vegetables and high-quality proteins, it is time to discuss how to maintain this healthy diet. Because as we said, it is not enough to just work out. You must build a backbone for a healthy life and the process begins with nutrition.

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Use a meal planner to organize your week. We suggest creating a meal plan at the beginning of each week to properly organize each meal and the ingredients those meals will require. Your meal planner should look something similar to the following:

Planning your meals ahead of time will save your time and money. Meal planners provide a structured list for the entire week so you won’t have to make multiple trips and they ultimately prevent you from buying items you may already have at home. And the added benefit? When you have a set list, you are less likely to purchase items that have been eliminated from your diet like cookies or breads.

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1⁄3-1/2 C Filtered Water

2 Scoops Vegan Vanilla Protein Powder

1 tsp Vanilla

1/8 tsp Pumpkin or Apple Pie Spice

1 Tb Almond Butter

1 Banana

Pinch Sea Salt

1. Blend seasonings together and adjust

to taste.

Makes 1 Serving.


• Add 2-3 teaspoons carob

• Replace almond butter with 1⁄3 cup or more coconut milk



2 Tb Avocado Oil, or as needed

6 Eggs, beaten

4 Ripe Tomatoes, sliced into wedges

2 Green Onions, thinly sliced

1. In a wok or skillet, heat 1 tablespoon avocado oil over medium-heat.

2. Pour eggs into the hot oil and stir until mostly cooked through, about 1 minute.

3. Place eggs on a plate and set aside. Heat the remaining avocado oil (1 tablespoon) in wok. Add tomatoes and cook until liquids have mostly evaporated, about 2 minutes.

4. Add the eggs back into the wok and combine with green onions. Cook until eggs are fully cooked through, about 30 more seconds.

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2 Tb Olive Oil

2 lb Ground Beef

2 Garlic Cloves, minced

2 Onions, chopped

8 oz Sliced Mushrooms, fresh

1/2 tsp Ground Nutmeg

1/2 tsp Dried Oregano

1 (10 oz pkg) Frozen Chopped Spinach, thawed and drained

6 Eggs

Salt and Pepper to taste

1. In a large skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add the ground beef and cook through until no longer pink, about 8 minutes. Drain and place back in skillet.

2. Add garlic, onions, and mushrooms to the skillet. Cover. Reduce heat to medium and cook until onions are soft and translucent, about 5 minutes. Be careful not to overcook, as garlic burns easily and becomes bitter.

3. Stir in nutmeg, oregano, spinach, salt, and pepper. Cook until the spinach is heated through and begins to wilt. Reduce heat to medium-low.

4. With the back of a spoon, make 6 egg-sized grooves into the beef and spinach mixture—one for each egg. Crack an egg into each pre-made groove. Cover and heat until eggs are cooked to your liking. For medium eggs, this is about five minutes.

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Snacks and Drinks


*Recipe requires preparation.


1 C Raw, Unpasteurized Almonds

6 C Filtered Water1 tsp Vanilla

1/2-1 Tb Raw Honey

1. Combine 1 cup of almonds with 3 cups of filtered water and a dash of sea salt. Allow almonds to soak for 12 hours. Drain. Discard liquids.

2. In a blender, combine soaked almonds and 3 cups of filtered water. Blend.

• Add more water for thinner milk.

3. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla and 1/2-1 tablespoon raw honey. Blend well until mixture is a bit frothy.

• Vanilla and honey can be adjusted according to how sweet you prefer the milk.

• Almond milk also tastes great with out a sweetener.

4. Using a fine sieve, strain mixture to eliminate almond residue.

Makes 4 Servings.


• Use walnuts, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts, or macadamia nuts.

• Blend in carob powder for “chocolate milk.”

• Add spices like nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger, and/or cardamom.



1 Cucumber

3 Celery Stalks

1 Green Apple, cored

1/2 Bunch of Parsley or Cilantro

1 Handful Fennel

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1. Combine ingredients together in a centrifugal juicer or blend in a VitaMix and strain.

Makes 1 Serving.



1 Beet, chopped

2 Carrots

1 Green Apple, cored

1 Quarter-sized chunk of Ginger, peeled

1. Combine ingredients together in a centrifugal juicer or blend in a VitaMix and strain.

Makes 1 Serving.



1 Medium Sweet Potato (about 8 oz), scrubbed and sliced into 1/16-inch thick rounds

2 tsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1⁄2 tsp Smoked Paprika

1⁄4 tsp Sea Salt

1. Preheat oven to 375°F.

2. Place sweet potato rounds into a bowl and add oil, paprika, and salt. Toss with your hands until thoroughly coated.

3. Arrange the slices in a single layer on 2 baking sheets lined with parchment paper—do not overlap the rounds.

5. Place baking sheet on middle rack and bake (one sheet at a time) until the edges of the chips curl up, the centers become golden brown, and the tops are dry to the touch, about 12 minutes.

6. Slide the parchment paper off onto a wire rack and let the chips cool until crisp.

*Store in airtight container.

Makes 2-3 Servings.

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Chipotle Lettuce Wraps


4 Large Butter Lettuce Leaves

2 Pieces of Turkey, thinly sliced (Preferably free-range)

2 Tb Chipotle Mayo (Can substitute homemade chipotle mayo)

Red onion, thinly sliced (Amount varies according to preference)

1/4 Avocado, thinly sliced

1. Place 2 butter leaves together—one on top of the other—and top with turkey, mayo, red onion and avocado. Roll up.

2. Repeat with other butter leaves.

Strawberry & Macadamia Nut Chicken Salad


1 lb Free-range Chicken Breast

1 tsp Macadamia Nut Oil (Can substitute oil of your choice)

Salt and Pepper to taste

1 1/2-2 C Strawberries, chopped

1/2 C Macadamia Nuts, chopped

1/2 C Celery, diced

3 Tb Mayo (preferably homemade)

2 Tb Basil, julienned

1 Tb Lemon Juice

1. Preheat oven to 350°F.

2. Place chicken in a single layer on a baking sheet. Drizzle with oil and season with salt and pepper, to taste.

3. Bake for 35 minutes, or until cooked through. Remove from oven and let cool.

4. Shred chicken.

5. In a large bowl, combine shredded chicken, strawberries, nuts, celery, basil, mayo, and lemon juice. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. Gently stir until mixed.

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Kale Chips

"Olive oil and seasoned salt are all you need to turn fresh kale leaves into delicious good-for-you baked snacks."


Bunch Kale Leaves

1 Tb Olive Oil

1 tsp Seasoned Salt

1. Preheat an oven to 350oF.

2. Wash and thoroughly dry kale leaves using a salad spinner. In a bowl, drizzle kale with olive oil and toss to coat. Sprinkle seasoning salt on top of coated leaves.

3. Place prepared leaves on a lined cookie sheet and bake for 10 to 15 minutes or until the edges are browned, but not burned.



1 Medium Jicama, peeled and cut into 1/4 inch-thick slices

2 Avocados

1/2 C Cilantro, minced

2-3 Tb lime juice

1 Jalapeno, minced (optional)

Sea Salt & Ground Pepper, to taste

1. Scrape out of the avocado into a medium bowl. (Set aside one of the avocado pits to put in the guacamole later to prevent browning.)

2. Mash Avocado with a fork.

3. Add cilantro, lime juice, and jalapeno to the mashed avocado. Mix well.

4. Serve with the jicama slices as you would chips.

Makes 4 Servings.

*Leftover jicama slices can be stored in the refrigerator and used later in salads. Jicama slices also make a great snack when enjoyed with tahini and other nut butters.

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4 Eggs

4 C Water

1 Tb Vinegar

2 1/2 Tb Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 Garlic Clove, minced

3 C Broccoli Florets

1/2 tsp Sea Salt

Fresh Ground Pepper, to taste

1. In custard cups or small bowls, crack each egg.

2. Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a medium saucepan.

3. When the water comes to a boil, stir in the vinegar. Pour in the eggs and remove from heat. Cover and let stand for 7 to 10 minutes, depending on how you prefer your eggs.

4. Carefully remove the eggs from the saucepan with a slotted spoon and set aside on a plate.

5. Heat oil over medium-high heat in a medium skillet. Add garlic and cook for 30 seconds. *Be careful not to overcook garlic, as it burns easily and becomes bitter.

6. Add broccoli and salt to the skillet. Sprinkle with black pepper, to taste. Toss the broccoli in the skillet and cook, tossing occasionally, for 7 to 10 minutes, or until tender.

7. Divide the broccoli into two servings. Top each serving with 2 poached eggs and sprinkle with salt and pepper.

Makes 2 Servings.




1 (4-6 oz) Wild Salmon Filet

Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Sea Salt and Pepper, to taste

1. Drizzle salmon with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt and pepper.

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2. Broil for 10 to 12 minutes.

Makes 1 Serving.


• Sprinkle salmon with dill, paprika, chopped rosemary, or thyme.



4 oz Chicken, diced and cooked

1 Tomato, diced

1/2 Avocado, diced

1/2 C Cilantro, diced

1/2 Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1/2 tsp Lemon or Lime Zest, grated

1 tsp Ground Cumin

1 tsp Chili Powder

1 C Mixed Greens, preferably organic

1. Combine chicken, tomato, avocado, cilantro, olive oil, lemon zest, ground cumin, and chili powder. Toss until well mixed. Cover and refrigerate for a minimum of 1 hour.

2. Serve chicken mixture over greens.

Makes 1 Main Dish or 2 Side Servings.



1/4 C Lime Juice

1/4 C Rice Vinegar

2 Tb Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 Tb Sesame Oil

1/2 tsp Red Pepper Flakes

2 Garlic Cloves, minced

1 lb Flank Steak

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1/4 C Tamari or Coconut Aminos

1/2 Head Napa Cabbage

1 English Cucumber

1. Combine lime juice, vinegar, olive oil, sesame oil, red pepper, and garlic in a small bowl and set aside.

2. Pierce steak all over with a fork. Pour ½ of the mixture on the steak and retain the second half for the salad.

3. Allow the steak to marinate for at least 30 minutes. The steak may be marinated for several hours if you prefer.

3. Broil steak for 8 to 10 minutes.

4. In a medium bowl, pour the remaining dressing over the cucumber and cabbage. Toss several times until well coated. Top with the steak and serve.

Makes 2 Main Dishes or 4 Side Servings.


*Perfect for Snacks, too!


Sheets of Nori Seaweed

1/4 lb of Your Favorite Sliced Meat or Smoked Salmon (can add more if you’d like)

1 Avocado, diced

1 Cucumber, thinly sliced

1 Carrot, thinly sliced

1. Using a sushi mat, place the seaweed shiny side down. You may also use your countertop in place of a sushi mat. Lay the sliced meat on top of the nori.

2. Place slices of avocado, cucumber, and carrot lengthwise about an inch from the bottom of the nori.

3. Roll the front edge of the nori sheet tightly over the avocado and vegetable slices. After each fold, squeeze the roll to secure the slices stay in place.

4. Serve the roll sliced into bite-size pieces.

Makes 1 Serving.


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• Mash the avocado and spread it on top of the meat

Add additional vegetables of your choice


Black ‘N Spicy Salmon


1-1/2 tsp Garlic Salt

1 tsp Paprika

1 tsp Onion Powder

1 tsp Oregano

1 tsp Freshly Ground Black Pepper

1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper

1/2 tsp Ground Thyme

2 lb Salmon (May also use tuna or any firm, white fish)

1. Place a large, cast iron skillet on the stove and heat over medium-high heat.

2. To make the rub, mix together seasonings in a small bowl. Rub this mixture on both sides of the fish.

3. Spray the skillet with non-stick cooking spray and add the fish to the skillet, cooking each side for 8 to 10 minutes. When done, the fish should flake easily with a fork.



2 Tilapia Filets (about 1 lb)

1/3 C Almonds, whole

1/4 C Dijon Mustard

1 tsp Smoked Paprika

Salt and Pepper, to taste

Coconut Oil for pan-frying

1. Use a food processor to finely chop almonds, about 20 seconds.

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2. In a shallow dish, combine chopped almonds and paprika and set aside.

3. Generously season the tilapia filet with salt and pepper.

4. Coat both sides of the filet with Dijon mustard. Transfer the filet to the shallow dish and cover the filet with the almond mixture.

5. Pour coconut oil into a skillet and heat over medium heat. When the skillet is hot, put the filets in the skillet and cook the fish for about 3 minutes on each side, or until the fish is cooked through. The outside will be browned and crispy, but not burned.

6. Garnish with parsley or lemon and serve warm.

Makes 2 Servings.



1 lb Ground Meat of Your Choice—beef, bison, lamb, or turkey

1 Egg, lightly beaten

1/2 C Cilantro, minced

1 Scallion Stalk, minced

1 Tb Tamari or Coconut Aminos

2 Garlic Cloves, minced

Freshly Ground Pepper, to taste

Coconut Oil for cooking

1. Combine meat, egg, cilantro, scallion, tamari, garlic and pepper in a large bowl. Using your hands, mix ingredients together thoroughly.

2. Roll mixture into small balls and flatten to make 1 inch-thick patties about 4 inches in diameter.

3. Heat a large, cast iron skillet over medium-high heat. Pour in the coconut oil and cook the patties for about 5-6 minutes. Flip the patties over and cook for another 5 minutes, or until thoroughly cooked through.

4. Garnish with mustard and raw sauerkraut.

*Burgers are great served over an organic salad or with a side of kale or roasted vegetables.

Makes 3-4 Burgers.

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1-3 Turkey Thighs

1 Large Yellow Onion, peeled and thickly sliced

4 Garlic Cloves, minced

2-4 Carrots, scrubbed and cut into thick slices

Your Choice of Spices e.g. Italian spices, cumin, curry, chili

1-2 C Chicken, Beef, or Veggie Broth

Olive Oil

Sea Salt and Pepper, to taste

1. Pour olive oil into crock-pot to coat the bottom.

2. Layer the onions in the bottom of the crock-pot and top with meat, skin/fat side up.

3. Cover meat with carrots and sprinkle with as little or as much spices of your choice. Pour about 1-2 cups of broth over the carrots and spices. Sprinkle the top with salt and pepper to taste.

4. Set the crock-pot on low for 6-8 hours or on high 3-4 hours.

5. Serve with a green salad, kale or chard.

Makes 2-3 Servings.


• Turkey thighs may be substituted with 2 lbs of bone-in chicken legs or 3-4 lbs of either roast beef, lamb leg or lamb shoulder

• Any combination of root vegetables may be added including beets, turnips, parsnips, yams, potatoes, celery root



2 Sweet Potatoes, washed and peeled

2 Parsnips, washed and peeled

2 Carrots, washed and peeled

1 Tb Fresh Thyme

5-6 Fresh Sage Leaves

1/4 C Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Add more if you prefer)

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Sea Salt and Freshly Ground Pepper, to taste

1. Preheat oven to 375° F.

2. Cut sweet potatoes, parsnips, and carrots into ½ inch-thick sticks approximately 2-inches long and place on a parchment lined baking sheet.

3. Drizzle the vegetable sticks with the olive oil and sprinkle with the herbs. Add sea salt and pepper. Cover the prepped vegetable sticks with a second piece of parchment paper and cook in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender.

*Roasted root vegetables make a perfect snack or compliment any grilled meat dish.

Makes 6 Side Dish Servings.

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Pumpkin Bars Recipe


1/3 C Coconut Flour

1/4 tsp Sea Salt

1/2 tsp Baking Soda

1/2 tsp Cinnamon

4 Eggs

1 C Pumpkin or Winter Squash, freshly baked (Do not use canned pumpkin!)

1/3 C Honey

1/4 C Coconut Oil

1/2 C Dark Chocolate Chips

1. Preheat the oven to 350oF.

2. In a mixing bowl, combine the coconut flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon. Pour into a food processor and add the eggs, pumpkin, honey, and oil. Pulse until well combined.

3. Gently fold in the chocolate chips by hand.

4. Pour the batter into an 8x8 glass-baking dish and bake for 20 to 30 minutes.

5. Let cool on a wire rack and serve.



1 to 1 1/2 C Almond Meal

1/2 C Coconut Oil, unrefined and melted

1 C Raw Carob or Unsweetened Cocoa Powder

1 to 2 tsp Vanilla

1/4 tsp Cinnamon

1⁄3 C Monukka Raisins or Turkish Apricots (about 4-5 apricots chopped), soaked

4-5 Tb Water, retained from raisin/apricot soak

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1. Place raisins or chopped apricots in small, heat-resistant bowl and set aside.

2. Bring water to a boil in a small saucepan. Remove from heat and pour over raisins or chopped apricots. The water should cover the fruit with about two-inches of excess water on top. Soak 5-10 minutes. Do not drain.

3. Remove the fruit from the water with a slotted spoon. Retain water for later use.

4. In a food processor or blender, combine almond meal, carob, coconut oil, vanilla, cinnamon, and fruit. Blend well. Add 4-5 tablespoons of the retained soaking water and blend mixture again. The mixture should have a thick consistency like cookie dough. If not, add more of the retained water until the mixture reaches desired consistency.

*Note: If you are using a blender, occasionally stir and re-blend until the mixture is smooth

5. Transfer mixture to a 7x7 glass-baking dish and place in the refrigerator until the coconut oil sets.

*Fudge can be stored in the refrigerator for 2 weeks and freezes well.

Makes 25 Squares.



1 Can Coconut Milk

2 C Fresh Fruit—do not use frozen

1 tsp Vanilla

Cinnamon or other spices of your choice

1. Place coconut milk, fruit, vanilla, and spices into a blender and puree.

2. Transfer blended mixture into dessert cups or custard cups—coffee cups work well, also—and freeze for about 1 hour or until mixture has set to an ice cream-like consistency. *Note: Do not over freeze. Due to the low sugar content, this mixture will become rock-solid if left in the freezer too long.

In fact, if you create a meal planner that is strictly vegetables, fruits and high-quality protein, when you go to pick these items up, you won’t even be tempted by processed foods. What is the secret?

The layout of a grocery store isn’t designed with out thought. When you enter a grocery store, you will most likely have to travel around the parameter of the aisles to find the produce and meat

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departments. Does this sound like your local grocery store? We bet it does. Grocery stores intentionally place these departments there so consumers are forced to bypass the aisles containing processed food and unhealthy fats and sugars.

When you go to the grocery store prepared, you are equipped to fight off the urge to wander down the cookie aisle or stop by the bakery. You know what you need to get and you can focus on purchasing only those items to save you money and let’s face it, unnecessary weight gain.

If you prefer to make multiple trips to the grocery store or local farmer’s market through out the week, that is simple enough to do as well. Many people like to jot recipes down on their Smartphone or in a notepad and swing by the grocery store on the day of the meal to pick up fresh produce. We certainly can’t argue with that.

If you are a little shy in the kitchen, technology today makes it easier then ever to learn how to cook creative and delicious meals. Just doing a simple Google search for whole food recipes will provide you with overwhelming results. If you want to find inspiration through a bit more of an engaging platform, look no further than Facebook or Pinterest.

And to continue to motivate your commitment to a healthy lifestyle through nutrition, we will offer our favorite tasty meals for weight loss in our weekly newsletter and on Pinterest.

I’m eating right, but still not seeing the results I want. What is the deal?

You are reading this eBook because you are looking for a real weight loss plan that gives you real results. But if you read the above chapter and felt like it was old news, you may be wondering why your diet isn’t providing the results you want.

Or maybe this is the first time you are completely rehabilitating your diet and you want to ensure you make the most out sacrificing your favorite foods in an effort to eat healthier, feel better, shed more pounds—not to mention live longer.

Bravo! You have already taken a very difficult first step and you should be very proud of yourself. You are that much closer to achieving and sustaining permanent weight loss! So let’s get to that weight loss part already, shall we?

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Making the effort to completely change your diet is certainly not easy. In fact, most people find eating the proper nutrition and avoiding temptation to be one of the biggest challenges of weight loss. When you have overcome this obstacle, but your weight continues to fluctuate, it is far too easy to get down on yourself and lose the motivation to keep up that healthy habit you worked so hard to get to stick.

Don’t be hard on yourself. You are doing everything that you have been told to do correctly. The problem is actually internal, and unless you are made aware of these bodily inefficiencies, you will continue to struggle reaching your weight loss goals. So what is going on inside your body that is preventing the weight from just falling right off and staying off? There is an imbalance between the fat burning hormones and the fat storing hormones.

It may be little known to you, but there are actually three fat burning hormones that play a role in weight loss! These fat burning hormones are called cortisol, estrogen and insulin. While all three of these hormones play a role in your ability to lose weight and keep it off, cortisol usually plays the most significant part so let’s start there.

You may have actually never heard of cortisol so it is important to take a moment to look at what cortisol is and what function it plays in your body.

Cortisol is referred to as a stress hormone. Your first reaction may be to think about stress you actively undergo every day—financial stress, relationship stress, job stress, family stress, ect. While these burdens are considered stress, our body undergoes stress in other ways as well. So

in order to simplify our explanation, we will refer to these particular stressors as “emotional stressors.”

Now, it is significant to note here how we phrased ‘your first reaction may be to think about the stress you actively undergo EVERY DAY.’ Why did we write it like this? Because it is important to understand that unlike processed grains, we cannot completely eliminate emotional stressors from our every day lives.

The best we can do is to seek out a coping mechanism to reduce as much stress as possible. And we don’t mean coping with a tub of ice cream in your favorite robe and slippers. Instead, try chatting with a friend,

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talking to a therapist, or participating in guided meditation or prayer. If you enjoy writing, journaling has also been proven as a great mechanism to reduce “emotional stressors” that may otherwise have brutal physiological effects, not to mention cause your metabolism to plummet.

We mentioned that emotional stressors are not the only stressors on your body. So what are the others? We call them “biological stressors” and they are equally—if not more—hazardous to your health. Why? Because biological stressors are found physically within your body. They include the following:

1. Food sensitivities/intolerance reactions

2. Chronic infections

3. Heavy metal toxicities

4. EMF pollutants

5. Chemical toxicities

6. Electro-smog

In some cases, emotional stressors alone can be enough to trigger your body into cortisol production overdrive. In other situations, it may just take one biological stressor to tip the scales and render your weight loss efforts futile. And yet, a combination of emotional and biological stressors is just as likely to give your body that extra push to send your cortisol levels through the roof. Being unaware of the effects of stress on your body—in any form—can put your weight, as well as your health, in jeopardy.

Now that you have an understanding of how stress can flip the cortisol production switch into overdrive, and the long-term effects this can have on your body, let’s take a look at how cortisol plays a role in reversing all of those healthy, courageous steps you’ve taken to becoming a leaner, meaner version of you.

Stress and the Mean Tricks It Plays on Your Metabolism

What did we learn in the last chapter? We learned that the stress hormone cortisol is produced in larger amounts when our body undergoes stress, whether it is emotional or biological. When this stress is short term, the increase in cortisol levels does not play a significant role in altering our metabolism. But when this stress becomes chronic, it can have severely negative physiological effects and cause weight gain whether than the weight loss we strive so hard to achieve.

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Why? Stress signals the body—specifically the pituitary gland—to produce cortisol as a survival mechanism. When our bodies go into this type of survival mode, cortisol takes precedent over the other hormones we need to burn fat—growth hormones (GH), testosterone, or insulin. These hormones are not necessary for survival and therefore our body does not concern itself with their production.

When we undergo short-term stress from factors including acute infection, grieving, financial lost, ect., our body may put the production of fat burning hormones on the back burner. But this is only temporary. Our body will resume production of hormones to balance out cortisol quickly after. When the stress we undergo is chronic and long-term, the depletion of fat burning hormones in our body can reek havoc.

You will most likely see this imbalance of fat storing and fat burning hormones around your waist. This increase in abdominal fat is linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes so it is important to keep this type of weight gain under control. Let’s look at some ways you can put this knowledge of cortisol and its affects on your weight to use for healthy and permanent weight change.

Take Control of Cortisol to Optimize Fat Burning

There are some immediate action steps you can take now to reduce your cortisol production and get the most out of your weight loss plan. Here are some simple techniques:

1. Lower Emotional Stressors

Exercise daily. Working out for 30 to 60 minutes every day is a proven way to lower your cortisol levels and optimize your energy. The type of exercise you perform is important to getting the weight loss results you want. Stick to exercises that you are comfortable with. Over-exerting yourself will actually have the opposite effect of what you are after.

If you are comfortable running or jogging and this is already part of your routine, keep up the good work and see if you can push yourself further. If you have been dormant in the exercise world for a while, start out by walking and build up. You want to make sure that once you complete an exercise, you feel great. If you are exhausted after, you may be doing more harm then good. You

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are trying to tame your cortisol levels—not put so much stress on your body that you send your cortisol levels out of control.

Establish coping mechanisms for your stress. Every day emotional stressors can take a toll, but you don’t have to bare all of the weight on your own shoulders. Find a method that works for you to alleviate what is causing some of this stress. Talk these factors out with a friend, write them down in a journal, share them with a therapist, or practice regular mediation or prayer. All of these methods have a proven track record of reducing the burden of every day stressors and the effect they can have on your body and your soul.

2. Lower Biological Stressors

Reduce Food Sensitivities and Food Intolerances. Your digestive system was not designed to break down and digest all of the foods that are available today. For example, your digestion system does not know how to break down processed foods. This can result in a sluggish digestive system and the feeling of bloating and gas that comes from poor water retention and slow digestion. Not being able to breakdown foods can also lead to inflammation as your digestive system is struggling to do its job. Eliminate processed foods from your diet as we discussed in the chapter “Weight Loss Begins with a Nutritionally Backed Foundation.”

Your gut also becomes sensitive and intolerant to certain foods as the digestive system gets tired and overworked from breaking down foods—like the processed foods mentioned above—that are not meant to be broken down in your body. If you suspect you have a food intolerance or sensitivity, you may consider removing these foods from your diet and monitoring how your body reacts without them. Slowly add these foods back in and if your body reacts negatively, you know you are intolerant or sensitive to this particular food.

You may also want to have tests run for an easier determination of what your body may not properly break down. ELSIA/ACT technology labs offer an accurate blood panel that can tell you what foods your digestive system is sensitive to. Avoid these foods.

In many cases, as we discussed, it is easy to switch out the foods your body may be intolerant to or sensitive of for healthier foods that maintain a proper digestion system and aid in weight loss.

Prevent or Treat Chronic Infections. Unfortunately, your body is susceptible to chronic viral infections, low-level bacterial infections, and parasitic infections in the digestive tract. When your cortisol levels are heightened, it becomes harder for your immune system to fight off disease and

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infection. The first step is to lower your stress with the methods mentioned above and prevent these diseases from occurring. Sadly, even with minimal emotional stressors and the best immune system, you are at risk for disease and these diseases can create a further increase of cortisol in your body as the stress from disease takes a great toll on the body’s functions.

Aside from lowering emotional stress to reduce your body's vulnerability to disease and infection, there are many ways you can lessen the burden these diseases and infections bare on your body or even eliminate them. These methods are highly patient-specific and focus on the underlying causes of these diseases and infections. These treatment plans will be part of your overall weight loss plan.

But there are also some general steps you can take to start the prevention of disease and infection today. Since processed sugars are proven to feed viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitic infections, it is important to eliminate them from your diet.

Some patients are more prone to colds, the flu and sore throats. I don’t like to recommend specific treatments with out studying your history, but if this sounds like you, I suggest consuming certain herbal blends to boost the immune system as soon as you begin to feel sick. The use of herbal blends, Chinese herbs, and supplements are an integral part of treating chronic infections and preventing illness.

Avoid Chemical and Heavy Metal Toxicity. Remember that the biological stressors on your body can also be a result of chemical and metal toxicity such as pollution. To reduce these stressors and your overall cortisol levels, a very specific approach is necessary based on your own liver health, detoxification capabilities, and digestive patterns. Your doctor will advise you of the proper approach when you create your weight loss plan.

However, I will provide you this easy tip today that will naturally regulate and increase your detoxification pathways: Eat cruciferous vegetables.

Cruciferous vegetables are a great way to boost your liver’s toxin breakdown by providing B vitamins, sulfur and other nutrients required for optimal liver function. Opt for vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, kale, chard, Brussels sprouts, spinach, and cabbage to optimize your liver’s functions.

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You Can Thank Estrogen for Those Excessive Inches

Estrogen is not only responsible for all the bad jokes men try to come up with about women, but it is also known as a fat storing hormone. The female body requires a certain amount of body fat to be healthy enough for reproduction, and unfortunately estrogen is responsible for this weight. Excess estrogen is also responsible for urinary, ovarian, and breast cysts as well as heavy or painful periods and bad PMS. This extra estrogen in your body can lead to an imbalanced ratio between estrogen and progesterone.

There are many causes for increased estrogen including the consumption of xenoestrogens or forms of estrogen not naturally produced by the body. Birth control is a perfect example of this. Some other ways you can ingest foreign estrogen is through many cleaning products and chemical-based products. When these foreign types of estrogen are ingested into your body, your body recognizes them as natural estrogen and incorporates them into your system as such. Unfortunately, because these sources of estrogen were not produced naturally in your body, they lack the identical structure of the preexisting estrogen and cause your body to struggle to break them down and eliminate them. As your body tries to break down these fat cells, it will have an increasingly difficult time as the foreign estrogen stored as fat is hard to metabolize.

At the same time, your estrogen and progesterone balance can also be tipped when your progesterone levels are too low to complement the regular levels of estrogen in your body. In both cases, you are in the unfortunate position of estrogen dominance.

As part of your weight loss plan, it is essential to rebalance your estrogen and progesterone. As with any acupuncture and Oriental medicine treatment, looking at the person as a whole and determining the underlying factors for this increase in estrogen or decrease in progesterone is key. Once your body’s behind-the-scenes functioning has been discovered, your doctor can better determine a treatment specific to your needs.

But you don’t have to wait to see your doctor to get started. Here are some general guidelines to get your estrogen and progesterone balance back on track. The first step is to support the healthy metabolism of excessive estrogen. Remember, excessive estrogen can lead to excessive fat storage cells. When these fat cells are formed by foreign estrogen, it becomes even harder for your body to break them down. To ensure you metabolism is breaking down fat appropriately, limit your exposure to foreign estrogen as much as possible.

Buy organic cleaning products or make your own. Stores like Whole Foods offer a wide variety of these products or the necessary “ingredients” to make these products from scratch. Not sure

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where to begin? Dr. Bennett has an assortment of solutions and homemade recipes to replace many of your ordinary cleaners. Also keep an eye on our blog for a list of some new up-and-coming products that will help reduce your ingestion of foreign estrogen while doing the job of your ordinary cleaners.

If you believe you are or have been diagnosed as a sufferer of low progesterone levels, you may want to consider getting comprehensive lab testing done to determine the cause. While we work as acupuncturists to study your lifestyle, medical history, and overall health to find the underlying key factors of hormone imbalances and other illnesses, some underlying causes are not always so clear-cut. In some instances, such as this one, we may recommend further testing available in our office.

Pending the results of your comprehensive lab panel, you will be able to safely raise your progesterone levels using multiple professional products designed to specifically elevate your progesterone levels safely and naturally.

While these simple tips to assist in rebalancing the ratio of hormones in your body seem easy, it is important to note that these tips must be used in conjunction with supplements, herbs or temporary bio identical hormone replacements to achieve the maximum results of your weight loss treatment. Many people make the mistake of believing if they follow the guidelines set here, they will begin to see the difference in this weight loss program compared to the others they have tried before. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Patients overlook the important role that acupuncture plays in this weight loss program.

By incorporating acupuncture into your weight loss plan, you will be able to provide your body, through acupuncture, the energy it needs to rebalance your hormones and produce results. The above tips mentioned are used solely as a place to start and it is important that you consult a healthcare professional before beginning any supplement or herbal program.

Insulin’s Deceptive Role in Weight Gain

The role that insulin plays in the body is important for understanding how immoderate insulin—like unbalanced estrogen—can negatively impact your weight loss and instead help you to pack on the pounds. Insulin is the regulator for metabolizing sugars and fatty acids into energy. So what does this mean?

When you ingest carbohydrates and fats, your digestive system works to break these substances down into sugars and fatty acids. It is then insulin’s job to seek out excessive levels of these

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particles drifting about your bloodstream and remove them. In doing so, insulin stores the fatty acids and sugars in fat cells to metabolize for energy later.

In order to maximize the fat burning power of your body, you need to cut back on the amounts of sugar and fatty acids you are consuming. When there are too many of these particles in your bloodstream, your body works to store them rather than burn them up for energy. In other words, by limiting your intake of carbohydrates and fats, you will limit the amount of storage required and therefore be able to burn more of the already stored sugar and fatty acids and increase weight loss.

Being careful of your carbohydrate and fat intake is not only essential for weight loss, but also for your overall well-being. When you expose your body to too many sugars and fatty acids over a long period of time, your body begins building up an intolerance to insulin. You may know this term better as Type II Diabetes.

If you have not yet been tested for Type II Diabetes, but you suspect you may have this insulin intolerance, it is important to have a blood test performed. Fasting glucose levels of 100 mg/deciliter or higher is a definite sign you could be on the cusp of developing Type II Diabetes if it has not developed already.

If you are diagnosed with insulin resistance, do not panic. Seeking out our professional help to better control your cortisol levels, as well as your insulin levels, will reap great benefits to your body as the re-balancing of both will normalize your blood sugar, your energy, and your overall vitality.

To maximize your fat burning potential, you must first begin with improving your blood sugar levels. Start with the hard-hitting dietary changes we discussed at the beginning of this eBook and eat small snacks between meals to help keep you satisfied and your blood sugar levels normalized through out the day.

Boost Your Cells and Organs with a 5,000-Year-Old Proven Method

According to Oriental medicine, the imbalance in the body that results in excess weight is a result of the malfunctioning of the spleen and liver organ systems. With this knowledge, Oriental medicine has designed an acupuncture treatment that targets the points of the body responsible

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for the QI of the spleen and liver systems. This acupuncture, complemented with the proper foods and herbs, can directly assist in rebalancing the body and influencing weight loss.

QI, the vital substance of life, is influenced by the food and nutrients you provide to your body. When you ingest a substance, it is transformed into QI during the digestive process. The spleen is responsible for the proper QI transformation so it is important that you keep your spleen operating at its full potential. When you do not provide your spleen with the proper nutrients and, as a result, it begins to function poorly, you experience symptoms such as a slow metabolism, fatigue, loose stools, water retention, and the feeling of heaviness. All of these symptoms ultimately hinder your weight loss attempts.

The liver is also responsible for the functioning of your spleen as well as the flow of your body’s QI, blood and emotions. When you undergo stress, as we talked about in the last chapter, your liver takes a hit and cannot function as necessary. This decrease in liver function can cause those feelings of cravings and compulsive eating we are all too familiar with. The effects are far reaching. Your liver’s inability to function properly will lead to a decrease in the functions of your entire digestive system and will result in a sluggish metabolism.

Thankfully, acupuncture and Oriental medicine offer a solution to maintain and control the functioning of both your liver and your spleen so you can ensure you will continue to see the efforts of your weight loss pay off.

Both acupuncture and Oriental medicine have proven positive effects on the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, and digestive systems as well as the ability to control food cravings and boost metabolism. When these functions of your body are operating optimally, you will be able to reach your weight loss goals and see lasting results.

Feeling of increased body energy: A sluggish digestive system and poor elimination process are two main factors that can lead to your body feeling slow and tired. When you increase the functioning of both the digestive system and elimination process, your body naturally shifts to have increased energy.

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Maximized absorption of nutrients: Increasing the productivity of the digestive system allows your body to properly absorb the nutrients it needs.

Better regulated elimination: When your digestive system is fully functioning and your body is properly absorbing the nutrients it needs for a balanced QI, it is easier for your body to accurately eliminate water, toxins and waste products.

Suppression of appetite to control overeating: A maximized digestive system, combined with the proper absorption of nutrients, diminishes cravings and curbs your appetite.

Reduced anxiety: Acupuncture works to increase the circulation of blood as well as the QI in your body to calm your nervous system and as a result, reduce anxiety.

Increased Metabolism: By increasing energy, blood flow, eliminating necessary waste, and suppressing your appetite, your metabolism will begin functioning at its full potential to increase your weight loss.

While these are an example of how acupuncture and Oriental medicine can work for you to maximize your weight loss and increase permanent results, each treatment is patient-focused and created on an individual level. The treatments will also target points that increase your overall well-being and vitality for a balanced QI, increased blood circulation, and a calm nervous system.

Acupuncture alone has shown proven results for weight loss, but when complemented with Oriental medicine treatments such as the ones listed below, patients report a greater rate of success and effectiveness of the treatments.

Herbs and supplements

Abdominal massages

Breathing exercises

Food and lifestyle recommendations

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Ear tacks or pellets to be left on between treatments

As your treatment progresses, your plan can be modified on a week to week basis to address different symptoms that may arise such as the suppression of cravings that occur in conjunction with premenstrual syndrome or PMS.

At this point, I have thrown a lot of information your way and you may be beginning to feel overwhelmed. Take a deep breath. When you consult a doctor and begin a treatment plan, each of these steps will be reviewed with you at a pace that allows you to better understand how you,

as an individual, will specifically be treated. We have discussed everything from food, energy, QI, massage, and acupuncture. Did you know that acupuncture in this case can actually be used as an umbrella term for all of the treatment methods mentioned above? When we discuss acupuncture, we are actually discussing the treatment process that an acupuncturist—or more specifically, how I—would treat a weight loss patient when they come in to my clinic. We don’t only use acupuncture, but a combination of all of these treatments to get the best results for you.

The Slimmed-Down Wrap-Up

We talked extensively about the three key players in fat storage and weight gain: cortisol, estrogen, and insulin. But don’t get angry with your body. These three hormones aren’t always bad. In fact, they are only bad when they are produced in excess for an extensive period of time. These hormones are actually important for a fully functioning body. Our aim is to reduce and re-balance these hormones so your body will function healthy and happy while burning fat and maintaining weight loss.

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If your hormones are out of harmony, you can begin to hone them back in and rebalance them by following the lifestyle and diet recommendations we have given you in this eBook. They are simple and easy, so why not give them a try?

To delve deeper and get the most out of your weight loss plan while being safe and healthy, consult a practitioner. He or she will be able to walk you through the steps mentioned above, guide your treatment, and perform the proper lab tests.

We specialize in both permanent weight loss solutions and hormonal solutions because they go hand-in-hand with acupuncture, so we urge you to contact us today and ask us how to get started!

And don’t forget to subscribe to our weekly newsletter that provides articles to empower women in making lifestyle choices that build a solid foundation for health and vitality.

I also invite and encourage you to join our community and engage with us through the social media accounts listed below.

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Please feel free to contact us with your comments, feedback and questions.

Always here for you,

Dr. Stefanie Bennett and Staff

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