cosmos redefined 27feb2008

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Cosmos redefined by Mohammed Abubakr


MOHD ABUBAKR"…This book is an answer to all those who believed that my sleepless nights and disturbed days had no meaning. Iquestioned and I kept questioning, the people on my planet were busy making money and killing each other, I was left tofind answers on my own, thus the new science was born. The journey has just begun and the pursuit appears to be endless."






witness the revolution




Copyright © 2008 Mohd Abubakr.

All rights reserved with the Author. No part of this book

should be translated or reproduced in any form, Electronic,

Mechanical, Photocopy, Recording or any information

storage and retrieval system for any commercial purpose

without prior permission in writing from the author.


Dedicated to my parents

For their patience,

love and unending prayers.

For me without you both,

the world is nothing but a dead planet.


"I have made a discovery. I shall no longer worship the sun, nor the

moon, nor the stars. There must be some mighty power behind them

that orders them to shine, the sun by day and the moon and stars by

night. That great power shall be my God."

“I have made a discovery. I shall no longer accept the General theory

of relativity, nor the quantum mechanics. There must be some mighty

logic behind them that makes them work, the general theory of

relativity at macroscopic level and the quantum mechanics at

microscopic level. That great logic shall be my “Theory of




Hi Everyone,

I am not a scholar, not a professor, not a physicist and certainly not a

mathematician. I am just a kid, who is immensely interested in

science. Probably, the interest in science began because of my

isolation from the world. During my teenage, I went through

something called as “Inferiority complex”, which forced me to stay

away from lot of so called “teenage activities”. Science gave me an

opportunity to have fun within my closed room, it helped me to

develop confidence in myself and it made me a person what I am

today. The bonding with science has been intimately deep! My

journey of knowing science has just begun and the pursuit appears to

be endless.

This book is a product of my sleepless nights and disturbed days in

finding the secrets behind the existence of universe. There have been

many moments when people have made fun of me and after going

through all of it, I rather became resistant to losers. My early lessons

on facing the world arrived during the beginning of my 11th


when I was mentally tortured based on communal remarks by some

students. I knew from then that world is a dirtier place to live and that

particular realization led me into the world of stars, galaxies and

atoms. That was world of science is world ruled by truth and

persistent hard work. Every time I read something new, I shared it

with my friends. When they were just about disgusted with my

constant scientific lectures, I found Wikipedia. It gave me a platform

to anonymously write-up all that I have learnt in science. Today when

I read the articles I have edited on Wikipedia, it gives me pleasant

feelings as most of them still remain intact. I started working on my

own theories from 2002 and it almost took 4 years until I reached

something concrete called as “Construction Theory” in 2005. In all

those 4 years, I tried my best to understand, envision and enhance the

existing theories, but somewhere I felt there is a missing link.

Construction theory is all about figuring out that missing link to take

the world of science one step ahead. And then happened this book!


Few highlights of the this book include, formulation of a framework

for the Grand Unified Theory, the discovery of a new fundamental

quantity called as “Chakr”, the discovery of a new branch of

mathematics called as “Calpanic Numbers”, formulation of a theory

called Construction theory to explain Bigbang, black holes, dark

matter, dark energy and many more in parallel with the basic

happenings inside the atom like nucleus, atoms etc. The book also

points out that Mass, Charge (current) and Temperature are not

fundamental quantities. I don‟t want to give away too many secrets

here, as I really want you to read the book in whole. I hope you would

like it.

I am in debt to the people who have lent their support and continue to

do so in making my passion for science easy and pleasurable. First

and foremost, I would like to thank my parents for handling me so

well and surviving in doing so. I know, it‟s not easy to withstand a

person like me (24/7) and I am sure God will certainly recognize their

efforts. There have been fights, there have been tears, but I only have

love in my heart for them, it‟s just that effect of science doesn‟t let me

speak out my emotions. As you can see, from last two years I am

trying hard to be a normal person but I think they know the

disappointment burning inside me.

There have been some great people who have inspired me to do

persistent hard work, think high and achieve truth in life. The list

includes Prophet Mohammed, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein,

Michael Faraday, Grigori Perelman and few others. I call all these

gentlemen as “Men of Science”. I have been questioned by my friends

that “why do I include Prophet Mohammed in the list of men of

science”, the answer is his teachings are more based on science than

philosophy. These people have had a great impact on my life, the way

I perceive things and the way I want to live my life. The world is a

poorer place to live without these outstanding inspirations.

I am thankful to all my teachers for being so kind with me, for all the

knowledge you have given me and for making me walk on the right

path. Your patience in explaining not just science but also life has

helped me greatly. I have also been fortunate to receive guidance and


support from some good professors. To name a few, Prof. APN Rao

(the man behind the Soliton Effect in my life), Prof. E.G. Rajan (for

giving me the first break to present at an international conference),

Prof. Milo Wolff (for encouraging me through emails), Prof. Vijay

Prakash (for his persistent effort in making me normal) and all those

professors who have guided me during conferences, talks and chats.

I am thankful to all my friends, especially Vinay and Kiran for their

patience and tolerance. I shall always remember those endless

discussions in bakeries, first benches and on house terraces. I hope

you both didn‟t get bored during all those discussions. There‟s one

more person who motivated me in formulating the theory presented in

this book, unfortunately we are no more the friends that we used to be,

but all I can say is that “I miss her‟. There have been many friends

who have helped me in getting right frame of mind for science, I am

very much thankful to them. I am also thankful to Hafeez Basha for

being a great friend and for helping me publish this book.

Above all, I am thankful to Almighty Allah for blessing me with

science and innovation and for being so much merciful on me. I don‟t

think my prayers have enough strength and I know it‟s all due Allah‟s


Mohd Abubakr.




Chapter1: Flaws in present physics

Geocentric theory to Gravitational theory

Maxwell laws


Quantum mechanics

Quantum fields and gauges

Superstrings and M-theory

Chapter2: Calpanic Numbers (beyond imaginary numbers)

Real numbers

Imaginary numbers

Beyond imaginary numbers

r - Convention

Properties of numbers

Chapter3: Compact discrete theory

What is sensible mathematics?

The two postulates

Chapter4: Construction material of universe

International system of units


Fundamental law of conservation

Chapter5: Construction theory

Minkowski‟s space derivation

Relativity derivation

Dimensional analysis

Schrödinger‟s wave equation derivation

Planck‟s law derivation

Calpanic Universe proof

Chapter6: Answers



“God invented the universe and it is the responsibility of human

beings to discover it”

From the moment humans started thinking, there was an

opposition from the non-thinkers. The non-thinkers always have

problems with thinkers since they just can‟t digest the innovation

happening around. To crush down the thinking abilities of people

around them, the non-thinkers started the notions of superstition,

pagan rules, etc. I hope most of you are aware of so many

superstitions happening around us especially in countries like India.

For that matter, superstition is also there in the field of science. Yes,

that‟s true. There are hundreds of false notions and beliefs existing in

our science and yet we drag them along without raising questions.

Some of which have become sacred and when one raises a question

against it, there are bunch of non-thinkers ready to cause harm. The

gangs of non-thinkers are like those terrorists who speak about liberty

and yet don‟t give independence to poor nations.

Fortunately, science is not the slave of these non-

thinkers, though there are many people who are under a wrong notion

about this. I think they should wake up, the world is rediscovering

itself and soon the maps are going to change. The best thing about

science is, here only the truth sustains over a period of time though the

non-thinkers will desperately try to crush it down. Sometimes I feel

the presence of non-thinkers has done some good to science as I see so

much of refinement of science occurring due to finger pointing of

non-thinkers. Over the years, hundreds of real scientists have suffered

due to problems created by non-thinkers. There are instances recorded

in the history that say that the non-thinkers went on to kill scientists.

Long back when I was discussing this issue of non-thinkers with my

father, he calmly told me that “if you are real scientist, you won‟t

complain about it”. I didn‟t understand then what that answer meant.

Today, I stand at cross-roads of my life with a theory I believe has the

potential to redefine physics. I have two ways in front of me, either to

abandon my theory or stand up to face the non-thinkers. I understand


that there is a finite chance that my theory might just be fundamentally

wrong and I am unnecessarily overacting about it. Yes, I might be

wrong but I am writing this book because I am trying. I am trying to

take science ahead, I have spent my four years on this and for me it‟s

not important to know that how much my theory is correct, I am

looking at what can be improved. From all those million criticisms I

have received in life and with billion yet to come, I have learnt one

strong lesson in life and that is to “never give up”.

Before I proceed further with my ideas about science,

my theories and thoughts, I wanted to share few things with all my

readers. Basically, I am not a writer and my English writing skills are

not so good. As a true Indian, I am against the idea of feeling proud

about knowing English and I never appreciated my fellow friends who

used to mug up English dictionaries. Anyhow, everyone has a right to

choose their own life and this is how I chose my life to be. One of the

reasons I selected English as language for this book was due to the

availability of large contemporary scientific vocabulary compared to

any other Indian language I have known. Probably while reading the

book you might find spelling mistakes and grammatical errors, forgive

me for that. While writing I tend to use the word “I” excessively,

sometimes it gives a very negative feeling about me but I would like

to clarify that it‟s only because of my inability to frame sentences

without “I”. And for all other literary mistakes and for my stupid

sense of humor, please forgive me as I am just a teenager and not yet

reached to state of being a good and matured writer. This book is all

about a new theory that has a potential to replace lots of our existing

physics with bold and new ideas. The ideas are innovative, simple and

yet very intriguing. I have adopted a different approach in framing

theories and you shall witness it as you read on the book.

The current scenario in the world of physics is that the

majority of theories just explain the “way the things are happening but

not why the things are happening”. From relativity to quantum

mechanics, each theory just concentrates in explaining how the things

are happening. Paul Dirac once said that

“… Some physicists may be happy to have a set of working

rules leading to results in agreement with observation. They may think


that this is the goal of physics. But it is not enough. One wants to

understand how Nature works”.

When I set out to understand physics, my aim was to

understand “how Nature works”. The most amazing thing about nature

is that it works under specific rules. Some call it “laws of nature” and

I believe they call it correctly. The “laws of nature” are designed

beyond perfection. There are specific rules that everything around us

follows. Our responsibility as human beings is not just to understand

those rules but also know how those rules evolved, what‟s the purpose

of each rule and reach to a state where we can understand the whole

universe in reality. This task is not as simple as it sounds and probably

it might take another thousand years to accomplish. Probably some

day, humans will be able to explore different galaxies, walk on them

and hopefully settle down there. I am sure there will be Cricket

matches held between teams from different galaxies and there might

be a regular Universe Cup (something like World Cup) as well.

However, to reach to this stage we need to improve lots of our

technologies, invent new machines and above all take science ahead.

Theoretical sciences form the soul of majority of new

inventions. From cell phones to spaceships, there is a scientific theory

behind their functioning. The best thing about a scientific theory is

that it‟s not just confined to one or two inventions. The utilization of a

scientific theory is solely dependent on us. The theory says “nuclear

energy can be generated”, it depends on the intensions of human

beings on how to utilize the theory. There are some idiots around the

world who blame the scientists for the discovery of Nuclear Bombs,

damn, why don‟t they have guts to oppose the politicians who used it

for their own benefits? Our responsibility as scientists is to create a

scientific theory and showcase its applications. It‟s the sole

responsibility of you people to use it for the benefit of human beings.

Majority of the scientists won‟t use science for destruction, because

they know how difficult it is to create even a single cell of a micro-

organism. Above all, it is due to science that today you are living in a

sheltered home else you would have been either a wild animal running

across the planet or a prey to deadly diseases.


Returning to our actual discussion on “Laws of Nature”,

our pursuit to understand the creation of universe has just began.

Today we have high-powered telescopes to look at galaxies, advance

laboratories to look inside an atom and the high spirits to know

beyond our technological limitations. It is very important that we have

the curiosity to understand the creation of universe because it lets us

know about our existence. Ofcourse, we can live just like a dog in the

street, satisfied with food thrown by its owner and not bothered about

what‟s happening beyond the street its living. But do you want to live

like that? If “yes” is your answer then this book is not meant for you.

Fortunately, majority of the people have thirst for knowledge and

curiosity to understand beyond our planet. That‟s the reason science

has been blossoming.

Because of our limitations in reaching out at every

corner of the universe, we create theories to understand them virtually.

We cannot go back and witness how earth was formed but we can

accurately formulate a theory that describes how earth was formed.

Stephen Hawking in his book “The brief history of time” quotes

defining a theory as

“ …in order to talk about the nature of the universe and to discuss

questions such as whether it has a beginning or an end, you have to be

clear about what a scientific theory is. I shall take the simple minded

view that a theory is just a model of the universe, or a restricted part

of it, and a set of rules that relate quantities in the model to

observations that we make. It exists only in our minds and does not

have any other reality (whatever that might mean). A theory is a

good theory if it satisfies two requirements: it must accurately

describe a large class of observations on the basis of a model that

contains only a few arbitrary elements, and it must make definite

predictions about the result of future observations.”

I slightly disagree with Hawking on definition of a

theory. First I would like to say that a scientific theory not just exists

in our mind but also in the reality. If it doesn‟t exist in reality then it is

not a scientific theory. If I propose a scientific theory that states 1 + 2

= 4, no one is going to agree on it because it doesn‟t exist in reality.

Later Hawking modifies his definition and points out certain


necessary requirements for a theory. As per Hawking, a good theory

should accurately model the large class of observations that we

witness and also extrapolate the results to understand future

observations. Are the two mentioned requirements by Hawking are

enough for a theory to be called as correct? After giving a deep

thought, the answer I got was „no‟. The theory should not just

accurately describe a large class of observations but also should

describe accurately „all‟ classes of observations. This is the reason

why today physics is facing a huge problem due to the fact that

gravity is not fitting with quantum mechanical ideas. „General

Relativity‟ explained large class of observations accurately and same

is the case with quantum mechanics. But both of these theories cannot

explain individually all classes of observations. That is why all the

effort of combining these two theories is going on. When I say all

class of observations, it means it should accurately define everything

that we know. There shouldn‟t be any ambiguity in explanation

obtained from the theory regarding the well-established facts of

science. Further, the theory should also make definite predictions

about the future observations. Let me re-iterate their lies a huge

difference between “large class of observations” and “all classes of

observations”. It is not easy for a theory to explain “all classes of

observations”, right at the moment it was formulated. However, a

good theory will provide a room for improvement. If it gets saturated

at a point, it should either explain all classes of observation or else we

need to discard it and hunt for better theories.

It is important for a theory not to get saturated at point, it

should give scope for polishing and then there is a possibility that such

theory can finally end up being a theory that accurately defines “Laws

of Nature”. Keeping in mind the Dirac‟s words and necessary

requirements for a theory, I have designed a theory that presents brief

analysis of LAWS OF NATURE. The coolest thing about

“CONSTRUCTION THEORY” (name of the theory) is much more

than a theory defined by Hawking. As you read on this book, you will

find how General relativity can be combined with quantum

mechanics. As the theory develops through this book, you would be

witnessing how General relativity and quantum mechanics forms the

two branches of this theory. It can be said that until and unless the

roots are defined, the branches of a tree cannot be unified. Our physics


has been only taking about the branches (relativity & quantum

mechanics) and remained totally unaware of the stem and roots of the

tree called “NATURE”. I know most of you are curious to know what

CONSTRUCTION THEORY is, my fellow physicists would be eager

to criticize it, a non-physicist would be excited to see how a theory

written by a kid can explain the biggest headache of existing physics

and some of you might be thinking its just another prank from some

fool, have a little patience, you all will soon come to know what it is.

On a serious note, I have said science as “branches, stem

and the roots”, as you read on this book you will come to know why it

has been said that way. Understanding “roots and stem” of the

universe requires whole new definition of physics, that‟s why the

name of the book has been kept as “COSMOS REDIFINED”. In this

book “COSMOS REDEFINED” the attempt is made to explain

universe from a new angle. Probably the highlight of this book is the

fresh ideas that I am going to put forward. It‟s my humble plea to the

readers that while reading this book please read it with a fresh mind

and thoughts. The reason for this is if you read this book with

quantum physics, relativity (etc) revolving in mind, then it is

extremely difficult to grasp the fresh ideas present in this book.

Imagine it this way, quantum physics, relativity, super strings etc are

all the beautiful (not sure) flowers in the garden of physics and the

new theories that I am presenting in this book are the newly arriving

flowers in the garden of physics. In order to know the smell of newly

arrived flowers you have to smell them separately and judge its smell

with the older ones. But it‟s up to the future, which will decide

whether my newly created flowers are worth keeping in the garden of

physics or not.

When I decided to write this book my initial plans

regarding the look of this book were completely different. I wanted to

use most complicated scientific vocabulary and notations for

describing each phenomenon. Then I realized the difficulties I faced

in knowing the elementary concepts of relativity, quantum field

theories, etc especially notations used in tensor calculus, indices, etc.

Even though this was my turn to take revenge, I followed a simpler

notation and Layman‟s English. As once Paul Dirac said


“…In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be

understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But

in poetry, it's the exact opposite”

I have avoided complicated mathematics because I wanted my

dear readers to understand the way universe has been built from the

scratch. Another point is that I am introducing a new branch of

mathematics called as “beyond imaginary numbers” or “Calpanic

numbers” and visualization of any new concept takes certain time. So

having complicated mathematical analysis will simply scare the

reader. With introduction of “beyond imaginary numbers” I think we

will be in a position to define a “Complete number”. You may ask me

“why there is necessity of such numbers?”

Newton used calculus to explain gravity, Maxwell used

Vector Calculus to explain electromagnetic waves, Einstein used

tensor calculus to explain space-time curvature, Schrödinger used

complex mathematical operators to explain quantum mechanics and

recent super string physicists are using some kind of strange

mathematics which I prefer saying “I don‟t understand”. So, every

great theory required a new kind of mathematics to explain it

effectively. The other reason for introduction of such new numbers is

that there is one inconsistency in our present mathematics, which has

been ignored so far. Resolving this inconsistency not only improves

mathematics but also its practical significance opens new doors in

understanding Nature. Don‟t think that “beyond imaginary numbers”

requires some “beyond imaginary” thinking to understand them. It is

just a name, to be frank, I had no other option left, since the words real

and imaginary were already associated with numbers. The only word

left out for me was “beyond imaginary”, so I used it. However, I

prefer calling them “Calpanic Numbers” rather than “beyond

imaginary numbers”.

The way imaginary numbers took mathematics one-step

ahead in giving practical reasoning of various phenomena; similarly

Calpanic numbers also helps in giving practical reasoning for many

events unexplained so far. From the applied point of view beyond

imaginary numbers are useful in solving the mysteries such as the

singularity of a black hole, space-time symmetry, big bang evolution,


sudden disappearance of mass within nucleus (binding energy

principle), radioactive decay of nucleus, huge numbers of short-lived

heavy particles found using High-energy accelerators, understanding

gravity, anti matter and many more. It should be noted that the above

events have no proper explanation in today‟s physics.

In total this book consists of 6 Units (chapters), the first

one being “flaws in present physics”. This chapter is an overview

about how I got motivated towards physics and various questions that

arose in my mind in understanding physics. I don‟t claim that I fully

understand physics but I am for 100% sure that none on this planet

will be able to successfully withstand that particular claim. I have

spent around 4 years on understanding physics starting from my 11th

standard. Though my favorite subject happens to be chemistry,

physics was running in background always in my mind. Actually, I

always faced a strange situation in life that whatever I love, I never get

it. But I have been fortunate that, whatever I get is much better than

what I love. Ah, let me not get carried away here, the first chapter also

describes about the flaws in various theories starting from good olden


The second chapter is about “Calpanic Numbers”, I can

promise that this chapter is going to be an interesting read. It

introduces a new quantity called as Calpanic Index represented by

“ ”. Right from my school days, I always complained to my teachers

about the excessive usage of Greek symbols in science and about not

finding even a single Indian alphabet. The only answer my teachers

had was “when you discover something, use Indian Symbols”. Yes,

finally my turn has come. Greeks have done their bit of work and now

it‟s my turn. “ ” happens to be a Sanskrit alphabet (also a Hindi

alphabet) and it is pronounced as “ka”. There is a trend in India that

any movie name that starts with alphabet becomes a box-office hit,

however I strongly don‟t believe in superstitions. I choose because

when you write “Calpanic” in Sanskrit, it starts with . By the way,

the word “Calpanic” in Sanskrit means “imaginary”. For the rest of

info on Calpanic numbers you got to read the second chapter. I was

told by my friends that excessive usage of equations will scare the

people reading it, believe me, I am not writing a philosophical book. I


have used the equations because I want you to know that whatever I

am writing is mathematically supported.

The third chapter is about “Compact discrete theory”. It‟s a

strange theory, I had my doubts about it whether I have to include it in

this book or not. Finally I came to a decision that I should include it

purely because it helped me formulating the main theory. No doubt,

some of the physicists will be criticizing me for “compact discrete

theory”, however, it‟s like a wild card from my side. It‟s a small

chapter with some interesting thought examples, two postulates and

also builds up some excitement towards the main theory.

The fourth chapter is called as “Construction Material of Universe”.

Yes, if God is the builder of this Universe, then probably God used

Construction Material to build this universe. Read this chapter to find

out what that construction material possibly is. This chapter is my

attempt to explore the roots of the universe, starting right from the

basics. If the roots of the theory are not properly defined, the theory

will ultimately collapse. That‟s the problem today Quantum

Mechanics and General Relativity is facing, the roots are not properly


The fifth chapter is the core of the book, its titled “Construction

Theory”, the main theory I am presenting in this book. The theory

constitutes of 7 postulates. I don‟t want to give away any information

about this Construction theory at this stage as I want you to read the

book and find out.

The final chapter of this book is mischievously called as “Answers”.

This chapter is meant to answer most of the question that arise in your

mind after reading construction theory. I have taken up each question

and answered it briefly using Construction theory. To be frank, I

wrote this chapter to make a point that Construction theory gives

answers to the questions that do not have substantial explanation with

present physics. That‟s one of the major advantages of the

Construction theory.

Well, my dear readers, I am happy that you are taking out your time to

read my book. I am thankful to you all. Let me say you that, I have put


lots of effort in compiling this book and I hope this book will be a

great read for you all. “Witness the Revolution” is the phrase I said

very proudly to my friends when I asked them to read my book. A

moment has arrived where I am saying you all “Witness the

Revolution”, the physics is not going to be the same after you finish

reading this book. (InshaAllah)



Flaws in present physics

I never understood physics, frankly I never did. I always found

physics as an incredibly complex subject and I was never comfortable

with the ideas of physicists. May be it was due to my lack of interest

in the subject or due to the superposition of too many assumptions

involved in physics which leads to confusion. This doesn‟t mean that I

am showing any disrespect to today‟s existing physics. I was just

confused and I was blaming others for my miserable state. My lack of

understanding of physics was the reason for my failure in the entrance

exam for engineering in IIT, though I believe I wrote the entrance

exam extremely well. My story sounds very similar to that of Einstein

(no comparisons though). Even he failed an entrance exam for

engineering. After that he quoted in an essay that:

“…If I were to have the good fortune to pass my examinations, I

would go to Zurich. I would stay there for four years in order to study

mathematics and physics. I imagine myself becoming a teacher in

those branches of the natural sciences, choosing the theoretical part

of them. Here are the reasons which lead me to this plan. Above all, it

is my disposition for abstract and mathematical thought, and my lack

of imagination and practical ability”.

So in search of good fortune I didn‟t go to Zurich but joined

another engineering college (GRIET, Hyderabad) to study electronics

and communication engineering. I thought electronic engineers would

study Quantum Electrodynamics but I only found out after joining the

college that syllabus is just confined up to semiconductor theories and

radio waves. This disappointed me immensely and intensely because I

wanted to study physics, just physics. I wanted myself to be called as

a physicist, a true physicist whose only interest is in developing

science. In order to express my frustration I became a sort of scientific


poet (Someone who uses scientific words in the poetry is called as

scientific poet). I am writing one of poem here called as “what is

physics?” I hope you will enjoy reading it.

What is physics?

Why does this happen?

Why mass-mass attraction?

Why not repulsion?

What is gravitation?

Neither you know nor I!

Why does this happen?

What is magnetism?

I find no reason!

Why poles don‟t undergo separation?

Neither you know nor I!

What is relativity?

Why space performs curvature activity?

Why there no explanation?

Why there is constant velocity propagation?

Neither you know nor I!

I just want to know

Am I in a casino?

Or in Quantum mechanics class!

Uncertainty of ideas!

Neither you know nor I!

How gravity emanates?

From where magnetism originates?

Are they left to their fate?

These singularities!

The quantum probabilities!

Why should I consider them as realities?

Then comes quantum fields

God knows what it yields!

With mathematical operators shield


Is it a microscopic battle field?

Neither you know nor I!

With loops and approximations

The unwanted chromic revolution

Perturbations and weaknesses

Did it really cure electroweak illness?

Neither you know nor I?

What are superstrings?

The eleven dimensional happenings!

What are dualities and branes?

Do we have brains?

Neither you know nor I!

It explains sometimes

It confuses many times

Yet we follow it blind folded

Why are we so molded?

Neither you know nor I!

Why I am so confused?

Which direction should I choose?

Minkowski or Euclidean!!!

Sometimes it explains the logic!

Sometimes it looks like magic!

I don‟t understand what really is physics!!

Neither you know nor I!

After sometime I lost interest in poetry because I felt my

poetry signified that “I am a loser” which I never wanted to be. For

two months I was in the worst state of frustration, humiliation and

isolation. There was “empty space in my hollow dreams”, I don‟t

know what that means but I love saying that. I left all my hopes of

being a physicist and started concentrating at my engineering subjects,

even though I had little interest in them. But my life took a turn when

I read a small paragraph about Michael Faraday. Let me quote that

beautiful summary of his life that I read in Encyclopedia Britannica,


“Michael Faraday (1791-1867), English physicist and chemist. Son

of a blacksmith, he received only a basic education in a church

Sunday school, but went to work as an assistant to Humphry Davy,

from whom he learned chemistry. He discovered a number of new

organic compounds, including benzene, and was the first to liquefy a

"permanent" gas. His major contributions were in the fields of

electricity and magnetism. He was the first to report induction of an

electric current from a magnetic field. He invented the first electric

motor and dynamo, demonstrated the relation between electricity and

chemical bonding, discovered the effect of magnetism on light, and

discovered and named diamagnetism. He also provided the

experimental, and much of the theoretical, foundation on which James

Clerk Maxwell built his electromagnetic field theory. In 1833 he was

appointed professor at the Royal Institution. After 1855 he retired to a

house provided by Queen Victoria, but he declined a knighthood.”

-Encyclopedia Britannica

“…he received only a basic education in a church Sunday school” I

couldn‟t believe this. Surely he was one among the great physicists as

well as a great chemist. It is hard to imagine organic chemistry

without benzene. He was the pioneer who set electro-magnetic

principles (Maxwell came later). I started studying more and more

about him, his discoveries, his experiments and his spiritual nature.

This inspired me so much that I was no more frustrated with life.

Faraday proved that “you need not have a PhD in physics to be a

physicist, but if you have the real zeal and dedication of being a

physicist then there are no barriers”. Thoroughly inspired from

Faraday‟s work, I once again reconstructed my dreams of being a

physicist. I decided that every Sunday I should study only physics. I

had no professor to guide me in physics but the zeal to understand

physics never allowed me to think of barriers.

“I am going to tell you about is what we teach our physics students in

the third or fourth year of graduate school... It is my task to convince

you not to turn away because you don't understand it. You see my

physics students don't understand it... That is because I don't

understand it. Nobody does.”

- Richard P. Feynman


May be that‟s another reason why I didn‟t require a

professor to understand physics. Most of the physics I have learnt is

on my own through self-study. I used to collect books from library, e-

data from web, etc and just study them. Many of my friends used to

say me that “an electronic engineer doesn‟t require all that physics”

but it never discouraged me. It was like a young mind falling in love

with a beautiful lady. When I started, physics was only on Sunday;

soon it became Saturday plus Sunday and after some time even Friday

joined. At times I felt it was not enough so I decided to study physics

for five days of a week and the remaining two days for my electronic

subjects. Things worked well and it was as if good fortune was

arriving. I topped my class in the first year of engineering. There were

failures as well. I failed to obtain “diode current equation” from

quantum mechanical principles after days of hard work. I made an

unsuccessful attempt to explain semiconductor physics without the

concept of „holes‟. Even though the theory was unsuccessful but the

name of the theory became quite famous among my friends. I called it

as “Whole theory of Semiconductors” and when it was proved wrong;

my friends started teasing me by calling “there are holes in the Whole

theory of Semiconductors”. I still feel semiconductor physics has to be

redefined because there is nothing called as “holes”. Anyhow with

„Construction theory‟ I hope we can redefine not just theoretical

physics but also practical physics like semiconductor physics.

Actually there is no difference between practical physics and

theoretical physics, it‟s just that one has found practical applications

and other is waiting to be found.

Before really talking about new concepts, one needs to know

why we are talking about new concepts. Einstein was first to

recognize this need, that‟s why he emphasized on reconstruction of

physics in later parts of his life. Two essential reasons why we are

going for whole new understanding is that

1) Our present physics has no explanations for many observations

2) And whatever it explains is too complicated to understand

“The modern physicist is a quantum theorist on Monday, Wednesday,

and Friday and a student of gravitational relativity theory on

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Sunday he is neither, but is


praying to his God that someone, preferably himself, will find the

reconciliation between the two views.”

-- Norbert Wiener

“Physics is becoming so unbelievably complex that it is taking longer

and longer to train a physicist. It is taking so long, in fact, to train a

physicist to the place where he understands the nature of physical

problems that he is already too old to solve them.”

-- Eugene Wigner

“Physics is becoming too difficult for the physicists.”

-- David Hilbert

You can still ask me “why should we go for a new

theory, can‟t we just combine and modify our present theories to a

simplified form”. Answer is that we have been doing it for a long time

which only resulted in mere complication of physics and mathematical

dominance. In fact theories of physics are getting so much

complicated that “only person who understands the theory is the one

who created it” and I really doubt whether he himself understands it or

not. Modification of our present theories is even difficult task because

their foundation itself is very weak. If you are not convinced by my

words then let us have a quick look at the flaws present in our current

physics. To be clearer I am giving the flaws present in the various

theories starting from geocentric theory to superstring theory. If I am

missing some of the theories then I apologize for that. (I am only

giving the drawbacks of the theories; if you want their description and

advantages then please refer to the concerned physics textbook.)

Though from some unreliable sources I read that Ancient

Egyptians had deep knowledge about physics and astronomy, I prefer

not to quote them. From the accepted point of view, the first major

theory in physics was geocentric model proposed by Claudius

Ptolemaeus. The sun, moon, planets, and stars, he believed, were

attached to crystalline spheres, centered on the earth, which turned to

create the cycles of day and night, the lunar month, and so on. In order

to explain retrograde motion of the planets, he refined a complex

geometrical model of cycles within a cycle, which was highly

successful at predicting the planet‟s position in the sky. For the next


1300 years geocentric model had no opposition until Copernican

Heliocentric model replaced it. Even though the idea was of

Copernicus but it was Johannes Kepler who came up with complete

mathematical laws for Copernican model.

Kepler's laws of planetary motion

Kepler's first law (1609): The orbit of a planet about a star is an

ellipse with the star at one focus.

Kepler's second law (1609): A line joining a planet and its star

sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time.

Kepler's third law (1618): The Square of the sidereal period of an

orbiting planet is directly proportional to the cube of the orbit's semi

major axis.

Kepler had no idea why his laws were true. His laws

were purely based on practical observations of planets. Even though

Kepler thought his laws were true and effectively explained planetary

motion but his laws had many limitations. Mostly our school

textbooks don‟t speak about this. Kepler‟s laws are only valid for

lighter bodies revolving around the heavier body. Square of the

sidereal period of a two body system is also proportional to the sum of

the two bodies. Newton later modified Kepler‟s third law as

P2 = 4



"The next question was - what makes planets go around the sun? At

the time of Kepler some people answered this problem by saying that

there were angels behind them beating their wings and pushing the

planets around an orbit. As you will see, the answer is not very far

from the truth. The only difference is that the angels sit in a different

direction and their wings push inward."

--Richard Feynman

Then started the era of Newton, probably the greatest scientist ever

born. When I studied Newton‟s Gravitational theory during my school

days, I became one of the biggest fans of Newton. However sometime

later I felt even the gravitational laws lacked certain vital explanations.

Newton‟s Gravitational law states that the gravitational force of


attraction „F‟ between any two masses m1 and m2, whose centers are

separated by a distance „d‟, is given by the equation

F = (G m1 m2 ) / d2

where G is the Universal gravitational constant, which is a measure of

the strength of the gravitational force between two bodies and is

usually regarded as a universal constant. This law is simple and quite

easy to understand but the theory severely lacked the information

regarding why mass-mass attraction is present and how the

propagation of force takes place in a medium. Newton called this as

„action at a distance‟ and avoided further complications involved.

Here are the few drawbacks of Newton‟s theory that makes us to

abandon it for accurate calculations and reasoning.

Newton‟s theory doesn‟t give clear picture of why positive

mass attracts another positive mass.

If mass is the source of gravity then why mass is not

decreasing in order to make conservation of energy.

Remember, tides are caused from the gravitational pull of

moon and sun. If I can extract energy from tidal waves, it

would mean there should be some decrease in energy at

moon or sun.

Propagation of gravitational force through different mediums

is not explained by Newton‟s theory but avoided by

proposing it as „action at a distance‟.

Newton gave absolutely no explanation regarding how

gravity is emanating from mass.

Newton‟s theory explains gravity considering only point

masses, later this very concept was extended to 3-dimentional


For all calculations for gravity in our solar system, we don‟t

apply G (universal gravitational constant) and M (mass of the

sun) individually but as combined product „GM‟. This is also

called as Heliocentric constant; one can easily obtain this

from Kepler‟s laws. As a result, the accuracy to which the

masses of the Earth and the Sun are known correspond to the

accuracy to which G is known.


After Newton, for centuries physicists thought gravity has been

fully understood so they shifted their concentration towards two other

mysterious forces namely electricity and magnetism. It was Michael

Faraday who established the relation between the electricity and

magnetism but the show was stolen by James Clerk Maxwell for the

discovery of electromagnetism with the hoax of ether. His major

discovery of "the ether," the vast sea of space that made possible the

transmission of light, heat and radio waves, was nothing more than a

poetic metaphor. But Maxwell's ether, or "sea of space," made it

possible for scientists and engineers who followed Maxwell to think

of "waves," a move that gave them the imaginative model they needed

to proceed with the experiments in electromagnetism that led to the

wireless telegraph, radio, television, radar and the laser.

Maxwell's four equations led to all the advances in electronic

communication that followed. His extension of the electromagnetic

theory of light led directly to Heinrich Hertz's discovery of radio

waves and to related advances in science and technology, which have

transformed the modern world. The electromagnetic equations are

known as Maxwell‟s equations since Maxwell contributed to their

development and established them as a self-consistent set. Each

differential equation has its own integral counterpart; one form may be

derived from the other with the help of Stokes‟ theorem or the

divergence theorem. In summary the equations are as follows,

H =dD/dt+J H . ds = (dD/dt + J) .da

E = -dB/dt E . ds = - dB/dt . da

.D = D . da = dV

. B = 0 B . da = 0

When Maxwell‟s electromagnetic relations were

examined using Galilean relativity in different inertial frames such as

inertial frames having constant velocity, the relations proved to be

non-self consistent. The fact that Maxwell‟s equations for constant

velocity inertial frames are not self-consistent suggests that there

might be something wrong with the underlying principles, that is, with

Newtonian mechanics and the simple Galilean relativity, or classical


electromagnetics or both. As per the Newtonian-Galilean logic, if an

observer is measuring the speed of light between two stationary

points, then speed of light measured is also dependent on the speed of

the observer. However, the speed of light remained unchanged with

the velocity of the observer. At the root of this conflict was the

question of the existence of “ether”. Because light waves can

propagate through many kinds of media, including a vacuum, an all-

pervasive ethereal substance called the ether was hypothesized to

exist, and the velocity of light was considered to be relative to this

ether. The question of the existence of ether, and more importantly the

problem of the correct statement of many experiment for the

propagation velocity of light in moving systems, was the subject of

many experiments, of which the Michelson-Morley experiment is

perhaps the most famous.

After experimental evidence such as Michelson-Morley

experiment, a consensus emerged that the speed of light does not vary

with the speed of the observer, and the speed of light must be invariant

(the same) for all observers. This seemed to further conflict with the

principle of relativity. Hedrick Lorentz proposed a resolution by

postulating an ether theory in which objects and observers traveling

with respect to a stationary ether underwent a physical shortening

(Lorentz-Fitzgerald contraction) and a change in temporal rate (time

dilation) by introducing the Lorentz factor ( 1 – v2/c


-1/2 . Einstein

tried to fit the idea of an absolute speed of light into Newtonian

mechanics. He found that the transformation from one reference frame

to another had an affect on time. This led to the theory of special

relativity. In special relativity, the velocity of light is special.

Anything moving at the speed of light in one reference frame will

move at the speed of light in all non-accelerated reference frames. The

two postulates of Special theory of relativity were

Postulate1: All physical laws valid in one frame of reference are

equally valid in any other frame moving uniformly relative to the first.

Postulate2: The speed of light (in vacuum) is the same in all inertial

frames of reference, regardless of the motion of the light source.

These two great postulates transformed our common sense regarding

the understanding of moving objects. But was it enough? There were


many more questions unanswered even at this stage. Special theory of

relativity was a beginning of a new way of understanding the universe

but it had lot of limitations. It is purely related to non-accelerated

frames. Even though Special theory of relativity was instrumental in

replacing Galilean relativity, but it couldn‟t fit into Newtonian

Mechanics. Naturally this was due to the fact that special theory of

relativity is only applicable in non-gravitational fields. Since special

theory of relativity provided no information regarding accelerated

frames or observations regarding gravitational effects, there increased

a necessity of much better theory that can explain further than STR.

Remarkably 10 years later, Einstein the founder of

special theory of relativity came up with another phenomenal theory

called as General Theory of relativity of which special theory of

relativity is a special case. It was like a miracle in the world of

physics, truly it was one man‟s mastermind that revolutionized the

thinking of all the physicists. For the first time Newton‟s famous

gravity was eliminated with a much better accurate theory. General

relativity has a unique role amongst physical theories in the sense that

it interprets the gravitational field as a geometric phenomenon. More

specifically, it assumes that any object possessing mass curves the

'space' in which it exists, this curvature being equated to gravity. To

conceptualize this equivalence, it is helpful to think, as several author-

physicists have suggested, in terms of gravity not causing or being

caused by spacetime curvature, but rather that gravity is spacetime

curvature. It deals with the motion of bodies in such 'curved spaces'

and has survived every experimental test performed on it since its

formulation by Albert Einstein in 1915.

Again the question arises “Was it enough?” Soon after

the discovery of General Theory of relativity (GTR) evolved another

magnificent theory called as quantum mechanics. Quantum mechanics

successfully explained the behavior of matter at microscopic level.

Success of Quantum mechanics led to the Cold War between the GTR

and QM for their dominance in the world of physics. Both the theories

are very successful in their own domains but once they come out of

their domains they simply break down. GTR is not compatible with

quantum mechanics since quantum mechanics has no explanation for

the curvature of spacetime. In fact even General theory of relativity


has no explanation for the question “Why spacetime curvature

exists?” As Newton used the term “action at a distance”, Einstein used

“mass wraps spacetime”. There is no answer to the question “why

mass wraps spacetime?”

The foundations of quantum mechanics were established

during the first half of the 20th century by Max Planck, Albert

Einstein, Neils Bohr, Werner Heisenberg, Erwin Schrödinger, Max

Born, John von Neumann, Paul Dirac, Wolfgang Pauli and others.

Though Einstein was one of the founder members of quantum

mechanics, he wasn‟t fully convinced with the theory. One of his

major concerns with quantum mechanics is that it doesn‟t allow

definite values to be assigned to the observables. Quantum mechanics

doesn‟t say a particle exists for sure, it just says so and so is the

probability that the particle can occur. Einstein quoted about quantum

mechanics as

“Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells

me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot, but does not

really bring us any closer to the secret of the Old One. I, at any rate,

am convinced that He [God] does not throw dice”

Neil Bohr replied to the quotation of Einstein as “Don‟t tell God what

to do”.

One of the most interesting aspects of quantum

mechanics is uncertainty principle. As per Uncertainty principle, you

cannot measure accurately the value of two or more observables

simultaneously. For example, for a free particle you cannot accurately

measure its momentum and position at the same time. There is always

a limitation on the accuracy. Hence it can be said for that for any free

particle, one cannot measure position and velocity with definite

precision. This famous principle of quantum mechanics was

formulated by Heisenberg. Uncertainty principle is one of the most

revolutionary ideas of our times, which I consider is no less than the

idea of earth is not flat. Prior to uncertainty principle it was considered

that Universe is deterministic, i.e. if you know the state of universe

exactly at one point of time, then you can find its state at any point of


time. With introduction of uncertainty principle it becomes clears that

at no point of time a state of universe can be determined.

During the times of formulation of quantum mechanics,

there was another confusion going on in the world of physics. It was

regarding the nature of light, i.e. whether light is a particle or wave.

The physicists were divided and each had their own strong points and

weak points. At such a juncture, quantum mechanics came up the idea

of “wave-particle duality”. This no just helped in unifying the

physicists around, it also helped in sideling the mystery of dual

behavior of light. The mysterious nature of light is that it sometimes

behaves like a wave and sometimes like a particle. Further

experiments revealed that it‟s not just light but also matter behaves the

same way. The electrons, protons and all particles show dual behavior.

So, the simplest thing quantum mechanics can do is say that matter

exhibits “wave-particle” duality. Considering these effects of matter,

Schrödinger deduced an equation for the matter waves which forms

the foundation of the quantum mechanics

H=i(h/2) /t,

H = -(h/2)2/2m (



2xn) +V(x1,x2,….xn)

In 1927, Dirac pioneered in unifying quantum mechanics

with special theory of relativity. Note that special theory of relativity

doesn‟t include accelerated frames of references. Hence, it cannot

include gravity. Dirac also pioneered the use of operator theory,

including the influential bracket notation, as described in his famous

1930 textbook. During the same period, John von Neumann

formulated the rigorous mathematical basis for quantum mechanics as

the theory of linear operators on Hilbert spaces, as described in his

likewise famous 1932 textbook. These, like many other works from

the founding period still stand, and remain widely used. Quantum

mechanics has had enormous success in explaining many of the

features of our world. The individual behavior of the microscopic

particles that make up all forms of matter - electrons, protons,

neutrons, and so forth - can often only be satisfactorily described

using quantum mechanics.


Quantum mechanics is important for understanding how

individual atoms combine to form chemicals. The application of

quantum mechanics to chemistry is known as quantum chemistry.

Quantum mechanics can provide quantitative insight into chemical

bonding processes by explicitly showing which molecules are

energetically favorable to which others, and by approximately how

much. Most of the calculations performed in computational chemistry

rely on quantum mechanics. Much of modern technology operates at a

scale where quantum effects are significant. Examples include the

laser, the transistor, the electron microscope, and magnetic resonance

imaging. The study of semiconductors led to the invention of the

diode and the transistor, which are indispensable for modern


Again a question arises “Was that enough?” Again the

answer is no. Quantum mechanics sometimes seems to contradict with

the special theory of relativity. This famous paradox is known as EPR

effect. "EPR" stands for Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan

Rosen, who introduced the thought experiment in a 1935 paper to

argue that quantum mechanics is not a complete physical theory.

Einstein mocked the quantum mechanical predictions as "spooky

action at a distance." The conclusion they drew was that quantum

mechanics is not a complete theory. It seems likely that quantum

mechanics fails in the vicinity of black holes, or when considering the

observable Universe as a whole. In these regimes, quantum mechanics

conflicts with the predictions of general relativity, the dominant theory

of gravity. Quantum theory is valid only in the domains where gravity

is negligible. In fact quantum mechanics doesn‟t have any explanation

for the existence of the gravity.

The problem with quantum mechanics starts with the

Schrödinger‟s wave equation itself. The wave equation being a second

order w.r.t. space and first order w.r.t. time fails for the particles

traveling near to the speed of light. To resolve this conflict Klein –

Gordon came up with a second order wave equation w.r.t. time and

space. Unfortunately this equation by Klein –Gordon only explained

the properties of spin zero particles. From here the mathematics

overtook physics complicating everything. Dirac invented gamma

matrices to give a wave equation for fermions or spin half particles.


For all the research done in quantum mechanics, there were two twin

towers of problem always existing. They were gravity and mass,

quantum mechanics never had any explanation for them.

Few of physicists went on the different route to

understand the creation of the universe; they started exploring the stars

and skies to find the hidden riddles. At the beginning of twentieth

century everyone tried to explain the nature of the universe

considering universe to be static. Einstein went on to predict

hyperphysical concepts like mass-mass repulsion with a beautiful

equation that introduced cosmological constant. When I said the term

„beautiful equation‟ I really meant that the equation had beauty. Most

of the physicists drove crazy when they saw that beautiful equation.

They were so certain about the equation that they went on writing

books describing the beauty of it.

Rab – ½ R gab + gab = -8 GTab‟

This is the equation I am talking about. Here Rab

represents Ricci tensor, R represents Scalar curvature, gab represents

metric tensor, represents cosmological constant, G represents

universal gravitational constant and Tab‟ represents the energy-

momentum tensor. The reason why Einstein had initial success with

this equation was due to involvement of complex mathematical

concepts in physics. I mean to say not many physicists were in a

position to understand the mathematical part of this equation which

involved tensors rather than vectors. And most of them accepted this

equation just because of reputation of Einstein. Believe me even now

many physicists are trying hard to prove the above equation correct. It

was the great man Hubble who came up with practical proof of

expanding universe and brought the end of the above beautiful

equation just like Galileo did to end Ptolemaic theories. The

expanding universe was proved by Hubble who laid foundations to

theories like Big Bang which described the evolution of universe.

In 1940s again the attention shifted to the quantum world with the

advent of quantum electrodynamics. Quantum electrodynamics was

highly successful in describing the interactions between the

elementary particles outside the nucleus of the atom. The magnitude


of these interactions can be computed using perturbation theory; these

rather complex formulas have a remarkable pictorial representation as

Feynman diagrams. However, the calculations performed by the QED

are only approximate due to the usage of perturbation theory.

Perturbation theory comprises mathematical methods that are used to

find an approximate solution to a problem which cannot be solved

exactly, by starting from the exact solution of a related problem.

Perturbation theory is applicable if the problem at hand can be

formulated by adding a "small" term to the mathematical description

of the exactly solvable problem. Perturbation theory leads to an

expression for the desired solution in terms of a power series in some

"small" parameter that quantifies the deviation from the exactly

solvable problem. The leading term in this power series is the solution

of the exactly solvable problem, while further terms describe the

deviation in the solution, due to the deviation from the initial problem.

Formally, we have for the approximation to the full solution A, series

in the small parameter (here called ε), like the following:

A = A0 + ε A1 + ε2A2 + …

In this example, A0 would be the known solution to the exactly

solvable initial problem and A1, A2 represent the "higher orders"

which are found iteratively by some systematic procedure. For small ε

these higher orders become successively more unimportant. There is

absolutely no guarantee perturbative methods would result in a precise

and convergent solution. In the QED calculations the „ε‟ mentioned

above is called as fine structure constant or coupling constant given by

= (2e2)/(hc) ~ 1/137. Fine structure constant is also referred as

coupling constant. Surprisingly there is no explanation present in the

quantum electrodynamics for the reason of appearance of coupling

constant that too a product of other fundamental constants. One of the

creator of QED Richard Feynman quotes:

“…There is a most profound and beautiful question associated with

the observed coupling constant, e the amplitude for a real electron to

emit or absorb a real photon. It is a simple number that has been

experimentally determined to be close to -0.08542455. (My physicist

friends won't recognize this number, because they like to remember it

as the inverse of its square: about 137.03597 with about an


uncertainty of about 2 in the last decimal place. It has been a mystery

ever since it was discovered more than fifty years ago, and all good

theoretical physicists put this number up on their wall and worry

about it.) Immediately you would like to know where this number for a

coupling comes from: is it related to pi or perhaps to the base of

natural logarithms? Nobody knows. It's one of the greatest damn

mysteries of physics: a magic number that comes to us with no

understanding by man. You might say the "hand of God" wrote that

number, and "we don't know how He pushed his pencil." We know

what kind of a dance to do experimentally to measure this number

very accurately, but we don't know what kind of dance to do on the

computer to make this number come out, without putting it in


For many years it was believed that Fine structure constant is a

constant, however there have been certain reports contradicting the

“constant” behavior of fine structure constant. Independent

observations of a number of absorption systems in the spectra of

distant quasars (QSOs) seem to indicate that , the fine structure

constant of quantum electrodynamics, is slowly increasing over

cosmological time scales. Specifically, the experiments indicate that

averaged over redshifts 0.2 < z < 3.7, there is a 5.7 deviation of the

fine structure constant from its present value, namely / = −0.57 ±

0.10 × 10−5

(ref: arXiv:hep-ph/0306084). Even the fundamental

constant of QED is found to vary with time.

After reasonable success of QED, the quantum physicists attempted to

explain the structure of nucleus of the atom on the same lines of QED.

With the advent of the quark model by Gell-Mann and George Zweig

in 1964, a new type of quantum field theory evolved called as

quantum chromodynamics. According to quantum chromodynamics,

every quark carries color charge, which comes in three types: "red",

"green" and "blue". These are just names and not related to ordinary

colors. Antiquarks are either "anti-red", "anti-green" or "anti-blue".

Like colors repel, unlike colors attract. The attraction between a color

and its anti-color is especially strong. Particles can only exist if their

total color is neutral (commonly referred to as a color singlet),

meaning that they can either be composed of a (anti-)red, (anti-)green

and (anti-)blue quark (such a particle is called a baryon; protons and


neutrons are examples), or of a quark and an anti-quark having the

corresponding anti-color (such a particle is called a meson). The

strong interaction acts between two quarks by exchanging particles

called gluons. There are eight colors of gluons. Each gluon can be

thought of as carrying two color labels. Quantum Chromo dynamics,

based upon the quark model, is just a hypothetical theory, which

approximately gives a fair idea about the existence of the nucleons. In

other words it is equivalent to the geocentric model of Ptolemy. In my

view quark model is just a good recipe model of nucleus. Just have a

look at the below table and decide yourselves.

Particle lab Restaurant: Below is the recipe of a curry called as

“strong soup”. This is today‟s special dish. We hope you enjoy our

delicious meal.

Name Quantity Mass











flavor Lemon 2/3


1.5- 4






Chilly 1/3


4- 8 1/2 0 0 0 0

Tomato 1/3


80- 130






Onion 2/3 slice

1150-1350 0





Gourd 1/3 slice

4100- 4400 0 0 0 1 0




slice 178000







Your bill is: $5 billion

Don‟t you think the above recipe is very similar to the quark model? If

you don‟t think then just have a look at quark model.


Name Electric

charge(q) Mass

(MeV) Iso


Strange Charm

Bottom Top

Up +2/3 e 1.5 To







Down -1/3 e 4

to 8

-1/2 0 0 0 0

Strange -1/3 e 80








charm +2/3 e 1150 to







bottom -1/3 e 4100 to


0 0 0 -1 0

top +2/3 e 178000







Amazingly the recipe table as well the famous quark model is one and

the same. One can explain all the properties of QCD using recipe

model as well. Recipe model has an additional advantage than quark

model. If you consider the quark model, then there is always a

question of existence of the individual quarks. But using recipe model

one can say that individual quarks doesn‟t exist because lemons,

chilies are not found in 1/3 or 2/3 slices freely in nature. From the

lemon tree we can only get a full lemon but not a 2/3 slice of it,

similarly is the case with chilies, tomatoes, onions, gourds and water

melons. On the serious note, Quark model predicts two types of

particles namely mesons and baryons. Mesons are intermediate mass

particles that are made up of a quark-antiquark pair. Three quark

combinations are called baryons. Recent experimental evidence shows

the existence of five-quark combinations that are being called

pentaquarks. The pentaquark would be included in the classification of

baryons, albeit an "exotic" one. The pentaquark is composed of four

quarks and an antiquark, like a combination of an ordinary baryon


plus a meson. I would say this is just the beginning, don‟t be surprised

if some day you will find hexaquarks ( 2 baryons), heptaquarks ( 2

mesons+1 baryon), octaquarks (2 baryons + 1 meson) and so on. The

only solution to this is “Abandon the quark model and try out for new


In order to fill in all these ups and downs caused by quantum field

theories and gravitational theories like GTR, originated a brand new

theory called as superstring theory. Understanding superstring theory

is a nightmare to any student because there is nothing sensible in it to

understand. Only thing that fascinates a young reader about

superstrings is the idea that says universe is made up of one-

dimensional strings. Today almost all the physicists are resting their

hopes on the shoulders of superstring theory in order to solve all

discrepancies in the physics. Many physicists believe that superstring

theory will lead to the “theory of everything”. Superstring theory

combines relativity and quantum in an elegant, intuitive way. First, it

describes the countless quantum particles of nature as a "note" on a

vibrating string.

Think of a violin string. No one says that A or B is more fundamental

than C. What is fundamental is the string itself.

Superstring theory says that, if we had a super microscope and could

peer at an electron, we would see a string vibrating in a certain mode.

The string is extremely small (10-33

centimeters!) so that the electron

looks like a point particle to us. If we shake the string, so it vibrates in

a different mode, then the electron can turn into something else, such

as a quark, the fundamental constitute of protons and neutrons. Shake

it again, and the string could vibrate in the mode which describes

photons (the quanta of light). Shake it again and it turns into a

graviton (the quanta of gravity). Strings can have various kinds of

boundary conditions. For example closed strings have periodic

boundary conditions (the string comes back onto itself). Open strings

can have two different kinds of boundary conditions called Neumann

and Dirichlet boundary conditions. With Neumann boundary

conditions the endpoint is free to move about but no momentum flows

out. With Dirichlet boundary conditions the endpoint is fixed to move

only on some manifold. This manifold is called a D-brane or Dp-brane


('p' is an integer which is the number of spatial dimensions of the


From here on superstrings can only be understood in terms of higher

dimensions, that too ranging from 26 to minimum of 10. I mean this is

purely like a science fiction. When asked about these dimensions,

string theorists say that they are the curled dimensions or hidden

dimensions. One can hypothesize at maximum 7 dimensions

considering that 3 real spatial dimensions, 1- time dimension and 3

anti-real spatial dimensions, but understanding 26 dimensional space

is simply impossible for me. There is a finite probability that our

physics theories may be fundamentally wrong or we are ignoring

something that is very fundamental. It is our ignorance that is making

us to ponder over 26 dimensions. Once Einstein said:

“Most of the fundamental ideas of science are essentially simple, and

may, as a rule, be expressed in a language comprehensible to


What we are searching in the 26 dimensional universe might be

present in the 3 dimensional universe we live in. And this might be the

simplest thing that we all have ignored. One day while doing an

experiment in the electronics laboratory I noticed that resistors get

heated up when excess current passes through them. My professor told

me that its due to power loss due to the resistance and it is equal to i2R

. Suddenly a thought occurred to me “…how can current flowing

through the resistor somehow increase the temperature of the resistor.

Are not current and temperature two fundamental quantities? If one

fundamental quantity can generate another fundamental quantity then

how can that quantity be called as fundamental? It obliviously

becomes a derived quantity.” Finally I came to a conclusion that there

are some redundant fundamental quantities present in the SI system

whose unnecessary inclusion as fundamental quantities is creating a

nuisance in physics.

When I tried to solve this problem of redundancy, I found that almost

all the fundamental quantities are interrelated. When I was about to

leave the hope of finding the solution, an unknown idea sparked my

brain. I considered a new fundamental quantity in SI system and


started analyzing them, this process made me reduce the fundamental

quantities to a figure three. To know what these three actual

fundamental quantities are, you have to do one great heroic act. And

that act is to read this book. Eventually you will see how using this

just three quantities I have formulated a theory called as “Construction

theory” which explains all four forces of nature by some cool ideas.



Calpanic numbers

Before diving into the ocean of fresh ideas, let us first get equipped

with some of the common terms necessary to understand them.

Basically whenever a new theory is brought forward, it is necessary

that mathematics support it. But most of the times, mathematics gets a

boost basing on the concepts of the theory. Newton promoted

calculus; Maxwell used vector calculus; Einstein took the support of

tensors to explain gravity; and the quantum theory uses incredibly

complex operator mathematics and Hilbert spaces and so on. You can

clearly see that from Newtonian mathematics to quantum mathematics

the complexity has continuously increased. Today no physicist can

understand physics without knowing sufficient mathematics.

Before I introduce you to Calpanic Numbers, let us first get an

overview on few elementary concepts of our existing mathematics. In

mathematics we categorize numbers into different types basing on


their nature such as integers, real numbers, rational numbers, whole

numbers, natural numbers, prime numbers, imaginary numbers etc.

But genuinely mathematics consists of two forms of numbers namely

real numbers and imaginary numbers. These both numbers are also

referred commonly as complex numbers. Let‟s start from where the

count began.

When the first humans started counting, it started from 1, 2, 3…

i.e. the Natural numbers. It is believed that humans starting counting

using fingers, probably God gave us 10 figures as a hint to use

decimal notation. Natural numbers are also referred as positive

integers. Note that zero is not included in natural numbers, probably

because when humans started counting, they didn‟t use zero in their

calculations. It was only later zero came into existence. (Well, at this

moment I don‟t want to brag that it was Indians who discovered zero

because I know the fact that there are millions of other important

scientific discoveries done by non-Indians) Natural numbers along

with Zero is often referred “Whole Numbers”. Soon the counter parts

of Natural numbers alias positive integers were discovered. Negative

integers evolved as solutions for x = a – b, where b > a. The thrust for

knowledge led us to explore more complicated forms of numbers that

cannot be calculated using fingers. I still prefer using my fingers for

calculations than a electronics calculator. The next few paragraphs

constitute some of the known classifications of numbers.

Any number existing between the range (-, ) is said to be a

real number. There are tens of other advanced definitions given for

real numbers from some of our renowned mathematicians. To keep it

simple, the numbers you apply for all the practical calculations in your

day to day life are real numbers with few exceptions. Real numbers

can be classified into rational and irrational numbers. All the real

numbers that can be expressed in the form „a/b‟, where „a‟ and „b‟ are

integers and b 0. The rest of real numbers are irrational numbers.

Irrational numbers such as 2, 3 etc are numbers which are not

rational, i.e. cannot be expressed as „a/b‟ where „a‟ and „b‟ are integers

and b0. The set of rational and irrational numbers is called the set of

real numbers.


There is no real number „x‟ which satisfies the polynomial

equation x2 +1 = 0. To permit solutions of this and similar equations,

the set of complex number as having the form a + bi where a and b are

real numbers and i, which is called the imaginary unit, has the

property that i2 = -1. If z = a+bi, then „a‟ is called the real part of „z‟

and „b‟ is called the imaginary part of „z‟ and are denoted by Re {z}

and Im {z} respectively. The symbol „z‟, which can stand for any of a

set of complex numbers, is called a complex variable. Two complex

numbers „a +bi‟ and „c+di‟ are equal if and only if a =c and b = d. we

can consider real numbers as a subset of the set of complex numbers

when b = 0. Thus the complex numbers 0 +0i and -3 +0i represent the

real numbers 0 and -3 respectively. If a = 0, the complex number 0 +

bi or bi is called a pure imaginary number. The complex conjugate, or

briefly conjugate, of a complex number a +bi is a-bi. The complex

conjugate of a complex number z is often indicated by ž or z*. More

data about complex numbers can be found in any higher grade

mathematics textbook. To be frank some of the above text has been

directly taken from one of my mathematics textbooks. I hate re-

writing the history!

When complex numbers were introduced in mathematics no one

instantly agreed the concept. As Professor Murray R. Spiegel (the

author of one of the mathematics textbooks I followed during

engineering) rightly quoted about complex numbers as

“…..The theory of functions of a complex variable, also called for

brevity complex variables or complex analysis, is one of the most

beautiful as well as useful branches of mathematics. Although

originating in an atmosphere of mystery, suspicion and distrust, as

evidenced by the terms “imaginary” and “complex” resent in the

literature, it was finally laced on a sound foundation in the 19th

century through the efforts of Cauchy, Riemann, Weinstrass, Gauss

and other great mathematics. Today the subject is recognized as an

essential art of the mathematical background of engineers, physicists,

mathematicians and other scientists. From the theoretical viewpoint

this is because many mathematical concepts become clarified and

unified when examined in the light of complex variable theory. From

the applied viewpoint the theory is of tremendous value in the solution

of problems of heat flow, potential theory, fluid mechanics,


electromagnetic theory, aerodynamics, elasticity and many other

fields of science and engineering”.

So when I introduce the concept of Calpanic numbers I expect

a similar response. Because people always have shown a mystery,

suspicion and distrust whenever a new concept is introduced. The

coolest thing about the mathematical concept introduced in this book

is that you will find its practical applications such as understanding

the singularity of blackholes, dark energy, space-time symmetry, big

bang evolution, sudden disappearance of mass within nucleus (binding

energy principle), radioactive decay of nucleus, huge numbers of

short-lived heavy particles found using High-energy accelerators,

understanding gravity, anti matter and many more. Note that every

practical application of Calpanic numbers is a mystery so far. In order

to solve these mysteries I have used the concept of beyond imaginary

numbers i.e. Calpanic numbers.

“I was …… studying the binary number system (used in

computers) when all a sudden a thought occurred to me: what‟s the

value of 1 0? I was startled. How can it be, in mathematics there is

no explanation for this. This quantity is simply ignored as undefined.

This simple thought made a deep impression on me. It propelled me

towards the new concept called as Calpanic numbers”.

Since this is the first fresh idea, I request the reader to read it with an

open mind. You can criticize it but have a little patience. At first it

may seem that there is no requirement for something as imaginary as

beyond imaginary but there is no need to get confused. Below is the

definition of a Calpanic number,

1. Calpanic number is given by “ ” and the value of क = ( r/0 )

2. Calpanic - Complex number pair (COMPLETE NUMBER) is

represented as C = r X + Y where X = a+ib; Y = c+id such that

a,b,c,d (0, /0)

The first postulate gives the definition of a Calpanic number. This is

something similar to the definition of imaginary number „i‟ i.e. i = -


1. Similarly the value of = ( r / 0). At this initial stage

understanding, interpreting what is „r‟ is bit difficult. For simple

understanding let us consider r = 1 then the value of Calpanic number

equals (1 / 0). Note that Calpanic number " " is equal to one

divided by exact zero.

Let F() = 1/

And when is equal to exact zero the value of F(0) is „not infinity‟ but

a Calpanic number (referred as undefined in today‟s mathematics).

Let F() = 1/ then

[Limit ->0+] F() = +

[Limit ->0-] F() = -

and F(0) =

When imaginary numbers were not discovered -1 was an undefined

quantity, it was only when -1 was considered to be equal to „i‟, the

whole complex variable analysis evolved; similar is the case here.

Further understanding of Calpanic numbers requires the concept of „r‟.

This „r‟ is not some strange thing. Calpanic numbers have a prefix

„ ‟ and imaginary numbers have a prefix „i‟ similarly even complex

numbers are given a prefix „r‟. For all the calculations existing in

mathematics simply „r‟ equals to one.


With the advent of Calpanic numbers, we need to modify some of the

definitions. Now I would like to define “a set of rational and irrational

numbers is called as Pure numbers”. Now you may ask me “What are

real numbers then?” Have some patience soon you will come to know

what real numbers are. A real number has to be represented with a

prefix „r‟ along with a pure number. Then any real numbers can be

represented as r2, r5, -r43, r2.345 etc. This is a similar way we follow

the convention for imaginary numbers i.e. i2, i5, -i43, i2.345 etc. Once

we follow r-convention for real numbers then even the convention of

representation of imaginary numbers changes. Now imaginary

numbers has be represented as ri2, ri5, -ri43, ri2.345 etc.


Note that if you are not dealing with Calpanic numbers then

there is no need to follow r-convention. If you do follow r-convention

even in the absence of Calpanic numbers it makes no difference to the

calculations. Just an „r‟ will be present. You can arbitrarily assign the

value of „r‟ to be one and perform calculations.

From r-convention any complex number can be written as

Z = ra + rib

= r (a + ib)

You can clearly see that when there is no Calpanic number present

then simply you can isolate „r‟ and even you can ignore it. But when a

Calpanic number is present it becomes essential because it will

distinguish a real number from a pure number.

Let us now define what „r‟ is:

1. | r | = r

2. r = r2 = r

3 = r

n where „n‟ is non zero integer

The absolute value of „r‟ is „r‟ itself, though „r‟ is neither positive nor

negative. This one involves the concept of pure numbers. If you

replace r with „1‟ you will get | 1 | = 1. It should be noted that

following r-convention doesn‟t affect any of the available

mathematical literature.

Consider a real number R = -r2.718 ,

then | R | = | -r2.718 |

= | r | |-2.718| = r2.718

{ | z1z2 | = |z1||z2|}

(Note that all our old real number laws are valid for pure numbers)

Now consider a complex number C = ra + rib

= r (a + ib)

then | Z | = |ra + rib|

= | r (a + ib)|

= | r | |a + ib|

= r sqrt(a2 +b


The third property valid for r is {r = r2 = r

3 = r

n where „n‟ is non zero

integer} This is the most interesting property of „r‟. The first property


of „r‟ i.e. r = 1/r is a part of this property. This property is extensively

used when real numbers are multiplied or divided by another real


Consider two complex numbers C1 = ra + rib = r (a + ib)

C2 = rc + rid = r (c + id)

C1 C2 = r(a + ib) r(c + id)

= r2 (ac-bd + i (bc + ad))

= r (ac-bd + i(bc + ad)) { r = r2 = r

3 = r

n }

C1 C2 = r(a + ib) / r (c + id)

= r (1/r) (a + ib)(c-id)/(c2 + d


Note that we cannot cancel „r‟ since r-1

= r. Cancelling the index „r‟ is

non-allowed operation as the equation can be solved without

cancelling it.

Z1 Z2 = r (r) (ac+bd + i(bc - ad))/(c2 + d


= r2 (ac+bd + i (bc - ad))/ (c

2 + d


= r (ac +bd + i (bc –ad))/ (c2 + d


So it is clear that r-convention doesn‟t change our calculations.

Now let us see the properties of „ ‟ are

1. | | =

2. = 2 =

3 =

n where „n‟ is non zero


These properties are exactly similar to that of „r‟. Reason for this is the

symmetry between real and anti-real numbers. They just are mirror

images of one another. To understand “what is causing this

symmetry” you have to just go through next few paragraphs. Isn‟t that


Closer examination at r-convention reveals few other important

properties of complex numbers (from now on for complex numbers r-

convention is followed i.e. complex number will written with a prefix

„r‟). These properties will sound a bit absurd initially but as you go on

reading you will enjoy the ride. Let me make it clear that Calpanic

numbers are not the just the extension of numbers like imaginary


numbers to the real numbers, they has as much practical importance as

real numbers have. In the presence of Calpanic numbers the domain of

calculations is not confined up to real numbers.

Initially when you do calculations involving Calpanic numbers, it

appears as if it is conflicting with our present mathematics. This

happens with every new concept; once it enters into our brains then

obviously sensible interpretations of calculations do come out. In most

cases the confusion arises due the presence of zero (0) in the

equations. In my view „zero‟ is the most misunderstood number in the

present mathematics. Most of the times I ask myself “what is zero?” I

find various answers such as zero represents nothing, number

subtracted with itself, etc. Anyhow there is no exact definition for


Have a look at this thought example:

“Suppose there is a bag which contains 5 books and nothing

else. If I ask you “what is not present in the bag then what will be your

answer”? I know this is the most stupid question you have ever

answered but stupid questions sometimes remove our stupidity.

What‟s your answer? Let me repeat the question, what is not present

in the bag? The answer is not so simple. You can say anything except

5 books, which alternatively means there are infinite answers.

Mathematically, this situation can be represented as

bag contains = 5 (book) + (0 X ) …[1]

The question was “what could be the “X” ? What ever you substitute

for X, the equation[1] is satisfied. Isn‟t that surprising? May be or may

not be! Suppose I change my question as “What is present in the bag

other than the 5 books?” There is only one answer and that is

“nothing”. Do you think that‟s the only answer? Some crazy fellow

like me will say there are “X nothings are present in the bag, where X

could be anything”. It is up to you to decide whether that answer had

any sense or not.

Mathematically the second situation can be represented as

bag contains = 5 (book) + (X 0) …[2]


The question was “What could be the X?” Whatever you substitute for

X, the equation [2] is satisfied. Isn‟t that surprising? In the first case,

the question referred to (0 X) and the answer satisfied our common

sense, whereas in the second case the question referred to (X 0) and

the answer didn‟t satisfy our common sense. Isn‟t (0 X) =(X 0),

then why confusion is arising? Keep guessing why!”

Redefined Properties of numbers:

1. Set of rational and irrational numbers excluding zero are called as

“Pure numbers” or “Void numbers”. Ex: 2, 123, 23.4353, -34.4242, 3

etc. but not „0‟and „1/0‟;

2. Set of numbers which are prefixed with „i‟ to a pure number is

called “imaginary number” or “Devoid numbers”. Value of i = -1.

Ex: i2, i123, i2.2434, -i34.4234, i3 etc. but not i0 and i(1/0);

3. „0‟ and „1/0‟ are special kind of numbers called as “Avoid

numbers”. They don‟t have any prefix.

The above three types of numbers are called as fundamental numbers.

4. Real numbers are always represented with a Prefix „r‟ to the

fundamental numbers i.e. r123, -r2.718, r3, ri2.443, ri3, r0 etc; note

that r(1/0) is written as 1/(r0) since r = 1/r (from 1st property of „r‟)

and it is called as anti real number;

5. Anti real numbers are called as “Calpanic numbers” which are

represented by prefix „ ‟ to the fundamental numbers. Value of =

1/(r0). Ex: 123, - 4.522, 3, i3

6. It states that “one cannot „cancel‟ or „bring to other side‟ the

prefixes „r‟ or „ ‟ if they are present in an equation”. This is similar

to the way we consider for „0‟ in our present equations.

Ex: consider the equation r 5 = 5

You cannot cancel “ ” from both sides r 5 = 5


r 5 = 5 (wrong


the above method is wrong. Calculations are to be performed

separately for both LHS and RHS

LHS = r 5

= r(r/0)5

= (r2/0)5

= (r/0)5

= ( )5

= 5 = RHS

{ this is similar approch is followed in equations like:

50 = 10

zero is not cancelled out instead LHS and RHS is evaluated

separately }

7. If a calculation results in a number containing both „r‟ and „ ‟,

then priority should be giving to reducing the multiple indexes to a

single index. When there are no „Avoid numbers‟ in the equation (no

0‟s and 1/0‟s) then operations should be performed from right to left

and whenever there are Avoids numbers in the equation ( 0‟s and

1/0‟s), first operate on the index left to it so that index reduction takes

place. Also whenever a zero is introduced in an equation by writing

either =(r/0) or r = ( 0), this „0‟ should not be multiplied with a

pure number.

Ex1: M = r (a+ib) a,b0

= ( 0) (a+ib)

( 0 ) (a+ib))

but it is = ( 0) (a+ib)

= (2 0 )(a+ib)

= ( 0)(a+ib)

= ( r )( a+ib)

hence M = r (a+ib)

Ex2: Simplyfy H = r r rr (a+ib) a,b 0

=r r rr(r/0)(a+ib)

=r r r(r r/ 0)(a+ib)


=r r r(r2/ 0)(a+ib)

=r r r(r/0)(a+ib)

= r r (r r/0) (a+ib)

=r r (r2/0) (a+ib)

=r r (r/0) (a+ib)

=r r ( ) (a+ib)

=r r( ) (a+ib)

=r r( 2) (a+ib)

=r r( ) (a+ib)

=r r(r/0) (a+ib)

=r (r r/0) (a+ib)

=r (r2/0) (a+ib)

=r (r/0) (a+ib)

=r ( ) (a+ib)

=r ( ) (a+ib)

=r ( 2) (a+ib)

=r ( ) (a+ib)

=r( ) (a+ib)

=r( 2) (a+ib)

=r( ) (a+ib)

=r(r/0) (a+ib)

=(r r/0) (a+ib)

=(r2/0) (a+ib)

=(r/0) (a+ib)

= (a+ib)

Therefore Simplified value of H is (a+ib)

8. This is the strangest and most interesting property of real and anti-

real numbers which is crucial in applications of Calpanic numbers. It

states that r/0 = 0/r and /0 = 0

proof for: r/0 = 0/r

LHS: r / 0 =

= 1/ since = 1/

= 1/(r/0)

= 0 / r = RHS

from this we get “r 0” is also equal to a Calpanic number क

i.e. r 0 =

proof for: /0 = 0

LHS: /0 = (1/0)


= (1/ )(1/0)

= (1/ 0)

= (1/r)

= r

= 0 = LHS

9. This last property helps in solving when a real number is multiplied

with a Calpanic number. It is has been obtained from the above

properties. It is “ r = and r = r”;

proof: consider the first one r =

LHS = r from definition = (r / 0)

= r (r /0)

= r2/0 since r

2 = r prop. 3 of „r‟

= r/0


consider the second one r = r

LHS = r

= 0

= 2 0

= 0

= r

After knowing all these properties, let us see how the multiplication

between real and Calpanic numbers takes place.

Ex1: If Z =XY such that X = r(a+ib) and Y = (c+id), Find Z.


Given Z = XY ; X = r(a+ib) and Y = (c+id)

Therefore Z = r(a+ib) (c+id)

= r (a+ib)(c+id)

= (a+ib)(c+id) prop.8 i.e. r =

= ((ac-bd) + i(bc+ad))

Hence the value of Z is ((ac-bd) + i(bc+ad))

Ex2: In the above Example if Z = YX then find Z.


Given Z = YX ; Y = (c+id) and X = r(a+ib)

Therefore Z = (c+id) r(a+ib)

= r (c+id) (a+ib)


= r ((ca-db) + i(cb+da))

Hence the value of Z is r ((ca-db) + i(cb+da))

Ex3: If Z = XY such that X= rA + B and Y = rC + D, then find



Given that Z = XY ; X = rA + B and Y = rC + D

(Note that X and Y contains both Real and Calpanic components)

Therefore Z = (rA + B)( rC + D)

= rA( rC + D) + B( rC + D)

= r r AC + r AD + r BC + BD

since r = & r=r

= r2 AC + AD + rBC + 2BD

= r AC + AD + r BC + BD

= r (AC + BC) + (AD + BD)

Hence the value of Z is r (AC + BC) + (AD + BD)

Ex4: In the above Example if Z = YX then find Z.


Given that Z = YX ; X = rA + B and Y = rC + D

(Note that X and Y contains both Real and Calpanic components)

Therefore Z = (rC + D)( rA + B)

= rC( rA + B) + D( rA + B)

= r r CA + r CB + r DA + DB

since r = & r=r

= r2 CA + CB + rDA + 2DB

= r CA + CB + r DA + DB

= r (CA + DA) + (CB + DB)

Hence the value of Z is r (CA + DA) + (CB + DB)

In the Ex3 and Ex4 you can notice that X and Y were complete

numbers (i.e. they had both Real and Calpanic components) then their

product is showing a strange kind of Symmetry

i.e. if Z = XY { Ex3}


Z comes out be r (AC + BC) + (AD + BD)

Z = r C(A + B) + D(A+B)

= ( rC + D) (A + B)

= Y (A + B) !!!

If Z = YX { Ex4}

Z comes out be r (CA + DA) + (CB + DB)

= r A(C + D) + B(C + D)

= (rA + B) (C + D)

= X (C + D) !!!

If I go on giving these kinds of examples then it never ends.

Anyhow mathematicians will have good time deriving this kind of

symmetries. In fact I have found many of these kinds of symmetries

while analyzing complete numbers. I am not giving them here, as I

don‟t want to complicate this book. Frankly analyzing complete

numbers is so thrilling that once you start doing it, you may also find

it exciting. With the above algebra of complete numbers even you can

start analyzing about them. Who knows, you might be the next

“Euler” or “Cauchy” of mathematics.

You will find the practical applications of Calpanic numbers in

solving the mysteries like singularity of blackholes, space-time

symmetry, big bang evolution, sudden disappearance of mass within

nucleus (binding energy principle), radioactive decay of nucleus, huge

numbers of short-lived heavy particles found using High-energy

accelerators, understanding gravity, anti matter and many more in the

next few chapters.

In the next chapter I will show you what kind of mathematics

we require to understand physical realities. It is purely based upon

common sense. I call this theory as “COMPACT DISCRETE

THEORY” and this theory is useful in simplifying many things that

we today consider as incredibly complex. So why are you waiting for,

move on to the next chapter.



Compact Discrete theory

“…This is just not sensible mathematics. Sensible mathematics

involves neglecting a quantity because it turns out to be small, not

neglecting it because it is infinitely large and you do not want it! Of

course the inference is that the basic equations are wrong and radical

changes need to be made”

"…I owe a lot to my engineering training because it [taught] me to

tolerate approximations. Previously to that I should just

concentrate on exact equations all the time. Then I got the idea that in

the actual world all our equations are only approximate. We must just

tend to greater and greater accuracy. In spite of the equations being

approximate, they can be beautiful."

-- Paul Dirac.

In the first quotation Dirac was right, “this is just not sensible

mathematics” and he rightly points out the radical changes to be made

in physics. But later somehow his engineering training diverted him.

Let me say you why Dirac got diverted. The first thing as an engineer

you learn through your physics textbooks is things like “round off

values and significant figures” “precision and accuracy” “errors and

averages”, etc. And the problem arises from here. If you don‟t get

correct results in laboratory, instead of finding mistakes in the theory,

engineers say it as “parallax errors, backlash error, instrumentation

error etc”. Accuracy and Precision for engineers defines its opposite,


which is approximation. I am saying this with my own personal

experiences. On many occasions, when I got perfect results in

Laboratory, my professors advised me to do the experiment once

again. That‟s because, you don‟t get perfect results in laboratories,

that‟s the belief of most of the professors.

First quotation of Dirac made me think, “What is sensible

mathematics?” After roaming around like a mad fellow around my

college surroundings, I suddenly found that the answer was in the

question itself. “Sensible mathematics is common sense”. If I say you

that this book has 287.8765 pages, Will you believe it? Obviously no!

The reason is simple; common sense says „if a book has pages then

the number of pages should be a natural number greater than 1‟. If I

argue saying that of the one of the pages is of 0.8765 normal page size

then will you accept? Still you will not accept because whatever might

be the size of the page, number of pages in a book should be a natural

number greater than 1. This is exactly what Dirac referred as „sensible

mathematics‟. One cannot apply mathematics simply because it is

there in mathematics. Our physics has become complicated just

because our current physics doesn‟t use sensible mathematics. The

situation is even worse because here we don‟t talk about 287.8765

page books but we talk about


page books. My next few examples will just prove this.

What is sensible mathematics?

In real number system we consider that there exists infinite

number of numbers present between any two different numbers. This

is something that requires no explanation. But applying real numbers

to physical matter or to any system existing in universe doesn't hold

good. I am neither a mathematician nor a Professor but I can justify

the above statement using a bit of common sense. Can a point (for

example (x, y, z)) exist in a continuous coordinate system? This

question might sound totally ridiculous but that very question has

given me sleepless nights. After a lot of effort I came to a conclusion

that it doesn't exist. A point can exist only in a discrete system. In

order to explain this lets consider a simple experiment. Suppose you

have a rod of length "L" and you have to cut it in pieces as smallest as


possible. If I ask you how much time will it take, you would say few

hours or for a large rod few days. And that is where you make a

mistake. The answer is for any valve of „L‟ it would take infinite time.

If you don't agree with me then this thought experiment will convince

you. Imagine you were able to do pieces of millimeter order, and then

still you haven't reached the smallest length. So you again start cutting

and somehow you reached nanometer order, then also you haven't

reached smallest length. So you again start cutting it and even you

reach Fermi level there still exists smallest length because you have

assumed real number system holds good for measuring length. And if

you go on further reaching smaller length dimensions of order 10-20



, 10-30

, 10-40

and further, and further then also real number system

says there exists smaller dimensions. So you can never cut a piece to a

smallest dimension even if you are given infinite time. And you know

the smallest dimension is nothing but a point, and it has been proved

that point can never be obtained. The above paradox can be shown

pictorially as:

In the above picture a point is represented in a 2D – plane (this can

be extended to 3-D plane as well)


Magnifying the selected portion of the above plane shows that the dot

we considered as point is not exactly a point.

From the above figure it is clear that we have approximately

considered the dot to be a point which is not a point. Therefore we

shrink this dot once again to a point


Now we have obtained the point in a 2D plane.

Is it really a point? Let‟s once again select certain area enclosing the

point as test it out by magnifying the selected region.

Once again we have obtained that our point is not exactly a point but a

big dot. Once again we shrink this dot to point. We get a point. Then

once again we magnify the area enclosing this point then again we

obtain the point which we previously considered as not a point but a

big dot. The process continues forever and ever. We will still not

reach something called as “point”. This is what I meant when I said



3840…page book.

If you are not convinced with that then let‟s take another example,

you are given a graph sheet and asked to mark a point exactly 2.5cm

away from origin along X-axis. Can you do it? This would be the

easiest graph you would have ever plotted but I would say not even

the greatest mathematician will be able to plot this. The answer is

simple, it is impossible to have a scale which would measure exactly

2.5cm from origin. And if such a scale exists then the manufacturer

has to spend infinite amount of time for checking that the scale exactly

reads (and

these zeros continue up to infinity). Now you will say me somewhere

you have to make an approximation, let‟s check up to 20 zeros after

2.5 and consider it as exact 2.5cm. In other words, anything after 20th

zero is negligible. This indicates that all our calculations are discrete

in nature. This is where the concept of discreteness gets introduced.

Unknowingly we are considering that the length is discrete and

dimensions are discrete.

From the above two examples it is clear that practically we

cannot locate a point lying anywhere in the coordinate system exactly

without approximation unless the coordinate system is discrete. For

the argument sake you may say origin can be considered as a point, so

there lies a point. Yes, origin can be considered as a point but it is

chosen arbitrarily. You cannot locate another point other than origin in

a given coordinate system exactly. When I explained this concept to

my friend, he argued that consider a line, basically line is the shortest

distance joined between two points so it has practically two end points

then how can you say points cannot exist in a real coordinate system

whereas a line clearly has two end points? My answer to this is “can

you draw a line and locate its exact end points without any

approximation?” We cannot measure the exact distance if we

consider that we are living in a continuous real system.

Now consider the definition of a line “joining the shortest path

between two points”. For the time being consider that the points do

exist and you have successfully joined two points, then what is the

breadth of the line? Please I don‟t want to hear an answer called as


„negligible‟ from your side. There must be some breadth associated

with line but generally in our most intelligent mathematical textbooks

it is considered as negligible. This is where we are again bringing the

concept of discrete nature of dimensions. Theoretical mathematics

may not have practical significance always. Therefore we must be

careful whether theoretical mathematics can be applied to practical

cases like measuring distances, locating points in free space etc or not.

So far most of our calculations have been approximate and that‟s the

reason the concepts of probability have evolved. Once our calculations

become exact then surely we will come to know “God doesn‟t play

dice with us”.

Is integration a continuous process? Most of us may think Integration

is a continuous process but it is not. While performing integration we

are assuming that the variable quantity doesn't vary over a small

interval say "dx" or "dy" and we consider this interval to be tending to

zero and exactly here again we are bringing discreteness in disguise.

Consider a three dimensional rectangular coordinate system whose

axes are discrete with an incremental „‟. Let the axis be x, y and z.

therefore on x-axis it is ….-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3,……. And similar is

the case of y and z axis. Here is not tending to zero but it is a

constant. In such a system any point consists of dimensions of a cube

of side „‟. Hence the point can be exactly located without any


The two postulates:

Now I am presenting a theory called as “Compact Discrete theory”

which is just based on common sense. It contains just two postulates,

which are

There are only two types of number systems practically applicable to

physical quantities, they are Integers & Natural Constants number


(Natural Constants number system includes all natural constants

like Value of pie, Napier's constant (e) etc)


Every physical quantity can be expressed as integral multiple of a

natural constant.

These postulates are simple and have lot of practical sense. When you

apply these postulates you get length as a discrete quantity like charge.

There is the smallest unit of length which we can consider as point. In

the next few chapters we will discuss more about this “sensible

mathematics” when we apply it to various other quantities.

Compact discrete theory leads to quantization of every existing

real quantity. In the next chapter we will see our understanding

towards fundamental quantities i.e. length, mass, time, temperature,

current, moles and luminous intensity and the necessary modifications

to be made. So just read on the next chapter…



Construction material of


For a construction of a house we require stones, bricks, cement and

water. Similarly for the construction of the universe the material

required is often defined in terms of fundamental quantities. Physics is

essentially a quantitative science. Any quantity that can be measured

is called a physical quantity. In physics we come across a large

number of quantities of different kinds such as length, mass, time,

velocity, acceleration, force, work, power, current, resistance,

temperature etc. Fundamental quantity is an independent quantity

which cannot be expressed in terms of other fundamental quantities.

These fundamental quantities are namely mass, length, time,

temperature, ampere, candela and moles. This system is called as SI

system and it gives internationally accepted units for its fundamental

quantities. Every other quantity present in the universe can be

expressed in terms of these fundamental quantities.

All of sudden a thought came in my mind “are these fundamental

quantities truly fundamental?” After analyzing the data available I

found that the answer is „no‟. Before exploring the drawbacks of the

present fundamental quantities and why they cannot be considered as

fundamental quantities, let‟s first see the way they are defined by

Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (International Bureau of



The International System of Units (SI):

Quantity1: LENGTH; Name: meter; Symbol: m;

Definition: “…the length of the path traveled by light in vacuum in

1/299792458 of a second.” (1983)

Quantity2: MASS; Name: kilogram; symbol: kg;

Definition: “…this prototype [a certain platinum-iridium cylinder]

shall henceforth be considered to be the unit of mass.” (1889)

Quantity3: TIME; Name: second; symbol: s;

Definition: “…the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation

corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the

ground state of the cesium-133 atom.” (1967)

Quantity4: ELECTRIC CURRENT; Name: ampere; Symbol:


Definition: “…that constant current which, if maintained in two

straight parallel conductors of infinite length, of negligible circular

cross section, and placed 1 meter apart in vacuum, would produce

between these conductors a force equal to 210- 7 newton per meter of

length.” (1946)


Kelvin; Symbol: K;

Definition: “…the fraction 1/273.16 of the thermodynamic

temperature of the triple point of water.” (1967)

Quantity6: AMOUNT OF SUBSTANCE; Name: mole;

Symbol: mol;

Definition: “…the amount of substance of a system which contains

as many elementary entities as there are atoms in 0.012 kilogram of

carbon-12.” (1971)

Quantity7: LUMINOUS INTENSITY; Name: candela; Symbol:


Definition: “The candela is the luminous intensity, in a given

direction, of a source that emits monochromatic radiation of


frequency 540 x 1012

hertz and that has a radiant intensity in that

direction of 1/683 watt per steradian.” (1967)


Defining the proper fundamental quantities is very essential as it lays

foundation for understanding physics. It is quite unfortunate that our

SI units system contains certain redundant fundamental quantities

whose unnecessary inclusion as fundamental quantities is causing a lot

of confusion in understanding physics. The effect is not limited up to

confusion, its also making physics a complete nonsense. There is no

point in carrying on with the redundant fundamental quantities.

Surprisingly many of our physicists know that redundancy of units

prevail in SI units, but their silence is just due to the fact that it

requires a complete redefinition of physics.

“For those who want some proof that physicists are human, the proof

is in the idiocy of all the different units which they use for measuring


-- Richard P. Feynman

Even the „Bureau International des Poids et Mesures‟ identified that

the SI units are not truly fundamental and released a diagram which

gives the missing links between fundamental quantities. The diagram

clearly shows that our fundamental quantities are interrelated and

redundant. If a quantity is indeed fundamental then it must not have

any relation with the other fundamental quantities. As per the diagram

only mass, time and temperature are fundamental quantities (this was

based on assumption that arrows only originate from fundamental

quantities). I don‟t want to describe about this diagram much, anyhow

you can judge it yourselves the „amount of idiocy present‟ in our

physics as said by Feynman.


(Image Courtesy:

“…The other big fault is the obvious redundancy of units. Although

not very well known to all of us, at least two of the seven base units of

the SI system are known to be redundant, namely the mole and the

candela. These two units have been dragging along, ending up in the

SI system for no reason other than historic ones. The mole is merely a

certain number of atoms or molecules, in the same sense that a dozen

is a number; there is no need to designate this number as a unit. The

candela is an old photometric unit which can easily be derived from

radiometric units (radiated power in Watts) by multiplying it by a

function to describe the optical response of the human eye. The

candela unit, together with its derived units as lux and foot-candelas

serve no purpose that is not served equally well by watt per steradian

and its derivatives. Temperature is yet another base unit that can be

made redundant by adopting new definitions for its unit. Temperature

could be measured in energy units because, according to the

equipartition theorem, temperature is proportional to the energy per

degree of freedom. It is also known that for a monatomic ideal gas the

temperature is related to the translational motion or average speed of


the atoms. The kinetic theory of gases uses statistical mechanics to

relate this motion to the average kinetic energy of atoms and

molecules in the system. For this case 11605 degrees Kelvin

corresponds to an average kinetic energy of one electron volt,

equivalent to 1.602E-19Joules. Hence the Kelvin could also be

defined as a derived unit, equivalent to 1.3806E-23Joule per degree of

freedom, having the same dimensions of energy. So for the Kelvin unit

we had to add the three green arrows pointing from Kg, meters and

seconds which are the SI units defining energy. Further more, the

definitions of the supplementary units, radian and steradian, are

gratuitous. These definitions properly belong in the province of

mathematics and there is no need to include them in a system of

physical units. So what are we left with? How many dimensions can

the SI system be reduced to? Looking again at the SI relations

diagram, let us see which units DO NOT depend on others, that is

which are those having only outgoing arrows and no incoming

arrows. We see that in the SI system, only the units Seconds and Kg

are independent. So, this means that the SI system can be reduced to

no more than two dimensions, without loosing any of its physical

significance of all the involved units. But we know that there are a lot

of other combinations that can lead to the same number of

fundamental dimensions and that Kg and Seconds might not be the

most physically meaningful independent dimensions. Strictly speaking

only Space and Time are fundamental dimensions.... so what are the


- Unified theory, Blaze labs research

Unified theory by Blaze labs research was a great inspiration for me in

developing my new fundamental quantities. You can find this theory

on I included the above quotation from Unified

theory because it exactly defined my thoughts regarding moles and

luminous intensity. So, in the next sections I will not be considering

moles and luminous intensity as fundamental units of SI system

because they are simply useless. Before introducing to actual

fundamental quantities of the universe, let me for the first time

introduce to you the fundamental law of conservation. This

fundamental law of conservation is the basic property of any

fundamental quantity. The failure of SI units system is that some of its

fundamental quantities don‟t satisfy fundamental law of conservation.



“It states that a fundamental quantity of nature can neither be created

nor destroyed”.

This law sounds very similar to law of conservation of energy but

in the later sections of this book I will prove that law of conservation

of energy itself originates from Fundamental law of conservation.

Proof for this fundamental law is common sense. At the beginning of

this chapter I defined Fundamental quantity as “an independent

quantity which cannot be expressed in terms of other fundamental

quantities”. Creating a fundamental quantity obviously means

obtaining a fundamental quantity from other fundamental quantities

which makes that particular quantity a derived quantity rather than a

fundamental quantity. Destroying a fundamental quantity means

transforming a fundamental quantity completely into another

fundamental quantities. This again means one fundamental quantity

expressed in terms of another which is against our definition for

fundamental quantity. Hence a fundamental quantity can neither be

created nor destroyed.

Let us now examine whether the quantities defined by SI units system

satisfies this Fundamental law of conservation or not. Since I have

already said moles and luminous intensity have no role to play as

fundamental quantities and they can be easily expressed in terms of

other fundamental quantities of SI units system therefore I am not

considering them. So, left over fundamental quantities of SI units

system are length, mass, time, thermodynamic temperature and

electric current. Let us consider each of the fundamental quantity and

check whether it satisfies Fundamental law of conservation or not.

Quantity1: Length represents space. As we all know (at least there is

no experimental proof which contradicts) that space is independent in

nature and it can neither be created nor destroyed. So SI system got

their first fundamental quantity right.

Quantity2: “Mass”, that very word excites me. We all know that mass

is a form of energy and there is experimental proof for this. This was


proved by Einstein exactly 100 years ago (1905 and I am writing this

in 2005) with the equation of the 20th

century (the equation of this

century will be soon arriving) E = mc2.

This very principle is utilized

in nuclear power stations to generate electricity. Did you read that last

sentence? Mass is converted into energy and that particular energy is

being converted as electricity. A fundamental quantity “mass” is

yielding another fundamental quantity “electric current”!

In fact when mass undergoes E = mc2 principle, it is converted into

radiation i.e. photonic form. And we all know that photon has zero

rest mass. Mass has all of a sudden has vanished? All this signifies

only one thing and that is mass is not a fundamental quantity. So, one

gets eliminated out of five. Let us see the fate of other fundamental

quantities of SI system.

Quantity3: Time, understanding this quantity with the present

science is very difficult. Time simply passes through all of us but it

doesn‟t get destroyed. In order to understand what I meant through

that sentence one has to know about Minkowski space. Usually we

consider Euclidean space for classical calculations and Minkowski

space for relativistic calculations. That‟s why I said understanding this

quantity is very difficult. Anyway so far there has been no proof what

so ever which proves time gets created or destroyed. So we arbitrarily

consider time to be fundamental quantity. So, two survived and one

got eliminated. Let‟s move on further.

Quantity4: Electric current, once again my pulse rate is increasing.

Just now I showed you through Einstein‟s equation that mass is

converted into energy in Nuclear reactors and electricity is obtained

from these reactors. Was that not enough to prove Electric current is

getting created from mass which itself is not a fundamental quantity!

Electricity is even obtained from kinetic energy from the water

molecules in dams. In fact this is the primary method of generating

electricity. Electricity is just a redundant fundamental unit present in

SI system. It doesn‟t satisfy fundamental law of conservation.

Therefore it is not a fundamental quantity. So, two survived and two

got eliminated. Let‟s move on to the last and final one.

Quantity5: Thermodynamic temperature, I am not joking but really I

feel our fundamental quantities are nothing but a joke.


Thermodynamic temperature is nothing but a form of energy. I need

not have a nuclear reactor to prove the fact that it is not a fundamental

quantity. Simply I will switch on my geyser (water heater) which

produces heated water. Surprisingly here, geyser consumes current

energy and heats water by raising its temperature. I mean, there should

be a limit for stupidity. One fundamental quantity originates another;

yet remains fundamental in nature. So, out of five fundamental units

of SI system just two survived.

By examining the above results it is clear that fundamental

quantities should be redefined. As I have already said this requires a

complete new definition of physics. Now a question arises “length and

time are the only two fundamental quantities of universe?” To know

the answer of this question one has to closely examine the way mass,

electric current and temperature were proved as non-fundamental

quantities. In all three cases energy was the intermediate form. Mass

was first converted into energy then it was transformed into electrical

energy giving electric current. Current in fact was obtained from either

mass energy or kinetic energy of water molecules. Temperature was

raised or increased using electrical energy. In all cases energy does

remain a mediator. Surprisingly energy also satisfies fundamental law

of conservation if it is considered as fundamental quantity. Then “is

energy a fundamental quantity?” The answer is no. Fundamental law

of conservation is a necessary condition for the quantity to be

fundamental but not sufficient. Let us once again examine the

definition I gave for a fundamental quantity “an independent quantity

which cannot be expressed in terms of other fundamental quantities”.

The clue lies in this very sentence. The fundamental quantity must be

independent quantity. But to define energy we require the concept of

length and time.

For a long time I was stuck at this point. I almost left this concept

abandoned for almost two years. I got the above ideas when I was in


standard (Intermediate, 2002). I needed that Newton‟s apple type

of a thing to happen with me. And it did happen, only that I had to

wait for two long years. One day it happened this way “….my mother

gave me milk, and as usual I refused to drink it; my mother told me

that I am day by day becoming weaker, I need to drink milk because it

gives me energy”. That very word “energy” from by mother ignited


the whole new idea with which I went on to explain physics like never

before. I examined the milk; it consisted of Bournvita, sugar and milk,

the three ingredients giving energy as said by my mother. I can

recognize that Bournvita because of its color but I found the presence

of sugar only when I tasted it. Maybe similar is the case with the

“energy”. Length, Time and something unknown, when combined

gives energy.

"There are physical quantities of another kind [in the aether] which

are related to directions in space, but which are not vectors. Stresses

and strains in solid bodies are examples, and so are some of the

properties of bodies considered in the theory of elasticity and in the

theory of double [rotated] refraction. Quantities of this class require

for their definition nine [part of the "27-line"...] numerical

specifications. They are expressed in the language of quaternions by

linear and vector functions of a vector ..."

J.C. Maxwell,

"A Treatise on Electricity and Magnetism",

(Vol.1, 3rd Edition, New York, 1954)

Probably this “something unknown” was what Maxwell referring in

the above quotation „unknowingly‟. Assuming this quantity to be

some unknown “x”, I did lot of dimensional analysis. It gave me a lot

of surprising results regarding the derived quantities but I needed

another Newton‟s apple or “Glass of milk” to know what this “x” can

be. So I drank lot of milk only making my mother happy but not

myself. I foolishly drank milk for the sake of an idea. But one day the

miracle happened. Once again the “glass of milk” gave me an

unbelievable idea. I noticed that sugar is getting dissolved in the milk.

It ignited the frozen chambers of my brain, I was thunderstruck.

Suddenly everything became resolved. I found the third fundamental

quantity. Don‟t be anxious, you will come to know about it pretty


Now I am going to define physics with three fundamental quantities.

In order to understand these quantities and there true definition, for the

time being one has to forget there previous definition of mass,

thermodynamic temperature and electric current since these units are

no longer fundamental.


The three fundamental quantities which can be considered as

construction material of the universe are:




Every other quantity (ex: mass, temperature, current, energy, etc) can

be expressed in terms of these fundamental quantities. Note that from

now onwards mass, temperature and current are derived quantities. I

know that right now how much curious you are to know about

“CHAKR” which I have listed as fundamental quantity. Since I have

defined it as third fundamental quantity, lets us first understand about

the first and the second quantities. Then we will move on to

understand the third fundamental quantity “CHAKR”.

Length represents the space in single dimension and space is nothing

but a medium. With the postulates of Compact discrete theory length

must be a discrete quantity. Therefore there exists a smallest

dimension of length “l” in the space. This means practically length of

any particle cannot be less than “l”. This is similar to the way we

understand the concept of charge. We all know that charge cannot be

less than 1.60217646210-19

Coulomb, generally referred as

elementary charge “e”. So charge increases as 0, e, 2e, 3e, … i.e. in

discrete steps of incremental “e”. Similarly length increases in discrete

steps of incremental “l” i.e. 0,l, 2l, 3l, …. Note that length can never

take negative values like charge.

Time represents duration. Time is something similar to a field

existing in the space. But again postulates of compact discrete theory

state that even time should be discrete quantity. Time is made up of

discrete bubbles which form spherical standing waves of time in

space. In the next chapter you will see that “the amount of time passed

away is proportional to number of discrete bubbles of time absorbed”.

Ignore the above sentence until you study the next chapter.

Here arrives the third special fundamental quantity “CHAKR”. I

am referring it as “special fundamental quantity” just because so far

we had no knowledge regarding it. Intrinsic property of „Chakr‟ is to

continuously spin and they are made up of a substance called as “mab


substance”. Now you may ask me “if „Chakr‟ is a fundamental

quantity then how come it is made of something?” In fact Chakr is not

made up of “mab substance” but it is “mab substance” itself. It‟s like

saying length is made up of space and time is made up of duration.

Note that you can even say that space is made up of length and

duration is made up of time. Similarly you can say “Chakr” is made

up of “mab substance”(when the first time I told this concept to my

friends they called it as mad substance but later when they heard the

whole theory the reaction was absolutely opposite). This whole

notation seems to be very strange and confusing but as you go on

studying this book you will understand why I have adopted such a


From the postulates of compact discrete theory even Chakr should

be discrete in nature (notation: if Chakr are discrete then each

discrete Chakr is referred as „Chakr‟ and on a whole referred as

„Chakras‟). Each Chakr is having a disc type of structure which

continuously spins. This disc structure of Chakr is made up of mab

substance. So from the above knowledge one can say Chakr are the

spinning discs made up of mab substance. So our universe is made up

of length (space) which acts like a medium, time which something

similar to a field and Chakr which are spinning discs made up of a

mab substance.

Now one needs to understand how discrete space is present in the

universe. Space is made up of a discrete structure made up of “spatial

cells”. Yes, like a human body made up cells even space is made up of

cells. Now don‟t misinterpret the above sentence, I just gave it to have

an initial understanding but not to think spatial cells are something

similar to human body cells (no cellulose, nucleus, Lysosomes,

ribosomes, plasma membranes, etc here. In fact D-brane concept of

superstring theory requires this plasma membrane type of


If we consider space to be made up of spherical cells the

obviously there are voids formed in between arrangement of cells.

These voids are dimensionless quantities since they are made up of

nothing. However, you can never view the shape of a special cell

because to view it you need smaller length as reference. I understand,


it‟s hard to grasp this logic. You cannot say, cells are spherical or

cubic, all we can say is that they are discrete.

If a spatial cell is not available at a particular point, it‟s called as void

space. Note that you cannot measure the distance or volume of a void

space. You can detect it but cannot measure it as it doesn‟t contain

anything called as “length”. These voids can be possible reasons for

the evolution of natural constants like pie (), Napier's constant (e)


Consider Napier‟s constant (also known as Euler‟s constant) „e‟

e 2.7182818284590452353602874…

This can also be obtained from exponential expansion

e = 1 + (1/1!) + (1/2!) + (1/3!) + (1/4!) +...

e = (n =0 to ) (1/ n!)

Possibly evolution of „e‟ may be due to the discrete addition of some

kind of void space symmetry. Understanding Void space symmetries

at this level is very difficult and even I am not sure about the


The complete structure of spatial cells is called as „real space‟.

Each cell is completely identical to another. There are no distortions

present within the cells since the cell itself is an elementary unit. Each

cell is surrounded by void space as well as other adjacent cells. For

understanding you can consider cells as atoms and the “real space” as

molecule. Keep it just limited to initial understanding because cells

possess many other intrinsic properties.

A single “Chakr” made up of „mab substance‟ also referred as

discs which also possess spin. But the axis of the spin is random. In a

more scientific language „Chakr‟ are similar to „gyroscopes‟. Note that

you should not consider that “Chakr” are like disc that occupy space,

Chakr are independent of space. Each cell has a binary mab

occupation state. In other words each cell can be held with one Chakr

or none. Binary mab occupation state indicates whether a Chakr is


attached in a cell or not. Usually notation followed is „1‟ for the

presence of a Chakr and „0‟ for absence of a Chakr, that why the word

binary has been used. It should be noted that „Chakr‟ can also be

present in void space.

Time is another mysterious fundamental quantity which seems to

pass through all of us. Even though we cannot feel time but we realize

that time has passed away by looking at the clock or by some other

means. Once the time passes away it never comes back. I cannot get

my childhood back because the time has passed away. Then what

happened to that time? It has passed, alright but where has it passed?

Some physicists defined time as a forth dimension as explained few of

its properties but not all. Now there will be so many questions in your

mind. What is time exactly? How time interacts with cells and Chakr?

In order to explain not just the above two questions but the whole

layout of the universe one has to go through the postulates of

“CONSTRUCTION THEORY”. But before going towards

construction theory, let us once again ask ourselves some of the

questions below. I have answered most of these questions in this book

using construction theory. If you have any other questions left in your

mind then you can answer it yourselves after reading this book.

What the true definition of energy?

Why law of conservation of energy holds well?

Why E = mc2 and what is mass?

Why are the forces originating in nature?

Why magnetism originates?

Why electrical forces originate and what is Charge?

Why magnetic and electric forces combine to form electromagnetic


Why mysteriously mass is lost in atomic nucleus?

Why are weak forces originating?

Why are strong forces originating?

Why is radioactive decay occurring?

Why was Plank‟s quantum theory so successful?

Why photo-electric effect occurs?

Why electronic structures are formed?

Why was quantum mechanics so successful?

Why Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty principle takes place?


Why matter has dual nature?

Why are de-borglie‟s matter waves formed?

Why not quantum field and gauge theories?

Why not superstring theory?

Why gravity emanates from mass?

What is Curvature of space?

Why gravitational collapse occurs?

Why black holes form and what is mysterious singularity?

Why is anti – matter not found every where?

Why is this universe expanding?

Will there be any Worm holes present in the universe?

Can all the forces be combined to form a single G-force?

Will the universe collapse at some point of time?

For most of the above questions there are no answers in the

present physics. Because each question asks why a particular event or

a thing happening but not how it is happening. As it is already said our

physics only gives “way the things are happening but not why the

things are happening”.

And if you are a philosopher, then also Construction theory is

going to help you. As quoted at the beginning of the book “God

invented universe and it is the responsibility of humans to discover it”

construction theory proves to be a path of discovering God. Anyhow

being a physicist I haven‟t tried to answer these questions in this book

but most of my friends have told me that construction theory does give

vital understanding about few philosophical concepts.

What could be possible explanation for concept of soul?

Does God really exist?

So, here starts the construction theory…




The basic purpose of construction theory is to solve all inconsistencies

present in our physics. Construction theory not only gives a whole

new understanding about the universe but also explains most of the

observations of day-to-day physics. My future effort would be

developing construction theory to an extent that it explains anything

and everything. In this book you will also witness how construction

theory combines all forces of nature in a very simple and elegant way.

I always believed that some of the most hidden rules of nature are

often simple and beautiful, hence when I was developing construction

theory somewhere back of my mind the simplicity factor was there. At

this juncture I can claim that Construction theory is far simpler than

most of our present theories and this is the major advantage of this


Max Planck once said, "New scientific truth does not triumph by

convincing its opponents, but because the opponents die and a new

generation grows up unopposed to the new idea." I am expecting a

similar response to this Construction theory. From microscopic

observations to macroscopic observations, each of them can be

explained by construction theory unlike in our physics where theories

change with the level of observation. Milo Wolff (leading physicist,

creator of a new theory called as „Wave Structure of Matter‟) quotes:

“The origins of the laws had been sought for centuries. Finding all of

them at the same time and place is a philosopher‟s dream come true.

It is of great importance to science because the natural laws and

quantum spin determine the structure of the Atomic Table, which

dictates the varied forms of matter: metals, crystals, semi-conductors,


and the molecules of life. The deep understanding of basic physics that

is revealed opens a door to broad fields of applied technology such as

integrated circuits, photonics, and commercial energy. It reveals a

universe of real quantum wave structures that we live in but seldom


Even though Milo Wolff quoted this referring to his theory

“Wave structure of matter (WSM)” but I feel this quotation is

universally valid (those who know about WSM theory will find WSM

theory will become a part of Construction theory and this is the feature

of construction theory that it not only moves forward but it takes most

of our present theories along with it by modulating them).

I would like to point out another quotation of Milo Wolff which gives

even clearer picture of universe and it says“...Human perspective has

many biases. We tend to see space as three rectangular dimensions,

one of which is the vertical gravity vector of Earth, plus two other

vectors perpendicular to it, shaped like the houses we live in. But in

the cosmos, the shape of the enormous universe is spherical whose

important dimensions are inward and outward, the direction of waves

in space. In the vast expanse of the real universe, gravity occurs so

rarely, that its direction is inconsequential in the larger scheme of

things, despite its local importance to us”.

Milo Wolff did recognize the two important dimensions of

universe as inward and outward but he had no mathematical support to

say what happens to a spherical wave when it goes on in an inward

direction. “At some instant it reaches a point and then gets reflected

and this forms a standing wave” and this was the explanation given by

Milo Wolff. If you don‟t know what are spherical waves and WSM

then just ignore the above three paragraphs.

Once Erwin Schrödinger said regarding physics as “Thus, the

task is, not so much to see what no one has yet seen; but to think what

nobody has yet thought, about that which everybody sees”. While

formulating construction theory I haven‟t seen anything special that

has not seen before, it was the mathematical theory and little bit of

common sense (though, my parents believe I severely lack common

sense!) that allowed me to think beyond. You may ask me “How

could an 18 year old boy do this?” Then my friend the honest answer

is „creativity has no relation with age‟. And the advantage I possessed


was the new concept of mathematics i.e. Calpanic numbers that I had

recently discovered. At first I wanted to announce about my discovery

of Calpanic numbers but I just held it back because I wanted practical

applications of it. So I started applying Calpanic numbers along with

Real numbers to most of our practical observations. Months went by

and I found no success, there were "Eureka" shouts here and there but

quickly they disappeared as foolish mistakes. When I was just about

convinced that there were no observational (theoretical) calculations

that required the use of Calpanic numbers, I stuck gold.

One fine day I was reading a paper on black holes, it had a

beautiful introduction about black holes stating that “…at the center of

a black hole lies the singularity, where matter is crushed to infinite

density, the pull of gravity is infinitely strong, and space time has

infinite curvature. Here it's no longer meaningful to speak of space

and time, much less space-time. Jumbled up at the singularity, space

and time cease to exist as we know them”. I can't describe you how

much happy and excited I was when I read this. It was like a miracle,

for a moment everything appeared as crystal clear. The Calpanic

numbers that I thought had no practical significance appeared as

hidden solutions of the various mysteries like Singularity of black


Schwarzschild's calculation clearly shows that space and time

were longer analytically defined at singularities (also called as event

horizon). In other words space and time cease to exist at singularitity.

There is no explanation for why such phenomenon occurs and what

happens beyond singularity. When I was thinking all these, a sudden

thought occurred to me “is Minkowski space a correct representation

of space and time?” For those who don‟t know about Minkowski‟s

space, it is simply a four-dimensional space-time possessing a

Minkowski metric. In other words along with the three spatial

dimensions even „time‟ is considered as forth dimension. The

calculations performed by Schwarzschild uses Minkowski‟s space. In

fact Schwarzschild used relativistic (GTR) calculations, which in turn

use Minkowski‟s space. Lets understand this situation in a very simple

and elementary way. I don't want to scare my precious non-physicist

readers with complicated crap.


What is a clock? Is it just a device used for measuring time,

usually by means of pointers moving over a dial? Closer examination

reveals clock doesn‟t measure time directly. It just indicates the

present time. And it is „we‟ who measure the time. I am not twisting

words but my words itself have a twist. Let us see what the twist is.

Suppose you saw a clock and it indicated time as 03:20:00PM. What

does it signify? It signifies that at the instant you saw the clock the

time is 3 hours and 20 minutes post meridian. I don‟t see any

measurement involved here. Then after certain duration you saw the

clock again (same day) it showed 03:30:00PM. It again signifies the

instant you saw clock, the time is 3 hours and 30 minutes post

meridian. Again I don‟t see any measurement done by the clock. Then

who is doing measurement? It is „we‟ who are doing measurement

because we took the readings of the clock at two different instants,

calculated the difference between the two, in the above case we get it

as 10 minutes. This is the measurement of time.

Now why am I saying all this? I am saying all this to give you a

brief picture on the behavior of time. What happened to the 10

minutes that we calculated in the above paragraph? Logically one

says, “Time has passed away”. Where has it passed away? And if it

hasn‟t passed away and if it is still there then can we get it back? Also

why time is always passing away? I find no answer for it in present

physics. Physics says time is irreversible. Then why it is irreversible?

The logic that physicists consider is “if time is reversible, then (in the

reverse direction) apple doesn‟t fall from the tree but goes up from

ground to tree and this is against law conservation of energy”. This

sounds a very good explanation for why time is not irreversible like

videotape but what if in reverse direction of time even gravity

becomes repulsive? Then Law of Conservation of energy is satisfied.

Again there is no answer. The above questions made me come to a

conclusion that our knowledge regarding time is insufficient. Hence

came the Construction theory, which utilizes the help of Calpanic

numbers. It not only explains time in detail but also about space,

length, mass etc.

Construction theory uses for the first time “the three fundamental

quantities” and “redefined real numbers along with Calpanic

numbers” which itself is a landmark of Construction theory. Before

we actually start the construction theory, I suggest you to have a

coffee break and fresh up. Let me warn you, the ideas are new and


innovative. I would specifically like to warn students, please don't

abandon the existing physics because Construction theory just proves

it wrong. Please wait till the whole physics community accepts. Also,

no one has verified construction theory yet; hence there is a slight

possibility of loopholes. As an author, I am very confident about it

however, as a physicist I am open to criticism, drawbacks and general


Time is not passing through us but we are absorbing time and

the same instant releasing space. To understand the above statement,

consider this thought example. “A cat is closed in a box that contains

certain amount of oxygen. As the cat breaths, oxygen present in the

box will be converted into carbon dioxide. In other words oxygen is

getting absorbed and carbon dioxide is getting released. This is

exactly the way our universe is behaving. Time is getting absorbed

and space is getting released. That is why we find time as passing and

universe expanding. Before the box turns to be oxygen deficient lets

take the cat out of the box. I am not like Schrödinger!! ”

Similarly time is like „oxygen‟ and we are continuously absorbing

it. Also when we are absorbing time, we are also releasing space

which attributes to the expansion of the universe. Now a question

arises what is making time get absorbed and space get released. Recall

in the last chapter I told universe is made up of three fundamental

quantities. So far in this chapter we have discussed only about two

quantities space (length) and time. But to talk about universe in detail

we require three fundamental quantities. So let‟s see how Chakr

influences our universe. In the last chapter I have told that a single cell

of space can bond with at maximum a single „Chakr‟. We also know

that Chakr possess spin. Whenever there is a „Chakr‟ held in a spatial

cell, then absorption of time and secretion (emanation) of space takes


Understanding “how this phenomenon of absorption and secretion

takes place” involves the concept of real numbers and Calpanic

numbers. Now everything becomes real and anti-real i.e. real and

Calpanic. Therefore even our three fundamental quantities have real

and anti-real counterparts. We can arbitrarily choose that we live in

real universe with real fundamental quantities. So our three


fundamental quantities can be called as „real length‟, „real time‟ and

„real Chakr‟. Their counter parts are called as „Calpanic length‟,

„Calpanic time‟ and Calpanic Chakr.

“Whenever there is a „Chakr‟ held in a spatial cell, then absorption of

time and secretion (emanation) of space takes place.” This was the

statement I gave in last but one paragraph. Various questions can be

asked regarding the above statement such as “What happens to the

time when it is absorbed?” “How space secretion takes place?” The

answer is, whenever there is a Chakr attached in a spatial cell; the spin

of the Chakr creates a pole-zero pair within the cell. A pole-zero pair

indicates secretion of space takes place through „pole‟ and time is

absorbed by the „zero‟. I know this is bit difficult to understand but as

you read on, the concept will be in front of your eyes. “Absorption

means taking inside” and we know that cell is made up of least

dimensions of length. When “time is absorbed” means it‟s been

pushed to zero. At this point time changes its state from real to


Let‟s understand this in terms of simple physics. Time is present

over the space, we can speak about “time density” i.e. time(t) per

volume of space(l3). Now, this doesn't mean that Time is dependent on

space or Time cannot exist independently. For a dynamic universe to

exist, the three fundamental quantities i.e length, time and Chakr

needs 0interact with each other. Coming back to the actual discussion,

the denominator of the time density has the limiting factor at volume

equals to Space Cell. Since cell is the smallest possible volume,

further reduction of volume means volume reduced to zero.

Time density = t / V;

'V' denotes for spatial volume

So time density at zero volume stage is

(t /V) = (1/0)t = t

Note that this can also be obtained using r-convention. Since time and

length are volume real quantities implies time = r t ; volume = r V

time density = time/ volume = r t/r V


r t / r V = r (1/r) t/V

= r.r (t/V)

= r (t/V)

When Volume becomes exact zero

Time density = r/0 (t) = t

Hence Time changes its direction i.e. from real time to Calpanic time.

Now there is another problem. I told in the last chapter that time is

made up of discrete bubbles which form spherical standing waves.

Then you can ask me how you can explain the concept of absorption

of time in terms discrete bubbles?Each bubble of time encloses certain

amount of volume of space. And during absorption this enclosed

volume of the bubble is made exactly equal to zero. This once again

transforms real bubble of time to Calpanic bubble of time. If you are

unable to understand the way time is changing its direction from real

time to Calpanic time without repulsion due to something then closely

examine the figure given below.

Möbius Strip (Image credit: Wikipedia- online


The Möbius strip or Möbius band is a topological object with only one

side (one-sided surface) and only one boundary component. It was co-

discovered independently by the German mathematicians August

Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in 1858. A model can

easily be created by taking a paper strip and giving it a half-twist, and

then merging the ends of the strip together to form a single strip. If


you start walking on road which is a made like Möbius strip, even

though you don‟t change your direction, you will still become upside

down. Try imagining this looking at the figure. This is exactly the way

time behaves. If one surface of the Möbius strip is considered as real

and other one as Calpanic then you will never know that you have

changed from real to Calpanic. Similar is the case with time. Note that

in the process of conversion „volume of space‟ ‟ is becoming zero but

not time. The way you will never know on which surface you walking

on a Möbius strip, similarly „time‟ will not know that length has

become zero since both are two independent fundamental quantities.

So for a Calpanic Viewer time is not passing but time is emanating.

For him everything happens in reverse direction with respect to time.

The next big question we have to solve “why secretion of space takes

place?” For understanding this we define the first postulate of

construction theory..

Postulate1: “Space and time exhibit anti-symmetry in the state of

universe they are present”

The above postulate may sound very simple but it requires lot

thinking. Let me first define what is Real universes and Calpanic

universe. Real Universe: In real universe all the fundamental

quantities are real i.e. each fundamental quantity is prefixed with „r‟.

Calpanic Universe: In Calpanic universe all the fundamental

quantities are Calpanic i.e. each fundamental quantity is prefixed with

„ ‟.

There is a possibility of a universe containing fundamental quantities

of both real and Calpanic types. Fortunately these kinds of universes

are unstable and they collapse into either real or Calpanic. You can

derive this once you finish the book. When I say Real and Calpanic

universe, this doesn‟t mean that there are two types of universes, it is

simply signifies two different states of a universe. Next point that

needs to be cleared about the postulate is about anti-symmetry. Here it

signifies “the reciprocal behavior or characteristics of each other”. I

told that secretion of space can be understood from the above

postulate since the direct conclusion of the above postulate is, since

real-time is absorbed from real universe and is converted into


Calpanic-time; Calpanic space must be absorbed from Calpanic

universe and is converted into real space.

This phenomenon is practically observed as well, that fact that real

universe is expanding and Calpanic Universe is shrinking signifies it.

We obtain a situation here, where space is getting secreted in form of

cells and this is the exact reason why we find Galaxies are drifting

from each other. (More details will be given in the 6th


So far we haven‟t seriously included „Chakr‟ in our discussion

but it‟s their turn now. „Chakr‟ which I called as special fundamental

quantity when I defined them, do have certain special properties. May

be these properties sound special just because so far we are

completely unaware of this „Chakr‟. Since these „Chakr‟ have spin

associated with them intrinsically, most of its properties are associated

with spin. But note that they are also made up of „Mab substance‟,

which does effect some of there properties. In more general terms

microscopic properties of Chakr are generally based upon there spin

function and macroscopic properties are generally due to coagulation

of „mab substance when combined with space and time‟. In order to

define other properties of Chakr lets define the second postulate of

Construction theory.


“Each Chakr creates a pole-zero pair inside a cell” through which

secretion and absorption of space and time takes place”

This is the most important property of the Chakr. It alternatively states

that the “absorption and secretion of time and space takes place only

when Chakr is present in a spatial cell. This postulate is not as easy as

it sounds. It gives many conclusions that are immensely helpful in

explaining various phenomena. No more absorption of time and

secretion of spatial cells take places in the absence of Chakr.

Postulate2 mathematically defines the reason for the absorption and

secretion of space and time. In Real Universe, poles signify non-

analytic points and in Calpanic Universe Zeros signify non-analytic

points. Intelligent mathematicians can really understand what I mean

by above sentences (Non-intelligent ones can contact the intelligent

ones for explanation because I don‟t want to do mathematical analysis


in this book. Hopefully in my next book “Calpanic number analysis” I

will give all the proofs).

Postulate2 gives greater insight about the bubble behavior of time.

Whenever groups of Chakr are enveloped within the bubble then the

bubble bursts into smaller bubbles until each smaller bubble is

absorbed. Continuous absorption of time bubbles results in the flow of

time which is usually indicated by our clocks. In our present day

physics generally time is considered as forth dimension along with the

three dimensions of space. There are few crazy physicists who

helplessly consider our universe is made up of 26 dimensional space.

Fortunately, majority of physicists accept 4 dimension spacetime

layout of the universe. Minkowski was first to give mathematical four-

dimensional spacetime co-ordinate system. Einstein‟s special theory

of relativity is based on Minkowski‟s space. Here I have derived

Minkowski‟s space and relativity with present postulates of

construction theory.

Minkowski‟s space derivation:

If we take the special case of time bubble being spherical in shape and

if a Chakr is present at the center of the sphere, then the radius of the

time bubble continuously decreases until it is absorbed by the Chakr.

Writing the sphere equation whose radius is continuously decreasing

with „time‟ gives nothing but Minkowski‟s space representation.

Here‟s a simple derivation for this:

(Note that you are an outside observer to bubble you are measuring)

Equation of a static sphere:

x2 + y

2 + z

2 =r


where x, y and z are the spatial coordinates and „r‟ is the radius of the


If a single Chakr is present at the origin then the absorption of bubble

i.e. sphere takes places which is indicated by continuous decrement in

the radius.


You notice that radius of the bubble decreases with time. (Note that

this time is measured as per your absorption of bubble)

Therefore the equations of contracting or absorbing sphere are

x2 + y

2 + z

2 = kt


where k is constant. The above equation can also be represented as x2

+ y2 + z

2 – kt

2=0 , which nothing but the Minkowski Metric for k = c


Special theory of Relativity Derivation:

Consider there are two observers Mr. E (Einstein) and Mr. A

(Abubakr) measuring the above spherical bubble. Note that both Mr. E

and Mr. A are outside observers located at different places.

If a single Chakr is present at the center of the bubble then the bubble

contracts, let us see how Mr. E and Mr. A measures this event. Mr. E

fixes the center of bubble as origin. He finds that bubble is contracting

with time. The „time‟ he is referring is „the amount of time he is

absorbing. So he calculates the equation of the contracting bubble as:

x2 + y

2 + z

2 – k (t-tE)

2 =0 …[1]

{Where tE is time absorbed by Mr.E}

Mr. A arbitrarily fixes some other point as origin, which makes the

center of bubble as (xm, ym, zm) . He finds that bubble is contracting

with time. The „time‟ he is referring is „the amount of time he is

absorbing. So he calculates the equation of the contracting bubble as:

(x-xm)2 + (y-ym)

2 + (z-zm)

2 – k (t-tM)

2 =0 …[2]

{Where tM is time absorbed by Mr. A}

From equation [1] and equation [2].

x2 + y

2 + z

2 – k (t-tE)

2 = 0 = (x-xm)


2+ (z-zm)

2–k (t-tM)




The above equation is the basic equation of relativity. In deriving the

above equation I haven‟t used any postulates of relativity. So one

thing is proved that my „time bubble absorption concept‟ of time has

practical proof in the form of relativistic observations. This only

signifies Construction theory is going on track. Note that we haven‟t

yet considered spin of the Chakr and already we have obtained

mathematically that our calculations satisfy relativity. I promise that

once we consider the spin of the Chakr then even quantum mechanics

equations will also be satisfied.


“The spin of Chakr is effective when Char are held in Real or

Calpanic spatial cells”

In the previous chapter I mentioned about “void space” which is a

dimensionless quantity. From the postulate2 we know that pole-zero

can only be created when Chakr are present in spatial cells. Chakr do

not possess any special properties like pole-pair when they are present

in void space. In the real or Calpanic space Chakr possess the

properties of spin whereas in void space the spin of the Chakr is an

undetermined quantity.

Postulate3 is essential in deriving the behavior of the Calpanic

universe when the spatial cells present in it are totally converted into

real space. From postulate4 we know that space is secreted from

Calpanic universe to real universe through the pole created by the

Chakr. If by the chance there is no space available in the Calpanic

universe then the Chakr tend to occupy the void space so that

secretion of space doesn‟t takes place. Some more detail of this

phenomenon is given in the next chapter.

Now with postulate4 I will be giving the definition of the first derived

quantity of Construction theory. Chakr, length and time are totally

independent quantities, so the condition arises that all derived

quantities are result of intermixing of these fundamental quantities.

Postulate 4:


“Energy is always positive and energy of a cell is proportional to

rate of change of product of „time‟ and „spin function‟ with w.r.t


E | d (t) / dl |

E | d t /dl + t d/dl |

E = |A (d t /dl + t d/dl)|

Where "E" represents energy, "t" represents Time, "l" represents

length, "" represents the Spin function of Chakr and its units are

mabs. It is given by = e –if(s,t)

(This spin function is different

from spin quantum number and „‟ is called as spherical dice or

Chakr constant, its units are mabs) And „A‟ is Abubakr‟s constant. A

has no dimensions, it‟s a void quantity.

To obtain the exact energy of group of Chakr (present in there

respective cells) then we must take summation of energies of all the


i.e. |A (d t /dl + t d/dl)|

Note: Our three fundamental units are





Units Notation

for Units


or Space

L Meters m

Time T Seconds s

Chakr C mabs a

Dimensional Analysis:

The first thing that comes to your mind is that the above postulate4 is

dimensionally not correct. Dimensionally E = M L2 T

-2 but here

Energy is having dimensions C L-1


The explanation for this involves total redefinition of our dimensional

analysis. The problem with our classical dimensional analysis was

using redundant fundamental units.


We will talk about the Significance of that energy equation in the later

sections of this Chapter. Let‟s see the dimensional analysis as per

Construction theory.

At present we have four quantities as per construction theory


Length L

Time T

Chakr C

Energy C L-1


We can define certain basic derived quantities such as

Velocity = rate of change of position L T-1

Acceleration = rate of change of velocity LT-2

Spatial area = length2


Spatial volume = length3


Force = Energy/distance CL-2


Mass = Force/acceleration CL-3


Power = Energy/time CL-1

Momentum = massvelocity CL-2


Frequency = 1/time period T-1

Planks Constant (h) = Energy/frequency CL-1T2

Angular velocity =radians/time period T-1

One of the important observation from the above derived quantities is

that mass is dimensionally equal to CL-3

T3. One might ask why we

have obtained such an abnormal dimensional formula for mass. Before

you read next few lines just give a thought regarding mass. Ask

yourselves what is mass? What answer have you got? Most probably

it will be “Some thing that you can touch and feel, some thing that

occupies certain volume” and this is what exactly construction theory

reveals. Note that using Construction theory we have derived mass, so

the concept of mass is not predicted by Construction theory but

derived. Now give another look at what we have derived for mass

using Constriction theory m = [CL-3

T3]. It does contain the volume

spatial dimensions.

Let me define the derived quantities like charge and temperature in

terms of Chakr. As per the SI system dimensionally charge is equal to

[IT] but we know that charge doesn‟t vary with time. Charge of an


electron is always equal to elementary charge „e‟ and it doesn‟t vary

with time. Also it is the current that varies with time. This gives us a

hint that there is no [T] present in the dimensional formula of charge.

Now let‟s examine the constants like Permittivity and

permeability. These are vacuum constants but still in SI system they

have mass included in their dimensions. Dimensionally permeability

is equal to [MLT-2


] in SI system. Vacuum doesn‟t have mass but

still vacuum constants have mass included in their dimensions. Same

is the case with permittivity which is dimensionally equal to [ M-1




2] in SI system.

Vacuum in Construction theory indicates only space and time are

present hence all vacuum constants must not have Chakr present in

their dimensions. Therefore we get a condition that Vacuum constants

like permittivity and permeability must not have Chakr in their

dimensions. Also we have a condition that charge must not include

time in its dimensions because the charge of an electron doesn‟t vary

with time. If you measure electron‟s charge today it will same that of

yesterday‟s measurement of electron‟s and you will find the same

charge even tomorrow. We now have two conditions and we need one

more condition so that we can estimate the dimensions of current in

terms of length, time and Chakr. If you notice all electrostatic

calculations we find that charges always gather at the surfaces.

Similarly even the elementary charge resides only on the surface of

the electron. This alternatively means that in dimensions of charge, the

power of „L‟ is 2.

charge = [ W]a [L

2] [T


Permeability () = [MLT-2



= [W L-3



-2] {since M = WL



= [WL-2



We have a condition that permeability being a free space constant

must not have „W‟ in its dimensions. Therefore we get [W I-2]


be independent of „W‟ which reveals that

I = [W ½ L

b T



But we know that dimensionally q = I [ T ]

Equating the powers

[W]a [L

2] [T

0] = [ W

½ L

b T

c] [ T ]

[W]a [L

2] [T

0] = [ W ]

½ [ L ]

b [T ]


we get a = ½

b =2

c = -1

Current is dimensionally equal to [W1/2

L2 T


Charge is dimensionally equal to [W1/2


and permeability [ ] = [ L-6


Note that permeability doesn‟t contain [W] in its dimensions since it is

a vacuum constant. Let‟s cross check whether the above results satisfy

the conditions of the other vacuum constant permittivity. Note that

while deriving the dimensions of „I‟ we haven‟t used permittivity.

Permittivity () = [ M-1

] [L-3

] [T4] [I

2] in SI

= [ W L-3

T3]-1 [L

-3] [T

4] [ W

1/2 L

2 T



= [ W ]1-1

[ L ]3-3+4

[ T ]-3+4-2

= [L4 T


Permittivity dimensionally satisfies the conditions of a vacuum

constant since it doesn‟t contain [W] powers in its dimensions. One

proof may not convince you so let me give another proof. Let us

check the dimensions of Resistance (impedance)[R]. From the power

relation P = I 2R

Dimensions of power are [WL-1

] and current are [W1/2

L2 T


[ WL-1

] = [ W1/2

L2 T


2 R

R = [ L-5

T2 ]

Surprisingly the impedance (another name for resistance) is

independent of [W] dimensionally as per Construction Theory. You

may ask me “is there any experimental proof that even impedance

exists in vacuum or free space?” Then the answer is “yes”. Something

called, as free space impedance does exist even in vacuum. It is


widely used in communication. It is called as Characteristic or

intrinsic impedance. It is defined as “the definite ratio between the

amplitudes of electric field strength and magnetic field strength for a

progressing wave”. When the medium in which the wave is

propagating is free space or vacuum, intrinsic impedance is equal to

376.7303135 ohms. You cannot explain this characteristic impedance

if you are following SI system since dimensionally impedance in SI

system is ML2T


-2. We once again find that construction theory is on

right track. Also you will find various examples like mutual

inductance, self-inductance, electric capacity, conductance etc that

does exist in free space rightly proved by Construction theory.

The third quantity that we need to define for the complete

construction of derived units is temperature. According to the

equipartition theorem, temperature is proportional to the energy per

degree of freedom. Let‟s first understand what actually temperature

is. Temperature is related to the amount of thermal energy or heat in a

system. As more heat is added the temperature rises, similarly a

decrease in temperature corresponds to a loss of heat from the system.

On the microscopic scale this heat corresponds to the random motion

of atoms and molecules in the system. Thus, an increase in

temperature corresponds in an increase in the rate of movement of the

atoms in the system. This clearly reveals that temperature is nothing

but a form of energy. In the field of plasma physics, because of the

high temperatures encountered and the electromagnetic nature of the

phenomena involved, it is customary to express temperature in

electron volts (eV) or kilo electron volts (keV), where 1 eV = 11,605

K. In the study of QCD matter one routinely meets temperatures of the

order of a few hundred MeV, equivalent to about 1012 K. Everything

above clearly shows that dimensionally temperature is equivalent to

Energy i.e. [ temperature] = [WL-1


Let us now see how all the quantities stand dimensionally

Sl. No. Quantity SI dimensions

Construction Set

1 Length L L

2 Time T T

3 Chakr Didn’t C



4 Energy ML2T-2 CL-1T

5 Area L2 L2

6 Volume L3 L3

7 Velocity LT-1 LT-1

8 Acceleration LT-2 LT-2

9 Force MLT-2 Cl-2T

10 Mass M CL-3T3

11 Mass density ML-3 CL-6T3

12 Electric current A C1/2L2T-1

13 Charge AT C1/2L2

14 Temperature K CL-1T

15 Momentum MLT-1 CL-2T2

16 Impulse MLT-1 CL-2T2

17 Power ML2T-3 CL-1

18 Angular displacement

- -

19 Angular velocity T-1 T-1

20 Angular acceleration

T-2 T-2

21 Angular momentum

ML2T-1 CL-1T2

22 Moment of Inertia ML2 CL-1T3

23 Frequency T-1 T-1

24 Plank’s constant ML2T-1 CL-1T2

25 Coefficients of restitution

- -

26 Force constant MT-2 CL-3T

27 Stress ML-1T-2 CL-4T

28 Strain - -

29 Elastic modulii ML-1T-2 CL-4T

30 Poisson’s ratio - -

31 Surface tension MT-2 CL-3T

32 Coefficient of viscosity




33 Velocity gradient T-1 T-1

34 Universal gravitational




35 Heat ML2T-2 CL-1T

36 Coeff. Of thermal expansion



37 Specific heat L2T-2K-1 C-1L3T-3

38 Thermal capacity ML2T-1K-1 T

39 Gas constant ML2T-2K-1 -

40 Botlzmann constant and




41 Latent heat L2T-2 L2T-2 42 Coeff. Of thermal




43 Stefan’s constant MT-3K-4 C-3LT-4

44 Magnetic pole strength



45 Magnetic moment AL2 C1/2L4T-1

46 Flux density MT-2A-1 C1/2L-5T2

47 Magnetic flux ML2T-2A-1 C1/2L-3T2

48 Intensity of magnetic field,

Intensity of magnetization



49 Permittivity M-1L-3T4A2 L4T-1

50 Permeability MLT-2A-2 L-6T3

51 Magnetic susceptibility

- -

52 Electric potential, E.M.F



53 Electric capacity M-1L-2T4A2 L5T-1

54 Intensity of electric field




55 Electric resistance ML2T-3A-2 L-5T2

56 Specific resistance ML3T-3A-2 L-4T2

57 Conductance M-1L-2T3A2 L5T-2

58 Self inductance, mutual inductance



59 Rydberg constant, wave number

L-1 L-1

60 Compressibility M-1LT2 C-1L4T-1

The above table may surprise you but it‟s true. If you want to be sure

then cross check it, you will soon find out it‟s true. You can also

deduce some of the amazing formulae using the above table. If you

have examined closely the dimensional formulae of all charge related

quantities, you will find how easy it is to derive relations between

electrical and magnetic quantities since both contain W1/2


Postulate4 gave a relation between energy and fundamental

quantities. In the equation I mentioned about the spin function which

gives the value of spin of the Chakr. This spin function is nothing but

the wave function of quantum mechanics. The absolute value spin

function ||= .

Let‟s go back again to the energy equation.

E = |A (d t /dl + t d/dl)| as/m

Spin function of the Chakr () = e-if(s,t)

Where f(s,t) is spacetime dependent spin function, with "s"

representing spatial dimensions and „t‟ is time. Let‟s consider the

special case of wave equation, such that

f(s,t) = k1g(s) + k2h(t), where k1 and k2 are constants.

= e-i(k



= e-ik




We can extend this to three dimensions as well but here for the

simplicity of derivation we are considering the special case.


Therefore we have = e-ik




Differentiating the above equation with respect to „x‟ we get

d/dx = -i k1 e-ik




dg(x)/dx .

let dg(x)/dx = g'(x)

d/dx = -i k1 e-ik





Differentiating again w.r.t. „x‟


2 = (-i)



2 e


g(x) .e


{g‟x}2 – ik1 e


g(x) .e




let dg‟(x)/dx = g‟‟(x)


2 = (-i)

2 k1

2 e


g(x) .e


h(t) {g‟x}

2 – ik1 e


g(x) .e


h(t) g''(x)

=- k12 e


g(x) .e


h(t) {g‟x}

2 – ik1 e


g(x) .e



if g(x) is linear function of „x‟ such that

g(x) = Bx + D ;

Where B, D are functions independent of „x‟, then g‟(x) = B; and

g‟‟(x) = 0;

Substituting the above values of g‟(x) and g‟‟(x) in d2/dx

2 expanded

equation, we get


2 = - k1

2 e


g(x) .e


h(t) {g‟x}

2 – ik1 e


g(x) .e




2 = - k1

2 e


g(x) .e


h(t) {B}

2 – ik1 e


g(x) .e


{ 0 }


2 = - k1

2 e


g(x) .e


h(t) {B}


We also know that = e-ik






2 = - k1

2 e


g(x) .e




2 = - k1

2 {B}



2 + k1

2 {B}

2 = 0

The above equation is nothing but Schrödinger‟s wave equation for

free particle and we have obtained it for a free Chakr present in space.

The principle equation of quantum mechanics has been derived using

the principles of Construction theory, which only proves that quantum

mechanics is a branch of Construction theory. Similarly you can get

the time dependent Schrödinger‟s wave equation also.

If in the Schrödinger‟s time dependent wave equation the value

of „t‟ from the contracting bubble equation (shown in the previous

section) is substituted then you obtain Dirac‟s Relativistic

Schrödinger‟s wave equation.


“A Chakr absorbing time present in spatial cell is nothing but a


This postulate states that all matter is composed of photons. It should

be noted that a photon is not just a Chakr but a combination of a

Chakr present in space and absorbing time. If there is no time to

absorb then photon is said to be frozen. During the frozen state,

photon has neither energy nor velocity. To understand the properties

of photons consider a group of cells and there is only one cell in the

group which contains a Chakr and no cell adjacent to it contains a

Chakr. The energy of the cell containing the Chakr is given by

Postulate4. This energy is present in the form of „photon‟. So, we get

that “photons are discrete particles having particle nature as well as

wave nature”. You may find this statement in most of our physics

books. But there is no explanation for the duality of photons from any

single theory. Particle nature of photons was established by

photoelectric effect and wave nature was established by double-slit


experiments. Now let‟s see how Construction theory gives explanation

for both the properties of photons.

A Photon can only exist if it doesn‟t have adjacent Chakr. The

criterion is very essential for the existence of a photon. Whenever it is

having adjacent Chakr, the photon takes the form of matter. Let‟s first

understand how the movement of individual photon takes place.

Photon moves basing on the same principle as that of rockets. We

already know that from the postulate2 that “Each Chakr creates a pole-

zero pair inside a cell” through which secretion and absorption of

space and time takes place” Since photon is nothing but a Chakr

present in spatial cell, therefore it consumes (absorbs) time and release

cells. The liberation of cells or secretion creates push and the photon

moves in the opposite direction to the push. The spin of the Chakr

gives the direction of movement of photons. The whole mechanism

can said using a simple called as Right hand thumb rule. Right hand

thumb rule states, “if you curl fingers of right hand in the direction of

spin of the Chakr then the direction of the movement of the photon is

given by out-stretched thumb”. One important property that comes

out of this postulate is that “Velocity of a photon is constant since the

rate of liberation of cells is constant”

Planck‟s law derivation:

Let‟s find the energy of the photon from the energy equation,

assuming A to be positive:

E = |A (d t /dl + t d/dl)| as/m

For the photon rate of change of time with respect to space is given by

dt/ds = 1/c ; where c =299792458 m/s.

= e –if(s,t)

= e-i(k1g(s)+k2h(t))

= e-ik1g(s)


Using above relations deriving the energy of a photon ( length is

denoted by 's')

E = |A (d t /ds + t d/ds)|

= A |/c + t d/ds ( e-ik





= A | /c - it( k1 e-ik1g(s)


g‟(s) + k2e-ik1g(s)




where h‟(t) = dh(t)/dt

= A | /c - it( e-ik1g(s)


)(k1g‟(s) + k2h‟(t)dt/ds)|

= A | /c – it ()(k1g‟(s) + k2h‟(t)/c)|

= A/c || |1 – it (k1g‟(s)c + k2h‟(t))|

= A/c || | 1 – it (k1g‟(s)c + k2h‟(t))|

The above equation is the energy of the photon. This will sound

absolutely crazy to you but it‟s true. You may ask me “But the energy

of the photon is given by Planck‟s law E = h f ;” Energy equation

given Construction theory reduces to the above law, here‟s a proof for


Energy of the photon as per Construction theory E = A/c || | 1 – it

(k1g‟(s)c + k2h‟(t))|

In the derivation of Schrödinger‟s wave equation we obtained that

g(s) = Bx + D ; g‟(s) = B;

also comparing this equation d2/dx

2 + k1


2 {} = 0

with Schrödinger‟s equation d2/dx

2 + ( 2P/h)

2{ } = 0

Since both represent same equation therefore B k1= 2P/h

Similarly if we consider that h(t) is a linear function of „time‟ we get

h(t) = t +k; where = 2f {f=frequency}

Note that in time dependent Schrödinger's wave equation it has been

considered h'(t) = t;

Substituting the above values of g‟(t) and h‟(t) in energy equation of


E = A/c || | 1 – it (k1g‟(s)c + k2h‟(t))|

= A/c || | 1 – it (2Pc/h + k2|

= A/c || | 1 – it (2c(P/h) + k2|

But h/P= {wavelength = Planck‟s constant/ momentum}

E = A/c || | 1 – it (2c(1/) + k2|

But we know that c/= f { velocity =frequencywavelength}

E = A/c || | 1 – it (2f+ k2|

= A/c |||1 – it(1+k2)| since, = 2f


Since the Energy of the photon at a instant of time, we have to

substitute t = tm where tm = Cosmic time period

E = A/c |||1 – itm((1+k2))|

= A/c |||1 – i (1+k2)(/2m )|

where wm is the minimum angular frequency of an photon. And it is

equal to 1 /2tm.. A photon cannot have a frequency below wm/2. It is

the lowermost limit for the frequency. This is also called as lower cut-

off frequency.

Now let take the absolute value ofA/c |||1 – i (1+k2)(/2m )| . For

the sake of easier calculations, lets assume k2 = 1

Substituting k2 = 1 in A/c |||1 – i (1+k2)(/2m )|

E = A/c |||1 – i (/m )|

|1 – i (/m )| = (1 + (/m)2)

1/2 since |x + iy| = (x

2 + y



E = A/c ||(1 + (/m)2)

1/2 if „‟ is +ve

= A(1 + (/m)2)

1/2 /c as/m

if we are considering frequencies such that >> m then

1 + (/m)2



implies E = A /(m c)

since = 2f and A/mc is a constant

E = [2A/ m c] f

This is nothing but Planck‟s equation for energy of photons

E = h f where h = [2A/ m c]

But at very lower frequencies construction theory predicts that

Planck's Formula will fail. At these frequencies energy of the photon

is equal to E = A/c |||1 – i (1+k2)(/2m )|. It remains to be seen

that Construction theory's prediction stands true or not. Let‟s move on

further and see what Construction theory has more in stock.


Calpanic Universe (Experimental proof):

If you have read the above postulates of Construction theory then you

must get a doubt that “If time is getting absorbed into Calpanic

Universe and Cells being secreted from Calpanic universe, then

Calpanic Universe is not hypothetical thought but it must exist in

reality. And if it is a reality then there should be some experimental

proof so that it can be accepted.” The shocking thing is that there is

experimental evidence that Calpanic universe exists in reality and it

can be sensed. All those people who are wondering about the

experimental proof of Calpanic universe must once think about “what

is dark matter and dark energy?” Do our present physics have any

explanation for them? The nature of dark energy is completely

unknown, and many radically different models have been proposed,

such as, a tiny positive cosmological constant, quintessence,

phantoms, Chaplygin gas, and dark energy in brane worlds, etc. More

than scientific reasons (except brane worlds) these theories describe

about Arabian Nights. „Phantoms and quintessence‟ is this the state of

physics today?

Dark matter is not anti-matter. Anti-matter is completely different

from dark matter. Each particle has its corresponding antiparticle, with

opposite properties - opposite charge, opposite spin, and so on. So an

anti electron (a positron) has positive charge. Also anti-matter doesn‟t

possess negative mass and it doesn‟t show any phenomenon like anti-

gravity. The properties of dark matter are completely unknown but

they show gravitational effects.)

Recent advances in cosmology demonstrate that about 70 percent

of our Universe currently consists of Dark Energy, a mysterious force

field which is causing it to expand ever more rapidly. About one

quarter apparently consists of Cold Dark Matter, a new kind of

elementary particle not yet directly detected on Earth. Only about 5

percent is made out of the ordinary atomic matter with which we are

familiar, most of that consisting of hydrogen and helium.

The coolest thing about Construction theory is that it gives

hope in resolving the unknown issues. I am not saying my theory is

the best; all I am saying is its opening the unseen doors. And I hope all

the physicists appreciate this fact. And also to be frank I want some


physicist to find discrepancies in Construction theory. This is essential

for the growth of construction theory and physics. Anyhow I think

such discrepancies are resolvable by modifying Construction theory

because construction theory gives perfect explanations for all the

practical observations and its foundations are correct. Anyhow future

will reveal what‟s going to be the fate of construction theory but I can

surely say that it‟s not going to be easy to prove Construction theory

wrong because it has tons of new ideas.

“…The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of

everyday thinking.”

--- Albert Einstein

Let‟s come back to the ongoing discussion, what could be the possible

explanation Construction theory gives for presence of Dark matter?

Postulate2 of construction theory says “Each Chakr creates a pole-

zero pair inside a cell” through which secretion and absorption of

space and time takes place” So far we have discussed this postulate in

terms of Real universe i.e. Real length, Real time and Real Chakr,

now lets examine in terms of Calpanic universe i.e. Calpanic length,

Calpanic time and Calpanic Chakr. A Calpanic Chakr creates a pole-

zero pair inside a Calpanic cell through which secretion and

absorption of space and time takes place. Now to understand this

easily, imagine yourselves to be a Calpanic observer. You will find a

Chakr creating a pole-zero pair through which time is released and

cells are absorbed. Note that in Calpanic universe, time is released and

space is absorbed.

For a Calpanic observer every thing happens in an opposite

direction. But a Calpanic observer will not realize it because he thinks

that‟s the correct direction. Calpanic universe is not expanding in

terms of space like ours but it is shrinking in space, whereas our real

universe is expanding in terms of space but shrinking in terms of time.

To visualize this once again you have to go back to the thought

example of the Cat.

“A cat is closed in a box which contains certain amount of oxygen.

Since the cat breaths, oxygen present in the box will be converted into

carbon dioxide. In other words oxygen is getting absorbed and carbon


dioxide is getting released. This is exactly the way our universe is

behaving. Time is getting absorbed and space is getting released. That

is why we find time as passing and universe expanding. Before the box

becomes oxygen deficient lets take the cat out of the box. I am not like

Schrödinger!! ”

Here in the box, the content of carbon dioxide is increasing but the

oxygen content is decreasing. Similarly in our universe content of

space is increasing but the content of time is decreasing. Whereas in

the Calpanic universe the Content of time is increasing and the content

of space is decreasing. (Don‟t make out different meanings out of „Cat

thought experiment‟ by asking even carbon dioxide contains oxygen

in its chemical composition. Here oxygen and carbon dioxide are

assumed to be two independent gasses. And this thought experiment is

only meant for understanding.)

To understand the way things happen in the Calpanic universe,

remove the cat from the box and put a plant into that box. Now the

plant will show a reverse phenomenon, it absorbs carbon dioxide

present in the box and releases oxygen. So when a plant is kept in a

closed box, the content of oxygen increases and the carbon dioxide

decreases. Similarly in the Calpanic universe space decreases and time

increases. Each Chakr creates a pole-zero pair inside a cell” through

which secretion and absorption of space and time takes place. Here

even a Calpanic Chakr creates a pole-zero pair inside a cell such that

space is absorbed and time to be secreted. So these Chakr along with

space and time do constitute a universe like ours.

A similar equation for energy is valid even in Calpanic universe.

E = |A (d t /ds + t d/ds)|

Here ' ' signifies energy is present in the Calpanic universe.

Practical proof for this energy is the presence of Dark energy and dark

matter. The reason why we are not able to identify there properties is

that they are present in Calpanic universe. The effects of this Calpanic

energy can be felt in the real universe, but we cannot touch and feel

the dark energy or dark matter. Talking about touch and feel, we the

next section Construction theory reveals what is touch and feel! Now

let‟s see what Construction theory has to say about the mass and the


real matter. In our present physics mass is considered as fundamental

quantity but Construction theory has different interpretation for mass

and charge.


“It is the orbital interlocking of photons on the spatial lattice evolves

different manifestations of energy such as mass”

We all know that mass is form of energy. Mass can be converted into

energy through Einstein‟s equation E = mc2. Conversely this equation

can be written as m= E/c2 = kE. Now let‟s see how construction theory

deals with it. In common physics textbooks you will find that photon

has zero rest mass because Lorentz- Einstein equations reveal that any

particle having mass cannot travel with the speed of light else its mass

will become infinity. Therefore most of our physicists blindly

accepted that photon has zero rest mass. I would like to ask all those

physicists “Can a photon be at rest?”It is impossible to have a photon

at rest. You can only decrease the velocity of photons by passing them

through a medium of higher refractive index. And to obtain a photon

at rest you need a medium with refractive index equal to infinity,

which surely doesn‟t exist in the universe. When there is nothing

called as rest for photon, I really don‟t understand how so many

people accepted that there is something called as “Zero Rest Mass”.

As per the construction theory, mass is a different manifestation of

energy but its properties are completely different from that of photon.

Let‟s first understand what is mass. Postulate6 states “It is the

orbital interlocking of photons on the spatial lattice evolves different

manifestations of energy such as mass” I think you might have noted

the word “orbital interlocking of photon” in the postulate6. Photons

interlock themselves into orbits, forming a structure. A probable

interlocking mechanism is shown below.


Here 5 photons have interlocked themselves. This is one among the

different types of interlocking present. Electrons, protons, neutrons

and all other sub atomic particles have interlocked orbiting photons

present in them but in a different scheme. A single photon cannot

interlock itself in an orbit. A minimum of two photons is required to

interlock themselves into orbits to form matter. During this process

their radiation energy gets converted into mass energy. If 5 photons as

shown in the above diagram interlock themselves, then there total

mass if equal to

m = 5hf/c2

Once the photons get interlocked into orbits, no more they possess the

individual frequency „f‟. When the mass is at rest the interlocked

Chakr possesses a minimum spin function which attributes to the

invariable mass of the particle. Whenever the particle is imparted a

velocity the spin function of the interlocked Chakr increases causing

an increase in the overall mass. This increased mass of the particle is

called as variable mass. Also whenever a particle has a velocity, the

photons present in it not only revolve in the interlocked orbits but also


move in the direction of velocity. Due to these conditions a particle

cannot have a velocity equal to 299792458m/s (referred as „c‟)

because once the velocity of the particle is „c‟ then the velocity of the

orbiting photons within the particle has to exceed „c‟. And that‟s the

reason a body having mass cannot have velocity equal to or more than


Charge of a particle arises due to surface photons. In the figure shown

above there are four surface photons. These four surface photons are

not interlocked to four other photons like the center photon and this

causes the slight imbalance resulting in Charge. The charge of the

particle depends upon the direction of orbit of each surface photon.

The angular velocity of the surface photons is slightly higher than that

of inner photons due to non-interlocking with four other photons. All

inner photons have a stable and constant angular velocity. If more

amount of surface photons are orbiting in the clockwise or

anticlockwise then the particle possesses net charge on its surface. If

equal number of photons are present both in clockwise and

anticlockwise direction then net charge of the particle is equal to zero.

It is arbitrary to consider whether an anticlockwise direction is

positive or clockwise direction is positive. If one is positive then other

has to be negative. Further details about mass and charge are given in

the next chapter under the section “What is mass?” and “what is



“Each fundamental force of nature arises due to one fundamental

quantity acting on the other two fundamental quantities”

Energy is formed only when all three fundamental quantities are

present. In fact postulate4 defines real energy as Chakr present in a

spatial cell absorbing time and releasing spatial cells. Alternatively

one can say that each fundamental quantity is combining with the

other two fundamental quantities and producing energy. In this

process each fundamental quantity generates its own characteristic

properties to transmit this energy. This transmission of a characteristic

property is what we define as „force‟. In the present model of physics

there are four fundamental forces.


1. Electromagnetic force

2. The weak force

3. The strong force

4. Gravitational force

But construction theory predicts only three types of forces to exist in

nature. They are

1. The Chakr force or particle force

2. The space force or cell force

3. The time force or bubble force

Electromagnetic force and weak force are the different manifestations

of Chakr force or electroweak force. In Chakr force, the Chakr are

transferred to mediate the forces. Chakr force is said to exist when

particle exchange takes place between two bodies. The particles with

which transmission of Chakr forces takes place are called as bosons.

Photons, W and Z particles are the examples of bosons.

Whenever two interlocked orbits of two photons are very close to

each other then spatial force binds them so that the orbits don‟t fly

away. Spatial force is felt only when the orbits of photons are very

close to each other. Space force doesn‟t use any particles to transmit

the force. The spatial medium itself transfers the force unlike Chakr

force. When „n‟ number of photons which are interlocked in orbits are

sufficiently closed to each other then spatial force binds them together

so that it can form a single particle. Strong force is the example of the

space force.

Due to continuous absorption of time by the Chakr present in the

spatial cells time produces a drift force on the bodies toward each

other. This thought example will a better picture of time force.

“Suppose you immerse two sponges at a distance in a water tub then

sponges start absorbing water present in the tub. Also you will find

that there movement or drift towards each other between the two

sponges. This drift of sponges is caused by water.” Even time

produces the same effect. It causes the bodies to drift towards each

other when they are absorbing time. Gravitational force is the example


of time force. Complete analysis of each force is given in the next


In the next chapter you will see how these 7 postulates are used to

give the brief description of universe.




The root cause of confusion is lack of understanding. Lack of

understanding arises due to unanswered questions. Here in this chapter

I have tried to answer briefly various questions using construction

theory. The questions I have chosen are the most interesting and

common questions. Well, you can consider that these questions are

sort of FAQ that will arise after reading the previous chapter. After

reading each question, first try to answer the question yourselves and

then have a look at the answer given by construction theory.

What the true definition of energy?

Postulate4 of construction theory defines energy as “Energy is always

positive and energy of a cell is proportional to rate of change of

product of „time‟ and „spin function‟ with w.r.t space”. Construction

theory clearly defines energy as combination of all three fundamental

quantities which form this universe. In the absence of any

fundamental quantity the system will not have any energy whatsoever.

This definition of energy is quite contrary to the way energy has been

defined in the present physics. In our present physics energy has been

wrongly defined not only in terms of dimensions but also its very

existence. In our present physics, even though electrical current is not

involved dimensions of energy still produces energy, similar is the

case of temperature. In our physics textbooks we normally find

various definitions of energy forms its different forms such as “mass

energy”, “radiation energy”, “kinetic energy”, “Potential energy”,

“thermal energy”, “electrical energy”, etc. Construction theory

combines all these type of energies under one single equation i.e.


E = |A ( d t /ds + t d/ds)| as/m

The above equation is enough for the calculations of all types of

energies. But the process involves lot of calculations. As per

Construction theory energy transfer between any particles can take

place in three ways. Energy transfer involving bosons is the

electromagnetic way or the Chakr exchange way of energy transfer. In

this process photons (bosons) are exchanged between two or more

particles. Whenever the particle absorbs a boson its energy is said to

be increased by the extent of the energy of boson. These bosons can

be real or virtual. All electromagnetic and weak forces involve

exchange of bosons; hence the energy transfer is called bosonic

energy transfer. Whenever an electron absorbs a photon either its

kinetic energy is increased or it moves to a higher exited state. This

type of energy transfer forms the crux of all quantum electrodynamics.

Second type of energy transfer takes place via spin transfer or

spin exchange. Whenever the two particles or in contact the spin

function of the Chakr present in them attains to a spin equilibrium i.e.

whenever a particle of higher spin function is kept in contact with a

lower spin function then spin transfer takes place between the two

particles until a equilibrium is established between the two particles.

Example of this type of energy transfer is the collision between two

particles where instantaneously momentums are exchanged. This type

of energy transfer exists predominantly in the nucleus of the atom.

This type of energy transfer is responsible for the stability of quarks

and for the formation of nucleons.

The third type of energy transfer is very different from the above

two types. This type of energy transfer is so strange that here actually

no transfer of energy takes place. Wait, I haven‟t gone mad, have a

little patience soon you will come to know why I said that. In order to

have a clear picture of this type of energy transfer, I am presenting this

thought example.

“Two cats are closed in a very long box which contains certain

amount of oxygen. Both the cats are positions at two different ends of

the box. As both the cats breathe, there is a continuous decrease in the


oxygen content available in the box. With the limited amount of

oxygen present in the box the cats are going to die once the oxygen

gets totally consumed. Suppose one cat breaths more than the other

one, then obviously the life of the other cat is also affected by the

excessive breathing of the first cat. Indirectly the excessive breathing

of the first cat is diminishing the life of other cat too. There is

absolutely no transfer of direct information here and yet one action is

affecting another.”

(Issued in the Public Interest: Please don‟t try this experiment at home

or laboratory else Schrödinger‟s soul will not rest in peace.)

A very similar type of phenomenon occurs in the nature. From the

postulate2 of the construction theory “Each Chakr creates a pole-zero

pair inside a cell” through which secretion and absorption of space

and time takes place” time is continuously absorbed by every body. A

body having larger amount of Chakr will absorb more amounts of

time and vise-versa. The more absorption of time by heavier body

causes an inverse effect on the lighter bodies present in the near

surrounding of it. At every instant the lighter bodies will have lesser

time to absorb. With less absorption of time even the energy of the

lighter body decreases (since dt/ds decreases). Indirectly a change in

energy is taking place without any transfer of anything. If you think

this is the craziest concept you have ever heard then, yes it is but it has

experimental proofs so it is correct.

Due to more absorption of time by a higher body the lighter body

must undergo time dilation as it is absorbing less amount of time. This

kind of time dilation is also predicted by General theory of relativity

and it has already been proved. Light waves traveling past the sun are

slowed down by this time dilation by a small but measurable amount.

In 1975 the Viking Mars Lander performed the initial confirming

experiment of gravitational time dilation by relaying radio signals

back to earth from the Martian surface on the other side of the solar

system. Although the effects of the intervening solar wind complicate

the experiment, NASA scientists demonstrated clearly that the radio

signals took longer on their round trip by just the amount predicted by

the predicted slowing of time.


Another prediction of Construction theory is the loss of energy of the

lighter object in the close presence of a heavier object. This indeed

happens to the lighter objects. Light loses energy escaping from a

gravitational field. Because the energy of light is proportional to its

frequency, a shift toward lower energy represents a shift to lower

frequency and longer wavelength or a shift toward the red for visible

light. This gravitational redshift was first observed for the absorption

features from White Dwarf stars, whose light is shifted by about 1Å. It

was experimentally verified on earth using gamma-rays traveling from

the basement to the top of the Jefferson Tower Physics Laboratories at

Harvard. In the coming sections of this chapter you will see why this

type of energy transfer is associated with gravity.

What is mass and Why E = mc2?

Postulate6 of the Construction theory states that “It is the orbital

interlocking of photons on the spatial lattice evolves different

manifestations of energy such as mass”. For the interlocking of

orbitals to occur the number of photons required are two or more.

With interlocked orbitals, the resultant structure is always 3-

dimensional. For maintaining the stability of the orbits the photons or

the Chakr of the photons tends to have minimum spin function (this

statement can also be proved mathematically).

From the above sentences one can say mass is 3-dimensional

manifestation of energy. Therefore mass must be defined in terms of

volume of energy or energy must be directly proportional to cube of


m E3

m = k E


where k is a constant equal to ( nAavg)-2

n = total number of Chakr present in interlocked orbitals

A = Abubakr‟s constant

avg = average value of the spin function within the

interlocked orbitals


m = E3/( nAavg)



The above mass is the „rest mass‟ or non „variable mass‟ of the body.

Whenever this mass given a velocity, then the mass tends to change.

This change in the mass is due to increase in the energy as well as

increase in the average value of spin function. Whenever the mass has

a velocity then its internal parameters such as energy and spin

function change. Fortunately, from the forth postulate we know that

energy is directly proportional to the rate of change of spin function

and the time w.r.t. space which makes spin function and energy to

change by equal amount.

‟avg = avg

E‟ = E

Therefore m‟ (variable mass) = E‟3/( nA‟avg)


= (E)3/(nAavg)


= { E3/( nAavg)


m‟ = m

Experimentally it can be found that = ( 1 – (v/c)2)

-1/2 which is also

called as Lorentz factor. If in a particle the interlocked orbitals of the

photons are broken down then the mass of the particle becomes zero.

The photons are now no more locked in the orbits. Hence the energy

takes the form of radiation energy.

According to construction theory rest mass of a particle

m = E3/( nAavg)

2 ……………..[1]

during the rest state the value of spin function of the individual Chakr

of photons is minimum.

i.e. d/ds = 0

then the energy of individual photon at the state of transformation

(when the interlocked orbitals are broken down)

Ep = |A ( d t /ds + t d/ds)|

= |A||d t /ds + t (0)|

= |A| |||dt/ds|

for a free photon dt/ds = 1/c; Let | | = p;


therefore energy of the single photon = Ap/c

if the particle has „n‟ number of photons then

E = {p=1 to n} Ap/c

= n Aavg/c

where avg is the mean of the amplitude of spin function.

E = n Aavg/c

Or avg = c E/nA ……………[2]

Substitutin equation [2] in equation [1]

m = E3/( nAavg)

2 but avg = c E/nA

= E3 / ( nA c E/nA)


= E3 / ( cE)


= E /c2

or E = mc2

All the calculations in the above derivation are made at moment the

transformation from interlocked state to radiation state are going on.

That‟s the Einstein‟s mass-energy conversion law that so far had only

practical proof but not theoretical derivation. Exactly 100 years later

Construction theory has come up with a proof.

Long back, I made an attempt to interpret energy-momentum equation

in a different sense applying some cool ideas inspired from my

electronics subjects. I don‟t know whether its correct to include this

here, however, I want my interpretation to reach out a wider audience

than get confined in my lost notebooks. I haven‟t done any thorough

search on this in various journals, so if such interpretation already

exists, then it‟s pure co-incidence. The total energy of the particle of

rest mass „m‟ is equal to its intrinsic mass energy and kinetic energy.

Intrinsic mass energy refers to mc2 and kinetic energy refers to the

energy due to momentum. Being an electronics student I tried to

interpret energy as impedance. Impedance analysis is done using

complex numbers which is used to represent resistive impedance as

real quantity and reactive impedance as imaginary quantity.


Z = R + j( wL – 1/wC) { impedance for simple RLC series circuit }

where j = sqrt(-1)

Note: In Electronics, the alphabet „i‟ is extensively used for

representing electric current, that‟s one of the reason imaginary

number i is written as „j‟ to avoid confusion.

Complex numbers are very helpful in simplifying the calculations.

May be due to some inductive effect of electronics I started writing

energy for a moving particle in the complex form.

E = Ev + j Ei

where Ev = pc ; p = momentum;

Ei = mc2 ; m = rest mass; c = 299792458m/s

I mplies E = pc + jmc2

The complex conjugate of E will be E* = pc – jmc2 (Hint: this

representation can be used to denote anti-matter, further research

needs to be done on this)

E E* = (pc + jmc2)( pc – jmc


|E|2 = (pc)

2 + (mc



|E|2 - (pc)

2 = (mc



The above equation is relativistic energy-momentum equation.

Writing the above equation for the energy in the polar form gives

E = sqrt((pc)2 + (mc


2) e


Let tan-1

(mc/p) =

= sqrt((pc)2 + (mc


2) ( cos()+ jsin())

cos () = pc/E ; sin() = mc2/E

I played with the above equations with all the little trigonometric

knowledge I have. Found some surprising results, applying cosine –

sine expansion series was great fun, frankly for the first time I enjoyed

playing with relativity.

For the velocities „v‟ such that v<<c, then Taylor‟s series

approximation for energy-momentum equation gives


E mc2 + (1/2) mv


p mv

I will leave it to you to interpret it the way you want it to.

Why are the forces originating in nature?

FORCE – this simple five letter word in the English dictionary is

probably the most significant word in the world of science. Not just in

science but also in every aspect of life it has lot of significance. An

interaction that can cause an acceleration of the body is called a force.

That‟s the definition of force we get from Newtonian mechanics. Even

though we find hundred‟s of types of forces existing in the nature but

they all can be classified under four types. These forces are also called

as fundamental forces of the nature. These forces are

1. Electromagnetic forces

2. Weak forces

3. Strong force

4. Gravitational force

These four forces are the secret behind the beauty of the universe.

Every observed physical phenomenon, from galaxies colliding with

each other to quarks jiggling around inside a proton, can thus be

explained by these interactions. Because of their fundamental

importance, their understanding has occupied the attention of

physicists for over half a century, and continues to do so. The

Unification of the fundamental forces of nature into a single force

which occupied Einstein‟s attention for much of his later life is very

much a current focus of research. There has been some success in this

process as our beloved physicists have successfully combined

electromagnetic and weak forces as a manifestation of a single force

called as Electroweak force. In the quantum field theories even the

strong force is theoretically combined with the Electroweak force.

Anyhow there is no concrete experimental proof for this. Before I

bring forward how construction theory deals with these four

wonderful forces, let me give a brief overview of these four forces.


Electromagnetic force:

Electromagnetic force exists between charged particles, famously

described by Coulomb‟s law. The exact description of electromagnetic

forces is given by a highly successful theory called as Quantum

electrodynamics (QED). It was Faraday who first established the link

between electricity and magnetism; later Maxwell (1860‟s) further

analyzed electromagnetism and established first self-consistent laws

for electromagnetism. Maxwell‟s electromagnetic theory was valid for

moving charges but he had no idea what these moving charges are. It

was in 1897 the moving charges of Maxwell were discovered as

electrons by J.J. Thomson. This discovery led to various new theories

of electromagnetic forces. With the evolution of Quantum mechanics,

new stunning electromagnetic properties of electrons were revealed.

QED is the branch of Quantum mechanics which deals with

electromagnetism. In QED, magnetism is not just caused by moving

charges in an electrical wire but also due to spin angular momentum

and orbital angular momentum of the charged particles.

Even though QED is quite complex but it is very accurate in

determining different interactions between charged particles at micro

level. Physically, this translates to the picture of charged particles (and

their antiparticles) interacting with each other by the exchange of

photons. The magnitude of these interactions can be computed using

perturbation theory; these rather complex formulas have a remarkable

pictorial representation as Feynman diagrams. QED was historically

the theory to which Feynman diagrams were first applied. In short one

can say that each electron senses the presence of the other by

exchanging photons.

Weak force:

Weak forces are very short-ranged and are responsible for the

radioactive Beta decay. This is one of the strangest force where

number of conservation laws are broken down (CP parity is broken

down). It is experienced by all the particles except gluons and

photons. In ordinary matter, its effects are often negligible; however,

despite their slow rate and short range, weak interactions play a

crucial role in the make-up of the world we observe. Usually one

notices the weak force in beta decay.


Weak force is transmitted by three massive bosons W+, W- and Z

bosons. Weak decays are responsible for the fact that ordinary stable

matter contains only up and down type quarks and electrons. Matter

containing any more massive quark or lepton types is unstable. If

there were no weak interactions, then many more types of matter

would be stable. The weak interaction was first recognized in

classifying the types of nuclear radioactive decay chains, as alpha,

beta, and gamma decays. Alpha and gamma decays can be understood

in terms of other known interactions (residual strong and

electromagnetic, respectively). But, to explain beta decay required the

introduction of an additional rare type of interaction which resulted in

weak interaction.

Beta decay is a process in which a neutron (two down quarks and one

up) disappears and is replaced by a proton (two up quarks and one

down), an electron, and an anti-electron neutrino. According to the

Standard Model, a down quark disappears in this process and an up

quark and a virtual W boson is produced. The W boson then decays to

produce an electron and an anti-electron type neutrino. This can be

represented by the Feynman diagram:

Strong force:

Strong nuclear force refers to attractive force which holds the nucleus

together. The strong nuclear force acts between all nucleons, protons

and neutrons alike. Strong force is much greater than the force of

electrostatic repulsion which exists between the protons inside the

nucleus. The strong nuclear force is a short-range force. It acts

between nucleons if they are less than l0-15

m apart, but is essentially

zero if the separation distance is greater than 10-15

m. The quantum

theory of the strong force is called quantum chromodynamics or QCD.


bvIn QCD, the strong force is carried by particles called gluons and it

acts between particles that carry a "color charge", i.e. quarks and

gluons. Composite particles such as nucleons or mesons are made up

out of quarks. The fundamental aspect of the strong force binds quarks

together to form hadrons such as the proton and neutron. The residual

strong force, also called nuclear force or nuclear interaction, is

responsible for the interactions between hadrons. It can be described

by an effective theory where the mediating particles are mesons. The

residual strong force holds together protons and neutrons in the

nucleus of an atom.

Strong force is understood in terms of Quark Model. Every quark

carries color charge which comes in three types: "red", "green" and

"blue". These are just names and not related to ordinary colors.

Antiquarks are either "anti-red", "anti-green" or "anti-blue". The

attraction between a color and its anti-color is especially strong.

Particles can only exist if their total color is neutral (commonly

referred to as a color singlet), meaning that they can either be

composed of a (anti-)red, (anti-)green and (anti-)blue quark (such a

particle is called a baryon; protons and neutrons are examples), or of a

quark and an anti-quark having the corresponding anti-color (such a

particle is called a meson). As pairs of quarks interact, they constantly

change their color, but in such a way that the total color charge is

conserved. If a red quark is attracted to a green quark inside a baryon,

a gluon carrying anti-green and red color is emitted from the red quark

and absorbed by the green quark; as a result the first quark switches to

green and the second to red (total color charge remains green + red). If

a blue quark and an anti-blue antiquark interact inside a meson, a

gluon carrying for example anti-red and blue could be emitted by the

blue quark and absorbed by the anti-blue one; as a result the blue

quark turns red and the anti-blue antiquark turns anti-red (total color

charge remains 0). Two green quarks repel each other by exchanging a

gluon carrying green and anti-green color; the quarks remain green.


Gravitational force:

This is the force that we think we are totally aware of. It‟s the weakest

of all forces. Gravitation was the first kind of interaction which was

explained by a mathematical theory. Isaac Newton's law of Universal

Gravitation (1687) was a good approximation of the behavior of

gravity. In 1915, Albert Einstein completed the General Theory of

Relativity, a more accurate description of gravity in terms of the

geometry of space-time. Einstein showed that gravitation is due a

curvature of space that is caused by the masses.

The gravitational field equation given by Einstein is

Rab – ½ Rgab = -(8G/c4)Tab‟

Where Rab is Ricci tensor, R is scalar curvature, gab is metric tensor, G

is Gravitational constant and Tab‟ is energy-momentum curvature. The

above field equations of general relativity are a set of nonlinear partial

differential equations for the metric. As such, this distinguishes the

field equations of general relativity from some of the other important

field equations in physics, such as Maxwell's equations (which are

linear in the electric and magnetic fields) and Schrödinger‟s equation

(which is linear in the wave function). This is another reason why

general theory of relativity is so difficult to understand.

The Unknown Fifth Force:

Another interesting theory which emerged in 1986 was the existence

of gravitation like “fifth force”. Even though there is no concrete

proof for the existence of “fifth force” but time and again there have


been announcements about its existence in many physics journals. A

“fifth force” would arise from the exchange of a new ultra-light boson

which couples to ordinary matter with a strength comparable to

gravity. There are numerous theories of physics at the Planck scale

which predict the existence of such ultra-light bosonic fields, whose

effect is to modify the expression for the interaction energy V (r) for

two point masses m1 and m2:

V(r) =−G∞m1m2 (1 +e-r/


Here r = |r1 − r2| is the separation of the masses, and G∞ is the

Newtonian gravitational constant for r → ∞. The constants α and λ

characterize the strength of the new interaction (relative to gravity),

and the range of the new force. Differentiating V (r) leads to the

following expression for the force F (r), which is what is measured in

most experiments:

F (r) = −V (r) = −G(r) m1m2ˆr/ r2 ,

G(r) = G∞[1 + α(1 + r/λ)e−r/λ

]; Go ≡ G∞(1 + α),

From above equations that in the presence of a “fifth force” (α 0) the

usual inverse-square law breaks down. It follows that a search for

deviations from the inverse-square law can be interpreted as a probe

for new forces, and hence of physics at the Planck scale [arXiv:hep-


That was the brief introduction to various known forces in our

beautiful and mysterious universe, though I understand that I haven‟t

described them in detail. Actually, I was never good at explaining the

contents already available in the books; probably that‟s one of the

reasons for the lesser marks in get in exams. Ever since these forces

were discovered, most of physicists have shown intensions to combine

all the forces of nature into a one single force. What that mean is most

physicists including Albert Einstein believe that all the forces present

in the Universe are the manifestation of a single force. The first

indirect success to this process came in 19th

century when Faraday and

Maxwell combined the Magnetic forces and Electric forces under a

single force called as Electromagnetic forces. After this initial success

there was no good news until 1979 when Weak forces and

electromagnetic forces were identified as different manifestation of

single force called as Electroweak force. The electroweak theory was

developed in the period from 1961-1967, primarily by the work of


Sheldon Glashow, Steven Weinberg, and Abdus Salam, who were

awarded the Nobel Prize in 1979 for their work.

As per Electroweak theory the weak and electromagnetic interactions

are mediated by particles whose spin equals one, some of which have

charge and mass. Although these two forces appear very different at

normal low energies, the theory successfully models them as two

different aspects of the same force. Above the unification energy,

which is of the order of 102 GeV, they would merge into a single

electroweak force. Other properties of electroweak force are explained

using gauge bosons and Higg‟s mechanism. CPT symmetries and

groups of gauges are the most difficult things to understand so I am

avoiding the explanation of it.

Inspired from the success of electroweak force, some of our

physicists have made a theoretical model called as standard model

where even strong force is transmitted by a bosons called as Gluons

and Higg‟s bosons. This model has just been confined to theory as

there is no concrete proof for the existence of Gluons and Higg‟s

boson. Note that gravity is not a part of standard model. Although the

Standard Model does a credible job in explaining the interactions

among quarks, leptons, and bosons, the theory does not include an

important property of elementary particles, their mass. The lightest

particle is the electron and the heaviest particle is believed to be the

top quark, which weighs at least 200,000 times as much as an

electron. In 1964 Scottish physicist Peter W. Higgs of Edinburgh

University proposed a mechanism that provided a way to explain how

the fundamental particles could have mass. Higgs theorized that the

whole of space is permeated by a field, now called the Higgs field,

similar in some ways to the electromagnetic field. As particles move

through space they travel through this field, and if they interact with it

they acquire what appears to be mass. The particle associated with the

Higgs field is the Higgs boson, a particle with no intrinsic spin or

electrical charge. Although it is called as a boson, it does not mediate

force as do the other bosons. The Higgs boson has not yet been

practically observed in advance particle physics laboratories. Finding

it is the key to discovering whether the Higgs field exists, whether

Higgs‟s hypothesis for the origin of mass is indeed correct, and

whether the Standard Model will survive.


Name Spin Charge Mass Experimental


Photon 1 0 0 yes

W+ 1 1 80GeV/c2 yes

W- 1 -1 80Gev/c2 yes

Z 1 0 91GeV/c2 yes

Gluon 1 0 0 Indirectly



0 0

>78GeV/c2 no

Even though our models have gone very far in explaining different

observable facts concerning the forces, still there remains ambiguity

regarding the energy behind the evolution of magnetism, charge and

gravity. Okay, enough of bragging about the past, now let‟s see how

construction theory deals with all these mysterious- cum- non

mysterious forces of nature. Since construction theory is compatible

with the ideas of quantum mechanics as well as relativity, the

equations dealing with different forces does remain same except few

changes due to Calpanic numbers. Postulate7 of construction theory

gives the reason behind the evolution of forces in the universe.

Postulate 7 states that “Each fundamental force of nature arises due to

one fundamental quantity acting on the other two fundamental

quantities”. Since there are three fundamental quantities, there must

be foundationally three types of forces present in the nature. Each

individual foundation force of nature can have its different

manifestations at different energy levels. Each force carries a

characteristic property with is related to an individual fundamental

quantity. The three types of foundational forces are

1. Chakr force or particle force.

2. Space force or cell force and

3. Time force or bubble force


One essential criterion for the existence of these forces is the presence

of all three fundamental quantities. In the absence of any one of the

fundamental quantity these forces are not present. The forces which

are transmitted by the particles are called as Chakr forces or particle

forces. Usually these forces exist between two bodies when they are

separated by certain distance and possessing energy. Here particles

which act as carrier are usually referred as bosons. This type of forces

exhibit due to the properties of Chakr hence they are named as Chakr

forces. You will see in the later sections of this chapter how charge

and spin of the particles is related to intrinsic spin of the Chakr present

in the spatial cells. Examples of this type of forces are

electromagnetic forces and Weak forces.

The second type of force is the spatial force or cell force. This

force is the source behind the formation of all elementary particles.

This force exists due to compact interlocking orbitals of the photons

present inside the elementary particles like electrons. Due to spatial

force, the cells present inside an elementary particle behaves as if it‟s

a one single cell. This is another reason why the particles don‟t get

split away even though space is continuously emanated from each of

the Chakr present in it. It is very short range force. If the quarks do

exist, then the stability of the quarks is due to presence of cell force

inside then that binds the interlocked orbitals of photons.

The third kind of force emanates due to the absorption of time by

each and every Chakr present in a spatial cell. The natural tendency of

every Chakr to absorb time as much as possible causes this kind of

force. This force causes a drift of bodies towards each other. Example

of this force is gravity which is caused due to space-time curvature.

The complete explanation of this force is given under section “What is

gravity?” Now lets see how individual forces and there effects are

explained using construction theory.

What is Charge? and Why electrical forces originate?

“Charge is an intrinsic characteristic of the fundamental particles; it

automatically accompanies those particles whenever they exist”. This

is what our physics text books say when it is asked “what is charge?”


Most physicists believe charge is something very similar to mass.

Even in the quantum field theories charge finds the same definition.

May be it‟s because SI units contain a separate fundamental unit for

charge (actually it‟s for current „Ampere‟; charge is equal to Ampere-

sec). Whatever might be the case, in our present physics there is no

definition for charge even though the concept of existence of charge is

known from thousands of years. This is the unfortunate state of

physics. Why can‟t we separate charge from the particle? Can I make

an electron lose its charge by some mechanism? I used to always ask

my professors these questions but found no reply. Reason – our

physics simply have no explanations for these questions.

Construction theory reveals lots of information which was

unknown regarding charge. To make it short let‟s directly start the

explanation given by the Construction theory regarding charge.

Postulate6 of construction theory states “It is the orbital interlocking

of photons on the spatial lattice evolves different manifestations of

energy such as mass” If we examine the internal structure of the

particle having mass, we find that surface orbiting photons are less

interlocked compared to the internal orbiting photons.

Examine the above picture of interlocked photons. It‟s a 3-

dimensional figure consisting of 14 photons interlocked. Analyzing


the figure we find the internal orbitals (marked yellow) are bonded to

four other orbitals. Due to the symmetry of interlocking the inner

orbits are perfectly stable. The outer orbitals such as blue and red are

each interlocked with two and one photons respectively. This creates a

tendency in these outer photons to get interlocked with surrounding

photons to attain stability. This very phenomenon gives rise to Charge

of the particle. This approach of defining charge is very similar to the

way Chemical bonds formed between the atoms. In fact the reason for

the formation of the chemical bonds between atoms evolves right from

the definition of charge given by the construction theory. The angular

velocity of the outer or surface photons is higher than the inner stable

photons. This creates an affect that we all call as „charge‟. Note that

charge only exists on the surface of the particle. Charge exists in three

states i.e. positive charge, negative charge and zero charge. The sign

of the charge depends on the direction of rotation of the surface

photons. If more amount of surface photons are orbiting in the

clockwise or anticlockwise then the particle possesses net charge on

its surface. If equal number of photons are present both in clockwise

and anticlockwise direction then net charge of the particle is equal to

zero. It is arbitrary to consider whether an anticlockwise direction is

positive or clockwise direction is positive. If one is positive then other

has to be negative.

Whenever there is net charge available on the particle, the surface

photons exert force on the surrounding particles which have net

charge. Charge of the particle is directly proportional to the root of the

absolute value of spin function of the surface Chakr or photons and

the surface area of the particle.

q (Surface area) ()

(Surface area) ()

= A

where determines the whether the particle is positive,

negative and zero charged. only takes a triplet of values ( -1, 0, +1)

and „A‟ is the surface area. For gaining the stability a positive charged

particle will attract a negatively charged particle, so that the surface

photons of both the particles get stabilized. But a positive charge

particle will repel another positive charge because it creates further


instability among the surface photons. The force between two charged

particles (q1, q2) is mathematically given by given by Coulomb‟s law.

F = k q1 q2 / r2

From here on you can refer to any physics text book for understanding

electrical forces. I can give more about this topic but I have to cover

other topics as well in this book and as you know I am very lazy in

giving explanations.

Why magnetism originates?

From where does magnetism originate? This question takes you deep

inside an atom. The orbital movements of electrons to the spin angular

momentum are some of the reasons for the magnetism. Here Quantum

mechanics is the king which rules and orders all the mechanisms to

happen. Unfortunately Quantum mechanics is a puppet in the hands of

something else which we don‟t know. I said that because Quantum

mechanics has no explanation why the elementary particles have spin

angular momentum?

On the macroscopic level, magnetism originates through moving

charges. Maxwell‟s laws of electromagnetism are based on this type

of magnetism. But that‟s not the only way magnetism originates, even

the electrically neutral particles like neutron possess magnetic

moment. Classical physics of Maxwell collapses at these stage and we

have to take the help of quantum mechanics. Magnetic moment of

static particles can only be explained by spin angular momentum of

the particles. As a quantum mechanical property, spin possesses a

number of qualities that distinguish it from classical angular

momentum. It is quantized, and can only take on discrete values. For

instance, the spin angular momentum of an electron, measured along

any particular direction, can only take on the discrete values i.e. 1/2 or

-1/2. Furthermore, the magnitude of the spin (a direction-independent

quantity) is uniquely determined by the type of particle. Other spin-

half particles include neutrinos, protons, and neutrons. Photons are

spin-one particles, and the hypothetical graviton is a spin-two particle.

Certain exotic particles, such as pions, possess spin zero. The

principles of quantum mechanics indicate that spin is restricted to

integer or half-integer values, at least under normal conditions.


Particles with spin possess a magnetic moment, just like a rotating

electrically charged body in classical physics. However, this magnetic

moment exists even for so-called point particles like the electron, and

for electrically neutral particles like the neutron. This magnetic

moment can be experimentally observed, by the deflection of particles

by inhomogeneous magnetic fields (as in the Stern-Gerlach

experiment) or by the magnetic fields generated by the particles

themselves. In fact, ferromagnetism arises from the alignment of the

spins of the atoms in a solid.

Construction theory reveals why the particles possesses a spin

angular momentum in a simple and logically correct way. In the

previous section I explained charge as a phenomenon concerning the

surface interlocked photons of the particle. I also told that angular

velocity of the surface photons is slightly greater than the internal

completely interlocked photons. This extra angular momentum of the

surface photons causes the spin angular moment of the particles. Note

that charge is also not dependent directly on the angular momentum of

the surface interlocked photons. The excess angular momentum of the

surface interlocked photons causes the spin angular moment of the

particle which in turn causes magnetic moment. Probably this is the

internal reason for the continuous magnetic field created by the earth.

I haven‟t yet derived the mathematical equations connecting the spin

and the excess angular momentum of the surface photons. I hope after

reading this you may derive the equations. You might be the next


Why magnetic and electric combine to form electromagnetic


Having already learnt about Charge and magnetism at the fundamental

level it is very easy to explain this question. Magnetism and electric

charges evolve due to the different parameters of the surface

interlocked photons of the particle. From these considerations one can

derive quantum mechanical laws as well as macroscopic Maxwell‟s

laws for electromagnetic forces. Generally all the electromagnetic

laws consider the macroscopic effect of the moving charges.

Maxwell‟s laws are based on this consideration. Now let‟s see why a

moving charge creates a magnetic field around it. Any particle when


absorbs photons its external energy increases. The increase of external

energy could be in various forms such as increase in thermal energy,

kinetic energy etc. For the moving charges we are bothered about

increase in kinetic energy. The charges are moving only because some

external energy is applied to them so that they attain certain kinetic

energy. On the macroscopic level, when large number of charges are

flowing, the total surface interlocked photons of the charges create not

only create electrical forces to lose their instability but also the excess

overall angular momentum of the surface interlocked photons creating

a magnetic field perpendicular to the electrical field. This

electromagnetic field is released in the surroundings through photons.

These liberated photons are not the interlocked surface photons of the

charged particle but the photons absorbed by the charged particle

which allowed it to gain kinetic energy. Once the photons are liberated

the charge particles lose some amount of there kinetic energy. This

can be also stated as “after liberating photons the charged particles

lose their momentum to some extent”. In electrical circuits, the loss in

the momentum of the moving charged particles is measured as

Voltage between two points.

Why are weak forces originating?

According to the construction theory, whenever the particle

absorbs Chakr or photons its gains external energy. Generally the

externally energy is less than internal energy, but in some rare cases

the external energy exceeds the internal energy. This is the situation

where weak forces come out of their den. To be more precise weak

forces are nothing but a form of electromagnetic force. Generally

whenever a photon is absorbed by a particle, the energy of the photon

is transferred to the particle and the photon gets loosely attached with

the surface interlocked photons. In case of charged particles the

symmetry in spin of the surface photons doesn‟t exist. I mean to say

the number of clockwise rotating surface photons is not equal to the

anti-clockwise rotating photons (from the definition of charge). Due to

non-symmetry the absorbed photons are released or liberated easily by

the surface interlocked photons. But in non-charged particles due to

symmetry absorbed photons are accumulated at the surface. As said

earlier these excess photons increase the external energy of the

particle to such an extent that the surface interlocked photons tries to


break away from the actual particle. At some point the particle

collapses and some of the surface interlocked photons get split away

from the actual particle.

Beta decay is a process in which a neutron (two down quarks and

one up) disappears and is replaced by a proton (two up quarks and one

down), an electron, and an anti-electron neutrino.

n p + e- + v

When the neutron gains excess amount of energy, the surface

interlocked photons generate a tendency to breakaway from the

internal interlocked photons. At some critical energy stages the

surface photons breakaway from the interlocked internal photons.

Surface interlocked photons break away arises two different

situations. In the first situation the surface interlocked photons may

break away into individual photons. This generally happens when a

heavy nuclei gets disintegrated into lighter nuclei which releases

enormous energy.

In the second situation the surface interlocked photons may break

away in a cluster of interlocked photons. This cluster again behaves

like a particle with charge and mass. This exactly is the phenomenon

occurring in the beta-decay of the neutron. First the neutron gains

energy more than its internal mass energy due to absorption of

photons. This creates a photonic cloud over the surface of neutron. At

a critical energy a cluster of surface interlocked photons breakaway

along with the photonic cloud from the internal interlocked photons.

When the cluster of surface photons break away from the main

particle, the clockwise-anti clockwise symmetry of surface photons is

broken down and the main particle exhibits charge. That is why

neutron gets converted into proton. Now lets see what happens to the

cluster which got liberated from the particle. This cluster may exhibit

charge due to non symmetry of surface photons. The cluster of


photonic cloud and interlocked photons again breaks down until stable

particles are formed. The energy of the photonic cloud is shared by the

stable particles. In the beta decay of neutron the stable particles are an

electron, proton and an anti-electron neutrino. The intermediate

breakaway cluster in the case of beta decay is a W boson.

Why are strong forces originating?

By the end of 19th

century many electromagnetic laws were

established. But the physicists had little idea about the internal

structure of the atom. In 1897 J.J Thomson discovered that negative

charges are present in the form of elementary particles called as

electrons. Atoms were electrically neutral so there must be also some

kind of positive charge present in the atom. It was generally believed

that positive charge is present in a form of fluid and negative charges

swim in the pool of it. In 1911 Rutherford discovered that positive

charge in an atom is concentrated at the center of the atom, forming a

nucleus which contributes to the mass of the atom. This force is much

greater than the force of electrostatic repulsion which exists between

the protons. Classical forces failed to explain the stability of the

nucleus. Instead of getting repelled from each other, the positive

charges present in the nucleus were bonded by some mysterious force.

So our outstanding physicists came up with an idea that some kind of

strong force which is greater than the force of electrostatic repulsion

exists in nature. This was the origin of strong force.

According to the construction theory the strong force or cell force

originate due to the internal interlocked photons of the particle.

Actually it‟s the property of the spatial cells that bond these photons to

get interlocked with each other. Without the strong force the mass

doesn‟t form. In other words the photons get interlocked with each

other only due to the cell force. The formation of the nucleus of the

atom is due to residual strong force. The absolute strong force acts

within the internal structures of protons, neutrons, electrons and every

other particle. Our physics textbooks say that strong forces do not act

on the electrons since they are leptons. Construction theory contradicts

here, it states strong forces are present inside the electron and strong

forces do act on electrons. The stability of the internal structure of the

electron is only due to the strong force. The leptons (electron) are

immune to the residual strong forces but not to the actual strong


forces. The so called quarks and nucleons are susceptible to the

residual strong force.

What is gravity?

Richard P. Feynman in his book "The Feynman Lectures on Physics"

revealed our true knowledge regarding the understanding of gravity by


"But is this such a simple law? What about the machinery of it? All we

have done is to describe how the earth moves around the sun, but we

have not said what makes it go. Newton made no hypotheses about

this; he was satisfied to find what it did without getting into the

machinery of it. No one has since given any machinery. It is

characteristic of the physical laws that they have this abstract

character. The law of conservation of energy is a theorem concerning

quantities that have to be calculated and added together, with no

mention of the machinery, and likewise the great laws of mechanics

are quantitative mathematical laws for which no machinery is

available. Why can we use mathematics to describe nature without a

mechanism behind it? No one knows. We have to keep going because

we find out more that way. Many mechanisms for gravitation have

been suggested. It is interesting to consider one of these, which many

people have thought of from time to time. At first, one is quite excited

and happy when he "discovers" it, but soon finds that it is not correct.

It was first discovered about 1750. Suppose there were many particles

moving in space at a very high speed in all directions and being only

slightly absorbed in going through matter. When they are absorbed,

they give an impulse to the earth. However, since there are as many

going one way as another, the impulses all balance. But when the sun

is nearby, the particles coming toward the earth through the sun are

partially absorbed, so fewer of them are coming from the sun than are

coming from the other side. Therefore, the earth feels a net impulse

toward the sun and it does not take one long to see that it is inversely

as the square of the distance because of the variation of the solid

angle that the sun subtends as we vary the distance. What is wrong

with that machinery? It involves some new consequences, which are

not true. This particular idea has the following trouble: the earth, in

moving around the sun, would impinge on more particles, which are


coming from its forward side than from its hind side (when you run in

the rain, the rain in your face is stronger than that on the back of your

head!). Therefore there would be more impulse given the earth from

the front, and the earth would feel a resistance to motion and would

be slowing up in its orbit. One can calculate how long it would take

for the earth to stop as a result of this resistance, and it would not take

long enough for the earth to still be in its orbit, so this mechanism

does not work. No machinery has ever been invented that "explains"

gravity without also predicting some other phenomenon that does not


This is the weakest force of nature and the most mysterious. So far no

one has been able to accurately define this force. Attempts start from

Newton to Einstein but all they were able to achieve was to model the

practical observation. In the second chapter I have already mentioned

drawbacks of each theory. In quantum gravitational theories it has

become like a fashion to describe about gravity in terms of particles

called as gravitons. The graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle

that transmits the force of gravity in most quantum gravity systems. In

order to do this gravitons have to be always-attractive (gravity never

pushes), work over any distance (gravity is universal) and come in

unlimited numbers (to provide high strengths near stars). In quantum

theory, gravitons are defined as an spin two boson with a rest mass of


Gravitons are postulated simply because quantum theory has been so

successful in other fields. For instance, the electromagnetic interaction

can be very well explained by the application of quantization to

photons, a science known as quantum electrodynamics. In the

electromagnetic case photons are being continually created and

destroyed by all charged particles, and the interactions between these

photons produce the macroscopic forces we are familiar with, like

magnetism. Many attempts to model the success of electrodynamics

for gravity finally led to introduction of a so-far unseen graviton,

which would work in a fashion somewhat similar to the photon. It was

hoped that this would quickly lead to a quantum gravity theory;

although the mathematics became convoluted and no internally

consistent theory has yet emerged.


I will now prove that „gravitons‟ doesn‟t exist. Gravitons are

considered to have same velocity that of photons. If photons cannot

escape the gravity of blackholes even though they have velocity equal

to 299792458 m/s then how can gravitons escape the gravity of a

black hole? It sounds quite strange but think about it for a moment;

you will find how stupid our physics is. My point here is that for a

blackhole, gravitons will be absorbed by the blackhole itself as soon

as mass emanates them since there velocity is less than the escape

velocity of the blackhole. If gravitons do exist then blackholes must

show zero gravity because it cannot emit gravitons so that it can

attract other bodies. This is a complete contradiction with the practical

observation. Hence assuming that gravity is spread by so called

gravitons is just a hoax which can never be proved scientifically.

Construction theory explains gravity with a simple mechanism basing

on the postulate7. Postulate7 states “Each fundamental force of nature

arises due to one fundamental quantity acting on the other two

fundamental quantities” Gravity arises due to time acting on the Chakr

and space. Gravity doesn‟t emanate from the mass but it gets

terminated within mass. Let‟s first examine the below diagrams

showing how time acts on space and Chakr.

Now there are two bodies inside a time bubble. Both the bodies pull

the time bubble towards itself so that the Chakr present in the body

can absorb time. This creates a force which is shown as below


Among the two bodies, the body having higher number of Chakr will

have more number of pole-zero pairs which alternatively means it

absorbs more amount of time. So, on the bubble of time the pull by the

heavier body is more. But it is essential that both the bodies absorb


As the bubble diminishes in size the smaller body moves towards

heavier body so that it can have its share of time. This movement is

nothing but gravity. Note that in the above explanation for the

simplicity we have used only one time bubble; in the real case any

finite number of time bubbles can be present.

Already it has been shown that time bubble concept satisfies relativity

under the section “relativity derived”. Gravity doesn‟t emanate from

the bodies but it is just the drift of lighter bodies towards heavier

bodies so that they can absorb time. You may ask me “if gravity


occurs this way then why Newton‟s gravity and Einstein‟s gravity

were so successful in explaining gravity?” The reasons are very


Mass of the body is proportional to the volume of time absorbed.

Therefore gravitational force between the two bodies comes out to be

proportional to the product of masses. In fact it is product of volumes

of time absorbed by the two bodies and since volume of time is

proportional to the mass, the Newton‟s law works well for many

macroscopic calculations.

Einstein‟s gravity work‟s out well for accurate calculations

because it also considers the „released space‟ when the time is

absorbed indirectly. Space-time curvature results only when time is

absorbed and space is released. We have been using Space-time

curvature for so long without proper explanation but Construction

theory gives why such phenomenon is occurring.

Why was Plank‟s quantum theory so successful?

When Planck proposed the concept of „discrete energy packets‟ his

main goal was to explain the theory behind black body radiation. As

per the postulates given Planck, the oscillating molecules at the

surface of a blackbody can only have discrete units of energy, so that

En = nhf where „n‟ is a positive integer, is the quantum number, „f‟ is

the frequency of the vibration of the molecules and „h‟ is Planck's

constant. The molecules are said to have discrete energy levels and

can only emit or absorb energy in discrete packets, the energy of each

packet being, E = nhf. Because the energy is emitted in fixed

quantities, this approach has become known as quantum theory. The

packets of energy are called energy quanta and the energy of the

oscillator is said to be quantized. Using his assumptions, Planck found

that the distribution of blackbody radiation is given by

I(, T) = 2hc2/(5



h = 6.626 10-34


Rayleigh-Jeans law (obtained from Classical physics) is compatible

with Planck‟s Law for black body radiation at long wavelengths. In

other words, Plank's law reduces to the Rayleigh-Jeans law for large

wavelengths. In a sense, Planck‟s law extends classical physics rather


than overthrowing it. This is analogous to the way special relativity

agrees with classical physics at low speeds. Even though Planck‟s

quantum theory successfully explained the black body radiation it

only got wide acceptance when Einstein in 1905 explained

photoelectric effect with the help of Planck‟s quantum theory.

In fact it was Hertz who discovered photoelectric effect. Hertz found

that when light falls on certain metals, electrons are ejected from the

surface. This phenomenon is called the photoelectric effect. But

classical physics had no explanation for this effect because in classical

electromagnetism, the light is modeled as a wave that carries energy

uniformly along its wave front. It is found that increasing the

frequency f of the light, increases the kinetic energy of the

photoelectrons. Also, for frequencies below a certain value, the cut-off

frequency, f0, no photoelectrons are produced, regardless of how

intense the light is made. However, classical theory predicts that some

photoelectrons would be produced at all frequencies.Einstein took

Planck's idea one step further. He realized that the photoelectric effect

could be explained if the energy in light was concentrated in packets

instead of being spread out as in classical theory. In other words,

Einstein postulated that light energy was quantized as well. The

quanta of light radiation are now called photons, a name invented by

Compton. Einstein used Planck's formulae for the amount (or

quantum) of energy, E, in each photon;

E = hf = hc/

The above idea resolved the problems listed above as follows:

Photons arrive at the metal the moment the light is turned on and

so there is no delay before the ejection of a photoelectron.

Higher intensity light means more photons per second and thus a

greater photocurrent. But, the energy of each photon does not change

and so the maximum kinetic energy of the photoelectrons is constant.

Changing the frequency of the light changes the energy of the

photon. If the frequency falls below the cut-off value, the photons do

not have sufficient energy to eject an electron.


The minimum energy required to remove an electron from the

metal surface is called the work function . This is the binding energy

of the electron.

The maximum kinetic energy a photoelectron can have after

ejection is

Kmax = (energy of photon) – (work function)

= hf -

Light with a frequency f < f0 where, hf0 = , will not have sufficient

energy to eject electrons from the metal. Einstein's explanation of the

photoelectric effect cast Planck's quanta idea as more than a

mathematical tool; quanta were now to be regarded as real physical

objects (photons). Later in 1923 Compton proved the existence of

discrete packets of energy called photons. Note that Compton‟s effect

also included relativistic calculations.

Planck‟s quantum theory can explain experimental observations that

can not be explained by classical physics. It established the fact the

radiation i.e. light has particle nature as well. It gave nightmares to the

believers of Maxwell and classical physics. With all the above said,

the Planck‟s quantum theory was more or less a mathematical tool.

Because it never explained why such things are happening instead it

gives brief idea about the way things are happening. It can only

explain the experimental observations that cannot be explained by

classical physics. Planck‟s quantum theory doesn‟t give explanations

for wave nature of light.

Now let me explain why Planck‟s quantum theory was successful in

explaining some of the experimental observations using construction

theory. Planck‟s quantum theory co-incidentally satisfies the

postulates of Compact discrete theory. For higher frequencies i.e. f >>

fm, Energy of the photon is linearly proportional to the frequency of

the photon.


Reason 1: Let us understand in what way Planck‟s quantum theory

satisfies the postulates of Compact discrete theory. The two postulates

of Compact discrete theory states that:

1. There are only two types of number systems practically

applicable, they are Integers & Natural Constants number


2. Every physical quantity can be expressed as integral multiple of

natural constant.

From the postulates the fundamental quantities length, time and Chakr

are discrete. As Construction theory each photon is nothing but a

Chakr present in a spatial cell which is absorbing time. So the energy

quite obviously comes out to be a discrete quantity. It was coincidence

that assumption of Planck matched with the postulates of Compact

discrete theory.

Reason 2: As per the Planck‟s quantum theory, energy of the photon

is given by „E = hf‟. Contrary to this Construction theory predicts the

energy of the photon to be E = A/c ||(1 + (/m)2)

1/2 where wm is the

minimum possible frequency or cut-off frequency of the photon.

When the frequency of the photon is much higher than the cut-off

frequency then the equation given by Construction theory reduces to E

= k f , where „k‟ is a constant. This is nothing but Planck's law for the

energy of the photon.

Almost in all experiments in the physics we have only used

frequencies above 3 Hz, that‟s why Planck's law has been successful.

Once we analyze experimentally the frequencies between 10-10

to 10-20

Hz then we have to use the energy equation of construction theory.

What‟s the secret behind Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty principle?

Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty principle, proposed in 1927 by German

physicist Werner Heisenberg has been always debated for confusion it

creates regarding the position and momentum of the particle. It states

that measured values cannot be assigned to the position C and the

momentum B of an article simultaneously with unlimited precision.


Why can‟t we define the position of the particle simultaneously along

with the momentum? Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty principle simply gives

the error but doesn‟t give the necessary explanation for this

phenomenon. Here‟s the explanation for this so called mysterious

phenomenon called as Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty principle. As per my

theory “a Chakr creates a pole-zero pair inside a cell”. Zero absorbs

time in discrete bubbles and pole emanates space in form of cells.

Therefore whenever a particle is present in a space, obviously it

indicates that Chakr are present. This creates pole-zero pairs inside the

particle. Therefore time is absorbed and space being emanated. When

momentum is calculated along with the position vector of the particle

at a particular instant it has been assumed that space remains constant.

Since we haven‟t taken under account the emanating space an

uncertainty occurs in calculations of position and momentum. The

instant we are calculating position and momentum that very instant

even space has been changed, this is exactly the reason for the

occurrence of Heisenberg‟s Uncertainty principle. Had our

calculations take under account the emanating space from the

Calpanic time then no such uncertainty occurs.

Why not quantum field and gauge theories?

Quantum field and gauge theories were made by some of our

physicists due to their inability to explain the universe through a

simple theory. In is impossible for an ordinary human to understand

quantum field theories. I can surely say that even the researchers of

quantum field theories don‟t understand it exactly. If they reveal this

then they will lose their jobs hence they keep quite by spoiling the

lifes of the students. Believing in quantum field theories is equivalent

to living in a fool‟s paradise. Quantum field theories are lost in the

jungle of wild insensible mathematics. The below is a sample equation

of quantum gauge theories…


Our physicists prefer to write papers on gauge theories because it‟s

very easy to get a paper approved considering that even the editors

don‟t understand them. The complex the equations you write the faster

your paper gets approved. You need not worry about the paper getting

proved wrong, it almost takes 20 years for some else to prove your

paper wrong. Till then you can produce another 50 papers. I am sure

after some time there will be a logo issued by the human welfare

societies on the text books of quantum guages theory textbooks as


You need not curl up your hand across the neck to put bread in

the mouth; rather put it directly in the mouth. You have to choose

which method you want use, the quantum gauge theory or the

Construction theory.

Why and how gravitational collapse occurs forming a blackhole?

When I was in 11th

standard, I wrote a small fiction story about a

super hero called “Mr. Only” and his famous collision with a black

hole. You might be quite stressed after reading all the innovative

portions of this book, so I am just briefly describing the comic fiction

story to chill your brain. Mr. Only was the loneliest person on this

earth. He had no friends and that always made him feel frustrated and

unhappy. Everybody disliked the views of Mr. Only because he was

totally different in every aspect of life. But the fact was that no one

ever understood his innovative ideas, his kind heart and great

ambitions. Instead of hating people, Mr. Only decides to leave the

planet earth. He builds a rocket which can travel at a velocity higher

than the escape velocity of the earth so that he can leave the earth and

settle down on Europa, the Jupiter‟s second moon. When Mr. Only

was making the rocket everybody makes fun of him and further they

paint on the rocket as “Mad man‟s scrap”.

After lot of hard work Mr. Only succeeds in making the rocket which

can travel at very higher velocities than escape velocity of earth. To

generate the enormous thrust the rocket uses energy obtained by the

annihilation of electrons-positrons (that‟s why it‟s a fiction story).

Finally the worst day arrives and successfully Mr. Only leaves the

earth. When the rocket was about to pass the Jupiter a mysterious


slingshot effect takes place and the rocket pick up enormous speed.

Within few hours the rocket escapes the gravity of sun. Helplessly Mr.

Only prays to the God for a miracle. To make the conditions worst,

Mr. Only realizes that the rocket is marching towards a black hole and

it‟s too late to change the direction of the rocket since it has already

entered the gravitational field of blackhole. Now the rocket is under

free fall towards the singularity of the blackhole due to its gravity. The

speed of the rocket further increases and it becomes almost close to

the speed of light. For the last time Mr. Only prays to the God that

“God if I go to hell then please forgive all others so that I am the only

person in the hell”.

A miracle occurs, due to the high velocity of the rocket the mass of

the rocket increases enormously. So enormous that it becomes equal

to the mass of the blackhole itself. Finally a super massive elastic

collision occurs between the blackhole and the rocket which reverses

the direction of momentum of the rocket. Mr. Only thanks God for

saving his life and returns back to the solar system. To say his

adventure with the blackhole, Mr. Only returns to the earth. Before he

can say anything about his adventure he notices a great change in the

behavior of the people towards him. Shocked with the behavior of the

people Mr. Only forgets his adventure with blackhole. All of a sudden

Mr. Only becomes the most attractive person on the earth. He starts

getting more attention than the superstars of the Hollywood.

Everything Mr. Only does becomes international news with every girl

going mad for him. Mr. Only finds absolutely no reason for the

change in the behavior of the people, yet the people start adoring him.

Due to his kind nature and the humble heart, Mr. Only succeeds in

establishes peace and order in the world. Finally one night God

appears in Mr. Only‟s dream and says “Even though everyone

misbehaved with you, neither had you complained me about them nor

you cursed them. I liked your act so much, so I transformed all the

attractive properties of the blackhole into you during the collision,

that‟s why the people are finding you so attractive”.

The end.

That was the brief summary of the fiction story I wrote during my 11th

standard which involved blackhole concept. I hope you liked it, if not


just forget it. I know I am very bad at story telling. This book is meant

for scientific things not for fiction stories. Anyhow let‟s briefly know

when the blackhole forms scientifically.

When the helium core of a giant star is depleted, things rapidly get

worse. The less massive giant stars heat up and violently expel their

remaining hydrogen and helium envelope, exposing their hot, dense

cores. They eventually end up as tiny, faint white dwarfs with masses

of 1.44 Suns or less. The more massive giants, up to about 8.5 solar

masses, generate such high core pressures and temperatures that the

fusion process forges ahead, converting carbon into oxygen, neon,

magnesium, silicon, sulfur, argon, and calcium. The structural

rearrangements of these stars caused by these new sources of energy

expand their envelopes even further, a billion kilometers. These

enormous, bloated super giant stars have an average density some one

billion times lower than that of the original main sequence star. They

evaporate and slowly spiral into the deep interior of the star, where

they are ripped apart by tidal forces and dissipated as vapor. Super

giants, not content with broiling their planets, actually expand and

swallow them up. The end of the giant era is probably not survivable.

Most damaging, however, are giant stars of about nine solar masses or

larger (above main sequence spectral class B3). These stars, after

running the course of nuclear fusion up to calcium, continue on to

make the iron-group elements, then develop catastrophic internal

instabilities and blow themselves up. These supernova explosions hurl

up to 90 percent of the mass of the star out at a percent of the speed of

light. Supernova explosions briefly shine with the luminosity of a

small galaxy. The residue from a supernova explosion, a neutron star

or a black hole, is a tiny body with incredibly high density. The

blackhole is nothing but a dead burnt out star with very high density.

It doesn‟t contain lighter elements in it so that can fusion occurs hence

it is non-luminous. Gravity of blackholes is very high due to their

compact structure

Blackholes have finite mass with finite gravity associated with it.

Gravity of blackholes is very high due to there compact structure.


There is no supernatural hole in a blackhole which sucks up all

the bodies surrounding it.

You can safely orbit around a blackhole like the satellites orbit

around the earth.

You cannot practically see a blackhole even if you have the world

biggest telescope because even light cannot escape from the gravity of

the blackhole. But the gravitational effects of the blackholes indicate

their presence.

Blackholes do not possess all the same properties of a black body.

Those were the clarifications for the readers who so far considered

blackholes as some mysterious heavenly bodies. There are few other

interesting things about blackholes which no textbook of physics says.

Construction theory has a complete different interpretation for

blackholes. According to construction theory singularity within a

stable blackhole doesn‟t exist. I know that GTR calculations yield

singularity but it is also true that GTR fails at smaller dimensions. A

number of rigorous theorems imply that singularities in the structure

of spacetime develop inside black holes. Unfortunately these theorems

tell us practically nothing about the locations and the nature of the

singularities. It is widely believed today that in the singularity inside a

realistic black hole the characteristic of the curvature of the spacetime

tends to infinity. Close to the singularity, where the curvature of the

spacetime approaches the Planck scale, the General Relativity is not

applicable. We have no a final version of the quantum theory of

gravity yet, thus any extension of the discussion of physics in this

region would be highly speculative. Though the construction theory

predicts singularity doesn‟t exist within a blackhole, it makes no

contradiction with the practical observations. I know these all sounds

a bit weird but let me first present the way Construction theory

interprets blackholes. Probably after reading further the weirdness of

Construction theory vanishes.

Blackhole are ordinary massive objects with very high gravity

due to their compactness. The mass density of blackholes is very high.

When a star of mass larger than nine solar masses undergoes

supernova event, then there are two possibilities. If the left over core

mass is less than 2 or 3 solar masses then it becomes neutron star and

if the core mass exceeds then the core further collapses forming a


blackhole. Our present physics predicts that core collapses until it

forms a singularity but it might be not the case. We know that when

left over core mass exceeds 2 or 3 solar masses not even neutron

degeneracy pressure can hold the core due to its intense gravitational

forces. As per construction theory this gravitational collapse stops at a

critical density of the core due to spatial force or the strong force. At

critical density strong forces dominate gravitational forces and

electromagnetic forces. The whole core forms a super single structure

in which all the photons are interlocked in orbitals forming a compact

connected structure. This whole structure is connected due to strong

force or spatial force. The question of neutron or any other subatomic

particle existing in this state doesn‟t arise as at this state the whole

core itself is super atomic particle.

Due to strong force the whole structure is highly stable with a

very high gravity. The super dense structure creates so much

spacetime curvature that even a photon cannot escape through it. To

understand further about blackhole lets consider a hypothetical alien

named „Abu‟ who resides on the blackhole. For Abu, the blackhole is

very much like our planet earth with few differences. Since he lives on

a blackhole and he must be quite adapted to the extraordinary gravity

of the blackhole. What I mean through that sentence is his body must

have enough strength to bear the force of gravity without getting

crushed (that‟s why he is hypothetical alien). Before going further I

would like to say that “this whole thing about Abu is a thought

example and reader must not think much about this hypothetical alien

Abu but rather think about what information Abu can give us about

blackhole”. When Abu looks at the sky he can see all the beautiful

stars very much like us. In fact if he has exceptional telescope then he

can even see us. But he has one problem and that is the key to the

blackhole mystery. We can communicate with Abu but Abu cannot

communicate with us. We can communicate with Abu by sending

light signals to him but he cannot send a signal anywhere outside

blackhole. If Abu projects a laser light towards the sky, the spacetime

curvature is so high that the beam of light curves so much that it falls

back on the blackhole like a projectile. In other words the escape

velocity of the blackhole is so high that even velocity of light is not

enough. Even here there are two possibilities depending on the mass

of the blackhole. If the mass of the blackhole is less then the photons


projected by Abu may go in an orbit around the blackhole. These

orbiting photons acts like magnetic monopoles around the blackhole.

Even here we cannot see these orbiting photons because no photon

escapes from it. Unfortunately for us, there is no Abu present on the

blackholes to project photons from the surface of blackholes. And if

the mass of the blackhole is very high then photons fall back towards

the blackhole like a freehand projectile. Anyhow during all this one

thing is common that once you enter the gravity ring of the blackhole

you cannot escape out of it.

Let us end the thought example and talk realistically. One

conclusion that emerges from thought example is that blackholes do

not reflect photons instead they absorb it. Also blackholes do not emit

photons like a blackbody. In the thought example we assumed a

hypothetical alien is projecting photons but in reality there is no alien

whose body is strong enough to bear the strong force. vOnce the

blackhole absorbs the photon, it now experiences more amount of

strong force. This makes the photon to become the part of the

structure of blackhole which cannot be broken down.

The gravitational effect of the blackhole slowly decreases as the

distance from blackhole increases very similar to any ordinary star. In

fact I consider blackhole as special type of star which is incapable of

emitting light and possessing a highly compact structure. The whole

mystery regarding the blackholes evolves due to the fact that velocity

has an upper limit equal to 299792458m/s which is too less to defeat

the gravity of blackhole. That‟s why we don‟t have any information

regarding the internal structure of the blackhole so far. But I hope the

above thought example has given a new insight about the blackhole


What is mysterious singularity?

From the previous section it is quite clear that singularity doesn‟t exist

in a blackhole. But Construction theory predicts a different type of

singularity through which real Chakr are converted into Calpanic

Chakr. When the blackholes turn super massive occupying very large

space then spatial collapse (super force collapse) takes place causing

singularities within. Within a stable blackhole strong force dominates

the gravitational force (which could be the probable reason why GTR


breaks down at lower dimensions). When the blackhole absorbs matter

not only the mass increases but also size increases. This is due to the

fact that a constant critical density is maintained through out the

blackhole. If the size of the blackhole is increased continuously, at

some critical state the strong forces collapse leading to the singularity.

The short range strong forces cannot hold an oversized object into a

massive single structure. At this stage a Chakr singularity occurs

which Chakr get transported to the Calpanic universe. For a Calpanic

observer this singularity is similar to big bang because matter emerges

from the singularity. Once the singularity forms in the blackhole a lot

of destruction is created to the outside heavenly bodies also. The first

condition for the singularity to occur is the over sized massive

structure of a blackhole. For such a blackhole there is possibility that

many galaxies are revolving around it. When all of a sudden the

blackhole disappears the galaxies are freed from the gravitational

effect of the blackhole. This makes the galaxies fly away in the space

due to there angular velocities around the blackhole. This case of

galaxies flying away is a very rare case since a super massive

blackhole has enough gravitational strength to pull down the orbiting

galaxies. The mathematical derivation of the singularity requires the

calculus of Calpanic numbers.

What is big bang?

Big bang is the moment when our real universe took birth. Big bang

evolution has been a controversy ever since it was predicted. It all

started in 1910s when General Theory of relativity calculations

evolved a dynamic universe which is expanding. Einstein didn‟t like

this idea and introduced a cosmological constant to explain a static

universe. Anyhow Hubble proved that universe is indeed expanding

by observing the red shift caused by Doppler‟s effects while the

galaxies are moving away from us. But there is no sensible

theory which can explain Bigbang properly. General Theory of

relativity breaks down at lower dimensions and there is no gravity

based quantum theory, hence the big bang still remains a mystery.

Huge advances in Big Bang cosmology were made in the late 1990s

and the early 21st century as a result of major advances in telescope

technology in combination with large amounts of satellite data such as

that from COBE, the Hubble space telescope and WMAP. These data


have allowed cosmologists to calculate many of the parameters of the

Big Bang to a new level of precision and led to the unexpected

discovery that the expansion of the universe appears to be


When I first read about Bigbang in my physics textbook (Halliday

- Resnick- Walker), it was clearly given that “You must not imagine

that the Bigbang was like the explosion of some gigantic firecracker

and that, in principle at least, you could have stood to one side and

watched. There was no “one side” because the big bang the Bigbang

represents the beginning of spacetime itself. From the point of view of

our present universe, there is no position in space to which you can

point and say, “The big bang happened there.” It happened

everywhere. Moreover, there was no “before the Bigbang,” because

time began with that creation event. In this context, the word “before”

loses its meaning. We can, however, conjecture about what went on

during succeeding intervals of time after the Bigbang.” Not just the

particular physics text book I studied but all other physics textbooks

say the same. Instantly after reading the above paragraphs I got a

several doubts regarding Bigbang “if there is observer who moving at

the speed of light, theoretically he feels no effect of time. For such an

observer whether time is present or not makes no difference. Such

observer can stand beside and watch Bigbang happening!” “From

where did the matter evolve?” “From where did time evolve?” and so

on…If you are talking about Bigbang doubts simply don‟t end.

Now I am going to define the so called “Big bang” which is

considered to be the origin of our universe in an entirely different

way. Time didn‟t begin from the Bigbang but it was space which

evolved from the big bang. Time started decreasing from the moment

big bang occurred and it is continuously decreasing even now. With

the postulates of construction theory one can even speak about what

happened before Bigbang. In the previous section I gave brief details

about the singularity occurrence and the collapse of an oversized

blackhole. During this collapse of an oversized blackhole, Chakrs are

transferred from real to Calpanic state or Calpanic to real state.

Exactly due to this big bang occurred. An oversized Calpanic

blackhole present in the Calpanic universe collapsed causing the

Chakr to be transferred to the real universe through a singularity. So


Bigbang was not the creation event of space or time but it was the

evolution event for real Chakr. Before Bigbang, in the real universe

only space and time were present. Bigbang introduced Chakr into the

real universe causing the space-time curvature. That‟s why GTR

equations give rise to a singularity. Spatial curvature doesn‟t cease at

singularity but originates from it. Spatial curvature originated from the


Will there be any Worm holes present in the universe?

A wormhole contracts the distance between two doorways placed

separately anywhere in the universe. A direct consequence of this

distance contraction (length contraction) is the effect on the scenery.

Events at the destination would appear as if in 'Fast Forward'; while

events at departure would appear as if in 'Fast Rewind'. Consider a

galaxy 100 million light years away. When you look today from Earth

to that galaxy, you will not see it as it is today, but rather as it was 100

million years ago. This is because light took 100 million years to

travel all that distance. But if you take a journey inside a wormhole

from Earth to that galaxy, you would reach that galaxy today. So when

you reach it today, you will see it as it is today, not as it was 100

million years ago. So as you go forward inside a wormhole, events at

that galaxy (your destination) would appear as if in 'Fast Forward'

(from 100 million years ago till today).

When you reach that galaxy today and look back at Earth, you would

not see Earth as it is today; instead you would see Earth as it was 100

million years ago (you would see the dinosaurs). This is because light

took 100 million years to reach there. So as you go forward inside a

wormhole, events at Earth (your departure) would appear as if in 'Fast

Rewind' (from today till 100 million years ago). On the return journey,

events on Earth (destination) would appear as if in 'Fast Forward'

(from 100 million years ago till today); while the events at that galaxy

(departure) would appear as if in 'Fast Rewind' (from today till 100

million years ago). This is not time travel; this is just a consequence of

the length contraction inside a wormhole.

According to Construction theory wormholes do exist and it exists

everywhere. If somehow we enter the void space, then we can reach


any location of the universe within no time. In the void space, there

are no spatial cells. Therefore the Chakr present in the void space are

not present in a spatial cell. From the postulates of construction theory

Each Chakr creates a pole-zero pair inside a cell” through which

secretion and absorption of space and time takes place. Chakr are only

effective when they are present in Real or Calpanic spatial cells, we

get that Chakr present in the void space do not possess energy. They

do not liberate space and absorb time. If there is a tunnel of void space

then the body passing through it will not feel time and spatial distance.

No matter how much you travel within the void space, the distance

and time you have covered would be zero.

You may ask me “can human‟s travel through a wormhole without

losing energy?” The answer is “yes”. We can travel through a

wormhole without losing energy. There is no oxygen in the space then

how do aeronauts live in the space stations? Similarly here, we need

to take along certain spatial cells in a closed chamber. If the worm

ship (our worm hole traveling vehicle) contains a device which can

store the spatial cells from escaping then humans can travel through

wormholes without suffering the loss of energy. Note that wormholes

we cannot measure the diameter or distance of a wormhole, since

length doesn‟t exist in void. Therefore it makes no sense in saying a

gigantic wormhole and a tiny wormhole.

Will the universe collapse at some point of time?

There are two possible ways through which our real universe can

come to an end. First possible way of collapse is through the

formation of a gigantic black hole and its collapse to a singularity. In

this all the real matter is pumped back to the Calpanic universe, giving

rise to a Big bang in the Calpanic universe. The process from real

universe to Calpanic universe and vice-versa continues in recursion.

The second way through which our universe can come to an abrupt

end is deficiency in time or space. From the postulates of Construction

theory we know that Chakr present in the spatial cells continuously

absorb time and release spatial cells. If the total bubbles of time

present in the real universes gets absorbed then universe reaches to a

frozen state or it becomes static universe. Another possibility here is


the space cells present in the Calpanic universe may end resulting

again in the frozen state.

Is construction theory is the ultimate theory of universe?

I don‟t think it is the ultimate theory of the universe. There is a

finite possibility that some (many) loop holes might be there in the

Construction theory. So far I haven‟t encountered any loop hole but

there is no guarantee that there aren‟t any. I know I am being extra

humble by saying all those words. To be frank it is true for any theory,

there is always a scope of improvement no matter how good the

theory is. As far as advantages of Construction theory are concerned

there are many of them. It‟s the first single theory that explains

effectively all four forces of the nature. Foundations of the

construction theory are very strong because it eliminates the

redundancy in the fundamental quantities. It also uses sensible

mathematics obtained by Compact discrete theory which simplifies all

the calculations. Usage of Calpanic numbers is the hidden secret

behind the success of construction theory. All in all one can say

Construction theory in the near future will modify our understanding

towards the universe…

About me, the so-called Author of this book!

Hi Everyone,

I am Mohd Abubakr, (you can call me Abbu with love!). I finished formulating the "Construction

Theory" and "Calpanic Numbers" in Apr' 2005. This book was supposed to get published by Sep' 2005,

exactly hundred years after Einstein's publication of E = mc2. However, the destiny had a different story to

say. I was only 18 years then and wasn’t able to handle the pain of being rejected from people who didn't

even bother to read my book. People made fun of me, professors gave me lectures about 'my future', friends

asked me not to bore them with my theories, the editors of journals rejected my papers partly because of

usage of Sanskrit symbols and I was left alone to speak with walls and stars.

After two and half years of long wait and intense boiling within myself, I finally decided to keep this

book freely available for everyone to read. I don't expect anything from anyone, I have my God on my side

and I trust God. I am thankful for all those who took time to read my book and I hope I haven't disappointed

you all. Incase if you like this book, please do recommend it to all your friends. Feel free to pass on your

criticism, suggestions and general flattery. Send me your emails at For the

regular updates on the book, visit my blog at


Mohd Abubakr.




No part of this book should be used for any commercial purpose without the consent of the author.

Few anonymous comments from the professors about my work,

"Thanks for sharing your work. A student has a great potential because his mind is not embedded in wrong paradigms. I read

your 3rd chapter, and I must say it's definitely a Powerful concept. I do not know what you wrote in the other chapters, but

certainly I would go and develop your new number system further. Your number system easily deals with a higher spatial

dimension than what we can do with complex numbers. If you nest your number system into a similar form, you will step up to

the next higher dimensional level, and so on. Keep up your good work, and let me know when you finish your book."

"You should better concentrate at your engineering subjects, get a job and then think of all these things. These theories doesn’t

fetch you a job. Take my advice, study well"

"This is good, I will read your book when I have some time. Why don't you publish your papers in some reputed journal? How

are your studies going on?

"Lets meet sometime to discuss your theories"

"You should improve your English, so many grammatical errors. The theory is interesting, some font problems in equations,

couldn't get them. All the best, try to publish it some journal"

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